GEOLOGIE UND PALÄONTOLOGIE the Miocene Flora of Parschlug
©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 105 A 45–159 Wien, Februar 2004 GEOLOGIE UND PALÄONTOLOGIE The Miocene Flora of Parschlug (Styria, Austria) – Revision and Synthesis By Johanna KOVAR-EDER1, Zlatko KVACEK2 & Margit STRÖBITZER-HERMANN3 (With 5 figures, 11 tables and 15 plates) Manuscript submitted on 23 October 2002, the revised manuscript on 21 January 2003 Abstract The first monographic treatment of the famous fossil flora of Parschlug (Styria, Austria) is presented. It com- prises more than 60 plant species including 4 ferns, 5 conifers, and over 50 angiosperms. Described for the first time are Ulmus parschlugiana and Antholithes stiriacus. Newly combined are Berberis teutonica, B. (?) ambigua, Mahonia (?) aspera, Ternstroemites pereger, Cedrelospermum ulmifolium, Leguminosites hesperidum, L. dionysi, L. palaeogaeus, L. parschlugianus, Prinsepia serra, Cotinus (?) aizoon, and Ailanthus pythii. Diversified mesophytic elements prevail over a few dominant or common azonal woody taxa. Among the for- mer, humid temperate components are relatively scarce and humid subtropical ones are rare, while subhumid, physiognomically sclerophyllous woody taxa are well represented. The age is considered as Karpatian/Early Badenian (late Early/early Middle Miocene) based on the floristic composition. Climatically this association indicates a drier warm-temperate/subtropical regime than documented from earlier and later Miocene times. Keywords: Macroflora, palaeoecology, palaeoclimate, floristic comparison, Miocene, Norian depression, Austria. Zusammenfassung Erstmals wird die Flora von Parschlug (Steiermark, Österreich) monographisch erfasst. Sie enthält mehr als 60 Pflanzenarten, davon 4 Farne, 5 Koniferen und mehr als 50 Angiospermen. Ulmus parschlugiana and Antholithes stiriacus werden erstmals beschrieben. Neu kombiniert werden Berberis teutonica, B. (?) ambigua, Mahonia (?) aspera, Ternstroemites pereger, Cedrelospermum ulmifolium, Leguminosites hesperidum, L.
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