Bike and Hike Wild Madagascar

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Bike and Hike Wild Madagascar Tel : +46 8 140609 | Epost :[email protected]| Web :www, Brasilienspecialisten Stockholm - Stockholm, Sweden Bike and Hike Wild Madagascar Turkode Destinasjoner Turen starter MDR-MWM Madagaskar Antananarivo - Madagascar Turen destinasjon Reisen er levert av 15 dager Toliara - Madagascar Fra : NOK Oversikt Separated from the Southeastern coast of Africa, Madagascar’s isolation only adds to its appeal as a tour destination. It’s seclusion is the reason for the rare plants and animals who live here, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Keep an eye peeled for the famed ring-tailed lemur as we explore the lush tropical rainforest on the Eastern side of the isle. And look out for other curious creatures along your trip: tomato frogs, dwarf chameleons, and hedgehog-like tenrecs – all unique to the country and so prolific that sightings are sure to happen. Reiserute Day 1 We meet at the hotel in Antananarivo, and if you arrive early, you're free to explore the rich cultural, historical, and architectural sites before gathering in early evening for a trip briefing and welcome dinner. Day 2 We transfer to Antsirabe, a popular retreat since the late 1800s. We meet our bikes and go for a short ride at a leisurely pace with a variety of road conditions before we truly start exploring wild Madagascar. Day 3 We explore the crater lakes of Andraikiba and Tritriva, both full of legends and mysteries. After, we have a picnic lunch by the spectacular Lake Tritrivia. We enjoy a long downhill back to our accommodation. Day 4 The longest ride of the journey takes us to Ambositra to visit the Zafimaniry, an ethnic people living in the forested mountains and famous for their wood carvings, listed as part of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage. Day 5 A van transfer takes us to Camp Robin, where we start riding. On a rural road, we pedal past rice paddies and through a spectacular valley with towering granite boulders to Ambohimahasoa before ending the day at Ranomafana National Park. Day 6 We switch modes from biking to hiking and explore Ranomafana Nation-al Park, which is home to the golden bamboo lemur and more than 100 bird species, 30 of which alone are endemic to the country. Day 7 We cycle past locals and observe rural life. There’s a 22-km off-road section with no vehicle support, but then we ride on a good gravel road to our hotel, with a visit to the Sahambavy Tea Estate, Madagascar's only tea plantation. Day 8 Riding to Ambalavao, Madagascar's wine region, we take in captivating landscapes and stunning views of vineyards, terraced rice paddies, and rocky outcrops. If time allows we may visit a craft shop producing the well-known Antaimoro paper. Day 9 Through the grassland dotted with enormous granite mountains, we bike to Anja with its bizarre cliff formations. We walk into the park before spending two nights in the Tsaranoro Valley. Day 10 We start hiking at the edge of the granite Andringitra Massif, well-known for ring-tailed lemurs, bizarre cliffs, and other native animals and plants. At Chameleon Peak, we can appreciate stunning landscape of prairies and alpine patches. Day 11 We bike across the Horombe Plateau to Ranohira. The landscape slowly changes into a wide-open savannah, and those wanting to cycle more can ride the last section to our lodge located at the foothills of I'Isalo National Park. Day 12 We begin with a short ride to the starting point of our hike in I'Isalo National Park with its Jurassic-era landscape. On the way, visit canyons and look for the ring-tailed, as well as other, lemurs that epitomise Madagascar. Day 13 We continue cycling through the national park with rugged canyons and grassland to Ilakaka, famous for its sapphire deposits. Then transfer to the town of Toliara and overnight at a charming hotel just steps away from the deep blue sea. Day 14 Enjoy the beach while sipping your favourite drink or get in the turquoise sea of the Indian Ocean and discover colourful marine life while snorkel- ling. We have a farewell dinner tonight to celebrate all that we have discovered together. Day 15 Our tour ends after breakfast. We can help extend your stay or arrange an airport transfer. Viktig Informasjon About SpiceRoads SpiceRoads endeavors to offer high-quality, educational, and adventure-filled itineraries that highlight and focus on the diversity of landscapes found in Asia and its people. As a specialized "niche" bicycle tour operator since 2000, we provide the most authentic, unique and exciting adventures in Asia. Group size Minimum 2, Maximum 16 Minimum age of the participant 18 Single Supplement US$ 475 Bike Hire Mountain Bike: US$ 250 Priser / Datoer Ved skriftlig aksept av vårt tilbud bekrefter du/dere at våre betingelser er både lest og forstått og at evt kansellerings gebyrer kan tilkomme ved en evt. avbestilling av reisen Tilgjengelige datoer Pris (1 voksen) Pris (1 barn) Status reise Sun, 17 Oct 21 / Sun, 31 Oct 21 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 12 Dec 21 / Sun, 26 Dec 21 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 12 Jun 22 / Sun, 26 Jun 22 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 24 Jul 22 / Sun, 07 Aug 22 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 25 Sep 22 / Sun, 09 Oct 22 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 16 Oct 22 / Sun, 30 Oct 22 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Sun, 11 Dec 22 / Sun, 25 Dec 22 NOK 30 960 På forespørsel Ledig Vi vil komme tilbake til deg med et tilbud på den forespurte reisen/pakken I løpet av 48 timer. Alle tilbud er uforpliktende og er vanligvis gyldige i 7 dager. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at reserverte tjenester kan bli kansellert innenfor disse 7 dagene og at pris kan endres inntil en endelig bestilling er mottatt..
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