Handbooks , and Other State and National Publications
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WEST VIRGINIA GARDEN CLUB, INC. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the West Virginia Garden Club, Inc. ARTICLE II Object The objects of the West Virginia Garden Club, Inc., shall be: 1. To operate on a non-profit basis and solely for benevolent, charitable, scientific, and educational purposes conducive to the well being of the community and useful to the public. 2. To study and teach all the aspects of the science and art of gardening. 3. To help preserve natural resources through protection of wild flowers, birds, forests, streams, scenic areas, historical and recreational localities. 4. To coordinate the interests of the federated garden clubs in the state, and to promote the organization of new clubs. 5. To encourage civic beauty, stimulate roadside improvement, and discourage unsightly objects along the high way. 6. To encourage the maintenance of state and local parks systems. 7. To cooperate with other agencies furthering interests of horticulture and conservation. 8. To restrict the activities of the corporation so that it shall not be used or operated for private profit and no property of the 1 corporation shall inure to the private profit of any member or special group or be used for any purposes other then those enumerated in (1) above. This organization is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes and all of the activities shall be in furtherance of such purposes. In the event of its dissolution, any remaining assets will be distributed only to non-profit organizations, which are at that time qualified for exemption from federal income tax as an organization described in 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 9. To conduct all lawful activities which are consistent with the object and purpose of this organization. ARTICLE III Membership Section 1 : Membership in the West Virginia Garden Club shall consist of five classes: A. State garden clubs and garden divisions of other clubs. To be eligible for membership, a club or garden division of another club (1) shall have been functioning at least six months; (2) shall be approved by the District Director; (3) shall send to the Executive Secretary an application blank accompanied by dues, a list of officers and members with mailing address, and a copy of the bylaws. The club president forwards this to the Executive Secretary for approval by the Executive Committee. B. Affiliate organization. Any organization, which has similar objectives and is interested in promoting the aims and purposes of the WVGC, may be admitted to affiliate membership by vote of the Board of Directors upon payment of prescribed dues. Such action is to be ratified by the next regular meeting of the state federation. 2 C. State honorary members. Persons who have rendered outstanding service to the WVGC, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, are accepted into honorary membership at an annual meeting by vote of the members. D. State life members. A life membership in the WVGC shall be accorded to individuals donating a specified amount toward the scholarship program in the state federation. Garden Club members, and other persons not affiliated with garden clubs, may also be honored with a life membership. Names shall be submitted to the State Life Membership Chairman, shall be recognized at each annual meeting of the WVGC. E. State associate members. Individuals having proper qualifications and recommendations, but not currently affiliated with local garden clubs, may, upon approval of the Executive Committee, and upon payment of prescribed dues, become associate members. They shall have all membership privileges except those of voting and holding office. Section 2. Membership in the WVGC shall include membership in the NGC at the per capita dues imposed by the NGC . ARTICLE IV Dues Section 1. Annual dues per member per club shall be at a rate specified by the Executive Committee, with the approval of the general membership. National Garden Club dues shall be a percentage of the State dues. Section 2. Annual dues of affiliated clubs shall be at a determined rate. 3 Section 3. That honorar y members shall be exempt from dues. Section 4. State life members shall pay annual dues at the same rate as the general membership, after the initial donation of fifty dollars ($50.00). Section 5. Annual dues for state associate members shall be the same as the dues of the general membership. Section 6. Dues for the current fiscal year are payable July 1. Any club or individual whose dues are not paid by November 1 will be notified. If dues have not been paid by January 1, the club or individual will automatically be dropped from membership, following final notification by the Executive Secretary. Section 7. (a) A club withdrawn in good standing may be reinstated by paying dues for the current year, provided application for reinstatement has been made through the District Director and Executive Secretary, and approved by the Executive Committee . (b) A club, which was dropped from membership for non-payment of dues, may be reinstated by paying dues for one past year, and the current year, provided application for reinstatement has been made through the District Director and Executive Secretary, and approved by the Executive Committee. Section 8. Clubs joining the WVGC within the first six months of the fiscal year shall pay full dues for the current year. Those joining within the last six months of the fiscal year shall pay dues for one half the current year. ARTICLE V Officers Section 1. Officers of the WVGC shall be President, Vice President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Executive Secretary, Historian, Finance Chairman, and Parliamentarian. Officers, with the exception of the Executive Secretary, Historian, Finance Chairman, and 4 Parliamentarian, shall be elected for a term of two years at an annual meeting of the West Virginia Garden Club held in years of uneven date. An Executive Secretary, Historian, Finance Chairman, and Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the president, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. No elected officer shall be eligible for re-election except the treasurer, who may serve no more than two successive terms. After an interim term(s), the treasurer may become eligible for re-election. Section 2. A vacancy occurring in the office shall be filled by an appointee of the president and approved by the Executive Committee. Section 3. To be eligible for the office of president, candidates shall have served a minimum of two years on the Executive Committee of the WVGC. ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the WVGC, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; shall appoint the Executive Secretary, Historian, Finance Chairman, and Parliamentarian; Chairmen of standing committees and special committees. These appointments are to be ratified by the Board of Directors. Section 2. The first Vice-President shall assist the President, and in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of the office. The First Vice-President shall serve as a member of the Finance and Scholarship Committee; shall coordinate the work of the District Directors; assume the title of President-elect at the close of the fall board meeting in the even-numbered years; and become President when a vacancy occurs. 5 Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President and Vice-President, perform all duties of the President, and shall serve as the state Awards Chairman. Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of meetings of the WVGC, of the executive committee and the Board of Directors, and shall have charge of specified state records for two years. All action taken by the executive committee shall be reported by the Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. Section 5. The Executive Secretary shall keep a correct list of all members, club presidents, state officers and directors of the board. She shall conduct the correspondence of the federation except as otherwise provided, and shall issue notices of all meetings. Section 6. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the WVGC. Bills shall be paid only upon the endorsement of an officer or chairman authorized by the President to contract accounts. At the end of each administration the treasurer’s books shall be examined by an internal auditing committee appointed by the President and including a past WVGC treasurer. The treasurer shall be bonded for such sum as is directed by the Executive Committee. Expenses of the bond and the audit shall be paid from the treasury of the WVGC. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee and shall prepare, in conjunction with the President and that committee a tentative budget for the succeeding fiscal year. Authorized signatures for checks are those of the President, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Scholarship Committee. Section 7. The Assistant Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance committee and shall perform the duties of the Treasurer when necessary. In the absence of that officer, this officer shall have the authority to sign checks against the funds of the WVGC. The Assistant Treasurer shall be bonded and shall collect dues and notify clubs whose dues are unpaid by November 1. 6 Section 8. The Historian shall act as custodian of the history of WVGC. This officer shall secure from the President the history of noteworthy achievements of that administration, covering the period from January 1 to December 31. Section 9. The Finance Chairman chairs the Finance Committee, calls necessary meetings of that committee and reports its recommendations to the Executive Committee.