Our Ref: TE/RD
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CYNGOR TREF BAE COLWYN BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL Mrs Tina Earley, PSLCC, Clerk & Finance Officer/Clerc a Swyddog Cyllid Cyngor Tref/Town Hall, Ffordd Rhiw Road, Bae Colwyn Bay, L L29 7TE Ffôn/Telephone: 01492 532248 Ebost/Email: [email protected] www.colwyn-tc.gov.uk Ein Cyf: TE/RD Our Ref: TE/RD 31 ain Mawrth 2021 31st March 2021 Annwyl Syr/Fadam Dear Sir/Madam Gŵys: Summons: Fech gwysir i fynychu cyfarfod o Bwyllgor You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Amcanion Cyffredinol a Chynllunio Cyngor General Purpose and Planning Committee of Tref Bae Colwyn sydd iw gynnal o bellter (trwy the Bay of Colwyn Town Council, to be held Zoom), am 6:30 pm nos Fawrth 6 ed Ebrill 2021. remotely (via Zoom) at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 6 th I ymuno yn y cyfarfod dilynwch y April 2021. cyfarwyddiadau a anfonwyd yn yr e-bost sydd To join the meeting please follow the gyda hwn os gwelwch yn dda. Cysylltwch âr instructions sent in the accompanying e-mail. Clerc ar 01492 532248 os ydych angen ir Please call the Clerk on 01492 532248 if you manylion mewngofnodi ar gyfer y cyfarfod cael require the log-in details for the meeting to be eu hanfon atoch. sent to you. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours faithfully Clerc y Cyngor Clerk to the Council Aelodau: G Baker; N Bastow (Maer); C Brockley; G Members: G Baker; N Bastow (Mayor); C Brockley; Campbell; M Jones (Dirprwy Faer); G Campbell; M Jones (Deputy Mayor); C Matthews; R Owen; J Pearson (Warden Coed); S C Matthews; R Owen; J Pearson (Tree Warden); S Price; S Ryder; M Tasker; M Worth Price; S Ryder; M Tasker; M Worth AGENDA Cymraeg 1. Croeso ag Ymddiheuriadau am Absenoldeb 2. Datgan Cysylltiadau: Fe atgoffir pob aelod or angen iddynt ddatgan unrhyw gysylltiadau personol a / neu rhai syn rhagfarnu, a natur y fath gysylltiadau. 3. Cofnodion: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi cywirdeb Cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf a gynhaliwyd ar 16 eg Mawrth 2021. (Copi gyda hwn). 4. Materion yn Codi o Gyfarfodydd Blaenorol: (a) Cofnod 295/20 - Polisi Cyfathrebu ar Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol: Argymell paratoi polisi newydd cyfunol drafft, yn seiliedig ar y ddau bolisi a gyflwynwyd (derbyniwyd oddi wrth gynghorau tref eraill), i ddiweddaru / amnewid y polisïau TG a Chyfryngau Cymdeithasol presennol (mabwysiadwyd yn 2011 a 2014) i ymgorffori pob agwedd syn berthnasol i gyfathrebu ac ymrwymiadau cyhoeddus. (Copïau gyda hwn). (b) Ymgynghoriad Cyn Cyflwyno Cais - 228, Ffordd Abergele, Hen Golwyn: Cael copi or ymateb a anfonwyd at y datblygwr. (Copi gyda hwn). 5. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy (CBSC): (a) Rheoliad Traffig Dros Dro (RhTDD): Cael rhybudd, er gwybodaeth, am reoliad traffig dros dro ar Ffordd Lawson, Bae Colwyn o 16/4 17/6/21 (Gwaith Nwy) (Copi gyda hwn). 6. Awel y Môr: Cael taflen newyddion mis Mawrth. (Copi gyda hwn). 7. Y Sw Mynydd: Cael ac ystyried ebost a dderbyniwyd oddi wrth aelod or cyhoedd. (Copi gyda hwn). 8. Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol yr Is-Feistri Swyddfeydd Post: Cael gwybodaeth ynglŷn â lleoliadau swyddfeydd post lleol. (Copi gyda hwn). 9. Y Clwb Rotari - Prosiect Seddau Cyhoeddus: Cael ebost oddi wrth y Clwb Rotari ac ystyried enwebu rhywun i fynychu cyfarfod yn y dyfodol. 10. Arweinlyfrau i Weithwyr Chwaraeon: Cael copi o arweinlyfr diweddaraf ar ymarferiad chwaraeon, Cyfrol 2. (Copi gyda hwn.) 11. Cynllunio: (a) Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Ystyried unrhyw geisiadau cynllunio a dderbyniwyd (Copi gyda hwn). (b) Penderfyniadau Cynllunio: Cael unrhyw benderfyniadau cynllunio a roddwyd gan GBSC. (Copi gyda hwn) (c) Rhybudd o Dynnu Cais Cynllunio yn Ôl: Cael, er gwybodaeth, rhybudd o dynnun ôl cais Cynllunio rhif O/48115. (Copi gyda hwn). (ch) Hyfforddiant Cynllunio: Cael nodiadau / unrhyw adroddiad am y sesiwn hyfforddiant cynllunio diweddar a fynychwyd gan y Cynghorydd G. Baker a Mrs R. Dudley. (d) Ymgynghoriad Cyn Cyflwyno Cais: Cael ac ystyried ymgynghoriad cyn cyflwyno cais ar gyfer Ffordd Bay View, Bae Colwyn. (Copi gyda hwn) AGENDA English 1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest: Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of any personal and/or prejudicial interests. 3. Minutes: To approve and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the last meeting, held on 16 th March 2021. (Copy herewith) 4. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings: (a) Min 295/20 Communication and Social Media Policy: to recommend the drafting of a new combined policy, based on both the submitted policies (obtained from other town councils), to update/replace the existing IT and Social Media policies (adopted in 2011 and 2014) and incorporate all aspects relating to communication and public engagement. (Copies herewith) (b) Min 296/20(e) Pre Application Consultation, 228, Abergele Road: To receive a copy of the response sent to the developer. (Copy herewith) 5. Conwy CBC: (a) Temporary Traffic Regulation : To receive, for information, a temporary traffic regulation for Lawson Road, Colwyn Bay from 16/4 17/6/21 (Gas Work). (Copy herewith) 6. Awel y Mor: To receive the March newsletter (Copy herewith). 7. Welsh Mountain Zoo : To receive and consider an email received from a member of the public (Copy herewith). 8. Natural Federation of Sub Postmasters: To receive information regarding location of local post offices. (Copy herewith) 9. Rotary Club Public Seating Project: To receive an email from the Rotary Club and to consider nominating someone to attend a future meeting. (Copy herewith) 10. Play Work Guides: To receive a copy of the latest practising play guide Volume 2 (Copy herewith) 11. Planning: (a) Planning Applications : To consider any planning applications received. (Copy herewith) (b) Planning Decisions : To receive notice of recent planning decisions issued by CBC. (Copy herewith) (c) Planning Withdrawal Notice: To receive, for information, planning withdrawal notice no 0/48115 (Copy herewith) (d) Planning Training: To receive notes/any report on a recent planning training session attended by Cllr G Baker and Mrs R Dudley. (e) Pre Application Consultation: To receive and consider pre-application consultation for Bay View Road, Colwyn Bay. (Copy herewith) MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND PLANNING COMMITTEE OF THE BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL, HELD REMOTELY (VIA ZOOM) AT 6.30 PM ON TUESDAY 16 th MARCH 2021 PRESENT : Chairman: Cllr C Brockley Cllrs: G Baker, G Campbell, M Jones, C Matthews, R Owen, J Pearson, S Price, S Ryder, M Tasker, M Worth OFFICERS : C J Earley, Town Clerk R Dudley, Assistant Clerk Members of the Public: Cllr P Richards, Mr Mark Biltcliffe 286/20 Welcome and Apologies for Absence The Chair welcomed all members to the meeting and introduced the three new councillors; Cllrs R Owen, S Price and S Ryder. No apologies for absence were received. 287/20 Declarations of Interest: Members were reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of any personal and/or prejudicial interests. None were received. 288/20 Planning Application 0/48201 & 0/48202 (Public Participation): The Chairman agreed to bring this item forward in the agenda, as part of the public participation session. The Chair welcomed Mr Mark Biltcliffe to the meeting and informed him the council had received many objections to the application. The Chair summarised the objections and asked if Mr Biltcliffe had anything to add. Mr Biltcliffe thanked the Committee for the opportunity to speak and raised concerns over the application. He said it was over development of the site and not in keeping with the character of the area. He also said it did not make sense to demolish structurally sound buildings and the existing buildings should be adapted. The Chair thanked Mr Biltcliffe for his comments and he retired from the meeting. 289/20 Minutes: Resolved to approve and sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the last meeting, held on 23 rd February 2021. 290/20 Matters Arising from Previous Meetings: a) Min. 257/20(d) Pre-Application Consultation, Former Sports Court, Oak Drive: The Clerk submitted a copy of the response sent to the developer, which was noted by members. b) Min 257/20 (g) Future Wales: The Clerk submitted the newsletter which contained a link to the Future Wales Plan (the new name for the National Development Framework) and gave a brief overview of where the plan sits in the national planning framework. 291/20 Conwy CBC: a) Temporary Traffic Regulation : Members noted the temporary traffic regulation for Oak Drive and Llanrwst Road for 18/05/21 (BT Work). b) Temporary Traffic Regulation : Members noted the temporary traffic regulation for Nant y Glyn Road, Colwyn Bay from 27/04 30/04/21 (Gas Work). c) Bay Life Meeting held on 9 th March 2021 : The Clerk gave a brief verbal report and reminded members that a special meeting had been convened next Tuesday with a presentation about the updated Town Centre Improvement Plan. 292/20 North and Mid Wales Association of Local Councils (N&MWALC): The Chair invited Cllr Paul Richards to give a verbal report regarding the North Coast Transport Liaison Committee he had attended on 26 th February 2021. Cllr Richards summarised all the key points. Meetings would be held bi-monthly. Cllr Richards encouraged members to access the N&MWALC website as it was very informative. The Chair thanked Cllr Richards for his report. Members were asked to note that the NCTLC had been tasked with completing a station audit with local councils for presentation to Transport for Wales, which will then inform formal Station Improvement Audits. An audit form has been sent which requires response by 14th April and the audit will be completed by July 2021. Resolved to recommend that authorisation to respond be delegated to the Clerk after consultation with Cllr P Richards, C Hughes, M Worth and A Khan, who had undertaken a site visit to the station on behalf of Colwyn in Bloom.