Miscellaneous Material
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Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Cinema Miscellaneous Material MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL The Belknap PHOTOGRAPH collection preserves thousands of shimmering PUBLICITY and PRODUCTION images dating back to the age of Victorian theatre and spanning 20th century vaudeville, Broadway, radio and television. The photos are filed alphabetically by performer name or show title. Performer Production Stills A treasure trove of eclectic information is available in the FLORIDA PERFORMING ARTS VERTICAL FILE highlighting the STATE OF FLORIDA ("Dance Associations", 'Story Tellers", "Theatre Conference", etc), individual CITIES AND TOWNS (from the Panhandle to the Keys in an alphabetical listing), and the city of GAINESVILLE (including the University of Florida) performing arts scene. Florida Vertical File Cities and Towns Vertical File Gainesville Vertical File Trevor "Tommy" Bale epitomized the versatile "circus man" who "did it all" in the center ring and behind the scenes. Noted as one of the world's greatest tiger trainers, Bale was also known as a gifted clown, acrobat, trick bicyclist, vaudevillian and ringmaster. Bale's unpublished and unedited autobiographical manuscript ( written under the guidance of famed ghostwriter and editor Walter B. Gibson - creator of THE SHADOW), paints an exciting picture of the early 20th century European vaudeville and circus circuits. Bale vividly describes the triumphs, glory, pain and agony of life on the road, culminating in Bale's headlining contract with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus in the mid 1950s. The TREVOR "TOMMY" BALE COLLECTION promises three rings (and more) full of circus lore. The John W. Lindell Collection includes cartoon, comic strip and animation art anthologies and histories collected by John W. Lindell from 1953 through 2007. The collection includes close to 1,000 books by individual artists and 220 books of anthologies published by various magazines. There are also 150 paperback (pocket) books of individual artists and comic strip anthologies. For more information on the Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts contact: Jim Liversidge University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Department of Special and Area Studies Collections PO Box 117007 Gainesville, FL 32611-7007 (352) 273-2759 email: [email protected] Copyright © 2003- University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries. https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/misc.htm[2/1/2021 4:30:09 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Cinema Miscellaneous Material Department of Special Collections P. O. Box 117007 Gainesville, FL 32611-7007 (352) 273-2755 https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/misc.htm[2/1/2021 4:30:09 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Abbey Singers, The Abbott and Costello Abbott, Bud Abbott, George Abbott, Ruth Abram, Jaques (Pianist) Acro-Ballet Adaid, Janet Adams, Diana Adams, Maude Adler, Clarence Adler, Charles Adler, Larry Adlev, Peter H. Dr. Adolphus, Teddy Adrian, Iris Agnes DeMille Dance Theatre (see: DeMille, Agnes) Aguilar, Josefina Ahn, Florence Aide, William Ailey, Alvin Aimaro, Lina Akalaitis, Joanne Alarie, Pierette Albee, Edward F. Albert Tipton Trio, The Albanese, Licia Albee, Edward (Playwright) Albert, Sarah Aldolphus, Theodor Alexander, John Alexander, Rod Allen, Gracie Allen, Leigh Allen, Martha-Bryan Allen, Mildred Allen, Steve Allen, Viola Allen, Vivian Alliason, Joan Allison, Fran Alonso, Alicia (see Theme & Variations) https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Altglaus, Max Alton, Robert & Kay Hughes Alton, Robert Alva, Luigi Alvary, Lorenzo Amaya, Carmen Amara, Lucine Amazing Kreskin Ameche, Don American Ballet Caravan American Brass Quintet Amiel, Josette (see Flindt, Flemming) Amparan, Belen Amsterdam, Morey Anak Agung Gde Mandera Anderson, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Judith Anderson, Marian Anderson, Mary Andes, Keith Andreas, Christine Andrews, Dana Andrews, Julie Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Tod Andrews Sisters Angel, Al Angelo, John Anglin, Margaret Ansermet, Ernest Antoine, Josephine Apollon, Dave Apsaras, Mara Arbuckle, Maclyn Arcaraz, Luis Arcaro, Maria Archer, Frances Arden, Doris Arden, Edwin Arden, John Argentinita Arie, Rafaele Arlen, Orchid Arliss, George Arlova, Lydia Armgart, Irmgard Armistead, Horace & Rolf Gerard Armstead, Horace Armstrong, Don Armstrong, Louis Arnez, Desi Arnold, Eddy Arnoot Brothers Arova, Sonia https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Arrau, Claudio Arroyo, Martina Arthur, Harry G. Arthur, Jean Artini and Consuelo Ash, Paul Asley, Robert Asia Boys Asia Boys / Circus Asmara, Suratna Asolo State Theater #1 Asolo State Theater #2 Asquith, Ruby Astaire, Fred (see "Follow the Fleet") Astor, Mary Atkins, Chet Atlanta Symphony Auderrou, Carrot Top Ayres, Lew Bach Aria Group Bacon, Mary Baccaloni, Salvatore Bada, Angelo Badings, Henk Baez, Joan Bailey, Pearl Baiter, Fay Baird, Bill Baker, Al Baker, Belle Baker, Benny Baker, Bert Baker, Phil Balaban, Alexandr Balanchine, George Baldani, Ruza Ball, Jane Ballantine, Mr. Ballroom Dancers Balsam Kroll Heifetz Trio Bampton, Rose Bankhead, Tallullah Banks, Leslie Bar-Illan, David Bara, Nina Barbarina, Georgian Barber, F. Barbieri, Fedora Barbirolli, Sir John Bardelli, Cesare Bardini, Gaetano Barenboim, Daniel Barioni, Daniele Barlow, Howard https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Barnes, Binnie Barrett, Judith Barrie, Mona Barrie, Wendy Barton, John Barrett, Judith Barrett, Wilson Barrymore, Doris Rankin Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore, John (see Barrymore, Lionel) Barrymore, Lionel (See Barrymore, Ethel) Bartlett, Michael Barton, Johannes Baryshnikov, Mikail Basie, Count Bastianini, Ettore Bates, Blanche Battaglia, Francesco Baude, Sara Baum, Kurt Baum, Kurt (Mr. & Mrs.) Baxter, Ann Baxter, Meredith Beatles, The Beaver Valley Sweethearts Beaumont, Cathy Beaumont, Harry Beaux Arts Trio of New York, The Beban, George Beckett, Scotty Beecham, Sir Thomas Begley, Ed Bel Geddes, Barbara Bell, Digby Bell, Marion Bellamy, Ralph Belleville de, Frederic Bellew, Kyrle Bench, Johnny (see Bennett, Tony) Bendix, William Benedict, Dirk Benedict, Ernie & The Polkateers Beneke, Tex Benet, Brenda Bennett, Constance Bennett, Joan Bennett, Richard Bennett, Tony Benny, Jack Bentley, Irene Bentonilli, Joseph Benzell, Mimi Beresford, Harry Beresford, Hugh https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Bergen, Edgar Bergen, Polly Berger, Erna Berger, Zachary Berglund, Joel Bergman, Ingrid Berini, Mario Berio, Luciano Berkoffs, The (in "Season") Berle, Milton Berlin, Irving Berlin, Patricia Bernauer, Robert Berne, Marye Bernhardt Bernier, Charles (Coach) & Brown, Johhny Mac (Coach) Bernstein, Leonard Beery, Noah Beery, Wallace Bertling, Lolita Besser, Joe Besuner, Pearl Beyron, Einar Bianconi, Philippe Bickford, Charles Bierer, Hans Biggs, E. Power Bindernayel, Gertrude Bing, Rudolph Bingham, Amelia Birchland, Jack Birell, Tala Bissell, Adelaide Bjoerling, Jussi (see Merrill, Robert) Bjoerling, Sigurd Bjoner, Ingrid (see "Lohengrin") Blackburn Twins Blaine, Jimmy Blaine, Vivian Blair, Helen Blair, Janet Blair, Linda Blair, Lynn Blake, Arthur Blane, Sally Blatt, Josef Blight, David Blinckenstaff, Marvin Bliss, Anthony A. Blinn, Holbrook Block, Michael Blomdahl, Karl-Birger Blondell, Joan Blue, Ben https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Blue Sky Boys Bum, David Bodanya, Natalie Boerner, Charlotte Bok, Rosa Bokor, Margit Boland, Mary Bolender, Todd Boles, John Bolet, Jorge Bolger, Ray (see Fabray, Nanette) Bollinger, Anne Bond, David (see Hollywood Shakespeare Festival) Bone, Georgi Bonelli, Richard Booth, Edwina Booth, Shirley Bordoni, Irene Borg, Kim Borge, Victor Borgioli, Armando Bori, Lucrezia Boris, Ruthanna Borkh, Inge Bordoin, Irene Borowsia, Irina Borso, Umberto Boston Symphony Boston Symphony Chamber Players Boswell, Connie Boswell Sisters Bottcher, Ron Boucicault, Dion Bovy, Vina Bower, Beverly Bowman, Lee Bowman, Patricia Boy Foy / Juggler Boyd, Bill Boyd, Jim Boyden, John Boyer, Charles (see "Shanghai") Brabin, Charles Bradfor, Johnny Bradna, Olympe (see "Stolen Heaven") Brailowsky, Alexander Branzell, Karin Braun, Carl Brayton, Lily Brazis, Algerd Brennan, Walter Brett Young, Francis Brewer, Grace, Eleanor, Ruth Bridge, Anita https://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/belknap/miscellaneous/performer.htm[2/1/2021 4:32:03 PM] Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts Photographs Brooks, Randy Brown, Dick Brown, Tom Brush, Katherine Brodel, Mary Brocci, Yolande Broderick, James Brodery, Valerie Brolin, James Bronhold, Jack Bronson, Betty Brook, Clive Brooks, Louise Brough, Lionel Brown, Betty Brown, Donald Brown, Hal Brown, Joe E. Brown, Tom Brownlee, John Browning, Lucille Bruce, Betty Bruce, Virginia Bruhn, Erik Bruna, Castagna Bryner, Vere Brynner, Yul (See King and I) Buades, Aurora Buck, Beulah Buckley, Dick Bud, Brees Budapest String Quartet Budney, Arthur Buell, Virginia Bull, William Bumin Puppets Bumpy Family Bunger, Richard Bunker, Edith (see Foxx, Redd) Burdino, Andre Burg, Ellen Burke, Billie