IM ljrN c t: Ran 0 . * ias,iM i Hie Weather M r «ii« 0001 tortght, loim floor 00. Tam om m potfljr oob- 15,535 fljr ond • Uttlo oool«r. w U h Mmnehmer— 4 City of ViOago Charm higiio In tbo Mn. VOL. L « x v i n , NO. 1 st (TWBNTY PAGES—TWO SBCnONS) BIANCHE8TER, OONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 AivortlilflC on Pogo IT) PRICE TEN CENTS Jean* R elate EsOler Finery BUFFALO, N.T. (A P)— ■ootor flnory woo nriooiflg from two IfefTo ohurohoo horo Bundoy oo tho pooton Rogers Extends Hopes ond wonflilpporo woro work olotiioo and Uuo Joana to ool> obimto a "Mack Baotor." PartlclpantB sold tbo sorv- leoo a t tho Now Zion Iflo- slonary B^[>tlot Church and tho Humboldt Parkway Bap- tiflt Church were to com- For Pullout of Troops moniorato tho doath a yoar It ago of Dr. Martin Luthor rang Jr. Thoy nald thoy would do- nato tho monoy thoy wotdd havo apont on now clothing Plans Visit to tho Southom Chriatlan tioadorahtp Conforaneo which RInghaadod. To Vietnam Next Month Foe Slashes WASmNGTON (AP) — Secretary of State WffliBm dwaTed remafna of Ihree-gtory, 12-ftaniiy tene­ U.S. Troops, P. Rogers dedafied today ment glVeB mute evWence of Bridgeport'e woret th a t “we certaM y ! r ^ T there wiR he eoine cftiOnce ft© yesfwpday Ifcat took the Bvee of 11 persons, K illin g 14 of, a mutual withdrawal of induldinsr stx tehUdren. (AP (PTiotofex) troops” frewn Vietnain this BAIGON (AP) — North IHet- year. names, infantrymen slashed Rogers told a news conference 7 Into two groups of U.S. troops that he plans to pay a visit of Sunday night, killing 14 Ameri­ three or four days to South Viet­ Trash Can Source cana and wounding 28 In dose- nam tollowlng a foreign minla- quarter fighting. Only three ene­ ters meeting of the Southeast my were known dead. Asia Treaty Organisation at Of Bridgeport Fire Fighting generally appeared Bangkok, Thailand, In May. to be at the lowest Imel since The Nixon administration, BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP)— Ing the floor cradling to the the enemy’s spring offensive be­ Rogers said in response to a di­ Flro Invoatigatora havo tracod level below, ffremen said. gan six weeks ago. rect questhm, doea "hav» a plan the aourco of tho Hiaator morn­ "Flames shot out to the mid­ Eleven Americans were killed which we think la fair and rear ing flro that MUed 11 poraons dle of the street,” said a resi­ and 18 ware wounded in <ma sonaMe for ending tU a cooflict’’ to a aocond-floor traah barrol. dent of a nefghterlng building fight, about 100 miles northeast in Vietnam. It waa "tho clty’o worat fire on Arctic Street. "It all happen­ of Saigon. dlsaater in memory," police ed too fast.” Mortars slammed into a night "We’re going *0 proceed in ev­ ery poestMe way to apply It," he said. Firemen used aerial ladders bivouac of American paratroop­ The early morning blaie rip­ ers from the ITSrd Airborne Bri­ deMared. "Wie have every hope to pluck to safety some of the •Nie F\)rtnos«n freighter Unkm FVuHh, listing in it will bring peace.” ped upward to the top floor and members of the 12 famines who gade, defending the southern for eoriy tedfcy. In th e batetegraund, is the G reater roof, deatroylng a stairway es­ resided there. Others were aMe approaches to the provincial the water, bums brightly Easter Suikhty nSfeht, New Orleans MiTssissippi River Bridge. The coL He flatly refused aa bb and cape route and eventually aend- to flee on toot. capital of Bao Loo. other admlnistratioo ottlciala As the mortars pinned down after it was in collision with ui oil-loaded barge lision occurred aOmdst beneaith the structure and have done fit the poat-to give The building is the same one the defenders. North Viet­ in th e Mississipipi River a t New Oiteans. Twenlty- eay details of the plaa or to say that was involved in complaints namese Infantrymen drove to flames domaiged the bridge. The fireboot Dehige whether there has In fact been two months ago against the the barbed wire perimeter of five crewmen on the vessel remained unaJeoounted is at the far left. (AP Photofax) any progress in secret contacts owner, Abraham Ksds of Trum­ the camp, hurling hand gre­ with Oommuntst oegotlafors in Tom, Dick bull. He was arrested Feb. 5. nades and firing machine gims Paris or elsewhere. The charges against him of and rifles. On the hey quesUen of troop several houdng-code vlolatiana, The paratroopers fought back Flames from Crash Scorch Bridge withdrawal, Rogen tMd (he Eye TV Show however, have not come up yet and called in haUooptar gun- Rewemso and wniiiaa who in court. ships and troop reinforcements, crowded his first news confer­ A Fire officials continued their who succeeded in driving off the ence aa secretary of otate: investigation today of Kats’ sug­ From Canada attackers after a SH-hour bat­ Ship, Barge Collide; 25 Missing "I certainly, hope there wUl be gestion that the fire may have tle. North Vietnamese casual­ been set. some chance of a mutual with­ NEW YORK (AP)—Tom and ties were not known, spokesmen NEW ORLEANS (AP)—A Twenty-five were taken to hos­ The Immatlgstton had dstsi> said. was being pushed by the tug ilka riding through bell,’’ said drawal of troops this year. But Dick Smothers said today they head-on collision between a pitals. Warren Doucet if ft’s to be mutusl you have to mhMd "oothlng to Indioate foul The other engagement also Formosan fredgbter and an oil Mrs. Arnold Regoutfra, who was havo an offer from tho Cana­ play,” m poUoe a{)okesnwn said The fire-swept ship sank The Coast Guard said all in a car with he* hraband when have mutuality. dian CTV network to produce la s to g M O was to ths b^jCHe. s e t. both, ahlaia, .sent about six hours after the colli­ members of the tug’s crew were "Aa to a unUatenU withdraw­ today. Fire ofRclals were ooD- Viet O on rsw k r Zone C soong- MieMa of flame socuing into a the flames swept tq> from the their show in Toronto next year sion while being towed away tor accounted for. river 178 feet below. al of troops (a U.S. withdrawal if they cannot place it with an oentrating on finding out what liold in northern Tay Nlnh prov­ heavily traveled bridge and cov­ beaching. may have oaused the traah- ince along tho Cambodian bor­ Firemen hosed down wharves The Union Faith, with an all- without parallel Oommimist ec- P American network. ered a section of the Mississippi The oil barge broke in two and ships in the area to prevent ttoo), I won’t go beyond what baxrel fire. It was reported. der, where thousands of Ameri­ river with burning petroleum Oriental crew and carrying a Tom Smothora said ho and hla anl the two fiercely burning the spread of the Mase. cargo of aalt, cotton cloth, toys, the President has said. We are brother, canceled last Week by The head of the city’s housing can air cavalrymen are pur­ Sunday night. section, floated downstream suing troops of the North Viet­ "It looked like the river was handbags, household goods and considering aU poaoiMlMfea. I CBS, had not received offers code enforcement uMt, DanM The Coast Guard said 86 of pursued by Are tugs. One sec- on fire,’’ said Elysse Landry, a won’t predict what might be NobiU, add that none of the S2 namese 1st and 7th Divisions. the 61 members of crew of the footwear, waa headed upstream. from ABC or NBC, but said, ion finally sank and the other crewman on a dredger working The oil barge was one of three done." "We’re open to the other net­ alleged violations Hated Feb. 6 Troops of the 1st Air Cavalry freighter, the 7,801-ton Union ran aground. The barge car­ Dlvislmt sweeping 66 miles near the scene. being pushed daemstream by ^ other oubjecte, Rogers works." were involved in Sunday's fire. Faith, were unaccounted for. rying 9,000 barrela of crude cG "Now I know what it would be the tug. * wua: Dick said the chances were Moat of the complaints dealt northwest of Saigon late Sunday came under withering amaii The collision occurired almost —He has dlfflctilty in under­ , ^ "very slim" that they would re­ with broken walla and plaster, standing why the Soviet Union turn to CBS, which canceled rooms without electrical outlets, arma and machine-gun fire that directly under the Greater New killed three Americana and Orleans Missiasippt River Is deploying a massive nuclear their show for next season after broken leaders, gutteia, window Bridge. .mieeile—the 889—which carries a long dispute over censorship. sashes and frames, and a tow woimded 18. The enemy with­ drew under heavy bombard­ a 26-m«gat<m warhead. This is Robert D>Wood, CBS Televi­ missing handrails on stairways. "I happened to look," aaid "one of Uie first questions we In­ sion president, - udd on Friday Noblll said that during the ment by warplanea and artil­ Landry, "and I said 'Look, the lery, leaving only three bodies. Mechanical Heart Replaced ship is going to run into those tend to take up with them when the Smothers Brothers had com­ last Inspection of the building we have the U.S.-Soviet talks on mitted a "breach of contract” Headquarters also announced b a r ^ .
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