Universitat Permanent Universidad Permanente NAME OF THE SUBJECT: FROM ‘TENEBRAE’ TO MODERNITY: ITALIAN ART OF THE TH TRECENTO ( 14 CENTURY) TEACHERS: Rafael Navarro Mallebrera ............................................ (
[email protected]) Xavier Carro Rosende...................................................... (
[email protected]) ACADEMIC YEAR: 2013-14 OBJECTIVES: In Italy, the time comprised between the late years of the 13th century and the first half of the 14th century was a period of vigorous growth and incessant search for paths in art. Likewise, the development of Florence and Siena painting from 1350 to 1400 was crucial to art history: the aspects of reality and the problems related to shape were subjected to new values, attitudes and approaches that would determine the first Renaissance that the enlightened ones will know. METHODOLOGY: Despite trying to offer a reasonably wide overview, the course will especially focus on the most important artists and works of the period. And they will be simultaneously related to the social, moral and cultural context. SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous SUBJECT SYLLABUS: U. 1.-The expansion of Franciscan and Dominican architecture in the second half of the 13th century. The cathedrals of Siena. Orvieto, Florence and Arezzo. The civil architecture of Viterbo, Piacenza, Florence, Todi and Perugia. U. 2.-Nicola Pisano: the pulpits of Pisa and Siena, the fountain of Perugia and the descent of Luca. Arnolfo di Cambio: the Cardinal of Baye’s tomb, the sarcophagus of San Domenico, the front sculptures in the Cathedral of Florence and the baldachins of San Paolo Extramuro and Santa Cecilia. Giovanni Pisano: the façade of the Cathedral of Siena, the pulpit of Santa Andrea di Pistoia and the sculptures in the Cathedral of Pisa.