CONSUMER AWARENESS INSTITUTE MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING UNMASKED* Prefatory pages, Introduction, and Chapters 1-2 By Jon M. Taylor, MBA, Ph.D. *Formerly titled THE CASE AGAINST MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING – AN UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICE The most thorough guide to understanding MLM (multi-level marketing) ever published – MLM’s appeal, its unique features and inherent flaws, its deceptions and devastating effects, its culpability to federal and state laws, and needed regulatory reforms. The book also explores key legal cases and answers the most frequently asked questions – all based on 20 years research, worldwide feedback, consultation with top experts, and analysis of over 500 MLMs by a qualified analyst. For federal and state regulators, legislators, attorneys, consumer advocates, financial advisors, researchers, educators, the media, and consumers. © 2014 Jon M. Taylor, Consumer Awareness Institute Earlier versions under similar titles: The Case Against Multi-level Marketing and Unfair and Deceptive Practice, copyrighted in 2013 and The Case (for and) Against Multi-level Marketing copyrighted in 2011 and 2012 Info-graphics by Alan Connell and Jon Taylor Cartoons by Cal Grondahl and Kristopher Taylor Printed in the USA How to obtain copies: Download digital copies from For hard copies, contact Jon Taylor directly: Email –
[email protected] Telephone – (801) 671-1870 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks go to scores of committed consumer advocates, government officials, attorneys, media representatives, investment advisors, educators, former MLM (multi-level marketing) victims and participants, web designers, and persons who have shared their experiences and feedback from countries all over the world. I want to give special recognition and thanks to my wife, JoAnn, who – after tolerating my MLM involvement for a year – challenged me to make a decision between her and a prominent MLM – which started me on this quest for the truth about MLMs, or product-based pyramid schemes.