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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06263-4 - Manuscripts and Medieval Song: Inscription, Performance, Context Edited by Helen Deeming and Elizabeth Eva Leach Index More information Index Adam de la Bassée Bagby, Benjamin, 38 Ludus super Anticlaudianum, 150 Lost Songs of a Rhineland Harper, 38, 42 Adam de la Halle, 224, 229, 231, 251 Beauvais, 47–8, 54 Adam of St Victor, 143 Bede Aesop De die iudicii,37 Fables, 120 Bell, Nicolas, 206 Agnès de Florenville, 240 Belvoir Priory, 123 Aimo, Abbot of St Martial of Limoges, 28 Benediktbeuern, 79, 83 Alain de Lille, 77 Bern chansonnier. See Manuscripts: CH-BEb Alcuin, 19–20, 22, 29–30 389 Adesto lumen, 19, 29 Bernard Itier, librarian of St Martial of De laude psalmorum,19 Limoges, 14, 59 Deus inestimabili misericordiae,19 Bernard of Clairvaux, 61 Miserere domine,19 Bernart de Ventadorn Aldhelm Can vei la lauzeter mover. See Songs: Aenigmata,56 Can vei la lauzeter mover (Bernart De virginitate, 37, 57 de Ventadorn) Alexander the Great, 223 Bertran de Born, 63 Amiens, Cathedral of Notre Dame, 223 birds, 47, 49, 253 Anderson, Gordon Athol, 196 cuckoo, 116 André d’Amance, 241 hawk, 119–20, 253, 256 Apocalypse, 225 nightingale, 38, 42, 143, 157–8 Apt, 59 Bischoff, Bernhard, 12, 81, 83, 90 Aquitaine, 4, 47, 58–67, 69, 71, 73, 275 Blondel, 231 Aquitanian polyphony. See Aquitaine Bodmer, Johann Jacob, 166 Archpoet, 81–2 body, 68, 180 Confession (Estuans interius ira vehementi), arm, elbow, 180 81 breast, 168 Aristotle ear, 62, 224, See also listening Metaphysics, 223 eye, 62, 68, 169, 172–4, 176, 224, 240 Arlt, Wulf, 47, 62 foot, 169, 173, 176 Arras, 193 hand, fingers, 57, 170, 173, 179, 181, 282 Atchison, Mary, 191, 221, 225–6, 230–1 head, 20, 173, 175, 180 Aubrey, Elizabeth, 65, 68, 231, 245 leg, knee, 180 audience, auditors.
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