
Planetarium Content

NARRATED BY: Harrison Ford

Journey through our “A fast-paced survey and beyond to explore the possibilities of one of the most provocative for life beyond our . pursuits of modern For as long as humans have contemplated the cosmos, they have wondered about extraterrestrial .” life. Discover the modern scientific approach to this question, and explore the links between life on

Earth and the potential for life on other . Stunning and scientifically accurate visualizations — Time Out New York whisk audiences from the cold and dark depths of ’s oceans to the surface of Mars, and then to faraway exoplanets to consider where extraterrestrial life might exist, and in what form. v

Explore the surface of Mars, visualized from data from NASA’s Pathfinder mission.

Fly past Jupiter’s Europa, whose icy crust may conceal vast oceans harboring life.


Unlikely Life on Earth Formation of Witness the birth and Our Solar System evolution of our solar Explore the diversity of life at Earth’s ocean system, including depths. If life can thrive here, under what Travel back in time to observe the collisions planet Earth. other extreme conditions can it survive? that formed Earth, the same process that forms all planetary systems. Life in Our Solar System Survey the rocky, barren surface of Mars and Encounter an Exoplanet fly past Jupiter’s moon Europa, whose icy Fly to an imaginary extra-solar system Discover what scientists crust may conceal vast oceans harboring life. to see a world lit by two —a small think exoplanets might terrestrial moon circling a giant gas planet look like. Life Outside like our own planet Jupiter. Our Solar System Travel further out into the Galaxy on a search for other solar systems with exoplanets that could provide habitats for extraterrestrial life.

See how far our radio, TV and radar waves have spread out into space— where others might “It’s virtual reality at its best, because eventually hear them. the images are grounded in hard data.” — New York Daily News


FORMAT: amnh.org/planetariumcontent Full (can be customized [email protected] for most digital systems) 212.496.3362 TIMING: 25:00

AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish

STANDARD RENTAL LENGTH: CREDITS: 1 year The Search for Life: Are We Alone? was developed by the American of Natural History in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). SUPPORTING ASSETS: Image credits: © AMNH Educator Guide, Pre-show loop, Marketing kit