PAKISTAN Let us make your holidays colorfu

he Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as an independent sovereign state on 14th TAugust 1947, as a result of the division of the former British India. It lies between 23-35 to 37- 05 north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude. It touches the Hindukush mountains in the north and extends from the Pamirs to the Arabian Sea. It is bounded by in the west, in the north-west, India in the east and south east and Arabian Sea in the south. There is a common border with alongside

rdu is the national language and is used as a medium of understanding throughout the country. Pakistan is Uculturally divided into four bilingual provinces. Punjabi is spoken in the Punjab, Sindhi in Sindh, in NWFP, and Balochi in Balochistan. The country comprises of a vast area that was the great center of ancient civilizations of the world. Its historical sites beginning with stone-age to Twentieth Century A.D are a mirror of the life of its people who are by nature simple, virile, hospitable and hard working. Ancient sites excavated in Taxila, Harappa, and Moenjodaro speak volumes for Pakistan rich cultural background dating back to 3,000 B.C


unza Holidays is one of Pakistan's better known adventure tour operator that specializes in adventure travel in the Karakurum, Himalayas and Hindukush. Offering personalized Hitineraries and routes you'd be hard pressed to find a more experienced, fun loving, safety conscious tour operator in Pakistan .If you've dreamt of a particular journey or an adventure in Pakistan, let us know. We'll make it happen. No matter how bizarre or wild or difficult. If you choose to travel with us all you have to worry about is having the time of your life.

Our Goal

o create the best trips possible, with uncommon professionalism, unsurpassed personal service and a commitment to protect and preserve the cultures and environments Tthrough which we travel. Baltistan Baltistan is situated in between Deosai Plateau along and Karakuram Mountain.

The capital of Baltistan (2438m) is Skardu, the world's unique part where large number of high peaks, high passes and world longest glaciers exist.

Indus River enters Baltistan from ladakh; it travels 700km from its sources Tibet and drop long travel to Arabian Sea. The Baltistan Balti people are the mixture of Tibetan and Caucasian stock and speak Balti, an ancient form of Tibetan. Due to the similarity of the culture, life style and architecture with Tibet, Baltistan is also known as the “Tibet-e-khurd” (little Tibet), its borders lies on the Chinese province of Xingjian and Indian occupied Kashmir. The tourist season is from April to November. The maximum temperature is 25c and minimum 8’C

Programs K-2 base camp and Gondogoro la Trek

Day 1: Islamabad Day 2: Islamabad-Briefing Day 3: Chillas Day 4: Skardu Day 5: Skardu Day 6: Askoli Day 7: Jula Day 8: Paiju Day 9: Rest Day 10: Urdukas Day 11: Goro II Day 12: Concordia Day 13: K-2 B.C Day 14: Free Day 15: Ali camp Day 16: Xyuspang Day 17: Gondogoro la-Dalzampa Day:18 Hushe Day 19: Skardu Day 20: Fly to Islamabad Day 21: Debriefing Day 22: Departure Biafo-Hisper La Trek

Day 1: Islamabad Day 2:Chillas Day 3: Skardu Day: 4 Skardu Day 5: Askoli Day 6: Namla Day 7: Mango Day 8: Baintha Day 9: Rest Day 10: Karfo goro Day 11: Hisper B.C Day 12: Hisper la Khanibasa Day 13: Yutmaru Day 14: Red Star Day 15: Bitanmal Day 16: Hisper Village Day 17: Karimabad Day 18: Free Day 19: Gilgit Day 20: Fly Islamabd Day 20: Departure

Hunza's 48000 inhabitants live in villages divided into three part Lower Hunza, upper Hunza and central Hunza. Hunzakuts, as the people of Hunza are known as the descendent from five wandering soldiers from Alexzender the great's army. In central Hunza people speak Burusheski language; in upper Hunza () people speak and the lower part people speak Shina language. The natural beauty, Hunza Valley is the central piece of Karakurum. Hunza Karimabad is the only town, where you can view the five famous peaks Rakaposhi 7788m, Golden peak 7027m Diran 7256m Ulter I 7388m, Ulter II 7310m and many below. Hunza people are famous for their long life due to simple diet and less stress. People of Hunza are very friendly and cherfull,

Journey to Hunza valley

Day 1: Islamabad Day 2: Chillas Day 3: Hunza Day 4: Hunza Day 5: Day 6: Gilgit Day 7: Fly-Islamabad Day 8: Departure & Kalash Valley

Chitral is isolated valley, situated in the corner of North West Pakistan.Chitral valley boasting awesome mountain, lush green valley's, and glaciers, it separate the boarder from Afghanistan and the USSR and on the west north lower of Hindu Raj mountain. Access to Chitral are road from and Shandur Pass to Gilgit. The other most attraction is the Kalash valley (the land of infidels). Kalash valley, the home of 3500 infidels, who are living in 20 small villages of Bomburat, Birir and Rambur are famous, south west of Chitral and close to the Afghanistan. are famous for their culture, customs .rits and the unique women dress black robs. The women wearing magnificent red and white deads nacklces.

Day 01: Islamabad Day 02:Peshawar Day 03: Swat Day 04:Chitral Day 05: Kalash Day 06:Kalash Day 07: Swat Day 08: Islamabad Day 09: Departure

Kalash-Hunza Jeep Safari

Day 01: Islamabad Day 02:Peshawar Shandur Trip Day 03: Swat Day 04:Chitral Day 05: Kalash Day 06:Kalash Day 01: Islamabad Day 07: Phandur Day 08:Gilgit Day 02: Peshawar Day 09: Hunza Day 10: Day 03: Swat Day 04: Chitral Day 11:Khunjerab pass overnight Passu Day 05-07 Shandur Day 12: Day 13:Gilgit Day 08: Kalash Day 14: Besham Day 15:Islamabad Day 09: Swat Day 16: Departure Day 10: Islamabad Day 11: Departure Gul Batur

The Batura Glacier (56km) fourth longest glacier in Karakurum Hunza valley, the most accessible trek from Karakurum High Way. Most of the trek takes through ablation valley, along with stream, summer pasture wakhi people life style and surrounded by 14 lofty peaks

Batura Trek

Batura Trek Batura Yak Safari Day 01: Islamabad Day 01: Islamabad Day 02: Chillas Day 02: Chillas Day 03: Passu Day 03: Passu Day 04: yunza ben Day 04: yunza ben Day 05: Yashpert Day 05: Yashpert Day 06: Gochasham Day 06: Gochasham Day 07: Free Day 07: Free Day 08: Yashpert Day 08: Yashpert Day 09: Kirgas Washk Day 09: Kirgas Washk Day 10: Passu Day 10: Passu Day 11: Karimabad Day 11: Karimabad Day 12:Karimabad Day 12:Karimabad Day 13: Gilgit Day 13: Gilgit Day 14: Islamabad Day 14: Islamabad Shimshal valley

Klik Mintika Pass Trek 14 Days Hunza

Swat Valley Tour 5 Days Swat-Kalam Naran_kaghan valley Tour 6-7 Day Naran Cholistan Camel Safari 7 Days Cholistan Desert Culture and Historical tours 10-15 Days Lahore, Multan , Peshawar and Moin Jo Daro We can modify trips on request bases Postal address: