Edition No 5 Swiss Venture Capital 2017 Report Overall investment Almost a billion francs Cantons Vaud jumps further ahead Exits The year of the IPO In cooperation with SECA – Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association start up ticker .ch www.plusgestaltung.com — Foto: photocase.de / antifalten — Foto: www.plusgestaltung.com The swiss start-up news channel We might not hand out trophies – but we show you where to get them 8 Y J 9 Create your Get the Follow Set alerts for personal archive weekly newsletter companies deadlines Principal Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI Supporters State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Business & Economic Development Canton of Zurich, Swissparks.ch, Partners Startupticker Foundation, Gebert Rüf Foundation, Stiftung digitalswitzerland, ETH Zurich, Venture Kick, InnoCampus, School of Natur und Umwelt, Swiss Startup Invest, ETH transfer, EPFL Innovation Management Fribourg, GENILEM, Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Park, Start-up Promotion Centro Ticino Finance Association SECA, StartAngels Network, Top 100 Start-ups, Institut für Jungunternehmen IFJ, STARTUPS.CH, Y-Parc, Fongit, Contributors Swisscom, Swiss Startup Invest, W.A. de Vigier, P & TS BASELAREA.SWISS, STARTFELD, Innovaud, STARTUP SUPPPORT Intellectual Property, EPFL Innovation Park, Ernst Göhner Foundation, LUZERN, Technopark Luzern, Swiss Economic Forum SEF, swissECS, GoBeyond, Microsoft SEF Growth Initiative for SMEs, Swiss Innovation Forum SIF, BioBusiness, MedTech-Business, SBB, Zürcher Kantonalbank, StartupCampus, Technopark Zürich Editor Journalistenbüro Niedermann GmbH, Lucerne Input:
[email protected] start up ticker .ch Editorial Contents Five years of growth Results In the beginning, we were simply 5 At a glance curious: when we researched CHF 908.7 million for the first Swiss Venture Capital Swiss start-ups Report five years ago, we wanted 9 The Top 20 www.plusgestaltung.com — Foto: photocase.de / antifalten — Foto: www.plusgestaltung.com Two companies obtain more to create transparency.