CSU IP Italy Virtual International Program FALL 2020 ART 403 EARLY RENAISSANCE ART IN ITALY Instructor: Alice Parri Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: Thurs., 10:15am – 11:15am (Pacific Standard Time) / 7:15pm – 8:15pm (Italy) Class Schedule: days/times Thurs., 9:15am – 10:15am (Pacific Standard Time) / 6:15pm – 7:15pm (Italy) Class Location: Online via Zoom COURSE DESCRIPTION The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of the Early Renaissance Art in Italy -and specifically in Tuscany - from its premises in the Medieval Period up to the Late- 1400s. The work of leading artists such as Giotto, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Fra Angelico, Pollaiolo, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Lippi, Ghirlandaio, will be analyzed and discussed. The relationship between artists, patrons and public in the Florentine Quattrocento context will be investigated thanks to famous examples and designated case studies. Emphasis will be given also to technical and material aspects as well as to the artworks’ conservative history. Credits: 3 CSU Units CSU GE CATEGORY C3, C4 or C elective REQUIRED BOOKS AND READINGS Frederick Hartt, History of Italian Renaissance Art, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, Seventh Edition, Pearson, 2010 (or previous editions) - ISBN: 9780205705818 ($ 63,61): Introduction, Chapters 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, focusing on works covered in class. In addition to the textbook students will be provided with: - the teacher’s weekly lectures in pdf format (available on Canvas) to be studied for the exams; - a selection of images divided by authors (available on Canvas) to be studied for the exams; - short educational units to improve students’ knowlwdge regarding specific issues (available on Canvas); - short hand outs (available on Canvas) extracted from the following books: *The Craftsman's Handbook by Cennino Cennini, Daniel V.Thompson (1954 or following editions) *L.B.Alberti, On painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, Introduction and notes by Martin Kemp (1991) *M.