The US-Dakota War of 1862 Minnesota Historical Society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file:///private/var/folders/PQ/PQLev8E5Gj86GCQYVrSGfU+++TI... Re: [Website feedback] Permission to include print version of web pages as part of district curriculum Aimee VL Hohn to: karen.randall 10/22/2012 10:16 AM Show Details History: This message has been replied to. Hi Karen- Just got the go-ahead for you to use the website material for your needs. Just credit MHS per our use policy: Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Aimee On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:43 PM, <
[email protected]> wrote: Karen Randall (
[email protected]) sent a message using the contact form at I am working on curriculum to be used by Saint Paul 6th grade teachers as part of instruction on research and informational text writing. The focus of the work is the US-Dakota War and your web site is an excellent, comprehensive resource. Access to computers is an issue in many schools, though, so it would be helpful to be able to provide teachers and students with PDF versions of some pages from your site, for printing at their buildings.