Fact Sheet Bulbs 2020
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FACT SHEET Bulbs bulbs for year round colour Although this fact sheet focuses on winter/spring flowering bulbs, it is worth noting that a good mixture of bulbs can provide continuous colour and interest in your garden. e following table shows the range of bulbs you could plant for year-round colour. Whilst we may not have all of these in-store, we will be happy to try and source them for you when in season. winter spring Nerine ‘Winter Cheer’ Crocus vernus (Dutch Crocus) Cyclamen Most daffodils Crocus chrysanthus (Snow Crocus) All tulips Crocus tommasinianus Iris reticulata/histrioides Narcissus bulbocodium (Hoop Petticoat Iris hollandica (Dutch Iris) Daffodil) Iris germanica (Bearded Iris) Narcissus papyraceous (Paperwhites) Hyacinths Narcissus ‘Erlicheer’ Freesias Narcissus ‘Tete a Tete’ Ranunculus Galanthus (True Snowdrop) Anemones Iris unguicularis (Algerian Iris) Muscari (Grape Hyacinths) ‘Bluebells’ and other Scilla sp. Leucojum (Snowflakes) autumn summer Dahlias Peonies Nerines Dahlias Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna Lily) Lilies Zephyranthes/Habranthus (Rain Lilies) Hippeastrum Sternbergia lutea (yellow Autumn Crocus) Gloriosa rothschildiana (Gloriosa Lily) Colchicum (Autumn Crocus) Eucomis comosa (Pineapple Lily) Cyclamen 1311phone: High Street, 9822 Malvern 3305 Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au FACT SHEET FACT SHEET Bulbs Bulbs General Guidelines for Winter/Spring Flowering Bulbs Most bulbs are supplied ‘dry’ – ideally in paper packaging rather than plastic so that they don’t sweat and rot. Exceptions include some woodland bulbs like Fritillaria, Erythronium and Lily of the Valley, which are usually packed in plastic with a small amount of compost to reduce moisture loss. A few bulbs that are supplied dry, such as anemones and ranunculus, benefit from pre-soaking prior to planting. For almost all bulbs, size does matter! With the exception of anemones, ranunculus and freesias, the larger the bulb, the better the flower display. Excellent drainage is essential for all bulbs. Never plant bulbs in pots without drainage holes. Even ‘wood- land bulbs’ e.g. lily of the valley, that require more moisture still don’t like to be waterlogged. Most bulbs like to be planted in a sunny spot with at least half a day of sun. Many sun-loving bulbs that bloom in winter and spring can still do well under deciduous trees, so long as there is good winter light, as the bulbs go dormant by the time the trees come into leaf. Woodland bulbs enjoy a similar position, but need to be kept as cool as possible during the heat of summer. With a few exceptions like Ranunculus (claws down) and Anemones (point down), bulbs are generally planted with the ‘pointy’ end up. With some bulbs such as fritillaria, it can often be hard to tell which way is up. If in doubt, plant them on their sides and they will right themselves! In the garden, most bulbs are planted at 2-3 times the depth of the bulb. Exceptions include hyacinths, hippeastrums and nerines, which should be planted with the neck of the bulb above ground. Bearded iris rhizomes also need to be planted barely below soil level so as to get a good summer baking. When grown in pots, bulbs do not need to be planted as deep as in a garden bed, and can also be spaced much closer together, so that they are almost touching (but not touching the side of the pot). Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au 1311phone: High Street, 9822 Malvern 3305 Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au FACT SHEET FACT SHEET FACT SHEET Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs When planting bulbs in the garden, try to avoid planting them singly or in a straight row. Bulbs look so much better when planted in groups of at least 3. If planting a large number of bulbs to naturalise in a lawn, throw the bulbs onto the lawn one handful at a time, and plant them where they land. Unless you are planting in fresh, premium potting mix (which already contains fertiliser) a sprinkling of all-purpose fertiliser should be mixed into the soil, or applied as a top dressing to existing garden plantings and pots. e Growbetter All-Purpose fertiliser (blue bag) is ideal. As your bulbs emerge, keep an eye out for pests and diseases. Bulbs are generally problem-free, but overwa- tering can cause mildew and rot. Watch for slugs and snails. Tulips are very susceptible to aphids. Streaks and mottling on the leaves can be due to viruses spread by sap sucking insects, which is why it is so import- ant to treat aphid attacks quickly. Once planted in the ground, bulbs can usually survive on natural rainfall alone. Potted bulbs are likely to need supplementary watering, especially if planted in terracotta, although excessive watering will cause bulbs to rot. After blooming, remove spent flowers, but do not tie up or remove any leaves. Feed again with all-purpose fertiliser and continue to water. e foliage will look very messy during this time, but it is essential that leaves are allowed to die down entirely, as this returns nutrients to the bulb and ensures good flowering again next year. Most winter and spring flowering bulbs go dormant over summer, after their leaves have died down. Bulbs planted in the ground can be left in-situ, but do not like summer moisture during dormancy. If your garden bed has regular irrigation it is best to lift the bulbs, allow them to dry, and store in paper or a mesh bag/stocking in the coolest part of the house or shed (but not refrigerated). Bulbs grown in pots can be left in their pots and allowed to dry out under an eave or other position where they do not receive any supple- mentary irrigation. Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au 1311phone: High Street, 9822 Malvern 3305 Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au FACT SHEET FACT SHEET FACT SHEET Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs tulips e tulip season is quite short, so although tulips are classified as early, mid and late, almost all will bloom between late August and early October. Tulip types * Triumph tulips – by far the most commonly grown class of tulips, and generally earlier blooming than other types. E.g. Saigon, Mascara, Alibi, Strong Gold. e taller, larger flowered Darwin tulips e.g. Orange Balloon and Ad Rem are often shown in Triumph tulip section of bulb catalogues. Single late (aka French or Monet) tulips – tall, late flowering, classically shaped tulips that make superb * cut flowers e.g. Queen of the Night, Menton, Avignon, Clearwater * Double/ Peony tulips –short, strong stems and showy blooms e.g. Angelique, Belicia, Cartouche * Other tulip types include lily-flowered, parrot, fringed, viridflora and species. To chill, or not to chill? Our grower does not recommend refrigerating bulbs. Rather, he suggests waiting for cooler soil tempera- tures. In his words: “We do not refrigerate ANY of our tulip bulbs. Chilling does not determine if they will flower. Correct storage post harvest determines flowering. Most tulip varieties will already have the bloom inside prior to arriving to you. Chilling bulbs gives them a false winter, and forces them to flower over a short period. e bulbs are gener- ally then useless post blooming. Rather than chilling wait until temps are down to 15 degrees prior to planting.” Planting Cooler soil temperatures do not usually arrive in Melbourne until the end of April, and early May is the earliest our grower recommends for planting. However, by this time many of the most popular tulip variet- ies have sold out, so it’s still best to purchase your tulip bulbs when they first become available in March, then store them cool and dry until you are ready to plant - which can be as late as the end of June if you wish. Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au 1311phone: High Street, 9822 Malvern 3305 Tel: 9822 3305 www.townandcountrygardens.com.au FACT SHEET FACT SHEET FACT SHEET Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Tulips grow best in a neutral soil. Add a sprinkling of lime if your soil is slightly acidic (pH6 or less). ey are suited to growing both in pots and in the ground. Species tulips will naturalise readily in garden beds. Will tulips re-bloom? Tulips are often treated as an annual in Australia, due to their reputation for failing to re-flower in subse- quent years. While some varieties return better than others, and your local climate is also a factor, correct storage is the best way to improve your chances of success next year. Lift the bulbs only after the foliage has completely died down, brush off any loose dirt, then dry and store them in a paper or mesh bag, in a cool, well ventilated room. Tulips need to be kept at a constant 20C to ensure the flower develops properly; exposure to long periods of high temperatures can kill the developing flower and result in leaves but no flowers the next season. daffodils ere are 13 different divisions of daffodils, and by choosing a mixture of species and varieties, you can have daffodils flowering in your garden for 5 months of the year - from June right through until October. Daffodil flowering times Classification Flowering time Examples Very Early June and July Paperwhites, most Hoop Petticoats Early First half August Tete a Tete, Erlicheer Early-Mid Last half August Ice Follies, Welcome, Dick Wilden Mid First half September Marieke, Brighton, Cherio, Precocious Late Last half September McIvor, Shirley Anne, Tahiti, White Ideal Very Late October Winston Churchill, Poeticus types Daffodils are best planted during March and April. All grow well in pots, as well as in garden beds, where they prefer neutral to slightly acid soil.