OCTOBER -- - 1928 The American Horticultural Society A Union of The National Horticultural Society and The American Horticultural Society, at Washington, D. C. Devoted to the popularizing of all phases of : Ornamental , including Landscape Gardening and Amateur Flower Gardening; Professional Flower Gardening and ; Vegetable Gardening; Fruit Growing and all activities allied with Horticulture.

PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS March 1, 1928 OFFICERS President, F. L. Atkins, Rutherford, N. J. First Vice-President, F. L. Mulford, 2400 Tunlaw Road, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Francis King, Alma, Mich. Secretary, D. Victor Lumsden, 1629 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Treasurer, Otto Bauer, 1216 H Street N. W., Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS TERM EXPIRING IN 1929 G. E. Anderson, Twin Oaks, Woodley Road, Washington, D. C. Mrs. L. H. Fowler, Kenilworth, D. C. V. E. Grotlisch, Woodside Park, Silver Spring, Md. Joseph J. Lane, 420 Lexington Ave., New York City. O. H. Schroeder, Faribault, Minn. TERM EXPIRING IN 1930 . Miss Mary McD. Beirne, Ashland, Va. Mrs. Mortimer F. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Dr. Harrison E. Howe, 2702 36th Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Prof. A. P. Saunders, Clinton, N. Y. John C. Wister, Clarkson Avenue and Wister Street, Germantown, Phila­ delphia, Pa. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES GEORGIA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. G. H. Firor, Secretary, Athens, Ga. ALBEMARLE CLUB. Mrs. Allen Perkins, President, Middlebrook Hills, University, Va. GALESBURG HORTICULTURAL AND IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. C. Z. Nelson, Secretary, 534 Hawkinson Avenue, Galesburg, Ill. GARDEN CLUB OF HAGERSTOWN, MD. Care of Mrs. Marshall Wilson, President, The Terrace, Hagerstown, Md. GARDEN CLUB OF SOMERSET HILLS, N. J. Care of Miss C. A. M. Eden, Bedminster, N. J. GEORGETOWN GARDEN CLUB. Mrs. J. B. Gordon, 2817 Q Street N. W., Washington, D. C. LEESBURG GARDEN CLUB. Leesburg, Va. LOS ANGELES GARDEN CLUB. 2530 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

Entered as second-class matter March 22, 1927. at the Post Office at Washington. D. C .• under the Act of August 24. 1912. Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE BOBBINK & ATKINS



ROSES-AUTUMN PLANTING Several hundred thousand fi eld-grown in several hundred varieties a re ready to ship. Many new a nd rare varieties, a n extensive li st of Cli mbing Roses a nd Roses adapted to all pa rts of the country are described a nd priced in our catalogue" Roses by Bobbink & Atkins" a nd in our special folder, " Roses-Autumn Planting." A copy of t he catalogue a nd folder will be mailed to a ll who intend to Roses.

LILACS- AUTUMN PLANTING These popular spring-flowering shrubs will thrive in almost any location. Nearly 200 varie­ ties are in our nurseries. If you intend to plant Lilacs this fall please ask for our special folder. EVERGREENS FOR AUTUMN For pl antings of a ny magnitude we can supply Junipers, Spruce, Ja pa nese Yew, Thuya in vari ety, grafted Blue Spruce (Koster a nd Moerheimi vari eties) . Ask for specia l evergreen cata logue. OLD-FASHIONED FLOWERS New old-fashioned flo wers for perennia l , rock gardens, ground covers, woodland plantings, dry soils and moist places. Ask for our catalogue, " Ha rd y H erbaceous Plants" if you intend to plant old-fashioned flowers.

CLIMBING VINES AND CREEPERS Polygonium, Ampelopsis, Honeysuckl e, Euonymus, Bignonia, Aristolochia, Wisteria, Ivy, Silver Lace Vine and many others are described and priced in our special folder.

OUR SPECIALTIES Deciduous a nd Evergreen Azaleas, H ybrid Rhododendrons, Ka lmias, Chinese Magnolias, Kolkwitzia, Cotoneaster, Viburnum carlesii, new Barberries a nd popular French Hydrangeas in blue, pink and white.

In your request for catalogues, it is importa nt to state definitely what you intend to pla nt. We issue several catalogues. BOBBINK & ATKINS RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY 118 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 Kunderd

Still Stand Supreme

as evidenced by my overwhelming vic­ tory at the AMERICAI', GLADIO­ LUS SOCIETY'S National Show at Toledo, Ohio, in August. My per­ sonal exhibitl took 177 points, includ­ ing the Achievement medal and Presi­ dent s cup, and KUNDERD VARIE­ TIES exhibited by others received their share of the awards.

My new Fall Catalog featuring Pe­ onies, , Tulips, Narcissi, Lilies, etc., is now being distributed and if your copy has not yet arrived let me know and I will mail another, free upon request.

A. E. Kunderd Goshen, In~iana The National Horticultural Magazine B. Y. MORRISON, Editor SHERMAN R. DUFFY, BERNARD H. LANE, J. MARION SHULL, HAMILTON TRAUB, Contributing Editors


OCTOBER, 1928.

About Garden Books, Old and New. By HELEN M. Fox ... . . 121 Perennial Asters and Sunflowers. By SHERMAN R. DUFFY . . . . . 131 The . By H. CORREVON. Translated by BERNARD H . LANE 139 Chinese Sacred Lilies in Pekin. By P. H. DORSETT. 147 A Book or Two ...... 149 The 's Pocketbook: From Seed . . . 153 Notes on the Illustrations 157 Index for the Volume . . . . 160

It seems hardly possible that plans for Volume 8 should be pressing in upon us at this time, but it is true. The issue for January may seem remote to the reader but it looms very near to those of us who have gathered together the material that has come to you during the year. We would all appreciate a more lively cooperation from our members' because this magazine is a coop­ erative undertaking, by which very fact it is freed of some of the fetters that control to some degree more commercial undertakings. Nothing is more heart warming than the support of members. We have had this support in generous measure and it is appreciated. We are greedy of many things for the magazine and the society. So, shamelessly, we ask for even more support. Tell us of your experiences, your ambitions, your failures. Other members will learn and profit from them. Do not hesitate because you may still be in the zinnia stage of gardening. The gardener of the gentian stage may smile a little, but there are hosts of other zinnia ! If you have a secret love for garden history, there are others who have as much. (Read the delightful account of the life of the Tradescants in the last R. H. S. Journal.) If you like and practice it, let us have your deductions and your intuitions; they are important. If you would like more pictures, tell us; if you would like no pictures at all, tell us that too! But whatever else you mayor may not do, try getting one new member for the society. This is a sport with all the diversions of the world in it, giving the successful member a sense of inner virtue .and the new member a large return!

Published quarterly by The American Horticultural Society, Washington, D. C. Editorial Office, 116 Chestnut Street, Takoma Park, D . C. Contributions from all members are cordiall y invited and should be sent to the above address. Advertising Manager, Margaret C. Lancaster, 6615 Harlan Place, Takoma Park, D. C. A subscription to the magazine is included in the annual dues of all members; to non-members the price is seventy­ .five cents the copy, three dollars the year. Sherman R . Duffy rSee paoe 131 ] Aster llevis Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 121

About Garden Books Old and New


After tramping the city pavements, fortunate way to preserve them from how pleasant it is on a winter after­ having their illustrations cut out and noon to draw close to the fire with a sold separately. But at present there volume of Pliny or Parkinson and mull are only two good complete collections over their musty, leathery smelling of garden books in America, that I pages; or in the summer when the know of, for the student. These are work of the day is finished to carry the one in the Horticultural Society's two or three books out amongst the Library in Boston, which does not phloxes and roses, because the mood contain all the periodicals (they are, for the special one does not come over however, in other libraries in Boston) . one until one is settled amongst the and the Library of the Department cushions on a wicker chaise longue. of in Washington, a branch Then and then only, when smelling of the Congressional Library. There the warm scent of the flowers and is a fair collection of garden books at listening to the drowsy tinkling of the the New York Public Library, and fountain, can the decision be made another at the Bronx Botanical Gar­ whether to open "More Aristocrats of dens. So for most of us, unfortu­ the Garden," "Jean de la Quintinie," nately, the great number of old garden or the newest Rose Annual. books are closed. At present collecting old garden The garden books of all times are books is still possible to those with a compendium of the history of the fairly limited purses-and it is a most world, not of its wars and dynasties, exciting pursuit. A catalogue arrives but of how men till~d and fertilized from England, , or from the soil, what they ate and wore, how France announcing the sale of a book they cooked and preserved, and cured you have been awaiting for years. their ills; how they cared for their You know that the same time that animals and what these were; what your copy of the catalogue was mailed labor they used and how they marketed others were sent off to collectors living their produce, and lastly, how they in Italy, Russia, Australia and South embellished their grounds. They are Africa. So to forestall them the order a source of material for research in must be hurriedly sent off. And then history which so far as I know has one waits and wonders whether the never been tapped. Reviewing the collector in Capetown, Sydney, or San subject of garden books is like giving Francisco wrote sooner, or whether a review of the whole history of perhaps the book was sold to some gardening. one who strolled into the shop and Our first knowledge of gardening picked it off the shelf. comes to us as does our knowledge of It is strange to find what kinds of the history of man from the myths. books are scarce. The English trans­ The myths and stories about sacri­ lation of the Bohn edition of Pliny, ficing a human being to the gods is published in 1855, is practically im­ the first we know that agriculture was possible to find, while there are ever being practiced. Men noticed that so many copies of a Latin rendering after a burial the grass grew better printed in Venice in the sixteenth round the grave. Ergo, to have good century. The horticultural societies grass, bury some one-the inference and garden organizations, the land­ is most obvious. This was the first scape schools and colleges are begin­ record of deep cultivation and fertili­ ning to buy old books, and it is a zation of the soil. 122 THE NATIONAL HOR.TICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

Gardening and agriculture were ceptions to this statement-there al­ closely interwoven in the old books. ways are, there have to be, to prove In Bacon's Sylva Sylvarum or Natu­ the rule. rale Historie, he has headings of .All scientific books fall into two "making wines, purgatives, etc."; "ex­ classes, those belonging to the group periences in comfort touching meats called primary material and those be­ and drinks that are most nourishing" ; longing to secondary material. Under " experiment solitary touching the ver­ primary material belong the source sion of water into air"; "touching the books which tell of the author's own power of heat"; "the passage and observations and experiments, and, interceptions of sounds." Agriculture naturally, these are the most valuable. contained under its heading, animal The secondary class can be divided husbandry, medicine (as regards the again into two sections; those which healing use of herbs), cookery, per­ repeat what was heard from an eye fumery, , a little astronomy (for witness and those which are copied the phases of the moon influenced the from other books. In olden days it pl~nting of the ), and many other was good form to begin a scientific SCIences. book with the story of the Creation, Reading garden books is like travel­ and to explain the elements and one's ling, not only over different countries, conception of God. Undoubtedly most but to different ages as well. These of this was not based on personal ob­ books are a mirror of their times in servation. their style, language binding, and Ways of reading, too, can be classi­ above all in their ideas. Each period fied. There is thorough reading, going has its own way of thinking, and, as over each phrase and studying it. Whitehead tells us, a state of mind Then there is reading for research, exists only once and is never repeated, taking up a book and looking only we can date the garden books by the for the material relative to one's study state of mind of the author. There and which requires great self control, is also a rhythm in their excellence cor­ not to be led astray by the fascinating responding exactly to the line of culture things one comes across on the way. in the other arts, as well as the art of And, lastly, the kind of reading one gardening. does in old garden books, where one The fourth century B. C. of Greek skips and skims and stops here and Culture produced Aristotle and his there over some bit, either to relish its pupil, Theophrastus, who made the quaint historical flavor or to note its first classification of plants we have. remarkable wisdom. Sitting absorbed Cato, Varro and Pliny lived at the and unaware of one's surroundings does high points of Roman civilization. The not happen as often in reading garden Arabs in Spain wrote some fine books books as it does over exciting stories, on agriculture and botany, and during but sometimes they, too, are so en­ the awakening of learning, the Renais­ trancing that lunch time goes by with­ sance, in France and England, we have out being noticed. the first books devoted solely to gar­ It is the astounding fact that for dening as a fine art. In the middle fifteen hundred years after Theophras- ,/' and the end of the eighteenth century tus had written down his classification there was more interest in politics than of the 400 plants arranged by him the arts, and gardens of that period under the inspiration of his teacher, are not good, nor are the garden books. Aristotle, there was no new approach They rose in excellence again in the to the subject of botany. Dioscorides early nineteenth century only to fall merely copied Theophrastus and Pliny during the Victorian and Edwardian copied Dioscorides, and so it continued eras. N ow they are again beginning on down until the herbalists in north- to improve. Of course there are ex- ern Europe began to be interested in Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 123

plants. Here they struck a snag be­ methods of work and the reliability cause they could not fit the descriptions of what he says. of plants growing along the Mediter­ When working on old books, either ranean to those found in Germany and to collect them or to use them as re­ France. That was how along in the search material, good accounts of the fifteenth century that they first real­ English authors and herbals are in the ized that plants have habitats. What Encyclopedia Brittanica. Most of the an unobservant lot we humans seem French ones are found in the bibli­ to have been. I said "seem" with ography at the back of Les Divers intent, because all this while the old Styles de Jardins by Fouquier and wives, and perhaps earlier the priests, Duchene. For herbals, there is Agnes practiced in the art of healing, knew Arber's excellent book called "Herb­ their herbs and simples and handed als"; and the best bibliography of down their jealously guarded knowl­ garden books I know of dealing with edge by word of rriouth. Perhaps European garden craft is in that splen-" writers of scientific books were not did book, "Garden Craft in Europe," dexterous enough in their technique of by Inigo Triggs. writing to note down original obser­ Thousands, not only of garden books vations. They were taught by memo­ but of all books, are good only to light rizing and copying, and this was so fires with. Last year I spent four . firmly ingrained in their consciousness weeks or more sitting in the stacks of that they could not get away from it. the Public Library at Forty-second Slipped in between these copies in Street going through three thousand the early science books, such as Pliny's garden books in order to help select Natural Science and other books were three hundred titles for the catalogue little remarks which might be classed to an exposition on garden books which as source material. Here is a remark was being staged there. I got so that bearing on the labor conditions: "With by just turning back the cover I could respect to the use of freemen in agri­ often tell the calibre of the book- not culture, my own opinion is that it is always, of course, but often. Just as more profitable to use hired hands than people unconsciously reveal themselves one's own slaves in cultivating un­ by their way of shaking hands and healthy lands and even when the greeting you. country is salubrious they are to be After this experience we can not preferred for the heaviest kind of farm agree with Pliny, the elder, whose work such as harvesting and storing nephew wrote the following about him: grapes and corn. * * * Avoid having "* * * it l:;>eing a maxim of his that many slaves of the same nation, for no book is so bad that some good may this gives rise to domestic rows." Cato be got out of it." , and Varro-first century B. C. This The earliest records we have of next one shows how much they knew: gardens were on the sculptures and "But of all legumes alfalfa is the best tiles found in Mesopotamian ruins of because once it is sown it lasts ten Assyrian civilizations. We know of years; because it can be mowed four old Chinese gardens through the paint­ times and even six times a year; be­ ings on silk and brocades representing cause it improves the soil; because all garden scenes and showing pictures of lean cattle grow fat by feeding on it, their favorite peonies, iris and wisteria. etc., etc." Columella. There are three books which give in­ When taking up any book, first look formation about Chinese gardens and at the title page to see its date, then only one of these is a garden book. if it is a book undertaking to teach It is a collection of garden prints pub­ or explain, see what the author's quali­ lished in Paris just before the revolu­ fications are. The bibliography and tion, by Le Rouge, and contains plates index give a fairly clear idea of his of sixteen Chinese pleasure palaces 124 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 taken from paintings on silk which had away, and he preserved the earlier been sent to Louis XIV by the Chinese writers for us. He and his adopted Emperor. They were found in the son were so much looked up to for archives and permission given to their truly Roman virtues that when Le Rouge to publish them. There is the citizens of Como built their cathe­ a copy of this book in the Metropolitan dral hundreds of years after his death Museum. they placed statues of the two Plinys There are no books about Persian at either side of the entrance as their gardens and the only representations two most distinguished citizens along we have of them are in miniatures. with the saints and holy men. These are small wateT color paintings The Georgics of Virgil is another done with a pen on parchment or fine old garden book. He is said to have old paper to illustrate poems or sacred cribbed liberally from Cato. Cato and books. A hundred years ago one of Varro's writings have been selected and the Coste family in the British Mu­ translated into English by one who seum went to Persia and drew wonder­ modestly hides behind the anonymity ful plates of some courtyard gardens, of "A Virginia Farmer." The book mosques and palaces which he called is entitled "Roman Farm Manage­ "Monuments de la Perse 1\10derne." ment." Varro speaks of seed selection, It is, unfortunately, an unwieldy the propagation of plants and the quarto book and there is a copy in breeding of cattle. He wrote in 37 . the New York Public Library. "The B . C. He describes the use of the Gardens of the Great Moghul," by goat as a proper sacrifice to Bacchus. Villiers Stuart, is about the gardens Cato, in writing about manure, says, of India and also speaks of the Persian "You can make a manure of litter, gardens. Weare told these were the lupine, straws, chaff, bean stalks, husks most beautiful and also most subtle and the leaves of the ilex and oak." in their use of lighting at night, their And speaking of manures, I read that handling of water, their colorful tiled the myth of Hercules' cleaning out of panels and walks. the Augean stables was in reality the Undoubtedly the gardens of the story of the first use of animal dung N ear East, of India and the Far East as a manure. mutually influenced each other, as the Although the Arabs were nomads at designers of brocades and pottery were home, when they came to the fertile influenced through having traders plains of Spain they became passionate carry the wares back and forth, and horticulturalists and created the beau­ from very early days craftsmen were tiful gardens of Andalusia. There is sent from far-away countries to help a book written by a Spanish Arab in the building of palaces and gardens. called Ibn Al Awam, who lived in Parts of the Persian palaces of the Seville in the thirteenth. century. It seventeenth century in Ispahan were is one of the rarest of garden books built by Italian masons, so Pierre Loti although it has been translated twice writes in his "Vers Ispahan." into Spanish and once into French, In the early books Pliny is often this last in 1843. There is a copy of quoted. He lived in 77 A. D. and it in the New York Public Library had two country homes on Lake Como. and may no harm come to it! Ibn The sight of one is still called Villa Al Awam, although he wrote in Arabic, Plineana and on it is a formal little does not depart from the popular terraced garden with box edged walks formula of his day. He, too, begins and a house with a Roman portico at the beginning and quotes liberally framing the matchless view up the from all his predecessors, from before lake. Although Pliny's book is merely and after Aristotle. He often speaks a compendium of his diffuse reading, of "Nabathian" authorities, which there are a few original remarks tucked have been explained as being "Meso-

\ I Iru'Vulgaril. 2. Irk!4/t1J1ru 'lIltA. Flower de-Iuce. Water fiags,oI Flower d~luce.

t Ir" FlormfilJII. a IrilJIl". Flower de-Iuce of Florence. White Flower dc-Iuce.

Iris from Gerard's Herbal 126 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 potamian." He describes the flowers, in Spain, soon to be extinguished, vegetables, fruits and fragrant herbs darkness ruled in northern Europe, grown in the gardens of Spain and and our only glimpses of gardens in those he saw on his many trips forth books are the illustrated missals and and back to Syria. Ibn Al A warn was romances. There was a Roman de la original in his classification and divided Rose, a Roman du Violet, and a Roman his plants under the headings of medici­ du Lis. The title had nothing to do nal, forage, food and ornamentals, in­ with the context except as a reminder stead of arranging them alphabetically. of the flower. These romances were He describes sky blue roses and yellow illustrated by miniatures very like ones and speaks of the phases of the those of the Persians and Indians and moon as having an important bearing many of them showed garden scenes. on the seeding and harvesting. The One naive one, a copy of the Roman charm of the book aside from his ma­ de la Rose, in the Morgan Library terial is the way he shows his Moham­ copy, represents a gentleman embrac­ medanism. If in doubt he says, "God ing his lady as they sit on a grassy only knows." When he quotes a Greek flower-strewn mound, while a monk, or Roman he merely mentions his standing by, is reading aloud to them. name, but when he quotes a true be­ An indication of a purely local state liever he appends "May God grant of mind. him blessings." He mentions aspara­ The flowers in these books usually gus, almonds, oranges, spinach, peaches grew in the imagination of the clois­ and other plants introduced into Eu­ tered artist, who rarely left his cell, rope by the Arabs. and are not reproductions of living The part dealing with horses, I am plants gathered from the fields. told, is considered never to have been There was always a of Herbals. outmoded and is still followed in Spain. These books describe the plants botan­ Ibn Al Awam tells in his book that ically, and after the description comes if one is sad and knows not why, he a long appendage of "Virtues," which should go into the garden and walk were still taken from Theophrastus and slowly around the bush of a Rose of Dioscorides down into the seventeenth Sharon, always keeping his eyes on the century. They are not really garden rosy flowers, and at the end of the books but medical Botanies. John time the grief will have entirely dis­ Parkinson's Paradisi in Sole is the first appeared. He tells how the Emir's Herbal to branch away and tell about clothes were washed in rose water and gardening processes. He describes describes various ways for making per­ them as follows : fumes from the barks of trees, flowers, leaves and stems of herbs. "Trachelium, American Flore rub­ There is an Arabic herbal written berrime, fine Plants Cardinalis, The by Ibn Baithar, who lived in Malaga rich crimson Cardinals flower. in the tenth century, in the Columbia This brave plant [and then follows Library. It has been translated into a minute description]. German. The Place After the taking of Granada, the last All these bell flowers do grow in Moorish stronghold in Spain, 70,000 our gardens, where they are cher­ manuscripts were burned in the square. ished for the beauty of their flowers. The Christian king and his cardinal The Couentry Bels doe not grow thought they were doing a holy deed wilde in any of the parts about in destroying these infidel books. U n­ Couentry, as I am credibly informed doubtedly valuable dramatic and phil­ by a faithfull apothecary dwelling osophic books, perhaps the only copies there, called Master Brian Ball, but extant, perished forever in the flames. are noursed in gardens with them, While learning was shining brightly as they are in other places. The Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 121

last groweth near the riuer of Can­ trellis work for arbors and fences and ada, where the French plantation in the training of espalier trees. These America is seated. two were the forerunners of LeN otre, The Time who is said to have built up his ideas They flower from May untill the on gardening from them and the prac­ end of July or August and in the tices then current in France. A com­ mean time the seed is ripe; but the plete set of his plans and drawings are peached leaved Bell-flowers for the now in the London house of Pierpont most part flower earlier than the Morgan. other. The formal English gardens were The Names French in origin. When a good French [Here is evidently confusion be­ book appeared it was translated into tween lobelias and campanulas.} English. This was the case with Jean The Vertues de la Quintinie's treatise on fruit trees, The Peach-Bels as well as the which was translated by John Evelyn .. others may safely be used in gargles Jean studied to be a lawyer, but left and lotions for the mouth, throate the law for gardening. He was given or other parts as occasion serueth. charge of the fruit and vegetable gar­ The rootes of many of them while den of the king, Louis XIV, and wrote they are young are often eaten in a book about it. "The PotageI' du sallets by diuers beyond the Seas." Roi," as it is called, still exists at Ver­ sailles, and is now the grounds of the The Herbals blossomed at the begin­ School of Horticulture. Here you will ning of the Renaissance and Reforma­ see trees trained rigidly to suit the tion, and many of their compilers were fancy of man and not as they might active in the Protestant reforms in ever wish to grow. The beds are bor­ France and Germany. Fuchs, Clusius, dered with low trees bent about two L'Obel, Tradescant, Matthioli, Ge­ feet from the ground from which rarde, are S0me of the famous names. apples and pears hang, and in front One of the earliest garden books has of them are lines of pansies and for­ a set of plans and elevations of the get-me-nots. buildings and the belonging The following quotation is from Jean to them designed by Andruet de Cer­ de la Quintinie from Evelyn's trans­ ceau, architect to Henry the IV of lation to show the French epicureanism France. It was published in 1576. about their food. At that time and later it was fashion­ able to have an artist draw a perspec­ " Of the excellency of Peaches and tive of one's house and grounds. In wherein it consists- these he would draw a coach and four The excellency in peaches consists driving up to the entrance, huntsmen in the good qualities they ought chasing through the woods, and ladies naturally to have. Of which the and gentlemen picnicking or strolling first is, to have their pulp a little through the gardens. So these pictures firm * of * This excellency further are valuable from the point of view of appears when we cut a Peach with costume and social custom in addition a Knife which is in my Opinion the to the . The plates were first thing to be done to them at collected into books, usually quarto Table by anyone who would eat volumes. them delightfully and with a true Bernard Palissy wrote a treatise on Relish and then we may see all French gardening in 1563. One of along where the knife has passed, the two Mollets, gardeners to Henry as twere an infinite number of little IV and Louis XIII, wrote a book on Springs which are methinks, the the theory and practice of gardening prettiest things in the World to look in 1651, and described the making of upon. They that open the Peach The Gardeners Labyrinth ~ 41 frOt1l tbe rcucntb nrgrtt of Librd, bnto tbr. rir ~ Otgret of t~£ fame Cfgnr(t~t ~rollt ant'nltting tbttdo)(o\l1t ann plant • .from tbt nrtb of Capricornus, bnto tbt.rlr.Ocgrtc oftbe fame n~tlt (botO tbr ~roltt ann lF~r spotng t~rnto) (ome pour fine (cco;,G ann naintit plant£s Cet. from t~t.r.ri i ij.llritct ofPi[u$, bnto t~t umnt!) llcgrrc of Arics~ tbr ~ccm incrcafin« otltgbl,ano ap~e calme, beno\Dc POUt [erneg ano plantrs tn tbt 'rotll i)~r{f[ll £artb,p~fparCD fo~ tt)t ontlp purPOrt. ~bc[t p~rcfpts oft9t p~UDtnt 't.rpcrimmtEr~, mrUbo~m a\UilV of tUtrp carcflltl clBarofOcr, tvc ftenes llnn plantcj .no 'Doubt, f1)~1l p~ofpn: an~ incrrafc tbc better.

~ertaine(Il~t"U'tion£t mo~c curiOl!£t to be IC9rnE'b of cuet'\' Ihllfu!l liianencr,ill t1)e bc(tolVtnJf-Offc.cbcsanb bGmtie I]carbell in a well b~efTc1J cartf]. £I)ap.u.

(7-r ~e tct1rmO Plini( , \no~tbp of namo:it,bttErftb £l [peciaH note attll L~·rule of tlJc auncicnt I3bfcrurrS,to Lc IcarnrD of wctp CJrtfuU

otherwise oftentimes losing half the of the Kingdome. London, Printed delicious Juice that makes them so by B. Alsop for John Hartson and highly esteemed by all the World." are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, 1649. by G. M." "The Gardener's Laberinth," by Didymus Mountain, was printed in With all these duties and activities, 1586, and dedicated to Lord Cecil. He no wonder the women were contented says: and happy. "The owner or gardener that In 1728, after the passing of Eliza­ would set Rose trees to run up by bethan gardeners and LeN otre, we the poles of the arbor, ought to work begin to come on less glorious days mainly to begin and do the same and have a book by Batty Langley of about the middle of February, and Twickenham. The title is in the first quarter of the moon, the "The Principles of Gardening or' beds before well reared with a stonie the laying out and planting, par­ and dry earth and not with dung. terres, groves, wilderness, laberinths, [The latest theory in rose planting.] avenues, parkes,-after a more grand The Rose trees with their roots are and rural manner, that has been done also to be planted in that and narrow before with experimental directions beds diligently raised with a dry for raising the several kinds of fruit earth, but if the gardener or owner trees, forest trees, evergreens and [significant] will, slips may be broken flowering shrubs with which gardens off from the roots cut in a slope man­ are adorned." ner at the heads, about a mans foot and a half long, withed at the ends, He says English gardens are the and so let in a slope manner a foot worst in the world because of their deep into the beds well reared with stiffness and lack of shade, and goes earth and in the increase of the on to say (you see he is the first of the moon." naturalistic gardeners): "The Englishe Housewife" was "Having duly considered these published in 1649, and not signed. erroneous practices and what a pity The title page, leaving out the differ­ it is that gardens should be thus let ences in size of letters and spacing, on for want of being furnished with reads as follows: designs that are truly grand and "The English Housewife, Con­ noble after nature's own manner, taining the inward and outward Ver ­ I thought if I communicated some, tues which ought to be in a compleat from that way, I might do no con­ Woman. As her skill in Physick, siderable service by the country nor Surgery, Cookery, Extraction of prejudice to any of my brother gar­ Oyles, Banqueting stuffe, Ordering deners." of great Feasts, preserving of all sorts of Wines, conceited Secrets, He gives plans of what might be Distillations, Perfumes, ordering of called the extremest garden­ W 0011, Hemp, Flax, making Cloth ing. No line is straight, and the gar­ and Dying, the knowledge of Day­ den paths waver and curl about and ries, Office of making Oates, their lead nowhere at all. excellent uses in the Family, of Humphrey Repton came at the end Brewing, Baking and all other things of the eighteenth century and was the belonging to an Household. A Work exponent of naturalistic gardening. generally approved and now the fifth His books, although so recent, are time much augmented, purged and expensive to collectors because they made most profitable and necessary are illustrated with hand colored and for all men, and the generall good double plates. He put in a "fly" to 130 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 show how the garden looked before some to disappear forever, I will make and after-being changed by him. no attempt to even wade into them. A book called Flora's Dictionary was The important modern contribution published in Baltimore in 1833. It is to garden literature is the periodicals typical of the sentiments of the period, and bulletins of Societies and Depart­ and the compiler or author, because it ments of Agriculture. Almost the is a compilation of garden poems with best information is found in these. some original ones, is so modest that They are scientifically correct and she merely signs herself "A Lady." accurate but not artistically written. We think she was. When modern scientific observations The book is a dictionary for the lan­ are written in the style and with the guage of flowers. Each flower repre­ charm of the old books, we have de­ sents a word. For example, the lightful books like Dean Hole's cypress means despair, the daffodil "Roses," the perfect garden book, as chivalry, the cheerfulness, sweet redolent of Old World charm as the briars simplicity, and to each are roses it describes. Clutton Brock's appended poems. Speedwell means Essays on Gardening are delightful, fidelity and the poem to illustrate too. The best garden book should give it is: one a sense of gardening as an art and make us feel its relation to the other 01! woman's love's a holy light, arts. It should not be didactic or full And when 'tis kindled, ne'er can die, It lives, though treachery and slight of hard and fast rules and lists but To quench the constant flamE's may try. be suggestive, and from its poetic descriptions of trees, flowers, shrubs Like ivy, where it grows 'tis seen or lawns inspire one to try new color To wear an everlasting green; schemes, and the study of new plant Like ivy too, 'tis found to cling families, and above all to go out of Too often to a worthless thing." doors and sink one's hands into the yielding crumbly earth. This is not the first American garden book. He went in for almanacks here and I believe the first was printed in Boston (but am not sure) at the end of the seventeenth century, at any rate very early in our history. It was en­ tirely English in all of its references and data. In the forties and fifties of A CORRECTION. the nineteenth century American bot­ any began to come into its own and In the article entitled " The De­ very good work was done classifying velopment of American Horticultural the plants. At that period Downing Literature, Chiefly Between 1800 and wrote one of the earliest American 1850," on page 99 of the last issue, treatises on landscape gardening. an article in the Agricultural History We copied the English more than the Society Papers was attributed to French and read their books to our Mary G. Lacy; it should have been destruction when it came to planting credited to Marjorie F. Warner. The and growing. It was just as foolish reference to pages in foot note 13 for us to use English manuals as for should be corrected to read 431-442. the German and Dutch to try to fit Further, the foot notes referring to Mediterranean plants to their own Gardening in England, 3d Edition, flora. etc., should have had the author This brings us pretty well down to reference as the Hon. Mrs. Evelyn modern times, and as for the sea of Cecil, the present reference indicating present-day books, rising and falling, that the author is a man. Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 131

Perennial Asters and Sunflowers


Michaelmas daisy is a pretty name Angliae and Aster Novi-Belgii, the New applied to our native perennial aster England and New York asters re­ by English gardeners some seventy­ spectively, although this sectional dis­ five years ago. It is not, however, crimination is very much of a mis­ particularly appropriate in the native nomer also. country of the aster for two reasons. The finest varieties, because of their Very few people know when Michael­ slender stems and rather scant foliage, mas Day comes. It falls on Septem­ may be planted among other plants ber 29 and by that time the great liberally to rise up and brighten the. army of perennial asters is, for the Septem~er days when most perennials most part, done with its season's dis­ are wanmg. play over the greater portion of the There are several types of the per­ country. An older name was star­ ennial aster that are of great garden wort, although the best known varie­ value. Besides the New York and ties are not particularly starry in New England asters, these are the outline and the termination "wort" cordifolius or heart-leaved type and the always seemed to me to be particu­ laevis or smooth-leaved type. These larly ugly. As it is closely associ­ are the four great divisions of the fall­ ated with a popular but nefarious trade blooming asters. A summer bloom­ at the present time it might be just ing type of low growth and unusual as well to drop it from plant nomen­ beauty that is little known is the clature. Italian aster, A. amellus. This is an Aster is quite a good enough name, August bloomer and a forerunner of although it conflicts with that of the the taller, later types. annual aster which botanically isn't The New England asters, while an aster at all. Perennial aster has making a gorgeous display of bloom come to be the most commonly ac­ and bearing the largest flowers are cepted name and it is thoroughly de­ too coarse for small gardens. Besides scriptive. their coarse growth they are tireless Perennial asters give the fall garden colonists, and as some of the seed in­ its complexion and they furnish the variably seems to ripen and float away blue, lavender, and pink color scheme to settle a.!l over the garden before the which seems to have so much popu­ bloom is gone, once ,you have them larity. you have a large-sized job of pulling They are making their way into up volunteer New England asteFS. gardens much more slowly than their The New York class is the largest beauty and usefulness deserve, be­ one and it has been the subject of cause of a common impression that much development by plant breeders they are weeds. They grow plenti­ abroad, so that now the varieties fully in waste land and give a great offered under name reach somewhere show of bloom on the edges of woods, around two hundred, perhaps more. along fence rows and decorate lavishly They have been hybridized with some the rights of way of railroads. Under of the other classes as well. cultivation they are much finer than There is no finer perennial for a in their native haunts where they great mass of color than these peren­ must fight for their existence with the nial asters, particularly the New York growth of other vegetation. type, planted in solid borders or The two commonest types have sprinkled about the garden. They been named botanically Aster N ovae- become fountains of bloom in their 132 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 seasons and many of them have be­ Among the pinks, the old St. Egwin, come favorite cutting material, the a low-growing rosy pink, because of its fine aster Climax now being sold clear coloring remains a favorite and liberally by florists. Although one of associates beautifully to hide the legs the older of the named asters, it still of Climax and other tall-growing remains one of the finest. lavender blue asters, all of which have American trade lists carry only a a tendency to shed their lower leaves limited number of varieties owing to and show an expanse of bare stalk. the fact that there is not the demand Erica and Lady Lloyd are later varie­ for them yet to justify a large stock, ties of fine rose and pink coloring. but the cream of the foreign varieties A new set of quite recent introduc­ may be secured. It is also an easy tion named for various cities in matter to collect plants from the wild Belgium contains some fine things. for excellent garden effects-the wild Brussels is a very large light lavender asters, with the first red of the sumachs blue; Ghent, a soft Wac; Liege, a fine and the wild sunflowers, heleniums pink but low growing, and Louvain, and golden rods making the fall color reputed to be the finest of pinks, the most gorgeous of the year. It is although I have not seen it. an effect very easily brought into the In unusually dry falls and in poor garden. soils some of these delicately tinted There are no true blues among the asters show a tendency to fade to a asters any more than there are among uniform gray white. The New Eng­ the irises, but there are many blue in land types are best in situations where effect. Under the manipulations 'of they are shaded from the afternoon plant breeders double forms have been sun. produced, which in some cases lack the A common native aster, A. laevis, graceful beauty of the single sorts. The is one of the finest in garden effect, it best improvement has been in increas­ seems to me, although not offered by ing the number of ray flowers to plantsmen as freely as other types. double rows, giving more solid Mine were collected and a supply texture to the flowers, some of the raised from seed which show a richer older forms of less petal age appearing tone of blue than the New York ragged. types, although not as large flowers. Of the blues, so called, I have found They raise huge plumes and are quite Blue Gem and Cloudy Blue two of the as fine in effect, and the color range most attractive. The former is of the is from rosy mauves to fairly deep double type and the latter has a double violet, with the prevailing color blue row of ray flowers. Of the mauves, in effect. In the wild they are seldom lavender and heliotrope shades there more than three feet tall, but under is an army, many of them very much cultivation they reach a height of six alike. feet in some cases, and all are between Climax is one of the finest of the four and five feet. light lavender blue types. King of the They have slender wiry stems and Belgians is a fine large lobelia blue. need staking before the stem begins Climax makes a height of five feet and to branch out to form buds. the King is a little shorter. Glory of Staking is one of the necessary fac­ Colwall, one of the earliest of the tors in all of the tall growing asters as double varieties, is a large-flowered they go over easily from the weight pale lavender. of their heads of bloom. Light bam­ Moving towards the redder color­ boo canes stuck into the ground ing, Maggie Perry is a soft rosy mauve. slightly aslant to spread the stems and Peggy Ballard is another fine one of permit the heads of bloom to expand this type, and Nancy Ballard is deeper without crowding give the finest effect. in the red purple scale. The laevis asters are particularly use- Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 133

Sherman R . Duffy A ster, Elsie Perry 134 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 ful to plant among irises and to be dwarf stature, Solidago missouriensis, allowed to droop over them, giving a and well worth a place in the fall gar­ second crop of bloom in the same space. den. As the foliage is sparse they may be These e pluribus unum plants which used without damage to the irises, as make up the natural order compositae, they do not shade the roots sufficiently each so-called flower being a collec­ to interfere with the needed summer tion of many flowers in one head, are bake. the mainstay for garden color in the While the N ew York asters like fall months. It is an enormous family partial shade, the cordifolius type is a of plants, including the and the wood aster and does best of all in chrysanthemum, the. zinnia and the shady situations. annual asters. A large proportion of I have never cared for any of the them are natives of America, the white asters of the fall blooming types dahlia and zinnia from Mexico and as most of them seem weedy. The South America, with a great list of best white for the asters it seems to me plants of the temperate regions of is furnished by Chrysanthemum uligi­ North America. nosum or, as it was formerly known, Among the gayest of these are the Pyrethrum uliginosum. perennial sunflowers which spread A very fine perennial aster and one their gold in waste places and which seldom seen is the amellus type. It have given Kansas its name of the makes beautiful beds or groups in the Sunflower State. One of them, com­ perennial border and is of more pro­ mon in the middle west, has been nounced coloring than the later types. botanically named the joyous flower­ The individual blooms are larger than ing sunflower, Helianthus laetifiorus. those of the New York and New Eng­ The Sunflower is a "prairie flower land types and the color ranges from growing wilder every hour." If given a good blue through violet blues, with the opportunity, a roystering vaga­ a very fine series of pink and rose bond of a plant rambling recklessly if shades. King George, Onward and not rigorously cl1rbed, but furnishing Ultramarine are fine named varieties a brilliant mass of color in its more re­ on the blue side, the first being the fined forms that are well worth the finest and Perry's favorite with large restraining efforts necessary to keep bright rose-pink flowers, the finest of most of the in bounds in the the pink side. The amellus asters garden. grow from a foot to two feet in height The garden forms are selected types and make fine compact plants covered of natives. the botanical distinctions of with a sheet of bloom in their season. which are' too much of a puzzle for a They require full sun and need a better mere journeyman botanist such as the soil to be at their best than the native writer, as they are .so close to one types. another in appearance, especially in The amellus asters may be grown the garden forms, that it is a difficult from seed and good quality plants matter to tell one from another. The will result. Growing the N ew York botanical forms in many cases have type from seed is rathe,r an unsatis­ two names, which adds to the con­ flitctory process as so many weedy and fusion, as well as varietal names. iRferior types appear. H elianthus rigidus or scaberTimus The perennial asters seem to asso­ has given handsome garden types, ciate naturally with the sunflowers, notably Miss Mellish and Wolley heleniums and golden rods in the gar­ Dod. H. decapetalus, the ten-petalled den. A so-called yellow perennial sunflower, which rarely has so few as aster is a handsome plant and very ten petals, in its variety multifiorus useful for cutting, but this "Aster has given us two fine double forms, hybridus luteus" is a golden rod of one known as the dahlia sunflower, Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 135

H. multiflorus plenus, and a quilled with the numerous gleaming golden double, Soleil d'Or, both fine garden ray flowered. They thrive in any soil, plants and excellent long-keeping and I like them best in poor soil where cutting material. they do not have so much incentive to These are the traveling sunflowers, spread as they do in rich soil. They and their wanderlust makes them a also do not make ungainly height garden problem. Each fall they send under these conditions. out from the base of the stem under­ While the foregoing types are rather ground stolons radiating like the widely branching in their flowering spokes of a wheel, bearing at the end a period, there are three sunflowers bud which forms a new plant next year. which are worth growing for the There is always a patch of sunflowers beauty of their foliage as well as for the following spring from one stalk, the brilliancy of their blooms, which and the patch, usually circular in are smaller and not so lavishly pro­ outline, may be as much as six feet in duced. These are Helianthus orgy-' diameter in rich soil, and is never less alis, H. Maximiliani, and H. angusti­ than three, so the traveling speed of a folius. sunflower allowed to roam at large in H. orgyalis is a very tall grower, the garden is easily seen. reaching ten or twelve feet in rich soil, Fortunately, when these new plants its tall and graceful stem clothed with appear in the spring they have not yet long, narrow drooping leaves, bearing sent down the strong roots that later at the summit a large cluster of rather anchor them, and can be pulled up small brilliant yellow bloom. It is readily. They grow from three to six much later than the rigidus, decape­ feet tall. They are improvements talus, and laetiflorus types. Its foliage over the wild forms in an extra row lacks the coarseness of some of the or even more than one row of petals sunflowers, and it is a stately clump which are beautifully twisted, sug­ for the back of the border. It is not gesting something of the grace of the an inveterate spreader and may be cactus , and all have contrast­ trusted not to steal the entire border. ing dark centers. There are several Maxmilian's sunflower is one of the named varieties, but I think Wolley latest to bloom. It has heavier foli­ Dod and Miss Mellish about the best, age, thickly clothing the stem with the latter coming into bloom first large rich yellow blooms. Often the usually the last of August or early in frosts catch it before it has a chance September and Wolley Dod coming to show the full beauty of the flowers. a week or ten days later. Wolley A combination of beauty of foliage Dod is not of such rank growth and and beauty of bloom, but also a very makes a handsome show. late one often spoiled 'by frosts, is the These plants need to be dug and swamp sunflower, H. angustifolius, reset frequently, for if not given culti­ bearing stems of beautiful brilliant vation and attention they tend to re­ yellow rather small flowers with dark vert to the native form. Miss Mellish, centers. It is not a plant for all gar­ left to itself in a corner, has" run out" dens as it will not thrive in dry soils. for me and now comes only in the single It ranges in height from one to three row of flat petals of the wild rigidus. feet according to the soil. The leaves Wolley Dod seems to be more stable. are narrow and glossy dark green, Perhaps the finest of all the single ornamental enough to make· it worth sunflowers of September is the one growing even without the wealth of its offered in trade as H elianthus sparsi­ dazzling bloom. It was introduced folius and botanically known as H. under the erroneous name of H. atrorubens, the dark red sunflower. questifolius. This color is confined to the disk, which This sunflower may be raised from is a rich dark reddish brown surrounded seed and will bloom the first year if 136 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

Sherman R. Duffy Aster, St. Egwin Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 137 given an early start. Aside from the opening the flowers at the base of the chrysanthemums it is the most bril­ spike first. There are three liant of the very late fall hardy peren­ in cultivation that are now commonly nials. Sometimes in favorable seasons seen, Liatris pycnostachya, spicata, it will show a fine display in early N 0- and scariosa. The first is usually vember. It is the finest of all the sun­ recommended, but I like the last flowers for cutting. best of the various forms. While the For those who admire sunflowers, first two have the bhom close set the swamp sunflower, H. sparsifolius, along the spike, L. scariosa has larger and Wolley Dod should be grown for individual blooms placed at intervals. their bloom and cutting value; orgy­ It will make a growth of four feet. alis and M aximiliani for both their The liatris grows from a tuber and foliage and flowers. does well in dry situations. It is The perennial sunflowers should not propagated from offshoots or from be confused with the coarse growing seed. I have had the best luck by tall annual sunflowers. They more sowing the seed in the fall. The nearly resemble the dwarf-growing seedlings so closely resemble grass annual sunflowers known as the cu­ that the rows must be marked with cumber-leaved section which are care or they will be lost. They are achieving much popularity among brilliant companions of the rudbeckias hardy annuals. or coneflowers as well as the earlier Closely allied to the sunflowers is sunflowers. They thrive in dry situ­ the heliopsis or orange sun-flower. ations and adapt themselves readily. It has not achieved great popularity I found a plant growing in the crevice in American gardens owing to the of a sandstone ledge, the tuber on the competition of the more graceful surface of the rock exposed to the sun, sunflowers and because of its coarser and a bright green. I took it into growth. However, European cata­ the garden thinking I had found a new logues carry a number of named varie­ type. The next year the tuber had ties in varying tints of yellow from gotten underground and the plant pale to almost orange. These have developed into a four-foot scariosa. been derived from M. scabra, the Much praise has been showered on commonest form, and H. laevis and its the three-lobed coneflower, Rudbeckia variety Pitcheriana. They are showy triloba. It is a reliable late fall plants and useful as a prelude to the bloomer extending well through Sep­ sunflowers, as they are earlier bloomers tember, and is particularly valuable and are in full beauty in July and in that it will flourish in the shade, August. A double heliopsis is one and is one of the fe'Y brilliant yellow of the more recent additions and its plants of its season for such positions, rich yel.low makes it a handsome ad­ being particularly valuable for the dition for the garden. It has long edges of shrubbery. It has become keeping quality when cut. so popular that it is beginning to With the heliopsis comes another disappear from gardens much as its brilliant prairie plant that has become relative the tall double rudbeckia, a popular garden subject, the Kansas Golden Glow, which swept the country gay feather or blazing star, the bril­ and was then swept out. liant purple wands of which in large It is a biennial and an inveterate patches in the few stretches of un­ colonizer, being surrounded by myriads claimed prairie are one of the vivid of self-sown plants, and gives a problem sights of August. This plant has of weeding it out annually. It is a grassy foliage from which arises the useful plant for situations where noth­ tall stem which has the unusual trick ing else will flourish in its season. of blooming from the top of the spike The brilliant gold and red of the down instead of the regular method of heleniums, the Helen flower, add 138 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 another valuable native to the fall our gardens and receive proper ap­ display. The yellow H. autumnale' preciation. in its garden form superbum is one of Everybody likes goldenrods except the finest yellows of September. There hay fever patients, and the writer is an are several with wallflower red and exception even in this class. Golden­ crimson blooms that are very showy rods share the fault of so many of the and make a brilliant mass. These are fall composites of becoming alarm­ Riverton Gem, Gartensonne, and stria­ ingly numerous with the least provoca­ tum. Riverton Beauty is still different tion. Goldenrods should be cut with­ with a dark button surrounded by out fail before their seed has a chance yellow rays. This is a neat-growing to float over the surrounding territory. plant and deserves a place in any The finest for the garden is the dwarf garden. They require a liberal supply golden rod, Solidago missouriensis, of moisture to flourish. originally introduced into gardens as The Boltonias in lavender pink and a yellow perennial aster. It is a white are almost as violent colonizers handsome plant of two-foot growth as some of the sunflowers, but give tall and makes beautiful bouquets. I like masses of their small aster-like bloom the tall altissima and its named variety that are effective. They are too rank Golden Wings to tower above shrub­ growing for small gardens and usually bery, but it must be watched as it is an need to be tied up, as the first heavy indefatigable colonizer, worse than a rain or wind toppJes them into a dis­ tough ward on election day. orderly mass of wreckage of stems. But with ordinary attention all of Gaillardias take on a new lease of these composites which give such a life in thp. cool days of fall and their gay and cheerful display in the declin­ color at this season is the most bril­ ing weeks of the season may be re­ liant of the year. The new strains are strained and made very valuable gar­ so superior to the older varieties den material. that the latter are hardly worth grow­ Chicago, Illinois. ing. The Dazzler is a giant among gaillardias with its four-inch blooms and brilliant crimson center. Lady The winter is the time above all Rolleston in clear yellow with no red others for studying the structure and in the disk is a fine contrasting com­ growth of trees and shrubs with an panion. The American variety Portola eye for future . Then the and its seedlings form a near strain mind is not intrigued by the beauty with more rounded ray florets than of foliage, flower or fruit and the the Dazzler and other newer types. heart is not softened into foo lishly In the white composites of fall which sparing some branch that should go in are none too common in the army of spite of its momentary beauty. The purples and yellows is that attractive angles of branching are the key to good woodland plant now hunted in Illinois pruning, for if cutting is done in such under State orders as a dangerous a way that growth is forced out in malefactor, the ,,,,hite snakeroot, Eupa­ unnatural angles, the very character patorium urticaefolium, which was for­ of the tree is altered. merly known by the more descriptive Pruning should be entirely avoided term of ageratoides as it resembles a for many ornamental shrubs except in white ageratum. It is a fine, hand­ cases of overgrowth. The Japanese some plant for either sun or shade. perhaps have achieved the greatest In full sun it is more compact than in skill in pruning in their dwarfed trees the shade. It is very useful for cutting, and shrubs which preserve, in the face and while it must be destroyed where of continual cutting, the contours found in the wild as it is a dangerous which characterize adult, freely grown poison to stock, it may be saved for speCImens. Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 139

The Fernery By H. CORREVON. (From "Les des montagnes et des rochers," Geneva, 1914; translated by Bernard H. Lane; published hy permission of M. Correvon.) The ferns occupy an important where one could find no place for the place-a place of their own-in the plants of our woods. In the ornamental garden. They should not so well calculated, where the compo­ be used as a trivial article of adorn­ sition is modified and transformed at ment, suitable to play a part in the regular periods, thanks to the clever hands of an architect or to give an combinations studied out in the deco­ accent on the palette of a painter, but rator's office, there is no room for the cultivated for themselves and for the imagination of the artist or the poet. grace which they give in the places A simple rock adorned with wild which they .seek and under the con­ flowers is out of tune and makes a ditions which they demand. These blemish there. "Mosaicultures" (ab­ timid dwellers in the great forests ominable neologism which our French have nothing in common with the dictionaries do not recognize) are the brilliant exotic flowers which have order of the day and may be seen even been introduced into our gardens, in our horticultural expositions. N ever­ where they have supplanted-for a theless, let us be fair-a movement of time only, because the old friends are reaction is commencing to be manifest coming back again-the beautiful on all sides, to which the artistic hardy plants of former days. These are societies are giving their support. It two separate worlds-in one grace and is 30 years ago that we cried in the elegance of form is everything; the wilderness, and the wilderness is be­ other possesses in abundance colOl's, ginning to return echoes. Our com­ perfumes, vivid and brilliant attrac­ mission of public art at Geneva, the tions. Heimathschutz, is sounding through Alas, in the modern garden, put all Switzerland, to whoever is willing together more or less happily by the to understand it, the call to Beauty professional garden planner, there is and Truth. In Belgium there has no place for the ferns. One wishes just been established a society called the gaudy, the startling, the brilliant "Societe du jardin pittoresque," whose -gayety and colors. Although not object is precisely to. endeavor to in­ being submitted to the tedious rules troduce into the art of the garden the which governed the gardening of our notion of natural scenes. And we fathers, the gardens of to-day are no have good expectations, for Belgium, more natural. Their formal style, so close to English territory, is at a their flower beds of one or many colors, good school to study the art of elabora­ cut out as with a punch from a turf of tion in a garden. England herself velvet where each poor strange flower­ follows her own fancy and scoffs at the let is inexorably extirpated; the multi­ rules and conventions of the architect­ form arabesques imitated from the gardeners. And that is what makes epoch of the Italian renaissance and the beauty, the grandeur, the variety of spread before us anew as an ingenious the gardens across the Channel, which discovery of the modern landscape offer so much more than ours a per­ gardeners; the massive shrubberies on sonal and natural note. which a certain form is imposed ac­ The ferns have their especial place cording to the rules of convention­ in every garden over which hovers, there you have, certainly, a setting like a good genius, the inspiring muse 140 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 of the picturesque and the natural. groups in the shady places of the In such a garden, whether it be large flowering lawn. They are there in all or small, park or terrace, there is dimensions, all forms and aspects. always a wild shady corner, which the . I have seen near Lancaster, on the daughters of the woods will transform princely domain of a great plant quickly into a sanctuary of Flora-a lover, Mr. Herbert Storey, the most sanctuary full of grace, elegance, and marvelous forest undergrowth which mystic beauty. it has ever been given to me to behold Have you anywhere a cool and shady (although I have seen a great number place where you do not know what to of such growths both in nature and in plant? Convert it into a fernery. gardens). It was made up of Ferns For that purpose fetch there some old (I have written this name intentionally tree trunks or blocks of rock, which with a capital F , for there they were you will arrange upon the soil as true marvels, unique in their class), naturally as possible; model your em­ which almost reached the dimensions placement in a natural fashion; im­ of certain subarborescent species of prove the soil by bringing in sand if exotic regions. Their variety was re­ it is too heavy or loam if it is too light, markable, and they were set off by and above all plenty of leaf mold, many flowers of bulbous or other which is for ferns the one thing es­ species. Under the harsh climate of sential. If you can possibly do it that sea-coast, facing the gloomy convert one corner into a bog for the ocean, that creation of the master of swamp-loving species, and provide the house constituted a superb tableau. chinks between the rocks for the rock At Dublin, in the Royal Botanic ferns. And plant the so numerous, so Garden of Glasnevin, all the hardy varied, so astonishingly vigorous spe­ ferns grow in full sunshine-thanks cies of our temperate regions in such a to the humidity of the atmosphere, fashion that the species with persistent and they attain there extraordinary fronds alternate with those whose dimensions. The humid air of those greenery dies each autumn. Enliven countries permits such developments all with a little color-with the wood in the fronds of ferns,l and without orchids (Orchis bifolia, fusca, maculata, doubt that recalls to them the condi­ mascula), with lilies ( maria­ tions of their origin on the earth, for gon, pyrenaicum, and the Asiatic and the ferns were among the earliest plants North American species), with the and formed in the Carbiniferous period toothworts (Dentaria bulbifeTa, digi­ gigantic forests of which what is left tata, and pinnata); with daffodils, to us is the fuel that heats our houses. primroses, periwinkles (Vinca), scillas The genus AdianttLm provides us (above all the delightful Scilla nutans with an absolutely hardy species (A. of the English woods), with trout pedatum or American maidenhair) of lilies (Erythronium dens canis); with North America and the Himalayas, cyclamen (C. coum, europaeum, heder­ which is one of the most graceful .aefolium); with cypripediums, and plants of which one could dream. Its many other plants (which we have pinnules (lobes of the fronds) are indicated in our list under cultural gracefully cut into 10 to 12 pairs of instructions) . opposite segments in the form of a In the garden of which we dream lIt is an errol' to speak of the leaves of there are ferns to some extent every­ ferns, for they are fronds, which bear the where. They are under the trees, fruiting organs beneath themsclyes: sheltered along the edges of the water, in the from the sun and the min. For a botanic ·clefts of old walls, as well as in the and physiologic study of this family see our sunny rockery (for there are species second volume on the ferns, entitled " Les fougeres de plein terre," Of hetter still the which seek the sun, and these are not first, "Fougeres rustiques," fo r those who t he least beautiful), and also in isolated possess it. Oct., 1928 THE NA TIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 141 horseshoe spread out at the top of a A . lonchitis; Alpine plant of 40 to slender black stem 40 to 60 centi­ 50 cm. at most; narrow dark-green meters high. It requires porous and fronds. cool soil and shade or half shade. It A. laserpitiifolium ; fronds 30 to 40 is the true maidenhair. otherwise called cm., triangular, persistent, extremely "Capillaire du Canada," from which decorative, of a brilliant dark green, the syrup was made. It is the glory brownish red in the new portions. of the woods in the northeastern A. lobatum, closely related to aculea­ United States. I saw it near Groton, turn. These two species have long Massachusetts, in large masses car­ fronds of a beautiful luminous dark peting the ground of the damp woods green, very decorative. In winter, in mixed with Onoclea sensibilis, Trillium, the picturesque garden, they make and l\IIitchella repens, and it was a the best possible effect. beautiful picture. The Klondike va­ A . setosum; Japan; fronds 30 to 50 riety has nonstoloniferous roots; the cm.; brilliant green, hairy. Not quite type has running roots, increasing hardy at Floraire, and it is averse to rapidly if planted in a well-drained lime. situation in peat or leaf mold. A. A. munitum; United States; a stiff capillus veneris (Venus's hair) haunts lonchitis, even more somber. all the walls and damp rocks of the A. (Pycnopteris) sieboldi; Japanese Mediterranean regions and is found species with robust stem, persistent also among us in two interesting ir­ fronds (15 to 25 cm.), not much di­ radiations-in the canton of Vaud and vided, thick, leathery, of a slightly at N euchatel; nevertheless the species grayish green; on rocks and in half requires a well-sheltered position or a sun. winter covering. It grows well in the Asplenium, a numerous genus with damp vicinity of rocks, especially tufa. us, ?omprising the most widespread speCIes. Allosorus; see Cryptogramme. A. acutum; southeastern form of the Aspidium (Polystichum). A genus fo llowing species. very rich in ornamental species with A . adiantum-nigrum; southern Eu­ persistent fo li age. rope, Mediterranean regions; persist­ A . acrostichoides, . of the United ent fronds of 30 to 50 cm., brilliant States; 50-60 cm. high; fronds bril­ dark green, with black petiole; loves liant dark green. rocks and protected places; dislikes A. aculeatum; Europe; 40-80 cm.; lime. Numerous forms and varieties. brilliant dark green; one of the best A. angustifolium; North America; and the most vigorous of ferns. fronds of 50 to 80 cm., clear green, A. angt"lare; southern Europe; 30-60 narrow and not persistent; porous {)m.; dull dark green. This ~pecies has moist soil. a multitude of forms and varieties, A. crenatum; Scandinavia, Siberia, many of which are among the most ele­ Japan; fronds of 10 to 15 cm., dull dark gant of ferns. N ear Manchester I have green. seen, at the home of a horticultural A. ebeneum. This is the A. tricho­ spe ,~ial i st, a collection so large that I manes of North America but much could not believe my eyeR. The more developed than the European catalog of this specialist', which is type. now before me, lists 74 different A . fissum; southern Europe; very varieties of the single type angt"lare. small, with fronds of 50 to 60 cm., The most famous are the pToliferum very finely cut. of Tasmania, the wollastonii, and the A . fontanum (A. halleri); southern delicate and marvelous plumosum. and western Europe; fronds 15 to 25 A. braunii; North America; 50 cm.; cm., persistent, bright or dark green, foliage somber and dull. very finely divided, one of the best 142 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 for rocks and walls; many forms and Athyrium (Asplenium) filix foemina; varieties. the lady fern of our woods, of which A. germanicum (breynii); southern there are a great many forms and Europe; hybrid of A. trichomanes and varieties. The English catalogs count septentrionale; rare and interesting; them by hundreds, and the cele­ dislikes limestone and withstands full brated pteridologist Druery has de­ sun on rocks. voted to these diverse forms, as well as A. goringianum pictum; beautiful to those of other ferns of England, a multicolored species of Japan; dislikes very careful and interesting volume severe cold. (Choice British ferns and their varie­ A. lanceolatum; western Europe; ties, by Charles Druery, London, fronds of 30 to 40 cm., dark green; 1888) . It is the most finely cut of rare; prefers rock and dislikes lime. woods ferns and one of the most A. marinum; maritime rocks; the popular. It thrives in all places that. most brilliant and decorative; per­ are lightly shaded and cool and. sistent fronds of a lively and brilliant grows with great vigor. green; 30 to 50 cm.; cold house or Blechnum; see Lomaria. orangery, or better still in a protected Botrychium lunaria; more curious: rockery, a warm shady niche which is than the lady fern; its stock puts out sheltered in winter. in spring a sterile frond at mid height A. montanum; United States; tiny of a stem of 10 to 20 cm.; this frond is species midway between A. ruta mur­ glabrous, of a brilliant green, and aria and A. adiantum-nigrum. divided into thick pinnules of semi­ A. petrarchae; Mediterranean re­ lunar form; from the base of this gions; delightful little glandular fern sterile frond rises a small green bou­ with the aspect of trichomanes; pre­ quet which represents the fertile frond. fers a sunny place on a rock and dis­ A mountain plant which is found in likes severe cold; synonym of A. high meadows of the northern hemi­ glandulosum. sphere and in T asmania! A. ruta mura1'ia; the common rue of B . tematum, rutaefolit~m, and vir­ walls, of which there exist a great ginianum differ from it in the form number of varieties and which should and the' pattern of cutting of the be planted on rocks in full sun. sterile frond. To be cultivated in a A. seelo si; miniature fern (5 to 8 cm.) light, moist soil, in half sun. with very small fronds, coming from Ceterach officinarum (Asp l enit~m ce­ the Dolomitei' of Tyrol; a cleft in a terach); tiny mural fern of southern wall or a rock suits it. and western Europe, with thick fronds A. septentrionale; monntains of the (10 to 15 cm.) having entire pinnules, northern hemisphere; a curious fern dull green above and red-brown below; with narrow fronds cut into three or easily cultivated and reproduces itself four linear strips, brilliant dark green, spontaneously on sunny walls and 8 to 10 cm.; absolutely a lime hater ; rockeries. sun. Cheilanthes fragrans (C . odora, sua­ A. thelipteroides; North America; veolens); little rock fern which haunts. fronds of 50 to 60 cm. ; yellowish the rocks and walls of the Mediter­ green; likes a woods soil rich in ranean regions and whose fronds are humus. of an exquisite delicacy. It dislikes. A. trichomanes; maidenhair of the severe cold and requires shelter in walls; a very common plant of which winter. there are numerous varieties. Cryptogramme (Allosoms) crispus; A. viride; this is the preceding of the high granite mountains of species but with the rachis (central Europe and Asia; a small tufted fern nerve of the frond) green instead of of a bright green which the English black. call parsley fern on account of its Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 143 resemblance to curly parsley. Its Venise" of the most delicate kind. fronds differ according to whether It has, alone among the CystopteriR, a they are sterile or fertile. It must be triangular frond and grows in mossy cultivated with us in the tourbiere woods, among the limy rocks of the [sub irrigated], in sphagnum, or under mountains of Europe and North Amer­ lath shade. ica. We cultivate it in the lath house Cyrtomium; this genus, very close to or the tourbiere, or better still, in Aspidium, is essentially Japanese and pans in turf or peat. We have also not entirely hardy in our climate. It planted it on the north side of a tufa has thick, leathery fronds, dark green, wall, where it does very well. shining and brilliant in C. falcatum Lastrea; see N ephrodium. (50 to 80 cm; long) , which is one of the Lomaria alpina and L. spicant most decorative of ferns; clear green (Blechnum) are curious lime-hating and veined in C. fortunei. These two ferns, of which the first belongs to the species, with C. atratum and C. caryoti­ Antarctic regions and the second to deum, form a group of great beauty, the mountains of the northern hemis­ which is much appreciated for decorat­ phere. They have thick, tough fronds, ing rocks, undergrowths, etc., but of a dark shining green, leathery, and which it is well to protect in winter. differently formed according to Moreover, they are the best ferns for whether they are fertile or sterile. the apartment or the orangery and They also have very many varieties. those whose robust nature best with­ They are cultivated in acid soil, under stands the temperature of heated lath shade or in woods. dwellings. N ephrodium; an important genus­ Cystopteris; a genus of great elegance one of the most important-which in and an extraordinary delicacy of de­ horticulture is sometimes called Las­ sign. They are the finest and most trea . It is nearly related to Aspidium, graceful among our ferns, and those but its fronds are not persistent. which are oalled upon to render the N. cristatum; Europe, Asia, North most service in the ornamentation of America; fronds (50 to 60 cm.) walls and rockerles. linear oblong, of a clear green; turfy C. alpina, of the limestone moun­ deep soil. tains of central and southern Europe N. dilatatum; woods of the moun­ and Asia Minor; very finely cut form tains of the northern hemisphere; wide of fragilis. fronds, spreading, almost triangular C. b ~t lb~fera; northern America; one in shape, lively green; deep soil rich of the most vigorous, the most deli­ in vegetable humus. cately cut, and the most ornamental of N. fil~'x mas; our male fern, the most ferns; narrow elongate fronds (30 to common of our ferns' after the Pteris 50 cm.), of a clear green with a rose and the one which is most easily intro­ rachis in the center and numerous duced into gardens; fronds 50 cm. to lets attached to the under side of 1.20 meters long, of a dark green. It the frond, which, falling to the ground, has a considerable number of forms there reproduce the plant. Excellent and varieties. for undergrowths, cool places, old N. fragrans; Northern Asia and Arc­ walls, and humid stony corners. tic America; plant of dark verdure, shin­ C. fragilis; the pretty, fine fern of ing leathery fronds, erect, 20 to 50 cm. walls or Alpine rocks; fronds N. goldianum; North America; large very finely divided: 15 to 50 cm., with species attaining sometimes more than yellowish-brown rachis. Rocks, walls, 1 meter; brownish hairy stems, tri­ stony woods. angular shape; excellent under trees. C. montana; still more finely cut N . marginale; North America; fronds than the others; it is a veritable 60 to 70 cm., leathery, somber green; Mechlin lace, or rather (( point de sometimes persistent in winter. 144 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

N. montanum (N. oreopteris); central clear green, 50 to 60 cm. at most, and western Europe; fronds 30 to 50 which we place in the woods or among cm.; yellowish foliage; fragrant be­ the rocks of the fernery. cause of its glands. Ophioglossum vulgatum has more the N. novaeboracense; North America; aspect of an A rum than a fern; sterile a species distinct in form and of a frond not divided, glossy, placed at clear green hue; 30 to 40 cm.; loose mid height of a stalk of 20 to 25 cm. moist soil or tourbiere. in a horn, from the center of which N. rigidum; limestone mountains of rises the fertile spike, erect and stiff; southern Europe; fronds erect, short damp meadows of northern hemis­ (25 to 40 cm.), somber green, exhaling phere. Cultivated in the marsh, the a violet perfwne; a species of sunny tourbiere, or the lath house. limestone gravel. N. jragrans is sim­ Osmunda. This genus is one of the ply the American form. most prized by the landscape archi­ N. spim.losum; mountains of north­ tect for ornamentation, for it offers ern hemisphere; this species is very us many elegant species of great similar to dilatatum and is cultivated variety. like it. O. cinnamomea and O. claytoniana N. thelypteris; a marsh plant found are two American species which can in the bogs of both hemispheres.; reach more than a meter in height fronds sterile (80 cm.) and fertile and whose sterile fronds, which are the (50-60 cm.); widely spreading by most beautiful and are on the exterior. stolons; it is planted in the marsh or in are highly developed. Cultivated ill damp woods. cool places in deep soils rich in humus N otochleana (Gymnogramme) ma?'­ and in the lath house. antae. This is one of the most curious O. regal1:s (royal fern); a very gla­ among European ferns; it is a rock brous plant, of a clear green, wide plant but is found on damp rocks, fronds (1.5 to 2 meters at times), ele­ where it . forms very large tufts­ gantly cut, having at their extremities veritable colonies; fronds (10 to 25 the fruiting organs in the form of cm.) dull dark green on the face and brownish-green panicles. I t grows in rusty brown on the reverse side. It the bogs of western and southern must be protected in winter and Europe, Africa, Asia, and America. planted in a warm corner of the Japan has given us, under the name rockery. N. vellac from southern Eu­ O. gracilis, a smaller and more graceful rope, is a beauty; it is covered with form of the royal fern with brown-red long down and wants sun and granitic stems, and there are cultivated a rock. rather large collection of varieties of Onoclea (Struthiopteris) germanica; the type, of vvhich the most curious is central and eastern Europe, Caucasus; O. regalis cristata. a stoloniferous fern of a bright yellow­ Phegopteris; see Polypodium. ish green, whose fronds form an Polypodium; a very important genus elegant cup 80 to 100 cm. high, with, among the ferns but one which starting from the center, an erect furnishes especially exotic and green­ spike of dark-brown fertile fronds. It house species. loves the woods and the edge of water, P. calcareum; see P . robertiam.m. where it spreads rapidly. P . dryopteris; Europe, Asia, America, O. orientalis (Str'uthiopteris pennsyl­ and Africa; in the stony rubbish of vanica) is the American and higher mountain woods; fronds triangular, (1.5~ meters) form of the preceding 15 to 30 cm., weak, of a yellowish speCIes. green, glabrous. O. sensibilis; North America; another P. hexagonopterum; North America; spreading stoloniferous species, with fronds of elongated triangular shape, very elegant fronds, of a beautiful 25 to 30 cm. , slightly hairy, with pin- Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 145

nules decurrent on the petiole, which served hot with melted butter. (Gar­ is in consequence winged. dening Illustrated, June 4, 1913.) P. phegopteris; very similar to the Scolopendrium. Here is the most preceding species, of which it may pass curious of our ferns; known by the as the European and Asiatic form; names hart's tongue, hound's tongue, petiole not winged ; fronds short, serpent's tongue, spleenwort, etc.; its triangular, on long stems, slender and fronds are not cut but form an oblong hairy. These two species require a lanceolate strap of a clear shining spongy soil that is not limy. Lath green; the fruiting organs are artisti­ house or woods, or still better in a cally arranged underneath, in narrow shaded tourbiere. whitish lines. It forms a beautiful P. robertianum; Europe and North persistent verdure, which in winter America; on walls and gravel beds; gracefully adorns the depths of the near to P. dryopteris, from which it is woods, the rocks, the shady places. distinguished by its firm dry fronds, It is one of the most vigorous and with­ hairy underneath. Rockery or wall ; stands even the utmost drought. This sun. species, which is distributed over the P. vulgare (polypody, wood licorice, limestone mountains of Europe and etc.); distributed over the whole sur­ North America, is of infinite variety. face of the globe in temperate coun­ The English catalogs contain a multi­ tries and covering the thatched roofs tude of forms, and we ourselves grow of eastern Europe. Rhizome fleshy, many of them 13,t Floraire. The most of a sweetish taste; fronds persistent, interesting and most decorative are leathery, dull dark green, of an elong­ undulatum (first rank), capitatum, cris­ ated oblong shape; rockery or open tatum, crispum, and ramosum. The ground; half shade or sun. There are celebrated fern culturist O'Kelly, of a great many varieties cultivated, Ballywangham, Ireland (Ireland is some of which are truly plant also the country of variable 8colo­ marvels. pendrums), offers nearly 300 varieties! Pteris aquilina (imperial fern, great The Mediterranean regions offer, here eagle, common fern, etc.). It is this and there, among the fissures of the fern which covers in certain countries, maritime rocks, a delicate and charm­ especially Macedonia, immense tracts ing Scolopendrium with almost tri­ which it renders absolutely sterile angular fronds (S. hemyonitis). We because of its creeping rhizomes. grow it by protecting it in winter. Fronds highly developed, reaching at Struthiopteris; see Onoclea. 2 meters in height, oval triangu­ W oodsia; rare,little ferns, finely cut, lar. It is found over the whole sur­ close to Cystopteris. face of the earth but is very difficult W. glabella, of the, boreal and arctic of acclimatization; once it is intro­ regions; glabrous frond, tender green, duced into the garden, however, it is narrowly elongated (5 to 12 cm.), with difficult to get rid of. It should not pinnules widely spaced and very be put in small rockeries. At Floraire short. we have planted it in the lath house W. hyperborea and W. ilvensis are (with difficulty, it is true) and it has two tiny species belonging to the icy invaded us without possibility of being regions of the northern hemisphere, in destroyed. This is the only fern the clefts of vertical rocks. Fronds which can be utilized as food. One short (5 to 20 cm. in hyperborea, 30 to gathers the young shoots like aspara­ 40 cm. in ilvensis), of a dull dal'k green. gus, ties them in a bundle, and puts W. obtusa, of the northern and them in a basin of water with a little southern Cordilleras; fronds 15 to powdered cooking soda; they are al­ 30 cm., of extreme Ian ceo late shape. lowed to steep four hours in the water; W. oregana; Rocky Mountains; di­ then they are boiled like asparagus and minutive plant with dark green gla- 146 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

brous fronds, very narrow toward the podium vulgare is employed in phar­ tip. . macy, and children relish its sweetish These four species belong to the root. Besides, the dried fronds of rock flora and should be planted toward ferns are recommended as a sedative the north or in half sun. for agitated nerves, and in certain countries they are used to make ear­ Note.-I have said above that caps for the night · for persons who Pteris aquilina is the only fern which suffer from insomnia. The people of may be used as food. It should not the eastern Alps utilize the great be concluded from this that the ferns eagle fern very exterisively as are wholly lacking in utility. Poly- litter.



Dorsett & Do,·sett Bulb Prepared for FOTl::ing in China Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 147

Chinese Sacred Lilies in Pekin

By P. H. DORSETT. In late November, while looking and also in the window we noticed through the market on Hatamen oblong pans of plants with short flower Street, Pekin, China, we saw baskets stalks and narrow curled leaves, which of the familiar Chinese Sacred Lily while resembling the leaves of narcis­ bulbs displayed for sale at the fruit sus were so dwarfed and so unlike stands. A few were purchased for anything that we had seen in the photographing and sending back to forcing of bulbs that we asked Mr. the United States. The dealers told Liu, our interpreter, to inquire if the us that they were shipped to the bulbs were different from those stand­ Pekin market from the South, princi­ ing nearby or whether there was some pally from the vicinity of Amoy in secret method of forcing to produce thIS the Province of Fukien. We were effect. We were assured that the advised to grow the bulbs in "mud" bulbs were identical, but that the or soil until they had made a growth dwarfing was the result of cutting the of twelve inches when they should be bulbs. This cutting is done about a lifted, washed free of soil and put into month before the plants are wanted for dishes of water with a few stones to sale. hold them in place. About January tenth we decided to About a month later the same bulbs try the experiment for ourselves and were offered in a new way. They were after purchasing some dormant bulbs . no longer dormant but had been finally persuaded the florist to show started so that they all showed leaves us how the cutting was done. and flower buds. Three of these A cut is first made about half of the started bulbs were fastened together distance around the bulb and about in a row by small wooden skewers three-quarters of an inch above its thrust through the sides, placed in base. Three cuts are then made from paper envelopes and displayed for sale the top down and connecting with the on the fruit stands. cut around the bulb and the scales of A little later still, a street vender the bulbs which have been cut are then was discovered who was selling smaller easily removed. This process is con­ bulbs fastened together in groups of tinued until one-half of each growing six. These did not show any flower shoot within the bulb is exposed. Ex­ buds in any of the bulbs that we ex­ treme care must be exercised to avoid amined. cutting or bruising the leaves of the After purchasing a cluster of bulbs tender growing shoots. After the we stepped into a flower shop across bulbs are cut they are placed in water the street to see if there was anything sufficiently deep to cover them, or at new and interesting to be seen there. least the cut surfaces and left over The shop was well stocked with plants night. In the morning will be found a of various types, among which some of layer of light-colored mucilaginous the more interesting were their flower­ substance over all the cut surface. ing almonds and peaches, all dwarfed This is removed by putting a thin with their branches twisted and tied in section of the scale bases just below every conceivable shape. There were the mass. After this the bulbs are also some very nice begonias and a fine placed in pans or dishes with only a lot of white freesias as well as a window small amount of water and placed in full of Chinese Sacred Lilies in all the sun where they are allowed to re­ stages of development. main for six or seven days. On a table in the center of the room When the leaves commence to grow 148 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE• Oct., 1928 a small section along the fmtire edge on they always selected their largest and one side of each leaf is removed with a best bulbs for cutting to produce these sharp knife. This cutting causes the pans of dwarfed plants. leaves to be dwarfed and also to curl about the base of the flower stalks, N OTE-This article and the accom­ forming a green covering for the bulbs panying photographs are published and roots. The man at the florist's through the courtesy of the Office of shop who cut the bulbs for us said that Foreign Plant Introduction, U.S.D.A.

DOTsett & Dorsett Dwarfed Narcissus Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 149

A BOOK OR TWO osophy of gardening, founded on the authors' sound principles of design, Gardens and Design, by J. C. Shepherd and embellished with details suited to and G. A. Jellicoe. Charles Scrib­ the individual temperaments; the re­ ner's Sons, New York, 1927. 248 sulting patterns would be as varied pages. Illustrated. as the people who made them. The latter parts of the book are He who runs can not read Gardens easier in both manner and matter. and Design. One needs a studious We follow swiftly the account of the mood to enjoy the text and patience development of modern gardening from to enjoy the illustrations arranged both its beginnings in the Italian Renais­ laterally and longitudinally on the sance, the impetus given it in France pages; one needs also a table on which by the lavishness of Louis XIV and to rest the tome, whose pages are ten the guidance of LeNotre, the deliberate by thirteen inches. Supplied with pace it attained in England through these needs, the earnest reader will the gradual fU'sion of the opposing find much of value in the book. interests in man and nature. Pro­ Messrs. Shepherd and J ellicoe have fusely illustrated with plates well exe­ arranged their book in three parts, cuted, each period and movement each of which in turn is subdivided into become present realities, conveying three chapters. Part I is a general lasting impressions of the Italian mas­ treatment of garden design, develop­ tery of form and design, French mag­ ing its relations to people, nature, and nificence, English skill in handling the fundamental principle of unity. materials. The photographs are like Part II is a historical survey of garden­ garden gates through which one may ing in Italy, France, and England. step into the peaceful surrounding of This naturally, in Part III, leads to the Villa Gamberaia, the pulsating a discussion of the English School; a public , the detailed account of Little Thakehain, varied environments of Packwood Sussex, as an exponent of its in­ House, Canons Ashby, Owlpen Ma­ fluences; and a concluding chapter nor, Westbury-on-Severn, Bramham on the rise and future of national Park. gardens. The isolation of England has had a One of the authors' theses is that distinct bearing on its history. In the garden is a medium for repose. gardening this is no less true than in "Over visitors, if their stay is short, other phases of its national life. For­ the spell of the garden can not easily eign influences have wielded their be thrown, and the touch of drama power but have been absorbed by a given by a sequence of sensations is national individuality possessed of invaluable." If one may apply the distinct characteristics. The history authors' principles of gardening to of the English landscape school, present their book, he finds upon entering the tendencies, and future possibilities fur­ realm an excess of stimulation. In nish fascinating reading for both ama­ the beginning there is a panorama of teur and professional gardeners. Read­ generalizations and detailed sugges­ ing Gardens and Design can be like tions. The reader, like the brief visi­ contemplating the pendulum of a tor in a garden, is stimulated by the grandfather clock swinging in its arc exciting features, but he must return and casting into the recesses echos of again and again, and subordinate for enoments of time flown by; yet the himself the elements presented there design that put the pendulum into with equal emphasis. Those who had operation takes care of the present and ample time could read the first chap­ will mark off the moments of the ters, let fancy and reason grapple with future. the ideas therein, and evolve a phil- -FLORENCE LUMSDEN. 150 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

Gladiolus, by F. F. Rockwell. The roses, tulips, bring one to the closing Macmillan Co., New York, 1927. chapter with its delicate perfume.

To the series of popular handbooks The Book of Shrubs, by A. C. Hottes. issued by the Macmillan Company, The A. T . De La Mare Company, F. F. Rockwell has now added" Gladi­ Inc., New York, 1928. 371 pages. olus." This is an excellent handbook Illustrated. $3 .00. filled with concise and accurate infor­ mation which can be used by any This compact handbook is filled with beginner and by older growers with useful information for those living profit. It has important chapters on north of Washington, D. C. The main Types and Varieties, Propagation, portion of the book is an alphabetical Harvesting and Storing, Creation of arrangement of descriptions of the New Varieties, and a list of One Hun­ more familiar shrub. In addition are dred Most Popular Varieties chosen notes on uses, soil requirements, propa­ from a symposium undertaken by The gation and any special features pe­ American Gladiolus Society. culiar to the individual. This type of information is inevitably brief and often smacks too much of the com­ Spring in the Little Garden, by Frances piler's scissors and paste-pot methods. Edge McIlvaine. Little, Brown & The present text, however, is very use­ Co., Boston, 1928. 88 pages. Illus­ ful. trated. The first part of the book is given over to chapters on plantings, soils, In this day when there are at least planting and transplanting, fertilizers, three series of popular garden hand­ pruning, insects and diseases, propaga­ books published for amateur garden­ tion, hedges, broad-leaved evergreens ers, it is a matter of rejoicing that there and lists of shrubs prepared for special is so much of difference in both style purposes. and content. The present volume, There are some curious inclusions. which is one of those over which Mrs. Curiosity will immediately prompt me Frances King presides as general editor, to secure Carpenteria california, which is, like its fellows, no catalogue of reci­ will be a delightful surprise if it sur­ pes to be taken in hand and followed vives in my Washington, D. C., garden. with slavish fidelity. This fact saves Probably more Ceanothus are hardy it as well from the unpleasantness of than is known. The variety Marie seeming too instructive! Simon does well here but is so dull There is no lack of information. The a pink that it is not specially desirable. book is brimming over with keen and One wonders a little why Cercidiphyl­ pungent comment; with the gleanings lum should be included with shrubs. of years of personal experience; with the rich harvest of varied reading and Roadside Marketing, by Gilbert S. correspondence. Watts. Orange Judd Publishing Co., There is an initial description and New York, 1928. 124 pages. Il­ discussion of what should be found in lustrated. $1.25. all garden planning and then the au­ thor abandons herself to the happy This book in the " Farm and Garden field of "plant materials" which sup­ Library " reflects the experience of the plies unlimited choice for both necessi­ author after seven years of farming ties and extravagances, hobbies and and roadside selling. The text reflects conventions. Bulbs, native plants, this knowledge and gives a very inter­ special spring plants, clematis, shrubs esting and informative discussion of the on walls, propagation (which with soils factors necessary for development of crops out in any garden discussion, no a successful roadside market and for matter what the original theme), prim- the practice of this type of marketing Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 151 among the farmers of an adjacent dis­ rather a source book to which one may trict or State. The illustrations are turn for information on all related particularly clear and informative. subjects. The author has gathered his data from reliable sources and reports Handbook of Fertilizers, by A. F. Gus- of modern methods. He is concerned tafson. Orange Judd Publishing chiefly with the problems which con­ Co., New York, 1928. 119 pages, front the farmer and orchardist. illustrated. $1.25. After opening chapters which outline This book written by Dr. Gustafson, the History of Spraying, Principles the Extension Professor of Soil Tech­ Underlying Spraying Practice, Spray­ nology, Cornell University, is ad­ ing Materials, both Insecticide and dressed to farmers and truck growers , Spray M achinery, Dusts, rather than to amateur gardeners. Fumigation, and Soil Sterilization, he The home gardener can read it with turns to rather lengthy chapters relat~d profit, however, for when a garden to various fruits and vegetable crops must be maintained for long periods with discussion of the insects and dis­ on the same soil, a thorough under­ eases that may occur and the proper standing of plant foods and feeding is measures for control and prevention. essential. The diseases and insect pests of orna­ The author discusses clearlv and mentals are not included. simply the requirements of plan"ts, the Pioneers of Plant Study, by Ellison materials used for furnishing the vari­ H awks. Sheldon Press, London, ous elements needed, the effect of fer­ 1928. American Agents: The Mac­ tilizers on soils and crops, the pur­ millan Company, New York. 288 chase and use of fertilizers and the pages, illustrated. $4.00. relation of liming to fertilization prac­ tice. If a gardener is content merely to grow -his plants, to bring them to suc­ Bush Fruit Production, by R. A. Van cessful fruition each year, this book Meter. Orange Judd Publishing will be of little interest. To the lover Co., New York, 1928. 123 pages, of plants who sees in his possessions, illustrated. $1.25. not only the actual plants in hand but the spoils of exploration, the subjects The author's preface of this volume of legend and folk-lore, the actual talis­ gives the key to the work: "The object mans and charms of early witchcraft of this little book is to place before the and medicine, this book will be of great gardener in a simple and direct way intt'rest and delight. the knowledge needed for success with There are, to be sure, histories and bush fruits-strangers to too many histories, but few are written in which gardens." This is admirably done in the developments of plant culture are short chapters devoted to each of the the main theme, and yet the plants principal berry crops, ending with the which we know and cherish have come blueberry, which relatively is a new­ from all quarters of the globe, from comer among the cultivated bush all civilizations and over many high­ fruits. ways of commerce and exploration. Spraying, Dusting and Fumigating of To the plant lover t hese chapters are Plants, by A. Freeman Mason. The filled with data which invests his fa­ Macmillan Co., New York, 1928. miliar garden plants with new interest. 539 pages, illustrated. $5.00. The plants of ancient Egypt, As­ syria, China. of the Old Testament, This volume belongs in the series Phoenicia. Greece,-from Homer to known as "The Rural Manuals" edited Dioscorides,-are all recounted with by Dr. L. H. Bailey. It is not a small more and more plant lore in the hands handbook to be used and set aside but of the physicians. The Arab physi- 152 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 cians, the school of Salermo, the rec­ the tropics, with its return to travel ords from Charlemagne until Albertus and discovery. Magnus, the first explorers and com­ Such books as this m~ke plants live mercial travelers, the discovery of the again in terms of adventure and ro­ New World, the development and dis­ mance rather than in terms of soil and semination of plant knowledge during pruning. Names once strange, un­ the Renaissance, travels in India, the desirable, now become precious. Bau­ appearance of conspicuous botanical hinia, Gesneriana, Brousonnetia, Rud­ figures, on the continent and in Brit.ain, beckia, Malpighia, all are attached to bring one down finally to the early cla.vs plants which no longer seem uncouth of the Royal Society and the botanists or strange but interesting and related in hyland connected with its develop­ from all these early times while plant ment. The closing chapters discuss lore was slowly being sifted and ar­ the Natural System in France, Kew, ranged; resifted and rearranged until the times of Hill, Rose, Davison, we have the still shifting systems of Smith, Brown and plant collecting in to-day.

L. A . Guernsey [See page 167] Hybrid Escallonia " C. F. Ball" Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 153

The Gardener's Pocket-book

It has long been conceded that the gardens, and in my own self-sow with planting of bulbs is one of the most tireless abandon. Of late I have been delightful garden tasks, for no matter hunting them in seed lists and other how cold or dull the day, the confident places and have run down thirteen or gardener sees the garden as it will fourteen names which mayor may not be rather than feels it as it is. bring as many kinds of plants to When one comes to planting seed­ flowering. If one consults Boissier:s ling bulbs it is another matter. With Flora Orientalis these fourteen names what unbelief I sifted out this fall the are as nothing compared with the list small white, almost pearl-like bulbs of set out in prosaic Latin and Ger­ Allium kamtiviense from their nursery man. Where are these now? Are pot and put them in the garden bed to they still considered good species or grow to flowering! It seemed un­ have they been combined into two or reasonable to believe that these small three? globules should ever make the size to There is the additional lottery in produce the huge metallic leaves that I seedling raising that one may possibly . saw so many years. ago in the rock have to evolve one's stock from a garden at Mr. Watson's home in soli tary seedling. Such is the case Plymouth. Crocus, too, seem infinites­ with th~ one bulb that has developed mally small, even at two years, but from the seed sown as N[ uscari they are the exact counterpart of their maweanus. Perhaps it will flower this mature form, in miniature; ruddy year, perhaps not. When it does husks and all. Colchicum on the bloorn" it may not set seed and then other hand are ridiculous little fellows there will be the still longer waiting with a tiny round base and a long for natural increase. And then of papery nose from which grew their course there are the dreadful chances solitary yearling leaf. When older that it may prove homely or not be they begin to show the dropper-like true to name! formation that seedling narcissus show This pioneering in plants does not as they burrow their way down to the come home to the gardener who orders proper depths. Grape hyacinths are his bulbs by the hundred or his peren­ another story. If they germinate at nials by the dozen. Recently in read­ all, and they usually come up well ing through the first volumes of the enough to seem double their number, Journal of The London Horticultural promptly make nice round bulbs which Society, I was impressed again at the grow in fatness each season to a enthusiasms which greeted those first prompt flowering, even before which importations of plants to England they have often commenced to make that came from Robert Fortune. How their endless multiplication which soon momentous the task must have been to puts them in a class with garlic for dif­ bring home safely from so long a ficulty of eradication if that should journey, plants that now seem to us ever be desired. commonplace! And so I look at my The late Rev. Joseph Jacob had a solitary bulb, which I hope is Mus­ fondness for grape hyacinths and often cari maweanus and pray that it is wrote of them. Here in Maryland indeed correctly named and beautiful they are a permanent feature of many to behold. ..


L . A. Guernsey [See page 157] A ntholyza panicuiata Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 155

L . A. Guernsey [See page 1571 Jris hexagona 156 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

. I _____1

L. A . Guernsey [See page 1571 his tingitana Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 157

A ntholyza paniculata Klatt. than their parents. If hexagona will (Page 154.) contribute its erect and stiff stalk to its seedlings, some should be secured A plant of the Iris Family which which will be an improvement over comes from Natal has intrigued my Dorothea, for that lady has a weak interest because of the beautiful for­ stalk and prefers to lie down among mation of its flower inflorescences. It her grassy leaves. resembles a gladiolus in the general habit of the plant throwing up tall Iris tingitana Boiss. and Reut. fans of slender sword-like leaves and a (Page 156.) central stalk of bloom. The corms themselves are beautifully made with This bulbous species from Tangiers the uppermost husk divided into is more robust in growth than many segments as regular and symmetrical of its allies in the section of which the as if patterned artificially. The flowers Spanish iris is the best known. It is are red with yellow lobes so that not robust, however, in regard to cold another pattern is made among the and brings with it the tendency to blooms. It is a little less hardy than autumn glXlwth that one expects of the gladiolus and is really not very bulbous plants from that region. It well suited to growth except in the has proven a good plant for forcing South and in regions where the grow­ and may often be seen in florist shops ing season is a little longer than in the during the winter as its blooms carry District of Columbia. This can be well if shipped before the flower buds overcome by starting the corms inside have opened, a commercial requisite . and planting out, but this is a labor that most iris do not possess. hardly worth the effort· except in the gardens of enthusiasts. Like gladio­ Escallonia "C. F. Ball." (Page 152.) lus, it must be lifted and stored through the winter with a little warmer tem­ This hybrid escallonia was origi­ perature than is given for gladiolus. nated at the Glasnevin Botanic Gar­ den at Dublin, Ireland. Its parentage Iris hexagona Walt. (Page 155.) has not yet been reported in this country, but be that as it may, it has This charming American iris is one caused considerable interest at the of the group of water-loving iris from U. S. Plant Introduction Garden at the southern part of our country. Bell, Md., as it is the only escallonia It has proven entirely hardy in Wash­ there which has proven even partially ington' D. C., and spread slowly into hardy. The foliage is evergreen, shin­ an open clump from which rise the ing green in color and of a splendid slender stalks bearing their dull red texture, so that if the plant continues purple flowers, resembling those of to endure our winters it will add an Iris fulva in carriage more than they important new shrub to the flowering do Iris foliosa, its other relative. As broad-leaved evergreens for this part compared to the usual garden irises, it of the world. In the winter of 1927- does not make the show of bloom from 28 only the shoots' that were produced the clumps that we expect of garden late in the fall and imperfectly ripened flowers or that we get from such an were damaged, a state experienced in iris as Dorothea K. Williamson, its many other evergreens, as we had a cousin, a hybrid of foliosa and fulva. season with low temperatures and N ow that other species have been dis­ considerable sunny weather. The un­ covered belonging to this section it is injured shoots were well lined with the not unlikely that other hybrids among small rosy white flowers that resemble the members of the group will be made small apple blossoms in color and which will be better garden plants shape. 158 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

WESTERN BUI,BS dug into the earth and a light autumn mulch of granulated peat or well-de­ Among the interesting plants from cayed leaf soil should be given annu­ the Pacific Coast which will endure in ally. Plantings will look best in the Eastern States, are the camassias ample clumps or drifts with the bulbs and erythroniums. spaced rather closely together to ac­ The former are large, rather coarse, cent the slender flower stalks. The bulbous plants forming clumps of lush bulbs should be covered with about green leaves from which rise tall two inches of soil above their noses. stalks of starry flowers, lavender white When the bulbs are not grouped under in the case of Camassia esculenta and low shrubs, some interplanting of a deep lavender in leichtlini, though both low-growing perennial should be made species show the whole range of color to cover the earth after their leaves variation, flowering here with the have died off. If the lovely partridge Darwin tulips and early iris. They berry will consent to serve, it makes are at their loveliest before the lower an excellent soil for the erythroniums. flowers commence to wither, a habit In one brookside planting in Mary­ which mars the spikes of summer land, the tiny native grasses and blooming tritomas or even gladiolus. mosses which inhabit the gravelly flat Since the flowers are rather delicately serve well until the unfolding fronds tinted, the bulbs should be planted in of the New York fern (Aspidium good clumps which will make valuable noveboracense) unfurl to cover them accents in the early borders. They all. Here several species have lived can be increased by division or very happily through several winters with slowly from seed. the neighbors mentioned and such The erythroniums from the coast are pl~nts as the swamp-loving Japanese a very different sort of plant. To the pnmroses. easterner who knows only the native Erythronium americanum, with its SUMMER GRAFTING great sheets of handsome foliage and relatively few flowers, these western In the Revue Horticole for the six­ species are a revelation. With the ex­ teenth of June this year, is an inter­ ception of E . H artwegi they do not esting article by Monsieur Mottet of make offshoots but increase only by iris fame, on " Crown Grafting in seed. Their flower stems are far Summer," in which he reported the taller and the flowers even larger than practices of his fellow countryman, M. our lovely yellow species. The colors Maisonnier, and his own experiences are more varied and cover a greater after having seen the plants resulting range: californiwm, creamy yellow, from his colleague's work. citrinum, light yellow to orange, grandi­ It is probable that this method will florum, deep yellow, HaTtwegi, light not affect the commercial practices cream color, H owelli, pale yellow to current in this country, which rele­ pinkish, H endeTsoni, pale rosy purple gate grafting to the winter with dor­ and grandifloTum, pink to pinkish mant stocks and scions and employ purple. Of this last there are several budding in the summer, a practice varieties, mostly color selections. In more economical of material, yielding many of the species there is a con­ more plants from each mother plant trasting color in the center of the than grafting ever could. flower which makes a decided accent. The amateur, however, who is All the erythroni ums like partial familiar in the various methods of shade and a light, well-drained soil propagation might be interested in which must not be too dry in spite of this as it gives an immediate r~action the drainage-the type of soil used for and shows at once whether or not the rhododendrons. Leaf soils should be work has been successful. Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 159

In M. Maisonnier's case the original this season was the simultaneous work was done on lilacs. Some old flowering of plants of Scotch broom plants of Syringa vulgaris were to be and the tall bearded iris. The broom destroyed, but instead were grafted had been raised from seed of mixed with scions of the improved double varieties of the scoparius type and varieties. Within five days after the showed all the variations from the operation, which was on June eighth, typical glowing yellows of scoparius the grafts showed growth and later in tself to the forms with the ruddy the season actually produced flowers . brown and crimson wings of andreanus. The old plants were cut down to about The bushes are now about five feet three feet. The scions were short, high, irregular fountains of slender with only two eyes each, the leaves and green branches covered at flowering petioles removed, of half-ripe wood, time with brilliant pea-shaped blos­ cut with one long slanting cut so that soms. Against this background, lav­ they could be slipped under a vertical ender iris such as the familiar pallidq cut in the bark of the stock at the very dalmatica, Corrida, Mary Barnett, crown. Two or three scions were Horizon with a few yellows like Chalice placed on each stub, the whole bound of Shekinah, and a variegata or two with raffia, and waxed as in any other like Flammenschwert or Rialgar, make graft. a charming picture. Yellow Cottage It is said that this type of grafting tulips might precede them, with such produces a better union than a cleft daylilies as Florham and Lady Fer­ graft where sometimes stocks and moy Hesketh for midsummer, and scions never grow together satisfac­ tritomas, heleniums, and chrysanthe­ torily. mums for the rest of the year. There are objections, however, Because they are difficult to chiefly the difficulty of imperfect transplant, nurserymen do not ripening of the growth from the scion bother to carry broom in quantity. and its subsequent winterkilling, a The gardener can easily raise what difficulty which is sometimes met in he wants from seed with some premature growth of midsummer bud­ assurance of bloom the second ding. The other limiting factor would year and abundant bloom there­ be the knowledge- that there is rela­ after. The seedlings, which offer no tively small demand for the type of difficulty in germination, should be plant best produced by this method, pricked out into thumb pots as soon as the standard or half-standard. One they can be handled and shifted into would lament the increased production the next size when ready, taking care of the umbrella-headed catalpa or the meantime that the tap root does not weeping mulberry, but it might be a go directly through ,the pot and out happy state if the weeping cherries the drainage hole. From these pots could be so easily produced as to be­ they can go into their final places. come cheaply available to the small The difficulty in this plan is that there gardener. We do not use, in this is no way of foretelling the colors nor country, the standard roses, brooms, the exact habit of the plants for some flowering plums, acacias and robinias are far taller than others. A few will that appear in the perennial borders die the first winter and others will be in Europe, but it is possible that they affected by winter killing only to re­ might become more familiar if they cover and flourish afterwards, but in were cheap and plentiful. spite of these difficulties the gardener who lives where there is a long hot IRIS AND BROOM ,mmmer and no extremes of winter cold should experiment with the Scotch Among the various combinations of brooms if he can give them a well­ bloom that appeared in the garden drained site. 160 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928

Index for Volume 7 Adlay ...... 69 HEATH, FANNIE MAHOOD.-Hardy Cacti .7 1 Allium karativiense 153 H UTTON, LYNN D.- Barberries that sikkimense . 31 Spread Stem R ust 5 yunnanense 31 A maryllis belladonna 30 Iris hexagona 157 Antholyza paniculata . . . . 157 persica . 72,85, 110 AUTEN, BENJA.L\1 IN C.-Tulips .. 111 reticulata 72 AVERETT, MARY JUDsoN.-8hrubs for tingitana . 157 Birds and Autumn Beauty 81 watti. . 66,67

Barberries . . . . 5 LANE, BERNARD H., Translator.­ Berberis vernae . . 8,33 Hardy Cacti . . . 47 Buddleia alternifolia 109, 111 Terrestrial Orchids 86 The Fernery . . . . 138 Lonicera thibetica . . . .80, 11 1 Cacti ...... 47, 71 Lumsden, D .-Orchids 52 CHASE, AGNEs.-Native Ornamental Grasses ...... 9 Chinese Sacred Lilies in Pekin 147 Muscari maweanus 153 Coix lachryma-jobi. . 69 CORREVON, H.- sarniensis . 30 Hardy Cacti . . . 47 Terrestrial Orchids 86 Ophiopogon japonicus 29 The Fernery . . . 139 Opuntia camanchica 46 Cotoneaster divaricata 34 fulgida .. 51 hupehense 34 Orchids ... . . 52 soongarica 34 Ornithagalum nutans 107, 110 Crinum powelli . . . 31 Cypripedium pubescens 89 Pachysandra procumbens 67 Pachystima canbyi . . . 67 DORSETT, P. H.-Chinese Sacred Lilies Perennial Asters and Sunflowers 131 in Pekin ...... 147 Phlox a1·gillacea. . . . 69 DUFFY, SHERMAN R .- Physalis alkegeni 34 Perennial Asters and Sunflowers 131 franchelti 34 Tulips ...... 41 POWELL, E. C.-Grapes 24 Pyrus aucuparia 34 Echinocactus gunsoni. . 49 Escallonia "C. F. Ball " 157 Raspberries 33 Euonymus alatus 34 Rhododenron mucronatum 108, 110 atropurpureus 34 racemosum 108, 109 Rock Gardens 20 Fernery, The ...... 139 Fox, HELEN M.-Garden Books New Stem Rust . . 5 and Old ...... 120 lutea ...... 30 FREE, MONTAGUE.-Rock Gardens 20 STURTEVANT, GRACE.-Phlox argillacea 69 Syringa microphylla . 106, 11 0 Garden Books New and Old . . . 120 Garden Federations ...... 58 Terrestrial Orchids . . . 86 Germinations ...... 60 TRAUB, HAMILTON.- GERSDORFF, CHARLES E. F.-Gladiolus Economic Factors in the Development Developments 61 of American Horticulture 12 Gladiolus ...... 68 Development of American Horticul- Gladiolus Developments . . 61 tural Literature 97 Goodyera pubescens 94 Tulips ...... 41, 111 Grapes ...... 24 Grasses, Native Ornamental 9 Uniola latifolia . . 10,11 , Cold . . . . 32 United Horticulture 58 Ground Covers ...... 29 Vinca minor 67 HAMBLIN, STEPHEN F.-I Hate Pachy- sandra ...... 67 Wintersweet 26,~ Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 161 STUMPP & WALTER CO. HIGH QUALITY Seeds, Bulbs, Plants Insecticides, Fertilizers Garden Sundries


If you are a garden enthusiast and are not on our mailing list, write for a copy.

STUMPP & WALTER CO. 30-32 Barclay Street NEW YORK CITY

THE-ALL PURPOSE SOIL IMPROVER Few of nature's products are of such manifold use­ Not a weed seed can be found in it. For Evergreens. fulness in maintaining soil fertility as Granulated Peat Shrubs. Roses. Rhododendrons. Fruit Trees. in short. Moss. It is the material which most Professional all growing things are benefited by mulching with Peat growers use a nd you know they secure admirable re­ Moss. By keeping down weeds it saves labor. sults. It more fully meets the popular favor than any Write us for our comprehensive booklet which ex­ other mediurn at any price. plains everything. Better still. order a bale on our "G. P . M ." Peat Moss is a natUJ'al moisture con­ "say-so" and prove it for y·ourself. After you have server. Mixed with soil it holds plant food in solution used it we wiII have gained you as a friend as well as for roots to assimilate. Heavy soils it renders friable a customer. and workable, freeing soluble salts in the clay. Sandy "G. P. M ." Peat Moss comes in burlapped bales sojls are compacted. humus encouraged. leeching pre­ containing sufficient to cover at least 240 square feet vented, and water held at levels available to roots. one inch deep. It is shipped from a point near you No better mulch can be offered than" G. P . M." and the cost is nominal. Write fo r prices and small Peat Moss. Contains no noxious bacteria Or fungi. sample. ATKINS & DURBROW, Inc., G31 Burling Slip, New York

Comes like this Take a good look in burlapped bales at the trade mark 162 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928:

THE W. B. SHAW AQUATIC BOXWOODJ GARDENS Do You Need To edge your walks? KENILWORTH To plant a hedge? WASHINGTON, D. C. To fill your porch boxes for winter? To use specimens in borders or lawn? Waterlilies Use CJJoxwood for Your Garden The Antique of the Lawn and the Garden -add a new note of interest­ and are easy to grow. BOXWOOD is now the best known, the highest prized and most desirable plant 75 Varieties for many places. Hardy lilies may be We Can Supply Your Needs planted from early Spring thru August-tender lilies We also carry a complete line of high-class in May and June. nursery stock. FLOWERS the first Our prices aTe suprisingly reasonable summer List sent on request Other AQUATICS J. B. WATKINS AND BROTHER Also MIDLOTHIAN, VA.

BARGAINS IN Glads and Dahlias If ordered at digging time Peyton's Peerless .. LIST ON REQUEST PEONIES CVisitors Welcome GEORGE W. PEYTON ALTHA HALL GARDENS WINDY HILL GARDENS 445 Arling-ton Ave., Clarendon, Va. RAPIDAN, VIRGINIA Catalog on request Phone, Clarendon 214

SPECIAL COLLECTION OF NAMED GLADIOLUS For Spring, 1929, delivery, I offer the following choice collection of named Gladiolus, labeled, for the sum of S3.35, prepaid, a total va.Iue of 88.00. Two coll ections for 86.00. Three collections for 88.50. Six collections for SI6.00. One each- Muriel, violet-blue. John Merle Coulter, dark red. Mrs. John S. Wood, salmon. John Alden, deep yellow, red throat. Miss T. R.ose, Tea R.ose color. Nathalie Hammond Core, soft yellow. Orange Queen, early orange. Ethelyn, la t er orange. Rosita, rose color. Sappho, gray. Pennant, cream edged rose. Happy Warrior, bright red. Coral, coral pink. Vi rginia, purple. Grandee, red and yellow. Princely, white. In case I should be sold out of any of above, I reserve the right to substitute a variety of similar coloring of same or better value. The offer is good until D ecember 31, 1928. CHAS. E. F. GERSDORFF 1825 North Capitol Street Washing-ton, D. C. Oct., 1928 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 163 THE WAYSIDE GARDENS CO. MENTOR, OHIO

E. H. SCHULTZ, President J. J. GRULLEMANS, Secretary-Treasurer Hardy Herbaceous and Alpine Plants The demand for high-grade field-grown plants and the higher standard of gardening now practiced by everyone has created the natural desire to grow everything of the best. Our fine strains of Delphiniums, Phlox, Peonies, Iris, and hundreds of other Perennials and Alpine Plants are, therefore, in greater demand than ever, and each succeeding season brings many additions to our already large list of clients throughout the United States. Every known worth-while rock plant that will grow satisfactorily for you is now to be found in our collection. Rugged, field-grown, 2 or 3 years old, ready for immediate results. Plants we stand back of, and packed so they will arrive in perfect condition. We will, without charge, cheerfully replace any that do not. eatalogue on Request

Why Not Pansies?

We have specialized in them for 38 years. Ours will please the most fastidious. You want our GIANT FLOWERING m mixed colors. Good strong healthy plants now ready.


It will be a pleasure to send a leaflet

PITZONKA'S PANSY FARM R. D. No.1 BRISTOL, PA. 164 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Oct., 1928 Broad-Leaved Flowering Evergreen Shrubs

Select Stock collected by careful, experienced labor RHODODENDRON MAXIMUM-12 to 18 inches-25 for $3.50-100 for $12.00. 2Yz to 4 feet-25 for $6.00-100 for $22.50. MOUNTAIN LAUREL, commonly known as Kalmias-18 to 24 inches-25 for $4.00- 100 for $15.00. 2Yz to 4 feet-25 for $6.00-100 for $22.50. LITTLE EVERGREEN TREES. JUNIPER VIRGINIANA-Red Cedar-l Yz to 2Yz feet-25 for $4.00-100 for $15.00. CANADIAN HEMLOCK-IYz to 2 feet-25 for $3.50-100 for $12.00. FIRST CLASS STOCK WELL PACKED FOR SHIPMENT.

Please send cash with order.

When in need CIt stock, please remember WILLIAM R. McGUIRE, the Rhododendron Man DOEVILLEj TENNESSEE

Members please mention The National Horticultural Magazine in writing to advertisers.

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I desire to be admitted to ...... membership in THE AMERICAN HORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. Remittance of $ ...... is enclosed of-which the sum of $2.00 is for a year's subscription to the National Horticultural Magazine~


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Checks should be made payable to The American Horticultural Society and sent to-D. Victor Lumsden, Secretary, 1629 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. The American Horticultural Society A Union of The National Horticultural Society and The American Horticultural Society

The Society publishes The National Horticultural Magazine, a quarterly journal issued in January, April, July and October to all its members. It publishes special bulletins from time to time as material warrants special issues. Former bulletins of the Society may be secured from the secretary as long as copies are available. Back numbers of the magazine are also available in limited quantities. BULLETINS : No. 1. The Effect of Aluminum Sulphate on Rhododendron Seedlings, by Frederick V. Coville ...... $1.00 No. 2. Roses for America, by F. L. Mulford ...... :50 No. 3. Insect Pests of Our Gardens and Their Control, by C. A. Weigel . .50 No.4. Soil Reaction in Relation to Horticulture, by Edgar T. Wherry .50

MAGAZINES: Volume 6, No. 1. Lilac Check List, by John C. Wister; articles on daffodils, verba scums, lilac hybrids, and other plants. (Edition limited) ...... 1.00 No.2. Water Lilies, by Mrs. Fowler; articles on iris, daffodils, and a special bibli- ography on azaleas and rhododendrons ...... 50 No.3. Annuals for Rock Gardens, by Sydney B. Mitchell; peonies, exhibition notes, history, roses ...... 50 No. 4. Daffodils of the Future, by Guy L. Wilson; history, the Arnold , soil reactions, new lobelias, roses, lilacs ...... 50 Volume 7, No. 1. Barberry Species that Spread Stem Rust, by Lynn D. Hutton; native grasses, history, rock gardens, grapes, miscellaneous notes ...... 50 No. 2. Tulips, by Sherman R. Duffy; hardy cacti, orchids, gladiolus, miscellaneous notes ...... 50 No.3. Shrubs for Birds and Autumn Beauty, by Mary Judson Averett; Terrestrial Orchids, Correvon-Lane, history, miscellaneous notes...... 50 No. 4. About Garden Books, New and Old, by Helen M. Fox; Perennial Asters and Sunflowers; Ferns, Correvon-Lane; Chinese Sacred Lilies, miscellaneous notes. . .. .50

CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP :, Annual Members.- Pe,rsons who are interested in any brahch of horticulture who shall pay annual dues of three dollars. Affiliated Members.-Horticultural societies, garden clubs, societies devoted to special interests, or other local or district organizations interested in horti­ culture may become affiliated members. Any organization eligible for affiliation shall make application to the Board of Directors, who shall act upon it. An affiliated member shall pay annual dues of $3.00 and shall be entitled to the same benefits and privileges as an annual member, including one copy of all publica­ tions. Additional copies of publications will be furnished at the rate of $2.00 per year. All publications for an affiliated member shall be sent to one address. Life Members.-Persons interested in the purposes of the Society, who shall pay one hundred dollars. Patrons.-Persons interested in the objects and aims of the Society who con­ tribute two hundred dollars or more towards its support. Checks should be made payable to The American Horticultural Society and sent to D. Victor Lumsden, Secretary, 1629 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. PIUJ8.. 01' H . L. & J. B. MCQUEEN. INC. W A6BINGTON. D. C.