Copyrighted Material
14_598910 bindex.qxd 2/17/06 9:37 AM Page 287 INDEX A Airports Abras Gallery, 255 alternative, 28 Absolute Vintage, 165 hotels, 60–61 Accessories, 107–108 transfers, 29 Accessorize, 96, 107–108 Alberta Ferretti, 118 Accommodations, 21, 48–59 Alexander McQueen, 109 airport, 60–61 Alexandra Palace, 242 chains, 52, 58 Alfies Antique Market, 248–249 luxury, 51–53 Amanda Wakely, 109 newfangled, 51 Amazing Nails, 190 promotions, 49, 50 American Airlines, 24 single rooms in fancy hotels, 52 American brand names, 47 tax, 53 American Express, 257 tipping, 39–40 Angela Flanders, 171 weekend package deals, 52 Angel Antiques (Petworth), 284 Adolfo Dominguez, 117 Anna French, 216 Afternoon tea, 67–70 Ann & Lou Wax, 233 gift certificates for, 12 Ann Harvey, 146–147 Agent Provocateur, 164 Annie’s, 101, 165 Agnes B., 118 Ann Summers, 149 Airbus, 29 Anta, 125 Airfares, 20–23 Antiquarian Book Fair, 242 student, 26 Antiquarian books, maps, and AirCOPYRIGHTED France promotional deal, 28 autographs,MATERIAL 257–261 Airlines, 21 Antiquarius, 249 British carriers, 23–24 Antique Barometer Company, 233 from continental Europe, 27–28 Antique Collector, 240 low-cost, 28 Antique Dealer and Collector’s U.S. carriers, 24–25 Guide, 240 287 14_598910 bindex.qxd 2/17/06 9:37 AM Page 288 288 INDEX Antiques, 200–201, 233–235, 239–257. hair stylists, 186–189 See also Auctions; Collectibles; little-known brands, 170–172 Home furnishings and design perfumes and toiletries, 192–194 books on, 240 Becca, 182 customs regulations, 44–45 Belgravia, 84, 86 defining, 241 Belinda Robertson,
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