Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations e-ISSN 2238-6912 | ISSN 2238-6262| v.7, n.13, Jan./Jun. 2018 | p.159-196 THE GAME FOR REGIONAL HEGEMONY: CHINA’S OBOR AND INDIA’S STRATEGIC RESPONSE Anshuman Rahul1 Introduction The Chinese have always felt the historic ownership of the Silk Road and that was valiantly challenged by the former US Department of State, Hillary Clinton during her speech in Chennai, India on 20th July 2011 when she remarked, “’New Silk Road’ is a long-term vision of an international eco- nomic and transit network that links Central and South Asia, with Afghani- stan at its heart” (US Department of State 2011). The Chinese establishment was completely perplexed as Hillary Clinton had used the term Silk Road to explain the ‘US policy’. They considered as if they were being robbed of their history of more than 2000 years which signified their commercial ties with the outside world and provided a lifeline to Chinese economy. Source: (2017) 1 Assistannt Professor in Department of Political Science at RSP College, Jharia, Dhanbad (Vi- noba Bhave University), Jahrkhand, India. PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. E-mail:
[email protected]. 159 The Game for Regional Hegemony: China’s OBOR and India’s Strategic Response Ferdinand von Richthofen, a renowned German geographer and trav- eler in 1877 after his expedition to China had formally referred to the network of trade routes established by the Han dynasty as ‘Seidenstrasse’ (Silk Road) or ‘Seidenstrassen’ (Silk Routes). This network of trade routes had been in use since 130 BC but came to an abrupt end in 1453 AD as the Ottoman empire boycotted the trade with the west.