Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(12):1265-1270, dezembro 2014

Kinematic analyses in healthy Golden Retrievers1

Gabriela C.A. Silva2, Mariana Trés Cardoso3, Thais P. Gaiad4, Marina P. Brolio5, Vanessa C. Oliveira3*, Antonio Assis Neto5, Daniele S. Martins3 and Carlos E. Ambrósio3

ABSTRACT.- Silva G.C.A., Cardoso M.T., Gaiad T.P., Brolio M.P., Oliveira V.C., Assis Neto A., Kinematic gait analyses in healthy Golden Retrie- vers. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(12):1265-1270. Departamento de Medicina Vete- rinária,Martins FaculdadeD.S. & Ambrósio de Zootecnia C.E. 2014. e Tecnologia Alimentar, Universidade de São Paulo, Cam-

E-mail: [email protected] pus de Pirassununga, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte 225, Pirassununga, SP 13635-900, Brazil.- plication in gait analysis and other body movements, interpretation of their data when the- re isKinematic change, determines analysis relates the choice to the of relative treatment movement to be instituted. between Therigid objective bodies and of this finds study ap was to standardize the march of Dog Golden Retriever Healthy to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. We used a kinematic analysis system to analyse the gait of seven dogs Golden Retriever, female, aged between 2 and 4 years, weighing 21.5 to 28 kg, clinically normal. Flexion and extension were described for shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, femorotibialis and tarsal joints. The gait was characterized lateral and had accepted hypothesis of normality for all variables, except for the stance of hip and elbow, considering

displacement of the stripes during movement and the duplicated number of reviews. The kinematica confidence analysis level ofproved 95%, to significance be a consistent level method α = 0.05. of evaluationVariations ofhave the been movement attributed during to canine gait and the data can be used in the diagnosis and evaluation of canine gait in com- parison to other studies and treatment of dogs with musculoskeletal disorders. INDEX TERMS: Biomechanics, gait analysis, kinematics, canine gait.

RESUMO.- [Análise cinemática da marcha de cães Gol- den Retriever saudável visando auxiliar no diagnóstico e den Retriever saudáveis.] A análise cinemática relaciona- tratamento de afecções músculo esquelética. Neste estudo -se com o movimento relativo entre corpos rígidos e encon- utilizou-se um sistema de análise cinemática para analisar tra aplicação na análise da marcha e de outros movimentos a marcha de sete cães da raça Golden Retriever, fêmeas, ida- do corpo. A interpretação de seus dados, quando há altera- de entre 2 e 4 anos, peso variando de 21.5 a 28 kg, clinica- ção, determina a escolha do tratamento a ser instituído. O mente sadias. Dados morfométricos foram coletados para objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a marcha do cão Gol- descrever a população estudada. Variáveis de tempo e dis- tâncias foram mensuradas para descrever a marcha, movi- - 1 lações do ombro, cubital, cárpica, do quadril, femorotibial mentos de flexão e extensão foram descritos para as articu 2 Received on Abril 9, 2014. e társica. A marcha foi caracterizada lateral e teve hipótese Accepted for publication on November 4, 2014. de normalidade aceita para todas as variáveis, exceto para 3 CentroDepartamento Universitário de Medicina Italo Brasileiro, Veterinária, Av. FaculdadeJoao Dias 2046, de Zootecnia Santo Amaro, e En- o apoio de quadril e apoio de cúbito, considerando um grau genhariaSP 04724003, de Alimentos, Brazil. USP, Campus de Pirassununga, Avenida Duque de As variações foram atribuídas ao deslocamento das tarjas author: [email protected] durantede confiança o movimento de 95%, ou e aoseja, repetido nível de número significância de avaliações. α = 0.05. Caxias4 Departamento Norte 225, de Pirassununga, Fisioterapia, SP Universidade 13635-900, Federal Brazil. dos *Corresponding Vales do Je- A análise cinemática provou ser um consistente método de avaliação do movimento durante a marcha canina e os quitinhonha5 Departamento e Mucuri, de Cirurgia, Campus FaculdadeJK, Rodovia de MG-367 Medicina Km Veterinária583, 5000, Altoe Zoo da- dados obtidos podem ser utilizados no diagnóstico e na tecnia,Jacuba, Universidade Diamantina, MGde São 39100-000, Paulo (USP), Brazil. Av. Orlando Marques de Paiva 85, comparação em avaliações de marcha para outros estudos e tratamento de cães com afecções musculoesqueléticas.

São Paulo, SP 05508-270. 1265 1266 Gabriela C.A. Silva et al.

TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO: Biomecânica, análise da marcha, cine- Committee of the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sao mática e marcha canina. Paulo (USP), Brazil. Seven golden retriever female dogs, aged between 2 and 4 INTRODUCTION years, weights varying from twenty one to twenty eight kg, were submitted to the physical and radiological evaluation, exempt of Veterinary science in the study of locomotion is essential neurological and muscle- skeletal affections and, without descrip- to establish methods for the treatment of disorders of the tion of lameness in any one of the four members. The animals were radiographed in the Veterinarian Hospital of University of Sao Paulo. locomotorsThe dogs apparatus were studied (Wingfield exclusively & Stead the Golden 1993, RetrieverPoy et al. Biometry. The animals were evaluated individually, in station for2000). presenting increasing incidence of musculoskeletal di- position. The variables of measurement were the lengths of the sorders, is a widely used canine model of Duchenne mus- corporal segments, circumference of the thorax, and height of ani- cular dystrophy (DMD) that has been addressed in several mal. All of biometrics data were measured using metric tape. It was also measured, utilizing as reference the same anatomic points know in humans. The height of each animal was measured studiesGolden (Gaiad retriever 2009, dog Gerger is showing et al. 2010, increasing Abreu incidence et al. 2012, of three times to minimize possible measure errors, the average of musculoskeletalKane et al. 2013). disorders such a hip dysplasia (Paster et al. thefrom three the scapulameasures to fifthwas consideredmetacarpal. for Each the segment analysis. was evaluated Kinematic. for Animals (OFA), Golden Retriever dogs occupy the 32nd - positions2005). According in the ranking to official of breeds OFA-Orthopaedic affected by hip Foundation dysplasia. A digital camera (Panasonic, model PV-GS50S, Gait is the most effective form of locomotion, therefore, inManaus sagittal (Brazil), plan in with the capacitycranium-caudal of acquisition direction of of60 theHz, rightcompati side to a better understanding, is divided into events and these ofble each with animal movement at a distance frequency, of fourwas metersfixed to for a tripod,recording and the placed mo- vements. A two- dimensional space was established for the gait - (3x1m). - malsdivided (OFA), into phasesGolden (Tokuriki Retriever 1973). dogs occupy the 32nd po- sitionsAccording in the ranking to official of Orthopaedicbreeds affected Foundation by hip dysplasia for Ani the Thecoordinates video calibration (X, Y) in the was tested made space. with the filming of four refle form of locomotion, therefore, to a better understanding. xiveThe targets Peak fixed Motus in 32a picture system, measuring one of the (1x1)instruments for recognition of Kineme of- Gait is the most effect form of locomotion, therefore, to a try (Peak Performance Technologies Inc., Denver, CO., USA) was better understanding, is divided into events and these di- utilized to register the positioning and displacement of the corpo- ral segments in distinct phases of the movement starting, from the A study about kinematic pattern in clinically normal marking of the articulate points of interest. Labradorvided into and phases Rottweiler (Tokuriki dogs 1973). indicated that both breeds To control the acquisition, reading, digitalization, treatment, have similar kinematic patterns, but there are magnitude storage of the kinematics parameters and synchronization of data - Peak Performance Technologies Inc., Denver, CO, USA) developed byit was the Peakused Performancethe Software Technologies,Peak Motus 32 Incorporation (Marsolais etare al. used. 2003, differences, especially of the elbow and stifle joints. There - fore,Kinematic each breed analysis should ofhave gait a specificcanine databasehas been (Agostinhoaddressed mals using the correct adhesive glue. The anatomical marks were et al. 2011). previouslyThe 3M trichothomized. adhesive reflexives These markers markers were identify placed a pointon the in ani the space, highlighting the image in a dark environment with a light by several authors (Poy et al. 2000, Marsolais et al. 2003, beamed on them. goldenNielsen retriever et al. 2003, healthy Colborne dog. et al. 2005, Foss et al. 2013, Procedures. The markers, measuring approximately two TorresThis et study al. 2013). addresses However, the variables none addresses of gait of thegolden gait re in- cm of diameter, with exception of the metacarpal and metatar- triever healthy dogs as assessment of step length and stride sal joints that measured approximately one cm of diameter, were the fore and hind limbs, as well as the height of the last of placed in set anatomical marks located by inspection and palpa- tion by the same researcher in the right hemi body of each animal each member during gait, joint angle of peak movements The determined anatomical points were: shoulder joint: the and tarsal during periods of balance, stance and propulsion. bigger(Hottinger tubercle et al. of 1996). humerus; elbow joint; the lateral humerus epi- Therefore,flexion-extension we intend of shoulder to establish joint, a elbow, pattern hip, of femorotibialnormal gait, condyle; carpal joint: styloid process of ulna; metacarpal phalan- assisting the diagnosis of muscle-skeletal and neurological diseases, help in choosing the most appropriate treatment, greater trochanter of the femur; knee joint: Femoral condile; Tar- and contribute to a better understanding of the complex salges joint:joint: lateralthe head malleolus; of the fifth Metatarsal metacarpal; phalanges iliac crest; joint: hipthe joint:head mechanism that anoint the movements of locomotion. The objective of this study was to standardize the mar- dog marks were placed in the metatarsal and second metacarpal ch of Dog Golden Retriever Healthy aiming to assist in the of the leftfifth limb metatarsal; and in the in sagittalthe medial crest aspect of the of skull the (dorsalleft side view). of the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Acquisition of signals: for the collection of the kinematic data there was the necessity of calibration of the space in which the study was be carried out. It was necessary to introduce and to MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. The study was conducted in the Biomechanics Labo- of the calibrated space was of basic importance since the recons- ratory of The Faculty of Sports of the University of Sao Paulo. An tructionfilm an object methods calibrating are more with precise known within coordinates. the calibrated The extension space

Experimental protocol 946/2006 was authorized by the Bioethics (Nigg & Cole 1994). Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(12):1265-1270, dezembro 2014 Kinematic gait analyses in healthy Golden Retrievers

1267 Each animal walked within the calibrated space, led by the re- Table 1. Means of the values of the morphometric data of the seven studied dogs by direct measurement, with the chronometer. Variable Unity Mean Standard searcher for ten to fifteen attempts and had its speed controlled p value - deviation xives marks placed in the anatomical points of each animal. The movementA light reflectorwas analysed was used in the to increasetransversal the plane,illumination by means of refle of a 0,150 two-dimensional analysis, with the utilization of a single camera, 0,150 Step length of forelimb [cm] 40,040 2,653 placed perpendicularly to the plane studied. 0,150 Stride length of forelimb [cm] 79,630 4,815 This process consists of carrying the 0,150 Processing - Capture. Height of stride of forelimb [cm] 6,030 1,504 0,150 images captured by the camera to software for analysis. Three of Step length of hindlimb [cm] 39,350 1,921 0,150 Stride length of hindlimb [cm] 77,520 3,433 for the study and an average of these three images was attributed Height of stride of hindlimb [cm] 6,737 1,055 tothe the fifteen animal. registered Digitalization: images ofIs eacha slow animal and exhausting were selected process aleatory for Table 2. Means of the values of step and stride of the seven the examiner that consists of manually determining the two- di- studied dogs. For each dog six steps and three strides by mensional coordinates of the points of interest for reconstruction video had been analyzed, totalizing eighteen evaluated steps of the trajectory of each. Each articulated point determined with and nine strides for each dog Variáble Unity Mean Standard deviation p value of each animal, totalizing approximately 285 pictures per video, reflexive marks was digitalized during the six steps; three stride 0,150 Three videos were digitalized for each studied animal. 0,150 Humeral [cm] 18,710 0,756 0,150 in a defined space of three The square normality meters tests at werespeed conducted of 0. 85m/s. by Statistical analysis. Ulna [cm] 18,860 0,945 0,150 The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Method. It was applied in order to ve- Carpus [cm] 5,786 0,393 0,150 rify the values related to each variable follow a normal Gauss dis- Femur [cm] 19,710 0,906 0,150 tribution, considering Tibia [cm] 19,070 1,272 0,150 Tarsus [cm] 11,140 0,627 0,150 a reliable degree of 95 and α =0.05 (Fig.1). Chest [cm] 70,430 2,457 0,150 RESULTS Height [cm] 55,210 0,951 Biometric data, step and stride analysis Weight [Kg] 23,260 1,919 Data Biometric are displayed in Table 1, where we can Table 3. Mean of the values of the joints angles of seven see the measurement data of the forelimb, hindlimb and studied dogs. thorax of the animal circumference. Analyses were also Variable Unity Mean Standard p value performed last step and stride, data shown in Table 2. deviation 0,093 Dynamic of angular joints 0,150 Carpal – swing phase [degrees] 97,990 9,435 0,150 Carpal – propulsion phase [degrees] 203,800 5,966 0,068 Carpal – stance phase [degrees] 204,500 6,676 0,150 the Eachjoint jointsegments showed that characteristic have occurred patterns in the ofswing flexion phase, and Elbow – swing phase [degrees] 77,670 9,704 0,029 theextension increase joint, of thepeak angle flexion, joint, reducing length, thewas angle phases formed of sup by- Elbow – propulsion phase [degrees] 127,900 6,976 0,150 Elbow – stance phase [degrees] 116,600 8,136 0,104 Shoulder – swing phase [degrees] 107,800 12,170 0,060 Shoulder – propulsion phase [degrees] 122,000 14,060 0,150 Shoulder – stance phase [degrees] 133,100 12,400 0,150 Tarsal – swing phase [degrees] 120,000 4,353 0,150 Tarsal – propulsion phase [degrees] 154,700 4,508 0,150 Tarsal – stance phase [degrees] 144,200 3,593 0,150 Knee – swing phase [degrees] 102,600 7,323 0,150 Knee – propulsion phase [degrees] 133,500 4,772 0,150 Knee – stance phase [degrees] 143,000 6,262 0,150 Hip – swing phase [degrees] 103,700 10,150 0,031 Hip – propulsion phase [degrees] 137,700 8,567 Hip – stance phase [degrees] 118,300 9,374 * Values of the sample that do not follow a normal distribution (p<0.05). port and propulsion of the limb. Analysing the same se- quence of steps of the same subject noticed an increase of

Among the data shown in Table III the shoulder joint wasup to the 10 one degrees that showed of the same variation joint among(Table 3).dogs in the swing + all animals studied the peaks occurring in the extension phase thesupport, mean but peak the flexion angle wasdifference 107.82 ranging12.17 degrees.from 1 de In- gree to 22 degrees from one phase to another. (Fig.2A) The hip joint showed variations among dogs examined

Fig.1. Analysed joint angles. + primarily in swing phase, the average was 103.65 degrees 10.14, peak extension occurred in the propulsion phase Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(12):1265-1270, dezembro 2014 1268 Gabriela C.A. Silva et al.

to compare the articular behaviour of dogs with muscles-

The principal objective to be achieved in orthopaedic physiotherapy-skeletal affections is the and treatment healthy dogsand return (Nielsen to etthe al. function, 2003). but, for this is necessary to know the normality parameters of a simple population in order to identify the variation, that is, to know the more precise form of the dysfunction of the patients. This study aimed to establish data of normality of the variables of the gait of healthy golden retrievers dogs and contribute to the comprehension of complex phenomenon of locomotion. The dogs studied were exclusively Golden Retrievers, because they presents an increasing incidence of muscle skeletical disease, principally the increase of incidence of canine hip dysplasia, furthermore, they are part of the group of dogs that presents hight prevalence of orthopae- dics disturbs. This breed is also considered one of the four

All the joint movements studied are similar to human movements,most populous except in the for world the (Worth elbow etcanine al. 2012). joint, because to backwar- ds, decreasing the angle joint, whereas, the human, during when the animal makes a elbow flexionraised it goes to the front of the body, in a closed kinetic chain. the Bothelbow the flexion length the of thesuperior back and limb lumbar is region should be included in the standardization of race, featuring his cha- racteristic gait and better muscle performance optimizing

specific functions of each breed, such as , galloping,- -extension,etc (Bertram as etdiscussed al. 2000). in This this indicatesstudy, as thatthe movements each breed ofhas adduction, a characteristic abduction pattern and rotation. of movement, Many studies such flexion about canine gait analysed dogs of different breeds, however, of

Fig.2. (A) Graph illustrating the articular behavior of Comparative studies between labrador and greyhound bre- forelimbs of golden retriever dog, during periods eds,the samefound size that (Hottinger differences et inal. hip1996, mechanics Nielsen etare al. evident, 2003). of swing, stance and propulsion during a stride. the range of movement of the hind limbs of the Greyhound (B) Graph illustrating the articular behavior of hin- and stride length were much larger than the values for la- dlimbs of golden retriever dog, during periods of swing, stance and propulsion during a strid. brador retriever, clearly indicating that body breed specific factorsThe influencesequence the of movementthe members of the that animal characterize (Hottinger the et +8.56 and stance phase, stanceal. 1996, phase Bertram of seven et al. dogs2000). evaluated in this study indica- the average was 118.26+ ted a lateral gait, where the member distal of one side of with joint angle of 137, 65 degrees the thoracic member performs the same movement of the DISCUSSION9.37 degrees. (Fig.2B) distal member of the hind limbs homolateral and this se- Biomechanics is a science that deals with biologics system analyses like a multidisciplinary science for the investiga- are consistent with studies that compare human and ani- tion applied of movement, the etiologic factor and pheno- malquence locomotion, is repeated in whichon the thecontralateral fore and hindlimbs side. These of findings the dog menon, indicating the importance of the contribution of behave like two independent bipedal members during gait each professional, from different areas, in the investigation, Comparing the length of the step and stride of thoracic The gait analyses of various species occur daily in veteri- limbs(König with & Liebich the length 2002). of the step and stride of hind limb, no naryfacilitating medicine. the applicabilityThe animal gait of the is visually study (Amadio evaluated 1999). to diag- nose and monitor the progression of a disease, however it a limb can modify these measures, indicating compensation is a subjective and qualitative analyses, that is, imprecise duringsignificant locomotion. differences The were pelvic observed, limb high since of step an wasaffection slightly of higher compared with the height by thoracic limbs and can articular movement in different specimens and breeds, and be attributed to the fact that in quadrupeds the center of (Harris 1994, Amadio 1996). It is used to characterize the

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(12):1265-1270, dezembro 2014 Kinematic gait analyses in healthy Golden Retrievers

1269 gravity is located in the thoracic region, or the body burden habitat and have the same habits of life. There is not the hy- pothesis that a dog is better suited than another to a stran- ge environment, as a laboratory for gait analysis, changing is notThe equally present distributed, study used with a two-dimensional 56% of body weight space; is inother the the gait pattern, but it may be noted that some dogs in the studiesthoracic of region canine and gait 44% used in two the (2D) pelvic and region. three-dimensional study group were more resistant than remaining, which could somehow change a variable studied. These studies claimed that minor differences are noted be- According to the Kolmogorov-smirnov method the hy- tween(3D) spaces 2D and (Colborne 3D analyze, et al.many 2005, similarities Agostinho exist et al. between 2011). pothesis of normality was accepted for all variables, except studies in two and three dimensions, such as the joint ex- for the stance phase of the hip and cubit, assuming a degree cursion curves joint and the range of motion, but one must be careful when making comparisons because there is a big This study evaluated the propulsive phase of gait in dogs. difference in technology used for the collection and analy- Noof confidence similar study of 95%,has found. that is Considering of significance that level some α peaks= .05. of sis of data from the studies already published .Can also be articular extension occur at this stage as in the joints of the observed in studies with three-dimensional analysis kine- elbow, hip and tarsus, it is important to analyze this phase matics in horses, this analysis has allowed the measure- of gait, for knowing the functional joint motion, how deter- - mined joint performs motion and as this movement will ment metacaropophalangeal ( be restricted in an orthopedic disorder. ment of the angular range of flexion and extension move study to evaluate the gait of healthy golden retriever dogs, . Back et al. 1993, Bennet et giving importance to phases of balance, stanceThis was and the propul first- al. 1996,One possible Hottinger source et al. of 1996, error Barrey is the 1997,placement Barrey error 1999, of sion and also the analysis step and stride, which represent König & Liebich 2002) of the animal’s skin, causing movement of the marks and this and other breeds. analysisreflective incorrect brands, which interpretation can be caused of the by theresults displacement obtained the first step of movement for further research involving Acknowledgements.- We thank the Golden Retriever Muscular Dystro- An alternative to this type of problem would be an in- phy (GRMD) Kennel - Brazil, the College of Veterinary Medicine and Ani- mal Science of the University of São Paulo for having ceded the dogs for vasive(Van Weeren study withet al. the 1988, use 1990, of markers Van den directly Bogert placed 2008). in the this study, the team of biomechanical Laboratory of the College Physical bone of the animal, however, two studies on the canine Education and Sports of the University of São Paulo for technical support gait in the cranial ligament rupture were made, an invasi- to the study, and CNPq for ve and other non-invasive, and the results of the variables financial support. 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Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(12):1265-1270, dezembro 2014 Gabriela C.A. Silva et al.

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