Chronology of Kierkegaard's Writings
CHRONOLOGY OF KIERKEGAARD'S WRITINGS Because of the thematic nature of this essay, it might be helpful for the reader to note the chronology of Kierkegaard's writ ings at the outset of the investigation.1 I have listed biblio graphical information for the English texts used throughout the study, and have specified the way in which these works are indicated in the footnotes of the essay. Sept. 7, 1837 From the Papers of One Still Living (not translated) Sept. 16, 1841 The Concept of Irony, with Constant Refer ence to Socrates, trans. by Lee N. Capel, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968. (The Concept of Irony) Feb.2o, 1843 Either-Or, vol. I trans. by David F. and Lil lian M. Swenson, vol. n trans. by W alter Lowrie, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971. (Either-Or, 1; Either-Or, n) May 16,1843 Two Edifying Discourses2 Oct. 16, 1843 Repetition, trans. by W alter Lowrie, New York: Harper T orchbooks, 1964. (Repeti- tion) Fear and Trembling, trans. by Waiter Lowrie, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. (Fear and Trembling) 1 Howard and Edna Hong's table at the beginning of the first vol ume of their S;>ren Kierkegaard's fournals and Papers (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1967) has been helpful in arranging this list. 2 Kierkegaard's Edifying Discourses are collected in a four-volume series: Edifying Discourses, trans. by David F. and Lillian M. Swenson (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1943ff.). xi CHRONOLOGY Oct. r6, r843 Three Edifying Discourses Dec. 6, r843 Four Edifying Discourses March 5, 1844 Two Edifying Discourses June 8, r844 Three Edifying Discourses June 13, r844 Philosophical Fragments, trans.
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