2 22 August 2016 Advertisement. Tariff Over all size 21.5 cms x 27cms  Print area 18 cms x 25.5 cms Full pg. back Colour (19 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 15,000 A National family WEEKLY Center spread colour(39 cms x 23.5 cms Rs. 15,000 Vol.25 No.34 August 22, 2016 Rs.5/- Full pg. inside Cover colour(18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 10,000 Full pg. inner colour (18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 8,000 99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, - 400 001. Half pg. Colour (18 cms x 12 cms) Rs. 5,000 Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 : 2264 0996 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] Full page B/W (18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 5,000 Website: www.sezariworld.com Half page B/W (18 cms x 12 cms) Rs, 3,000 www.secularcitizen.com Small Size Ads B/W Editor-in-chief : LaWrENcE coELho Editor: PhILIP MYaBoo 12 x 12cms Rs. 2000  6 x 24cms Rs. 2000 18 x 6cms Rs. 1500  6 x 12cms Rs. 1000 ‘Thought for the week’ 6 x 6cms Rs. 500 Beauty doesn't need ornaments. Softness can't bear the Matrimonial Classifieds: weight of ornaments.  Rs. 500 per insertion (for 35 words) (includes box no.)  Rs. 1500 for 12 insertions. (1 year The Secular Citizen FREE) Contents Happy Independence Day, Politicians, pg. 3 - happy independence ... pg. 5 - Voice of the People Industrialists, Bank Robbers and Others pg. 6 - The Pulse of the People - The by Don Aguiar international year of Pulses ixty nine years ago, we freed ourselves from the British, and as we progressed pg. 8 - : ... as an independent nation, we continued to shake off other chains that bound us body and mind. This Independence Day we look at the freedom of the shackle pg. 9 - a love letter to the loving Swe’ll be happy to get rid off. families robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force or threat pg. 10 - The permissible lie ... of force or by putting the victim in fear. At common law robbery is defined as taking the pg. 11 - Views on News property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear pg. 14 - any time is Frankie Time. You will be surprised to know that when a man succeeds in his criminal acts, he becomes pg. 15 - Sacrifice and suffering:... respectable. only if he fails, then he becomes a criminal. The successful robbers become pg. 17 - Types of power of attornies Kings and the unsuccessful Kings becomes robbers. It is only a question of who succeeds. If you are powerful you are great and can get huge loans without proper guarantee/guaran- and their role tor and not bother to repay like many of our industrialists, politicians and others. This puts pg. 18 - Book review the common man into great inconvenience and to an extent destroys their future. These pg 19 - Inspiration! are the criminals, robbers who live like Kings. pg 20 - Matrimonials The so called politicians, industrialists, etc are all robbers. They try to destroy other rob- bers. They may be against - being honest for business gain, hording, smuggling, they may pg 22 - (Poem) a cry for help be against fraud and deception, they may be against this and that. But deep down they are the greatest criminals, the greatest robbers. But they do things legally – or at least they manage to show that they are doing things legally. and they succeed – at least when they are in power. When the power goes, then all those beautiful stories about them disappear. Subscriptions rate: once a politician or industrialists, etc are disposed, they become an ugly phenomenon. One year (anywhere in ) Rs. 250 once the power is gone and is no more there to protect them then everything becomes Three years (anywhere in India) Rs. 700 exposed. If you know how a person has become rich then you will not be able to respect him. But if a person is really rich he can manage to keep people silent. and then people Five years (anywhere in India) Rs. 1000 have a very small memory - they forget One year (outside India) Rs. 2500 I was reading in some history book that some twenty persons were expelled from England, they were sea robbers. and what happened after thirty years? of all those twenty persons, E-paper Edition a few of them went to australia and a few of them went to america. a few of them had be- sent anywhere in the world (by email) come governors in america, a few of them had become bankers, great bankers, a few of One year Rs. 600 or US $ 15 them had become great landlords in australia – all twenty had become very respectable Two years Rs. 1000 or US $ 25 people. and they had founded great houses – all the great american houses belong to them. and then people have a very small memory - they forget Cover : The Pulse of the People - Many say "a bank robber or for that matter a politician, industrialists and others are obvi- The international year of Pulses: ously still attached to the good of money, excessively attached, to the point where they are (Article on p. 6) willing to risk their and other people's lives for it." (Contd.. on p. 4) 22 August 2016 3 (contd.. from p. 3) the rest of us obey. They don’t hold down boring jobs, they don’t have to sit at desks all Faith and Actions Is this different from the majority of invest- day, sucking up to their bosses. We admire ment bankers? They're on the same side; just their entrepreneurialism, their freelance, un- We catholics are generally very devout one group outnumbers the other hooked lives. robbers are pure capitalists, by nature. our churches are packed smashing through social rules and conven- even for daily mass. We meet and greet During a robbery in Gurgaon, India, the bank tions in their pitilessly efficient pursuit of new robber shouted to everyone in the bank: markets. others in the church compound and "Don't move. The money belongs to the State. once inside we pray devoutly with full Your life belongs to you" And we also admire their efficiency, their faith . We smile and greet those near- "Everyone in the bank lay down quietly. This is competence, their cool. We root for the by with a sign of peace .We leave the called "Mind Changing Concept” Changing bank-robbers, politicians, industrialists and church strong in our faith. But back the conventional way of thinking. others who are really good at what they do, really cool under pressure, really skilled at on the streets, the veneer of religios- When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the ity wears off rapidly. Back home we be- robber shouted at her: "Please be civilized! cracking codes, vaulting through security come our old selves. We ignore our This is a robbery and not a rape! systems, using their charm to blag their way "This is called "Being Professional” Focus through systems, or their guns to shoot their neighbours and even scowl at others . only on what you are trained to do! way out. We refuse to solve problems with our When the bank robbers returned home, the We admire the Stoic emotional control of neighbours in our (non) cooperative younger robber (MBA-trained) told the older a bank robber, politician, industrialists and housing Societies. In church our faith robber (who has only completed Year 6 in others and their cool, their detachment, is very strong but outside the church primary school): "Big brother, let's count how their self-containment, their reasoning abil- our works and actions do not reflect much we got. ity, their ability to ‘never get so attached to our faith . What good is our faith? Faith "The older robber rebutted and said: "You are something you cannot walk away from it. without works(actions) is dead. (James very stupid. There is so much money it will They’re like secular monks. 2:17). We refuse to settle simple issues take us a long time to count. Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from That means we also recognize the ‘bad bank with our neighbours only because we the bank! robber, politician, industrialists and others’ do not want to solve them. If we really "This is called "Experience.” Nowadays, ex- – the robber, politician, industrialists and wanted to, the solution would not be perience is more important than paper quali- others who cannot control their emotions, difficult to find . fications! who loses their cool, who uses unnecessary a farmer died leaving in his Will, 17 After the robbers had left, the bank manager force camels to three sons. To the first he told the bank supervisor to call the police But a bank robber, politician, industrialists willed one-half of all his camels.To the quickly. But the supervisor said to him: "Wait! and others are obviously still attached to the second son he gave 1/3rd of the camels Let us take out $10 million from the bank for good of money, excessively attached, to the and to the youngest he gave 1/9th of the ourselves and add it to the $70 million that we point where they are willing to risk their ends have previously embezzled from the bank”. camels. for their means as well as other people’s as it was not possible to divide the This is called "Swim with the tide.” Convert- lives for it. ing an unfavorable situation to your advan- 17 camels by , 2, 3 or 9 the sons started tage! Now what do these attitudes say about us? quarrelling. But as they were brothers The supervisor says: "It will be good if there is They show that we live in a technocrat- and wanted to settle the issue amicably a robbery every month." ic society which no longer believes in they approached a wise man for a so- This is called "Killing Boredom.” Personal ‘ends’, only ‘means’. We may not agree lution. The wise man listened patiently Happiness is more important than your job. with the end which bank-robbers, politicians, and after giving it a thought, brought The next day, the TV news reported that $100 industrialists and others set for them on and one camel of his own and added it to million was taken from the bank. The robbers getting rich, but we still admire their means. counted and counted and counted, but they 17. That increased the tally to 18 cam- We admire the skills they use to seek this could only count $20 million. The robbers els. Now, he started reading the de- end, including their skills of emotional self- were very angry and complained: "We risked ceased father’s will. he divided 18 by 2 management. We admire their technocratic our lives and only took $20 million. The bank and gave the first son 9 camels and like- efficacy. manager took $80 million with a snap of his wise he gave the second son 6 camels fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated In such a society, we can actually compare and the third son 2 camels. That made than to be a thief!" a cop, with a robber. We can say they are 17 camels with the 18th camel still left. This is called "Knowledge is worth as much similar characters, two sides of the same as it was his camel, the wise man kept as gold!" coin, because they possess the same skills. it for himself . The bank manager was smiling and happy It doesn’t matter what end they serve, it is because his losses in the share market are the skills they employ in the pursuit of that now covered by this robbery. end. MoraL: In trying to solve our problems This is called "Seizing the opportunity.” Dar- we must first have 'faith' that we want This is relevant to our wider interests, ing to take risks! to and can solve the problem. Then we because there is a debate over whether So who are the real robbers? must put the faith into 'works' or action we can teach the skills of emotional self- by looking for the 18th camel . What is it we like about bank robbers, poli- control if we don’t also teach the ‘end’ of ticians, industrialists and others? Partly it’s virtue. —Prof Robert Castellino their outsider-ness. They don’t obey the rules orlem haPPY INDEPENDENcE DaY rEaDErS… 4 22 August 2016 a hidden meaning to the word forgive- ness...... ? can one not manifest with Belief, without doubt , and prio thanks as if the job is done. By faith. Even before it naterializes. Why forgiveness as a pre requisition.

—Roy Rogers (Now at Memphis, Tennessee, USA). Disposal Congratulations ! of the Dead Space constraints is forcing Why forgiveness as The coelhos must be com- churches in Mumbai to opt for ‘green a pre requisition? plimented and applauded solutions’ for disposing of the dead: for their commitment to The “Churches shun coffins, go for shroud “have faith in God,” Jesus an- Secular Citizen and other burials” (Times of India – Top News, swered. 23 “Truly[d] I tell you, if any- sister publications for the clara Lewis, 31st July, 2016, via Inter- one says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw past 25 years – not a mean net). yourself into the sea,’ and does not In the last six months, St. Blaise achievement by any reck- doubt in their heart but believes that oning. It gives me a sense church, amboli, has had at least 15 what they say will happen, it will be of pride and fulfillment to ‘shroud burials’. Fr. Franklin Mathias, done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, parish priest said, that due to lack of whatever you ask for in prayer, believe be associated in a small space, environmental benefits and that you have received it, and it will be way continuously since cheap economics, many parishioners yours. 25 and when you stand pray- 2005 with full length articles have opted for a plain shroud burial ing, if you hold anything against any- which normally found space over a coffin burial, which today costs one, forgive them, so that your Father on the cover pages and then about rs. 10,000! Besides, it saves in heaven may forgive you your sins.” with “Views on News” from wood, thus conserving forests which I refer to the article on Forgiveness mid-august 2007. Wishing are vital for human ecology. in the Secular last issue. Since 2015, orlem church, Mal- the coelhos continued suc- all things said and done and the cess in the service of the ad, had to shut down its graveyard, belief in the Bible as a second skin on christian community. as the soil had turned alkaline; and your being the sentence in italics be- decomposition of bodies in coffins fuddles me. —MARSHALL SEQUEIRA got delayed and became a problem. What has forgiveness got to do Even embalming of bodies delayed with the impression of faith and belief the disintegration process. Laity have in the God of all Gods. From the im- Readymade Wedding Gowns, been asked to grow plants, instead of mensly gracious flow of words from putting horizontal marbles slabs on Christening Sets, First Holy christ Communion Dresses & All graves. a single vertical slab would the mood suddenly changes to suffice. forgiveness as a prerequisite to the other Wedding Accessories Fr. Nigel Barrett, spokesman for manifestation mode. In order to get and Thermocole Decoration, also the archdiocese, revealed that the by faith and belief why should one Available at use of coffins is the offset of the rich in impress the situation by using the Europe, and does not have its roots in forgiveness implication. and why is it White Rose Sharaf Manzil, 1st Floor, 650, J.S.S. Rd, christianity. Jesus was indeed buried necessary. Somebody please write a 2nd Dhobitalao Lane, Mumbai 400002 in shroud! remember, the famous liv- reply that is literate and not just to sat- ing relic, the Shroud of Turin! isfy your inner die hard resonance to Tel.: 2207 4223 Nowadays, cannon Law only re- all things holy. Is there a chance for a Emails:[email protected] / quires that the body be treated withdi- discussion on this subject. The focus www.davidcompany.com gnity and respect. Even ‘cremation’ is on ' forgiveness ' spelt out by Jesus is allowed, if the deceased had believed surely a placement to reckon with as in the resurrection! It is high time the Jesus means something which is hon- Konkani Lovers read church has its own crematoria. and orable and a requirement that the Bi- online at: if I may triumphantly add: “christ will ble content writers have not been able www.sezariworld.com/the-secu- transform the body of our humiliation, to come forth with an actual and real lar-citizen-and-divo-issues.html and conform it to the body of his glo- meaning as an answer. I now await a or ry” (Phil 3:21). very logical and yet divine meaning to www.issuu.com/divoweekly —Dr. Trevor Colaso, the reference on forgiveness. Is there 22 August 2016 5 The Pulse of the People The International Year of Pulses

“Daal mein zaroor kuch kaala hai!” official launch. Flinging her frail arms in the air, Sarla, the bai who worked in four of • Pulses are an indispensable crop the neighbourhood houses raised her for vulnerable communities in de- voice to accuse the Bania of cheat- veloping countries. ing her. She yelled that she firmly be- • Lentils, beans and chickpeas have lieved what the ‘gorment’ was saying, been an essential part of human that ‘dal-roti’ now has become cheap- other relevant stakeholders. The Year diets for centuries. er. So why was he charging her a big will create a unique opportunity to en- • Pulses consumption is declining. blue note for a small packet of arhar courage connections throughout the • Science and technology innova- daal? food chain that would result in wider tions can help close the yield gap This insignificant incident forcibly consumption of pulse-based proteins, in pulses production. drives home two points. That ‘daal- further global production of pulses, • Pulses production is highly water roti’ is the basic diet that sustains the better utilization of crop rotations and efficient, especially when com- poor people of this country. and the address the challenges in the trade of pared to other protein sources. price of the poor man’s staple has pulses. Working to raise awareness doubled recently with no visible mea- about the benefits of pulses and en- Even for a developing country sures to check its spiralling growth. courage increased production and like India, an International Year des- While India has reached self-sufficien- consumption of the crops needs to ignation provides an unprecedented cy in many food items, which includes be done concurrently with efforts to opportunity to raise awareness and milk, rice and wheat, it has not been eliminate any food loss and waste to celebrate the role of beans, chick- able to do the same with from pulses production. Be- peas, lentils and other pulses in feed- pulses. Like Sarla, millions cause of the magnitude and ing the nation. Even more importantly, of mothers toiling away to complexity of the problem, it will be a galvanizing moment to feed their families, depend Fao recognizes the need to draw together key actors to further the on the humble pulses to undertake action in partner- contributions pulses make to health, fulfil the nutritional needs of ship with other regional and nutrition, and sustainability. India has their growing children. For international organizations, launched its own celebration of the Indian vegetarians pulses and with food chain actors IYP by announcing a three day semi- such as pigeon pea, chick By VERA ALVARES ranging from herders, farm- nar, ‘the pulses conclave’ at Jaipur, pea, black-eyed pea, black ers and fishers to global rajasthan rom 17- 20 February, 2016. gram, green gram, cooked companies. over 800 delegates from India and in one form or the other have been 24 countries are expected to attend, substitutes for animal protein and The launch of YOP raising hopes of the formation of an necessary for a balanced meal. Under on 10 November, 2015, under the effective plan to increase yield and the circumstances, the UNo declaring slogan ‘nutritious seeds for a sus- bring pulses within the reach of com- 2016 ‘the year of pulses’ brings glad tainable future,’ the United Nations, mon man. This seminar has the po- tidings and hopefully pulses may no led by its Food and agriculture organi- tential to heighten public awareness longer cause the pulse of the people zation, launched the year 2016 as ‘the of the nutritional benefits of pulses as to race! International Year of Pulses’ in rome, part of the sustainable food produc- The UN General assembly has de- Italy. With over 200 participants and tion aimed towards food security and clared 2016 the International Year of many more viewers worldwide, the nutrition. Pulses ( IYP) to raise awareness of the event merited high level attendance many benefits of pulses, boost their from government ministries, civil soci- Need to maintain pulse rate production and trade and encourage ety and the private sector. The speak- Pulses are annual leguminous new and smarter uses throughout the ers and special guests highlighted crops yielding between one and 12 food chain. The Food and agriculture the many benefits of pulses, and also grains or seeds of variable size, shape organization of the United Nations brought to light some of the obstacles and colour within a pod, used for both (Fao) has been nominated to facili- facing the global production, supply food and feed. The term “pulses” is tate the implementation of the Year and trade of the crops. Five key facts limited to crops harvested solely for in collaboration with Governments, about pulses were mentioned as the dry grain, thereby excluding crops relevant organizations, NGos and all basis for further consideration, at the (contd.. on p. 7) 6 22 August 2016 (contd.. from p. 6) dicates that eating pulses regularly to keep pace with growing demand. can help control and combat obesity Despite India being the largest pro- harvested green for food, which are as well! ducer [18.5 million tons] and proces- classified as vegetable crops, as well Pulses also offer a great potential to sor of pulses in the world also imports as those crops used mainly for oil ex- lift farmers out of rural poverty, as they around 3.5 million tons annually on traction. The word pulse originates can yield two to three time higher pric- an average to meet its ever increasing directly from the Latin puls meaning es than cereals, and their processing consumption needs of around 22.0 "thick gruel, porridge, mush.” Pulses provides additional economic oppor- million tons. are part of the food culture and stan- tunities, especially for women. Pulses dard diet in most parts of the world can be stored for months on end with- Pulses are economically important and a key ingredient in many signa- out losing their high nutritional value crops for farmers, in both develop- ture national and regional dishes, providing increased food availability ing and developed countries. 70% from falafel to daal to chilli and baked between harvests. The nitrogen-fixing of pulse production globally (except beans. properties of pulses can improve soil for dry peas) comes from develop- fertility, which improves and extends ing countries. For instance, India pro- Pulses such as dried beans and the productivity of farmland. Us- duces about a quarter of the world’s peas, are not merely cheap and de- ing pulses in intercropping systems pulses, which in 2011 amounted to 17 licious, they are also a highly nutri- and as cover crops can reduce soil million tonnes. In 2014-15, production tious source of protein, amino ac- erosion and contribute to pest and of pulses declined 12% over the previ- ids and vital micronutrients that can disease control. Depending on spe- ous year. This was caused by various greatly benefit people’s health and cies and environmental conditions, factors including unseasonal rains, livelihoods, particularly in developing grain and forage legumes are able to pests, and unprofitable prices offered countries. They are also an affordable biologically fix up to a considerable to farmers by the government, despite alternative to more expensive animal- amount of Nitrogen in the soil. as stat- import duties being waived. This de- based protein, hence pulses are ideal ed earlier, in these times of water scar- cline appears to have been seized as for improving diets in poorer countries city all over the world, it is noteworthy an opportunity to make a quick kill- where protein sources from animal that pulse production is highly water ing by traders as there are reports of products are often five time more ex- efficient, especially when compared pulses stocks lying in warehouses at pensive than pulses. They should be to other protein sources. Production ports as traders wait it out and allow included in a healthy diet to address of peas or lentils requires 50 litres of shortages to pump up prices even obesity, as well as to prevent and water per kilogram. conversely, one more. and, exporters in touch with help manage chronic diseases such kilogram of chicken requires 4,325 producers from canada, Myanmar as diabetes, coronary conditions and litres of water, one kilogram of mut- and australia have hiked up the rates cancer. Animals too benefit from this ton requires 5,520 litres, and one kilo- because India is the biggest player in important source of plant-based pro- gram of beef requires 13,000 litres of the pulses import market. Instead of tein. water during production. Their small imports, the government should focus Pulses are packed with nutrients water footprint makes pulse produc- on augmenting domestic production. and are a fantastic source of protein. tion a smart choice in drier areas and If the government fails to announce Because of their high nutritional con- regions prone to drought. Minimum Support price ( MSP) even tent, pulses are a staple in emergency after the farmers in many States start food baskets. Pulses are made up The slowing pulse sowing of pulses, farmers in other of about 20-25 percent of protein by Indian pulse crops on a per-acre basis States, for the fear of losing out on weight, which is double the protein have been on the decline as farming well-paying crops, plant other crops content of wheat and triple that of practices and technology have not and avoid pulses. hence the produc- rice. Pulses have a low fat content and changed fast enough to keep pace tion falls. When there isn’t any alterna- contain zero cholesterol. The glycae- with the larger swings in wet and dry tive to “making in India” in the case mic index (an indicator of the effect on periods that have accompanied cli- of pulses, enticing farmers to plant blood sugar) is also low, and they are mate change, he said. at the same pulses seems to be the only way of a significant source of dietary fiber. time, demand for vegetarian protein is cutting down exports and increasing Since they do not contain gluten, they soaring along with rising incomes and production. are an ideal food for celiac patients. a population has doubled in the past additionally, their high iron and zinc 40 years and is expected to top chi- at present pulses are imported to content is especially beneficial for na’s by 2028. It is generally believed bridge the gap between domestic women and children at risk of anae- that a combination of government’s production and consumption. Indian mia. Pulses are rich in minerals and apathy, outdated farming methods, pulse crops on a per-acre basis have B-vitamins all of which play a vital role preference for cash crops and insuf- been in decline as farming practices in maintaining good health. contrary ficient research has brought down In- and technology have not changed fast to common belief, some research in- dian production of pulses, which fails (contd.. on p. 8) 22 August 2016 7 (contd.. from p. 7) Mother Teresa: Saint of the Slums enough to keep pace with the larger swings in wet and dry periods that t may be recalled that when Mother many Kolkatans wanted her to be driv- have accompanied climate change. Teresa was alive and when she was en away or sent back to her hometown. at the same time, demand for veg- passing through the streets of cal- a police complaint was even lodged I and when the police officials went to etarian protein is soaring along with cutta (now Kolkata), she saw a hindu rising incomes and a population has priest lying in a bad shape and was her ashram to find out what work she doubled in the past 40 years and is left to die there, ignored by one and was doing, they were stunned to see expected to top china’s by 2028. all. Like a Good Samaritan, Mother Te- her cleaning the wounds of a man Though India’s climate is suited to resa lifted him up and took him to her lying on the bed. The police officials grow most of the lentils we consume, ashram (which was a small hut then) went back and told the complainants the lack of clarity on agriculture plan- and cared for him by cleaning up his that they would send her back to her ning and delayed government action infected wounds and giving country only if you all are have contributed to a drastic fall in him whatever was available all willing to do the work pulse production a two-pronged ap- to eat. that she is doing. on hear- ing this, the complainants proach -- to enhance productivity by using government subsidised tech- The charity work done by quietly left the police sta- nology and a cent per cent assur- the christian missionaries tion and the rest is history. ance from the government that it will all over India cannot be de- procure all the pulses through some nied by anyone. No other Today, because of the mis- agencies like the National agricultur- organization can do the sionaries of charity, many al cooperative Marketing Federation work that is being done by newly born children who of India or Food corporation of India, the missionaries of Mother are left on the streets to by Jubel D’Cruz may help. Experts have called for a Teresa and other christian die or thrown in the gutters new impetus to pulses production organisations. and dustbins by their par- ents are seeing the light of the world. with new seeds, better pest control, better support prices and a much When Mother Teresa first landed in Mother Teresa was so loved by the better organized market. If not, de- calcutta and started her good work, people of calcutta that there was no need for her for a pre-appointment spite the celebration of the Interna- with the then chief minister of calcut- tional Year of Pulses, a bleak future MALAD (W) - ORLEM ta. She would open the door of his the future of a protein famine staring cabin and enter. That much of respect us in the face! she enjoyed in calcutta. —Vera alvares 1-BHK 697 sq.ft. Rs. 55,76,000/- 2-BHK 923 sq.ft. Rs. 73,84,000/- Mother Teresa landed in calcutta read 2-BHK 1200 sq.ft. Rs. 1,26,00,000/- with just rs 5 in her pocket and one 3-BHK 1600 sq.ft. Rs. 1,68,00,000/- plastic bucket and when she left for online at: her heavenly abode on September 5, www.issuu.com/secularcitizen Under construction projects. Loans ap- or 1997, she left behind one bucket and proved by the banks. All modern ame- http://www.sezariworld.com/ two sarees, which are still preserved nities. Podium Parking. Possession by the-secular-citizen-and-divo- today by the Missionaries of charity. March - 2018. issues.html We are glad that she is being declared BORIVALI (W) - a saint by Pope Francis on September I.C. COLONY 4, 2016. Wedding Invitation, Christening, First Holy Communion, Mortu- With the canonisation of Mother Te- 1-RK 325 sq.ft. Rs.53,00,000/- ary Cards & Religious Goods resa as a saint on September 4 this Contact: 1-BHK 540 sq.ft. Rs.80,00,000/- year, India will have six of its own. They are --- St Gonsalo Garcia, David & Company 2-BHK 790 sq.ft. Rs.1,22,00,000/- St alphonsa, St Kuriakose Elias cha- Sharaf Manzil, 1st Floor, 650, 3-BHK 1500 sq.ft. Rs.1,90,00,000/- vara, St Euphrasia Eluvathingal, St J.S.S. Road, 2nd Dhobitalao Joseph Vaz and St Mother Teresa. Lane, Mumbai 400002 Resale Flats. St Gonsalo Garcia of was the Tel.: 22019010 / 2205 7394 first Indian saint. He belonged to the Fax: 2206 0344 East Indian catholic community of VINOD GUPTA Mumbai and we of Mum- Emails:[email protected] 9820045619 bai and Vasai are proud of him. www.davidcompany.com

8 22 August 2016 A Love Letter To The Loving Families he joy of Love experi- enced by families is also the joy of the church’. This ‘Tis the opening line of the encyclical of Pope on Family.

This year is specially declared by Pope as the holy year of Mercy. But as I experience the lives of the families by Sr. Bindu in this special year of mercy I feel the Abraham MSI aspect of mercy or compassion have vanished from the minds of the indi- mother, as she is a liability to them. lies to a haven of happiness where viduals or is this values have got any both joys and sorrows of life shared. credentials in this technology ruled The plea of the mother was really world. heartrending. She says no need to Let us learn to look at the family of give her any extra ordinary things but Nazareth as our role model where The families have become exceeding- just to give something to survive. She prayer and attention is given to ev- ly selfish and the last virtue to be found was taken care by the police and the ery individual whether young or old. is sharing love and affection with the heart broken mother refused to eat. To conclude I like to quote our Pope members of the family. The children Two days later she breathed her last. Francis.“The Bible is full of families, and the elderly are the least cared for. Interestingly, none of her children births, love stories and family crises. In most of the families the man and came to claim her body. This is true from its very first page, with the wife go for work and most them the appearance of adam and Eve’s getting back only when the rooster is This is the world we live in today. family with all its burden of violence in the cage. The parents do not have catholic families are supposed to be but also its enduring strength (cf. Gen sufficient time for the children or to the epitome of goodness and prayer- 4) to its very last page, where we be- look after the elderly parents or to ex- fulness. only in a healthy and prayer- hold the wedding feast of the Bride change a kind word or concern. ful family the society can mold its best and the Lamb (rev 21:2, 9). Jesus’ citizens. Paradoxically, we are in the description of the two houses, one There was a heartbreaking news that rat race of hoarding abundance of built on rock and the other on sand went viral in the news columns was wealth to our children as if they can- (cf. Mt 7:24-27), symbolizes any num- that five children together left their not work hard. We as a parent fulfill ber of family situations shaped by the aged and sickly mother in the dirty every silly desire of our wards and exercise of their members’ freedom, pavements of the city and went away. forgetting to teach them the values for, as the poet says, “every home is The grief stricken mother had four of life. And we neglect to spend with a lampstand”. boys and a daughter. She and her them our time and struggle. husband together educated those Let our families be a beacon of God’s children with their scanty income Therefore, after few years the very blessings poured into the hearts of ev- and got them settled. They had their children for whom we wasted all our eryone, an expression of God’s mercy own share of joys and sorrows. The youth will despise us in our old age. in our dealings and lives. one mother was enough to take care Let us restyle and remodel our fami- those five children but the paradox is that they cannot look after their aged Learn what you want anywhere anytime eLearning from your own PC, Laptop, Tablet or from your Smartphone. acquire new skills FrEE coUrSE on How to Choose Your Career

Mail your name, address, mob. no. and interests to: [email protected] or register at: www.limrt.com 22 August 2016 9 The permissible lie – that can change your life by Rtn. Calwyn D'Abreo a visual. Paint a beneficial picture. a desire which is the starting point of all human achievement. and add to call it inventiveness. Tell it again and again and again it for faster manifestation,reasonable and once more. See it in your mind’s limitations… Perjure yourself with what you are wanting to say. Let the process of telling the per- Ambitious missible lie becomes second nature Let it be your story. to your conscious mind. The subcon- scious will follow and retain the or- Practice the art of allowing for this Tree ders.Tell it long enough to allow for it permissible invention of a vocal or a to become the truth. Let the thought mind stance to evolve from your self There, on a far-off hill-side shot you do not like languish in oblivion and become annoyingly insensitive and you hold responsibility for it with up a rare plant. “I want to be elan and bravery that is meant for a or slow to understand and gradually popular”, it daily prayed to God! soldier defending himself. disappear. Keep on telling, narrating , revealing the new story. Illuminate the There has to be a thought that is Months and years passed. That visuals with fire and faith. generated when you think. tiny plant grew up to be a huge, strong tree. But its prayer con- Like magic your personality will be- Whatever the story is you can tell it tinued... gin to believe as your conscious mind like it really is even when your thoughts collaborates with the subconscious are not comfortable or you can evolve a wood-cutter, while passing on that which is the new story and in with a story on the same content but from here, eyed the tree. he cut vibration the mind believes the narra- tion and behaves likewise. and when to benefit you and change the mani- down the tree.... festation of that which it brings. you feel it as if it is that which is and what you want it to be…. Which means reaching for the Two strong wooden pieces were thought that feels best. picked up by soldiers. a rough, it begins to surface as that what tough, heavy cross was hur- you have told the mind and manifes- It is not required that you espouse riedly fashioned by them. They tation mode sets in to make it real. with the real thought… not the thought crucfied Jesus on that cross... that is telling it like it is. Telling it like it is Things begin to happen. anything. only holds you where it is. The thought That tree became the most The benefits are tremendous. may be the real truth but if it damns popular. God hears every prayer. your progress and other movements Indulge in this exercise for 15 days in flow of positivity that enhances the with any special intentional story that life you are wanting then you have you like which is an antidote for a bad an impediment towards progressive story that has emanated from the in- manifestation. ner sanctum of your consciousness which you do not like to manifest and of course, tell it like it is and the see the transformation and change story itself if you like it. But refrain from in the manifestation. Good luck my this mode if you are not happy with friends. the story. So, do not tell it like it is. Tell by Ignatius Dabhi the world and yourself like that which Sr. Journalist you want it to be. only you are aware Mail your articles, news, of the change in the story. You are the eye as the new placement of your oth- and other creations to: author and you get to keep the copy- erwise not so comfortable thought. right. Let the application not be a mere wish- ful changeover as all modes of wishes [email protected] Indulge in a thought that feels are primarily passive and are weaker & great to you. Every thought manifests in nature. Let the new proposition be [email protected] 10 22 August 2016 Milking the Holy Cow It is not surprising that the cow VIEWS on NEWS which is revered by all hindus has to- have asked these gau rakshaks to man day become a tool in the hands of the gaushalas [cow sheds] and ensure those who want to exploit the situation that they are properly fed. The situation and indirectly polarize the people of this in is no better. Both these States country. No community shows any dis- are BJP ruled. It is the same story in ev- respect to the poor animal per se but ery other State. by Marshall Sequeira beef had been the staple diet of many No doubt, as the PM said, law and or- over the centuries. This habit continues. der is a State subject but it is not about to the fore. he was the commander of While it may not be palatable for a few that. It is a very sensitive issue which has the hizbul operating across the border people to hear, even the hindu com- national repercussions and can quickly with the blessings and support of the munity consumed it in ancient times. snowball into a major communal distur- Pak establishment. The encounter was The dalits consume it even today and bance. When Dadri happened, the PM a result of a well coordinated effort and they are also hindus. Ironically, the cow should have been quick to step in and therefore it should have been possible Protection movement was first started send a terse message to those behind to neutralize him without actually killing in 1870 by a Sikh Sect and not by any that dastardly act. The whole nation was him. of course those in charge would hindu. disturbed and that must have included know better if this was at all possible how genuine are the so called gau the PM. Why did he not speak then? and it is easy for us to give this unsolic- rakshaks about the holy cow? If they Sometimes silence by the PM can send ited advice on hind sight from the draw- have the real interest of the poor animal wrong signals not only within India but ing room. at heart, it is only natural that any harm elsewhere. The situation is really bad. If there is intended or natural should concern and What really prompted the PM to curfew for over a month, it is not a hap- pain these bhakts. It is not about the speak openly now? My own feeling is py situation especially for those inno- cow being killed alone but the death of that the PM must have been disturbed by cents who are confined to their homes thousands of cows for other reasons. two things. Firstly, the curt comments by without possibly proper food and other The case of rajasthan alone should the U S Government Spokesman on the day to day requirements. They also are be thought provoking. The State has a disturbing trend of vigilantism in India. not able to go to school and work. The Minister for cow welfare and undoubt- his comments were sharp and unambig- people are rightly angry and upset. The edly the gaushalas are established for uous. Next, was the sting operations car- separatists have been responsible for that purpose. In one such gaushala ried out by two leading News channels. this mess. a token protest is under- with 200 workers, there are 9000 cows The state of the gaushalas was vividly standable but when you drag it at the of which 40 die per day and another 50 brought out by another channel. If it was behest of those who are inimical to Indi- elsewhere i.e. 90 deaths per day – all not for these two occurrences, perhaps an interests, the ordinary people suffer. due to starvation or sheer neglect. one the PM would have continued with his si- Those who are sick are not able to get News channel showed carcasses be- lence. The Prime Minister needs to speak medical aid. over 9000 casualties [dead ing ferried in trucks and these gory im- on important issues. his words [admoni- and injured] – a sad commentary! ages woke up the cM of that State and tion] carry weight; otherwise Subrama- The PM spoke rather late but spoke two Officials have been shown the door. nian Swamy would not have sobered emotionally from his heart. Now it is up What about the Minister in charge? Why down. By the way, where is he? to him to take his message forward, not sack him first for failing to do the job ***** translate it into concrete action to bring he was appointed for? Did he not know the situation to normalcy. Every day is about the deaths? Was he even aware Reconnect Kashmir important. The more it is delayed, it will of what was actually happening in these The present situation in Kashmir does be worse. In such situations, backdoor gau-shalas? not augur well for the country. It has now diplomacy helps to prepare a road for a The Prime Minister needs to be ap- become an issue which has attracted way forward. Let us all hope that things plauded loudly for his sharp and hard the attention of the world. Pakistan has do not become worse – something that hitting comments on the countless fake succeeded in bringing it even to the at- Pak wants to see. Unfortunately there is gau rakshaks whom he called anti-so- tention of the UNhrc. India is a mature a huge disconnect / distrust between cial elements by night and rakshaks by country and should have been able to the rest of India and the educated Kash- day to camouflage their misdeeds. It is foresee the outcome. of course, killing miris. This gaping ‘disconnect’ must not clear why he did not name the fringe the terrorist is a major achievement and be bridged. Modi is a great thinker and hindu elements who had openly admit- the government rightly gloated over its surely he will do everything possible. ted on camera that they have been be- great success. Did the intelligence net- Something out of the box is necessary hind the vigilantism and take pride in work fail to gather information about the and for this he needs to take all political doing so. These fake rakshaks, like the likely fall-out of this encounter? parties on board. Merely passing reso- fake babas, are milking the holy cow. No one questions the right of the se- lutions will not take us anywhere. You There is a mafia which controls move- curity forces to corner and trap the terror- will have to win the hearts of the people ment of cows for a price – as high as rs ist but the aim should have been to cap- there. Keeping the national interest in 10,000 per truck. It covers other States ture him alive so that after questioning mind, someone has to talk to some- too. Vigilantism has become a cash more truth about the involvement of Paki- body – fast. cow now for those who can manage stan’s terror network would have come this lucrative business. The PM should 22 August 2016 11 Different Purity Thanksgiving Learn anywhere Levels in Gold anytime old is often From your own PC, Laptop, Tablet or purchased from Smartphone. by weight G Acquire new skills and purity, with the purity measured in These and many more Courses a unit called Karat. Gold is available in dif- are available: ferent purities, with the popular ones be- ing 24 karat, 22 karat and 18 karat. While  how to write music notes 24 karat gold is used extensively as an  Learn the art of Fruit carving incestment, 22 and 18 karat gold can be  Paper Quilling art used to make jewellery and ornaments.  Learn how to Draw 22 karat gold is a mixture of gold and  how to choose Your career alloys, in the ratio 11:1. This essentially  cake Making art means that 1gram of 22 karat gold has  Tailoring course around 91.5 percent pure gold, with other  Nursing Training metals making up the remaining portion.  course on Trigonometry These impurities are added to pure gold  Learn Mathematics to make it more malleable and ductile,  Learn algebra thereby making it perfect for jewellery.  Public Speaking course Similarly, 18 karat gold is a mixture of  how to Groom Yourself gold and metals in the ratio 3:1, meaning.  Effective Time Management 75 percent pure gold and 25 percent met-  how to remember Memory als This is typically cheaper than 22 and Power 24 karat gold on account of impurities. 18  how to grow business karat gold typically has a dull colour, mak-  how to write a Business Plann ing it easily recognisable.  The Secrets of Motivating your other gold options include 14 karat Staff gold (which has 58 percent gold), 10 kar-  Negotiation Skills at gold (with 42 percent gold) and 6 karat  Learn Sanskrit Language gold (with 25 percent gold).  how to run Tally ErP  Learn Party Dance What is 24 karat gold?  Learn PhP Mysql 24 karat gold is the purest form of gold which can be purchased, having no im- Mail your name, address, purities. This purity makes it ideal for mob. no. and interests to: investments, with most investors choos- ing to purchase 24 karat gold. The only [email protected] drawback of this purity is that 24 karat or gold cannot be used to make jewellery or ornaments, limiting their use to gold coins register at: www.limrt.com Thank you or bars. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Mary, Ad. Rates for Thanksgiving Holy Spirit, Colour B/W St. Joseph, Favours granted minimum Rs. 800 Rs. 400 St. Jude i.e. 15 words + 1 block(1 photo of saint) St. Anthony St. each additional block Rs. 400 Rs. 200 For all the favours granted. Holy Spirit Prayer Rs. 1000 Rs. 600 Please continue to Bless us. Other small prayers (upto 100 words) Rs. 1000 Rs. 600 Contact: Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 Larissa S D’Costa THE SECULAR CITIzEn, 99, Perin nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 read online at: www.sezariworld.com/the-secular-citizen-and- divo-issues.html or www.issuu.com/secularcitizen 12 22 August 2016 Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to pos- Time slips by and life goes on, sess miraculous But from our hearts you're never gone. powers. Miracles waited on your We think about you alway, word, which you were ever ready to We talk about you too, speak for those in trouble or anxi- We have so many memories, ety. Encouraged by this thought, But we wish we still had you. I implore of you to obtain for me Celine Carvalho (request). The answer to my prayer W/o. richard carvalho - In memory & in celebration of Mrs. Celine Carvalho who made this world brighter may require a miracle, even so, you Barkur and better place. are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle richard Garage - Marol - Mumbai You are cordially invited for 1st death an- and loving St. Anthony, whose heart niversary on 26th August 2016 Friday at St. was ever full of human sympathy, Born : 22nd December 1950 MICHAEL Church, Mahim for 7pm mass in whisper my petition into the ears of Died : 26 august 2015 her remembrance. the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the A tribute of love from husband, son, daughter, gratitude of my heart will ever be daughter in law & grandson. yours.

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22 August 2016 13 Any time is Frankie time Frankie’s started off more as a Mumbai street speciality and now are a hit everywhere. While kathi rolls originated in Kolkata. They are the same in a way. Rolls can be stuffed or rolled with a lot of different meats or vegetables - mutton, chicken, potatoes, mushrooms, paneer or simply just eggs and cheese. En- joy these wonderful, aromatic, finger licking, scrumptious, yummy Frankies! rankies are also known as Kathi rolls or you may call it a Wrap. It is vegetables or chicken wrapped in a roti F en on a roti and add some chopped made out of wheat flour or maida Vegetable Frankie onions, grated cheese and chopped Delicious and filling, frankie’s are a a mouth watering snack. once you coriander. roll it up and enjoy hot. popular street food. The best part is have tasted it, you will always ask for that they are easy to prepare and you more. Its simple too. combine paneer, can make them with whatever is avail- carrot, boiled potatoes, lemon juice, able in your kitchen. Normally veg- chaat masala, onions, capsicum, to- etables or chicken are always a part matoes and salt and mix well. Spread of our fridge and it not then eggs are evenly this mixture on a roti and roll. always there. Frankie’s make a great Vegetable Frankie is ready, you can lunch box option too. Try different enjoy it with tomato ketchup. and simple recipes at home. While of course you can eat Frankie’s anytime Egg Frankie outside too! This is a simple and hot favourite of all egg lovers. Make it anytime of the Aloo Frankie day and it will be relished. Tasty and The aloo frankie truly needs no in- healthy with the egg. all that you have troduction! This one is an authentic to do is make simple egg omelettes recipe that simply never fails you. and roll them up into a roti with a few chopped onions and some mayon- With a balance of flavours ranging Subscriptions for from tangy to spicy it will be enjoyed naise. by young and old alike. Saute in but- Paneer and mushroom ter boiled potatoes, onions, chillies, Renewal as well as new, can be another hot favourite dish for vegetar- garam masala, chaat masala, gin- sent through Bank Fund Transfer to any ians. Who does not enjoy soft deli- ger garlic paste, coriander and salt. one of the following banks: Spread evenly this mixture on a roti cious paneer? all that you have to do and roll. Enjoy hot! is saute finely chopped mushrooms Bank: HDFC Bank and add to it grated paneer, onions, Branch : CST - Mumbai VT capsicum, salt, chaat masala and co- Account name: The Secular Citizen riander. roll this mixture up in a roti Account no. 03552000006744 and your delicious Frankie is ready to ISFC code: HDFC0000355 dig in. or Bank: Citizen Credit Co-op Bank Ltd., Chicken cheese Branch : Colaba, Mumbai If you have leftover cooked chicken, Account name: The Secular Citizen this is a great way to use it up. Just Account no. 2090031000000489 warm up your leftover chicken curry ISFC code: CCBL0209003 and make it dry. Make sure the pieces are small and shredded. add to it a Please inform us through email: little ketchup while warming so that it [email protected] or through phone: gets a juicy flavour. Spread this chick- 22693578 after transferring the same.

14 22 August 2016 (Concise Sacrifice And Suffering: Meditation on Mother Seeds To Sainthood Teresa ) he eventual triumph of the change and development. Prayers, spirit of Mother Teresa began was agnes’ understanding of a step By MELVyn BROWn with the profound heartaches towards communication with God. Tof renunciation in her early be the moment in time which would years. at the age of twelve, agnes had a de- change her life. Sister Teresa, while sire to join a convent. The spirit of vo- travelling in the train was inspired to and so, the long wait is now over. af- cation to serve the Lord grew over the leave the Loreto congregation and to ter years of sacrifice and suffering the passage of six more years. It was not form a community of sisters, to help seeds had been well sown for saint- an easy decision for agnes to make, the poor, the sick and the dying, to hood. The “Saint of the Gutter” has of- to leave her family and become a reli- rescue orphans from the streets and ficially become the wellspring of hope, gious sister. Eventually, her mother, let to assist the weak, old and deprived. comfort and inspiration not only to the agnes go to a convent with the words: She was aware of the fact that her poorest of the poor, but to all human- “whatever you do, let it only be for choice would be difficult. Sister Tere- kind who may today turn to St. Teresa God and Jesus.” sa asked God to give her the courage of calcutta for intercession. to work her apostolate. The learning performance for agnes Not everything can be said or remem- not many could imagine arrived when april 1948. Sister Teresa received per- bered of Mother Teresa, the instru- she travelled to the sisters’ mother- mission from rome to start her new ment God used to temper, shape and house in Dublin, Ireland. The year was community: The Missionaries of char- establish his love and trust; putting it 1928. at Dublin agnes learned the ity. one year later she exchanged her mildly, through the tough, heart-warm- English language which would play Loreto habit for her new habit, a white ing, determined dedication of Mother a dynamic role for the rest of her life. sari lined in blue around the border. Teresa for the weak, helpless, desti- at this time she took the name Sister Her first disciple was a Bengali girl, tute, dying, to whom she became his Mary Teresa after her favorite saint, St. Sister Agnes, and within the first two epitome of devotion. Therese. months a third, till Mother Teresa had eleven disciples. Mother Teresa was born in the city of a year later, Sister Teresa arrived in In- Skopje, albania, now a part of Mace- dia, 6th January, 1929. as a young no- approval for her work came from donia on 26th august, 1910. as fate vitiate she worked hard for two years Pope Pius XII on 7th october, 1950. was destined to have it the child who in study and in prayer. Being a bright The M.c. sisters lived a poor and would give outstanding service to hu- student in the field of languages she humble life-style. They depended on manity was baptized the day after her trained in the country’s two major the donations from generous people. birth with the name agnes. her family languages, hindi and Bengali. She The M.c. sisters helped christians, were blessed catholics in a country took her first temporary vows in May Hindus and Muslims. The infirm, chil- where most of the population were 24th, 1931 and taught in the Loreto dren abandoned, the hungry, the old Muslims. schools. and the dying welded into their mis- sion apostolate. When agnes was eight years old her Finally, on 24th May, 1937 Sister Te- father passed away. For agnes it was resa took her three religious vows of The first convents of the Missionaries a painful experience, as it was for her poverty, chastity and obedience in the beyond their marked dioceses were brother Lazar and sister aga. her fa- order of Loreto. Sister Teresa found created in 1959. Pope Paul VI said the ther had always told agnes to love and the time to move around the city of community would be under the author- be kind to those less fortunate. “Share calcutta to observe the slums and to ity of the Bishop of rome. In this year what you have with others,” had been learn of the awful lives people lived in the sisters opened convents outside ingrained in her heart. poverty. She discussed her emotions of India. Missionary of charity houses and the pity she felt for the destitute were formed in rome, England, Tan- Agnes was also influenced by her pi- with her spiritual director Father ce- zania and Northern Ireland. Indeed, ous mother in prayers and devotions. leste Van Exem. Mother Teresa’s work and apostolate Prayers are best understood in stag- had grown beyond her imagination. es of spiritual intimacy. The genuine Due to her failing health, her superiors knowledge of almighty God progress- in September 1946 sent her out of the one bright afternoon three men came es in recognizable levels of growth, city to regain her strength. This would (contd.. on p. 16) 22 August 2016 15 Serra Annual Scripture Quiz 2016 (contd.. from p.15) forward to join the M.c. congrega- he 12th Serra annual Scripture don't be afraid, he told the children. tion. The year was 1963. This be- Quiz was held on Saturday, Speaking on ‘Mercy’, he described came the start of the Missionary Taugust 6, 2016, at the catholic it asGod’s Love and how we are all Brothers of charity. club. This year’s theme was ‘MErcY’ called to not condemn but show kind- and the questions and visuals were ness. his Grace gently guided the calcutta University awarded a B.a. from the Gospel according to St. children to think of ways in which they degree to Mother Teresa in 1964. Luke. can do acts of mercy. Father Gaston roberge, a Jesuit 23 teams from 13English medium The participants were given an priest. considered Mother as a catholic Schools participated in the introduction to the Serra movement “media icon”. A first ever docu- elimination written round.12 qualify- that comprises of lay catholics who mentary film on Mother (51 min- ing teams took part in the 2 semi-final promote, nurture and encourage vo- utes) was completed. rounds with six teams advancing to cations to the priesthood and conse- the finals. christopher hitchens of the BBc The compère featured Mother Teresa as “hell’s was Brindaabreo angel” on television. This was fol- and the quiz was lowed by another documentary conducted by (BBc) by Malcolm Muggeridge quizmaster Bobin (55minutes) in 1969, ‘Something John. The partici- Beautiful for God’. pants came well prepared and on Suffering, Mother said, “ Your wowed the audi- suffering and prayers will be the ence with their chalice in which we the working quick answers members will pour in the love of to the questions souls we gather round..” posed to them. The winner of the 1stplace rolling crated life. The Serra club of Banga- among the many awards Mother Trophy was Sacred heart Girls high lore was chartered in 2003 and has Teresa received was one from Pope School. The winning team comprised worked tirelessly to encourage voca- Paul VI, the Pope John XXIII Peace of NavyaShaju, anjali catherine and tions. Prize in 1971. In 1979 Mother Te- Deanne D’Lima. Br. Derreck da cruz c.Ss.r. gave resa was honored with the Noble The 2nd and 3rdprize winners a moving testimony of how the Lord Peace Prize in oslo, Norway. were St. Francis Xavier Girls high guided him when he prayed for clar- School and Sophia high School,who ity. This was followed by the testimony The tireless, dedicated and devot- were also awarded a rolling Trophy of Sr. Nisha Maria D’Souza (Scb) who ed instrument of God had served each. These winning teams with the shared with the participants how her her Master well, and having a failed team from cluny convent had a per- mother always prayed for vocations heart Mother Teresa passed away fect score on their written test. and encouraged her. on September 5th 1997. Today, Sophia high School and St. Fran- catholic club provided lunchto Mother will be raised to the high cis Xavier Girls high School had 2 participants, teachers and Serrans altar as a Saint in rome, 4th Sep- teams each at the final round. The 6th and also a birthday cake for the arch- tember 2016. Finalist was St. claret School, which bishop. took part for the first time this year. The President of the catholic club, Mr. alton Viegas, presented the Prizes a special highlight of the day was and rolling Trophies. Each participant the felicitation of his Grace Dr. Ber- was awarded a Participation Certificate nard Moras, archbishop of Banga- with a gift packet of an assortment of lore. The Serrans presented the arch- religious books and the Bible. bishop with a Spiritual Bouquet and a The Vote of Thanks was delivered purse, in honour of his 75th Birthday by Jessie almeida, a Serran. John on 10thaugust, 2016. his Grace has rosario, President elect, and his team been present to address and encour- of Serrans did an excellent job at or- age the participants for every Serra ganising another successful Scripture Scripture Quiz. This year his mes- Quiz. sage was to always listen, think and —Evelyn coutto give God a chance. If he is calling you Vice President communications 16 22 August 2016 Cardinal Gracias Types Of Power Of sees Father Hamel Attornies And Their Role as model for clergy Trust is a key factor when You can specify exactly what powers choosing an agent for your an agent may exercise by signing a power of attorney. Whether special power of attorney. This is often the agent selected is a friend, used when one cannot handle certain affairs due to other commitments or relative, organisation or attor- health reasons. Selling property (per- ney, you need someone who sonal and real), managing real estate, will look out for your best in- collecting debts, and handling busi- terests, respect your wishes ness transactions are some of the and won’t abuse the powers common matters specified in a spe- cial power of attorney document. Mumbai: cardinal oswald Gracias of granted to him or her Mumbai has urged his clergy to imitate Health Care Power of Attorney: Father Jacques hamel, the French ere’re are type of attorney on the a health care power of attorney grants priest killed in July by two men pro- Hbasis of responsibility given to your agent authority to make medical fessing loyalty to the Islamic State - if them. decisions for you if you are uncon- not so much in the way hamel died, scious, mentally incompetent, or oth- then in how he lived. Praising hamel’s pastoral generos- ity and his “ultimate sacrifice,” Gracias urged priests to follow his example to be of service “up to the end.” Visibly emotional, Gracias told his priests not to grieve or mourn hamel’s tragic end, but to imitate this “great pastor.” citing Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation “Evangelic Gaudium,” he asked priests to have a “missionary impulse capable of transforming ev- erything.” “Let us all become agents of peace; of joy and of the resurrection,” the prelate said. cardinal Gracias was speaking at an annual meeting of clergy in Mum- bai held at the archdiocesan semi- nary, regarded locally as the first of a new ecclesiastical year since it follows announcements of priests’ transfers General Power of Attorney : erwise unable to make decisions on in June. a general power of attorney gives your own. Gracias praised hamel’s pasto- broad powers to a person or organi- ral mission and ultimate sacrifice, zation (known as an agent or attorney- Durable Power of Attorney : and called on priests to be agents of in-fact) to act in your behalf. These Suppose you become mentally in- peace, fraternity and solidarity. powers include handling financial and competent due to illness or accident The cardinal opened the meeting business transactions, buying life in- while you have a power of attorney by pausing along with the priests in surance, settling claims, operating in effect. Will the document remain silence for two minutes for hamel, business interests, making gifts, and valid? To safeguard against any prob- and then said his example is destined employing professional help. a gener- lems, you can sign a durable power “to impact the pastoral ministry of all al power of attorney is often included of attorney. This is simply a general, priests today”. in an estate plan to make sure some- special, or health care Poa that has one can handle financial matters. a durability provision to keep the cur- Source: crux rent power of attorney in effect. Special Power of Attorney : 22 August 2016 17 2 MINUTE QUIET TIMES No Enemies For Times that aren’t Quiet ST PaULS – ISBN 978-93-5015-262-1 / Pp 214 / INr 200 to Forgive iven the kind of life we live giving your spirit a quick pick-me-up a priest stood at the end of Sun- today, hectic and stressful in the midst of a busy, stressful day. day prayers and asked his parish- as never before, we all have a book which people of all ages G ioners: What is the percentage of days when nothing seems to go right, and persuasions will find an easy and those who forgive the sins of their when the strains of life tend to weigh effective antidote for their needs, it is enemies? The hands of 80 percent us down, test our patience and frazzle essentially a one-stop spiritual first- of those who were present were our spirits. Though we may not real- aid kit that you’d want to keep handy raised, so he repeated the question ize it when we are in the midst of such for those moments when life disturbs with a stronger tone, so all hands situations, these are precisely times your faith and shakes your resolve. were raised, except for one old when what we need open to any page lady. The priest looked at her and most is to say "Time- of 2-MINUTE QUIET asked: are not you ready to forgive out!" and promptly TIMES or look up your enemies? She answered with set about refreshing the ‘contents’ for a a smile on her face: I do not have our souls, becom- particular need and enemies. ing aware of the ever find a quick “time- abiding presence of out” that provides The priest was astonished, and said the Lord. This book an opportunity to this is extraordinary! how old are is designed to help relax, reflect and re- you? She said 98 years. The priest you do just that. connect with a God said this is wonderful – 98 years The specific who is the source and you do not have enemies. Why problems we en- of hope and heal- don’t you come forward and tell us counter could range ing and from whom the secret. how can a woman this from “when life is comes the grace to old not have enemies, so the lady too hectic“ (p 38) do all you are hu- walked slowly towards the podium, to “when you doubt manly capable of! and all were holding their breath God’s love” (p 53), Each of these waiting to hear what she would say. while more general one-page time-outs When she reached the podium, she needs span “when features an inspiring looked around and said: I lived lon- a door closes” (p Scripture passage to ger – they all died! 15) to “when your Book Review ground you in God's struggles seem too by Ladislaus L D’Souza Word, a brief first- Fresh list of Brides / Grooms sent on much to bear” (p person story or re- request to members: Send your re- 214). Each new day flection to perk your quest stating your registers no. to : throws up new challenges: angered spirits, a prayer to lift your mind and [email protected] by the attitude of a friend or disillusion- heart to God, and a practical “to do” ment with God, perhaps faced with an tip that will help restore your spiritual Save Rs 115/- per day for 16 years only illness, whether your own or that of a equilibrium. As you read, reflect, pray & get Rs. 23 lacs lumpsum TAX FREE loved one, or fear or loneliness drain- and act as advised, you'll be amazed Maturity/Rs.15000 per month as Pension ing you of the very energy needed at how these brief time-outs [200 of for entire life. 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True to its title, what Mr. JOHN FERNANDES (Member of MDRT – The Premier Association of burdened with care-giving or your you read will, in just two minutes, of- Financial Professionals) bills seem overwhelming, if the clut- fer you a fresh perspective on a given (Award in Financial Planning – India thru CII – U.K) ter around you has gotten out of hand problem, help you regain composure, (Member of the Chairman Club for agents – LIC) or you're having a bad day at work, if relieve you of tension and enable you Mobile No:- 9820253459 / you're grieving or having trouble see- to find peace by placing yourself back 9820608034 Tel No:- 25773458 / 59 ing the answers to your prayers, look in God’s light and care. at your bed- Website : johnlic.com no further! In 2-MINUTE QUIET TIMES side, on your desk, or in your work- Email: [email protected] You can contact for FILING oF INcoME TaX you'll find a helping hand to hold in place, 2-MINUTE QUIET TIMES will rETUrNS. FrEE PoLIcY SErVIcING / DEaTh the presence of the one for whom all help you turn your everyday hassles cLaIMS/hEaLTh INSUraNcE PoLIcY etc. yokes are easy and all burdens light, into moments of grace. 18 22 August 2016 Inspiration!

A single bad habit is not Negativity So many of us habitually gossip, likely to get you fired im- whine whine or complain. But, do mediately but the cumu- any of these too often and your job could be on the line. End re- lative effect of the bad sult, you become a headache for sure or handle responsibilities well. habit over time can your manager. A good approach Practice stress reduction techniques is to speak with your manager di- like mediation or deep breathing exer- e all have bad habits. Per- rectly, in private. Never drum up cises, and never bring personal prob- haps you procrastinate, your co-workers for support first. lems to work. gossip, or lack punctual- ity. These negative be- Inefficiency: W or wordy. If you have a bad habit of Bad habits like disorganization, wast- haviors don’t necessarily make you a taking too long to check or respond terrible person—but as an employee ing time, and being too talkative can to e-mails, you could miss important make you an extremely inefficient they can reflect poorly upon you, and meetings or deadlines, cause delays even cost you your job. worker. You don’t want to become the or confusion, or come off as unprofes- person your colleagues avoid work- sional. Procrastination: ing with–so, keep the water cooler talk to a minimum, keep your desk orga- This habit can seriously hurt you in a Social media addiction: work setting,” Brooks says. “If you’re nized and don’t spend too much time another common path to job loss is on non-work-related tasks. one of those folks who believes that the habitual obsession that many you do your best work at the last employees have with social media. minute and put off projects or assign- Speaking without thinking: Some companies have taken mea- If you’ve got ‘foot-in-mouth’ syndrome, ments until the day (or hour) before sures to monitor or limit their employ- they’re due, you may not be aware you must control it in the workplace. ees’ social media use, while others Saying something inappropriate in a of the impact your habit is having on have blocked these sites completely. your co-workers. meeting or an e-mail can be detrimen- So beware: spending too much time tal to your career. on social media or other websites not Lying: related to your work can cost you your Lack of manners: Misrepresenting your credentials or job. intentionally plagiarizing, lying on time The most important things are what we sheets or billable hours or stealing the learned when we were little,” Peplow Bad body language habits: says. When you ask for something, kudos for a co-workers’ accomplish- Do you routinely roll your eyes? Do ments blind can all cost you your job. say ‘please.’ When someone gives you have a weak handshake? Do you you something, say ‘thank you. Man- avoid making eye contact? These ners are important, so don’t be rude. Tardiness: could all be career killers. If you constantly arrive late to work, or return late from breaks, it displays an Inattentiveness: Kiyaraa Beauty attitude of complacency and careless- If you’re always distracted—a bad ness. So be prompt or even a bit early habit that plenty of employees pos- at home to show that you are time conscious sess—you might fail to properly as- Skin - hair - Makeup and that you do care about your job sess the culture of the workplace, and other people’s time, as well. which can be damaging to your ca- • Professional bridal makeup & hair reer. You’ll also want to be aware of style • Facials according to skin • Poor e-mail communication: personal habits that might be offen- hair Spa • Body polishing • Nail art This can involve everything from not sive or distracting to co-workers. • Gift a Service responding to e-mails to not being only original & genuine products used. aware of how you come across in an Temper tantrums: e-mail. “You might be perceived as If you lose your temper, it is assumed Contact : +91 9820360534 / 08055199699 abrupt or rude, or too long-winded that you cannot work well under pres- [email protected] 22 August 2016 19 & Development/Scientist. Seeks fair, (Regd. No. 6558) goodlooking, educated Goan rc Girl MUMBAI : East Indian roman catholic MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman below 28 years. contact email : mira. Bachelor, aged 28 years, ht. 171 cms, catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, ht. [email protected] or 49404916382 Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish complexion, 5’ 9“, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair complexion, (Regd. No. 6486) Edn. hSc., Diploma in aviation, work- Edn. MBa., Working as a Branch Man- MUMBAI: Mangalorean r.c. Bach- ing for a Foreign cruise line in USa as ager. contact email : yopepjo2005@ elor, aged 29 years, ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. a Security Officer . Visiting India shortly. gmail.com or 9820793042 (Regd. 72 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. contact immediately. contact email No. 6503) B.E. Mechanical, working in Mer- : stayblessed 1287@ gmail.com or MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic chant Navy Vessel as 3rd Engineer. 9820942790. (Regd. No. 6546) Bachelor, aged 45 years, ht. 6’, Wt. Seeks a suitable match. contact MUMBAI : roman catholic Bachelor, 65 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. email : ryan2421986@ gmail.com or aged 31 years, ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 72 kgs, SSc., working as a Security Guard. 9833755448 (Regd. No. 6483) Wheatish complexion, Edn. hSc., & contact Mob : 8451069841 (Regd. MUMBAI: Goan r.c. Bachelor, aged Diploma, Working as a S. Bartender. No. 6494) 38 years, ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 75 kgs, contact email : rahulf28@ yahoo.com MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic Wheatish complexion, Edn. Bom., or 8424807835 (Regd. No. 6579) bachelor, aged 29 years, ht. 5’ 7”, working as a Sr. accountant in Bah- MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish complexion, rain. contact email : dias2401@yahoo. catholic Bachelor, aged 49 years, ht. 5’ Edn. B.com., working as a Manager. com or 9819121346 / 97333270202 / 8”, Wt. 69 kgs, Wheatish complexion, contact email : kelwinbritto007@ 97336451098 (Regd. No. 6480) Edn. SSc., having own business. con- gmail.com or 9619011728 (Regd. MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic tact email : pauld’souza@ ccicindia. No. 6491) Bachelor, aged 33 years, ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. com or 9821865220 / 9821651505 MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic 60 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. B.Sc., (Regd. No. 6576) Widower, aged 55 years, ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. Physics, working as a Editor in Private MANGALORE : Mangalorean roman 77 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. high company. contact email : josephdi- catholic Bachelor, aged 34 years, ht. 5’ School, Government employee in niz187@ yahoo.com or 9920845539. 7”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Bahrain. contact email : alwyn60ro- (Regd. No. 6477) Edn. PUc + computer diploma, hav- [email protected] or 9733830968 MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman ing own business in ABROAD. contact (Regd. No. 6490) catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, ht. email : melvin6680 @gmail.com or MUMBAI : roman catholic bachelor, 5’ 10”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish complex- 0546934687 (Regd. No. 6562) aged 27 years, ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, ion, Edn. M.B.a., working as a hr MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman Fair complexion, Edn. Graduate, Manager in DUBAI. contact email : catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, ht. 5’ working as a Front office clerk in jassyfernandes1958 @gmail.com or 8”, Wt. 71 kgs, Wheatish complexion, DUBaI. contact email : sam_sin88@ 9503282306 (Regd. No. 6476) Edn., M.Sc., working as an account hotmail.com or 971559969531 or MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic Manager in ABU DHABI. contact email 9821388194 (Regd. No. 6489) Bachelor, aged 35 years, ht. 5’ 7”, : proposal.ashish@ gmail.com or MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complex- 9819707542 (Regd. No. 6561) catholic bachelor, aged 30 years, ht. ion, Edn.Graduate, working as a MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic 5’ 8”, Wt. 72 kgs, Wheatish complex- Manager in cruise Line. contact Bachelor, aged 30 years, ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. ion, Edn.B.M.M., L.L.M., M. Phil., Law, email : oszy_2001@ yahoo.com or 80 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. Postition : Professor + Legal advisor., 9833944206 (Regd. No. 6385) XII, working on cruse Ship. currently contact email : kevintauro85@ gmail. he his in Mumbai contact immediately. com or 9820529060 (Regd. No. Address your replies to : contact email :mascarenhas_k @ 6487) ymail.com or 9867331248 (Regd. GERMANY: Goan roman catholic Regd. No. No. 6559) Bachelor, aged 34 years, ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. RoyAl ChRistiAN FAmily, KUWAIT : Goan roman catholic Di- 75 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. 99, Perin Nariman street, 1st vorcee, aged 34 years, ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 80 M.Phil/Ph.D., occupation : researh Floor, Fort, mumbai - 400 001. kgs, Tan complexion, Edn. Masters computers in USa, working as a Man- Members are requested to in- ager in USA. Seeks a educated homely form us when they are settled, so To Place your Matrimonial Ad- Goan or Mangalorean girl working in that publication of their details vertisement Call: USa or India. contact email : carmeli- 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 [email protected] or 00965-25656610 can be discontinued. 20 22 August 2016 9869064165 (Regd. No. 6568) MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. MBa MUMBAI : Goan r.c. Spinster, aged catholic Spinster, aged Date of birth 14- (hr), contact email : rapose.pearl@ 28 years, ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair 5-1983, ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 63 kgs, Wheatish gmail.com or 9869940730 (Regd. No. complexion, Edn. B.Sc., IT, work- complexion, Edn. M.Sc. Nursing, work- 6554) ing as a Software Engineer. contact ing as a IcU Nurse in Abudhabi - UAE. BANGALORE : Mangalorean roman 9819931532 (Regd. No. 6519) Seeks a well educated Mangalorean catholic Spinster, only child, aged 40 USA : Mangalorean r.c. Parents invite Bachelor with good family values. years, ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair com- alliance from well educated Manga- email: [email protected] or plexion, Edn. M.a. communication, lorean r.c. Boy under 35 yrs.,working 9930076741 / 28918871. (Regd. No. working as an assistant. contact email in USa., for their spinster daughter 6502) : [email protected] or 9880869797 30 years, 5 Ft., Fair complexion, Edn. MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic Spin- (Regd. No. 6532) : B.E. Working as a Software Engineer. ster, age 31 years, ht. 5’ 5”, Fair com- MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman catho- contact : Email dsouzadoreena@ plexion, Edn. Under graduate, working lic Spinster, aged 26 years, ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. gmail.com or 120-199 3665 (Regd. as a customer Support staff. contct 60 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. M.a. in No. 6513) email : [email protected] clinical councelling from USa, working MUMBAI : Mangalorean rc Spinater, or 8806747942 (Regd. No. 6578) as a clinical counsellor in well know aged 25 years, ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 75 kgs, MUMBAI : roman catholic Divorcee, hospital. contact email : i_dsa@yahoo. Tan complexion, Edn. MMS - hr, work- age 27 years, ht. 4’ 10”, Fair complex- com (Regd. No. 6530) ing as a Jr. Officer HR. Contact email : ion, Beautiful, Edn. Dip. in hM & Bak- MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman catho- michelledsouza1990 @gmail.com or ery, working as a cashier / ordertaker. lic Divorcee, aged 58 years, looks much 9820476543 (Regd. No. 6511) contact email : [email protected] or younger to her age, ht. 5’ 3”, Wt, 58 kgs, MUMBAI: Parents invite alliance for 9833845074 (Regd. No. 6577) Fair and Beautiful, Edn. Undergraduate, their daughter rc, 1985 born, Fair, MUMBAI : Mangalorean roman catho- Seeks a match below 65 years. con- Pretty, BE, MBa, 5’, 45 kgs, working lic Spinster, aged 29 years, ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. tact email : loicy30@ hotmail.com or for a reputed MNc in Mumbai from a 79 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. B.com., 9920422021 (Regd. No. 6529) suitable rc bachelor up to 35 years well MBa in hr, working in a reputed MNc DUBAI : Mangalorean roman catholic educated, caring, understanding,well in Mumbai. contact email : jfran1302@ Spinster, aged 30 (DoB 30-4-1985) ht. settled in India or abroad. Kindly email gmail.com or 9820127313 (Regd. No. 5’ 7”, Beautiful and Fair complexion, complete details with recent pho- 6560) Edn. Masters in health, care (Mha), tograph to : [email protected]. BANGALORE : Mangalorean roman Employed as a Manager in MNc Dubai, (Regd. No. 6509) catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, ht. 5’ is looking for a suitable alliance between MUMBAI : rc Mangalorean Spinster, 1”, Fair complexion, Edn. B.E. , M.S. in the ages of 32 to 36 with a height 5’ 10” 27/5’2”, Wt. 54 kgs, wheatish, B.com., california, working in CALIFORNIA, and above. Kindly respond directly to c.S., L.L.B., working as a teaching Seeks a Post graduate working in the party by email : aara8185@gmail. faculty for Law. invite alliance from U.S. below 31 years. contact email : com with your photograph. (Regd. No. well qualified and well settled bachelor [email protected] or helen_monis@ 6528) with good family values upto 30 years rediffmail.com or 9448324182 (Regd. DUBAI : roman catholic Spinster, aged Kindly reply with details and full length No. 6557) 28 years, ht. 5’ 3”, Wheatish complex- photograph to [email protected] BANGALORE : Mangalorean roman ion, Edn. B.a. in Mass Media, working or 9323925995 / 9699788876 (Regd. catholic Divorcee, aged 27 years, ht. 5’ as a Senior Executive in Govt. in Dubai. No. 6350) 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. Staying with parents. Seeks a well set- M.c.a., working as a Software Engineer tled and educated East Indian or Goan with Reputed IT firm. Contact email : Bachelor. contact email : axferns@ Address your replies to : dsoupri@ gmail.com or 9740552806 gmail.com or Mob: 00971554005544 (Regd. No. 6556) (Regd. No. 6527) Regd. No. MUMBAI : Goan roman catholic Spin- NEWYORK : Mangalorean roman roYaL chrISTIaN FaMILY, ster, aged 29 years, ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 75 catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, ht. 157 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st cms, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair complexion, Edn. Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Royal Christian Family M.S. in computer Science (USa), work- ing as a Software Engineer. Seeks a si- Helps In Choosing Please renew your membership miliar qualification, having HIB Visa and The Right Life-Partner working in USa below 30 years. contact at lease a month in advance be- Serving Since 35 Years email : [email protected] or fore its expiration date.

22 August 2016 21 A Cry for Help!

Disturbing news is coming in from all parts of the world. The same night the TV channels had a field day, breaking news Women, not sparing little girls are being brutally abused and of a father who had imprisoned his daughter for 24 long years killed on the altar of lust, family honour, revenge, property and raped her out of her mind. The result? From the age of 11 dispute and to settle scores with their guardians! to 35 years she produced six kids all in captivity….! The shock waves are still sending tremors through the world. Is it a stray History speaks of virgins being sacrificed to imaginary gods case? The social workers at various centers in this very city, of fire, beasts, and ancestors in various ancient cultures of Mumbai have similar stories of incest and innocence falling prey the world. any calamity or natural disaster was attributed to to the uncontrolled lust of fathers and brothers. the wrath of these gods who needed human sacrifices to be appeased into being the benevolent deities they were The third incident failed to create ripples and the perpetrators according to their worshippers. So, an unsullied young girl, justified their actions on religious grounds. A young lass of 17, was chosen with care, lest the god may reject her, and sacri- who happened to fall in love with a 22 year old white soldier ficed- either burnt, her throat slit or pushed into the abyss in posted in the country was viciously throttled to death by her the earth. her pitiful cries for help, shrieks of terror fell on the father and brothers to save the family honour! No action will deaf ears of her family people she considered her own! be ever taken against them because they were compelled to remove the blot on the fair name of the family. The murder of The medieval years saw many brave monarchs ruling as this daughter proves that girls are not considered family mem- queens with firm control on governance. These have been bers……. selected as symbols of feminine power and perpetuated as women of substance. This trend continued into the modern News has just filtered in of a six-year old Dalit girl being set on age. The only difference was that queens ahd been replaced fire by a man in Mathura because the girl and her mother chose by entrepreneurs and academicians and diplomats. But for to walk through a path reserved only for upper caste villagers! every woman of substance there always have been millions Even the police refused to take any action. The girl is now admit- of women victimized by society. During the wars women ted in a hospital in Mathura and is critical. Does the label of be- were forced to work as ing a Dalit make you the child of a lesser God, to be treated with disdain and neglect? all those who rant and rave about conver- But now times have changed, have they? Within the last two sions should be able to clean their own stables before targeting days, 3 incidents made headlines in the media, print as well imaginary causes. Each of us has to exorcise the devil within our as electronic. own heart before we speak of God and religion! a 22 year old woman in Bihar was brutally gang raped and savagely burnt by a group of men to teach her in-laws a les- son. Whether the targets learnt their lesson or not the young victim died a most terrifying death at the hands of strangers to quench their thirst for vengeance. The irony of it is that same day, our PM, Manmohan Singh, shocked by the rapidly declining ratio of girl children all over India, particularly in the states of Punjab, haryana, Gujrat and Delhi appealed to the nation to save the girl child! ( So that they can be brutalized later…was my bitter thought.) By VERA ALVARES

22 22 August 2016 22 August 2016 23 24 Published on every Monday Dt. 22-8-2016 & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week 22 August 2016 Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001. Licenced to Post without prepayment Licence No. MR/TECH/WPP-70/SOUTH/2016 RnI no. 56987/92 Registered no. MCS/100/2015-17 Reach Greater Heights With Our eLearing Courses Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top Simply register at www.limrt.com limrt is short form of Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top Learn eLearning is the new way the world is learning today. Learners now need not Anywhere visit the four walls of classrooms. It's now outdated. eLearning reaches you where Anytime you are. What ever may be your subject or topic of interest, you can learn anywhere at any time from the top class world ex- perts from your own PC, Laptop, Tablet or Learn by watching Smartphone. www.limrt.com offers you a video learning method large number of courses. Visit the website in your free time from and simply register and we will guide you. your own PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone. Simply register at Courses created by world class experts www.limrt.com Some Courses are FREE Learn From Worlds Best Experts

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo