Gillis, Librarian Mabel R. . California State Library California #2 Sacramento 9, We Will Play lrextech Red Raiders Accept Bid Spartan Dail As SJ Raisin Bowl Foe Border Champs Decline Sun Bowl SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Volume XXXVIII San Jose, California, Wednesday, November 30, 1949 Number 17 Invite to Clash With Spartans (By UNITED PRESS) Council Sets Date San Jose State's Golden Raiders will clash with Texas Tech's Red Raiders in the Raisin Bowl at Fresno, Dec. 31, it was arnounced toddy For 1950 Revelries after a message of acceptance from tke Texas team. The Red Raiders had previously turned down a Sun Bowl bid Spartan "Revelries" of 1950 has been tentatively set for four days, in their home city of El Paso. Feb. 22, 23, 24, and 25, aecordiag The Fresno Junior Chamber of to a report made to the student Commerce said the acceptance council yesterday by Director was made after the local organi- Dick 'Pritchard. WAA to Hold Open zation wired Lubbock, Tex., ad- New technical advisor for the viAing that traveling expenses had production is Al Johnson, an- Meet Tomorrow been approved. nounced Pritchard. The perform- .The Raiders captured the 1949 ances are slated for Wednesday Women's Athletic association Border Conference -championship e, meeting of through Saturday. will hold its first open for the third consecutive year last Lud Spolyar, former freshman the fall quarter tomorrow at 7:36 weekend when. they downed Har- 2, Beggy class president, was appointed p.m. in the Women's gym, din-Simmons 23 'to 13. Texas sophomore class representative in., Major, WAA publicity director, Tech finished their season with council balloting. The vacanLy said today. seven wins and four set -backs. Spartan Ken McCarthy, tennis arose when Dick Russo resigned The Jose Spa professional a n d winner of 35 San rialto last week. clinched the CCAA pennant Frosh class nomination assem- tournaments in California and .3 throughout the nation, will give Thursday with an Impressive 41y will be held Tuesday in the Fresno State. a few pointers on how to play 43 to 7 win over Morris Dailey auditorium follow- The tennis well. Spartans completed their ing the orientation period. The schedule Leta Walter, WAA president, with a 8-4 win-loss ASB council Bet the elections for record. will review the organization's Thursday, Dec. 15. Al Radka, history and outline the peogram, Raisin Bowl Chair- The council appropriated $65 man, said financial guarantees tor the printing of "Job Tao" which includes Swim club, tennis, riding, offered both teams would be an- which will be delivered to 20,000 golf, volleyball, badminton, hockey, bowling, basketball, soft- nounced later. San Jose householders on the , San Jose ball, and Orchesis. State football players, morning milk run. The tags, no- in a meeting Monday, voted to ac- tifying the residents that Spartan She also will introduce her eabi- net members and Miss Mary cept the Raisin Bowl bid if Wyo- students are available for part- ming or Texas Tech Hooton and Miss Elanor M. were selected time employment, will be distnb- as Coombe, faculty advisers. an opponent. uted by the Junior Chamber of Glen S. Hartranft. Spartan Miss Major said that volley- di- Commerce. rector of athletics, upon ball and badminton courts will be receiving Approximate kv 89 percent of the news of ready for. use after the ,pritertim. the Texas Tech ac- Kase to Preens 'gobs- the plaque infirdseKe of defeat In the the student bib have purchased Refreshments will be served. ceptance. stated "As far as I know Fresno-San Jose lootball game. The Bulldog's student body ASB cards. announced Bob Seal. we definitely dill play Tech Dec. president accepted the symbol after the Spartans rounded out an treasurer. 7193 cards have been 31, but as yet we have not been undefeated conference season by defeating the valley Rebook sold. Seal reported that $32,000 officially notified by the Raisin council funds possibl photo by Jack Haddon CSTA W.11I nearear Bowl committee." marked for student loans are The game will _sualtethe---dth tied up in notes to the Spartan 11-6-61Wreontest for San Jose in Shop at the present. Panel I the __UP ROUNDUP -1S-15-State Discuss Discussion 1949 campaign. Practice for The California Student Teach- the Texas Tech clash will begin Proposed Archway ers association will meet Otis af- Dec. 19 for the Spartans. ternoon at 3:30 o'clock in room New 'AI Bomb Test Two men from the State De- `Wmtermise Bids A-1. part ment of Architecture and one Groups May Lose Planned by U.S. man from the State Department Available Today President.Steve Stephenson an- of Education met with Mr. E. S. nounced that the Professional scien- Bids for Saturday night's semi- La Torre Space U, S. military officers and Growth committee will present a Thompson, college comptroller, lormal ntermlst" will be dis- tists ace planning a new series panel discussion of the student Thirty-six organizations on the yesterday to discuss minor con- tributed today, Thursday and Fri- of atomic bomb tests to be held at teachers code of ethics. San Jose State carrious. have thUS - problems of the .college. the social af- Eniwetok atoll. The Defense de- day of this week at farlaiteertb----Tre urn their contracts Among the problems discussed fair's booth aLthe Libr " ta---frorn---otirer- teacher parTinftt will carry out the tests for the 1950 edition of the La wasthe -CORSULIC24081- of-.-an -arch- training colleges will be surveyed Afohrit- Energy The bids are complimentary, the Torre, Business Wit-TyWith the from the Commerce building to in preparation for'lhe California manager Bill commission. Full security restric- only "charge" being a punch in Schulz revealed the Science building. The pro- Teachers association.convention in today. tions on the preparations will be ASB cards. Numerous posed arch would be similar to the Los Angeles, Friday and Satur- activities and organi- effect, zations have been in one that extends from the Library Wally Heider and his 12-piece day. San Jose State college CSTA anxious to se- Political scientists are Inter- cure space in to the Reserve book room. It orchestra will play for the event, will chairman the Ethics commit- the 1950 La Torre, ested in the activities of racket- yet a certain would be covered and serve as an to be held at the Civic auditor- tee," said Mr. Stephenson. amount of space is terra! Dayton D. Mc Kean, ium. His band will feature a alloted to each interest and no additional exit for the Commerce for winter quar- chairman of the Darthmouth , woman vocalist. Nominations deviation can be made unless or- and Science buildings. ter officers can be made by write- university department of gov- Dancing will begin at 9 p.m. En- ganizations fail to fulfill their ob- ernment told 250 delegates of in means on the list of nominees, ligation of returning their con- tertainment is promised by the which will be posted on the CSTA the National Municipal league John L. Lewis has called off a social affairs group. tracts. that the slot machine racket meeting of his policy committee bulletin board for the coming Unless they return their con- Duke Deras, chairman, and his week. grosses $2.000,000,000 a year. for the second consecutive day, committee will deeorate the audi- tracts very soon the following or- He estimated*, that racketeers and is ,scheduled to meet today. torium all day Saturday in order ganizations will lose their alloted pay $400,000,000 a year in bill,- Sources say that he has been con- to present spectacular decorations space: Alpha Chi Omega, Alhpa ing public officials for protec- ferring with Harry Moses, chief for this year's affair. Richard R. Lewis Eta Rho, Alpha Phi, Beta Beta Hon. negotiator for the steel industry. Beta, California Student Teachers Speaks to CSTA Association, Catholic Women's Center, Delta Members of the California Stu- Nu Theta, Delta Theta Omega, Delta dent Teachers association heard Upsilon, En- gineering Society, Prof. Phillips Gets Hearing Mr. Richard B. Lewis, associate EntomologN Club, professor of education, talk on Cal- .Eta. Epsilon. Grace Hall. Flying Twenty, also Lambda Chi NNW By JACK RUSSELL For the first 40 minutes Dr. most effective service in the na- ifornia school districts at a recent Alpha, Lutheran Students' Phillips presented highlights from tion." meeting. Asso- Dr. Herbert J. Phillips, admit- his trial in Washington where he The Communist professor's Mr. Lewis, former assistant di- ciation,. Lambda Gamma Alpha, ted Communist who "came from was removed from the faculty of remarks were underscored by rector of the State department of Pan American League, Phi Epsilon Phi Eta Sigma, the lower, working-class society", the University of Washington. the clink of silver as the hat education redistricting program, Kappa, Philosophy Club, Phi Sigma addressed a crowd of 400 in Costa was passed. The money will be made comparisons of some of the Kappa, Phi Up- .hall last night on the subject of The remaining two hours were used "to enable my work for school districts in California. silon Pi, Pi Beta Sigma, Pre-Med Spartan spent in answering questions Society, Sojourners, Presbyterian "Academic Freedom." academic freedom to be contin- Mr. Lewis stated that school membei s submitted in writing. In an- Hall, Psychology Club, Rally students and faculty ued," declared Phillips. He stat- districts that have the wealth but Com- aud- inquiry why he had mittee, San Jose made up the majority of the swer to an ed that he had addressed some not many school children should Players, Seekers, Communist, Dr.
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