Gillis, Librarian Mabel R. . . California State Library California #2 Sacramento 9, We Will Play lrextech Red Raiders Accept Bid Spartan Dail As SJ Raisin Bowl Foe SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Border Champs Decline Sun Bowl Volume XXXVIII San Jose, California, Wednesday, November 30, 1949 Number 17 Invite to Clash With Spartans (By UNITED PRESS) Council Sets Date San Jose State's Golden Raiders will clash with Texas Tech's Red Raiders in the Raisin Bowl at Fresno, Dec. 31, it was arnounced toddy For 1950 Revelries after a message of acceptance from tke Texas team. The Red Raiders had previously turned down a Sun Bowl bid Spartan "Revelries" of 1950 has been tentatively set for four days, in their home city of El Paso. Feb. 22, 23, 24, and 25, aecordiag The Fresno Junior Chamber of to a report made to the student Commerce said the acceptance council yesterday by Director was made after the local organi- Dick 'Pritchard. WAA to Hold Open zation wired Lubbock, Tex., ad- New technical advisor for the viAing that traveling expenses had production is Al Johnson, an- Meet Tomorrow been approved. nounced Pritchard. The perform- .The Raiders captured the 1949 ances are slated for Wednesday Women's Athletic association Border Conference -championship e, meeting of through Saturday. will hold its first open for the third consecutive year last Lud Spolyar, former freshman the fall quarter tomorrow at 7:36 weekend when. they downed Har- 2, Beggy class president, was appointed p.m. in the Women's gym, din-Simmons 23 'to 13. Texas sophomore class representative in., Major, WAA publicity director, Tech finished their season with council balloting. The vacanLy said today. seven wins and four set -backs. Spartan Ken McCarthy, tennis arose when Dick Russo resigned The Jose Spa professional a n d winner of 35 San rialto last week. clinched the CCAA pennant Frosh class nomination assem- tournaments in California and .3 throughout the nation, will give Thursday with an Impressive 41y will be held Tuesday in the Fresno State. a few pointers on how to play 43 to 7 win over Morris Dailey auditorium follow- The tennis well. Spartans completed their ing the orientation period. The schedule Leta Walter, WAA president, with a 8-4 win-loss ASB council Bet the elections for record. will review the organization's Thursday, Dec. 15. Al Radka, history and outline the peogram, Raisin Bowl Chair- The council appropriated $65 man, said financial guarantees tor the printing of "Job Tao" which includes Swim club, tennis, riding, offered both teams would be an- which will be delivered to 20,000 golf, volleyball, badminton, hockey, bowling, basketball, soft- nounced later. San Jose householders on the , San Jose ball, and Orchesis. State football players, morning milk run. The tags, no- in a meeting Monday, voted to ac- tifying the residents that Spartan She also will introduce her eabi- net members and Miss Mary cept the Raisin Bowl bid if Wyo- students are available for part- ming or Texas Tech Hooton and Miss Elanor M. were selected time employment, will be distnb- as Coombe, faculty advisers. an opponent. uted by the Junior Chamber of Glen S. Hartranft. Spartan Miss Major said that volley- di- Commerce. rector of athletics, upon ball and badminton courts will be receiving Approximate kv 89 percent of the news of ready for. use after the ,pritertim. the Texas Tech ac- Kase to Preens 'gobs- the plaque infirdseKe of defeat In the the student bib have purchased Refreshments will be served. ceptance. stated "As far as I know Fresno-San Jose lootball game. The Bulldog's student body ASB cards. announced Bob Seal. we definitely dill play Tech Dec. president accepted the symbol after the Spartans rounded out an treasurer. 7193 cards have been 31, but as yet we have not been

undefeated conference season by defeating the valley Rebook sold. Seal reported that $32,000 officially notified by the Raisin council funds possibl photo by Jack Haddon CSTA W.11I nearear Bowl committee." marked for student loans are The game will _sualtethe---dth tied up in notes to the Spartan 11-6-61Wreontest for San Jose in Shop at the present. Panel I the __UP ROUNDUP -1S-15-State Discuss Discussion 1949 campaign. Practice for The California Student Teach- the Texas Tech clash will begin Proposed Archway ers association will meet Otis af- Dec. 19 for the Spartans. ternoon at 3:30 o'clock in room New 'AI Bomb Test Two men from the State De- `Wmtermise Bids A-1. part ment of Architecture and one Groups May Lose Planned by U.S. man from the State Department Available Today President.Steve Stephenson an- of Education met with Mr. E. S. nounced that the Professional U, S. military officers and scien- Bids for Saturday night's semi- La Torre Space Thompson, college comptroller, Growth committee will present a planning a new series lormal ntermlst" will be dis- Thirty-six tists ace yesterday to discuss minor con- panel discussion of the student organizations on the tests to be held at tributed today, Thursday and Fri- San Jose of atomic bomb problems of the .college. teachers code of ethics. State carrious. have thUS - The Defense de- day of this week at the social af- farlaiteertb----Tre Eniwetok atoll. Among the problems discussed " ta---frorn---otirer- teacher urn their contracts parTinftt will carry out the tests fair's booth aLthe Libr for the 1950 edition of the La wasthe -CORSULIC24081- of-.-an -arch- training colleges will be surveyed Afohrit- Energy The bids are complimentary, the Torre, Business Wit-TyWith the from the Commerce building to in preparation for'lhe California manager Bill commission. Full security restric- only "charge" being a punch in Schulz revealed the Science building. The pro- Teachers association.convention in today. tions on the preparations will be ASB cards. Numerous posed arch would be similar to the Los Angeles, Friday and Satur- activities and organi- effect, zations have been in one that extends from the Library Wally Heider and his 12-piece day. San Jose State college CSTA anxious to se- Political scientists are Inter- cure space in to the Reserve book room. It orchestra will play for the event, will chairman the Ethics commit- the 1950 La Torre, ested in the activities of racket- yet a certain would be covered and serve as an to be held at the Civic auditor- tee," said Mr. Stephenson. amount of space is terra! Dayton D. Mc Kean, ium. His band will feature a alloted to each interest and no additional exit for the Commerce for winter quar- chairman of the Darthmouth , woman vocalist. Nominations deviation can be made unless or- and Science buildings. ter officers can be made by write- university department of gov- Dancing will begin at 9 p.m. En- ganizations fail to fulfill their ob- ernment told 250 delegates of in means on the list of nominees, ligation of returning their con- tertainment is promised by the which will be posted on the CSTA the National Municipal league John L. Lewis has called off a social affairs group. tracts. that the slot machine racket meeting of his policy committee bulletin board for the coming Unless they return their con- Duke Deras, chairman, and his week. grosses $2.000,000,000 a year. for the second consecutive day, committee will deeorate the audi- tracts very soon the following or- He estimated*, that racketeers and is ,scheduled to meet today. torium all day Saturday in order ganizations will lose their alloted pay $400,000,000 a year in bill,- Sources say that he has been con- to present spectacular decorations space: Alpha Chi Omega, Alhpa ing public officials for protec- ferring with Harry Moses, chief for this year's affair. Richard R. Lewis Eta Rho, Alpha Phi, Beta Beta Hon. negotiator for the steel industry. Beta, California Student Teachers Speaks to CSTA Association, Catholic Women's Center, Delta Members of the California Stu- Nu Theta, Delta Theta Omega, Delta dent Teachers association heard Upsilon, En- gineering Society, Prof. Phillips Gets Hearing Mr. Richard B. Lewis, associate EntomologN Club, professor of education, talk on Cal- .Eta. Epsilon. Grace Hall. Flying Twenty, also Lambda Chi NNW By JACK RUSSELL For the first 40 minutes Dr. most effective service in the na- ifornia school districts at a recent Alpha, Lutheran Students' Phillips presented highlights from tion." meeting. Asso- Dr. Herbert J. Phillips, admit- his trial in Washington where he The Communist professor's Mr. Lewis, former assistant di- ciation,. Lambda Gamma Alpha, ted Communist who "came from was removed from the faculty of remarks were underscored by rector of the State department of Pan American League, Phi Epsilon Phi Eta Sigma, the lower, working-class society", the University of Washington. the clink of silver as the hat education redistricting program, Kappa, Philosophy Club, Phi Sigma addressed a crowd of 400 in Costa was passed. The money will be made comparisons of some of the Kappa, Phi Up- .hall last night on the subject of The remaining two hours were used "to enable my work for school districts in California. silon Pi, Pi Beta Sigma, Pre-Med Spartan spent in answering questions Society, Sojourners, Presbyterian "Academic Freedom." academic freedom to be contin- Mr. Lewis stated that school membei s submitted in writing. In an- Hall, Psychology Club, Rally students and faculty ued," declared Phillips. He stat- districts that have the wealth but Com- aud- inquiry why he had mittee, San Jose made up the majority of the swer to an ed that he had addressed some not many school children should Players, Seekers, Communist, Dr. Phil- ience. become a 50 college groups, "mostly on share their wealth with less fortu- Sigma Gamma Omega, Social Af- lips stated: "I became a Com- fairs committee, Spartan Chi, Sharing the spotlight with campus." nate districts. munist because I thought that Spartan Spinners, and Torch and Dr. Phillips was a man who Here is a summary of other Steve Stephenson, CSTA presi- their theory of social develop Sword. claimed to he a Marxist and the questions directed to Phillips. He dent,' commenting on the meeting meet offered the most and was father of a student at San Jose feels that Judge Medina was ex- said that the problem is of con- best for me." State. He declined to give his tremely biased in the recent New cern to future teachers. It means name for publication. He stated Phillips said that philosophically York trials. He thinks that the that future teachers could receive IRC to Meet from the floor that he opposed speaking Communism is inevitable New York Times is the best news- better salaries, better working con- The International Relations club the present Communist system in the United States. "In the So- paper in America. He would de- ditions and have better supplies will meet at 3:30 p.m. today in because it was a "terroristic viet Union there is a better oppor- fend America if she were attacked and equipment with which to room 7, according to Dr. George party." tunity for the citizen to find his by Russia. teach. Bruntz, adviser.

I=M 4? 2 SPARTAN DAILY Wadriesday, November 30, 1949 Spartan Pail hoses ueen! Queen of-Roses Thrust In 'zA9 Adopted e.,3 vit.; cl rTT ,,,, ,, t andd BjJ geribes 'This Is The Girl Parry We'd Like to Have Proofread With Us' Dear Thrust and Parry: Now that we have "hashed out" , By DAN HRUBY the subject of the benefits to be PulehritudinouS Virginia Bower, derived from a foreign language, 1949 Rose Bowl queen and a soph- suppose I bring up a more impos- omore music major at San Jose ing question. State college, has been chosen by Why is it that a student, is the staff as queen of the Spartan forced to take a total of 36 units Daily and "the girl we would most of work in the fields of Science like to proof-read with." and Social Science? Eighteen units (Proof-reading is a task for of Science and 18 units of Social which staff members journey to Science constitute six units more a local printing company about than two quarters work. To make once a week for several 'hours matters worse, a course in Biology In the evening and early morn- requires two hours of lecture and ing to check the next edition of four hours of lab, not to mention the Daily for printing errors.) field- tipson personal time, for There is a poignant reason for the same three units that can be the selection of -a queen of the earned, in any other course. Figur- Daily, something unprecedented in ing three' quarters per year, times the newspaper's history. It seems four years, these "requirements" that Photo Editor Bob Hemingway alone take up one-sixth of a col- and a few fellow -staffer, ith lege career, their faces flushed between-a-shal- Many of us are in college pri- Law pink and a deep vermilion, marily for a background in our needed a reason to print the ac- chosen field, and secondarily for companying cut of the (.(Stnely the satisfaction that comes with Miss Bower. a "Liberal Education." I am Homecoming Queen Contestant entirely in accord with these two The situation evolves from the requirements, but I do feel that, recent Homecoming queen contest the amount required is way out in which Miss Bower was one of of line . Surely some of this 19 entries. Hemingway and his time could be better spent in an associates scanned the list of Individual's major field. Eigh- candidates and noted her name. teen units of knowledge of ac- Aware of the fact that the counting, psychology, law, or pretty blur-eyed blonde from salesmanship would be of far southern California had demon- more value to a commerce major strate'd het, superiority in than the knowledge that malaria beauty, intelligence. and per- is carried by Anopheles, or that sonality over 2300 rivals to be- thereare umpteen thousand spe- come queen of the Tournament cies of coelenterata on the of Roses k at Pasadena on Dec. earth. .28, the Daiiy men tacitly Some of us have wives and chil- assumed that' she would win the dren to suRport, and these heavy Homecoming queen contest.. requirements outside our field are Operating on this assumption, just a shackle that is preventing they arranged for an appointment, us from getting more of the "know took her photograph and had a how" that will help us when we cut prepared for the next edition enter the "cold, cruel world." of the Daily. But as assumptions Can't something be done? usually go, things did not work Yours very truly, out as planned. After a close de- ASB 521 cision, Debris Peterson was crowned queen. MEETING CANCELLED A Close Decision There will be no meeting of the With due respect to the overt Maile Rally committee tonight, accord- Blond e, blue-eyed Virginia tan Daily by the staff. Choosing :which stemmed from the recent beauty of Debris, Virginia, and ing to Chairman Glenn Stewait. Bower, sophomore music major a queen of the Daily, something Homecoming Queen contest. See Enzensperger, Carol Rickey

Next meeting is scheduled for 3:30 and queen of the 1949 Tourna- new to the staff and the paper, story at right. all of the entrants, it was obvious to p.m. Tuesday in the Student Un- ment of Roses in Pasadena, has was done to atone for a slight that the trio of judges had ion. been named queen of the Spar- case of mis-directed judgment, photo by Steve Everett. virtually close their eyes and make a decision. In the upshot, the choice was Partners in Crime excellent. As for Bob Hemingway, Graduates Might Not Find Jobs whose face still is an aura of cha- Hold grin upon mention of the inci- 'Red' Talk dent, he says "Oh well, I guess By ROBERT JOHNSTON I'll stick to the football games." In Their -Field, Goldstein Says It has often been said that the most interesting thing in the By LA VERNE POTTS which they have been trained. whether it is worthwhile for world is people . Now the most interest- The occupational outlook for Some of these graduates will find them to continue studying in a Oh, Woe is TMS; ing thing about people been pre- other jobs. Others will go on for field in which is conver- college graduates has many graduates sation. sented by Harold Goldstein, chief graduate work in their own fields are unable to find jobs. Some Wee Mu Mu's Gone of the occuPrittonal outlook branch --a wise decision for many, since may ask whether a college edu- All of this serves to bring a lit- By DAVE IlEAGERTY tle of the U. S. Department of Labor. the long-run trend in almost every cation Ls worthwhile at all from of the most interesting thing Mu Mu, a black cocker spaniel Mr. Goldstein_says that the U. S. profession is toward requiring the standpoint of vocational about the most interesting things pup belonging's to Theta Mu Sigma Office of Education has reported more educational prepaxation. preparation. in the world to Spartan Daily fraternity, is reported missing, and readers, who should that some 430,000 young people A third group of graduates un- be most inter- fraternity members hope that no Mr. Goldstein says that guidance ested. were graduated from American able to find jobs immediately in one substituted him for turkey people can make a great contribu- Two partners in crime were colleges in 1949. This is nearly fields for which they have been sit- on Thanksgiving. tion here by giving these young ting on a bench double thi prewar peak, and over trained may -want-to- take grad- in the inner quad, The lost cocker is a small ca- people-- some perspeetive one-tuetted -200;000-more-than in uate training-in-othar-fialds...offer- to the other and nine about eight months old, Ile as many or -more will be ing better opportunities. ._"What we gonna do this is believed to have spent Con- ation maybe quite different sev- afternoon?" turned out in the school year just siderable time (frolicking) on Among the occupations which eral years hence when today's high "Well," beginning. sez his chum, "I hear campus. lie even has been will have many unfilled openings school student or college freshman this pitcher, The long-run trend in college 'The Red Shoe' is in known to frequent class rooms are elementary school teaching, completes his training and starts town. graduates has been upward, but Some guy said it was good. on Washington Square. which medicine, dentistry, nursing and to look for a job, Wanna go?" the peak figures of 1948, 1949, and can be attributed to his strong other medical service occupa- "What's 1950 result from a temporary fac- A study of the trends in the it about?" pangs of hunger for companions tions wad. eocLaJ work. "Beats tor: the large number of veterans engineering profession recently me, but the guy said it ship and his unquenchable Mr. Goldstein says that good was good." attending college. After several completed suggests that the em- thirst for knowledge. The pre- guidance is needed in helping these "It sounds like a story about years the number of graduates will ployment opportunities for engi- cocious pup was last seen "sit- young men and women to discover a Gallen Kamp drop, although it will continue to neers may be better after several man who votes for ting in" on a Psychology fili their alternate interests and abil- Joe Stalin." The be higher than before the war. years; the long-run trend is ug{- first speaker is class over a week ago. - ities and to make appropriate edu- obviously stimulated Mr. Goldstein points out that ward. Similarly high school enroll- by the heat Anyone knowing his where- cational plans. This underscores of the conversation. the immediate effect of this sit- ments, which are due to drop abouts should inform the local of- the importance of each person's "The guy said uation will be that competition slightly for the next several years, it was educa- fice of the Federal Bureau of In- maintaining the utmost flexibility tional." In Many occupational fields Will will thereafter increase by som0- vestigation or call the Theta Mu in his occupational planning and "All right, but wait be stiff for the next few years. thing' like one-third in a seven- till Dr. Phil- Sigma chapter lionse, 191 S. 10th vocational adjustment. lips hears about this." This includes engineering, law, year period, creating many more street. The fraternity phone num- pharmacy, business administration, Students In high schools and jobs for high school teachers. To ber is CYpress 2-1740, Return of journalism, personnel work, and colleges, seeing the difficulties the student who is discouraged bx the animal is urgent, as it is felt high school teaching, for example, which many graduates will meet the current situation, information JOHN LOVES MARY that Mu Mu's lecture notes are Many graduates will be unable to in the next few years, may be- on long-run prospects may be ex- more complete than those of some find positions in the fiMds for come alarmed. They may ask tremely valuable. STARTS DECEMBER 8 of the fraternity members. Art Frat Conducts Sale Of Prints from Chicago Wednesday, November 30, 1949 SPARTAN DAILY 31 II Announcements II Associated Women Students: 'Meeting' in room 24 at 4:30 p.m. Drama Dept. Readies Gomm Alpha Chi: Meets at 335 E. 'San Antonio street, 8 p.m. 9 Community Sert ice committee: 'John Loves Mary Meeting in "Y" lounge, 4:30 p.m. By I-1ELEN DAVIS Alpha bernnsa: Meeting in room A-1 at 7:30 p.m. Dance plans to be "John Loves Mary," 's post-war comedy which discussed. was a cecent Broadway bit, will be presented by the Speech and Senior class council: Meeting in Drama department during the second week in December, under the, Stlailent Union, 3:30 p.m. All sen- direction of Miss Elizabeth Vaffler. ' " ior/Invited. Action ni 00 plort 4ssPlime in the living room of the apartment: -Entomology club: Meets in room of Senator James McKinley. The S-16 tomorrow, 12:30 p.m. set has been designed I Mr. J. Announcement: Sophomore class Wendell Johnson. Pratt Attends will hold a dance following the The plot is centered around the boxing touranment on Friday. Berkeley Confab conflict that arises when John re- Sophomore council: Meets in The necessity of placing more room 129 at 4 p.m. turns from overseas duty as the emphasis upon the serious side of Freshman Camp of 1950: There husband of his best buddy's war will be a meeting of the Freshman time girl friend. Mary, unaware college life should be a chief con- Camp counsellbrs this week, of this, makes plans for her mar- cern of college public relations' offices, E. Rose Hartley, national Frost: Group Three: Meeting in riage to John, who had married room S-112 at 3:30 p.m. president of the American College the other girl so she could come Public Relations association, told Junior council: Meets in Student to the United States as the bride the District XII meeting of the Union, 3:30 p.m. of a GI. John had hoped to give association Monday at Berkeley. Frosh-Soplt Mixer committee: his buddy a pleasant surprise in Lowell C. Pratt, director of pub- Meets in room S-112 at 4 p.m. the person of the English war lie relations and instructor in Thursday. bride, from whom he planned a journalism, represented San Jose WAA Swim club: Meets at pool, quick divorce as soon as he re- State college at the conference. 7 p.m. turned home. Public relations men from more Announcement: Will the follow- Things run smoothly until John than 50 colleges attended the lieprge Moro, president of Delta Phi Delta, national honorary ing persons report to the Health discovers that his buddy has since meeting. art fraternity, is putting up prints from the Prairie Print-2)10cent Office as soon as possible: William forgotten his English girl friend qf Chicago for$shibit in the Art Wing. The fraternity is sellinilthe R. Read, Willard F. Helms, and is already married and an ex- prints on a commission basis. Whalen Hickey, Don R. Hindley, pectant father. Frances Hoffman, James R. House, A cast of upper classinen A GOOD DEAL! Russell Howard,' William A. Hunt- FOR S.J.S. er, De Lynn Hutchings, Walter portray the antics that follow STUDENTS this Students May Purchase Ivester, Joyce Johnson, Nancie dilemma. Don Pearlman and ONLY Johnson, Ott Johnson, Daniel Joan Buechner will be seen in the Johnston, Joyce Jones Willard , S. title roles. Bill Furnell will Fine Wholesome Food Lappen, Walter Loo, Hiram F. play John's buddy; Gwen Sam- at Low Cost Displayed Art Prints uelson, the English girl friend; Loveland, Richard Luchessi, John REGULAR $5.50 Lynch, Andrew McClelland, Ann Matt Pelto, Mary's father; Eve- By PAT ROAN lyn McGarva, James McGregor, Clyde McCurdy, Mary's mother; San Jose State college students have the opportunity to secure Clifford Roch e, Lt. Victor J. McKinley, Ronald B. MacKen- MEAL TICKETS exceptional art prints- from the Prairie Print-makers of Chicago O'Leary; 'Jack Byers, George zie, and Clarence Madick. through a special sale being held by Delta Phi Delta, national Beechwood; Stanle Schwim- NOW $4.95 Philosophy club: Meets in Bap- art fraternity. _ mer, Harwood Biddle. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner organization, said that tist church, Second and San An- George Muro, president of the honorary tonio streets, 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Tickets for the plc: went on the prints sell for six dollars, and International -Relations c I u b: sale Monday. Dr. Hugh Gillis, de- I DELUXE are now on exhIbitl In the Art Chairmen Meeting in room 7 at 3:30 p.m. partment head, urges students to SANDWICH SHOP Talent Meets in purchase tickets early because of wing. Gamma PI Epsilon: 232 S. FIRST STREET room 117 at 7:30 p.m, ' I the increased ,demand and put.- Among the outstanding prints Want Good Shows Next to MissIon Theatet PE Varsity golf: Meeting Thurs- . chase of season pass books. Stu- available is "Ozark Valley", by Sign up for the new Talent day, men's gym office, 12:30 p.m. dent admission is 60 cents: gen- Lloyd C. Foltz. Mr. Foltz. who has Bureau today! Delta Phi Delta: Meets in room eral admission, 90 cents. The play We will be CLOSED Thursday won world-wide fame for his skill /This is the call of the two chair? A-1 of Art wing tomorrow, 7 p.m. I will be presented Dec. 8, 9, 10, 11, Nov. 24, THANKSGIVING Day in lithography, has combined the men, Stan Sadler and Dick Page- New Art group: ;NIeetjng. in 12, 14, and .15 in the Litt le work in this nelli.___he__L_n_cye talent that we room A-I Thursday, 3:30p.m. Theatre. print. His skilled use of shapes have catalogued7the better the Pi Nu Sigma: Meets in 13---72-itt and masses produces a, feeling of shows at San Jose State will be. 12:30 p.m. , calm serenity about the smell Just fill out the coupon in tomor- .Blue Key: Pledge meeting in house nestled in the mountains. row's Spartan Daily and drop it Student Union, 6:30 p.m. Ntote Subject Caught and Held in the box in the library arch". bulletin board. A color wood-block print, "Cin- SONY*. ./ . * namon Fern and Verry", by James Seniors to Pick Up Koseme Society Elects D. Bansen, combines an excellent Classified Advertising tone quality with a subject caught Bilie Prints jun. 3 Five Into Membership and held in its natural environ- FOR RENT FOR SALE clo lonty. Jordan, IleCeemide. -- ment. - _ I vow "ROOM Olt-JEK)ARD: Or room 1939 BUICK COUPE: .$350, good Church at Canyoncito" by and board for bo.--ITecety built- chanical condition, radio. See William J. Dickerson, portrays tile showers. 60112 SI, Ninth street, at 6381S. Fifth. license 8M7939. with amazing accuracy a scene San Jose, Calif. Phone CY 3-5753, 6 to 9 p.m. of the old Southwest. Through ROOMS: For college women. 1938 NASH: Lafayette engine the use of lithography, the artist Piped heat, kitchen privileges at recently overhauled. See Mrs. Fa- captures the dismal quality of a 398 S. 12th. CY 5-2047. varo, B22 or 839 Curtner. 1937 F 0 R D CONVERTIBLE church as seen in the light of a STUDENT HOUSE: Cooking. SEDAN: Radio, good motor and pale moon, Singles $25, doubles $20, big living tires. $135. 370 S. Fifth street. room. 1009 Broadway. Every print in the exhibit dis- Call at side door. plays the skill and talent of real BOARD AND ROOM: $55 1947 CHEVROLET CONVERT- artistry. All of the artists, who month, go home weekends. 643 E. IBLE: Radio, heater. $1325, good are members of the Praire Print- Julian, CY 5-8423. condition. CY 2-5748. makers -group. of Chicago, have ROOMS NEAR CAMPUS: For . LOST " won reCogintiOri in their field of &dlege girls, kitchen privileges work. available. 544 S. Seventh. SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PEN: /W.'ReitzPl -Obtains Prints ROOM: Two boys, kitchen privi- Green and silver engravied. Return to information office, leave name Mao Said that the prints were leges. $25 a month, 874 S. 10th. - for reward. - obtained for sale through his MEN: 1'2 blocks from college. . organization, by Dr. M. E. Reitzel, Double tile showers and wash NOTICE head of the Art department. They basins. Free telephone, pinto, WEDnING BELLS: This is all being geld on a commission downstairs lobby. $15. CY 3-1938, so sudden! I feel like a heel, Mary, basis, and all proceeds will go into 426 S. Seventh streeL but our wedding will have to wait. John. fraternity funds. FOR BOYS: One furnished room "The prints will make excellent with kitchen privileges and garage Georgia Tech College Inn -47 Christimii girth," Muro suggested, $18.50 month, 421 S. 11th street Atlanta. Ga. "and members of the fraternity CY 5-1573. the STUDENT feel fortunate in being able to ROOM: For Christian girls, 105 .-Isk for it either way ... both offer them to students at such in- Supply, Book & Gift Shop S. 11th. Kitchen privileges, $22.50 trade-marks mean Me same thing. eXpensive rateS." a month. Phone CY 5-1855. 70 E. San Fernando CY 4-3530 COMPLETE DORMITORY: Flat for botching. Modern kitchen, Sol)lis to Sponsor bath, beds. Private entrance, four "Ma's Fixif Shop" fellows $25 month each. Available "HIS" Clothing "HERS" Friday Dance for next quarter, call now to re- serve. AX 6-0950. Alterations The Georgia Tech College Inn in Atlanta, Georgia, dance wilT An "After the Bouts" TWO ROOMS: Attractive, Al Reasonable Prices is a favorite haunt of the Georgia Tech students. be sponsored by the sophomore heated, quiet, refined home. No That's because the Georgia Tech College Inn is a class Friday evening immediately other roomers, call after 6 p.m. 68 CLOSING OUT friendly place, always full of the busy !billowing the noviee.boxing tourn- N. Seventh street, CY 5-7355, atmosphere ament, according to Publicity of college life. There is always plenty of ice-cold WANTED SALE ON BOOKS Chairman Cliff Majersik. Coca-Cola, too. For here, as in university gather- Plans for the dance were dis- TRUMPET PLAYER: And teno: BOOKS from $1 fo $1.75 50c ing spots everywhereCoke belongs. closed at the sophomore class saxophone player for organized :OOKS from $2 to $4 75c council meeting Monday. Adml rchestra. Must be good readers, ROTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COLA MAKE WONDERFUL COMPANY SY sion for the event will be 35 cents. &lid Union musicians. Call CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Music will be off the record. CY 2-7371 Wednesday night be- COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF SAN JOSE Dance chairman is Bill Watts. ktiveen 6 and 7.

4 SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, November 30, 1949 Sappho Alums Silver Saber Initiates Become Thetas 35 Advanced ROTC Cadets The last group of Sappho alum- c nae joined the active alumnae Silver Saber honorary society, which is comprised of advanced Theta in SOCIAL of Kappa Alpha chapter ROTC cadets, initiated 35 into its ranks at fils Oyster Loaf restaurant

San Jose, Nov. 20. Sappho society recently, according to John Rodrigues, publicist. was installed as Gamma Xi chap- into the society are Ralph Alpha Theta here Those granted membership Abrea, JWING ter of Kappa Stanley Bennett, Melvin Bonn, Ted Breeden, Feb. 6, 1947. Edward Ames, Joe Ast, Burton, Harry Since the installation of the Jack Carlsen, chapter, many Sappho alumnae, /Hazard Carrillo, Russell Clark, Cortriea, Herbert graduates of the classes of 1921- Walter Flame, Douglas Freeborn, and Sororitivs Hold 1947, have been initiated into the Raymond

Theta ranks. Forsyth. Open Houses On The new affiliates include the Other new Silver Saber affil- Mesdames Doris Snell Parsons, iates include James Grant, Ed- Sunday Afternoon Katherine Green Condon, El- ward Hansen, Frank, Blass, mera Bush Down, Frances Scott Ralph Kelly, Charles !Martin, Open House will be held by all Free, Patricia Hill, June Good- Willard McAtee, Joseph Presti- sororities on campus at each so- rich La Ville, Marilyn Richmond glacomo, Joseph Barney, Earl rority house Sunday, December 4, Nino, Phyllis Edwards Percy, Shively, Robert Short, Warrun according to Kate Carson, Pan- Hardinia Graves Rutheford, Storm, Donald Walker, John hellenic publicity. Hours are from Margaret Cornell S'chween, He- Walters, Robert 'Weeden, Ken 2-6 p.m. lena Griffetts Smith, Corrine Weger, Charles Wing, Frank Purpose for the Open House Garibaldi Young, Margaret Mar- Winkler, Charles Royds, and flicking. program is for all those girls in- tin Leon, Kathery-n Cassen, and Harry terested in rushing %%inter quar- Betty Wilson Free. Faculty initiates are IA. ('ol. ter to attend. Each girl Is urged Three other Sapphos now living Thomas A. Lee and M/sgt. Jack to visit all the houses. in far sections of the state will L. Horner. # soon be affiliated with other Theta Col. James J. Hea, Lt. Col. of the sorority houses Addresses chapters. They are Mrs. Geraldine James K. Watts, and Capt. Robert are as follows: Alpha Chi Omega, Christmas Thompson, Do rot hy D. Agers were guests of honor at Alpha Omi- 266 S. Seventh street, Zacharias Johnson, and Loretta the ceremony. street, cron Pi, 408 S. Eighth Hasler. Mrs. N. B. Powers The initiates staged a dance at Alpha Phi, 454 E. San Antonio Three pledges have recently La Rinconada Country club for Mrs. E. A. Le Gros street, Chi Omega, 435. S. Sixth been initiated into the local Silver Saber members and guests Reed, street, Delta Gamma, 360 E. chapter. They are Kathleen GPB Housemother recently. Lt. Col. Lee acted as Delta Zeta, 64 S. 10th street, KKG Householder Baird, Mary Louise Cox, and patron at the affair. Gamma Phi Beta, 189 S. 11th Jean Wood. Enjoys Singing Ken Bull is Silver Saber pres- street, Kappa Alpha Theta, 184 S. Is Former Singer Active members recently hon- ident this quarter 11th street, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mrs. E. A. LeGros arrived from ored by the chapter for scholar- Mrs. N, B. Powers of the Gam- /96 S. Eighth street, and Sigma Oak Park, Ill. in September to ship and participation in activities ma Phi Beta house is not new to Kappa, 168 S. 11th street. take over her new duties as house include Doreen Reavie and Jacque- California. Mrs. Powers' home is Attire for the informal affair director for the new Kappa Kappa line Hicks, scholarship, and Betty in San Francisco, and she is a is dressy sport. No invitations are Gamma fraternity house. King and Nancy Rundle, activities. graduate of Mills college. being sent to anyone, This notice Mrs. LeGros, who spent most of This is Mrs. Powers' second year serves as the invitation. her life in Oak Park and nearby with the Gamma phi's here at San River Forrest, Ill., studied at the Jose State college. She became Housemothers' School, Purdue uni- a housemother for tho first time DZs Plan Party versity, last spring. She particular- last year beaause of her interest ly wanted to come to California, in working with young people, and Concluding activities for winter because two pf her three sons re- she enjoys her work very much. quarter, Delta Zeta will stage a side here. Mrs. Powers is greatly inter- Christmas party December 10 at After she graduated from high ested in music. She has done choir the chapter house. Members and school, Mrs. LeGros studied at work as well as work in opera and their guests will attend the dressy Conservatory of church soloing. She has a contral- affair from 8-12 p.m. the American to voice, and singing is one her Chairmen for the party include Musk, Chicago. She later stud- a at the Columbia. School of favorite pastimes. Mrs. Powers Jacqueline Thomas, decorations; ied also in Chicago, where says she never tires of music, an Mrs. Frank kick Barbara Champion, hostess; Iletty Music, after her she especially enjoys the classics. Brownlee, refreshments, and Joan she joined the faculty She has done con- Clervi, entertainment. Betty Bris- graduation. Traveling is another of Mrs. siderable concert work as a so- :Mrs. Frank trick bin, social chairman, will take care Powers' chief interests. She has prano in Chicago and its sub- of ceneral arrangements. done a great deal of it, and she be- Resumes Dallies Dr. Margaret Jones, Miss urbs, lieves each state is beautiful in its own way. Mrs. Frank Trick is starting her Pauline Lynch, and Miss Patricia Mrs. LeGros has been soloist second year as housemother tor Bacon, advisers, and Mrs. Ruby with several orchestras and has the Sigma Kappas. She came to St itzel, housemother, will be done some operatic work as a Organizations to Fete California to be near her son who guests. soloist. She taught private vocal is with the Bank of America in December 17 has been set aside lessons and was a Girl Scout lead- Mrs. Grace Brown Underprivileged Youth San Francisco and to meet het as an evening for Christmas carol- er in Oak Park. 17 month-old grandson. About forty children are ex- ing. Active members of the so- Last spring Mrs. LeGros decided Mrs. trick has served as house- rority and their guests will bring to 'attend t h e Housemothers' pected to attend the Christmas mother at two colleges before ShV Mrs. Grace Brown party for underprivileged children the evening to a -close by returning school. She claims her training came to San Jose State. Since 19.11) which is being sponsored by Kappa to the chapter house for refresh- there an invaluable aid in giv- she has been housemother at the To Guide Chi Os. Kappa Gamma and Theta Chi, ac- ii ments. ing her a better view and insight University of Miami and at the Returning to the Chi Omega cording to Ellie Acuff and Bill into the procedures of group University of house for her second year as Lemon recently. Florida. living. Mrs. Irick attended Indiana uni- housemother is Mrs. Grace Brown. The party will be held Satur- versity, and taught in elementary Mrs. Brown lived in Aurora, Ill., day, Dec. 17, in the &Hermon. The Si Our Sincerest schools for a time. She took some until she came to San Francisco hall, which has not as yet been se- A Chi Os Initiate 5 special courses at Purdue in house some years ago. She calls San lected, will be decorated in a have Thanks to Gamma Eta chapter of Alpha Francisco home, for that is where Christmas theme. directing, which she says proved to be ,very worthwhile. Chi Omega presented five girls her son and daughter-in-law and Santa Claus will be present in DELTA ZETA with golden lyres Sunday. at a their 16-months-old son reside. the person of Jim Bowman, who gathering in the Spartan Row of Mrs. Brown attended North- will distribute gifts to the chil- SORORITY the Saint Claire hotel, according western university. She married dren. Games will he played and to Gerrie Lopes, publicity, re- shortly thereafter. refreshments served. for the opportunity they gave cently. For three years Mrs. Brown was Many of the children will he us to decorate their charming Those initiated were Laura Kay a sorority housemother at the from the Brandon Guest home. McCoy, Barbara Debts, Joyce Cox, Berkeley campus of the University The groups have invited the moth- home. Natalie Beiter, and Norma Betten- of California. ers of the children to attend, Miss We are even more grateful court. Art lectures and exhibits in- Acuff said. Jean Glines, recent graduate of terest Mrs.. Brown, and she en- for their kind words of appre- San Jose State college and alumna joys attending the local ark TUES.WED.THURS. ciation and delight when the of the sorority, officiated at the series here in San Jose. She Shirley. Jack Donaldson installation was completed. ceremony. The entire chapter at- likes to read and enjoys going Announce tended the formal rites. to book reviews, She also has New Addition "TEXAS" Buffet luncheon, honoring the many homemaking interesfa_astd "It's a touchdown" ran the Glen Ford William Holden new Initiates, was served at the enjoys sewing Jor---thiC- young announcement of ,the Jack Don- May we have the privilege local chapter house. . people In her fa mlly. aldson's which told of the birth of of redecorating YOUR sorority Mrs. Bro that she their daughter Debra Ayn on ako thoroughtenjoys her work, She or fraternity keuseif redeco. Thanksgiving day. Debra weighed 'thinks it is wonderful to be able seven Pounds and arrived while ration is in order? A consul- to express herself by making a Daddy Jack was playing football "ARIZONA" tation with one of our staff home in San Jose for the girls in in Fresno for the San Jose State the Chi Omega chapter. Spartans. William Holden Gene Autry does not obligate you the The former Shirley Tall- j Although Illinois is her home, man is the baby's mother. least. she thoroughly enjoys California and likes to visit at home only 1 once every few years. IN P.S. Did you know that a Picture Yourself - Family good many students have been Richard Brown SCHOOL DISCOUNTS using a good _many of our Has First Offspring fabrics for shirts and skirts and TO ALL things? Glenn Elliott is the new ad- dition to the Richarcl K. Brown STATE STUDENTS Boy! If you havsn't triad family. Baby Glenn was . born Dinah's you hewn'? livsti. "Proofs Shown In Three Days" THE DRAPERY HOUSE Nov. 27 and is the first child of the couple. Brown is a business 371 SO. FIRST ST. DINAH'S LUNCHEON administration major originally BUSHNELL'S STUDIO from Oakland. His wife is the ALL YOU CAN EAT -95e -CYpress 5-7512 former Lois Jean Miller also a CYpress 4-8877 34 NORTH I st ST. former resident of Oakland. . Former Singer Gamma Phi Beta.. Wednesday, November 30, 1949 SPARTAN DAILY 5 Joins Kappas For' Leads A Chi 0 Flapper Shindio Alpha Chi Omega to Hold

Members of Gamma Phi Beta and Kappa Kappa Gamma so- Annual Christmas 1ormal rorities and their guests will don flapper costumes Dec. 9 when the A gala evening is being planned by thee Gamma Eta chapter of groups present their joint "Flap- per party." Alpha Chi Omega. Amid snowflakes, tinsel, and holly, the local Alpha Chis will hold their annual Christmas Formal Dec. . 10 The party will be held at the Saratoga Foothills club 9' p.m.- at the Saratoga Country club, according to Gerrie Lopes, pub. 1 a.m., according to Dorothy Rcity chairman. Beall, Kappa social chairman. Festivities will be from 9 p.m.- Arrangements are being han- Dancing will be to the music of dled by Miss Beall, for the Kap- Herb Patnoe's orchestra. A large pas, Marian McCoy, and Martha decorated Christmas tree will be Moorhead of Gamma Phi. in the center of attiacion on the Music will be by record, and dance floor. refreshments will be served. The Refreshments will be served. club will be decorated with a Mrs. H. B. Greenman Guests at the dAnce will include flapper theme, and the guests will members from the Pi chapter at wear authentic flapper costurnos. the University Of California and Sorority Mother alumna of the local chapter. Mrs. Myrtle Greenway AOP and Sigma Pi Is Football Fan Making final arrangements for the evening is Eve Hansen, A soloist coloratura, who even Hold Joint Meet Prior to coming to California social chairman. Joan Broad- had her own company for a while, to serve as housemother for the head Is in charge of refresh- is Mrs. Myrtle Greenway, house- Local chapters of Alpha Omi- local chapter of Delta Gamma, ments, and Jean Kinney is in mother for Alpha Chi Omega. cron Pi sorority and Sigma Pi fra- Mrs. H. B. Greenman.. sewed in -charge of bids and decorations. ternity held the second of two Mrs. Greenway, who likes to the same capacity for the so- Officers of the local chapter are joint meetings last Monday night. travel, spent ten years traveling rority's chapter house at the Uni- Beverly Ricketts, president; Jean Plans for Boxing Team sponsor- versity of Virginia. Kinne y, first vice-president; in concert work. During the ship were discussed. Several mem- Gwynne Mrs. Greenman's home is lo- Joanne Upton, second vice-presi- Mrs. James war, she did a great deal of mus- bers of the Don DeMillo managed cated near 22-mile-long Keuka dent; Dennis Bushnell, recording Boxing Team were introduced to ical ''war work." Lake in New York. While she secretary; Nancy Hershe, treas- the group. Living with cdllege age stu- lived there, Mrs. Greenman served urer; Marty Roberts, warden; Housemother Inks Refreshments were served by for several years as a private Carol Resecher, chaplain, and Joan dents is not a n,ew experience for the sorority. Entertainment was secretary for a patent attorney. Merritt, editor. Answer to Query Mrs. Greenway. After receiving furnished by Sigma Pi pledges. Mrs. Greenman's favorite Others are Joan Broadhead,. degrees at Hostess School, Wash- did you become a house- sports are golf and horseback AWS representative; Coralie Hill, "Why ington, D. C., she served as house- riding. An enthusiastic Spartan senior Panhellenic representative; mothr?" is the leading, question mother for eight years at the fan, Mrs. Greenman listened to Barbara Grischy, historian; Eve Mrs. James Gwynne is answering University of Texas. She has been San Jose foot ball games Hansen, social chairman; Pat Kel- in an artfcle she is now writing. away from her home in Austin. throughout the season. ley, scholarship chairman; Gerrie Mrs. Gwynne, who has an inter- Tex.. since March. When she drove to California Lopes, publicity chairman; La- est in writing, is the new house- She studied at the Indianapolis in -September, Mrs. Greenman vonne Peter, program chairman, mother at the Alpha Phi chapter conservatory and did some spe- crossed the Mississippi River for and Mayrene Kearny, activities house. cial music studying in Austin.: chairman. the first time. She claims she Mrs. Gwynne, who Is from She is a member of two music: loves California alread>. Faculty advisers are Miss Wilda Boise, Ida., attended the Uni- clubs in Austin and has written' Merritt and Miss Helen Mignon. versity of Minnesota at Minne- Christmas stories for one of the: apolis. She likes to travel and clubs for several years. Shortl 'Thetas, SAEs to Present spend her summers journeying. story writing is her favoilite hob- Guide Two years ago she went to Hon- by. Benefit Christmas Party A()P New olulu, and last year she enjoyed Mrs. Greenway likes,; living in Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity Mrs. Gladys Anderson is serv- ' a brief tour of Canada. San Jose, especially because one, will join Kappa Alpha Theta so- ing her first year as housemother Mrs. Gwynne's two daughters of her two sons is a district sales- Alpha rority in presenting their annual for the chapter house of are married. One resides in Boise man tor Permante. Her other benefit Christmas party for 20 Omicron Pi. and the other in Honolulu. son is a lieutenant in the U. S. children from the San Jose Home Mrs. Anderson, whose home is Playing bridge is another fay. Navy. of Benevolents and the presently recuper- Home of in Berkeley, is orite pastime with Mrs. Gwynne. Mrs. Greenway seems to have the Sisters of new Charity at the ating at her daughter's home, She enjoys playing the game with no special choice between "moth- Miss Elizabeth Lyman SAE chapter house Sunday, Dec. from a brief illness. She is ex- Alpha Phi members and with ering" a house for men or women. 11. the AOPi pected to return to other housemot hers. She likes both equally as well and The children. 10 boys and 10 house soon. thinks her charges here at State Miss Lyman Is girls, age six to nine, will be enter- Mrs. Gwynne says she 'is very are "tops." tained with magic acts, and Santa happy here and loves the .house Mother at KAT Claus will distribute gifts. Re- Frat ,Has Steak Barbecue and being housemother to 15 freshments will be served. girls. So far, however, she says Honoring Twelve Rushees that California has not begun to Frat Miss Elizabeth P. Lyman is the Betty Cicerone and Nancy Mar- Gives Party new housemother for the Kappa Theta and Bill. replace Idaho in her heart. tin of Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Pi, on -campus social Alpha Theta house at 189 S. 11th and Ron Worden of Sigma Theta Mu Sigma fraternity will Smith fraternity, held its* quarterly Mrs. Gwynne hopes to have her street. Miss Lyman is not very Epsilon will handle arrange- _entertain nine pledges at L'Om- Aliiha social function for twelve rushees article published in the near far from her own home, which is affair. melette restaurant ments for the Gardens recently. future. Dec...9. in Los Gatos. at Wieland's Pledges are Hugh Reidle, Don Miss Lyman was graduated Entertainment at the steak Knappett, Don Laclerque, Bill from the Western Reserve uni- barbecue included watching the May, Dave Tomerlin, Dick Nel- versity near Hudson, Ohio. Fol- Stanford-California football game San Jose Box Lunch son, Roy Fussel, Dick Morris, and lowing her graduation she taught over television and singing by the FRESH LUNCHES DAILY Ron Simpson. social work in the university group. Just Across 4th Street on Music will be provided by the there. Mrs. Lowell Pratt and Capt. San Antonio King Riverbottom Mud combo. During the war Miss Lyman Robert D. Agers, faculty advisers, Sandwiches, Candy, Fruit, *Sc. 'came to California to head the also attended. Red Cross hospital services at Camp Cook, Santa Maria. SUE -WAY Gardening and reading head Miss Lyman's hobbies. She en- STORES ALL OVER CALIFORNIA Food Lockers joys watching sports and takes active participation in her fav- $SSAVE$$ orite, swimming. Buy your high grade quality government- inspected HURRY meat at December consalsz a savings of- GRADS! Mrs. Roy Stitzel 50/0 GET THOSE PLACEMENT Mrs. Roy Stitzel Corn* in and discuss your MEAT PICTURES NOW! problems with us . . . at Assumes DZ Post BIAMON1 Now serving as housemother 586 STOCKTON AVE. CV 2-5454 The Hollywood Studio 41 N. let Ph. CV 2-8960 for the new Delta Zeta house at 69 S. Tenth street is. Mrs. Roy *al Stitzel, whose home is in Mon- ' - - tana. FOR THAT SPECIAL ALLURE Before she came to California to five, Mrs. Stitzel was a house- SPICIALIM Reg. 10.00 Cold Wave mother for four years at the .University of Montana. She likes - Yes, Gensler-Lee Sells More NOW 5.00 nprthern California very much and, thinks her girls are a fine Diamonds Than Any Other ComplN group. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Mrs. Stitzel attended House- Jeweler in The Westl Mot-hers' School at Oregon State college this summer. She says Visit Our Beautiful New Location ALLURE.BEAUTY SALON sucfi training is invaluable in set- CLOSED TUESDAYS ting up a new house. 115 SOUTH 1st STREET SAN JOSE 1I al. E. William Sine CYpren 2-2547 Mrs. Stitzel has one son, who is in business in Washington. 6 .4PA/tTitri DAILY Wednesday, November 30. 1949 Progressive ale Pot and Eye Shade Crowd to Hear By CARL CASE the national Phillips Speak College Has 'Hot' Parade LEGE and the COLLEGE OF SANTA BARBARA College's MARIN have thrown in their re- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR- homecoming parade went off in a spective hats and have made a NIAHerbert J. Phillips, former blaze of glory. peace pact. Campus Scene professor of philosophy at the Un- Victory Bell is to be the tro- Alpha Theta Chi's float, "Cal iversity of Washington, once more Heaven", was transformed into phy that will be presented to brought his question of "Shouid heaven's counterpart a blazing the winner of the big game be- Communists be allowed to teach 4nfIrrio. tween the two schools. in our universities and schools?" Their peace pact is as follows: lighted highway flare pot ig- to the studeirts and (poultypo1 She A Art. IVictory Bell. , inflammable decorations on Will Do Anythiutik universitS/.% nited (a) The Victory Bell shall be Frd' t float as it was be- He spoke at a public meeting of the "heavenly" given to and retained by the stu- moved, to La Playa Stadium. the Student Progressives at Trin- ing dent body of the school which is No casualties have been reported. For Money; Want House ity hall, Wesley foundation, Dana victorious in the annual football street and Bancroft way. The Cal Can Get New Yells game between the two schools. By RUSS McKEE meeting was followed by a social UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR- (b) It shall be a breach of hon- anything for and refreshments. NIA has made a successful at- or between the two schoos if any MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGESome guys will do A teacher of more Spciologists might than 20 years tempt to get some new yells for person or persons do steal or in money. That sounds trite, but this time it's true. tenure and a 13 -year Communist their rooting section. any way willfully harm said bell. say they cannot predict with complete accuracy behavior of the hum- party member, Phillips' political Yell leaders have sponsored a (c) Therefore the bell shall be an animal. They're right, and it apryltes here, but ell we say is, some beliefs first got him into trouble contest to get some good yells for freely displayed without fear of guys will do anything for money. when he .refused to answer ques- the school.- theft or, damage. tions of the state of Washington already have Not that it matters a heckova Over 15 entries Art. IIVandalism. un-American activities committee been received to date and more shall be used on lot, mind you, lack of sanity being Grandma Joins (a) No paint (the Canwell committee). He was are expected before the contest any part of the respective cam- college students, common among cited for contempt and scheduled closes at the beginbing of basket- puses. This will include the foot- but this thing is getting out of Arizona State for trial on March 1, 1949. The ball season. ball stadiums. trial was hand. postponed. Many merchandise orders lb) No burning of lawns or any Need House Phillihr was dismissed from his make up the list of prizes of- use of fire for any purpose other As Freshman position as professor of philosophy fered to the best yells. Theta Xi's for example. These than the bonfire shall be allowed. ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE of history, metaphysics and epis- This appears to be a good way Art. IIIViolators. guys have it all figured out. They temology at the I A number of years ago (exact University of for a school to freshen up their (a) No actions taken against be- need a fraternitY house and, number not for public release) Wsshington on Pell 1, 1949. The cheering sections. The old yells the respective schools are approv- fore that, money to buy a frater- Zila E. King, being of sound mind university regents overrode the may have been very good, but it ed by the two administrations, so faculty tenure committee which nity house. So they are "offering and heart and a daughter of the is always nice to have a little va- let it be clearly understood that previously had voted full confi- riety. The modern touch also themselves for hire for any ser- land of the magnolia, quit high any act of violence will not be coa- school in Westminster, St., to dence in Phillips' ability and makes a nice presentation for the doned. Any action taken against or task you may see fit vice, duty, marry Harry Benson. teaching ethics by a margin of cheering section. the perpetrators of such violence to assign." Last fall (and don't miss this) 8-3. Have Peace Pact shall be shouldered by the indi- Theta Xi's have said that "no two daughters and five grandchil- In a February press conference, SANTA ROSA JUNIOR COL- vidual. task, no matter how large or how dren later, Zila Benson removed Phillips expressed the belief that small, will be refused." They will her apron, dusted her hands, and, "under the 14th amendment there also "escort women to br busts, saying, "Now we got that out of is a basis for the appeal of my dances, movies, house parties, or the way . . ." took up where she case." MSC Student Presses Pants; merely take them for a walk." left off. She came back to school. Limit Seale She's a freshman at ASC. HSU Seniors Pick Hits National News Network to The trouble is, they have limit- She and her husband came searching reported in the State News of ed the sale. That is, Theta Xi's Phoenix four years ago King Cotton for MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE for a climate which would relieve Oct. 29. are for hire only between the The power of the printed word his immobilizing arthritis. Mrs. (Ed. NoteThe 'Spartan Daily hours of 12.30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Senior Treasury brought widespread attention to Benson had to be his nurse for carried this yarn on this page, Dec. 3. And after 12:30 a.m. they HARDIN-SIMMONS Brooklyn, N.Y., jun- many years,. but managed also UNIVER- Ben Bucell, NOV. 16 under the heading must be given back. Divine SITY--The senior class treasury ior, "Frosh Irons Out Speech Dif- Of course there is a scale of during the time to attend Science college in Denver to pick is richer by $70 than it was last Bucell attracted the public eye ficulties.") prices. "This is strictly a business week -3568 pounds of King Cot- up credits amounting to high by removing his trousers to dem- Since then he has had an offer proposition," Theta Xi's have said. ton were pulled last Monday when school completion. onstrate his speech "Press your for a job as salesman for a Ne- They maintain that, "all assign- 45 seniors turned out to The Salt River valley did the try their pants and save money" during a braska press-cloth manufacturer. monts will be carried out in full." hand at making a little money trick. Mr. Benson's arthritis Is all for public speaking class. This was The Associated Press relayed "Rates' for men serving as date the class treasury. well now and he's in the real the account of Bucell's unique feat mateiial will be a flat $2 per date Charnp cotton hand proved to he tate business in Phoenix and owns over it nationwide n o t %tor k. - plus expenses," Theta Xi's say. class sponsor Dr. Albert a motel over on East Van Buren. Lunday, USF Picks Pancho NewApapers in Bridgeport, Conn., Assignments and full particulars who seemed to har,dle a cotton They live at 1852 East Thomas SSdney, N.Y.: Norfolk, Va.: Bir- may be obtained from Al Croft, sack as well as he does road. "his" boys As Student Mascot mingham, Ala.: Everett, Wash.: D-2, Wells hall. in Ferguson hall. Lundav, who Zila enrolled here this fall. lictr and Omaha, Neb. reprinted ..the 201 ambition is to become a writer. picked pounds, won a hand UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRAN- East Lansing story, he said. woven Right now she's taking F.nglisn, tie. Runner-up for the CISCO By unanimous approval, Buren, a hotel aclministrartion

Want Good Food? public speaking, and music. She champ's title was Paul Petty who the Executive Council this week major, was slightly deluged with Mayfair has it! says, "I always did like to go to picked 173 pounds of fluff and seconded the student body's motion newspaper clippings from out-of- won a school. In class I feel just like one box of candy. that Pancho be made mascot for state friends. In the meantime the of the kids." Then there was the "weaker the Dons. Nebraska press-cloth firm stated sex" whose titleholder, Billie June Pancho is the little dog that in part: Balch, pulled an earth shaking has attended USF for more than "The originality and aggressive- MSC Sends Team 109 pounds. A box of stationery four years without graduating. ness. so plainly demonstrated, . - went to Billie and. to Wanda Da- and was presented th the student by your stunt would indicate con- 85-foot vis, who was second, with 90 body as prospective mascot at the clusively that you should go far MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE pounds, went another box of can- rally following the Santa Clara in sales work." FOR STATE STUDENTS ONLY Approximately 10,000 MSC stu- dy. game. Said Bucell: "I'm undecided dents signed their names to the The cotton patch, 15 miles north The students quickly claimed about that as yet. Besides, I in- $5.50 Meal Tickets 85-foot scroll sent to the Spartan of town on the old Anson high- the dog as their own, and arrange- tend to be married this Christ- for $5.00 football team in Tucson, Ariz., re- way, proved rather elusive for the ments are now being made for mas." cently. The list and "letter of con- pickers. The first group going out providing Pancho with housing, Complete Breakfast, Lunches, Dinnirs fidence" were sent by special de- lost their way, and one of the food and other dog necessities. pan 7 a.m. to 10 p.m livery air mail and is due to ar- girls who went out later, became rive sometime today. so fouled up on directions that it MAYFAIR The "letter of confidence" took her an hour to find the right JOHN LOVES MARY RESTAURANT reads: place. Ditto two photographers who were to take pictures for the STARTS DECEMBER 8 159 SO. FIRST ST. "To the coaches and fighting Spartans' We want you to know Bronco and the Reporter-News. that win, lose or draw, the MSC That much moola sorta makes student body stands right square up for the handful of blisters and DELICIOUS behind you. Though many miles some mighty weary muscles . . . separate us, we think you are the we hope. RANCHBURGERS Archie's greatest team ever to carry a Aios HOT TAMALES Spartan banner into gridiron com- Water Carnival PHOTOGRAPHIC AR' petition. Go State! Tame those Wildcats!" To Insure Floats or EXCLUSIVE WITH USI CHILI MICHIGAN STATE COLLECT (ASII;) RENT A -- water uarnival foals may be Musical Lunches - Pkw) TYPEWRITER protected from sinkage next Wedding Album spring by Lloyds of London. SPECIAL STUDENT $10 Open It And Haar ANDREE'S An application for insurance RA t 3 MONTHS I The Wedding March! egainst float sinkage was sent to DRIVE-IN CLARA 545 South Second Street KENNEDY BUSINESS MACHINES Lloyds in London, England, yes- 1207 E. SANTA San Crlos and Almada* is FERNANDO CY 1 1501 CYpress 3-1208 F SAN terday. by Frank Boyle and Jack Baltzer, carnival co-chairmen, and Ed PMo, senior class president. Because the sinking of floats A PENNY SAVED A PENNY EARNED TYPEWRITERS would be "detrimental and em- barrassing" to the senior class for rent which sponsors the carnival It was Golden West Dry Cleaners thought that some insurance SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. should he taken against it. Buttons sewed onRips and tears repaired Special Rental Rates for Students Close to College Close to Town 3 months 810.00Used Standard & Portable Machines For Sale EIGHT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Also New Portables HAIRCUTS 9.00 25-29 S. Third Street Main Plant CYpress 2-1052 Easy Paymnt Plan HUMIDOR BARBER SHOP 275 E. William 1199 Franklin - Santa Clara CORONA UNDERWOOD ROYAL REMINGTON 231 Willow 1740 Paris Ave. Est. 1900 339 South First Street - 24th and Santa Clara St. 1335 Lincoln, Willow Edon G. A. BLANCHARD 24 So. 2nd St., CYpress 3-6383 (Across the strist from Soots)

1111MI Ten Winners Advance In Wednesday, November 30, 1949 SPARTAN DAILY 7

OF ir re- First Round of Tourney tie a Large, Crowd Sees Action A-plenty M- , t() LeBaron Cause be- Donaire Wins; Bark man Wins by KO

lows: Last night in Spartan gym before some 2000 fans, the first Is Lost for round of the 13th Annual Novice Boxing tournament came off, with I be All-Antoriea stu- ten winners of the twenty bouts advancing one step closer to the DAN HRURY ch is final round. By TO JUMP "Elegant Eddie" Lebaron has INMAN, McNAMEE READY it hall The Tino Donaire-Bill Severns bout was one of the best on the )is. masterminded the College of Paci- with both boys Omit) 1.1,t r its most suc- lion- card fic football team to up. Donaire garnered any to mix it cessful Iseason in the institution's Mc Pherson Prepares decision but only after three history. The human gyrator and 3" in the rounds. Severns was game Bears Will Have to syn- bpi!. fast the COP Tigers have grown Donaire a good bout. The I be and gave thimous with dazzling deception, first round was even and Donaire powerful ground juggernaut and Team for USF Jaunt Ir of Rely on Ramblers int the nod in the second. The bulls-eye accuracy hr the air lams, both boys The Sparttan casaba .men have been busy this week working out third round found tiring By GEORGE MCDONALD but "little Eddie" will not make badly and slugging it out toe-to- the first string All-American with various semi-pro teams throughout the area, hoping that this on (Editor's Note: This is a first in toe. a series of articles by George team. will bring them to an_ edge for the Don game in Kezar Pavilion to- 3M- edged Don Cliff Tucker Lec- McDonald concerning football In three years at the helm of )0t - in another crowd-pleasing morrow night. NIT champs of last season, the University of San 'entitle prospects for Bay Area Teams in Pacific's T, Ed- match. Tucker gained the edge in die has displayed Francisco Hilltoppers are ready to open defense of their crown. The any 1950). the first' two rounds, but had his his AA calibre in at all nit!) ither California's Bears may have Dons had no trouble hands full in the final stanza, every infinitesi- San Francisco /ed. the depth to do a good job in the the Spartans in the In the last bout of the eve- Rose Bowl, but what_ of next fall, mal detail. He pavilion last year, and probably Purdy Lost for won Little All- year. After si nst sing, Vinc,ent Lavios.went three when they try to break USC's rec- don't expect much this American laurels Herrerias )rov- rounds with Bob Sweezy before orcl for consecutive conference all, they miss only Poly Invitational n a walk-a-way and Bennington s. so gaining the nod. They traded wins? (broken hand) when only 17. m last year's Jim that rights and lefts from the open- Lynn Waldorf must say goodbye (graduation) `f r o Cross count rN runners ing bell and gave the crowd a to the best offensive line to rep- Pigskin know- Madison. Square Garden surpris- Lund, Norman Bottelo, Jim Simp- con- iow a nst good show. Both boys were resent the Coast since the war. ers. son, Al Weber, Bob Weber, and bulges in the ence tired and swinging with wild Monachino and Schabarum will Coach Pete Newell still has the co-captain Marion Day have been mallish Lodi i idi- abandon at the bell. have to find their own holes, as two bean-poles. "Jumpin' Joe"; named by Coach Walt Beaty. as E. LeBaron gent Turner, Franz, Cullom, DeJong, as any McNamee, who takes to back- representatives for San Jose State Harry Powers gave Paul Bark- Spartan rooter can attest. Begovich, and Pressley will be boards as if he were the repair college in the first annual Cal man a good first round, but ran The 1949 Tiger niodel was gone. These are the men respon- man, and Don "Fancy-Pants" Lof- Poly Cross Country Invitational' into a hard right to the jaw of more vicious than any of its sible for Cal's ability to pull gran, the most aluable player of this Saturday. BarkmariS and was counted out by predecessors. After slithering games out of the fire, They came the NY tourney, are ready to har- Referee Julie Menendez. score, Co-captain Dore Purdy, because off the bench to spring backs through USF by a 7-6 Stu Inman, Don McCaslin, Jim Kane brought the crowd to ass of an attack of flu suffered into the open. In the Stanford COP proceeded to run up an and the other Spartan giants. its highest pitch when he traded shortly before the Colleg of Paci- game, they were in for 16 plays aggregate net of 500 points. A'4 Don Geisen will replace Ben- gloves with Ron Giannotti. It was fic Invitational two weeks ago, in the third period, long enough the Tigers voraciously chewed nington at forward for the Dons. of a bout with lots of action and will not participate for the Spar- to score two TD's and set up a up the opposition end even more He has enough laughs!' Both were wrested to the tans in their final distance run third. disrespectively spat them out, experience to shy canvas during the bout. of (he current season. CeleriNow Ogden Western coaches took notice. rank with the iliei One bout ,between Don Ansil But to followers of schools from n g A gent by name of Brent Og- other starters. The University of Southern Cal- and Matt Brazil, ended with some- Notre Dame down on through )1f- den will take Celeri's position at At guards, Frank ifornia, led by Jim Newcomb, the what tragic results. Ansq received Amherst, Muskigum and Slip- quarterback. Ogden did not see Kuzara and Ross fleet footed lad descending from a painful dislocated shcsilder and pery Rock Teacher s, COP much varsity action this year, Guidice start for Indian ancestry, loom as favor- iffer was taken to the hospital. It was meant policeman and LeBaron but he engineered the troops of USF. They are ites to capture the college team Ne- not serious and he is resting easy. French pronunciation Cal Ramblers in their games. was the small, but migh- title. Newcomb recently led the wer. for the title of a lowbrow The Ramblers give Cal many Eng' ty. Guidice came Trojans to an AAU triumph over (ed lish peer. men who are seasoned football off the bench in a.5.2 course as he won the indiVid- feat This lack of recognition players. Its like having a bulk soon the final game ual title with his 29 minute, 3 k. Tonight's Card nad Tiger Coach Siemering sim- of excellent JC transfers every isinAusoii_._Lol the NIT and..__smortds F effort. fir- Tonight in the Spartan gym, -at year. Only the Cal_men already i ced the trophy done. Siemerin g, with COP's Top competition will be fur- lab.; 7:00, the quarter finals of the know the plays, the players for the .Dons with two chips-down and the coaches. greatest team, had scheduled no nished the Trojans by UCLA. led ..the Novice Boxing tournament gels iree throws. His were the only under way with 20 bouts on the Don Robison. a sophomore this nationally recognized, major elov- points that the nervous Dons by veteran Royal Balch, San Jose en. Yes, he had Cincinnati who. State, Cal Poly, Fresno State, ion card. Here are the participants in year, will be a Cal bright spot. could muster in the last eight in the early Mesozoic period, had Angeles State, and Santa it h tonight's bouts: 135 Pound Class: Ile proved his running ability minutes of play. Los Mickie Maramonte meets Lee Her- in the Washington game. once beaten Indiana. USF and Barbara. t-of- For the Spartans, Coach Walt ion; Terry Ulrich meets Bill Ward- John Olzewski, up from the San Jose Siiie might be annoy- he McPherson hopes that Stu In- rup; and Jim leong meets Al Silva. frosh. will undoubtedly fit into ing but the remainder of the ag- SI led man will lead the San Jose 145 Pound Class: Melvin Reabald Waldorf's plans, for the Long enda was sacrilik.:ious. team out of the cold. that seems meets Bill Galli; Doug Wilson Beach boy is big and rough. COP Is Small,, Too Good Foods live- to freeze them up every time meets Moreno Mangiola; and Ron What, No Linemen As colleges _go, C - they enter the flat, foreboding Glannotti Mika Ralph Bayne. -Crinfornia wflVhave to search-- cific is not large. The student con - pavilion in San Francisco. Rig 155 Pound Class: Bill Pappas for defensive linemen, also. Gone body numbers only one-third that [sir - Stu, after three full seasons as meets Bob Wood; Charles Barrena are Jones, Dodds, Klein, and of S SC. The finances alloted to DONUTS a starter, should be ready for meets Paul Barkman; Matt Brazil Muehlberger. Only Ed Bartlett, football are limited. If the Tigcrs Idled his greatest year. Inman scored meets Ray Scholl; and Bob Russ an end, is back. want publicity, they will ha Ve to in- 521 points for the Spartans last and meets Art Budros. 165 Pound The defensive backfield is provide it themsevcs by tours de 1st- year, mainly on one-handed Class: Ron Perrigo meets Bruce going to he deadly. Opposing force on the battleground 'of push shots and tip-Ins. Spiva; Darrell Dukes meets Val backs that reach the secondary' sports. -- COFFEE Majors colleges Donaire; Bill Mendoza meets Dick will find rough-and-ready Bears spend $25,000 Don McCaslin is the other Sall to ;50,000 Chappell; and Cliff Tucker meets to cut them down. Frank Hum- a season to publicize Jose high scorer. "Mac" pushed Vincent Lavios, 175 Pound Class: pert, Paul Baldwin, Carl Van their football teams while pub- through -364 points, using an as- 15 Larry Dudley meets Mitch Mar- Huitt, and Les Richter all re- lic* relations men travel 20,000 sortment of jump shots. If he and tinoviteh and Oliver Antonuccio turn after having a fine year miles a year ballyhooing stars Bobby Crowe can hit, the Spar- like Justice, Walker, meets Herb Crawford. 190 Pound this fall. Murakows- tans may bring home a victory. ki, Silk and Class: Art Butler meets Vincent Waldorf is in dire need of line- Celeri. A recent Ot her, starters going to San SPARTAN Saturday Evening Malone; Paul Rohrer meets men and more linemen. Cal's Post article Francisco tomorrow nigh( are: tells the story of DONUT SHOP Richard Hall; and Jerry Wheeler games next year will be tight, for Norrie West, Dean Giles, Bob Thomason, Bob diminutive California 125 S. Fourth meets Wes Stephenson. the defensive backfield is too Bear pub- Wuestoff, Chuck Crampton, Aar- scores. licist, who last year arrived smart to allow many in on Seandel, Glenn Lovell, Ed An- Schabarum, Robison, and Mona- Baltimore a week before the James Lund, cross country run- derson, Jdhn Belden, Bill Wilson chino are _developing into pretty ('al -Navy tussle. ner at San Jose State, won the Ted Prescott, and Wes Stevenson. good runners. But then again they West screamen "Jensen" so loud Washington state mile champion- Ralph Romero and Junior Mor- are used to having Turner and that the big, baseball -minded ship, while attending Fife High gan will also go, but they will not Franz in front of them. The closer Swede made everybody's All-Am- School (Tacoma, Wash.) in 1949. suit up. AIR thaf Waldorf can come to replac- erica. Two months ago, West pro- ing his offensive line, the higher bably was in Wisconsin before the The place where optimism flour-

up in the Conference standings Cal-Badger match. N9w the Mid- ishes most is the lunatic asylum. the Bears will be. west sports fan undoubtedly can- interviewing team will he not look at a vegetable without An ITALIAN here to give you full details JOHN LOVES MARY choking over Celeri. WANTED! about flying and non-flying This season th( Coast went Students to sell portable typewriters careers as an Officer in the RESTAURANT STARTS DECEMBER 8 east. Oregon sojourned to Iowa, all makes. This is your opportunity U. S. Air Force! DOWNSTAIRS Washington to Minnesota, Santa to male some extra money for Xmas. Dec. 8th & 9th Rm. 110, Adm. Bldg. Clara to Oklahoma and LIS(' to Popkin Office Equipment Co. Banquet Rooms Indiana, but the ferocious Tiger 468 W. Santa Clara CY 4-81154 9 A.M.-4 P.M. SPECIAL feathered his lair. By way of la:i- ture, COP went as far east as We Specialize in GROUND Los Angeles which south. In la CREAM PUFFS Student Banquets and 1949, COP went cast to Montana, CHATTERTON BEEF which is north. Birthday Parties and CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Are made with pure whip cream and are ideal for small snacks RAVIOLI and SPAGHETTI 29' lb. or dessert. Other WHIP CREAM CAKES and PASTRY made DINNERS with plenty of cream, Limit Two P Hot Food To Take Out Do you have AMNESIA? WESTER old Storage o. OPEN ALL NITE CHAll'ERTON BAKERY Y.W.C.A. CY 4-3717 CYpross 4-5045 175 San Augustin, 40 N. Fourth CY 2-8992 corner 44411 & Santa Clara 221 S. 2nd Opposite

v. Wednesday, November 30, 1949 Blum's Executive to Discuss Fashion Trends Today John Fulling of Blum's De- display manager at -Mr. Blum's, and mem- has had much State Air Force ROTC ENGINEER EXAMS : partment store will address experience in .the bers of the Associated Women fashion line, working with the Calif., Nev. 24:-4- BERKELEY, tudentd, this afternoon in room buyers for the store, according to (UP) --Engineering qualifying 0- 4 at 4:30,, according to Melba Miss Sills. Iie To Enter Rifle Meet aminationa for admission -to Ills, AWS publicity chairman. Air Force ROTC units move into the field for the William Ran- University of California; Coller,fs Joan Merritt, program chair- competition awards first time this year, of engineering at Berkeley and Subject of Mr. Fulling's speech man, relates that there will he a dolph Hearst Rifle for the "Trends of Fashion," Miss short business meeting preceding Eugene M. Zucker+, acting- secretary of the Air Force. Los Angeles will be given on Sat- will be accordina to urday, Dec. 10. Sills relates. Mr. Fulling is head the speech. The 128 Air Force ROTC units will vie with the Army and Navy for the 1949-50 prizes. At San Jose State the elimination firing for team members is now underway, since the naticmal contest begins Thurs- flay, (Dec. 1) and must be com- A pleted by Feb. 15. rary neceives The Air Force ROTC unit .here will enter a team in the matches Large Collection for the first time, reported Maj. Howard E. Brown, assistant prof- essor of Military Science and Tar.- Of M ercurv Files tics for Air. ..1 Enter Small-bore Team By BOB JOHNSTON Will PROVE In addition, the Military Police The library recently received TO YOURSELF unit will enter a team in the an- bound volumes of the San Jose nual small-bore competition: Al- Mercury,The San Jose Herald, though this is the 29th annual and the iiierciirY-Iferald7froin the team contest for the Hearst tro- present San Jose Mercury-Herald, phy, the SJS unit has participated daily newspaper. only the last two years. The Mili- The volumes go back to 1892, tary Science department was es- and are lodged on the fifth level tablished here in 1947. of the library stacks. Rules for the contest specify Discover Hand Signal- Source that a team will consist of five 7nvestigating the contents of members, each of whom must be the 1906 voltime, Spartan Daily regularly enrolled student in representatives' possibly have dis- good standing. The men must also covered the source of the present be actually enrolled in 'the Re- hand signals usedi in automobile serve Officers' Training corps or driving today. ARETTE a member of a unit organized un- "In view of the. many pollee der the National Defense act. traps around 'the smaller Members of the teams are towns," the story reads, "it designated prior to record fir- might be a good plan for motor- ing and no substitutions are ists to adopt a set of road sig- permitted after the team has nals sufficiently simple to be started record firing. The rules understood by all motorists. state further that disqualifica- "For example, right, arm ex- tion of a team member auto- tended upwards to mean 'I want matically disqualifies the entire help.' Right arm horizontal, 'police team. trap.' The, arm pointed downward Firing at special targets will in slanting direction to mean be conducted at the college range 'Drive with caution.'" ANGOVER near the stadium. Each team The adoption of some such code member fires five shots in prone, of signals might save many a when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! sitting, kneeling and standing motorist from annoyance and es- positions, with a maximum score tablish a certain free masonry of 50 points on each target. among motorists that would bene- Compete for Plaque fit the sport as a whole." can prove seconds you Teams which win first place Women Drivers Confused? just a few in the Army, Navy and Air Force It might be that the current In senior division ROTC matches will feeling about women drivers re- HERE'S MORRIS be eligible to compete amon gl suits from their confusion of the PHILIP themselves for the William Ran- 1906 and present day version af IRRITATING dolph Hearst Department of De- the hand signals. ALL YOU DEFINITELY LESS fense plaque. The award is made After reading this tip on hand IS smoking! to the team winning national now signals for drivers, we ventured brand you're championship honors. further, and came across the great- DO! than the Prizes include perpetual cups, San Francisco 'earthquake of 1906 Wrist watches, individual medals, story. 'belts and belt buckles for individ- The lead to this story which ual high scoring. came out in an "extra" edition about the size of a six by eight inch pamphlet read: Classes to Meet "San Francisco destroyed and untold thousands killed; her In Former House populous suburbs laid low; the Byron Bollinger, supervisor of beautiful Santa ('lairs valley a buildings and grounds. announced mass of ruins. Shn Jose ma- Monday that alteratfons have trate with her quota 'of dead; been finished on an apartment 150 helplessly Insane crushed at hbuse at 2254 S. Eighth street Agnews; Stanford University for the college. wrecked; everything within a The recently-Vacated building radius of 50 miles at least from light up your was obtained by t he college this city ruined; this only par- shortly after the war. It is a two- tially tells the tale of the most up a present brand story structure that formerly dreadful disaster of modern light 11414ALE Li thing DOW housed eight apartments. times." MORRIS tAio 10100 difformuo PHILIP Do oxintiy sting? Ovit "San Francisco Annihilated," INHALEand bite, lb& One-half the building will be poiDON’T Notice that blared the headline as the biggest wk. through your PHILIP mossis! used by the Music department for THEN, spooks come from news story in the history of the tim . practice classes in the near future. id And NOW PHILIP MOIIR paper covered 1 SMOKING At the beginning of the winter nearly' all space in SHOULD It the regular edition. YOU quarter part of the building will KNOW WHY be occupied by the Industrial Arts Students who frequent the li- NOW YOU department. brary' and have seen the large black-bound volumes on the fifth level might do well by themselves 'Grade A Lunch' to pick one up and take a peek. Now on Exhibit JOHN LOVES MARY Everybody talks about PLEASURE, but only ONE cigarette has really done An exhibit titled "Packed LunLh STARTS DECEMBER 8 something about it. Ideas" is currently being shown That cigarette is PHILIP MORais! in the display cases in the Home Remember: less irritation means more pleasure. Economics building, according to Excellent Food Mrs. Doris Hamilton, who IS in ADd PHILIP Moaaitis-the ONE cigarette proved charge of the display. Quick Service definitely less irritating, definitely milder, The exhibit shows available book and pamphlet materials, Congenial Atmosphere than any other leading brand. lunch box equipment and the con- NO OTHER CIGARETTE stituents of a good lunch. The CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. nutritional viewpoint is based up- OPEN 24 HOURS on the "Grade A Lunch" as set up by Chico Dietetics as.sociation, Mrs. Hamilton said. Food groups YOU'LL 111E GLAD TOMORROW that should constitute a good HASTY TASTY YOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS TODAY ! lunch are also displayed.

Spartan Daily SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Entered eShoppe as second class matter April 24, 1934, ef San Jose, California. ender the act of March 3, 1171 Fell leased wire ;alnico of United hen. Preu of the G4obrs Prkitiers Company, 144I S. First St , San Jose, C.eliforrila. Member, Can- 40 E. Santa Clara Street /6mM Newspaper hils4ishet's Assoclotion. iw PHILIP MORRIS