(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-31

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-31 .. IflAT8, 'A'I'8, rea ".,"," 1U IhrOl,' II ••• At Ibro·rh iii IIOW leo~ . '&0018810 '00011 bl.. II.mp. TI Ibro.,b IZ .... Al Ih,ol.1I HJ "III' ..... T 8UOAIt, b... loa, .l... p lWI •••• I.. lin p.n'" Ib ••• ,b Au,. Kl. 8001&8, booll II..... I,pl .... Iamp. H E Warmer I, e ..., 8 , ••• I .. hllallol,.. 111.", ....p ...11. AI,. I. 0"80\.1N1. 18-A OOaponl 100' lor liz ••110 .....b; lOWA: F.lr and warmer, with 8-1. 8-', 0-1 .n' 0-' .0.,0.1 .... lor II.. "lIonl ••• h. ,UIL OIL. p.,I.. • •• Ib ..o." II.. ooa,oal DA'ILY IOWAN hlrhest temperatures 9G &0 95 • 100' Ih,ou.b AUI. 811 1•• 1 , •• ". pori •• t ... ••• II •• ••• pon. 01 •• uplre Ihon. No. perl.~ .......... t., Iowa Cit y , I Mar n I n 9 New spa p • , c 194 5-48 ...... are ~Vl II.:.--•. ======"'Z==~============:..::=========:::=::::=::===:===:=:=:===== :=:=====::=:=:==::=:=:==:===========:-:========~=======~============--==- FIVE CENTS nl "IIOOlAHD ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY,IULY 31,1945 WID AUOCIA'ID.... VOLUME m NUMBER 261 POISED FOR STRIKE AT HEART OF NIPPON EMPIRE Am erlcan• Destroyers 5hell Jap City From Surljga Gulf Big 3 Leaders Denies iI* of Fascist Order • I Fren~ ~"!.cer Petili~ M!m~r ~~e~ /400-Mile S~rip PARIS (AP)-A French officer trial, Lostanau-Lacau appeared del daughter of former French Of (oasl Afire Fail 10 Meel denied at the treason trial of Mar- when the prosecution had finished Co;omal Mmlster Georges Mandel, shal Henri Philippe Petain yester- calling its list of witnesses sched- day that the aged former chief of uled to testify against Petain, ac- murdered by the Vichy gestapo. the Vichy state ever was a member cused of intelligence with the Ger- In a letter she said, "I could only Conference Proceeds of "La Cagoule," a Fascist-inclined mans and plotting against the se- weep in the presence of the man Carrier-Plane Strike On Foreign Secretary secret society banned in prewar curity cit France. who made my father suHer so Destroys 65 Enemy AN IMPRESSIVE VIEW of naval might drawn up In the anchor.... e at Ullthl, Caroline islands. RldJnr at France. Preceding him as a witness had much." .. anellor In "fiat-tOll row" are six uper Essex type carrier•. The Wasp, Yorktown, Hornet, Hancock and Level, to Close Soon He was 51-year-old, llmping been former French Premier Ed- Herriot was the last witness to Planes, 7 Ships Tlconderora. At the Ielt Is the U.S.S.Lexington. The anchorage at mithi atoU Is almost surrounded by Maj. Jean Lostanau-Lacau, de- ouard Herdot, who quietly and be brought against Petaln. Docu­ I11III11 Islands and is larre enourh &0 accommodate an entire flut with Its supply vessels. United states POTSDAM (AP) - The Big scribed by witnesses as an alleged unemotionally expressed the opin- ments that bearded Prosceulor G U A M, Tuesday (AP)­ .V1 photo. Three ha~ not held a business leader of the Cagoulards. OUicially ion that Petain, in delegating to Andre Mornet said would "speak A mer i can destroyers boldly he was a former member of Pe- himself dictatorial power after with even louder words" still are meeting since Saturday night, it plunged into the confines of was learned last night. tain's entourage while the marshal France's collapse, had participated to be read. was French ambassador to Madrid in a "coup d'etat" against the Lostanau-Lacau was called at Suruga gulf, 80 miles southwest Censorship would not permit in 1930-40. French third republic. the request of presiding Judge of Tokyo, this morning and specula tion on the reason for the "I am horrified to see a man ot Herriot, three times premier of Paul Mongibeaux. He was a wit- shelled the town of Shimizu ·Jap Carrier Hit at Kure failure of the Big Three to get to­ nearly 100 years of age blamed by France between wars, testified ness neither for the prosecution gether yesterday, but it was said others for their own errors," Los- that President Roosevelt "placed nor the defense but was called wllile a 400-mile strip of Ja­ last night that the lack of a meet­ tanau-Lacau said after he was at our disposal malerial whkh we under the French legal system by pan's east coa t blazed trom a ing would occasion no serious hustled into the Palais of Justice needed" in the days before the Mongibeaux to teU what he knew. fiery storm unleascd by 1,600 20 Enemy Ships courtroom. Just a little while ear- Franco-German armistice in June, His powerful story was both an delay in bringing the conference or more American and British Carrier Planes Govemment Promise to a conclusion. Optimism was Iier, the pOlice had announced 1940. accusation and a defense of silver­ said to be undiminished. they were unable to find him. Excused from testilying against haired Petaln, who was said to be carrier plane . Sunk or Damaged The conference has proceeded The "mystery man" at Petain's Petain was 15-year-old Alice Man- suffering from a throat ailment. Admiral Nimitz said the car­ Raid A roach Of Jobs for All Urged since Saturday on the foreign sec­ rier planes in their ]l{onday Bombers Attack retary level, and a session was held trike against 'rokyo and the Senate Group Opens PP yesterday, but it was not a top­ At a Glance- area extending southwestward to Naval Base to Prevent flight meeting of the Big Three. Is Senate Approval Pierre Laval AHempts Kyushu, destroyed 65 e n e m y on Measure Shift in Shipping Lines lngapore Hearin~s The belief prevailed last nlrhi, planes, damaged 73, sank seven To Sl To PrOVide Work however, that President Truman, Of Stettinius Neededl, To Leave Spain vessels and damaged 53. MAN I LA. Tuesday (AP)­ Premier Stalin and Prime Minister This was based on prellminarJ' WASHINGTON (AP)-A group AUlee wouJd meet again today to Today's report8, subject &0 laier enlarce­ Mitchell boml)ers of the far east­ CALCUTTA (A P) - Carrier- 01 senators urged in public hear- continue work toward their final Connally Attempts Engine Trouble Forces ment, but It was notable that none ern alrfor,'t) aUacked a large Japa­ borne aircraft of the British East Ings yesterday that the government Weements. Delay of Trip Ordered of the ships Wt was a heavy naval nese aircratt carrier at the Kure To Head Off Curbs vessel. Indies fleet have struck heavily guarantee enough work for all who Brief statements made to press Iowan By Franco Regime naval base Sunday, left it listing at enemy approaches to Singapore, conferences earlier yesterday had On Delegate's Power The Japanese navy already had and down ot the stern and other need jobs. They said that private given the erroneous impression been given its dealh blow by three planes sank or damaged 20 Or while land-based bombers hit enterprise stands or falls on the that there had been no interrup- WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator BARCELONA (AP) - Pierre U. S. destroyer* *s s*hell Shimizu successive raids on lhe Kure m0 r e Japanese ships, General anew at Bangkok, capital of Thai!- outcome of the experiment. tl'on of the B' Th t' ~aval said a "regretlul" farewell Ig ree mee mgs. Connally (D., Tex.) said yesterday from Suruga gull. base and earlier blows at the Yo­ MacArthur's h e a d quarters re­ and astride the railway connect- The senate banking committee There was no official word as to . to Spain yesterday, but after his kosuka naval base. Eighteen ac­ ported today. ing Singapore with ihe mainland, opened two days of hearings on a how long would be -necessary to he IS ask~g the state departme';lt plane had taxied twice around the Jall carrier hit, heavily dam­ tion-packed days cost the enemy A dlrecl hit 'on the Cl\.rrler was southeast Asia command head- bi-partisan measure designed to bring the meetings to a close al- ·to determme whether the Amerl­ field it had to return because or 68 warships, including three bat­ not clalmecl as clouds obscured quarters said yesterday. provide federally financed work though the goal now probabiy is can delegate to the ~orld s~urity aged by Yank aircraft at Kure. engine trouble and the former Vichy premier's party Was left tleshlps, six aircraft carriers and ,llIIon, and It may have been hit A naval communique detailing when private investment and ex- mid-week or shortly thereafter. council can be ~pPolnte? WIthout six cruisers. W'lIu by II&vy plane . It w a fleet activity from July 24-26 said pendiiure fall below the level ne- The president is reportedly aox- further con~resslOnal actio~. Big 3 conference proceeds on wailing nervously last night for re­ foreign secretary level. pairs to be made. Attaches said it Nimitz also Issued 11 terse pre­ ~nt fte. "0 Vff, from the that runs of the airtraft c~rrier cessary to furnish jobs for enough ious to wind up the conference as An appoln~ent 01 thIS kmd Ilminary report on the Monday IIJ'* carr fer Kat.sura,., which was Ameer shot down a Japanese people. It would require the pres- 300n as possible and return home would short ~Ircult any e~rly at­ was unlikely the flight could be Frenoh officer denies charge made before this morning. morning shelling of Hamamatsu ldetlUfIed as the one dama&'ed. In plane aUempting to make a sui- ident to submit to congress each for a report to the people of the t~mpts by cri1Lcs of the Untt~d Na­ by American and British battle­ cide atlack.
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