Daily Everg Ee
WASIllNGTON STATE DAILY UNIVERSITY EVERG EE Volume LXX Pullman, Washington, Tuesday, Ostober 1, 1963 Number 7 8,268 enroll; Unrest in Alabama previous mark surpassed Bombing explored; Monday evening was the last day of enrollment with 8,268 stu- dents enrolled, according to Reg- istrar Claude Simpson. This was two men arrested 18 over the 8,250 predicted and • BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - said no formal charges had been • almost 400 over last year's record • high. Two white men were placed in filed. - [ Included in the 8,268 total are city jail early today for further 40 Bombings 5,445 returning graduate and un- investigation into the series of The city has had more than 40 dergraduate stude n t s, 1,979 bombings that have rocked this bombings since World War II, but freshmen, 544 transfer students racially-troubled city for several the one which nearly destroyed 274 new graduate students, and years. the Sixteenth Street B apt i s t 26 special students. Col. Al Lingo, head of the State Church was the worst. Simpson said that no applica- Highway Patrol, said others pick- _ . About 20 persons were injured tions will be accepted after the ed up in the intensified investiga- m the blast, which inflicted more Monday night deadline. tion have been released. than $44,000 in damage to the He declined to say how many church and damaged nearby cars others had been questioned. and buildings. Night warden L. A. Holcomb Bombing Sparks Violence Iy oungsters' idntified the two being held as The church bombing almost R.
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