Shock! London’s local pubs serving good grub Feeding the 5000 with food waste London’s going back down the market ISSUE 26 2009 WINTER FREE LONDON’S PUDDINGS * SCHOOLS GROWING FOOD * LORD MAYOR’S TRIFLE PRODUCE MARKET We believe in championing small, local producers and helping to make their produce available to everyone at a fair price. We source responsibly and respect the seasons. We’re independent and we like working with independent producers. '2%%.'2/#%2s!24)3!."2%!$0!342)%3s&2%%2!.'%-%!4s 3534!).!",9#!5'(4&)3(s#(%%3%#(!2#54%2)%s7).% "%%2 #)$%2s*5)#%3-//4()%3s-/.-/54(#/&&%%s0,53&//$ !.$$2).+4/(!6%!44(%4!",% /.4(%'//24!+%(/-% /&&(!-0%23!43/52#%$-!2+%4 Present your copy of *%,,)%$%%,ATTHEMARKETORQUOTEIFORDERINGBYEMAIL 6ALIDUNTIL\Email
[email protected] for our brochure &).$533T0ANCRAS)NTERNATIONAL\-ONTO&RIAM PM\3ATAM PM\3UNAM PM 7773/52#%$-!2+%4#/- Say hello to the TUCK IN! Bulletin 04 Shop Window: Hand Made Food 07 jellied Around Town 08 Feature: London’s local pubs 10 On the Menu: Sarah Moore 12 eel... Capital Growth: Schools 15 Local to London: Aunt Alice Puddings 17 Taste of London: Lord Mayor’s trifle 18 While many Londoners will be Cambridge, we were pleased to hear from preparing for somewhat frugal Tristram Stuart, author of Waste, in one of Reader’s Kitchen: Janice Hammond 20 festivities this year, lots of our our five minute slots (they’re like speed- Member Feature: Jenny Linford 21 readers will be juggling this with dating for foodies! Don’t miss the next one Diary 23 ethical concerns.