1 PHL 317K Introduction to Philosophy of the Arts Fall 2014 Unique numbers: 42940, 42945, 42950, 42955, 42960, 42962, 42963, 42964, TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00-2:50 p.m. and a third hour LOCATION: TTH 2:00 CAL 100 (Check your schedule for third hour location) INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Kathleen Higgins OFFICE: WAG 203 (512) 471-5564 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:45-11:45 a.m. E-MAIL: <
[email protected]> COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will consider some of the answers given in the Western philosophical tradition to questions about the nature of art and beauty, as well as offering a brief overview of some perspectives from Japan. Particular attention will be given to the distinction between art and reality, and to the nature of the aesthetic experience from the standpoint of both the artist and the observer. TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Simone Gubler Office: WAG 427 Office Hours E-mail address: <
[email protected]> Brian Pollex Office: WAG 406 Office Hours: Mondays, 3:45-4:45 p.m. and Fridays, 2:15-3:15 p.m. E-mail address: <
[email protected]> Hannah Trees Office: WAG 412 Office Hours E-mail address: <
[email protected]> 2 TEXTBOOK: Kathleen Marie Higgins, ed., Aesthetics in Perspective GRADING AND IMPORTANT DATES: September 9 Short paper due 5% September 18 Journal topic #1 due September 25 Exam I 15% September 30 Journal topic #2 due October 2 Journal topic #3 due October 7 Journal topic #4 due October 16 Journal topic #5 due October 23 Journal topic #6 due October 30 Exam II 15% November 4 Journal topic #7 due November 6 Journal topic #8 due November 11 Journal topic #9 due November 13 Journal topic #10 due November 18 Take-home Exam III due 15% November 20 Journal topic #11 due November 25 Journal topic #12 due December 4 Final written project due 20% Participation 10% Journal Topics Total 20% NOTE: Participation includes attendance both in lectures and in discussion sections, in- class writing, in-class quizzes, etc.