


Planetarium Show – Teacher’s Guide


Description: is a fun look into the lives of stars and an introduction to the study of the electromagnetic spectrum. The show contains an animated history of how cultures throughout the world have viewed the stars and tried to make sense of our place in the cosmos, through stories and advancements in math and physics.

Activities: design your own , investigate the size of stars, and understand the light of the electromagnetic spectrum.


 There are countless galaxies containing billions of stars.  There are many different types of stars.  Throughout history, all around the world, people have sought to understand the stars and our place in the universe.  Visible light gives us only a sliver of information about the stars.  Light is not just “visible”. There are many different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that are not visible to the human eye.

Process Skills Focus: Inquiry, observation and communication.

Topics: Stars, galaxies, the electromagnetic spectrum, history of .


Scientific Inquiry Standards:

 K.3S.1 Explore questions about living and non-living things and events in the natural world.  K.3S.2 Make observations about the natural world.  1.3S.2 Record observations with pictures, numbers, or written statements.  1.3S.3 Describe why recording accurate observations is important in science.  2.3S.2 Make predictions about living and non-living things and events in the environment based on observed patterns.

Engineering Design Standards:

 1.4D.3 Show how tools are used to complete tasks every day.  2.4D.3 Describe an engineering design that is used to solve a problem or address a need.

Earth and Space Science Content Standards:

 K.2E.1 Identify changes in things seen in the sky.  H.2E.3 Describe how the universe, galaxies, stars, and evolve over time.

Physical Science Content Standards:

 K.2P.1 Examine the different ways things move.


Practices Crosscutting Concepts 2. Developing and using models 1. Patterns 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 2. Cause and effect 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 4. Systems and system models 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 6. Structure and function


Disciplinary Core Idea K 1 2 3 4 5 MS HS Physical Science PS1 Matter and Its Interaction n/a n/a n/a n/a PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and n/a n/a n/a Interactions PS3 Energy n/a n/a n/a

PS4 Waves and Their Applications in n/a n/a n/a n/a Technologies for Information Transfer Life Science LS1 From molecules to organisms: n/a Structures and processes LS2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and n/a n/a n/a Dynamics LS3 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of n/a n/a n/a n/a Traits LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity n/a n/a n/a n/a & Space Science ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe n/a n/a ESS2 Earth's Systems n/a ESS3 Earth and Human Activity n/a n/a Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science ETS1 Engineering Design

DCI Grade Band Endpoints PS4.B A wave model of light is useful for explaining brightness, color, and the frequency- dependent bending of light at a surface between media. (By end of grade 8).

However, because light can travel through space, it cannot be a matter wave, like sound or water waves. (By end of grade 8). ESS1.A Patterns of the motion of the , , and stars in the sky can be observed, described, and predicted. (By end of grade 2).

The sun is a that appears larger and brighter than other stars because it is closer. Stars range greatly in their distance from Earth. (By end of grade 5).

Patterns of the apparent motion of the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky can be observed, described, predicted, and explained with models. (By end of grade 8).

Earth and its are part of the galaxy, which is one of many galaxies in the universe. (By end of grade 8).

ESS1.B Seasonal patterns of sunrise and sunset can be observed, described, and predicted. (By end of grade 2).

The orbits of Earth around the sun and of the moon around Earth, together with the rotation of Earth about an axis between its North and South poles, cause observable patterns. These include day and night; daily changes in the length and direction of shadows; and different positions of the sun, moon, and stars at different times of the day, month, and year. (By end of grade 5).

The solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects, including planets, their , and asteroids that are held in orbit around the sun by its gravitational pull on them. (By end of grade 8).

This model of the solar system can explain eclipses of the sun and the moon. Earth’s spin axis is fixed in direction over the short-term but tilted relative to its orbit around the sun. The seasons are a result of that tilt and are caused by the differential intensity of sunlight on different areas of Earth across the year. (By end of grade 8).

Performance Expectations 1-ESS1-1. Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.

1-ESS1-2. Make observations at different times of year to relate the amount of daylight to the time of year.

5-ESS1-1. Support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distances from the Earth.

5-ESS1-2. Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some stars in the .

MS-ESS1- Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic 1. patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

MS-ESS1- Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within 2. galaxies and the solar system.

MS-ESS1- Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar 3. system. MS-PS4- Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or 2. transmitted through various materials.


The information and activities presented in the Stars Teacher’s Guide have been adapted for use and distribution by OMSI from the following:

Colorado State Parks Canada Science & Technology


Black Hole: An object with such a strong gravitational field that nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes form when extremely large stars die.

Constellation: a) A group of bright stars that seem to form a pattern. b) The region of the sky occupied by such a formation, defined by exact boundaries. There are 88 modern recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

Galaxy: A system of gravitationally-bound stars, gas, dust, and dark matter. Galaxies exist in three main types based on how they look - spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies.

Gamma rays: High-energy electromagnetic radiation. look for supernova explosions by searching the sky for gamma rays.

Globular cluster: Groups of tens to hundreds of thousands of old stars that are tightly bound by mutual gravitation. An example of a globular cluster is the Hercules cluster located in the constellation of Hercules the Hero.

Gravity: The force that causes objects to be attracted to each other. Earth’s gravity keeps us from floating out into space, and gravity keeps the Moon in its orbit.

Great : A cloud of gas and dust in the constellation of Orion the Hunter. This nebula is a birthplace of new stars.

Milky Way: Our home galaxy. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy about 100,000 light years in diameter. The name comes from its appearance in our night sky - the plane of the galaxy looks like a whitish path or river from our perspective on earth.

Nebula: An interstellar cloud of dust, gas and plasma (ionized gas).

Neutron star: A star composed primarily of neutrons. Neutrons are parts of atoms, just like protons and electrons. Nuclear fusion reaction: A process in which atomic nuclei join together to form larger nuclei. This reaction generates energy - stars shine because of energy released from nuclear fusion reactions.

Planet: A body orbiting a star. Planets must be massive enough to be roughly spherical in shape but not massive enough to undergo thermonuclear fusion in their cores like a star.

Pulsar: A neutron star that is rotating very quickly (up to 1000 times per second). Pulsars emit radio light that can be detected by radio telescopes here on Earth.

Radio telescope: An instrument designed to “see” the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio waves: Low energy electromagnetic radiation. Radio stations emit radio energy to transmit music.

Red giant star: A Sun-sized star in the later stages of its life. The atmosphere of the star becomes bigger and the temperature of the star decreases to roughly 5000 degrees.

Solar System: The arrangement of eight planets orbiting around the Sun. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is also part of the Solar System.

Spectrum: The range of light waves spanning from gamma rays to radio waves.

Sun: Our nearest star, located approximately 93 million miles from Earth.

Supernova: The explosion that occurs when a very large star dies. Supernovas can be brighter than entire galaxies!

Telescope: A device used to view distant objects by collecting the light from the object.

Ultraviolet: High-energy electromagnetic radiation. Stars like our Sun emit ultraviolet radiation.

X-rays: High-energy electromagnetic radiation. Doctors and dentists use X-rays to view bones and teeth—the radiation penetrates your skin and muscles, but not your bones.

Yellow dwarf star: A star like our Sun, of average size and temperature.


Check your comprehension of the planetarium show!

1) Do galaxies contain thousands, millions, or billions of stars?

2) How did the Egyptians use stars?

3) Galileo was the first to observe the moons of

______with a telescope.

4) Choose the correct statement: a. Visible light is only a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. b. Visible light is the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

5) Doctors use ______light to check for broken bones.

6) The two gasses the primarily make up the Sun are ______and


7) The Sun will shine for another ______years.

8) A group of old stars is called a ______cluster.

9) Spinning stars that emit X-ray radiation are called


10) What is a black hole?

11) Without ______, the Universe would be a dark and lifeless void.


Design a Constellation

Description: In this activity, students design their own constellation and develop a mythology to describe their constellation.


Advance Preparation Activity Clean Up

5 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes


 Construction paper  Rulers  Scissors  Crayons, markers, or colored pencils  Flashlight


 Have the students design a constellation on a piece of paper by drawing dots.  Poke holes in each of the dots with a sharpened pencil or pen.  Draw straight lines connecting the holes using a ruler.  Create a name for the constellation and make up a story to explain its existence.  Turn off the lights in your room and shine your flashlight behind your drawing. Watch the stars in your constellation!

How Big is the Sun?

Description: This demonstration uses sprinkles to show how much larger the Sun is than the Earth.


Advance Preparation Activity Clean Up

15 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes


 Yellow construction paper  Jar of round sprinkles  Glue


• Draw circles four inches in diameter on each piece of paper.


 Have each student cut out their paper circle. The circles can be decorated with sunspots, solar flares, etc.  Distribute one sprinkle to each student.  Discuss that the paper circle represents the size of the Sun while the sprinkle represents the size of the Earth.  Help each student glue their sprinkle on the surface of the paper.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Description: This activity teaches students about the different kinds of light making up the electromagnetic spectrum.


Advance Preparation Activity Clean Up

5 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes


 Copies of Page #1 and Page #2 for each student


• Makes copies of Page #1 and Page #2 (at the end of this activity) for each student.


 Astronomers use light to study objects that are very far away. Let’s calculate how fast light travels. Present the following calculation to your students:

distance = rate x time or, equivalenly: rate = distance / time

 It takes approximately 8 minutes for light to reach the Earth from the Sun. It’s 93,000,000 miles between the Earth and the Sun. How fast does light travel?

rate = 93,000,000 miles / 8 minutes = 11,625,000 miles / minute

 This speed equals about 193,000 miles / second! Light can go around the whole Earth in just 0.13 seconds!

 All light travels at approximately 193,000 miles / second, but there are different kinds of light such as X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave, and radio light.

 These different kinds of light have different wavelengths, where X-ray light has shorter wavelengths and radio light has longer wavelengths. Have your students draw lines on Page #1 between the type of light and the object representing that light.

 We’re now going to study how astronomers use the electromagnetic spectrum to learn more about stars and galaxies. All objects that glow emit a characteristic “spectrum”, where a spectrum is simply a distribution of different kinds of light.

 On Page #2, show your students the spectrum of an object that emits mostly microwave light. Then, instruct your students to draw a spectrum for the other types of objects listed on Page #2.

Page #1

Here’s the spectrum of a Page #2 microwave. Notice that there’s a lot of brightness in microwave light!


Brightness Draw the spectrum of a star that emits mostly infrared light

Brightness Draw the spectrum of a star that emits mostly X-ray light

Brightness Draw the spectrum of a star that emits red visible light AND purple visible light


NASA Education http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/about/index.html

Monthly Skymaps http://www.skymaps.com/