
Friday, .Tune 3*), JQ44 THE TOLEDO UNION JOURNAL Page 5

‘Dear Marfin Heard on a Movie Set HOLLY WOOD — John News and Gossip of Stage and Serei n Conte and Marilyn Maxwell are enacting one of the j. - ■- . .ll . , ..■■j , f -r .. Lr „ — . .. romantic interludes in the Abbott and Costello starrer, “Lost in a Harem," on &tage Star I*refers Pie Stars Use Own Names 26 at M-G-M. «► As the scene begins, Ar Birthday ‘Cake’ , S mF k v i Conte takes Marilyn's hand HOLLYWOOD — Judy Gar­ In New Screen Vogue and says; {, .* diettjo, land defied tradition on her HOLLYWOOD (Special)—If a present trend continues in “I love you.” Hofljwood wri’ers may soon stop worrying about what names to “I’m — I’m speechless,” twenty-second birthday. ' ' I ’ says Marilyn. “As we say in At a family dinner tendered give their screen characters. Actors will simply use their own America, 'this is so sud­ the young star by her mother, names—as more and more of them are now doing. den'.” By TED TAYLOR Mrs. Ethel Gilmore, the familiar Take the instance of Jose Iturbi. He made his screen debat AmAmL W. birthday cake was conspicuous playing himself in "Thousads Cheer.” “After I have regained by its absence. Judy’s favorite In 20th Century Fox s Four Jills and a Jeep,” they prac- my throne, will you marry tically dropped the traditional me?” Conte asks her. HOLLYWOOD (FP)—This fs probably the first ease on record dessert is chocolate pie. After M-G-M Stars Two New “Yes,” repli“s Maralyn, as of a man nominating himself for a movie plot. The man is Ely weeks of hoarding bits of choco­ screen incognito. Conte kisses her. Culbertson, who recently figured out a system to put interna­ late, Mrs. Garland substituted remained Carole Landis. Martha Pictures, 10 Now Filming “That was a very con­ tional peace on a guaranteed scientific basis, and who now divulges a chocolate pie for the tradi­ Raye, Mitzi Mayfair, Carmen that a great love story is involved. tional pink and white cake. HOLLYWOOD (Special) — vincing love scene,’ says Miranda, Jimmy Dorsey and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer will put Director Charles Riesner The Culbertson story, with two pictures into production this after the scene is filmed. sure fire ingredients of famous Geometry The Easy IT ay others relaxed in the comfort of their own names. week, making a total of ten cur­ 'Ft ■''. “It certainly should have hero. Unique triangle and post­ rently before the cameras at that s»*. ■? ■CsS; • been,” says Marilyn. “Yon war implication, has been drawn The world-famous composer studio. see, this is our way of tell­ ingenuously to the attention nf conductor, Albert Coates, ap­ The two to get the starting While the Nazi Baron (played by Peter Van Eyck) watches ing you John and I are en­ peared on the screen as himself gun are “Anchors Aweigh,” suspiciously, Paul Lukas reads one of the condemning letters gaged as of last night.” the producers of Zola, Parnell, in a piano number in Song of Technicolor musical featuring from his friend. Max, in San Francisco. Scene from Columbia's “Well,” exclaims Costello, Mme. Curie, Mark Twain and , , Jose “Address Unknown,” now at the Valentine Theatre. walking over to Marilyn Buffalo Bill. Russia.” Iturbi and , and and kissing her, “this is my (Not for nothing Is Culbert­ Scores of Others a new Laurel and Hardy comedy The friendship of the Eisenstein family, Max (Morris Car- way of showing you what son an expert on bidding.) The fans of Xavier Cugat will feature, "The Home Front.” novsky) and his daughter, Griselle (K. T. Stevens), for the you passed up.” The romance starts out provo­ see their idol under his own tag Others before the cameras on Schulzes, Martin (Paul Lukas), his wife, Elsa (Mady Christians), the Culver City lot are “Thirty and son, Heinrich (Peter Van Eyck), is more than that of part­ catively with a divorce in 1938. in "Two Sisters and a Sailor.” Seconds Over Tokyo," the Mic­ ners in a San Francisco art gallery. They came from Germany Edward Arnold Is Mrs. Culbertson believes she has And Lauritz Melchoir will be key Rooney starrer, “National together and Griselle and Heinrich are expected to marry. been supplanted by a rival. Our himself aa an opera star in Velvet,” “The Picture of Dorian Then the elder Schulzes decide to return to Germany and Bran Briimmel hero has taken to prolonged ab­ “.” Gray;” “The Thin Man Goes Griselle announces that she is going with them to study dra­ sences, a peake and -dreamy And the list is constantly Home.” William Powell-Myrna matics in Vienna. HOLLYWOOD—Edward Ar Loy starrer; “Music for Mil­ In Munich, Germany, Martin becomes friendly with his nold is the newest contender foi look and scribbling at all hours growing. There is Vaughn Mon­ lions,” the all-star Ziegfeld F01- neighbor, Baron von Friesche (Carl Esmond), Nazi organizer. the title of the screen’s “best —sonnets no doubt. roe in “Meet the People,” Tom­ lies;” the starrer, Letters to Max in America .praise the new order until Martin dressed actor." Lots of suspense here. But my Dorsey in Broadway “Airship Squadron 4” and “Son is completely won over to the Nazi cause and asks hi? Jewish In his sketch with Victoi Rhythm,” and Carlos Ramirez, of Lassie.' starring the canine Moore for “Ziegfeld Follies,” ir finally the rival turns out to be friend not to write any more. the Culbertson world federation, Latin-American baritone in actor of “Lassie Come Home.” Meanwhile, Griselle makes her debut on the Berlin stage. four scenes he wears foui a peace plan based on the bal­ “Bathing Beauty.” All bear the She flouts Nazi censor orders deleting several of her lines, is changes of costume! same names in their screen roles. Hepb urn-Tracy Ready He starts out in a blue sergr anced 'distribution of lethal denounced as a Jewess and flees for her life to Martin in weapons among mankind so that Others in the long list are To Go In ’Without Love’ •Munich. Martin refuses her admittance. Storm troopers seize suit. The next scene finds hint three of a kind is always beaten Laurel and Hardy, and Harrv her. in morning coat and itripec by any hand including the joker. James, and, in ‘The Youngest HOLLYWOOD (Special)— trousers. Then he dons a gol With Donald Ogden Stewart, In America, a letter addressed to Griselle is returned to Max When the estranged wife dis­ Profession,” such stars as Greer marked “Address Unknown.” He realizes the truth but writes a outfit, and by the time h< Garson, Walter Pidgeon, and who wrote the screenplay for reaches the final scene he’s in < covers that a great humanitarian “The Philadelphia Story,” put­ frantic letter to Martin. The latter replies that Griselle is dead work has been underway (first S! William Powell, acting under no anH definitely discourages further correspondence. gray business suit! other names but their own. ting finishing touches to the printing. 235.000 copies) there is script of “Without Love,” Kath­ Then, at a party Martin gives to celebrate the birth of his a reconciliation and fadeout in Newcomer Retains Name Adolph, the Baron arrives with a strange incoherent cable- George Aiurphr On One of the most interesting arine Hepburn is due back in the postwar dawn. Hollywood within the next three BF’t for Martin. It reads like a code message. In the days that As Ely phrases it, Josephine Instances of this trend of movie ionow letter after letter arrives from America, all of thejn in­ Screen Ten Years makers to call a spade a spa te weeks to star in that film story, Culbertson “has found her hao- Bonnie Edwards’ neat curves and smooth lines come natirr- with . coherent and seemingly in code. HOLLYWOOD — June 20th piness again by participating ac­ aHr. She makes her debut as a shapely co-ed in the M-G-M when it comes to casting their Martin goes almost wild with fear. He can’t stop those let­ which was Metro-Goldwyn screen stars was the debut of Since completing her starring tively in the world federation musical comedy, "Bathing Reauty,” starring . rede in Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer's ters. The Baron gets more and more suspicious. Martin finds Mayer’s 20th anniversary, alsc movement and forgiving her hus­ 14-year-old singer Jane Pdwell. himself in a dangerous position. In "Song of the Open Road" her "Dragon Seed." Miss Hepburn marked an important anniver band for sacrificing her destiny » ♦ » » ======««-«*« has been dividing her time be­ When Elsa is about to leave for Switzerland, Martin begs sary for screen star George to a greater duty. Thus a mag­ name remained . her to smuggle a letter to Max across the border. Although Elsa The trend is not confined to tween vacationing with her fam­ Murphy. The genial Irish actoi nificent love story, a dramatic ily in Hartford. Conn., and see­ and her children are allowed to enter Switzerland, the letter is signed his first motion picture adventure of two lives, and the two-’egged actors either. In discovered and she is forced to destroy it. "Lassie Come Home," the star­ ing new plays in New York. contract on that date 10 year; worldwide peace movement Hollywood TiddBits The Theater Guild, of which Martin’s hallucinations increase, his actions become more ago. Previously Murphy hac could be woven into one.” ring role of the collie is played by a magnificent animal called, Miss Hepburn is a director, has and more suspicious. Storm troopers seize him. been a dancing star in New YorJt What a picture! Culbertson OF HERE AND THERE In America Max gets a letter addressed to Martin reading and . in real life, Lassie. Odd quirk, announced that it would like “Address Unknown.” It is only then that Max learns it has been outlines the scenario in a letter » » » » .-■=? * ♦ * * however, is that Lassie is ac­ nothing better than to have her to Russell Birdwell, Hollywood tually a male. The name was do a play in the fall. The last Martin's son. Heinrich, who has been writing the code letteis Cyclist publicity man who told tne NOTED AUTHORESS SCREEN STAR STATISTIC which have destroyed Martin. The hands and feet of feminine given to him prior to the begin­ time Miss Hepburn was home world about Gone With The AT M-G-M ning of the picture, to accustom she returned to Hollywood witi Wind. Jane Russell, Carol of Adela Rogers St. John, fa­ screen players hf ve increased in size during the past twenty him to hearing it spoken by the "Woman of the Year," and h?c Rumania, etc. mous writer of fiction and an au­ been her own best discoverer c,‘ thority on films, has just been years, according to research in cast, and it has stuck. and Birdwell could hardly keep screen and stage vehicles. such a human interest document signed to a term writing con­ connection with M-G-M s 10-year to himself. He quoted it exten­ tract at M-G-M. anniversary observance this Japan Raid Gives CIO Leader Wins Romantic Team In “Stagecoach” sively in a' sprightly column week. In 1924 they wore 5*4 “Stagecoach,” the spectacular frontier drama produced by (advt.) he conducts in Daily CHAMP COVER GIRL gloves, now wear 6’2: and shoit F ilm Actors Thrill Democratic Primary , coming soon to the Esquire Theater-, unfolds a Variety. That put the Culbert­ Katharine Booth, one of the 8 size stockings of yesteryear are now replaced by long slim ones PORTLAND. Me. (FP)—An­ gripping storv of pioneer courage, showing the brilliant heritage son movie plot on the desk of fourteen Ziegfeld Girls in Metro- HOLLYWOOD—, drew A. Pettis, indorsed by the that has descended to young Americans from men who fought to every producer in Hollywood. Goldwyn-Mayer's “Ziegfeld Fol­ averaging size 9 4. But today’s Robert Walker, Tim Murdock taller beauties, streamlined by Maine United AFL-CIO Labor hew a nation out of the wilderness. It is a saga of brave women Movies are being prepared lies”, sets a record for covers and Director Mervyn LeRoy re­ Committee, emerged the victor about such diverse contempora­ photographed by' Lazio Willinger vitamins and outdoor living, ceived an added bit of excite­ who went along with them to weigh about ten pounds less! in a three-way race for the an expectant mother, a mysteri­ ries as Sister Kenny, Wendell L. on 18 national magazines! ment while filming a scene for Democratic nomination in the bring comfort and love to ous gambler, a blustering bank She's the only girl to appear ‘Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” on lonely outposts. Willkie and LoueJla Parsons, so State primaries here. June 20. absconder and a timid whiskey it s a live market. on Coronet magazine cover DEFINITION OF AN ACTOR June 15. A Republican himself and The strange group of pas­ drummer. twice. When is an actor not an actor? They had just finished the se­ sengers thrown together in the DEMOCRACY. Citizen Tom revealed the quence showing the Lust bomb­ president of Local 50, Industrial coach as it proceeds fearlessly Each knew that Geronimo, Paine will not be filmed by Hol­ answer when he received a letter ing of Tokyo—had, in fact, Union of Marine & Shipbuild­ the dreaded Apache leader, was NEW SCREEN ACTRESS ing Workers. CIO. Pettis faces on its way from Tonto, Arizona lywood after all. .Producers Audrey Totter, a stage and ra­ at his office addressed to “Buster shouted “Bombs away! when the to Lordsburg, New Mexico are oi. the war path. Each knew feared to otfend the' British by a stiff campaign battle against this meant torture or death if dio actress who turned down Keaton, the actor.” news flash of the second air at­ incumbent Representative Rob­ Claire Trevor and John Wayne, glorifying the democrat of revo­ several motion picture offers •’I'll have to take tt over to tack on Japan reached them. the co-stars of the film, Thomas the coach was attacked—yet all lutionary times. So Frank Tuttle, “We thou :ht we were being ert Hale, who defeated Pettis in of them agreed to keep on going. during the past four years, has Universal before I C'n read it”, the GOP primary. Mitchell,. Andy Devine, George director, and Franchot Tone, finally succumbed to the lure of he quipped. kidded, until we tuned in on the Bancroft, Louise Platt, John But, finally, the dreaded star, sadly sold their rights in At M-G-M he is under contract radio,” stated Van Johnson. Carradine, Berton Churchill and the screen. Indians catch up with them and the Howard Fast book. It was Miss Toiler’s perform­ as a writer. But he is on loan to Donald Meek. a terrific battle is 'vaged, with The taker is Gabriel Pascal. ance on the “Stage Door Can­ Universal as an actor in ‘ San To John Wayne has been al­ every man in o on the stage­ He will film the story in Eng­ teen” broadcast that attracted Diego, I Love You.” Wallv’s New Acting lotted the colorful role of the coach fighting desperately with land, Paine's birthplace. STATE the attention of a studio talent • - - ...... - ■ -•— - • - * Ringo Kid, who has been driven all the courage he can muster. VARIATION. Hollywood does scout. UCAPAWA Organising Chores Strenuous to outlawry and is determined Only the ladies sit quietly, Dalias holding the day old baby plan a film of the colonial peri­ HOLLYWOOD - Wallace to kill his persecutors, Claire od, however. It is Carmilla, a STARLET’S NEW TITLE Citrus Workers Beery s 225 pounds has been SAT. SUN. MON. Trevor impersonates the woman, of the aristocrat and the gam­ novel which appeals to RKO be­ Donna Reed, who has as many trimmed 15 pounds, thanks to Dallas, who has been driven out bler sheltering the sick motiwr FULLERTON, Cal. (FP)—In "ANDY HARDY'S Frances Gifford stops traf­ cause it deals with early Ameri­ lauding pin-up titles as most of the biggest union action to hit night location work on "Airship of Tonto by a group of self- while still fighting. fic when she wears this cos­ can vampires. Karloff will star. the top stars in Hollywood, has Squadron 4.” screen tribute to BLOND TROUBLE" righteous women who do not the heart of the citrus With the battle finally won, tume while cycling around the a new one to add to her collec­ industry in years. United Can­ the Navy's blimp. with approve of her. Among the PARAMOUNT & OCCULT. “If this keeps up,” Beery re­ the coach proceeds to Lords­ M-G-M lot. where she is film­ (Reviews.) Miracle of Morgan's tion. From a soldier who signs nery Agricultural Packing & Al­ “B ERMUDAM YSTER Y” other characterizations are a burg, and each of the oddly as­ ing “Marriage la A Private himself merely as “Al”, and lied Workers, CIO, has opened marked,” I'll soon be able to play dipsomaniac-doctor, an aristo­ Creek: very funny 2-reel comedy v ni, riu >ro\ foxier sorted survivors goes his own Affair” with . writes from “Somewhere in an allout campaign to organize the Thin Man!” cratic Virginia woman who is with a 6-reel introduction. Lady Greenland", comes word that the way. Lady in the Dark; psycho­ workers in Orange County. Jane Powell, Youthful actress is his pin-up favorite, and * miiirnmninnr—.. "’VHiifM’iuiMHiiiiUHawg analysis in technicolor to prove About 7,000 shed workers. 90% In Again, Put Again Star, Has New Job "The girl with whom I would of them women, are going to get that woman's place is in the like most to melt an iceberg!” Kputiifky I HOLLYWOOD (Special) — boudoir. The Uninvited: a spook a complete education in what Kltib '* | Jane Powell, 14-year-old singer story and Paramount isn’t spoof­ they can do for themselves and oetN osu.ru s.m. CHICAGO (FP)—The Mont- who made hei screen bow in ing. Do You Know— their families through unionism. J Kasa Blanca | gbmery Ward case went back to “Song of the Open Road,” will Vice-President Luis Moreno is THEY SAY THE SWEETEST heading the drive. the Natl. Wai- Labor Board after appear in ;r firs picture for THINGS. Item in Hollywood That Ginny Simms’ favorite Academy Award Winner Room ! S. L. Avery refused to extend M-G-M during this summer. Reporter: “June Haver went into present (to receive) is a black Toledo’s Newest and | the contract with Local 20, The film is tentatively titled the Cedars of Lebanon yesterday linen handkerchief? United Retail Wholesale & Dept. “Love Makes Me Sick,” and its to have her throat cut.” That Greer Garson composes Finest Room | Store Employees (CIO), and to story deals v ith a young girl who poetry? PAUL LUKAS Nrrtv Vnder Management | engage seriously in collective cannot understand and who le- TIP. Errol Flynn sent a mes­ That , good looking sage via a Hearst daughter-in- o/ “O/v” McClure mid | bargaining for a new contract. sents adult love. young M-G-M player who wins will produce law urging the publisher to as­ Gloria De Haven from Van John­ Moriarity I sign a war correspondent to the FAY TTOLDEN A CITIZEN the picture, which will have an son in ‘, ’ ‘Around Ike World' III “Address Unknown important cast. front. often starts his meals with des­ ( omi> Fiirly and I Fay Holden, better known as Ma Hardy on the screen and Miss Powell, a Portland, Ore., sert and ends up with the entree? Sunday and .Menda* Stay I lie | I) on Amtrhe and husband, David Clyde, not only girl who was singing on the l2-Year-0Id Actress That Gladyi Cooper, distin­ Jean Tierney in andMnrl IntroducingIntrnriiirina * Presenting 3 Shows | celebrate their 30th wedding an­ radio at the age of 8, and won In Another Top Role guished character actress, who "Hedven Cm Wiit" Nightly g niversary on June 24, but receive her screen opportunity following used to be known as the most K. T. STEVENS 9:3(1 for.the 3rd | their final American citizenship a radio appearance on the Holly­ HOLLYWOOD (Special) — beautiful woman in England, shift workers I papers on that date. They came wood Showcase and Edgar Ber­ , young actress never drinks tea—or even 11:30 and 1:30 I to this country from England. gen programs. who made her film debut tn water? “Lassie Come Home” and who * I SEATTLE (FP)—Pioneers in STAMPS and BONDS at LOLWS! KART. SP WLDTNG I political action, Seattle labor recently completed a role oppo­ and His Orchestra | with powerful AFL unions in site Mickey Rooney in “National Loew* 9 w 3 Velvet,” is to he featured in a . i the lead indorsed a Roosevelt new dramatic picture" Hold 3rd WEEK Should 3U35 Detroit Ave. 1 victory ticket and cemented High the Torch.’* II. OlliH I i I-t * broad labor unity for the Demo­ Miss Taylor, 12 years old, has Men-in-Vv hite" I cratic primaries been named as one of the most f ESQUIRE promising young actresses. Marry? “Hold High the Torch" is the CLARENCE BROWN S story of a young girl and a war WHITE See dog, and “Lassie’ will be cast in .HOT Jim Karim Gus County the pictuie as the dog that goes FOR 1HE A5»WER IN We are your buddies, Jim and to war. , CLIFFS me Gus. We resolve to serve you POTATO in any capacity we possibly of DOVTRT Three Men In White” in hand tr can. We hope that we may Finest Floor Shows prepare a CHIPS M j «nack for have the goodwill of all the In J7»e Stale of Ohio Supvh Van Johnson iineai'er’** workers in every plant, ALAN MARSHAL^ ‘ «uest® especially the Auto - Lite Marilyn Maxwell Nona workers. ; 4 SMITH’S ^i'l.unch Stand i nut M-G-M Special McDOWALL Keye Luke RUDDTE’S R AR ‘TWENTY YEARS AFTER’ r LOEW S NEWS MORGAN 924 Magnolia AD. 0374 S0S