CIVIL AIR PATROL COMMANDER’S FINANCIAL GUIDE March 2012 This publication was developed to assist Wing and Region Commanders in implementing sound financial management policies at Wing and Region level. It was developed by the financial management staff at Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters. Any comments or suggestions should be directed to your Wing Financial Analyst or to
[email protected]. 2 Table of Contents Page CAP REGULATION 35-10, ETHICS POLICY ....................................................... 4 WHAT SHOULD YOU DO FIRST? ....................................................................... 6 Develop a Familiarity with Financial Requirements ......................................... 6 New Commander Financial Checklist .............................................................. 7 HOW WELL IS MY WING PERFORMING? .......................................................... 8 Wing Financial Analyst visits and the financial review process ....................... 8 CAP Financial Assessment Procedures & Protocol ......................................... 9 WHAT ARE MY RESPONSIBILITIES AS A SUPERVISOR? ............................. 13 Familiarize yourself with the allowable job duties .......................................... 13 Headquarters Guidance Regarding Wing Administrators .............................. 14 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE WING ADMINISTRATOR’S TIMECARDS ................................................................ 17 WHY IS A FINANCE COMMITTEE IMPORTANT? ............................................