Cyngor Tref Abergele Town Council Mrs C. J. Earley Mrs C.J. Earley Clerc a Swyddog Cyllid Clerk and Finance Officer Council Offices Llanddulas Road Abergele Ein Cyf./Our Ref. Conwy, LL22 7BT CJE Eich Cyf./Your Ref Tel: 01745 833242 Fax: 01745 833780
[email protected] 9th July 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, You are summoned to attend a meeting of the General Purposes and Planning Committee, to be held at the Town Hall, Llanddulas Road, Abergele, at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 15th July 2010. This will be followed immediately by a meeting of the Policy and Finance Committee. A copy of the Agenda for the meetings, together with a copy of the Draft Minutes of the General Purposes and Planning Committee and the Policy and Finance Committee, held on 17th June 2010, is attached for your guidance. Yours faithfully, Town Clerk DISTRIBUTION: The Mayor and all Members of the Council FOR INFORMATION: Mr. David I. Jones, MP Liverpool Daily Post Mr. Darren Millar, AM North Wales Weekly News Members Room, Bodlondeb Journal & Evening Leader County Cllrs: R Hastings; D Holland Abergele Library 2. Abergele Town Council AGENDA A meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES and PLANNING COMMITTEE, to be held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 17th June 2010 in the Town Hall, Llanddulas Road, Abergele. 1. Attendance Register 2. Apologies for Absence - To receive any apologies for absence 3. Disclosure of Interest - Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of any personal interests (using the form provided for this purpose).