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Rogers Extends Hopes for Pullout of Troops

Rogers Extends Hopes for Pullout of Troops

IM ljrN c t: Ran 0 . *

ias,iM i Hie Weather M r «ii« 0001 tortght, loim floor 00. Tam om m potfljr oob- 15,535 fljr ond • Uttlo oool«r. w U h Mmnehmer— 4 City of ViOago Charm higiio In tbo Mn. VOL. L « x v i n , NO. 1 st (TWBNTY PAGES—TWO SBCnONS) BIANCHE8TER, OONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 AivortlilflC on Pogo IT) PRICE TEN CENTS

Jean* R elate EsOler Finery BUFFALO, N.T. (A P)— ■ootor flnory woo nriooiflg from two IfefTo ohurohoo horo Bundoy oo tho pooton Rogers Extends Hopes ond wonflilpporo woro work olotiioo and Uuo Joana to ool> obimto a "Mack Baotor." PartlclpantB sold tbo sorv- leoo a t tho Now Zion Iflo- slonary B^[>tlot Church and tho Humboldt Parkway Bap- tiflt Church were to com- For Pullout of Troops moniorato tho doath a yoar It ago of Dr. Martin Luthor rang Jr. Thoy nald thoy would do- nato tho monoy thoy wotdd havo apont on now clothing Plans Visit to tho Southom Chriatlan tioadorahtp Conforaneo which RInghaadod. To Vietnam Next Month Foe Slashes WASmNGTON (AP) — Secretary of State WffliBm dwaTed remafna of Ihree-gtory, 12-ftaniiy tene­ U.S. Troops, P. Rogers dedafied today ment glVeB mute evWence of Bridgeport'e woret th a t “we certaM y ! r ^ T there wiR he eoine cftiOnce ft© yesfwpday Ifcat took the Bvee of 11 persons, K illin g 14 of, a mutual withdrawal of induldinsr stx tehUdren. (AP (PTiotofex) troops” frewn Vietnain this BAIGON (AP) — North IHet- year. names, infantrymen slashed Rogers told a news conference 7 Into two groups of U.S. troops that he plans to pay a visit of Sunday night, killing 14 Ameri­ three or four days to South Viet­ Trash Can Source cana and wounding 28 In dose- nam tollowlng a foreign minla- quarter fighting. Only three ene­ ters meeting of the Southeast my were known dead. Asia Treaty Organisation at Of Bridgeport Fire Fighting generally appeared Bangkok, Thailand, In May. to be at the lowest Imel since The Nixon administration, BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP)— Ing the floor cradling to the the enemy’s spring offensive be­ Rogers said in response to a di­ Flro Invoatigatora havo tracod level below, ffremen said. gan six weeks ago. rect questhm, doea "hav» a plan the aourco of tho Hiaator morn­ "Flames shot out to the mid­ Eleven Americans were killed which we think la fair and rear ing flro that MUed 11 poraons dle of the street,” said a resi­ and 18 ware wounded in

llANCHESTER EVENING HEBALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY., APRIL 7, 1969 P A G E T H R E E FTanos newer ceased manufac­ MOVIE AUDIENCE turing harpatchorda and are atUI Stage Co. - *••** ••GUIDE******* SheinwoW on Bridge C oventry in the buriness. Coventry A SERVICC or FILM-MAKERS Events N e w s in IXAR ' The fkieet liarpaicbard wllli AND, THEATERS. n v i x IN t o u b n a m e n t » NORTH ■'’1 TO SAY NOrmNO -By CLAY R. POLLAN- “T H E W A Y which I am personally ac- ‘The Trial:’ TIw m w ing* apply 10 film * . 6 None Ahin Aho, Stephen Rohaky ARin LlIRA Choicest Meats In TownI qiwlnted was made fairly re­ talaan S aftar Nov 1,1989 9 A62 MAS. II Tour Od/y Aefivity Gufdt ^4 22 ■r4-' Hale Home In Capital By ALFRED SHBINWOU* ’’ According to iho Start. cently by Roman Qonaalea In 0 AKIJ4 T h e W o r ld Afi. I» . 22 <^Lv THIS SEAL 1 H E A R D TT" Waltham, Mass. Mr. Gonaalss The Critics The first nde tor tl»e tourna­ AX9S43 Top High School Student* 10,9-14-23^3 To develop message for Tuesdoy, 11-17-25-33^ Afmy TetU Parawing reod words corresponding to luimbers Gets Grant TUESDAY ONLY SPEOMLI was a pMaashxtal organ build­ bi ade ImUcetes the Min wee ment jrfayer la: Never be the WEST BAST 4W. . A*.. _ A _ 79 Orthdox Jew* S1-76-81«l submitted and approved under WASHINOTON (A P ) — the lin t to draw attention to your Alan Aho and Stephan Robsky way the sredeend ot Aprl} 1 2 TAURUS of your Zodioc birth sign. SCORRtO The NaRhan H ale Homesteed, er, and with that background Are on Stage 4 Q862 4 1 109754 Queried After Raid AM. » h y l o h n C r u fr e r Hta Motion Picture Code Army hr testing a parachute-llke own mistake. I f you keep quiet, bavs been named Itos top stu­ and IS with a aeries of try-out I A 31 In 61 Criticise ocr. owned by the Antiquarian and he was able to turn out a mag- 0 K87 <:)QJ103 JERUSALEM (AP) — Police I ^ MAI » By JUNE UNTON o f Self-Ragtilalion. device designed to float c a rg oyour__ partner may not notloe dents In the dam of 19M at seorions at the Plafais Bleld, Rt. 2Glv* 32 Nature 62 When NOT. ItT Laixlmarks Society of Connect­ nifloeiit Instrument of two key­ 0 Q83 0 76 questioned 70 (JrttiodaK JewS' to­ 8-19-22-21 3 Toefoy 33 Focussed 63 For or peizonnel from an airplane taken plane until hours 81. 4 Wise 64 Anyo$>e 24-34-39.41^ icut, has received a grant of boards, about nine feet long. ♦ A76 4 Q D 34 To d ] Suggaetod for GENERAL Clowentry High Schod, aoootd- day after a raid on the home of 47-77-86-90 H A M B U R G £ Z C C It is a beautiful article o f fui^ ‘"Ihe Trial,” now being pre- six miles above the earth to a later. By that time you may be Seealans are as foUowa: Na- 5 Moves 35 A 65 Rlvolry 43-70-74 $8,490 from the Howard and eudlertoge. SOUTH tag to Principal MUton A. Wilde. .Aryrii Metr, manager of the OCMINI 6Be 36 Avoid 66 Touch . eented by the Hartford Stage quite safe— especl^ K yo« Uonal League, ages 9-10, Aiull SAGITTARIUS Btuih Foundation o f Hartford nlture, finished In Chinese red pinpoint target 19 miles away. 4 AK3 Sha’are Tkedek Hospital. ^ MAT It 7 Suits 37 And 67 Second B would Mom that a onmb«r Brings are mechanically pluck­ B Suggoetod for MATURE lock your door and take your Alan la the son of liy. and 12, 10 a.m.; Pony League, ages 8 You 38 Be 68 Storting for 'the instailotton of a beating 5 lb. ktfs *2.99 and gold leaf. Company, is one Important play Goodyear Aeroispace Corp., <;7 9 54 “rVjUNt 20 o f peopU who attandad tha MHB ed by the keyboerd mechanism telephone o ff the hook. Mm. Aaro Aho, South S t, and 18-14, April 12, 2 p.m., a n d The attackera ao- •reaa. Check theater or pounds. South next led a heart to dum- North or South to have enough in dudont aftelre while at CHS. ^1-49-57 25 Be 55 Gont 65 Complete able the homestead to remain Manchester Parkade tared. Other ahi4 >e8 eodat, hoar- earlier for the first instance of will play a total of 14 in-town years old. 26 Youf 56 Task 86 Regarding open during the winter months per keyboard, while the "rlpl- odvortising. Goodyear stays the parawing my’s ace and returned a tow hearts to play the hand at tour Alan Is a mamber o f the Jun­ VIRSO 27 Probobly 57 Advontoges 87 It PISCIS (Next to King’s) over. Dr. Ptarra Kartanay, o< drawing wire, from which the games. and 'wlB' also gr®RUy reduce any eno” or ".tutU” passages were Prmt«d M • public Mrvicc may be used for such things as ohib. East was oUHged to play heartn, it coat Elaat n otM iy to ‘ ior caasaloal League and the 28 Ger 58 Doy 88 Only Hackmatack St. here In town, metal strings were dervaloped, is the queen, and South happUy Indicate that he wmdd welcom e' Nattonal Honor Society, and ts ElgHt-year-olds are assigned Southf North Korean* 29 Rtcognite 59 Involves 89 Venture further ithreat to Its structural played on the louder, lower key­ _____ — 1^ delivering equipment and sup­ t/ y!' itr. 22 30 Think 60 Some haa made one with the ganaraJ in USl, at Augsburg, Germany. ^ to tee Beginners League and 90 Offers tJAIt. security because of dampness. YOU board. p la )^ the king. West won with a heart opening lead. With a oo-oaptaln of the croae-country plies, dropping troops into pre­ win participate to Saturday Fight DMZ Battle 03645-44-59 ( 9 ) Good 30-40-53-54$ outline of a grand piano oaaa, The instrument has a weak the ace of chibs and led another heart lead South oouM not make ‘ tmok team. He won a bronze V65-72-78 (^Adverse ^ N m tr a l The society also anticipates In common with modern us­ cise landing areas, making In- momtog tratotog games during SEOUL (A P ) — South and 41-44-73 but played htan the aide tn- bass and usually extands down­ spade, forcing dummy to ruff, even five clulbs. >■ medal in the State Olam ”C” refurbisMng the homeetea1 grand piano, though they tested at the Army Proving ed Hie aoe of dlainondi and then say anything about It. The ad- - ■tete at the Nattonal 4-H m to the pubtic during the modem conatruotion. AH forma May. league, but without adult par­ dred rounds were exchanged. A Hike DotMtaa Alfred Hitchcock summer' months, until Oct. 15. Queen BUxaheth I had a book of ’They control the keyboards State Theater —Angel In My thflit he had been in a horrible mond, and the next player paaa- ' Stephen has been a member (13) ICerv OrifflIrUfbi ticipation, It to to serious trou­ small building near the guard- ( 8-13) Truth or Consequencee- New PHNA Nurse of the inatrumant go by various music tor this instrument as­ separately. Ordinarily, when Pocket, 9:29, 9:10. The Secret contract since he had needed eo. You hold: Spades, Q-8-g-l;'' of the varelty eoooer and track (18) Tbjrage to tbe Bottom ( » ) HunUey-BrinUey FOWLER namea in different languages. Kaman To Design ble. post was damaged by North Ko­ (K the Sea (40) Newab^ The Board of Directors of the sembled, known to this day as you depress a key you will get War Of Hariy Frigg, 7:19. two finesses (trumps and dla- Hearts, K-8-7; Diainonds, Q-n- *- teafflf, end is vioe-president of (30) FUm 7:80 iyS) Hyctery Theater Managers for the American rean Are, the command said. (foventry Public Health Nurses The upright one is usually the Quem Elizabeth Vliglnal the pitch associated with that Flying Ejection Seat monds) and a favorable opening S; Clubs, A-7-C, ' the National Honor Society. He (34), Hlaterozer'a Neizhbor- SmolLlnz and Health Artbar J. FMHsv, i^ e d a clavlcytherlum, regard- Book. League are Naren Elleis, Da­ )>oad (aAn Mon and His Univeree Association has announced tee O p fie im s key. But by use of pedals, you WASHINGTON (AP) — Navy lead to make Ms slam. What do yon aayf' ] / ! Is akeo praeklent of the Audio­ vid OalHgan, (Jharles Leikes, (80) MunXen (lOdMZaO) I Dream of Owner-Monagsr lees of language. The term harp- 'Hie largest onee are about (H9C lihato by TVxn Vaobon) Calcutta Mob Riot* MO) F Tniop Jeonnle appointment ot Mrs. E)dward f can get the octave below, the pUots who find their Jet fighters West shook his head dotefid- Answer: Bid one qpeuls. Y o u ' visual Club, and a member o f Warren Little, Joe Peck and Bichord ia an angllcization of the nine feet long, but they have no Henry nomas CALCUTa PHNA, effective April! 1. • Eyaglseese aacssetsty fiUed by NeasssS apliaisaie . pressing a single key. (The been wise aa the play was Just able to fly their ejection seats South’s ambitious bidding than turn. The hand Is too strong fo r '' science and math olutn. League they are BiU Ooodale, What'i N«wT ians also call the instrument seems to be the rule. For ocn- and at least 50 persons were In­ (M) lYench Chef a Latest laaMas a««laeaaa s Osotaet ISMSS same thing can be done With long enough. When It ended the out of the combat zone In the fu­ of anything eise. If Blast had an immediate response o f 1-NT, little League Lou Haddad, Steve Oehmsen, (80) T Troop 8:80 (»% ) Peytin Ftace e Piamss adjastsd as4 repolrsd «SM$y clavicembalo, gravicembalo or coit wMk, you commonly en­ an organ, of course.) These audience was still very much jured early today when 500 an­ ( 8 ) I------Lore Lucy M) Black Journal IMbuioheator Evening Herald ture. kept quiet nobody would have but not strong enough tor a TWa year’s boys’ • basebaU Wayne Vercammen and Don 18) Herv Griffin Just plain cembalo. counter a double harpsichords are known as 16 foot stops (fo r with it. gry ticket holders rioted after 6:00 (Za-lO) News, Sports. Coventry Correspondent Holly Oqm A $100,000 contract has been noticed hia mistake. Incidental- Jump to 2-NT. j program, otherwise known as Young. William Lodder will Weather (C> 13) Here'a Lucy (C) All harpsichords differ from with two keyboards, one above the lower octave) and 4 toot A good part of its success The News they couldn’t get into a packed 9:00 8-13).. Hayberry kP.D . (C) Oantner, tsl. 743*8798. frnmmmmwr. Than. 9M AJE > 9 PJK. awarded to Kaman Aircraft, ly, have you notloed it? (Jopyright IMS, ' Little League, wiU get under­ supervise the Beginners League. (S3) HiahUghte the pianoforte in that their the other like an organ. There stops (for the upper one.) In could be due to Wolfgang Roth’s pop fesU'val. Newabeot 8) Honday Kovie IM Iy RHD AM .-*ti*. PJE Pope Urge* Mankind Bloomfield, Conn., tor prelimi­ East should have doubled General Features Carp. Newa 40) The (Jutouto K 3 have even been harpsichords soir.!' harpsichords these a re effective settings, to Peter nary design of an ejection seat Polios said organisers of the W m UL3O3380) Monday Nl«ht at event, wMch featured film and I S Rifleman he M ovies with two octaves of pedals, simi­ actual “ draw-stops” like those Himt’s lighting and to Christina To New Morality which could become a gyro­ N ^ro Students Hol'd BiiUding 1 8 9:80 (8-U) FsmUy Affair lar to the organ, but because of on an old-fashioned organ, in- Giannlni’s costumes and masks, radio stars, sold tickets to more (M) AmailnK lAriaooa (34) OonnecUcut Issue plane upon separation from an 1 80) MCRoIea Navy 10:00 (8-13) Oarol Burnett iHm irtfpHtrr the light tone in the bass, these stead o l pedal mechanisms. My The audience was kept outside _ VATICAN____ CITY (AP)—Pope airplane. people than the stadium could (4m 77 Sunset Btr Tolland County 6:80 (8-18)----Walter ‘ Ito (C) NewB are never satisfactory. nephew has a luupelchord built looking in through an indicated ^ forsook Ms usual Easter The___ Navy aald the„ „ uoyivc device hold. The Big Valiev Julian Bond Won^t Mediate (8) Brenlng News BvansNovak eport €DPtttn0 Ifpralik Today the bass is usually re­ in that manner. waU of crossed wires. TTiere include a ftddlng, unpow- The crowd Inside turned ugly, (SO) rum M ovie Announcing (KV3M0) HunUey-Srlnldey (C) 11:00 t inforced with cello or evto dou­ There ia also a “lute” stop were a great number of scenes . . . ^ Instead myed when a microphone connection PdMlahed IkUly Bzcept Sundaya Willimantic River Plans (18 ) M||^vorlte Mirilan 10-13-183380-40) N ew a and Holidays at IS Biasell Street. ble bass, but the harpsichord Is which simulates the tone of that with the set most sensitive to mimian clay to ^ small turbofan Williams College Sit-In snapped and the music couldn’t NewT (R) 11:39 !30)Sj Monday Trou b le ShootersStarlli^ Slanchcater, Conn. (06MO) reeily only useful In small en­ inBtrument by “ damping" the each mood. reject ‘the 7*b»g: ih av^ ritual. He an open-air Mass. He also omit- 50 miles and land at a selected porce slatedtor Aprfl 16 available knowl-. dents took over the THIllams ’’closer together, rather than Police tried to disperse the minute length. Some atatkiiM csrrv other short newscasts.) “ Tonttne” arc 60sy to wate. Wm stead of the one full Inch usual- *® suddenly made aware o f ted any mention o f the contro- spot. He alao would have the on­ rioters with baton charges and College administration building. scattered aroUnd to different WBCB-au 6:14 Market Report looklikenew. Won’t crack, iray or WigB —WisletB—Falb ly encountered on the piano, bullying Intruders who inform versles dividtng a*e Roman tton ' o f parachuting from the gy­ at 8 p.m. at the ’Tolland Agrl- problems and potentials o f the Bond, who Is on a speaking houstog units.” tear gas, then resorted to their 4:00 Hartford Hlzhllehu 6:30 Weather pinhole. Available in many attrac­ Tlila is because harpsichords blm, as they eat hia breakfast Catholic Church about whtoh he 7:00 News 6:39 Strictly Sporu tive colors- Just call us. Ws willbt • Time Payment Plan * Layaways roplane unit. cultural Center in VeiTion. river. < tour, is scheduled to address an The protestors seised the guns when these measures 8:00 OosUghl * Guaranteed all 100% Hunum are only double strung instead P®'** through his clothes, of spoke twice In earlier Holy failed. The rioters fanned out 6:89 Afternoon BdiUon glad to measure your vtindows and LTV Aerospace Corp., Dallas, The steering committee will Among 4he goale of the WRTF ' audience at the college Tueeday building and barricaded them­ 13:00 (julst Houn 7:(X) Accent 69 * Gift OerUfleate o f the triple stringing encoun- bis arrest. No one Week sermons, into nearby streets, setting fire WPOP—L41S 7:19 Now give you a free estimate for new “MILLY” T A Il CEDARS OF LEBANON has a subcontract to study in- report on meetings held since is the formulation of a oompre- night. It hod beMi reported that selves to because of what they 4:00 Danny Clayton •Tontine." * ProfeoBionfd Styltog to a dosen private cars, a state 7:30 David Brinkley teied in modern pianos. Early «'by, or tor what aoo-word adtosss dwdt on stallatlo.t of the new ejectlmi the last general meeting in No- henslve plan tor the nwnage- he had offered Ms services os termed a “vague” response to 4:00 Dtok Heainertoi 7:80 Newa of the World * Ootnparo mediator. passenger biu and two milk 9:00 BIU Love 7:65 Joe Oarazlola plimos had only two iitrln^ x «*« “<»<* teaching, the severe seat in A7 and F4 Jet fighters. vember, as well aa on legisla- ment and devetopmsnt of the ttie demands they had made on t:U0 Qary Olrard 8:06 Fop Concert and narrower keys. Chopin’s Grotesque Creeps In teachirir’’ of Ms rellrious office He said today that he does March 12. booths. wnor—izsi 9:05 Nlfhtbeat piano, which I have played. Is Frtonds send him to various g^yi— i. ..i_ con^ Capital (tuote Uve bills and the need tor an river and abutting WiM o:00 News 11:00 News, Weather PETITE BEAUTY SALON know one of the students to the Th eK haa been no violence to 4:14 rSpeak Up 11:19 $orta Final like this. places for help, and here be- “ The great interest of the X w T ' to be once the comprohenMv phm building and would like to talk the takeover and tee college has Conununiat* Attacked^ 6:00■ T News : .13:00 Nows 6:16 Speak Up BarUoR 84 CnURCH STREET MANGHIISTER The key dip is not so great, 8tns to creep in the grotesque -tinnHve hnMt Press 1" the war in Vietnam and W Mm. But he added that he did made no move to oust the dem­ 048-0822 either These arrangements will in- Kuomintang Claim* 6:49 LoweU momas fher; the instrument is a tl» unreal elements of the Ucense^vro^'cloth It- ^ massive volume of reporting elude a descrlpUon of the con- ^ not Intend to mediate. onstrators. 6:89 PhU Rlsnito little earier to play, and yo u P>ay. IdtoUc chUdren plague his have played a major role bear­ TAIPEI (AP) — Nattonallst 7:00 The WotM Toaizn •'Personalized Hair Shajiitog BINGO tent and the membership of the hnplemenitatlon o f the The Negroes toslda the buUd- 7:30 Frank OIBord LIG Q E n DRUO * Hair Styling * Hair Oolorii« can negotiate “ octave gllssandl’ ’ to the studio o f an artist; cocultlng ing on American public opinion China’s ruling Kuomintang par­ erty. task force. pion. 7:80 Speak Up Spoiv * Walk-tos Welcome on them with relative ease, ^ hideous dusty cripple personl- on the w ar and the sltiuitlon in tog have been 'supplied with ty (KMT) reported today its 8:00 News E. A. JOHNSON ORANOE HALL EVERY TUESDAY Copies of the proposed plan- The plan Is expected to plBce. PARKADE though the couplers make this the victims of the court, He urged mankind to stir up Vietnam.” —Gen. WUUam C. food slipped through the chained agents attacked CMnese Oom- 8:10 Speak Up aporu Open Thurs. *c BVi. Evenings tIU 9 PM. nlng design and assignments maximum streaa on the devetop- 8:80 Speak Up Hariforo O P G N uimocesaary. kept waiting a lifetime tor their “ new and herodc moral ener­ Westmoreland, Army cMef of doors by wMte students, and niunlst military posts to Tibet tl:80 Berry Fariier PAINT CO. Ckwed Mondays wlU he passed out with copies ment of the river and aiiQBOent. Fire Calls | ’The tone is somewhat cloying. cases to come iq). gies.’ ’ staff who was U.S. commander about 90 wMte students spent and to Yunnan and Kwangtung 11:18 SIlPi on F:45 AAA. to 10 P.M. m MAIN ST., MANOHESm of a brief report by the steer- *>*■ recreation and oonaer- W1 ip -ites It sounds nice for a while but Freedom is always out of In Vietnam for four years. Sunday night to sleeping hags Town firefighters extinguished proYlnoes on march 29 to cele­ 4:00 Afternoon Bdltloe Ing committee. vatlon purposes. outside the building to support is distinctly limited. After an reach for the accused. “ We MacMillan Lauded a furnace fire Saturday at 12:48 brate the opening of the party's of those Inside. hour or so you tend to become don’t always know how to de­ Capital Footnote Merwln E. Hupfer, principal managing the water at the high-. p.m. on 18 M ilford Rd. loth congress. PROVINCiBTOWN, M^a a s. • veinweagH er AHcetea. mg. surfeited. I never played but fend ourselves very well.” But About one dozen persons stiU sanitary engineer of the State managing the water at th ehlgh- 'niq 20 protestora took over Sunday, town firefighters, re­ H ie K M T congress ends (AP) —^Rear Admiral Donald one harpsichord recital in my Joseph K.’s trial does come up are working to wind up the busi­ Water Resources Commission, est feaalMe quality and Mr «nan-. Hopktos Hall early Saturday sponding to a comptotot from Wednesday. Complefe Home B. MacMillan, last survivor of Ufe, and then In sui emexgoicy &nd he strikes back at the sys- ness of the Inaugural committee will speak on the present status aging the land to preserve and and have pledged to remain an Olcott St. area resident, sent The report said, to Tibet, the Furnishings Since Early Bird Uxe 1909 Peary expedition to the when the scheduled soloist met tern of law he calls lunatic, which rtaged the ceremonies of water polluUon control pro- enhance the scenic and wfldHfe there until they receive specific a car to tee town dump to riieck KMT agents rallied with more North Pole, received messages ______1899! with an accident too late to in­ “ the grinding and turning of a when President Nixon was grams and studies with particu- resources, responses to a list of 19 de­ on some burning atumpe there. than 8,000 'nbetans to three of congratulations from Presi­ Special form the ticket holders. whole machine with all of you sworn in Jan. 20. The work lar emphasis placed on pollu- mands. A fireman at the OeHtral Sta­ raids against Communist caval­ OPEN 6 DATS BVISY WEEK—THCRS. NIGHTS TIIX. 9 dent NlxMrs.. We Are Scheduling Our Spring employment in uncle, Anthony Heald as FYanz, tory canter and annual admit­ Connecticut L l ^ t A Power <3o. Wedding Tragedy Add yeans o f beauty and oewnfort to The Sidmlral has lost much of the true spirit ol America.”— {L location along your prasent upholstered Furniture by Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia, ^e WflUmantlc River are Oov- tance of thne students from Su­ customers were affected by an KAVADAR, Yugoslavia (AP) Installations .. . Take Advantage • TOY DEPT. ®ye«>8W Mit oth- avoiUng yoursrif of this great offer from Katherlne Hehnond as Leiil and ^ beam . ___ ^ entry and Tolland. Tolland’s in- dan, Africa. hour-long power failure to parts — Eleven persons drowned I* LUbfCHEONEHE TECHNICOLOR' Unitiri Artiits o f Westport and Norwalk Sun­ our Custom Reuphols­ /'y. Of This Gigantic Savings— Call a host ot others. . “ Would you Uke to be my prompts the parUcl- Dr. John B. Sawyer, W il­ when an ovOrloaded boat car^ tering Depanttnmt i n w NMMnm * day evening. ' 'S.A - yfl HOUSEWARES And when lea'ving 'the theater Black Muaiima frlend? Maybe if two people Capitol Region liams’ president, said the all- rytog a -wedding party over­ Ghooee from a &>eclal tTOHI J / A 'f " OFFICE CASHIER —there is no curtain caH — one make friends then hundreds of ^®**®y well ajs the Negro housing propoMd would The (3LAP said tee blackout turned on a lake near this Mace­ Group of the NWeet ^ ' V '' files” out very slowly and very Defrock Clay ^ "cteitrary to the educatlanal WM due to a cable failure to donian town Sunday. Nine per­ Potiterns in Tradl- 6 4 ^ ^ a MAINTENANCE thousands and millions of people Region. silently for suddenly right at the pMlosophy of the ooUege,” a power substatlan here^ sons managed to swim ashore. tlcnal,"' Modem, (3q4o- y&.-.y..-. a m c M M (Ap ) — KVirmer- "“I**'* ^>® Wiends.’’—Cathy Scri- i l l * * MAN very end, the audience b ^ m e s mentt, 10, of Detroit, in a letter nlal and Provincial Fabrice to Decorator Apply a t otfloA^ very much Involved physically. to Trim Buu Klm e, a Hanoi no- •' Vf’ STATE There on (he stage, and one hi-LwZa? gotlator at the Vietnam peace WWAT! MANfHrtnu < 1 m < 1 b SAVE IW.T. BRANT 00.1 must walk hy It, IsU (he crum'crum- Ulks In Paris. ^ il ' ihii MAUN Biau o) iMia’Ui A sports car for people w ho have better things Mancheator Parfcade pled .body of Joseph K. ANGEL 8:80. Q»1 And in (he sudden light o f (he again to pay off hia biUs. Blank______Mtiribn leader BIHah never possess mari- to spend their money on than a sports car. 2 5 % to 5 0 % lobby ^^e again notices (he Muhan^med a ^ u ^ ; ; ^ o v e r the ^ In my house I don’t strange cover onws. the program, a 4w^ 4hsx w .. iz_ 1_ DBed Dol. It's Hot Importftiit to ON , simple typed dedlcatton to the. me.”-BeaUe George Harrison, 3 ; If $6,000 sports cars were one stick shift* and front-wheel disc people of Czechoslovakia and to P*'* Spe^, teat ,ecenUy fined $600 tor poases- of life's necessities, o lot more brakes. (They're not part of an Re-Roofing • Gutters GHAROE YOUR thelr counterparts In Atabamei. ®®®J» «wp«nded friwn marijuana turned up In a ATHC people would buy them. > optional sports package. They're Vinyl Siding • Storm 'Endows Greece, CSiicago, Blafra, Mis- police raid on Ids bungalow. Prnfanzlnnal WortananaMp— PRESGRIFTION slsslppl, Spain, Horiem, India, ,PP®° ***8 Iriam lc name o f ______^‘*^^iHMiaasgang ^ - and A ll New CkuMone Instead, they save their money part of the car.l Vietnam and on past the bottom ***e m m e d AU. lajeecsTTO ros tmuxr . uokmczs) Kitchen Cabinets • Formica Omntertops WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM MADE to get married. To buy a house. The Ghia scrimps and saves HERE of the sheet. CSay has retracted Ms state- Five Day ForevaM SECRET WAR TaS • Bathrotnn RcjmkMing It would seem the critics nttnt about returning to the ring 7:00 - 9:05 DACRON FABRICS and CLEAR VINYL SLIPCOVERS To send their kids to college. on gas. You should get up to 28 WINDSOR LO(3K8, Conn. (A P • Formica Vanitories WE HONOR are not in among the'audience several times and told a Geor- Phone 643-4159 for Keith's And it's the college kids who mpg. And when it comes to serv­ on opening nights but rather up gla Tech audience Friday, " I’ll drive the sports cars. ice, it goes t6 a VW dealer. N o there on the stage, saying to never cUmb Into the ring or go BURNSIDE FREE H OM E SERVICE! FREE KITCHEN & PLAY-ROOM tee audience. "Look at your^ into an arena again.’’ ^ !!!!^ l!'.lhi,"Dt t;.ST II.MiTFORD This didn't seem/ quite sport­ costly tune-ups. N o tempera­ selves; we wlU show you what — ------expected to " average “above nor­ ^ E E PARKINC f'28 -3333 KNITS We eterllise end reped, seats ere rebuUt, q>rtogs ore retied, ing. So Volkswagen came out mental parts to coddle. (W.e you really are.” mal. D aily highs wUl be aver­ new webbtag used, loose Jotota ore tegtoed, spring cush- aging in the upper 90s and tow SOON! "TH E n m n loiH are leptooeil, aeame and wetting ore hand-sewn and witirthe Karmann Ghia. treat it I ike a V W because, under- DESIGN SERYIGE Charged in Melee 60s and overnight lows In tee OF MISS JEAN BBODOB” Discover DACRON KNITS. juPt IVi jrds. fram ee «w « oom plefely pottabed. It looks like a $6,000 sports neath, that's what it is.) upper 80s. makes a dreas you’ll love weariiiff. Lady Churchill NEW YORK (AP) — PoUoe machine. IThe body's an original You might say the Karmann Mild Tuesday, seasonable dur­ Over 200 boHs to choose from. Have Yon Tried KeMh’e ”Oiie-Stop SbepptogY" Call Reported Weaker said Calvin Neff, M, of West- ing the middle of . the period Italian design.) But it carries a Ghia is for people who want port, Conn., was one o f throe • W e ll Come To Your e AU PHeheet and warm at tee end of tee 0 ^ IN PfRSON A FinMt QUALITY at Low LOW M IU PRICES Home Tto Advtoe You! modest Volkswagen price tag. everything for their children. LONDON (AP) — Baroness men arrested and charged with m'riod SUN, APRIL 13~ BeCnne DeUvecyl R&R Contractors e Dee Ow New Oevelvtog e We Have Terme To $2365* And just a little something for Spencer-ChurcMU, 84-yeais)ld felontous assault here Sunday Precipitation may total on« 8 PJL fjaiar. t^aul Credit PhMk! PI68Z6 E v y o w e l widow of Sir Winston ChurchUl, tollowliig a meleo In Central half inch ™ or more In^ rain about And that includes the 4-speed themselves. was reported “a Uttle weaker” Park between four poUcemen Thursday and Friday. today at Westminster hospital, and a group of rock-throwers, and cJltarif Vbikswagen Karmann Ghia PINE PHARMACY where she has been confined The incident occurred near BUSHNELL 9M CENTER ST. since Friday with a breken a gateerlng of 1,000 Mpples, (Pilgrim k/Mills thigh suffered in a fall at her whlon police said was orderly tiviiU ir fffjffVfff <’ 44 - 2720. TsMto S2 T»rptog; Anna Maniszcsak, tended a bearing Mat month at noon daaeee. During one snow inedltHns and family planning. Van, fully sqnlppad, wtth a oaHi tor an hicreaae In coat to ftoa An appotntmsnt for an in- cuaring a proposal ttiat the town minutes. York (Xty, was named a runner- bal has file d an action In Su­ 86 Duncaater Lane Vemon; the State Capttol to urge the storm the scliods were closed Volunteer groups are servti« in one tan load eapadty. Rataa n abren o t $4X3,848 to r th e neat tervlmr wlU beset up with Paul Join the Oommuntty Renewal The board also denied th e Maternity; Fathers, 11 a.m. • up In the second International request of William A. Barten- perior Court. Mrs. Bvelyli Fraael, 187 Broad the bill submitted laat year be at rMon so sAemoon classes Electronic Music Conipetitloa the hills of Tsimeasss,' Mexico, an 7c per mSs, $7 pmr day, llaoal year after deducting eati- White, principal of the school. Team of Hartflord. 18:45 p.m ., and 8 p.m..8 p.m.; Tile Hemy BuUdtng was renreraed. Tlw bill had ahked had to be canceled. South Vietnam and Hong Kong. and the lin t 14 mOsa am rnatod reaenuea of $114,037. Ac­ Bulletin Board Bteln, 89 Alison Dr., to allow a othera, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and 8 St; Mary Rumney, Stom; held at Dartmouth (follege Sat­ The council will be acoepfng Tlie Syhes students actually The projed Is supported by froa. Don't km monsy ba- cording to tha letter, tMa le an The teachers of the Hebron used car dealer’s Uoense on willed to the town by E. Stev­ p.m.-8 p.m. Catherine Noonan, 12 Jensen tor and reoetvad on appropria­ urday. the Auditor’s Report for the fis­ ha-ve throe days to msUce up. voluntary contrtbuUone from cauas your truck Is down — Inoreaae of $llS,lia oaer the laat Elemeritary Church School will premises known as 838 John ens Henry In 1921 with the pro- Age Llmlta: 18 In nustornlty. St.; Diana Peteraon, 27 Turn- tion of $600,000 to ooR«et th e Peter Gluahanok, a photogra­ use our nntal tzuek the aaxt cal year ending June SO, 1968, NOW THRU SAT, APRIL tMi! The school was dosed down af­ the general public. flaoal year. The tnoreaee hold their monthly meeting to­ Fitch Blvd. vWan that net proceeds from It In other areas, no limit in bull Rd.; Hemy Cummings, curve but the hnprovamsnt had pher and director from Nsw time your truek usaSi m n- which was d ^yed due to a dis­ te r a cdH ng feH and the buUd- amounta to an addflUomd 6.8 night at 7:M p.m. in the Smith- Engaged The request was denied due the rental of the building be Kolf-aervlee. Bast Hartford; • Charloa Oder- tumid into a "aupw Idgkway" York City, and Pater B. Kkaus- Donations by the Manchester vlos. Gellert Lounge. agreement between the auditors to the potential for creating a used tor the upkeep of the matm, 604 Parker St; Neil which townepeople did hot want. Pageant Orgiodst Ing huqieotor ordered that all meyer, a composer from Arm group included 26 nykm stocking CUUHTDE O H E V S fM E o n -, mUU baaed on Uia Ootober rhe engagement of Ruth Tlie- The Board of Admiseion of and the Board of Skhication con­ traffic hazard, the materials Grove Hill Cemetery. Pierson Jr., 292 Jumper Lame; Rep. O’lfoill said that th e CUfton Ooodale will be the of the oeiUngw be repaired. It Arbor, Mich., were named co- dolls and 1(X) plastic Ud frlablss. la o . Ghand U a t one Pomeroy of Somers, to Rob­ cerning oertaJn funds which the GKSANTIC TROPICAL The adminintrattoa reminds Electors will be in session in used are flammable and could Tile building was condemned Loren Andreo, 882 Bush Hill matter must go bofore the organist for the Manchester has not been decided by th e winnen of the contest that drew They roUed 66 hospital bad: 1236 Miain S t, MandittSsr Ihe Board of Finanoe feole ert J. Demers of Clinton has board allocated to the fiscal visitors that with construction the town office building tomor­ be detrimental to health, odora Rd.; Dma PeOeitier, Broad House hut he sitttetestes no Jaycees’ Miss Manchester State Board of Education yet lOG entries. I ages. ’M. 64S4»8 that tfaia increaae la axoeaalve been announced by her parents, year 1988, but did not make use last month and demolition of it under way, parking i^aae Is row'from 6 to 8 p.m. could be offensive to the mlgh- Brook; J o a ^ Dube, East Hart­ problem Ibera as realde~'ts sim­ Scholarship Pageant. In view of the acbool popula- M r. and MIm. Richard W. Pom ­ of until this year. is scheduled to start tomorrow. n S H SALE! limited, visitors sure asked to The senior citisens group, borhood, the service would not ford; John Waller Jr., 184 Lake ply want ths^ourvis ‘TnqMNraed" Qoodalfc started his musical tion groath and the. toot that eroy of Somers. Alter aeveral meetings w(th In the notion fifed, Sohwebel is bear svlth the hospital while the sponsored by the ^bron Rec­ be beneficial to town bectmse Rd., Andover; Roooo Franco- at tar leas cost to tfw state. career st the age of 8 with the Rham 4a embarldng on an ex­ Her fianoe is the son of Mrs. the board the auditors revised questioning, "Can (he town sell (Sony—Mo^Els) parking problem exists. reation Oouncll Inc. will meet of restrictive nature of the bus­ Une, 618 Spring St.; M n. Kath­ study of t)is accordion. At the tensive eniazgement program. Peter Masnickl of 108 Eldric^ (he report critlclxlng this prac­ tlie land?" He also questions if Bsmove Jonk Cars at 1 p.m. on Wednesday at the iness and the public interest leen Michaud, Bumap Brook age of ft he transferred his The coat of ttds program will St. and the late Henry W. De­ tice to allow the specific the proceeds of the sale should Swords • Angob ADMITTED SATURDAY: O. Presoott Hodges, aontqg Q ilead (Congregational (Church would not be eubstantlally Farm, Attdover; Samuel studies to the piano and organ. be feH in oomtng years. The let­ m ers. amount, $88,000, to be charged be placed in the general fund Oscar AnSenon, 848 O nter St; agent, says that with the com­ for a card party. AU persons served by the service. Adamy, 174 Parker St. Later he attended the Hart­ ter statea, "Although $83,310 .'n Miss Pomeroy will be a June of the towix or in a trust with M o IHm Guppios ing of spring, residents should to 1988 year. The auditors, how­ The service proposed was for Mrs. EUa Bortfaoloinew, An­ ford School of Music and stud­ interest payments tor the bond 60 and over are invited. Those graduate of Enfield High School. the income to go to Grove HUl Also, John Pitman, RFD 8, remove old oars, junk and oth­ ever, only allowed the aUoca- a fiberglass sb ^ for car bodies. dover; BtaiSey Basyld^ 81AC ied classical organ under Gor­ “ Catch up'* on thU Maine Beauty requiring transportation may Mr. Demers is a graduate of Cem etery. Vemon; John Coogan, 266 West er undghtly detoie from publlo anticipatlan note is imduded in tton on the promise that the Zobras McGuire Lone; Anthony De- don Steams of West Hartford. the propoaed budget, the bulk of contact the Rev. Herbert Kel­ Manchester Ugh School. He re­ "If the funds are to be in Rd., Rockville; Mn. Marjorie and private kwattoos. Regular board would revise Ms book­ Manchester Evening Her­ Moura, Hartford; Mbs. Laurette Tickets tor the Pageant, to be sey or Mrs. Thomas Hovey of ceived hie bachelor of science trust, may the town deduct Curtis and son, 164 (Xrestildge impeottooi will be made from the budget increaae atoms from keeping praettces in the future. (3odln, 882 Summit S t; Edward held April 19 at Manchester High Blast St. ald South Windsor oorre^ from the proceeds of the sale Dr., Vemon; Mn. Joyce Moray now on, says Hodges, to bdp French oontracted IS per cent aahuy and master cf aits degrees in The oouncll will be setting the spondent, Carol Moulton, t e L Hanlon, 18 Debnont St; Mrs. aiul demghtor, Stafford Springs; School, may be obtained from increases and payments of fam­ Drug Program music education from the Uni- time and place for two public of land, the coats of demolish­ keep the town clean and he Heinz 6U-8714. Doris Hunt, 388 Charter Oak any Manchester Jaycee.oi;, the ily medical insurance.” The Local reoidenta are invited to verslty of OonnectknH. hearings, one to seek an addi­ ing the buUding?" Schwebel Mra. ChidsUne MSIer and aon, appeals to ermryone to do his ONI fer tht Moaay. TWO far Hit show St.; OMtis. Anna Pedi, East Hart­ House of Plywood, 261 Adams board of Finanoe feels that attend the second in a aeries Mr. Demese Is emptoyed by tional appropriation for acquisi­ asks. The demolition project 5 ^or 9 9 * Marlborough; Mra. Judith Mc- part. ford; Henry Rau, Plymouth St. THKE ft nokt ratHy. . . tgd, there ane areas of economy, of lectures on (Community the (Clinton (Connecticut Board tion of the Kupahunoe property was put out to Ud and The CUntick and daughter. Bast Ho added that hullditig per­ Ketchup 5-lbBag Health entitled, "The Family LotM, B olton; M artin Schun, Windsor; Mrs. Judith Morrison however . o f Ekhioatton. and one to seek a change in Dam Leaking, Ever-Ready Destruction Co. of m its a re needed to r saiy buUd­ FOURttOOMmi-nUCMG*^! Htinr . . . tha kttchtm with Here's a grsat pries for S lbs of Among Hems suggested by the (Crisis in Drug Abuse," to be A June 28 wedding is planned. voting district boundaries. Newington was awarded the WarehouM Point; Bernard and son, Huntington Dr., Ver­ ing terser than a doghotwe. the can't be ewied flevor. French Frias.' Just use them as held tom orrow a t 8 at the WO- Job at a price o t $17,900. LOOK! F-R-E-E! SohuKa, 888 BldweU S t; Rene non; Ellen Simmons and daugh­ So rich it sees further. Try needed and kasp tha rest in the board are; The eliminatton of The council is expected to Precautions Set TMs indudes portahle houses, Legal Aid some . . . (or an tscitlng the coat of temponary portable Ilam B. Sweeney School on-Oak deslgnoto the week of April 14 The court date for the action Thlron m, 47 HUIside Rd.; ter, Rt. 3, Coventry; Mrs. Janet ooibhMte, sheds or poote. Hodges new flavor thrill. freezer (or the next time. It’s too Amazon Sword Plan t (R eg. $1.49) w ith any $8.8$ 1?roploal daasrooms, oonthudng the use HUl Dr. in Wlfflmantic. “Youth Week” as part of the MONTEREY, Mass. (AP) — is April 15. Mrs. EmUe Turgeott, East Hart­ Varrick and son, 62 Dartmouth noted that w the water level toad a valua to pass upl’ Fish Purchase! • for one more year the present Participants in the panel pres- Lodge Mum South Windsor Women’s dub State and local officials, ever News of Servloenien ford; Mrs. Jeanne^ Verniort, Rd.; Mra. John Oldman and te high thin te a good time to Explained eriftaUcn depicting drug abuse Airman Roiiert J. SurdeU Jr., 102 West St. son, 387 Hartford Rd.; Mra. physical atruoture and using youth activKles In South Wind­ mindful of th'e dam collapse In check septic aystsms. A meeting was held recently Tuesday, April 8, Is a big day for mini- nod methods of preventkm and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Judttth Keen and daughter, 37 Mg VahM 7 moderation in Idling additional sor. ADMITTED SUNDAY: Mrs. Aiildbig peimMs have been between a gro«q> of about 80 pricing®! It’s the day we unveil four rehabilitation will be: James On Word of nearby Lee a year ago In which SurdeU Sr., Brown’s Bridge Rd., AQUARIUM Waddell Rd.; Mrs. Jean St. sta ff uiHU the new building is ZBA Approval tWo peraoru were killed, main­ Vivian Baznea, Anwton; Aime- ianied to Burton Ives tor an area residents and some area completely remodeled, like-brand-new In U | ready tor occupancy. E. O’Brien, M.D., clinical has completed basic training at Marle Billig, 686 Griffin Rd., Pierre and son, 216 School. St.; lawyers to discuss the avall- stores. . . just for your shopping pleM- At a meeting of the Zoning tained their around-the-clock addUian to a buUdlqg on Rt. 6; p a c k o ^ The bofud ends its letter by ptaarmacolagiat and Bssiating Lackland AFB, Tex. Waqpiiing; Oregiory Bunfflam , Mrs. Hannah Stevenson and abiUty of legal representatlmi ure. Wait’ll you see our Milford, ( ^ n . . OAS O ffer Board of Appeals following a watrh today on the straining 10 8al. M U p Mra. James Murray, two ad­ urging residents to attend the visiting phyaidan, St Francis A graduate of Ellington High South Windsor; Mrs. Lorraine daughter, 44 Mather St. to those people in the area who Post Center store and our Hamden, WESTPORT, Conn. (A PI- public hearing held last Thurs­ dam holding back Lake Gar­ ditional rooms, Wtoodtend Ter.; meeting tonight to enable the Hospital; MUton 8. CamlUeri, School he has been assigned to have a Umited Income. Conn., store at 940 Di'avell Ave. Former Oonnecticut Gov. John day evening the board acted on field. Caron, 192 Warren Ave., Ver­ Nyte end Bartwra Smith, two passage of cm eqiHtaMe budg­ narcotic agent. State Depart­ Keesler AFB, Mias., for train­ O om pleto! At the meeting held at the They’re spectacular! And not to be out­ Davis Lodge declined over the the following requests: The lake, which covers about SI5M non; I&s. Joan Giooio, South rooms, bneseway and petto, done is our renovated stores in Everett' et The board urges each cHl- ment of Health; Dr. William J. ing In communicatbms electixm- CommuiUty Y, 79 N. Main St, weekend to affirm or deny pub­ David B. Webster, 1678 El­ 260 acres, continues to rise at Windsor; Lionel Dubois, iWare- Rt. 6, and E. Sadlon, hunfchouse and Natick, Mass. Yes, Tuesday is a sen to vote as be ttiinlcs beat. Nelligan Jr., siqierintendent of Ica systems. Foe Slashes Atty. David Keith, ropreoenting lished reports that he has been lington Rd., was granted a vari­ the rate of about one-sixteenth houne P o in t; MXa. A rlln e Dunn, Oentor Oamp. big day for usi Parent-Teacher Parley the Windham Public Schools Seaman Apprentice John E. the Manchester Bar Associa­ asked to become permanent U.8. ance to allow a sign larger than of an inch per hour, officials 20 Gal. Sat Up Farmtogton; Mrs. Flora Ga- Mn. Hffl Named Parent - teacher conferences and a former drug addict from permitted on premises known as Edwards, USN, son of Mr. and tion, dlscuised the present legal representative to the Oragnlsa- said this morning. Arid the 79- bree, South W indsor; MXs. Mra. Charles Hill, vice chair­ for the OOead HD and Hebran Daytop, Inc. of New Haven. Mrs. John E. Edwards, 16 Mor­ U.S. Troops, aid system. Keith said that most tioa of American States. 1678 Ellington Rd. The South year-old dam continues to leak, Groce GlgUo, 23M St James man of the Republican Town Elementary Schools win be held rison St., is serving aboard the of the cases referred to partici­ Lodge indicated at his home Windsor Bank and Trust Co., they added. 020.88 O on iplatel S t.; Edmond Good, E3a«t H art­ Committee, has been named Wedneeday through Friday at Mancheister Evening Her­ 1038 John Fitch Blvd., was destroyer USS Orleck off the pating attorneys have required Maxi-men promise savings you can “bank o n ”, m here Saturday that any an­ ford; Mrs. Catherine lOtt, 179 K illin g 14 v ic e chairm an o f the 62nd As­ the schoola. Students wD attend ald Hebron isoricqMNident, granted a similar request. The leak first was noted over coast of South Vietnam. Inclodes; 10 or 20 gallon stainless steel tank, gravel, pomp, only informal advice, not actual nouncement on such a matter G reen Rd. sembly District steering com- school these days until 1 p.m. Marjorie Porter, tel. S38-8118. the weekend, and some nearby filter, heater, stahiless steel reflector, tubing, glaaawool, (Contlmied from Page One) courtroom reproaentation. would have to come from the Ruth Burnham, c/o Edward charcoal, thermometer, bulbs' and aquariuni' bMUBk. , ^ AkM, Edward Huntington, mlttee which has been re­ R. Kuehn, West Hartford, was residents were evacuated Satur­ Memorial Service men reported a notable drt^ In In criminal matters, KMth White Hointe. day night. Broad Brook; Mrs. Bernadlne organised to begin campaign granted a variance to allow a enemy activity there and said said the present pubUc defend­ Diplomatic sources were said A.K.C. REOISTERED PUPPIES IN STOCK — Janoo, East Hartford; Mrs. plana for the 1970 state election. lot with less frontage and Authorities also set up a com­ Honors Mrs. Ives the threat to Saigon posed by er system is available. New Area Group Backs to be hinting that I’resldent munity warning system, in the Margaret Jones, M Hamlin St; The committee plans to buy smaller in size than required on REDDING (AP) — Mrs. Har­ While They Last — We Have Only 1 ot Each! four North Vietnamese and Viet Keith oaid «uiyone who needs Nixon offered Lodge the OAS event the situation becomes Mrs. Qynthla Joyner, 60 Crest- out seats at the Goodapeed premises known as 678 Pleasant mony Twlchell Ives, the 92-year- Cong divisions had eased. legal aid and cannot afford to position and that Lodge has ac­ more serious. ridge Dr., Vernon; Mlory King, Opera House in East Haddam Urban Problems Study Valley Rd. in an RC zone. old widow of composer (Xiarles (They’ve Had 1st Shot, Dewonned and Guaranteed!) They said allied forces in the hire an attorney should caU the cepted. He would succeed Sol The L«e dam failure last Ives, was honbred here Sunday 12 PariMr St; Mrii.i Mildred in the summer for a night per­ M. Linowitx in that post. Salvatore Garofalo, P.O. Box e Samoyed a Pekingese a Yorkshire Terrier e B lalteae area killed m ore than 8,000 ene­ formance as a fund raising proj­ Municipal Bfflldln^ and ask for spring came without warning. at a memorial service. She died Lange, 148 Blssell St; Mn. my soldlera in the post six B A K IT D R D , Cksin. (A P ) — transpontatloa, poor housing and Lodge, after serving as gov- 202, Wapping, was granted a e Poodle a Cairn Terrier # Chihuahua e B eagle p N or­ ect. legal aid referral. The partici­ go mmi-pnemg! Damage amounted to millions here Friday. Ootherlne Makulte, 188 Welln weeks, took more than 1,000 WIlBon C. Jataasen, president o f unwnptoyment. er."x>r o f (Connecticut from 1980- one-year permit to allow him wegian Elk Hound Health Lecture pating attorney would elthw ot dollars. Mrs. Ives was born In Hart­ St.; Anthony Mosser, 81 Oak prisoners and captured mmre The corporation leaders also 19C4, was appointed ambassador to park refuse trucks within a A community health lecture give advice over the phone or the Greater Hartford Oorp., an- Officials have described the ford. Her husband won a PuUt- b t; Giles Parker, Weed WUUng- tlian 3,000 weapmu and 100 tmis said the study comes as a re­ to Spain In 1965 and served in building on premises known as will be held tomorrow night at ask the person to come in for nounced Saturday that a $2 mil- ^ Prertdent Nixxm’s plan situation here as serious, but zer Prize In 1947 for his Third ton; Karen Roy, 109 HoH St.; o f rice. the post until 1981. He Is cur- 367 Pleasant Valley Rd. in an Sweeney School in WllUmantic an interview. A not yet critical. Symphony, and her father, the U on ih i^ will be made In the to have private enterprise help rently national president of Ju- .1 zone. The permit will allow Steven Santo Oulato, Talcott- "We do not see any large- Keith said one problem of the The dam la a stone and steel Rev. Joseph H. TwlcheU, accom­ from 8 to 9:80 p.m. M n. Phyl- Hartfotd area on urban prob- public groups solve uiban prob­ Garofalo to park five trucks ’vllls; Henry Schwarm, 119 scale activity throughout the Srd present system is that any nlor Achievement, a private reinforced structure. A local en­ panied his neighbor, Mark Us Jones, PHN supervisor, said lems. lems. inside the building, plus eight Read, . Herald Advertisements Cooper HUl S t; Venning Sharp. Corps at this Ume," said a courtroom representation Is group concerned with teen­ gineer said Sunday that he did Twain, on a tour of Eun^. the topic la "The Family Oiats The study will be financed by The corporation leaders in- containers on the site. 107 Hartl Dr., TalcottvUIe; Mat­ spokesman. "The enemy has now Umited to defending a suit. agers. not think the structure could be in Drug Abuse." Mitchell Trucking, Inc., 90 thew Spear, 64 Chentnut St.; been hurt by his rice supply. Under the present system, it is tbe ootporattoo, a newly toimed dude, besides Jainsen who is strengthened. A panel discussion will In­ Brookfield St. withdraw its re­ Kathryn Starkweather, 188 Lake Moat of the people aM hungry. impossible for a person of low non-profK orgsnixatioa, to deter- a consultant to the Hartford In- Three brooks feed the lake, v o lv e drug abuse 4uid. tom e quest for a temporary and con­ St; Mrs. Priscilla West Ihwt They ore abort of medical sup­ income to Initiate a law suit mlne bow random and sporadic surance Group, WUUam P. Yale Head Says and all were reported bankful methods of prevention, early de­ ditional permit to allow the use H artford. plies. Malaria Is a big problem. Speakers at the meeting sug­ urban-aid programs can be re- Gwinn, chairman of United Air- Sunday tection and rehablUUon, she placed by a regionally coordi- craR (Corp.; Henry R. Roberts, Tax Grant Illegal of a stone crusher on premises B IR TH S S A T U R D A Y ; A It causes them heavy casual­ said. gested thalt an emergency phone known as a Barber Hill gravel If the dam should give w ^, daughter to Mr. and MX*. Rob­ tie s ." number be set up where i>eople ^ noted plan with long-range ac- president of Connecticut Oener- NEW HAVEN (AP)* — Tale officials say most of the wnter Participants wlU be Dr. P tion. al Insurance Oorp.; (Moott D. pit. ert Person), Lewis HUl Rd., But analysts predicted the of­ James O’Brien, cllnlool phar­ on welfare could oonitact legal University President Kingman The board denied the request would sweep down Konkapot fensive would continue and ac­ State, regional and dty plan- Smith, chairman of Aetna Life- Brewster Jr. has said It would C oven try; a son to M r. a n d MTs. macologist at ffl. FTancls Hos­ help anytime. of the Petroleum Energy Corp., Brook, which flows through the tion would pick up again with Miss Mary Della Fera, repre­ ners, some d whom apparently & Casualty, and Sterling T. be legally impossible for the Jose|Si Peggloli, 166 Henry St.; pital; Milton CamlUeri, state Hartford, for a specific excep­ center of town, passing beneath sbmo battalion-sized assaults senting Town Manager ■ Robert were surprised by disclosure of Tooker, president of Travelers university to comply with a re- a daughter to IB*, and Mrs. itarsgologist, and Dr. WUUam tion to allow a gasoline station a bridge oa Main Street. and continuation ot rocket and B. Welsa, Said that the State the project, greeted the proposal (CORP. 'quesTmlule last Monday by New Rldiord Kbpp, 789 Avery St., Nelligan, superintendent of on premises known as 30 The dam last was strength­ mortar attacks. They said the Capitol could be cctiled, and a w ith cautious cq>timlsm. Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee. Wapping. Windham pubUc schools. A Wlndsqrvllle Rd. ened about 20 yecus ago, an^lo- most critical area is still the welfare worker wo«dd contact The proof is “ I am hopeful that the people Lee has suggested that since BERTHS SUNDAY; A former drug addict from Day- The request was denied be­ cal authorities say no work has string of American bases the Inquiring party as soon os who are Involved in this organ- Yale, the city’s largest Institu­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Don­ top, Inc., will describe his Lions To Sell cause of possible driving haz- been done on it since. stretching 20 to TO miles north­ possible. in the eating isatkin are going to be aetton- tion, pays no property taxes be­ ald Worth, 66 Merllne Rd., Veiv "journey to and from the world west of Saigon. When It comas to meat. Ilka anything oriented," said Hartford City non; a son to MT. and Mn. of unreality-” Also present at the meeting Cracker Jacks cause educaiUonal establish­ With fighting around the capi­ elst, thare's no substitute for quality Arthur Logue, South St., Rock­ were Robert O. Viets, staff at­ M anager EUisha Freedm an. „ o », v u ments are tax exempt. It should tal at a low level, hall the B62 and we never compromise quality (or ville; a daughter to Mr. and Manchester Evening Herald torney for the TollaiHl-Wlndham price. The proof is in tha eating! You ‘^ r e have been many such y,” ^ b ^ "ci^ ^ ja rt raids along the Ssdgon ap­ Legal Assistance Program; ventures cm planning and re- ^ next three years. Mrs. James Eaton, 40 Olcott St. Columbia correspondent Vir­ sea, at Stop A Shop we believe that tha proaches have been shifted to WlUlam E. Slelth, president of meat department is tha most important In a letter released Saturday, DISCHARGED SATURDAY ginia Carlson, tel. 338-9114. h . - n ------the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos loiMi Manufacturing Co.; Mrs. part of the supermarket so we service it he was sure the oiganiaers Brewster wrote he could see John Blssell, 46 Quarry Rd., Monday^ Tuesday & Wednesday^ Fresh collect money to support local At the'height of the offensive, Erna Van (Hake, and Mrs. a littia more than w4 have to, to make “nothing but trouble" from Vermn; Mrs. Cora Asplnoll, sura it is. The proof Is in the eating. were aware of the problems and charities. now In Its seventh week, as Emma Poirier, of Atty. Vlet’s "are not going to be just satis­ lee’s plan and that he could Lebemon; Mrs. Helen Brazaus- Strau86 K in Dies, Wa could go on and on tailing why maxi- Benjamin Shankman has been m any as 60 B62s w ere flyin g o ffice. "think of no way in which we kas, 66 North St.; Normand man meats are superior but again . . , fied with planning. appointed chairman for th e dally raids north and northwest Last of Family tha proof is in the eating. You can’t lose would be legally empowered to LeRoy Jones, state commis­ ^ le and Atty. Chtu’les Ctrockett Richard, 18 Cedar St.; Mn. of the capital, most of them by trying it . . . because if you're not VIENNA (AP) — EduaM sioner of community affairs, will assist him. make a grant to the city gov­ Aleta Boynton, 138 Green Rd.; against Viet Cong and North completely satisfied, your money is re­ C O M E IN funded . . , without question. ernment out of unrestricted en­ Strauss, great-grantteon of Jo­ and Seymour Lavitt, chairman Shankman aald the charitable Steveiv LaPenta, 480 Avery St, Vietnamese troops near the dowment Income or out ot tui­ hann Strouaa the Elder and of the Os|ritd Region Planning needs have grown and the club Waiting; Linda Curran, East Cambodian border. tion paid to lu by students." grattd-nepbsw of the waits king, Agency, said success of the new is eager to boost sales over Hartford; Brytm Burrill, 189 Informants said Sunday these Ground Beef groiq> would also bolster state those of prevloiu years. Lake Rd., Andover; Mrs. Hil­ sorties have been reduced 60 Johann Strauai, dtod here Sun­ and regional programs. da Jarvis, 36 Eva Dr.; Mrs. per cent and the Strategic Air day. "It is a new dimension in solv­ N O W A N O Marie Paganl, 174% Spruce St.; Command has shifted its main Strauas was the test of the RANGE S n o w C r o p Pound Package ing community problems,’’ said Bungled Job Mra. Murie Beaulieu. 340 Wlnd- bombing campaign to the North muatoal dynasty. He was 89. 3 aor St.; Mrs. Linda Houle, Death was attributed to a pul­ ______rWftaH fimneiegA Rmmf__ Jones. LOURENCX) MARQUES. Moi- Vietnamese supply lines FROZEN Dated Groi/nd Bcaf — Jainsen said the regional de­ amblque AP—A bank clerk in th Warehouse Point; Mrs. Diane through eastern Laos. monary embolism. Ground FrMh Several Tim M a Day velopment study has the finan­ small palm-fringed city of In- FUEL OIL Blelawa, 34 Irving St.; John About 400 A ir FV>rce and Navy A teacher of muslo and musi- JOIN THE IN CROWD. hambane who was suspended coIogM, Strauas bad devoted At Stop & Shop, the quality of our ground cial bocidng of many of the re­ Kostuk, Broad Brook; Joeeph fighter-bombers have been beef is a matter of of top priority. That's from his job, took a pistol to the SAVE! Michaud, 13 Village St., Rock­ htanself sxdurtvely to ccnsluot- STITCH UP A PANT Orange Juice gion’s largest businesses and GASOLINE bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail why we make sure it’s always good. We that this attempt by private In­ local mortuary and tried to v ille . —one aspect- of the air war nev­ ing sliKe 1966. He toured Japan, SUIT FROM LOGAN You save on the (amouz irind It fresh every day . . . and date it. dustry to draft a complete de- commit suicide. As he pulled Also, Mrs. Patricia GentU- er officially acknowledged by the Middle East^ and Souttseast brands at Stop $ Shop! ft’s always fresh and flavorful. At these vetopment plan for a metropoli­ the trigger he fainted and col­ BANTLY OIL core, 66 Ctonway Rd.; Mrs. Hen­ V ashlngton because Laos is Asia and oonduoted concerts in MILLS SELECTION OF Go minl-pricingigi to d ^ fabulously low prices, you’ll want to stock tan region is among the na­ lapsed among the corpses. TTie rietta Bernals, RFD 1, Hebron; theoretically neutral. But the the United States attd the Sovtot your freezer. tion’s first. bullet hit the ceiling Instead of Mrs. Eleanor McClure, Rocky additlon^of the B62s Is a signifi­ Union. The Aonerican City Oorp., the clerk's head and he was tak­ Hill; Adam Slmoncelll, 38 cant increase In striking power. Hts Strauss


much he or It may o— to somabody else. A Mg debt oaema the of a ^olland Coiinty British Deny f- suocaasfUl operation. It is a otaAos. Inside : €it»ttiti0 ffprali) The Federal Reserve Board oeams to i V . Uve In the post, tm ek In the staid Budding Perniits Issued ‘Doublecross’ o S f m c old days before the aoonomlsta o f the Report Johnson affenlniatratton diaooveitod that In March Total $92^200 Of Anguillans detlelta are healthy tor government. (Oonttmied tram Page Six) ' That wisdom has aineo been trsMlated Building P « n i ^ r ^ r d e d women are Invited to attend the LONDON (AP) — The Brithdi proprioto stops” have now ben ootoiMr 1. tan into new oodes of attitude and oonduot during March totaled t69 JOO, meeting. \ ^ a taken leading to compensatioa according to the rep the agreement negoUat- SOUTH any aid cut-off though the Icng^ n n m n AdTanra frightened, not even when they notice 000; BUow BuUden, house on Aaaociatton will meet tonight at *(• hy Lord Oaradon. range {uospent tor settlement WINDSOR DunnlOIl Rd,, 680,000, and to 8 at the United Congregational “Nothing has been done In An- that the last time the Federal Reserve ramalna poor. o « » KobUi ...... i:eo _ Bocud raised Its discount rate to • per Ellsworth Peaiwm, house on Church Religious Education gullla by Her Majesty’s (x>m- e e • Sullivan Avt. Grandview Ter. $16,000. Building. missioner which was not strictly cent was in October, 1030. President Nixon has privately Shopping Center / ■ IBB iu8o3]miD*PlUgBB Plumbing and heating permits The Tolland Volunteer Fire in accordance with the terma (tf Ita f n f a al«a P w to uoiDtoTalr cntttMl vetoed Secretory of Oommeree to « ON t t rwoMtaUan of all new* dU- 71!*^*-***'/J Salvatore Department will meet tonight at the agreement with Lord Oara- Maurice S ta n ’s bid. to become ntabM ondlu n to M or not othwortoa aredlt- M anta (xor Dr. Altyn Dam- fi at the Leonard’s Comer Fire don/* the Foreign Office said. the government’s foreign trade MANCHESTER popular • a n tot* m iT and atoo too load aooa pOK • That Indispensable Sound " r '® - Webster stopped In PUerto esar by moving the offioe of Ever since the warning of “ Silent An lUhti ot ropinkloatloa ot •peolal dl* SJ?**, Tolland Boys League Rico Sunday cn route to New Special Trade Representative to 725 Middia Tumpika East oaialMa honiB aro alao foaorred. Storing” enMied our Uvlng, each new ' ^ ^ 1®***®* ’"®®‘ ‘®n*ght at 7 at the York and told newsmen British Playwright the Commerce Departmnt. Burr Comors Shopping Cantor ^ Ttoi aondd PrtetlBK Oammof Inc., ao spring baa had Its anxious moments. If Congregational Church, commissioner Anthony Lee had Instead, MY. Nixon will keep aonoa too finaaolal roaponalbnitr for typo- i ^ to David mcktaton, Wal- The VPW Post 241 Ladiea dissolved the islanda’ Savon­ The Little Theatre o f Man­ Toll ond Turnpike gianUoal erron appoarinc hi advorttoement* K does not have pipinga from the pasture- tlM office in the WMte H o u m , atod otbar roadhia matter to Hie Ifanohutpr lands, a March or early April evening chester, Inc. (LTM) will pro­ Broahig Hotald.______thus aaUafylng complaints from which seems property moist and proper­ ^ u ^ said tMs violated duce the premier presentation the State and Agrioulture De- home Improvements. st. Matthew’s C^mrch CCD *he seven-noint aom rd Hp iwut MMoifbar to Loo Angalea Itoneo-Waatilnif of “The Early Mourning of Ja­ partmnta that Oommeroe De­ ton Mat Nam Oorrleo. ly temperatiued can give off a feeling Hlcka PTA Meets Metliods Course classes for ^rked out with Caradon. Brit fWI atoTloa oHont of N. B. A. Sarvic*, Inc of death and doom rather than the at- The Hloka Memorial School adults will be held tonight at Caradon, Brit- son’’ by playwright Dennis Tur­ partment control of foreign FaUtobeia Ropreaentatlro* — *n>o Jultu* s permanent representative Matoam Bpeatol Afoney — Now York. CM- moq>here of seasonal life. PTA will hold an open meeting 7:80 In the church Pa^Si ® representative ner (above) In association with trade would be eocoeaMvely pro- at the United Natiixis. teettonkot. Neverttieleea, the of­ cago. Dotralt and Soatoa tomorrow night at 8 In the Center. the Queenes Companye of St. And in recent years the peepers have Officials In London confirmed WBXBBR AUDIT BITRBA1T OF CIRCTIu T school gym. Special education The Church Visitation Com­ Joseph College, May 2, 8, 9 and fice remains vacant, and policy added to the auspense by seeming to de­ that Lee had dissolved the sev­ TIDHa______teachers Miss Ann Felr and mittee of the First Baptist 10 at the College In West Hart­ will be made by Stans until It lay their song until relatively late In the en-man council of islanders Dtadar adrerttotng dooing hours Miss Jarl Cutler will discuss Church will meet tonight at 7 ford. ki fiUed. season. formed when Anguilla walked Inr toonday — 1 p.m. lYIday. learning dlsablUtles In children. in the Parsonage on the Green. Turner, a member of LTM, Tor TBoaday — 1 p.m. Saturday. This year, however, they sang at the out of the federation of St. 'fhr Wodneaday — 1 p.m. Monday The two teachers are the found- The Women’s Volleyball Is remembered for Ms m ost Tor Tliuraday — 1 p.m. Tuesday first really appropriate turn of the era of the Summerhaven pro- League will meet tonight at the K'tts-Nevis-Angullla in Jime, Nor m day — 1 p.m. Wednesda>' recent stage appearance as Al­ Nor Baturdar — 1 pm. ThuradM. weather. It was in the mildness of Icut gram tor children with learning Hlcka Scdiool gym at 8. officials said Lee, an Seymour In LTM’s produc­ (Saaottlod deadline — B p.m. diur mrore dlsaMUUes to be held here this The Board of Finance will *" accordance with the Oaradon m w w K i i i s pabHoatlon. B p.m. VHday for Saturdn'- Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, that tion of “Picnic.” He holds a BA and Monday puMleatloa. the first s... n.. tee for Natioaal Health Bisurance, vdilch door prises; Mrs. Raymond Oar- T h e W o rld M eet A p r il 16 cauaa he waa “by reaaou of rdigloiis 25 Oak Bluff Circla,Entt Longmaodow has Just opened Its campaign to support A Thousht for Ttoday on, programs; Mrs. G ordon Romulo OallogoH MRS. MILDRED DIONNE training and belief oonaclentlouaiy op> Wells, refreeMneflte; Mrs. Ches­ CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) Bristol Woman The Tolland County Twin the general extension of Medicare, main­ Sponsored by the Manchester And You itart poeed to paiticlpatloa In war in any tains that the U.S. ranks 16th. The com ­ Inside Report ter JedrriewsM, welcoming, and Romulo Gallegos, toe first popu­ I'^atally Stabbed Mothers Club will hold Its RJJIIf BASKERVILLE union A vo., Rockvilla, Conn. OounoU o i CJhurches Open Forum farm.*' mittee maintains: “We are losing Mrs. Duane Matthews, favors. larly elected president of Vene­ monthly meeting April 16 at 8 :16 Moving UP— b y Tioketa may be purchased at zuela who defied the junta that BRISTOL (AP)—Mrs. Beverly 60 Baocon Hill Driva - Watt Hortford ms ruling was that the draft act ground. In 196S, there were only seven liked Regleter Editorial another matter, and should per­ In toe Religious Education Mr$. HIILiD IIEKY ' (»R IB T the Village Spirit Shop in Tol­ overthrew him in 1948, died Sat­ DePaImn, 25, of Bristol, was fa­ In business, cliib, church, by requii1ng'''re]lglous afflUation or dec- countries with Infant mortality rates be­ Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D . Novak TV> the EkUtor, haps be reciprocal. Building of the United Congre­ low the United States. B y 1963, 12 coun­ land, the Star lower Shop In urday at toe age of 84. Gallegos tally injured Saturday when PTA and servica organiza­ taratton for eligibility for the govern- WASHINOTON A secret because Rostow, a former State "Too often . . . men have re­ I read with Interest and de­ stabbed in the chest In front gational Church in ’Tolland. tries had lower rates, and by 1966, there For Quality In Education Rockville, the Velardl Music was one of Latin America’s tions. Leadership gravitates mentgrantad privilege of ejcemptkm Department officied, was care­ sponded to Christ emotionally, light the editorial of the New The evening’s program will SHOP POPULAR FOR PASSOVER NEEDS were 16. dtywide poll reveals that To the Editor, Studio In Vernon and at th e most distinguished writers and o f her home to the-one who can express from the draft, violated the Oonstltii- ful not to tread on State De­ but they have not responded to Haven Register reproduced in Police said passers-by John feature a talk on general de­ A report by Dr. Edward J. (JuUligan, Mayor John V. Lindsay of New Ellington Super Market. T he editors and was a life-long oppo­ partment toes. Moreover, Secre­ His teachings morally. The no­ The Herald on April 1, regard­ Business has many measures velopment of young children himself or herself clearly, Uoiial principle o f aepewation of church chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at tickets wUl also be on sale af­ nent of dictatorship. Mockler, 42, and his son Steven, York has a surprisingly com­ tary of State Dean Rusk was a tion of a personal Savior who ing the tuition charges at of the worth of any expenditure. 17, also of Bristol, were driv­ presented by Miss Carolyn Wil­ forcefully and persuasively. and atato. Tale-New Haven reports that the “fig­ ter all Itasses Sunday at St. The Rev. Dr. Herbott Welch fortable lead for renomination State Department veteran and died for us has a great deal of UConn. I sincerely trust It was One is called ROI — Return on ing by tlie home, saw toe inci­ liams of toe University o f Oon- To win a' promotion . . '. “hi the draft act," wrote Judge ure usually given is 14th In the world” . appeal, but too often Christians Matthew’ s. NEW YORK (AP) — The powerful advocate, whereas Mr. not intended as an April Fool Investment I would like to re­ dent and grabbed Luis I. Val- necticift. prepare for itl Make your­ VIVA IMACARONI Wyaanakl, “Oong r— unoonatltuttonaUy “The reasons," he says, "for our poor —thanks mainly to the fact that Baton Bledal Winners Rev. Dr. Herbert Welch, senior tend to see the Resurrected Joke. late this same mathematleri (:ntin, 27, of New Britain, hold­ Grant Announced record ore varied and difficult to as­ his opposition In the Jime 17 Nbeon’e two top men—Secretary bishop of toe United Methodist self promotablel diactlnilnated against atheists, agnostics Christ, and Ignore the man Tills editorial clearly, concise­ value to that of our investment Medals were pseeented to the A $20,800 grant for toe estab­ sess. .In the first place, perinatal WdlUam P. Rogera and Under winners of the Board Church and former president of ing him with toe help of three and men who are motivated by profound Republican primary is divided. Jesus, turning His face to Jer­ ly, and rather briefly stated the in education. lishment of museum fellowriiipe mortality among our ncm-whlte popula­ Secretary Elliott Richardson— Ohlo Wesleyan University, died niale neighbors until police ar­ DALE SPAGHEHI moral bdiefs wfakdi constitute the cen­ Tfie poU, conducted for Re­ usalem cuid deliberately accept­ case by presenting meaningful, The resolution of our urban of RecreaiUoiHqf>anM>rad baton under a joint program of the tion Is five times as Mgh as It was In have never been involved in Friday. He was 106. He was rived. publican politicians by a lead­ ing crucifixion rather than deny understandable comparisons problems — the reoUsaitlon of twiifing lessons last week. University of Connecticut and CARNEGIE THIN-ELBOWS-ZITI RI6 ATONI-MEDIUM tral convlctloas of their beliga” the white population. The perinatal mor­ foreign affairs. thought to be toe oldest bishop Valentin was charged with God’s will and give In ,to the the true democracy that we have In the 6 p.m. group they were Sturbrldge Village, has been It was possible. Judge Wjr— isU ad­ tality among the poverty groups, regard­ ing surveying organization, Mr. Nixon euid Kissinger have and frlots from the other New of any church in toe world. first degree murder, said po- COURSES shows these results; Lindsay, pressures of the Scribes and England states. espoused to be, and In fact, ore jM Mswtrd to Tina HUls, first lice, who were still investigating announced by Second DMtrict SHELLS mitted, that Ms ruling, requiring a less of ethnic background, is also slg- brought far more method and Pharisees to take back much of Albert BomiccI 30 per cent; Sen. John March! Surely this Is the role of a not — will require this and plsoe beginners group; Karen the case. (Congressman William St. Onge. FOR “ recognition o t individual conscience,” nittoantly higher than it is among the order into policy formulation what He had taught noernlng ROME (AP) — Italian movie of Staten Island, running with newspaper, rather than fanning future generations to have an Brooks, first place intermedl- Try Some Lb. might madee it easy fo r peo{4e to escape non-poverty groups.” than there had been under Pre- all men as sons of God.’’ lS;t actor Alberto dl^ Sat- the support of the Bronx and the fires of rumor, half truths, intellecturi capacity and breadth MEN hi Dr. QulUlgan goes on to point out that rident Johnson, who often made placT^anced groiip age seven urday of a heart This the draft by pretending to feeUngs that Maatln Luther King pet peeves, and cliches. of character greater than ever PK6 .I some pet^e believe that , the causes lie Staten Island regular Republi­ policy a* the famous Tuesday WOMEN are not real. Submitted by before. Commerce is no longer or under and to Itottle Erbe, o*.

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE SBVENTBBM BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE B u ild in g - THERE lUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN rad WHIPPLE Holp Amwtr H PrwT«w tiitite Contracting’ 14 3 « -rWEYSA/w)JpoPOKrt- >toU FEEL LEFT 3B 'MC 'S SOo y fo u‘ r “ , MA80R? T MEAN Old Songs CLASSIFIED NEWTON H. SMITH A 80N - Sl/fZAtrMPAOD UEi/EE QQULD FI»4D IT Il4 MIS MmUL HE BECAME AN INSURANCE PEDDLER, TV «r POCK h o o p l e , BPA9/E ME < (M3U BUT IIMSTEAP OF A tions, rec rooms, garages, Mis family — relatives a ll TURHEP IMTO PROSffCT95 ‘W JR SE " ASTPONNJT IN THE 7APROINTMENT.' . YOU &OT YOUR a c r o s s 57 Adventure porches and roofing. No job WMOLE PROfifaoM notBROTHER tTAKE/ 58 At all IF YOU HEARD THE CALl^ MALE HELP l “Tlier«*UB« ADVERTISING too .^mall. Call 64^44. 1HAT YMS MV iCNOr COUSlN,1VOHeiEV •OoiOSIMTVlOMaEYf Cf HOV/AREVCIU, , , ---- Time" d o w n "NURBE” IN THE PART UXIWING FOR A FREE DIMMER AS USUAL O iP B U P P yflYM S JUSTTHMKMG Attour] AND WOULD UKB TO E6 AB PIONT I TELU 4"Birdin« . 1 Masculine CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ YKITTA MORON; 1 CAMT STANP^ For faD-time ABOUT POCK ? Gilded---- nickname 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. rage. rec rooms, bathrooms iCM AMP HEH,HEHr-lNOMDERlHa ABOUTj HEAR IT AGAIN, COMB / 8 "The-----„ 2 MounUin tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ THAT DUMB CREEP.' VOUR TIMAMCIAL AFFAIRS'lETlS I BACK TO NURSING. employment in Ptaj^O n" (comb, form) ment work, cellar floors, pa­ LUMCHOHE-WWsOOHJrVE 12 Polyneeien 3 Hebrew COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. i BOYS’ DEPARTMENT textile screw letter tios, roofing. Call Leon Cles- really MltSED YOU, MANCHESTER MEMC«- 4 Luck (Irish) DAT BETORE PimjOA'nON syn.skl. Builder. 649-4291. DEAR boy; lAL HOSPITAL URGENT­ Apply: pine 25 Exact 42 Culture 4:38 P.M. 13 Ireland 5 Ascended satisfaction medium Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:30 p.m. Friday LY NEEDS NURSES ON ''jjy / Im. Am, toe. 14Tothe 6 Strong liquor 43 Shackle CARPENTRY — concrete- stepe, THE SECOND AND THIRD -TM b,. U l. M 0*1. 7 Betrothing for floors, hatchways, remodeling, sheltered fide 28 Trunk artery 44 Asian Inland SHIFTS FULL-TIMB OR Youth Centre ALLEY OOP 15“TheGyi?«y 8 Gun mount sea PLEASE READ YOUR AD porches, garages, closets, ceil­ PART-TIME — AND THE BY V. T. HAMLIN (Fr.) 29 Rye, for 46 Two-wheeled ings, attics finished, rec Manchester Parkade 9 Athena instance Ada" are taken over the phone as a SALARY AND BENEFITS HOWT> i7 “ii^in ia 30 German city vehicle rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ THEY WCRENT ...UNLESS MDU OCXJNT 10 Require 49Arikaran •hould read his ad the FIRST ARE EXCELLENT TOO. OHOSTBOF PEOPLE IN TH' 18 Worm 11 Take out 32 Curative IT. MiPOBT ERRORS in time for the er related work. No job too REAL PEOPLE, COMIC STRIPS/ 33 Doggerel Indian FOR M(HtE INFORMA­ AUTOMOBILE 6 i 19 Mominr 16 Even (contr.) 50 Mountain in next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE In- small. Dan Moran, Builder. TION CONTACT THE PER­ EXACTLY... concert (Fr.) 20 Arm bone 35 Measure of eorrect w ondtted Insertion for any advertlsemont and then Evenings 649-8880. CLEAN-UP MAN distance Asia Minor only to ^ extent of a "make good” insertion. Errors which SONNEL DEPARTMENT. 21 English 51 Masculine MANCHESTER MEMOR­ school i f f i l S i n ) child do not l e ^ n the value of the advertisement will not be WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ I 'T 24 Bird of prey 23 Fish-eating fiercely corrected by "make good” insertion. modeling specialist. Additlona, IAL HOSPITAL 648-1141 $2.80 per hour. Overtime if 41 Chess pieces 52 Attempt 26 Caress rec rooms, dormers, porches, EXT. 243 EVENING IN­ desired. FuU beneflt pro­ 27 Wine of r ~ r IT rr TER VIEWS ARRANGED. certain year i” I" r i w r 1 r I 1 (Rockville, Toll Free) cabinets, formica, built • Ins, gram. Apply In person to 'liMVke in" 31 Scraps 14 bathrooms, kitchens. 649-344R Mr. Mike Lynch. FOP IT NOU/ = r r 1 i r 33 Legislators M 3-2711 875-3136 HOMES, OARAGES, porches, i. 34 “Come Where TT“ U 1 My Love Lies rr rec rooms, room additions, SECRETARY MORIARTY BROS. OUT OUR WAY ITT kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ 1 BY J. B. WILLIAMS 36 ^T Agee " eral repair work. Financing muRAUCB. a»Fr WANTED 801 Center 8t, Manchester ! 37 Deserving L Trouble Roaehing Our Advertiser? available. - No down payment. 80Sr0H,MAS6. THAT’S A PRETTY RICKETY 38 Bind s a jO Economy Builders, Ino., 648- EVENING INTERVIEWS 648-6180 M-7 LOOKIWS CLUBHOUSE YOU 39 American a " . Ht”' AMD TOUR PAL HAVE P U T author 24-Hour Answering Service 6169. e I9W hr WtA. hie. TJA I IT . Bonds— Stoekt— Help Wonted-— Holp Wanfd ARRANGED TOGETHER-WHAT’S HOLP- 41 American ALL TYPE framing and' re­ DAVY JONES BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS IWG IT UP IS BETOMP /VE/ educator IT Free to Herald Readers Mortgoges 27 Female 35 PAINTERS wanted —Call 876- 42 Chalcedony modeling, additions, carports', k^omolo 35 1 L IF YOU HAVE GOOD SEO 7179 after 4 p.m. > d a w ANP MARCO A M MVIN6 M L i r s RIP OP TH E96 JT~ Want Information on one of our clnsHlfled advortlHementsT garage and rec rooms. Free SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- MATURE woman to work in RBTARIAL 8KILLB AND HooycitUMcem.MV HELicorreitmL FLOORBOARDS FAST... 7 45l£giicard 1 estimates, B & C Corp., 232- limited funds available for sec­ cheese and gourmet shop, part- PILGRIM MILLS Fabric De- LIKE TO WORK WITH TMci rou TMEM, MK.WHALIE ... OUR AIR eUPPL'Y 15 47 Cirale (comb., ST I No answer at the telephone tinted? Simply call the partment Store is expanding OUT, MARCO 4298, 628-2690. ond mortgagee, payments to time, Sundays and several eve­ PEOPLE WE HAVE A form) w1 and needs experienced sales 48 Bach, for 42 4I IT suit your budget. Expedient ning's. Apply in person, Swiss CHALLBNOINO POSmON ■ t 1 ^ EDWARDS KITCHEN’S Remodeled — service. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. ladles to be trained for our new PART-'nME example IT w 49 m Herme’s Construction, kitchen Colony, Manchester Parkade. AVAILABLE FOR YOU IN 53 Caucasian L, fabric store now under con­ A BUSY DYNAMIC OF­ langiuge U U ANSWERim SERVICE speclaltsts. Recently featured MORTGAGES, Ioeuib, first, sec­ BAKERY Saleslady, steady struction on Oakland Street. FICE PLUS EXCELLENT 54 At no time r in House And Home and House ond, third, all kinds, realty, position, good hours, good Apply Miss Oobum, Pilgrim SALARY AND FRINGE MEAT CUTTER (contr.) s r 1 Beautiful magazines for statewide. Credit rating un­ wages. Apply In person. Mills, 177 Hartford Rd., Mon- . 1 BENEFITS. OONTACTT THE 55 Beetle 649-0500 875-2519 construction and designing. necessary, reasonable. Ck>nfl- Parkade Bakery, Manchester Chester between 8 and 9 p.m. 56 Depend PERSONNEL DEPART­ AvailaUe to arork bevaral eve­ I NEveR ex- (Newipoper tnUrprit* Aun.) and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertlsor In Free planning, no obligations. dential, quick arrangements. Shopping Parkade. MENT MANCHESTER ME­ PECTED US TO jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. Surprisingly reasonable rates. Alvin Lundy Agency, 627-7971, HAIRORE18SER experienced preferred, full or part-time. MORIAL HOSPITAL 648- nings per week. $8.72 per hour. BKOMe UNOeR Financing available. 232-6600. 983 Main StKet, Hartford. Eve­ NURSES- 1141 EXT. 248. WATER HOUSE- nings, 238-6879. Call Tuesday or Wednesday, WRECKERS, Automobiles For Sole 4 REC ROOMS, kitchens, room RN’S AND LPN'S 648-9022. additions, dormers, complete IN EAST HARTFORD ^ y : 1968 OLDSMOBtLE sedan, PLASTIC MACHINE operators ito.iw.vAM.ae—M CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER H E R A U home remodeling. Royal Cus­ Business Opportunlly 28 - i|Si w iWiW i,eipi I black, good running condition. tom Builders. 846-34.34. Full or pArt-time, all shltts. for third shift, 12 midnight to Holp W anfd— kflalE 35 $100. After 4:80 p.m., call 646- BEAUTY parlor, busy location, On bus line. Paid meal and 8 a.m. Will train. Apply Iona MOTT’S WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE BOX LETTERS 2361. for rent, Including heat and mealtime. Good benefits. Manufacturing Co., Regent St. Experienced ~ __r»«v/< i> electricity. $70 weekly. For SHOP-RITE McNaagM By^kEte, lac. BURNSIDE SHORT ORDER CQOKS r-=«5==5^;i, F or Your 1964 CHEVROLET Super Sport, Paving— Driveways 14-A more Information write Box COUNTER-WOMEN: A mature For training to become aoalat- 2-door hardtop, recently inatall- CONVALESCENT person for part-time counter SUPER MARKET ROAD UNDER Information BLACKTOP Scaler —Driveways “MM,” Manchester Herald. ant managers. Excellent earn­ ed 327, 4-speed transmission, HOME service In fast food business. 687 East Middle Tpke. SZciiftAH T H E w o r r y w a r t m e IN* to HU. to. and parking areas machine WELL ESTABLISHED repeat ing*. PoM vaoatkxia. Group .CONSIRUenON THE HERALD wiU not 3860. 742-6212. Phone Mr. Atlas 289-9671 Housewives who can spare six major medical and life Insur­ disclose the identity of sealed. 23 years experience In food distributions, and machine hours a day are welcome to MandMeter, Conn. pavement construction and ance. Profit sharing and ottier .P*HvEC»Rb ( jllY " any advertiser using box sales. Has good expansion po­ apply. Apply in own handwrit­ Trailers-— maintenance. Call Hartford, PART-TIME, nurses aid, 11-7. benefits. Apply in person to SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL letters. Readers answer­ tential. Price reasonable. Sell­ ing, P.O. Box 2266, Blebops manager. ing blind box ads who Mobile Homes 6-A 249-2636. Evenings, 621-6774 or ing due to other Interests. Call Call 649-4619. Comer Branch, West Hart­ JOSEPH P. LEWIS custom 03? desire to protect their 521-0374. Conn. Slurry Pave­ days, 643-5031, evenings and ford, Conn., 06117. An equal op­ ALICE’S painting is now accepting ap- Identity can follow Ihls 16' MONITOR travel trailer, ments Corp. weekends 742-8726. GIRL or lady, pcul-time, 11- portunity employer. pUcations for paintcra -and procedure: 2:30, 6 days per week, Ideal WONDERFUL KITCHEN sleeps 6, toilet, heater, gas and 868 mood St., Manchester helpers, also summer help. Enclose your reply to electric refrigerator, gas stove, MARINA on the Oonnecticut working conditions. Apply In WUl consider part-time help. the box in an envelope — awnings, $1,300. 875-0559. Roofino— Sidinq 16 ®- person. Bonanza Steak House. PART - TIME, Cook. CaU CAREER-MINDED Individual Top pay scale, plus benefits. address to the Classified * ^ MiLnnhMifarManchester TTaraMHerald. » Call for appointment, 649-1164. 649-4619. wanted lor management posi­ Can 649-0668 for appointment. Manager, Manchester ROOFING and Roof Repair. tion for growing (Hartford bas­ Evuiing Herald, together Motorcycles— Coiiglin Roofing Co., Inc., 643- ed) fast food rervlce organisa­ CARPENTER skilled in finish with a memo listing the 7707, Privofe InstrucHons 32 tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ Work for luxury apartments. companies you do NOT Bicycles 11 SECRETARY suming responsibilities. A per­ Steady, year 'round work. Top BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE want to see your letter. BIDWF.LL Home Improvement Large permanently Your letter will be de­ 1908 KAWASAKI, 120 (■,:,> street Co. Expert installation ol manent position with fringe lOOK, iUSTER, YOU TIMIN'TO ) MOTEL benefits. Experience not neces­ local construction firm doing YOU SETTER NOT/ NOW MOVE/ stroyed if the advertiser scrambler, $250. Call 847-986R aluminum Siding, gutters and RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT work In Immediate area. Ap­ A SET lO UD OR SUMPIH’r 7 Is one you've mentioned. MANAGERS sary, we wUl train. Succeasful^ . ..YOU 60 T IS MINUTES TO SET after 6 p.m. trim. Roofing installation and ply In person at Tudor Apart­ INTO WARM CLOTHES AND TO If not It will b^ handled NEEDED LABORATORY M>pUcant must have ambition, ‘ the usual manner. BICYCLES—new and used. Re­ repairs. 649-0495, 876-9109. ments, Simmons Rd., East LOAD POTS, FANS, GROCERIES Full-time positlmi, reporting to Technical Director In cor­ energy and enthusiasm. Apply Hartford or caU after 6 p.m. AN' 5LBCPIN' BAGS INTO THE pairs on all makes. Open daily ROOFING, alurhlmun aiding, In own handwriting, P.O. Box ' 'TUB WIFE ISnY OOiNe I Men-Women-Couples. Both porate R & D Lab. Challenging opportunity for "Olii 6494870. HELICOPTER. YOU'RE QOIN' 9-6:30. Manchester Cycle Shop, gutters, carpenter work, 80 Friday” desiring full secretarial responstblUtias. 2266, Bishops Comer Branch, h ave RCAST p u c k f X A V . full-time and part-time posi­ CAMPIN'/, 182 West Middle Tpke., years’ experience. Connecticut West Hartford, Conn. 06117. An m e c h a n ic or mechanic’s help­ Personals 649-2098. tions. Our fully licensed Valley Construction Co.. 643- home study course prepares equal opportunity employer. er. Also man for tire service. 1966 309 Honda Dream, elec­ 7180. Free estimate. Vou. Placement service Good pay, aU benefits, 45 to 60 COLONIAL BOARD 00. m a n , pai<-ttm». Apply Rock- hours per week. Must be INCX)ME TAX service, call Dan tric starter, torpedo baskets, avaUable. Write CENTRAL vlUe Scrap Co. 960 Hartford to Mosler, 049-3829, or 626-8263. accessory bar, excellent condi­ CAREER SCHOOLS, P.O. 616 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER steady worker. Apply Nichols P Turnpike, Route 80, RockvUle. Manchester Tire, Ihc., 296 tion. Call 649-4473. Roofing and BOX 1085 Middletown, Conn. Conn. 873-6687. 06467. Mrs. B. S. Loftus Broad St, Manchester. N-1 '* Chimneys 16-A INOOiME TAXES prepared by 649-4667 e I1M k, HIA. Ito Tto Ito UJ h). 0». Marvin Baker, 643-0267. ROOFING — Specializing re­ I y* I Business Services pairing roofs of all kinds, new WANTED "I found out what makes girls the opposite sex, Mom! Offered 13 No matter what boys want to do, they want to do the INCOME TAXES prepared in roofs, gjtter work, chimneys MEDICAL CAN YOU qualify, could you GENERAL insurance agency In MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD your home. Call 643-6338. cleaned and repaired. 30 years’ RECEPTIONISTS spare 2 hours a day for 6 days Manchester requires part- opposite!" TREE SERVICE (Soucier) ~ experience. Free estimates. a week If you received $68? timer. insurance background CASH AND CARRY Trees cut, building lots clear­ Call Howley 648-5861. 644- NEEDED If so, call Mrs. Wyde at 644- helpful but not essential. CaU TM/S / P o v r ATTENTION —Builders, c«i- ed, trees topped. Got a tree VOUR GET/ tractors, handymen. Bam with 8333. Work for doctors,. clinics, 0376 between 12-2 for personal 643-9665, between 9 a.m. and TRUNK' STEVE CANYON BY MIL'TON CANIFF problem? Well worth phone interview. 4 p.m. LUMBERYARD many good beams, all free for call. 742-8252. medical centers, rest homes, the acting. 647-1748. etc. Both part-time and full­ Man, ton-time, experience helpful but not nroes- ...NOW SHE SENDS IT SAYS SHE IS Bored WELL -AH - Millinery, TYPIST — Speedy and accurate A NOTE INVITING -AND NEEDS SOMEONE WHAT DO YOU ATTICS and cellars cleaned, time positions. Our home CUSTOMER SALES P ^tim e considered. CaU Mr. McIntyre at You TO TAKE HER TO FIGHT WITH. THINK ? RIDE OR driver from Manches­ odd jobs, light trucking, Dressmaking 19 study course fully. prepares DEPT. for transcription, electric type­ ter to Norwich daily. Call 643- you. Placement service writer, willing to learn MP-8T trees removed and lots clear­ DRESSMAKING and altera- 0746 after 6 p.m. ed. Call 643-1066. upon completion of training. Telephone orders for whole­ operation. Diverolfled work, 31 4 ) ,f ritfi tions, zippers replaced etc Write: CENTRAL CA­ sale automotive distributor, 87H-hours. Manchester office. Call 649-4311 excellent benefits. Mrs. Montpetit, 649-6861. GROSSMAN LUMBER CO. Automobllos For Sole 4 STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, REER SCHOOLS, P.O. BOX h fireplaces, flagstone terraces. FOR ALTERATIONS neatly 1086, Middletown, Conn. 266 Piiie St., Manchester All concrete repairs, both in­ 06467. 289-7906 WAITRESSES and counter girls, 1967 F-86 OLDSMOBILE, club and reasonably done in my fuU-time. Also weekend nights, WINDOW cleaners — exper­ coupe. Excellent condition. side and outside railings. Rea­ home, call 643-8750. PART-TIME secretary wanted. SERVICE STA-nON attendant sonably priced. Call 643-0851. part-time. Apply , In person wanted, days, from 10 a.m. to ienced, rteady work, good pay. Call 649-1462. Please write Wapplng Post Of­ only. Howard Johnson Restau­ Must be reUaUe. GUI 649-6384. Help Wanted— fice, Box 125. 6 p.m. Aiq>ly at Contone’s Bis- YOU ARB A-1, truck Is A-1. Moving— ^Trucking- rant, Exit 94, off Rt. 84, 894 so Service, 808 West Middle Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ Female 35 ToUand Tpke., Manchester. CXX)KS — FuU or part-time, B l 1966 FORD Storage 20 WOMAN for Inventory control Tpke., Manchester. nights. Including weekends. ways sealed and small truck­ cleric position, full-time. Full MR. ABERNATHY ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- MANCHESTER — Diversified DREAM JOB—koeip your fuU- Apply In person, Howard John­ BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY UF 160, Bronco wagon com­ MANCHESTER Delivery-light position for someone with good scale fringe benefits. Ai^ly time job as wife and mother sons Restaurant, 894 ToUand plete with 4-way snow plow. mono Trucking Service toll- trucking and package delivery. A S A .free, 742-9487. typing ability and good figure Watkins Bros., Inc., 986 Main and earn a weekly pay check. Tpk6., MandtestOT. THAT WOULD BE SOMEHCMilNTHEOLDnAVS Refrigerators, washers and St. MACHINISTS xM v e r / f o n d AWWTER aptitude. Call 649-4663. CaU 647-9881 or 649-2259. VBVNICEfMR. TTsmm>AimNopE I Call 649-2871 SHARPENING Soi-vlci> - Saw.s. stove moving, specialty. Fold­ LATHE OPERATORS WANTED — Journeyman OPVOlJ^AAITZIl OFFAOf APERNATHI^ ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. plumber, good wages, over­ t b U K E knives, aces, shears, skates, HAIRDRESSER wanted — fuU- WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI rotary blades. Quick service. or part-time. Apply Marlow’s TURRET LATHE OPERATORS time, and paid holidays. A.B. 1 0 CARVE 1968 CHEVROLET El Camlno Chick Plumbing & Heating, 649- OUR DICK Capitol Equipment t:o., 38 Beauty Salon, 887 Main St. WOMEN! BIG MONEY BULLARD OPERATORS NOr NEARLY 327-276 h.p. engine, yellow with Main St., Manchester. Hours Painting— Papering 21 2926. INm AtS CXWAU-J rear tonneau cover, mint con­ ONATREE. / WHATAPae A H E H A D T O ENCXJ0II/ dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. I’AINTING - interior and ex­ Studio Girl HoUywood Coemetics needs women in and MILLING OPERATORS ( YOU j ( R N C N - \ G O I D T H E dition. Private owner. 649-2098. Saturday 7:30-4. 648-7098. terior, very reasonable, free MULTI-CIRCUITS around Manchest^. FuU or part-time. No experience re­ VARIOUS SMALL MACHINB MEN > DOING U P •< / HITTING \ D E N T ie r. After 5:30 caU 646-3824. estimates. Call Richard quired. No territory restrictions. TtUte orders anywhere. m I THEl2Et ) FOR ) LOCKSMITH — Locks repaired Martin. 649-9285, 649-4411 Highest profits up to 60%. 300 Good Housekeeping approved OPERATORS WANTED 1966 MUSTANG convertible, and installed. Keys made and Rapidly growing firm In Oie [ 5 FUHEe3 ? J \ FOeiBR.../ power top, 289, 4-borrel, 4- cosmetics. Everything furtUshed. O edit extended. No stock MANCHESTER MEMOR­ duplicated. 643-6922. JOSEPH P. Lewis, custom electronic field extends an to carry. No franchise lees. No stock investment. For fuU All benefits Including aU e speed, rolley pack. 643-6690 invitation to visit our plant IAL HOSPITAL HAS SEV­ painting, interior painting, Information by nuill, plus 3 free samples, white HARRY holidays. Day and night ERAL FULL AND PART- after 6 p.m. BOOKKEEPING services piiper hanging, dry wall in­ to discuss opportunity in TAYLOR, STUDIO GIRL OOSME'nCS, DepL NO-9, 11461 hr' rendered. All types of business­ shifts. 56-hour week. Out- TIMB OPENINGS. NO EX­ stalled and taped. Wallpaper clerk-typist position. Hart St., No. Hollywood, Calif. 91808. Also immediate big rtandlng Insurance benefits. 1908 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback, es. Call 643-6338, Bookkeeping profit openings for party plan operators. (Former Studio PERIENCE REQUIRED PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER red, black interior, all option­ Associates. books on request. Exterior Girls please write.) Up to $4.20 per hour. EXCELLENT SALARY al equipment, excellent. $1,805 painting, aluminum gutters Apply 10 a.m. to 12 noon, AND FRJNGE BENEFITS. r, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Ask for ^ ^ -YOU'RE WHY NC3T ? TH E AD ^ WHAT'S I'L L LET’S HOPE THEY or take over payments. CaU LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also and leaders. Fully insured. 649- UNIVERSAL MACHINE CONTACT PEUtSON- r e a l l y QOlNGr SAID THEY COULD THIS COURSE FIN D OUT .V DON'T CHARCSE BY> , moving large appliances. Burn­ 96,58. If no answer, 643-6362. Mr. Harvey King. NEL DEPARTMENT, MAN­ jrWROUGW WITH .MAKE ME SUM AND, % 0494976, 649-2839. Ask lor Ron. CO. G O IN Q TO W H E N THE POUND.' ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- CHESTER m e m o r ia l IT. BOTTS? YOUTHFUL,'.' COST.®' L. PELLETIER PAINTING — I G E T - . ■- 19M PONTIAC OTO, 4-speed, 2- 1776. HAIRDRESSER; experienced; 41 Chapel St, Manchester HOSPITAL 648-1141 EXT .THERE door hardtop, dark blue, good Interior and exterior painting. MULTI-CIRCUITS COST CLERK excellent working conditions, 248. 7 condition. Call 646-2069. Papering and paper removal. 50 HARRISON STREET Experienced In posting time, good opportunity, Vernon Cir­ H CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER GARDENS roto-tilled vclth .small Free estimates. Workmanship cle. 876-0647, 648-7906. to job records. All Benefits. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, heater, ■" tractor. 649-7184. guaranteed. Fully Insured. 643- MANCHESTER, CONN. WOT A BPECTACLP YOU'RE MAKIN' OVER A LAP'E- OKAy».BUr I ADVISE ONLY ONE THIN© THAT FEMALE HORROR SPBAklWOF LITTLE PRANKSl WASN'T yOU EVER A KIP?,x1 TH' CHILD TO AVOID COULP MAKE ME complete new brake job. Good 9043, 640-6320. CAN'T BE KBALl THIS IS MARBS..LBTB ocndltion. Call 640-6740. AVON SAYS rr ALL ^OR WAS you BORN A FULL-GROWN £JGRB?1 % YOU LIKE TH' PLA6UB: happier, MADAM.. ONLY A NIGHTMAREI KRAM BEFORE DEAN MACHINE you BOLLYl NEVER GE0 ING EDWARD R. PRICE—Painting, WAITRESS wanted, pleasant Makeup — fragrancea '— & HE PIKPfi TH' 1966 FIAT 1100-D, 4-door~wdan, Hausehald Services PRODUCTS HORSE X KINPA exterior and interior Paper­ surroundings. Good working bath powders, rtiampooa— gray, $800. CaU after 6 p.m., hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured, 102 COLONIAL RD. AUTOMOBILE HEU'EPINTOHIS Offered 13-A conditions. Call 647-1691. <5eodorants! Everybody uses BATHTUBI 048-0988. 649-1003. MANCHESTER, CONN. them—00 why not sell o'" LIGHT Trucking -clean attics, SECRETARIES 7^ Typists them? PartJtime .or full­ lOM CHEVROLET Impala cus- EXTERIOR painting - Quality needed for work In your area time. Phone 289-492jf: toin coupe, low mUeage, load­ cellars. Odd Jobs, mow lawns. work, quality paint. Don’t set­ SALESMEN WANTED 4-T Reasonable. Call 643-6000. and Hartford, Temporary, fuU- ed, one owner. Must sacrifice. tle for les.?, get the beet for tlme or 9-3 p.m. Excellent pay, PILGRIM MTf Jil expanding • TramportatitMi IHirnished ♦.S3. Nick Tsapatsaris, 643- and needs experienced cash­ ROBIN MALONE 048-6669 after 6.. LIGHT TRUenaNO, bulk deliv­ no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ BY BOB LUBBERS ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ 1731, free estimates. lum, Hartford, 278-7610. iers. Apply Mr. Blake, 177 • Salary and Commission lOtt CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, Hartford M., Manchester. . OH 5 AV CAN you 5 6 0 -.. 0VTH0 O A W S e m U LUSHT. standard shift, radio, • new ed and removed. Also odd jobs. INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ Read Herald Ads. 644-8962. $60 IN FAMOUS braiuM free If • M ^ Fringe Beoefito Incl. Life Insurance Health brakes, excellent condition, cial rates for people over 66. you run a weekly sbop-by-mall and Accident, Major Medical and Hoepit^ixation 640-8166. REWEAVING of bums, moth- CaU my competitors, then call club for few Mends. Send for holes, zippers repaired. Win­ me. Estimates glvento 640-7868, details and free all new • Paid Sick Tiine 876-8401 dow sh a^ s mode to measure, catalog. No oUlgation. Popular A-1 A a AROUND MECHANIC • Paid Vacations and Htdidaya & LITTLE SPORTS all size Venetian blinds. Keys OONTRACrOR — Inrerior ex­ a u b Plan, Dept. W802, Inm- ^■1 made while you wait. Tape re- terior painting, paper hang^ing. teook, N.Y. e 6-Day Week e Paid .yw aUqwa A BoUdaja a Paid Slek corders for rent. Marlow's, 867 Discount on wallpaper. CaU Time e Blany Fringe Beneflte lad. Ufa insuraaee. Health O A U IN VERSON Main St. 049-6221. 640-3048, Oscar Hetert. DENTAL Assistant — Full­ time, taiteUlgent, personable, and Accident Major Medical and *S""*|T‘tiiWzatlan wlU train, nq>ld advancement. — S E E — Write Box D, Manchtater OAU. IN PERSON — SEE EARL lEWIC MR. DOUCETTE or MR. OUVBR Herald. PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Inc. PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, 1m 878 MAIN Wr., MANOHMTER ’ i~ > -

■ V " ‘

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 Wonlod To Rant 68 H«lp Wanftd— Aporfmant* ITali ■usinau Locotlom Heow i For Solo 72 Hoosm''F ot Solo 72 Malt or FtmoJt 37 Tonamantf 6 3 ______For Rant 64 WANTED — 'Hiree bedroom Oot Town Out of Town home in Manchester or Vernon MANCHESTER — New two- For Solo 75 ^ Sirin ICANCHESTER — 8^ z«om 75 CLASSIFIED UNIQUE opporttmity to supple­ DOOKINQ for anything in real **° * * * ^ ~ area. Young responsible execu­ THIUDK ivutmenta hi one NEW LI8 TINO — Would you be- famUy duplex In a residential ment monthly Income to one’s BERRfS WORLD eaUto rMrtals - apartmeots, tacludea heat, 646-2496, huOdlnr, a cottage with one horns, 8 fuU baths, 100x800 lot, Ueve a gracious, specious - 6- VERNON — Immoculaben488 is tive, 2 children. 668-8003. loostlon. WaU to woU car­ EAST kARTFORD’ — 8-bed- own liking. Call 646-3734 Satur­ 6 - 8 . aputm ent ptua 8 houM trafler tocaUon for future apprecia­ bedroom home in Msndiestor the word that deacribes thte 3- homes, mtdtiple dwelUngs, no peting, oven and ranges inchid- room Colonial, aluminum sid­ New $ U Million Budget days or Weekdays after 8 p.m. parking q«ee« with exeenent tion. A buy at $28,900. CkU the can be bought tor $81,000? Yes, bedroom Ranch. KHriien has fees. J. D. ^ Estate ^ , sd. Separate utUiUes, walk-out ing, city water end sewer, full ADVERTISING Businoss Proporty iaoome. Extremely high poten­ PhUbrick A ge^, Realton, and it has s psrfsctly Ideal In­ buUt-lns, wall to wall carpet­ Associates, Inc., 64M129. ^ lavatory. House ft basement. $88,900. WMverton cellar. $21,600. Meyer Agency, r tial on heavily traveled high­ 6494S47. law situation, too. If need­ ing In the Uvlng room, huge Goes to Voters T on i^t WE HAVE customers waiUng Hale Bldg. Call 648-4846 after For Sola 70 Agency, M9-3818. Realtor, 848-0600. (3.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ELDERLY PERSONS way In a tousiiieaa .aane. $88,000. ed. Two htvatwles in addition confer lot with split rail fence, for the rental o t your apart- 8 p m. MANCHESTER — 7-room Hie Regional Board o t Bduco- 8 AJ«. to 4:30 P.M. ______361 CENTER Street, an eight PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, to the full, tiled bathroom. sou 'll BND-Move in tomor­ VERNON —Owner transferred rec room. Assumable FHA with $988,908 to Me ratoed ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Ranch, 1% baths, 3-car garage, Applications now being tak­ ______— room home with 2-car garage M»dS47. Work shop tn cellar. Oarage row, Mder ee'ven-room in tip­ sriling Hielr neat Ranch with m or^nge, $22,600. PhUbrick tton wUl preeera a $l,m ,962 through taxatloa. tate Aeeodstes, Inc., 643-6136. 3 fireplacee, large lot on hue en for positions as Forter Homos For Root 65 located m buslneas n aooe, con house 8 cars plus tremen­ top condition, m bsths, three 8 bedrooms, living room with Agency, Realtors, 6494847. budget for the reeldente at Heb­ If the budget to ^iptored, the COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Grandparents at Mansfield •______Dwelling could he eaaily con­ MANCHESTER line. PhUbrick' Agency, Real- NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ dous storage wises. Ideal for bedroonra comer lot. Owner ftr^ a p e , dining room and ron, Andover and Marlbqkiugh amount paid by meh teem to Training School. Transpor­ / // THREE - BEDROOMS, den, verted for professional or com­ INVESTMENT ton , M9-6S47. 4:M PJt. DAT BEFORE PrsUCATION luxe' garden type apartments large femily or home and of­ finds the house too big, anxious bright Mtchm. Basement has os follows: Hrtbnn, 48.81 per tation usuaily provided. Re­ porch, large kitchen, garage, to coneider tonight at tte an­ 0.i SALES HELP room duplex. Heat and hot wa- nlehed apartment, heated. Call ties. Starting salary $6,600. Mancbestier Parkade Agency Realton, M9-8824. beihs, new oak floors, eot., set. of Uvlng area. Four, pos­ INVITA'nON TO BID 39t Tolland Tpke., Exit M, Benefits. Will train right man. All fees paid. breakers! Aluminum storms, In addition, the board has cost would be $388,8U. Htoi to ter, garage. On bue line. Walk- 742-7641 or 742-7468. Mknoheater 849-6306 Protosslonally appraised. Ask sibly five, large bedrooms, Sealed bids wlU be received Monehesler. 'Call 640-6680 or 643-4461. screens, doors, and awnings, vdted to pay fuU family Inauz^'’ on increase ot $87,978 and would . WANTED Ing distance to stores. No chll- .------■*-----—------:------— BIOBABO p . b it a COBURN Road. . a fine cuetem flreplaced Hving room, until 8:00 P 4 I. (EJO.T.) May 1, WaU to waU carpeting In five for M r. Zinsser, Belfiore Agen­ ance premiums for CMS, Blue require 10 to 11 milla more boo­ dren. No pets. Available May ^WO 4-room apartments, flre- PSBMNNEL built eolontal In an area of cy, M7-141S. kitchen with buUt-lns and 1969, by the Housbig Authority Flili-Time — yes, fl'vs room sf Oh yes, Crass and major medioal. In the ed on the $8.8 million Grand ist. Write Box "V”. Manches- P “P" K comparable taomss. TMs is one breakfast area. AU alumin­ of the Town of Manchester, and Apply in person ter Herald. pllancM Includj^, modern. Land For Solo 71 of ttw finest we have seen. recent Armstrong cork inlaid then-pubUcIy opened and read past the board has paid only List. maemm TWO FAMILY, 4-4, separate um for maintenance-free liv­ at the ______near UConn. C!all Keith Real Sunken Hvlng room, two fire­ linoleum In kitchen! Ibccellent- aloud for suppl}rlng approxi­ the Indi'vldual premium. Voters of the throe toww are aUver Leas, B. BerilaNI OOVENIKY — Eleven acres heat, aluminum elding, 7-years ing. Ckily 7 years young end FIVE ROOM flat, first floor, ex­ Estate, 646-1622, 646-4126. ly located. Please caU now. mately 76,000 g^lons Bunker Other major Increases ara: urged to. attend file budget COLONIAL BOARD CO. TBL. 4»6I16 with road fttmtage. $8,700. places, 1^ baths, three bed- old. Call early. Victor Agency, set on a nicely landscaped TREASURE SHOP cellent condition and! location. roonM, rear porch enclosed. Belfiore Agency, M7-1418. 643-6700. "C ” No. 6 Fuel Oil for the 1969- $8,740 for two additional teacher meeting to voice their views and VERNON Brand new 8^ - Philbriek Agency Realtona 840- lot. Owner anxious. Asking 1970 Heating Season. Skilled and unskilled. Excellent wages. Full-time, 6 days JEWELRY STORE Adults only, no pets. Bide porch, garage, must be aides, $2,000 for custodial help, opinions on the proposed bufMwt room apartment in lovely resi- 6347. NJbW LISHNO — Centrally lo­ upper 20’s. Specifications and Contract per week, shift differential. Blue Cross, CMS, life Insurance, • 1969 by NCA, Inc. References. 648^77. TYPISTS ATTENTION seen to be appreciated. T. J. SPLIT LEVEL, aU brick con- $2,626 tor principal and vice and cost their vote. Manchester Parkade ______dential area opposite recrea- cated e-room Cape with 4 bed­ Documents may be obtained (Kiid holidays, other fringe benefits. Crockett, Realtor, e4S-16n. etructlon, 4 bedrooms, formal principal salary increoaee, 4%-R£X)M apartment, heat, hot tion park, featuring heat hot Fling into spring with a new HHBRON —Route 86, appeox- rooms possible. Fireplace. ftom the office of said Author­ A progressive and expanding company. '7 was Just practicing throwing out the first ball!" .tmatety 80 acres witii frontage dining room, 2H baths, ma­ JACQUELINE- ity, 24 Bluefleld Drive, Man­ $20,000 for rental of four portaUe The laiDett Indisn raservatlon water, range, refrigerator, dis­ water, refrigerator, range, Job and new faces. Several Aluminum storms, screens, ; on 80. Pond on property. Own- DEUJdONT Street — Six-room hogany family room, 2 flre- chester, Connecticut. classroonns, $14,160 tor in Idaho to Fort Hall Reeerva, hood, garbage disposed, master doors, IH baths. Assumable r o b e r t s a g e n c y Situations Wanted— posal and parking. Nice loca­ companies are looking tor the bungalow vdth four rooms plaoes, 2-car garage, many The Authority reserves the in Insurance and to cover the tks), whbdi covered 1»800,000 TV antenna and sliding glass • er will finance. T.J. Crockett, 6H per cent mortgage! CaU tion. $166 per month. Call 646- right gals to work in their down and two up. Enrios- more features. Must be seen. right to accept or reject any or eetimated ooet of Blue Ctom, sores in 1868 and now covers 615 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER Fomalo 38 doors, leading to balcony off Realtor, 848-1877. now! Belfiore Agency, M7-1418. 646-3839. 8988 or 649-0308. offices. Why not apply? Sal­ ed front pcrrii. New wiring. I%Ubrlok Agency Realton, 649- all bids. OMS and major medioal tor the only about 600,000 uoreo. living room. For an appoint­ With $7,000 down, you oon as­ 6847. Housing Authority of the staff of ithe school, and $8,000 for Mrs. E. S. Loftus Household Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 d e l u x e 4-room apartment ment to see this beautiful, one- ary $86 to $100 D.O.E. Fee THE MOST immaculate Green Town of Mancheder TYPING Jobs in my home. Call sume EHA mortgage and have COLUMBIA Lake^ 8-bedroom payment of tuition for two child­ located on West Center St. in paid. Manor Ranch we’ve ever seen! $18,700 BUYS this new lakefront B y: anytime 646-2304. story, all brick apartment H o h s o s For Solo 72 monthly payments of $182. T.J. cottage, large fireplace, large ren to attend private sdMoI un­ Manchester. Modem in every building. Call 872-0629 week- ^ ^e A Permaneet Listen to this — wall to wall year 'round 6-room Cape locat­ John E. Cronin INVITATION ELECTRIC RANGE, 40” , good ‘ . ______„ ___ Crockett, Realtor, ^1677. patio with flrepla^ 130’ on der Public act 827 for special WILL baby-sit days in my own SEVEN ROOM older home, ex- carpeting In the Uvlng room, ed on beautiful Andover Lake. Chairman runnlhg condition, $80. Call PLEASANT furnished room for eyipped Rental $186, adults, no lake. Hutchins Agency Real­ April 9, 1969 eduoaUen. home. Experienced and good kitchen. Abundant offiStreet ”!SST . ceUent condition, on bus line. dining room, hallway and aU Not many lakefront properties T O B I D Help Wantod— Maio 36 643-6263, after 6 p.m. gentleman. Apply 4 Pearl St. pets. MANCSlEiaTER —Exceptional tors, 6494324. PRODUCTION references. Call 649-1764. parking. Rental $160 per < Property Includes 3 extra build- three bedrooms! Home has had like this available In any price Other areas at Increoae s m : Sealed bids srlU be received 800 Silver Lane, B . HarUOrd value, e-room Cape, IVi baths, ModeJ Home Furniture AVAILABLE for lady only, pri­ month. Lease and security de- VERNON Moimt Veracm , ing lots. Marion E. Robertson. tender loving care and ehowe range. CaU Mitten Realty, $1,788 tor replacement of equlp- at the office of the Director of TEL. 6iS-9416 fireptaced living room, garage, BOLTON — OH-room Ranch TOWN OF MANCHESTER. MANAGER YOUNG MAN with drivers li­ posit required. Call The Jarvis Apartments Now available • Realtor. MS-0868 It. Belfiore Agency, 647-1418. Realtors, 648-6930. rnent, $8,600 for homebound in­ General Services, 41 Center 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL vate room with community many extras. A rare find at with attached garage, one half CONNECTICUT cense to assist in delivery and Dogs— Birds— Pofs 41 kitchen and bath, all utilities Realty Ck>., Realtors, 648-1121. new 3^ rooms at $160, $21,900. CaU Dick Zimmer at struction and $1,600 for sub­ Street, ManchesteV, Conn., until Baseballs and Softballs 19 PIECES FLORIST gift shop, beauty WHERE Just off Main St. can $18,100. Manchester, attractive block from boating and swim­ installations. Gall 649-3689. included, conveniently located rooms at $170. Heat, hot water, J. D. Real Estate, 848-6120, stitutes. AprU 21, 1960 at U:00 o.m. for GROOMINO all breeds. Sar- $297 , salon, etc. Attraettvs 8 room you get a six-room home with 8-bedroom Razteh, lu g e seclud­ ming, wooded lot, $18,900 takes NOTICE to stores and bus line. After»6 refrigerator, oven-range, dis­ home, M7-U89. In general, the prapesed in­ COOLING AND VBNTILATINO mony Hill. H.C. Chase, Hebron • home, garage, oovened path), large, clean rooms and alumi­ ed well shrubbed yard, city It. PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, OF ADOPTION OF Diversified midwest manu- Interior Designer wants reliable p.m., 644-0383. posal, dish'washer, wall to 'wall EXDCUnVE SBCBBTABY 649-6347. creases are tqipraximately as SYSTEM — BASEMENT, MU­ Call Rd., Bolton. 643-6427. Fumishod ; flreplaoe, 2 acres, Hutchins num siding and aluminum f.iclurcr .‘>eeks a young man PART-TIME work, days. family or newlyweds to accept carpeting, air-comhtionlng, utilities, centraUy located. ORDINANCE toUows: Admlnlsttattan, $8,868; NICIPAL BUIUJINa AND Aportmonts 63-A > Agency, Rsoltora, MO-8824. storms and screens for $17,- In accordance with the provi­ kriijwlcdfiabie in all phases 649-6334. DACHSHUNDS, Chihuahuas, delivery of complete Model Dls- THE ’IHOMPSON House — Cot- swimming pool, terniis courts. Excellent skills required. MUST SE E! Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- BOLTON — Top location, top inetructlon $184,200; health ser­ COOLDtO — WELFARE OF­ 300? Ask aiiy of the “ can do” 6324. sions of Chapter 8, Sections 1 FICE, 98 CENTER STREET. of production of baseballs Weimaraner^, AKC registered play of Quality Furniture just St.^centrally l^ a ted, la ^ e q r j . RCXIM, furnished, lease parking end storage. No pets. Lots of unsupervised work IN the center o f town, toui^bed- quality custom built 6-room vices, $866; transportation, $600; boye from the Belfiore Agen­ and 9 of the Town Charter, no­ Bid forms, plans end spedfl- softball-s. Must have com­ EXPERIENCED backhoe and litters. Sale subject to vets removed to warehouses for Pub- pleasantly furnished rooms, and security required, $76 per Call Hartford 627-6288, Vemcwi here. Girt must be reaponsl- Exceptionally clean 6-room Ranch. Plastered walls, cast- operation of plant, $788, and so­ room two-bath older home. An cy, 647-1418. MANCHESTEIR — Two-family, tice is hereby given of the aidop- catlons are available at the Gen­ plete knowledge of all op- bull dozer operators, also ex­ okay. Some ready to go. 1- Ho Sale. Modem 3 complete parking. Cali 646-2368 for over­ month Paul W. Dougan Real- 876-8721 or 876-4866. ble. Good hours, great ealary. home with an assumable iron radiation, breezeway„ 2- cial security, insurance oral rent­ , exceUent buy at only $28,800... 6-6, good condition, exceUent tion by the Board of Directors eral Services Offlet, 41 Center erationid machinery and ^ perienced amesite men. Steady 628-6673. rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 night and permanent guest mortgage, m odem kHcdien, RANCH — Six room, three bed­ car garage. Priced tor im­ al, $84,786. tor, 046-4635. Salary ito $140. D.O.E. Fee ; within a block of S t James return, $24,600. H. M. Frechette of the Town of Manchester, Con­ willing to relocate to mid­ year ’roimd work. Call after 6 pc. Convertible living Room, rates. ROCKVILLE — Four-room aluminum siding, large en­ mediate sale. Hayes Agency, Street, Manchester, Connecticut. paid. 1 School. Eight rooms In all, rooms, two baths, famUy room, Realtor, 647-9993. necticut, April 1, 1969, of an Other increases by oategorles west. Bright future is wait­ p.m., 742-6190. TROPICAL fish for sale. Fan- 6 pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette. R(K!KVILLE > —3 rooms all util­ apartment, two bedrooms, closed porch. Immediate oc­ 6464181. TOWN OF NICE BEDROOM for gentleman ■ combination windows, real brlric front, attached garage. Ordinance as follows: are: Student body actlvtUea, ing for the right man. Re­ tail Guppies, sold in pairs at $10 down, you may purchase ities furnished, $126. monthly. modem, heat included. $126. I* A Permanent cupancy. Only $24,900. FOUR-ROOM custom built Town of Manchester, with references. Private home, , big lot with plenty of trees. Mid 20’e. 610 Wetherall Morri­ Chapter 35 ASSESSMENTS FOR $000; oapMal outlay, $266; debt ply giving complete details 60 cents. Cali 646-6447 between any room individually. Im­ 649-8861. monthly. Call after 6:80, 640- Placement VERNON — Six-room Ckipe, Connecticut Service ' ; Give us a caH and START son Realtors, 643-1018. single, exceUent cimdltlon, 3 CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR service, down $8,400, and tuition l onceniing exp^ence, age 6 and 6 p.m. only. molate delivery or free very near center. 21 Church St., 6626. Uke new on a parklike lot. Robert B. Weiss, CARLYLE JOHNSON PACKINO. T. J. Crockett, fireplaces, laige attic, well OR BOTH OF SIDEWALKS -inJ e.xpeeted compensation. storage. 649-4966. PHILBRICK AGENCY $28,000 — Privacy, 6-r o o in Three bedrooms, formal dining to -vocational lagrlculture and Omeral Miinsger SMALL LIGHT silver miniature 806 Silver Lane, B, Hertford ; Realtor, 648-1877. landscaped, located at 246 Oak AND CURBS private schools, $8,776. Ail replies will be held con- CAP & CCP Charge Plans ROC3KVILLE — four-rooms Ranch, paneled famUy room, room, wall to wall carpeting, ■MACHINE CO. male poodle puppy. Excellent , ATTRACTTVE sleeping room, Business Locations TEL. 6t8-641S REALTORS St. Manchester, $28,000. For Sec. 36-1 is hereby repealed fidentijU. Box “ NN” Man- nicely furnished, appliances in­ ■MANCHESTER — Move right stove, di^washer, garage, se­ oversized attached garage, The anticipated revenuee have temperament and breeding. 7 ^Iso, our ovm Instant Credit gentlenian, shower bath, appointment to see call be­ and the following are substituted r!i:-s1ei> Herald. For Rent 64 cluded. Security deposit re­ tn, S-bedroom Ranch, formal cluded yard with tree!, laurel. minutes to Vernon Circle. H.M. Increased from $20,887 to $114,- Has openings tor weeks old. FMr further informa- Plan private entrance, free parking. 649-6847 tween 6-6 p.m. No agents. O v^ in lieu thereof: quired. Adults only, $120. Call dining room, bath and a half, Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Frechette, Realtors, 647-9998. 027 due largely to a $81,687 re­ INVITATION TO BID SMALL STORE near 100 per er, 643-8740. Sec. 36-1 Assessments BLANCHARD GRINDER OP- Ura calls Suds & Sclswrs DISCOUNT FURNITURE Apply 195 Spruce St. 643-9678. ' large Uvlng room with fire- M94IS24. investment of the numey Ixnv The Conn. State Hlg cent Main Street location. Ap­ MANCHESTER — Six room BOLTON — (Scenic Mount Whenever any sidewalk or Dept wll aoeept Uds on Dl-SH/BUS MEN ERA’TORS, GENERAL MA­ P ^ l e Shoppe. 876-7624, 876- WAREHOUSE ------• place and bookcases, rec room RAk’CH Deluxe — 8 bedrooms. rowed for the $1,260,000 bond ply Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. 8AL£S TBAINIIBS Colonial, exceUent condltioiv MANCHD8TW Sumner), Ansaldl buUt (1966) curb is constructed or repaired 14, 1969, at 10:80 AJd., U .* ., CHINE OPERATORS (SET- ______NOW 2 BIG LOCATIONS I and basement garage. Prime This attractive home offera Resort Proporty new kitchen, fireplace, ga­ brick and frame six-room (3o- or both in accordance with the issue and increased state grants covering the Inetallotton o f Traf­ for promotion to C^k- OPERATE), HEAT a KC CHIHUAHUA puppy, 3680 Main St. Hartford Aportmonts— Flots— MANCHESTER —Three new No degTM required. Sell- • location. $37,900. Make this a LOVELY TREED LOTI proud ownership. Many extra for special education whlofa rage. Owner transferred. Im­ An excellent localton! ’Three lonial Ranch. Attached 2 terms of Chapter m of the fic Cmitrol Signals at Various iiip Dept. ExceUent earnings. xREATER, ’TOOL CRIB AT- female, six weeks old. Call 742- 622-7249 Tenements 63 stores for lease. 600x100 square For Ront 67 starting individual to sell for I must to see. International As- features. Tlmrod Rd. Higdt SO's. Jumped from $8,000 to $14,000. I^>cations in the State of. Con- i -lidr? vficxitlons. /wiT4^\n e TLife ATA Insurance.inaii**an/«A ______ipRii^ANT______’ mediate occupancy. CaU now, bedrooms and a flreplaoe garage on parklike acre. A re^_ arter of the Town of Man­ 6366. (former Fuller Brush bldg.) feet. Busy location. Reasonable. growing area concern. Bbccel- I sociates, 647-1800. MOrrlson, Realtor. 648-1016. TMe leavea the district to««i» necticut Pa vi sickne.ss benefits. Day or SUMMER vacation home. Lake $28,800. Hayes Agency, 648- are Just some of the fea­ value €it $28,600. Call Suzanne chester, as amended, there shall 176 Pine St. Manchester 30 LOCUST St. - first floor, 4 Hayes Agency, 646-0131. lent opportunity and benefita. Proposals an availaMe at nipiit rliift available. Minimum Good wages, benefits Wiraiipeaaukee, N. H. New !$28,900 CUSTOM buUt brick 0181. tures of this 'Ranch house. OXFORD Street—"A one-car Shorts, 043-3233, J. Watson be assessed against the land ad­ 646-2332 Salary to $8,600. Foe paid. the State Highway DMoartment, 18 years. Apply in person and overtime. rooms, heat, hot water, $140. MANCHESTER — For lease, 3 bedroom Chalet, fireplace, I Split Level, fireplace, garage, It is exoettent for chUdren home.” In these daya you usu­ Beach A Co., Realtors, 278- jacent to such walk one-half of 24 Wolcott HiU Road, Wetbera- Articles For Solo 45 (former Norman’s F’um. PRIVACY Raised 7 6950. to iiihr,.Tg'er. 646-2426 9-6. New industrial building, 6,(XK) clubhouse, heated pool, tennis ! la rge manlcimed lot, plcture- wMh Its quieit street and ally need two cars, but here Is the cost of the orlgintd installa­ fMd, Conn., attention: Mr. El­ Warehouse rooms, 2 fireidaces, 1% baths, tion of any such sidewalk, but BID BEQUEST 1967 EDITION World Book En- comer of Pine & Forest St.s) FOUR-room ■square feet to 60,000 square courts. Reservations filling RICHARD P. RITA I book setting, laige garden, nearby seboM. For appoint­ a nine-room home In an ex­ ton R. Reid, Purohaoea Coordi­ 62 MAIN STREET apartment, new recreation room, garage, alu­ LONDON PARK — Pleasant none of the cost of constructing nator, Room 830. ALICE’S cyclopedia, mint condition. ? ^ j^ fe e t, taUored to your con- *qulcldy. 643-0189. PBBSONNBL I privacy. Hutchins Agency, ment, can 649-6306 or 876- tremely central location where TOWN OP ANDOVER MANCHESTER Mon.-FYl. 9-9, Sat. 9-6 building, 2 bedrooms, center' minum siding, acre, view, $27,- rural atmosphere In congenial or repairing any curb, nor of the Bids will be received until WONDERFUL KITCHEN CaU 876-1340. venience, all utilities. Easy ac SYflTBM ; Reoltora, M9-8S24. 6611. you can walk to everything. town, $160. 643-4608. 900, HutcMne, Agency, M9-S824 young neighbortiood. Charm­ cost of repaiiring any sidewalk, April 14, 1969 for the delivery, I’ lw d St., Manchester REMODELING — ’Three triple cess to 1-84, 15 minutee to Four bedrooms up, «md fl-ve ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used W onted To Rent 6B Silver Lone, B. Hqrttord ing clean 6-room Cape. Formal where said repairs are done as of No. 2 fuel oU, regular gaso­ tract storm-screen combina- PIVE-room apartment second downtown Hartford. For more TBL. 63S-941S MANCHESTER — BVxir room rooms down Including a bright as printing plates, .006 thick, ; IMMEDIATE B & W dining room, 'wall to wall. Ex­ part of a scheduled area repair lene, and HD oil for the com­ NOTICE tions, 69” x34” , $5 eqjch. Call floor, garage, redecorated. particulars call Warren E. WANTED — 4-bedroomB Ranch, ideal rettrement or kitchen, formal dining room, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ceUent Insulation. Aluminum program. However, where side­ ing year. Bids must be on a per 23x36” , 25 cents each or 5 for 649-1448. Adult family, no pets. $120 per Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. large house in Bolton. CaU OCCUPANCY U'vlng room, famUy room and TOWN OF MANGHESTBR P STORE MANAGER Help Wonted— starter home. Picture book storms, screens, doors. $21,700. walk repairs are done at the re­ gallon basis, delivered at loca­ T $1. Call 643-2711 Manchester Parkade office or den or a room for the POSITION VAOANOY Mole or Female 37 moj^. References requir^. pwE-room suite of front Main 646-4874. kitchen with dishwasher, blue and worth it. Belfiore Agency, quest of the adjacent landowner tions specified, by automatic Write Box ”JJ” , Manchester New 7-room Raised Ranch MianebesteT 649-6306 baby. IH baths, flreplaoe, b u i l d i n g MAINTENANCE TOAINEES BAR BELLS and weights, iron atone fireplace in Uvlng room. 647-1418. outside of a scheduled area re­ delivery as needed. Containers Musical Instruments 53 Herald. One of America’s Oldest I 2H baths, 3 fireplaces, kuin- basement with garages, MECHANIC boots, professional sun lamp. tion near banks, elr-ccndltlon- Many features you wiU love. MANCmESTBR — RockvUle, 4- pair program or as an emer­ for regular gas, two-600 gallon Immediate openings in local National Corporations ex­ > dry room, buUt-ins, plos- awnings, etc. The ideal family SOUTH WINDSOR — Dutch $6,731.00 • $8,478.00 Best offer. 643-8671. MARTIN Guitar, 0018 C, one- FIVE-ROOM Hal, second floor. «d, automatic fire sprinkler, Centrally located. Char-Bon room Ranch. Knotty pine U'vlng gency repair deemed necessary tanks. Containers for No. 2 fuel re,'' to manage branch re- panding in area. Seektaig I tered waBs, 2-car giorage, home that must be seen to be Colonial, modem kitchen with 40 HOUR WEEK '•iil f«Ki stores. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS year old, excellent condition, big rooms, exceUent condition. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main St Career Salesmen, $700 Salary t city utilMea, near school. Agency, 648-0683. room, oak floors, large lot. Im­ by the Director of Public oU, two 250-gallon tanks. Con­ SCREENED loam, processed WANTED appreciated. Owners transfer­ built-ins, formal dining room, TUESDAY THROUGH 649-2839 ask for Ron Neubauer, ,igo. per month plus heat, and Bonus. FYlnge Benefits maculate. Only $14,700. H. M. Works, the adjacent landowner tainers for No. 2 fuel oil, two MAN FOR OUB I 80-day occupancy. BuUt by MANCHESTER — 6-6 duplex, large U'vlng room with fire­ SATURDAY NO EXPERIENCE FIRST AND SECOND gravel, gravel, sand, stone, FOR RENT or sale-461 Main Include Retirement, Invest­ red out of state. Please caU for may have the option of such re­ 1000-gallon tqnks. Containers for or 649-8976. adults preferred. Call Paul W. DEUGATE8SEN ' Ansoldi. Ohariee Lesper- 2-car garage with attached frechette, Realtors, M7-0998. Liberal fringe beneflto include NECESSARY SHIFTS fill. George H. Grifflng Inc. Street. Building and lot next ment P’rogram, Hospital and appointment, as it is a pleasure place, breezeway, 2-car garage, pair being done with bituminous HD oil in viscosity specified in Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. OOUNTXS , ance. 849-7620, 649-6106. porch. Modem kitchens and paid vacation; sick leave; bdl- Andover 742-7886. 120 BASS AOCORDIAN ______to Post Office ExceUent loca­ Life Insurance. Men we seek MANCHESTER — ’Two famUy, to show. T. J. Crockett, Real­ enclosed patio, large finished concrete at no cost to him or 60-gallon containers. Comp.'iiiy benefits include Good pay and benefits baths, good condition, large lot, (amUy room, $36,500. PhUbrick dayi; pension plan; complete F^llly experienced or case, good condition, $75. FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX] large tion for any use. 646-2426 from should have potential tor both 5 and 6, good floor plan, with tor, 648-1677. paying the difference in cost be­ Bids will be opened at 8:00 p.'dd Blue Cross-Blue Shield, ralnees MISCELLANEOUS GARDEN for the right man! Ap­ Sales and Sales Management. 'NEW e-room Colonial, 1% baths, $28,000. CaU owner, 649-9446. Insurance plan. Buildo3reea’ for: Three 'violins, $36 each. CaU rooms, nice neighborhood, ga­ 9 to 6 p.m Uvlng room dining room' a n d Agency, Reiiltors, 649-5347. tween a bituminous concrete re­ o’clock p.m., April 14, 1969 at ?>Iajor medical, life insur­ equipment, shovels, spades, ply in ^>eraon to . . ■ Management Potential within MANCHESTER — Six-room credit union available. 643-8671. 2 fireplaces, bulR-lns, laundry large kitchen, two bedrooms. pair and a Portland cement con­ the Town Office Building, School ance .ind company paid rakes, lawn sweeper, spreader. rage, exceUent condition, p r j m e office for leaae. Excep- two years. See Employer WEST SIDE — 8 rooms, mod­ Country Coltmlal on a treed Par application and Job de­ TURRET AND ENGINE adults only, $160. monthly plus ' room, family room, 2-car ga- Vfay be bought with extra crete repair, this difference to Street. If bids are not satisfac­ pi-n(it. sharing retirement roller, 3% gallon garden spray- HAGSTROM guitar. 8 string tlonal location. Medical Phar­ • MEATOWN • Representative at State Em­ I rage, city utllltlee, large 1 o t, em kitchen with buUt-lns, for­ acre. Three bedrooms, lit COVENTRY — $13,900. Modem scription cqpply to PERSONNEL LATHES heat. CaU Paul W. Dougan, ployment Office, Main SL, lot. Wolverton Agency, Real­ be determined by the Depart­ tory to the town they will be re­ plnn. If you are interested er. Riding mower, less than base. 2-pdck-up. ExceUent con- macy Bldg., Haynes and Main 1216H SUver Lone ■ good location. Charles Lesper- mal dlntng room, three bed­ baths, full walk-out basement, one-year old Roiich, 3 bed­ OFFICE, Municipal Building, 41 MILLING MACHINE Realtor, 649-4636. Manchester, April 9Ut be­ tors, M9-3818. ment of Public Yorks and re­ jected. in guiding own future then one year old. 643-8671. dition. CaU 646-2683 after 6 p.m. St. Paneled, air-conditioned. Ekurt Hartford, Ckmn. I ance, 649-7620, M9-6108. rooms, large enclosed porch, garage. $26,000. WolverUm rooms, electrically heotedwith Center Street, Manchester, Con­ tween 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. vised annually on April 16. The Board of Selectmen necticut, 08040. !i,pi>ly in person. BENCH ASSEMBLY MANCHESTER — One-bed­ CaU evenings, 649-5820, 643- garage, aluminum siding, $24,- MANCHBSTTSl — Two-fomlly, Agency, Realtor, 049-2818. Indi'vldual heat control, alumi­ SIX H.P., 32” riding rotary owner of any lands so assessed by Percy B. Cook, Closing dzde for filing is Fri­ GENERAL INSPECTION room garden type apartment, 6614, 243-102^ 900. PhUbrick Agency Real­ 6 and 6, and a five-room sin­ num storme, aluminum siding. mower, good condition, $176. MANCHESTER and vicinity — shall pay such assessment with­ First Selectman day, April 18, 1988. CUMBERLAND FARMS Office and Store tors, M9-684T. gle, aU on one lot Both prop­ Gerard Agency, Realtors, 648- Excellent opportunity for willing CaU 649-3807. $146. per month. Iiyluding MANCHESTER — 900 square For the best In real estate In in thirty (80) days from the STORE erties in fine oondlUrm and wiU 0366, 649-0638. ambitious people. Equipment 54 heat, hot water etnd appliances. feet, light manufacturing with aU price ranges call Mitten date of notice of such assess­ 10!> O uter St., Manchester. SPOTS before your eyes — on Old-World Charm provkle rent free Uvlng f o r Private entrance, first floor. 360 square foot office space. Realty, Realtors, 643-6930. HEBRON — aean Cape, 4 ment, provided, however, that Established firm, air-conditioned your new carpet — remove MODEL 33, Electro- Want Work Near Home? owner or occupier. $84,600. Available April 20. CaU Paul Available at once. CaU War­ years old, rooms, 1% bettis, if the assessment shall exceed plant them with Blue Lustre. Rent static dry office copying ma­ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. ren E. Howland, Realtor, 648- fireplace, garage, one-acre tot, the sum of One Hundred F.l.ECTRICXAN — experienced, electric shampooer $1. Paul’s chine. very good condition, INTERESTING JOBS AVAILABLE FOR A-Line Silhouette 640-2818. . ($100.00) Dollars, he may noti­ Excellent fringe benefits. Apply: 1108. Lf>ts For Seri* 73 bordering State Forest. $22,900. 4S iiours per week, all benefit'. Paint & Wallpaper Supply. $400. 649-5384. LUXURIOUS duplex, 4% rooms, BOTH MEN AND WOMEN fy the Collector of Revenue PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, 'Dme and oi ^•^alf over 40. Call 1V4 baths, color appUances, a PPROXIMA’TELY ‘ 6,000 MANCHESTER —Two fam­ ANDOVER — School Rd; buUd- within that time of his election 1-: 0008 after 6 p.iTj^ FEDDERS air-conditioner, 2 Experience not necessary—'We train you. Uy, 6 and 4 In a reaiidentlal 649-6347. CONN. STATE W onted— To Buy 5B hood, disposal, heat, hot water, square feet in Bolton ean be ing lot with view of the lake. to pay the amount so assessed years old, exceUent condition, carpeted staircase. Venetian broken down Into three, 2,000 Attractive Wages, Group Insurance, neighboahood. Maintenance Well on property. CaU Norman in -installments as follows: In , ! ■loi’RNEYMAN ~ ito^d EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 17 300 HEBRON — Newly listed. Look­ $100. 649-3023. Profit Sharing Benefits free sldliig, 3-oar garage, treed plutriber wanted. (3ood wages, WANTED — Antique furniture blinds, private entrances, bus square feet units. Ample park- S. Hohenthal, Realtor, 646-1166. ing for a country atmosphere semiannual payments, including 120 X 216’ lot. $80,600. Wolver­ Interest at the rate of six ivcrlime, paid holidays. Call 806 MAIN STREET BRACE yourself for a thrill the glass, pewter, oil paintings or storage, parking, $160. No sensibly priced. T.J. Apply in person at but yet minutes from Manches­ ton Agency, .Reattwe, 849-2818. MANCHESTER — Oakland St. (6%) per cent per annum, for R.-y Boulet Plumbing and fir^ time you use Blue Lustre other antique items. Any P®ts. Available April 16. 649- Crockett Realtor, 648-1677. ter? Six-room Cape with ga­ MANCHESTER, CONN. wooded building lot 100x160'. a period not exceeding twenty- Heating, 644-1317. to clean rugs. Rent electric quantity. The Harrison’s, 643- rage on large well landscaped 263 MAIN Street, offices fo r THE ALDON SPINNING MILLS CORP. For information call 649-8860, four (24) months from the date lOODYEAR Service Store has Monday through shampooer $1. Olcott Variety «?09, 165 Oakland Street. MANCHESTER — Very large 8- after 6 p.m., anytime week­ lot. Many extras. CaU Inter­ rent, $40. monthly. Ask f o r TALCX)TTVILLB / CONNECTICUT national Associates, 647-1300 ot notice of such assessment. ;ui opening for a full-time tire ^•''' Store. bedroom Ranch la a prime ends. HOUSEHOLt' lots — Antiques' " ^-room heated Mr. Frechette, M7-0603. for an appointment today. AU assessments unpaid after clmnger, some stock room resldentZal area, 2 fireplaces, thirty (30) days from the date 1 FROM wall to wall, no soU at bric-a-brac, clocks, frames] apartment, $110, 646-2426, 96. BOLTON Center — Large wood­ work and deliveries involved. ------IH ■baths, rec room, garage. ot notice of such assessment all. on carpets cleaned with glasswmre. We buy estates, 'yil. FOUR room apartment, central- ed acre tot, beautiful location. EAST HARTFORD — ExceUent Goods lartlng pay and benefits, EXPERIENCED nur^e aide for Immaculate throughout. Ask­ and all unpaid balances on as­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric iage Peddler, ^20 ]y newly decorated. Contour of land suitable for cuMom-biMlt, oversized Cape. iniisl have driver's license. Ap­ day shift, full-time; RN for day ing $29,900 H, M; Freohette, sessments being paid in install­ shampooer $1. The Sherwin- Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. any style home. For informa­ Double gaioge, 2% baths, fam­ ply (loodyear Service Store, shift, full-time; porter for day Heat, hot water, one bed­ R ealton 847-9908. , ments shall bear Interest at the Williams, Co. , tion call Weataide Realty, 649- Uy room with fireplace. % acre Vi-rnon Circle, Vernon, Conn. shift, full-time. Pleasant w o r k - ______room. One or two adults only. rate of six (6%) per cent per MANCHESTEIR — C2uumlng 4842. lot in prestige area. Low 30's. (M8-01CI1. An equal opportunity ing conditions In a modem ______. ------Rooms Without Board 59 No pets. References required. annum from the date of such Ranch, five large rooms, fire­ Meyer Agency, Realtor, 643- eniyiloyer. faculty, 3 miles from East DoOtS Olid AcceSSOrleS 46 643-2171, Evenings, 643-8470. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 0609. notice. Hartford. Meals, Blue Cross ______SINGLE and double furnished place, 3 baths, walk-out base- Sec. 36-2 Assessments — MANCHESTER —New 2-b^- Clerk-part-time hours ■ and CMS available, wages com- 19’ MOLDED flberglaa with rooms for rent. 643-9875, 643- ment, attached garagd; qraoi- Out ot Town BOLTON — Custom 7-room Method of Assessing Corner room apartments. Oven, range, m.roR PAnei * flc>;tble. over 21 preferred. Ex- parable to other convalescent Evinrude 90 h.p, engine, com- 5909. AND * OR ous treed lot. WUl finance, 1- For Solo 75 Ranch. Double garage, 3-fire- Lots refrigerator, wall to wall car­ M BEOSPRCAD 873-8631, evenings. P'lieuFed, reliable, driver's homes. Own transportation. Ap- plete N^h all nwessary equip- for'rentV ^li^^iien priri- places, 2H baths, full baae­ When a sidewalk is construct­ peting, heat and hot water in- COVENTRY — 6-room Randi. lloonse. Good pay. Millers plyT^iv in

MONDAY, AFBIL 7, 190#;;: ilUutrltPsftrr Stinting i|pralii Daily Net Pram Ron

^teoonato mmI CliriaUan Dr. Joe Seger, associate pro- H m Regina D’ltaUa Society Chapman Joy drele of North MeeUngs at Oonunnnliy B i^- T h e W ea th er It RMLrdi of Trinity foasor cf the Old Testament and wUl meet tonight at 7:80 at toe March 88. lew Town United Methodist dnnrch will tl*t Church scheduled for Fair and ooUar fonigtat, lows Ctawvh wtU in««t to- arobaology at the Hartford Sem­ ItsHan Amorican Chib on EM- mast Wednesday at>8 p.m. at Wednesday include Bcqr Scout Mt 7:M p.m. a/t the inary Fowdation, will speak to­ iim trljP H tp r lE iiptiitm U p ra lh ia tos 80s. Tomorrow moaUy t M Om BaMHi Am«ri- rldga S t toa church, riestaaaaa are Mn. Troop 188 at 6.^ p.m.; toe oin n l). night at 8:18 at meeting of LaVeme Holmes, Mrs. 771111am 15,535 sunny and oanUnnsd coM. High ____ I m a K k if^ M. fw ih . Senior Choir and toe mortgage 1967 CHEVROLET hi tos mlfklto BOB. tos Siaterhood of Temple Bedh k* tn m T to » i».ai.. Tha exseutlve board of toe McKendrick 'and Mrs. Lsverett burning committee, both at 7:80 SffDicfceater— »vd CUy of Viiiage Cham n ra t Chiatdi o f Chrlat, Scion- SiKdom a t the temple. Ms sid>- Mamdwater Newcomen’ d u b Oatas. p.m. Ma^ win have a Wedneaday Ject is "Archaeology and the will m eet tonight at 8 at the VOL. LXXXVni, NO. 1« 9 (SIXTEEN PA6ES—TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, APRIL S, 1M9 totohnony aaaatlng Wednaaday Bible from Solomon to toe *»»• >*». Peter MfOcnald, Tha Woman’s FaUowelllp and 'h TON PICKUP (OtoasIfM AdvwttBtog «■ Fag* 18) PRICE TEN CENTU wfllinMtto- at a p.m. at toe church. The Scrolis.’ ’ Pasaover refrerti- n Sycamon Lane, Apt. C. Bethany Oroiqi, both of Center W hM Hw way WM ' avent ia iqpett to too poblio. ments wUl be aerved after the rs>i^ •ATM lun. ta^toedoe- Oengregatfonal Church, wlB fMidapMtbMa 6-CYLINDER nom nt Mnwhiii meeting. The Women's AuxlMary of meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. tor FLEETSIDE 6'/i The Oreater Haitford Branch PioseripHoa HodpHia. Datee- Maaetoestei- MM|g«t and Pony « day of sewing in the Fellow­ CLEAN o f the Tranaatlantic Bridea and The Lullaby Club will meet Fhotball Laagua wUI meet to­ ship Room et toe church. Those yoH eoft dtopm d M Jobless Rate In Todhty's Herald I HcNiJtir of the Parenta Aaaociation win meet FoHea Itapaitment and obaerve Husband’s Night night fd 8 at toe home of MTs. attending are reminded to bring W 9 M M % Heart Recipient wtn apeak on “narcotics and 'Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at Vet­ Wednesday at 8:15 at toe Polish Anen Kroln U » MAple St. sandwldiee. Deesert and cof­ $ 1 3 9 5 ^ 0 0 A puhUc hearing on- toe the taooal Profatacn." Tkdoet re- eran’s Memorial Clubhouse, National Home, 100 Oovemor fee will be served at noon. Holds Steady town’s proposed budget tor Sunset Ridge Dr., Bast Hart­ White House Weicome tnraa may be made at this St., Hartford. » The Ifonohester Chapter of next year waa^ held last ford. The program wUl include SPESQS will meet tonight at 8 WASHINGTON (AP) — a speaker from the Hartford The muftc committee of Trin­ (ji)sd d i)jrL Has Pneumonia night For a full report on Manchester Clergy Associa­ at tomce Center, 806 Olcctt St. ity Covenant Church will meet Modatato job gain( >boc«tad toe RehabUttatlon Center. T h e tion will meet tomorrow at 10:80 The event la open to aft men D M I G C O . ***** ** ^ mld-momlng re- natkia’a total of em pk^'work- toat hearing sea page 6. Ika TonOi Caioir o f Second erent is open to all British-boni Wednesday at 1 p.m. at toe TED TRUDO'n, Inc. a.m. at FeHowsMp Hall, Second **“ “ **”'■ P®'** condition had been era only -ugSHy laat and On page 7 o f today’s OoBsrasattonal Cdiuridi win women. iatereatod in barbemhop-atyle home ot t i n . Richard Cook, 22 7S7 M eliiftt,, Mm TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALOOTTVnXft: meat Wadnaad^r at S:M p jn . at Congregational Church. singing. Haitan Si. , s«s-«m Herald you wUl find toa sec­ ^ h a ^ was reported today to Cooley bad said Monday that fo the unemoiovment rate itoe toe chPTBh. TIm Senior caidr The RockvOle Emblem dub hwe developed pneumonia. Karp has a "low Incidence of re- gov«mment nootted tottov’ ond in a series of articles on Given King Hussein arin meat at TJO p.m. on the arill meet Wednesday at and wm be unUkely to rb a Labor Dep^irtiM^ Bu- tha drug preUem in town. the Elk’s Home Park St., Rock- raported tola 86 hours after the reject” his new heart. of La.facr 8tain.ttn> tha The Wtomoi’a DemocraUc vUle. A potluck will be served Cooley, toe 48-y*aivrid aur- March increase fa employment Club ariU haea an elecUon of of- at 6:80 p.m. before a business flcain and a wine taatlnf ttmiar- nieeting at 8. Mm. Arthur FV>lsy tlon. « K«p. raid Mbnday ..t to Mx montha Is in charge of program. APPLIANCE tonuGa the noGpUal. nlsht In DuCnlt ttmi Ihe donor. Thm eraw*ra*.aWr*rararao Swiss Plant Nixon Lauds row at 7:>0 plm. at Iona HaD, <> ___ Mr. Karp has devsioped a mt7 Baibwa Ewim unemptoym^ Refent St IfemberB may bring The VFW Auxiliary wlU meet patch Of pneumonia fa iTSght 5 ^ ^ t o gueala. lung and his kidney funoUon la d ie ^ r a t e T ^ E x p lo d e s , Jordan Chief and' elect officers tomorrow at depiessed,’’.. *U*the 1iKxqtttal__La.-. bulletin __ ___ ^ ^*** *•* par cant rales cf toe 7:80 p.m. at the post home. Of- "She had complete brain pravtoua three monUw. The flcera and chairmen are re­ INC. CENTER aald. "Ha remains remnsive auiwum WA8HH9GTGN (A P ) — Jor­ but he ia tired. Doctors are image and had no refleocee «nnU itoe wen attributed maln- minded to wear uniforms. whatever,’’ Cooley eald. "She ly to unemidoyinent amoog Nine Killed dan’s embattled, pro-Wastam hopeful he wiU respond to medi­ had been supported by extraor- taen-agei*. King Hussein was weloomed to cal managamant" AARAU, Swttnriaiid (AP) — Temple Chapter, Order of dtoacy meena." Harold Goldstein, assistant tha TVhtte House today by Presi­ There was no indication when An expkMivee factory blew up dent Nlxnn who deecrtiM the Elastem Star, will meet Wednes­ another bulletin would be Is­ Cooley aaid Mtb. Bteran euf- commissioner of the bureau, day nt 8 p.m. at the Masonic ferod cardlao a m a t eight said the most significant in- today at the village of Dottlkoa, monarch ae a man of "courage, o r sued. wisdom and mnderation.’’ Temple. An Easter Bonnet blooks from St. laike’s mwI she crease in employment was in killing nine penons and kijurfag BUDGET TERMS the construction industry. He In this worid eharactorised by Parade wiU be oMKhicted after required heait maraage to keep 40 others, poUoe repotted. IfAnOITWIDB the organ finotkuifag until the said that even though construc­ "very explorive praiUenia,’ ’ OUARAlfTKaD SBltVKaB a businesB meeting. Officers are reminded to wear colored operatlan. tion jobs increased less ^ than Alarm siren* and church bells Nboon toM his gueet, "laader- toanw 0am IVse Taaflai Mhs. Ewan o f Lawrence, seasonally ifor the February to began ringing In villages and ftiip is required ... and ttaea . ilM- MSSMT- gowns. Mfo. Janet Von Deck and her committee are in Several Hurt Maas., wea Down hers on jet March period they remained at towns for miles around as the thM qualities (cf leadenhfp) the highest March level—S.l we have seen in you ...’’ charge of reftreahments. ambulance flight from Mlaraa- explosion sent a shook wave ntmmttt, million—since 1966. \) Huraein, cn ids )hinl vUtt As Rockets Oooley aaM earlier in Houston "We are watching to see if ue through tte countryside and here since tte 19BT Arab-tenWH 8 The property committee of high cost ot money is going to raised a gigantic mushroom war, tted tha President he feels Center Congregational Church ttwt Indtoattons wee* that Karp’s body was unlikely to re­ curtail construction activity but cloud over the village. a "great responaMaiUty" to dls- will meet Wednesday at 7:80 Hit Saigon wo don’t see It yet," Goldstein cues the grave proUeens of the p.m. at the church irffice. The COME IN. LET NORMAN'S EXPERTS SHOW ject the donor heart but in De­ said. Within minute* hundreds of YOU THE LARGEST troit he saM the patient would M kUe Blast INGOME m Senior Chohr will havo a social ] Over-all, the bureau statistics ambulances, fire engines and SAIGON (AP) — At least five have "a great deal of difilteulty " I really hope we wlB move in Wednesday at 0 p.m. at the rounds of racket or mortar fln showed, employment was up patrot cars from the entire can­ tts dhtectton ot a just and hon- PREPARATION Robbins Room of toe ohuroh. recovering.” 146,000 from February after ad­ SELECTION OF APPLIANCES IN MANCHESTER! AVAILABLE IN ALL hit residential areas on Saigon’s 'We think be to a favorable ton of Aarau raced to DottHcon, orahle peace in this eoqpioaive northern outskirts tonight Injur­ justments were made for sea­ ettuatlon fraught with duger," M D i m i A L type at leotpient,’’ Cooley said sonal factors. an Industrie village of some ing several parsons. ot Karp In Houaten. he saU. ■U5M6S5 AND South Vietnamese apokeemen Goldstein said this was slight­ 2,000 iittabltants. H ttseln aoM on hte arrive) THE BRIGHT, NEW SPRING COLORS WITH IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! K was Cooley’s 19th such op­ ly less than half the average SBfIAU BUSINESS said the five rounds fell fa a aeo- eration. I. The blast was felt 12 miles Mbnday In Nftw York he teora tlon of Gla Dfah, a major aub- gain re s to r e d in the previous Play Golf Oooley said the eight-ounce away In Aarau, and for five another mejor war threatens In jC d l uib, and two hamlets called five moriUis but was about the plastic and fabric heart he Im- same as during most of last miles around tt shattered nearly the Mideast with the "possibili­ BUY ~ FROM THE PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST ... NORMAN'S PEOPLE! Dong Nhut and Dong Nhl, on op- ty ot outside Imrafvement" JASON xn ovn cH FOX GROVE poalte stdea of the Saigon River. planted to Karp’s ctiaat on a year. all window panes. temporary basis last Friday has "If no solutioa Is found I think One report eald one of the The nation’s workers contin­ Police headquarters said ttw 643 w 19 9 S COUNTRY CLUR proved It can keep petlento ued to nudge up their hourly the danger of another major mlssHea hit a house. Injuring a exploeion blew off roofs end conflict In the area in the not Vietnamese army officer, his GENERAL ELECTRIC The "ready-for-everything'' washer! (See Page Bight) (See Page Five) cracked and damaged the walla too dMnitt figure te very real,’’ Keeney Street wife and son. he added. of several dozen houses fa Dottl- Manchester • Mini-Basket— saves time, water, detergent First reports had said the ex- Hussein ateo endoieed Big pkMdvea struck the huge New­ kon. A small forest next to the Four eMorte at the United Nla- A l l AROUI for your delicate, little, or leftover loads, port river supply terminal area League Time Available CONVERTIBLE PORTABLE 3 wash speeds, special care items. factory caught fire, but con­ tiona to settle the Ifldaast prob- about two miles north of down­ lent and Ntxon said today be ia CALL 649-8312 • Does big loads up to 16 lbs. mixed, heavy town Saigon, and near the real- M o th e r Given 2-6 Years trary to early repoita the only 2 spin speeds 1 fabrics. looking forward to "seeking new dentlal areas. buildings that coUapsed were the monareb to "seeking new DISHWASHERS • Filter-Flo® System— ends lint-fuzz on It was the seventh ahelling of some of those of the explostvee avenues which couM lead to a loads. the Saigon area fa the current Fred Merrill Gets company. pannanent peace.” OPERATORS ADE YOU LATC aftfawa-Cyeto OauftrolB Nor 8 <9 • Variable water level— set to suit your load. enemy offensive that began Huraein was flown In by bell- Feb. 88, and the first since The dxplosion oocurred In a te buying him his Btrtoday Nomad Waabi, Short Waali. • Permanent Pre^ cycle with “ Cooldown.” copter teom colonial WUftame- MAOHME Btoae and Diy March 80 when three 188mm nitrate plant at 7:16 a.m. short­ (kP Plioloftui) A or An^versary presentt Tou butg, Va., where he spent the rockets fell Into the Saigon Riv­ ly after the factory's 400 em­ PPesident Nixon accompanies a roywl guest. King Hussein o f Jordsn, durin|g areT TTien make tor toe a 8-Lerrt t^to^Waah with Jwi Term of 10-20 Years ployes had oome to work. But night. OPERATORS pbooe or dash to Weatown to er near the downtown area, Aran . In the Soviet Capitol.. a few bugs have to be token out setts governor, said Mgh speed The return ran wag to leave Czechoslovaks were raykag tt nEScnmoNsi ’*We had some probleme In train service begun recently be­ Grand Central at 4:80 p.m., stop was a violatloa of protoool for f g g e t f ilflOiRlyWiAlJVFS Oonneotlout with grade oross- tween New York a t y and Wash­ at Bridgeport. Conn., New Ha­ their party and state cMate to lags and atgnals, but I don’t ington ‘ *1)00 been an enormous ven, Providence, Route 18 and be accepting the dictataa of a /Nc Our Best Product suoress." glide Into Back Bay at 8:18 p.m. think there's any question this defense minister. The running time—five min­ The TurboTrain high-speed rail experilnent’s in­ powered train will make one round-tiip daily over DRUG STORE^ b s t a b u m h c d itm train wlU pay o ff." The secretary said one hcq>e is Prague radio announced that; utes short of four houn—was Vaipe’s dspaitment Is aubftl- that the high speed service wiU augural run whooshed through New Haven this the Penn Central tracks where the fotmer New the chief censor of Bohemia and ; not much better than tha road’s AT THE PARKADE WEST MIDDLE TPKE. 445 HARTFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER OKN T1U NINE DAILY — SATURDAY TRl SIX dlring the TurboTrain In a two- reduce air traffic congestion morning on a trip designed to cut over one hour Moravia, Josef Vohnout, year experimental operatlan. Merchants Llmttod dora now, Haven Raitroad carried 25 million people a year and and ateo "take eome of ihe rub­ but officials decided that the tn- been released "at his own xe>J “ TRMther tt is sueoksful de­ ber Urss OH the road." from the normal five hour trip between Boston lost twenty million doilars ger year. (AiP Photoflax) psated requests" from Ida pends on wtMttsr tbs PeenOetz- It Prerident Nlnn opptovts. (Sea Page BigM) and New York City. The 3-car, 144-saet. tuihine- (See Pegs Bight)