Gymnastique Artistique

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Gymnastique Artistique UNIVERSITY SPORTS 77 MAGAZINE EXCELLENCE IN MIND AND BODY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE SPORTS 77 EXCELLENCE IN MIND AND BODY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 04 The president’s Message / Message du Président President 06 General Assembly / Assemblée Générale KILLIAN George E. (USA) First Vice-President 10 Tandem Project / Le projet Tandem GALLIEN Claude-Louis (FRA) 14 Universiade 2009 Belgrade Vice-Presidents BERGH Stefan (SWE) 20 Athletics - Athlétisme CABRAL Luciano (BRA) CHIKH Hassan (ALG) 26 Artistic Gymnastics - Gymnastique artistique ZHANG Xinsheng (CHN) 30 Rhythmic Gymnastics - Gymnastique rythmique Treasurer BAYASGALAN Danzandorj (MGL) 34 Judo Fencing - Escrime First Assessor 38 RALETHE Malumbete (RSA) 42 Table Tennis - Tennis de table Assessors AL-HAI Omar (UAE) 46 Tennis BURK Verena (GER) CHEN Tai-Cheng (TPE) SOMMAIRE 50 Swimming - Natation DIAS Pedro (POR) DOUVIS Stavros (GRE) 56 Diving - Plongeon DYMALSKI Marian (POL) EDER Leonz (SUI) 60 Waterpolo JASNIC Sinisa (SRB) IGARASHI Hisato (JPN) 64 Basketball KABENGE Penninah (UGA) KIM Chong Yang (KOR) 68 Volleyball MATYTSIN Oleg (RUS) ODELL Alison (GBR) 72 Football TAMER Kemal (TUR) ULP Kairis (EST) 76 Archery - Tir à l’arc 82 Taekwondo Continental Associations Delegates CHOW Kenny (HKG) Asia-AUSF 86 Participation GUALTIERI Alberto (ITA) Europe-EUSA JAKOB Julio (URU) America-ODUPA 90 FISU Conference / Conférence FISU LAMPTEY Silvanus (GHA) Africa-FASU NELSON Karen (SAM) Oceania-OUSA 98 FISU Development Policy / Politique de développement de la FISU Auditor 102 FISU Webgames GAGEA Adrian (ROU) 104 Winter Universiade 2011 Erzurum Universiade d’Hiver CONTENTS Secretary General / CEO SAINTROND Eric (BEL) 106 Universiade 2011 Shenzhen ©Publisher 108 Winter Universiade 2013 Maribor Universiade d’Hiver FISU AISBL Château de la Solitude 109 Universiade 2013 Kazan Avenue Charles Schaller, 54 1160 Brussels/Belgium 110 Winter Universiade 2015 Granada Universiade d’Hiver Tel. 32.2.6406873 - Fax. 32.2.6401805 E-Mail 111 Universiade 2015 Gwangju Internet 113 Tribute to Furuashi - Harms / Hommage à Furuashi - Harms FISU Office Lausanne 114 FISU Calendar / Calendrier FISU Maison du Sport International c/o FISU Av. de Rhodanie, 54 CH-1007 Lausanne/Switzerland Edited by DUFOUR Yvan (except when mentioned otherwise) BRUXELLES ENVIRONNEMENT Photos: Nicolas Messner ENTREPRISE DYNAMIQUE ECO DYNAMISCHE (except when mentioned otherwise) ONDERNEMING LEEFMILIEU BRUSSEL label n. 2008/144/1 Realisation: Westfotovid Reproduction of articles and pictures published in this publication is permitted as long as the source is mentioned. ISSN 0443 - 9805 4 5 The President’s Message Message du Président George E. KILLIAN I usually like to say that FISU lives and allows us to live very exciting moments and, J’ai coutume de dire que la FISU vit et nous fait vivre des moments très excitants et I am taking the once again, I will pursue the same approach. Indeed, the year 2009 is exceptional in Je profite de l’occasion cette fois encore je resterai dans cette approche. En effet, cette année 2009 est excep- opportunity given to more ways than one. After the Winter Universiade in Harbin, it is the city of Belgrade qui m’est donnée ici tionnelle à plus d’un titre. Après l’Universiade d’Hiver d’Harbin, c’est la ville de Belgrade me here to invite you to which very warmly welcomed us in the frame of the 25th Summer Universiade. Indeed, pour vous inviter à qui nous a accueillis de la plus belle manière dans le cadre de la 25e Universiade d’Été. Et participate actively to the Universiades have given us thrills for already half a century and this edition was a participer activement oui, cela fait déjà un demi-siècle que les Universiades nous font vibrer et celle-ci fut une one or several wonderful success. à un ou plusieurs magnifique réussite. championships as well From the opening to the closing, the 25th Belgrade Universiade has kept us on the de nos championnats Depuis l’ouverture jusqu’à la clôture, la 25e Universiade de Belgrade nous aura tenus en as to the Forum edge of our seats thanks to the sports performance of our student-athletes. In ad- ainsi qu’au Forum haleine grâce aux exploits sportifs de nos athlètes-étudiants. Un nombre impressionnant dition, an impressive number of Serbian high authorities have demonstrated their de hautes autorités serbes nous ont d’ailleurs marqué leur soutien en assistant aux céré- support by attending the protocol ceremonies as well as the competitions. monies protocolaires mais aussi aux compétitions. The 11-day sports meet revealed to be incredibly intense. The individual and team Ces 11 jours de rencontres sportives furent marqués par une incroyable intensité. Les events reached a very high level and were followed by a lively crowd. We should now épreuves individuelles et par équipe atteignirent un niveau exceptionnel et furent suivies pay a heartfelt tribute to the organizers, volunteers and to all the people who have par un public enthousiaste. Il convient ici de rendre un vibrant hommage aux organisa- worked directly or indirectly, to making this event successful, which remains a unique teurs, aux volontaires et à tous ceux qui ont de près ou de loin oeuvré à la réussite de event in the world for me. cette manifestation qui reste à mes yeux un événement unique au monde. During our stay in Belgrade, we were pleased to gather the representatives of our Pendant notre séjour à Belgrade, nous avons eu le plaisir de réunir les représentants de member countries during our 31st General Assembly. This event has made it possible nos pays membres lors de notre 31e Assemblée Générale. À cette occasion nous avons pu for us to assess the situation of the two previous years. We have also proceeded to établir le bilan des deux années passées. Nous avons aussi fait le point sur la politique take stock of the policy that we intend to carry out in the two years to come. The que nous entendons mener lors des deux années à venir. La mise à jour de notre fruc- updating of our fruitful development program at the continental level revealed to be tueux programme de développement au niveau continental constitua un des points forts one of the strong points of the meeting. The results of the program are, indeed, very de cette réunion. Les résultats de ce programme sont, en effet, très encourageants et encouraging and comfort us in the sense that it acts as the key to a better future for nous confortent dans l’idée qu’il est la clef d’un meilleur avenir pour nos athlètes-étu- our student-athletes. diants. L’année qui vient sera celle des Championnats du Monde Universitaires ainsi que du Next year will be dedicated to our Word University Championships as well as to the Forum de la FISU. Notre département sport s’est attelé à mettre la touche finale à ce pro- FISU Forum. Our Sports department has worked continuously to finalize the program gramme des Championnats du Monde Universitaires de 2010. L’année sera, une nouvelle of the 2010 World University Championships. The year will again be very emotional as fois, très dense en émotions puisque nous aurons, l’occasion d’assister ou de prendre part we will have the possibility to attend or participate in about 30 different events. à environ 30 manifestations différentes. I am taking the opportunity given to me here to invite you to participate actively in Je profite de l’occasion qui m’est donnée ici pour vous inviter à participer activement à one or several championships and the Forum which will take place in Vigo. This will un ou plusieurs de nos championnats ainsi qu’au Forum qui se tiendra à Vigo. Cela consti- reveal to be a great experience for the youth of your country. tuera une magnifique expérience pour les étudiants de votre pays. Looking forward to meeting you in great numbers during one of our numerous events J’espère vous rencontrer nombreux lors de l’un ou l’autre de nos nombreux événements in the future. futurs. Best sports regards. Meilleures salutations sportives. UNIVERSITY SPORTS MAGAZINE 77 UNIVERSITY SPORTS MAGAZINE 77 6 General Assembly 7 The 31st FISU General Assembly took ment of University Sports (CDSU) was with these associations. After all, they place on 28 and 29 June in Belgrade created in 2007, its program has always have played a crucial role in implement- Open Minded and as a prelude to the 25th Universiade. tried to structure relations between ing the networks that enable us to bet- Transparency and an open mind were FISU and the continental associations, ter promote university sports. the key words for the meeting that particularly by allowing them to become Secretary General/CEO, Mr. Eric brought together delegates from 93 Associate Members of FISU (under Saintrond, and our Treasurer Mr. Danza- Transparent countries. There were no elections at certain conditions) and offering each of dorj Bayasgalan have also underlined in the meeting this year, so it was an them a seat on the Executive Commit- their reports that FISU is quite prosper- opportunity to report on the Executive tee. ous these days, despite the financial Committee (EC) activities. The Presi- crisis, particularly due to healthy man- dent, Mr. George E. Killian was the first To date, four continental associations: agement of its financial assets, as well Continental associations have a to tackle the job. In his report, he AUSF (Asia), EUSA (Europe), FASU (Af- as to the attribution of our Summer and recalled how determined he is to keep rica and ODUPA (America); have taken Winter Universiades for the years 2013 fundamental role to play in setting up FISU’s actions as transparent as pos- advantage of this. and 2015. Eric Saintrond gave the Gen- sible, with a view to giving member Since this 31st General Meeting, the eral Meeting a very detailed description networks to help promote university associations the best understanding of Oceania University Sports Association of FISU activities since he was appoint- the actions undertaken under the impe- has joined the Member Associations, ed to the position of Secretary General sports all over the world tus of the Executive Committee.
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