BULLETIN JO/^f/9& HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTCOMERY COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Jvoj^msTowjv 2£mery PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT IT5 R00M5 18 EAST PENN STREET NORRISTOWN.PA. APRIL, 1944 VOLUME IV NUMBER 2 PRICE 50 CENTS Historical Society of Montsomery County OFFICERS Kirkb Bryan, Esq., President S. Cameron Corson, First Vice-President Charles HArper Smith, Second Vice-President George K. Brecht, Esq., Third Vice-President Nancy C. Cresson, Recording Secretary Helen E. Richards, Corresponding Secretary Annie B. Molony, Financial Secretary Lyman a. Kratz, Treasurer Katharine Preston, Acting Librarian DIRECTORS Kirke Bryan, Esq. Mrs. H. H. Francine H. H. Ganser Nancy ,P. Highley Foster C. Hillegass Mrs. a. Conrad Jones David Todd Jones Hon. Harold G. Knight Lyman A. Kratz Douglas Macfarlan, M.D. Katharine Preston Charles Harper Smith Franklin A. Stickler Mrs. Franklin B. Wildman, Jr. Norris D. Wright ^ohii Winter John Hall /(3^ d/ QSp <>f>v=S.T*..'fcMW«.^-\'»\'b . ATHENSVILLE (NOi (Enlarged from John Levei Part of Leverings Map of LowerMerion 1851 IDMORE) IN 1851 \Iap of Lower MeHon) THE BULLETIN of the Historical Society of Montgomery County Published Semi-Annually—October and April Volume IV April, 1944 Number 2 CONTENTS Early Recollections of Ardmore Josiah S. Pearce 63 Some Facts About Plymouth Township Public Schools George K. Brecht, Esq. 137 Reports 152 Publication Committee Mrs. Andrew Y. Drysdale Hannah Gerhard Anita L. Eyster Charles Harper Smith Charles R. Barker, Chairman 61 EARLY RECOLLECTIONS OF ARDMORE BY JOSIAH S. PEARCE Reprinted, hy permission, from the ''ARDMORE CHRONICLE" 1906-07 The Historical Society op Montgomery County Norristown, Pa. 1944 63 "Early Recollections of Ardmore" originally appeared in the "Ard- more Chronicle/' being published as a continued article from April 14, 1906, to March 30, 1907, inclusive.
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