VOLUME 15 " NUMBER 1 " MARCH 1961 v 230 PARK AVENUE " NEW YORK 17, N. Y.


by David B. Truman

Increased attention to the governmental problems of metropolitan reform movements, held a conference at cities and metropolitan areas in recent years has resulted Northwestern on April 1-3, 1960. The thirty persons in a large volume of descriptive and prescriptive litera- invited to participate included theoreticians and "prac- ture. Inevitably, perhaps, much research in this field has titioners" and represented not only proceeded without benefit of explicit theory and without and sociology, but also the law and journalism.2 Papers, concern for possible contributions to political theory. circulated in advance of the meetings, were prepared by Yet a number of conceptual or theoretical concerns are Peter H. Rossi, "Theory and Method in the Study of common to those undertakings, whatever their aims, Power in the Local Community"; Robert A. Dahl, most notably the conceptual problems involved in un- "Leadership in a Fragmented Political System: Notes derstanding and explaining patterns of political leader- for a Theory"; Herbert Kaufman, "Metropolitan Lead- ship. Whether the immediate objective has been the ership: The Snark of the Social Sciences"; and Norton formulation of new structures of metropolitan organiza- E. Long, "Some Observations Towards a Natural His- tion, theretrospective analysis of mortality among such tory of Metropolitan ." Each of these contribu- proposals, or the description of the operating political tions was the subject of a session of the conference; and systems of various types of urban community, the ques- a fifth session was devoted to general discussion aimed tion of how public decisions are made in and for such at identifying points of convergence or disagreement areas has made its appearance, sooner or later, openly and questions deserving future exploration. or in partial disguise. Hence it becomes appropriate, if not imperative, to inquire what kinds of conceptual 2 to Dahl, McKean, Truman, Wood, frameworks available for the of In addition Messrs. Levi, and are analysis leadership the participants in the conference were Ross C. Beiler, University of in urban settings. What are their capacities and limita- Miami; Frederic N. Cleavcland, University of North Carolina; Matthew tions? How may they be extended? Cullen, Ford Foundation; Allison Dunham, Law School; R. Grant, University; Scott Greer, North- To such questions as these and to encourage Daniel Vanderbilt explore western University; Charles M. Haar, Harvard Law School; Herbert explicit attempts to dealwith them, the Council's Com- Kaufman, Yale University; Maurice Klain, Western Reserve University; mittee on Political Behavior, 1 in cooperation with the Christian L. Larsen, Sacramento State College; Norton E. Long, North- Center for Metropolitan Studies at Northwestern Uni- western University; Samuel Lubell, Columbia School of Journalism; Frank Munger, Syracuse University; J. A. Norton, Cleveland Metro- versity and the Ford Foundation project for studying politan Services Western Reserve University; Nelson W. Polsby, Brookings Institution, now of the University of Wisconsin; i The members of the committee in 1959-60 were David B. Truman, Peter H. Rossi, University of Chicago; Wallace S. Sayre, Columbia Uni- Columbia University (chairman); William M. Beaney, Princeton Uni- versity; Henry J. Schmandt, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; versity; Robert A. Dahl, Yale University; Oliver Garceau and V. O. Key, George A. Shipman, University of Washington; York Willbern, Indiana Jr., ; Avery Leiserson, VanderbiltUniversity; Edward University; James Q. Wilson, University of Chicago; Robert C. Wood, H. Levi, University of Chicago; Dayton D. McKean, University of Colo- Massachusetts Institute of Technology; G. Coleman Woodbury, Uni- rado; Bryce Wood. versity of Wisconsin. 1


staff, SOCIOMETRIC STUDIES OF POWER tion: In (presumably large and heterogeneous) commu- IN THE COMMUNITY nities with well-developed political parties, whose offi- cials are normally full-time, where party lines tend to Space does not permit more than suggestions of the follow class and ethnic lines, and where the party favored highlights of thepapers, especially those points on which by the lower status groups has a good chance of electing the discussion focused. Concentrating first on research candidates to local office, the community power structure technique, Rossi reviewed existing studies of power tends to be polylithic rather than monolithic. structure under three main headings: first, studies in which a sample of the adult population of the commu- URBAN POLITICAL LEADERSFIIP nity is asked to designate its most influential citizens paper a formal analytical statement ab- ("mass sociometry"); second, studies in which individu- Dahl's was materials of his completed re- als, selected because their positions are assumed to pro- stracted from the recently in New Haven.4 After vide them with especiallyrelevant knowledge, are asked search on community leadership discussing empirical difficulties in themeasurement to designate persons or organizations holding power in some key variables to be the community ("elite sociometry"); and, third, studies of influence, he suggested that the into account in relative influence are the in which individuals whose positions have involved them taken judging with "actors" use available in a decision on a public issue are asked to identify per- rate and the efficiency which resources." Such resources include any means sonswho influenced the nature of the decision ("decision "influence deprivations upon sociometry"). Noting that the first of these techniques is of granting rewards to or imposing any means of affect- useful primarily in studying small towns or restricted participants in the political system, of participants, and urban Rossi gave most attention to the ing the expectations or cognitions neighborhoods, for second and third. Here he argued that "elite sociome- any differentially distributed opportunities employ- example, money, control of jobs, try," typified by the work of Hunter,3 is the more system- ing these. Thus, for resources, as are legitimate au- atic, although it suffers the limitations of identifying and theright to vote are control of information, and high social status. only a potential structure and in some instances the thority, in addition the time energy to use these and unnecessary handicap of concentrating on the politics of But and resources. civic committees and voluntary associations to the vir- other means are themselves and functional specialization of insti- tual exclusion of governmental processes. "Decision soci- The complexity tutions in the community have resulted in ometry," on the other hand, is more productive of in- contemporary influence resources. Hence, sights into processes of leadership, but tends to produce a fragmented distribution of view, the general of influence in a city case studies that are qualitative in character, resistant to in Dahl's pattern be one in which a generalization, and low in comparability. Suggesting that of any considerable size will either small groups have their own these limitations might be reduced, he argued in effect number of individuals or his terms, "independent sover- for the complementarity of the two techniques. "Actual spheres of influence in in—which leaders diverg- influence," he noted, "ispotential influence modified by eignties"—or one several with coalition. opportunity, interest, and decision-making machinery." ing goals and strategies act in tendency a high degree of influence over Turning to questions of theory, Rossi suggested that Any toward Dahl suggested, variations in phenomena associated with governmental most or all sectors of community policy, to group of elected public agencies and officials and in phenomena related to the is likely be associated with the ample and the and in- electorate, organized to some degree in parties and other officials who have resources skill and The tend- political associations, independently influence the type centives to use them copiously efficiently. toward a concentration of influence, wherever it of power structure in the community. He identified ency may occur, reflects the disposition of all groups to three broad types of community power structure the — their in the sphere of "monolithic," in turn divisible into either highly cen- use resources relatively sparingly public and thus for those few who employ them tralized or caucus rule by the few; the "polylithic," char- policy, to be especially influential. acterized by bargaining among separate power structures more frequently and fully "chieftains," in Dahl's view, may ap- andby professional political control oflocal government; Coalitions of elite leaders feel the need for a degree of co- and a residual "amorphous" type showing no enduring pear when these not supplied their "independent sover- pattern of power. His conception of therelation between ordination by the indicators of electoral and official phenomena and was carried out with the aid of the these types is shown in the following general proposi- i His report on this project, which Committee on Political Behavior under its program of Grants for Re- Governmental will be published by Yale sFloyd Hunter, Community Power Structure: A Study of Decision search on American in the fall of 1961, as Power and Democracy. Makers (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1953). University Press 2

Processes, eignties"; but such coalitions are not likely to develop innovation to existing subsystems, and electoral appeals without a "political entrepreneur" as coalition builder. that are largely ignorant of the causal factors affecting For this role the chief elected executive is the expected the behavior of voters in this particular situation. Long candidate. Under appropriate conditions such a coalition offered these as preliminary interpretations and appealed may develop into a persisting executive-centered order, a for the development of more systematic theory concern- coalition of coalitions in which the elected chief execu- ing the conditions under which a political community tive is the only individual of high influence in all the can emerge at such subnational levels as the metropoli- groups. tan area.


Kaufman's paper discussed the analytical scheme—a Discussion of the points raised or suggested by the map rather than a model—that he and Wallace Sayre papers ranged widely. Despite numerous disagreements, had developed for their study of the politics of New the sessions reflected a tacit acceptance of the importance York City.5 Deliberately seeking a conception that would of exploiting convergences in theory, of avoiding sterile not assume the existence of an integrated ruling elite, arguments of a definitional character, and of exploring they chose to view the system as a contest for the stakes certain critical problems concerning which the level of of office, money, service, and ideological or other intan- knowledge appears to be unnecessarily low. At the tech- gible rewards, in which the contestants—party leaders, nical level the most conspicuous disagreements dealt public officials, the city bureaucracies, nongovernmental with "elite sociometry," to use Rossi's term, and espe- groups, the communication media, officials of other gov- cially with the work of Hunter. The point in contro- ernments on the same or "higher" levels, and the elec- versy was whether the ascriptive features of this tech- torate—operate within a set of formal and informal nique are complementary to the technique of "decision rules. A central focus thus is the strategies available to sociometry" or are incompatible with it. Though this and used by the contestants. Finding this a useful scheme issue was joined, it was not resolved. Critics were dis- for giving coherent meaning to the politics of the central posed to view the apparent reliability of the former city, Kaufman urged its adaptability to research on emer- technique as meaningless and to regard its findings en- gentand proposed governmental arrangements spanning tirely as artifacts of the procedure. Defenders regarded a whole metropolitan area. thereliability as genuine and the findings as represent- Long's paper, like Kaufman's less explicitly theoretical ing a kind of structure, a potential power, that can be than the first two, was primarily an analysis of re- said to exist in reality. Not inclined to unqualified ap- cent attempts at governmental innovation in the St. proval of the technique, however, its defenders proposed Louis, Cleveland, and Miami metropolitan areas. Long modifications in it, in order to reduce the reliance on suggested that the innovating process in local govern- attribution and to exploit therelative ease ofreplication ment had become highly standardized, with semiritual- that it allegedly permits. The more skeptical regarded istic features that are often dysfunctional for adaptation this as an admission that the technique did no more than to the changing demands upon metropolitan govern- indicate something about the distribution of a particular ments. Thus the assumption of a conflict-free local poli- power resource, namely, status or esteem. tics that is customarily a part of the "study by experts" There was general agreement among the participants phase of attempts at innovation interferes, according to that the contemporary American setting fosters a frag- Long, with the political effectiveness of the recommen- mented distribution of power resources and that, with dations. This phase, moreover, is often poorly articulated some exceptions, if any integrated leadership exists, it with the customary second stage, the appointment of is likely to be found in the formally elected officials. "notables" to a commission on reform of the charter. This, however, could be regarded at most as a tendency These persons often have no clear conception of what is dependent on particular kinds of conditions, and diver- called for or of the conditions limiting their efforts. gence in these might permit a focus on a newspaper or Finally, at the referendum stage, when that is required, some other structure in the community. This line of the common experience is a breakdown of communica- discussion in turn produced agreement on the impor- tion between the "notables" and the electorate. This in tance of increasing comparative research, primarily turn seems to reflect a lack of elite consensus and inte- within the United States but perhaps also in other cul- grated strategy, failure accurately to assess the threat of tures, aimed at identifying differences in the incidence and distribution of power resources and ascertaining the 5 Wallace S. Sayre and Herbert Kaufman, Governing New York City: Politics in the Metropolis (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1960). structural consequences of such differences. 3

MMmMMtMMMtmmmmmmMWfmtmtmmmMmmmiMMmmmmi ■ " pmnramm Among the insufficiently explored but critical sub- cleavage within the community, including the class and jects for research that were identified, three received status systems, would constitute an enormous advance, considerable attention. The first is the influence of ide- although this is admittedly an extremely difficult prob- ology—of the way people think about the distribution lem both conceptually and empirically. Among other of power—on the power structure itself. Instances were points, it was suggested that notions like "independent cited in which a structure apparently shifted quite sud- sovereignties" and other analogies from the international denly from a monolithic to a polylithic pattern without sphere could be misleading if used indiscriminately. any evident change in the community except in popular Finally, the apparent gap between initiatives shown thinking. If ideology in this sense can be an independent by elite groups and electoral responses in the urban set- variable, it should be dealt with explicitly, as part of a ting was nominated for more intensive exploration. Con- theory of political change. Otherwise we shall not be ceivable as a problem in the rate and efficiency of re- able to treat relationships between ideology and struc- source use, this was recognized as involving a number of ture that we cannot satisfactorily explain at the present additional variables that are not easily handled empiri- time and are in danger of ignoring. cally. Among those discussed in some measure were vari- Second, there is the problem of coalitions. It was ations in the degree to which elites are geographically agreed that we know little of a systematic sort about the mobile, the consequences of differing rates of population conditions under which particular kinds of coalitions growth, variations in the legitimacy of innovations by develop in a community of fragmented power resources, elites as against their potential veto authority in matters to say nothing of the conditions of their persistence or of urban and metropolitan government, and variations dissolution. The development of a theory of coalitions in the patterns of organization among ethnic, occupa- that would take account of the types and varieties of tional, and similar groups in the community.


ECONOMIC GROWTH ECONOMIC STABILITY Simon Kuznets (chairman), Richard Hartshorne, Melville R. A. Gordon (chairman), Moses Abramovitz, James S. J. Herskovits, Edgar M. Hoover, Bert F. Hoselitz, Wilbert Duesenberry, Bert G. Flickman, Lawrence R. Klein, David E. Moore, Neil Smelser, Joseph J. Spengler. W. Lusher, Geoffrey H. Moore. Under the committee's auspices, Kazushi Ohkawa, Pro- The committee, which was appointed in the autumn of fessor of Economics at the Institute of Economic Research, 1959 following a conference on research on economic sta- Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, and Henry Rosovsky, As- bility held at the in the preceding sociate Professor of Economics at the University of Califor- June, has developed plans for a major project to review nia, Berkeley, are to make a two-year study of the long-run critically the work that has been done on the construction development of the Japanese economy, using modern tech- of econometric models of the United States and to construct niques of economic analysis and current theories of eco- a new system based on diverse schools of economic thought. nomic growth. Funds for the study have been granted to The project, for which it is hoped that financing can soon the Council by the Ford Foundation. be arranged, will involve the collaboration of some 16 or In addition to the conferences that have been planned on 17 scholars, each of whom will be responsible for specific the economics of Soviet industrialization,which will be held sectors of the economy or technical aspects of modef build- at Princeton University on May 6-8, and on the economics ing. After extensive preliminary work they expect to meet of Sub-Saharan Africa, which will be held at Northwestern at Dartmouth Collegefor three weeks in August to evaluate University on November 16-18, the committee is exploring their findings and to plan further assignments to be under- the feasibility of conferences on the interrelations of recent taken during the ensuing year, after which a second summer demographic and economic trends in developing areas and conference will attempt to combine their final results into on the relation of education to economic growth. an integrated model. Over-all coordination of this effort The sixth in the series of essays presenting the results of will be provided by Messrs. Klein and Duesenberry. the chairman's comparative studies of economic growth, "A Simulation of the United States Economy in Reces- "Quantitative Aspects of the Economic Growth of Nations: sion," by Mr. Duesenberry, Otto Eckstein, and Gary Fromm, VI. Long-Term Trends in Capital Formation Proportions," a revision of their paper prepared for the conference that will be published as a supplement to the April 1961 issue preceded the committee's appointment, was published in of Economic Development and Cultural Change. the October 1960 issue of Econometrica. 4 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN YOUTH expected that final plans will be completed soon for studies of rural America, historical Ralph W. Tyler (chairman), Dana L. Farnsworth, Chester trends in the education of the W. Harris, T. R. McConnell, Theodore M. Newcomb, C. American population, personal and family incomes, the Robert Pace, Nevitt Sanford, Robin M. Williams, Jr.; staff, place of the Negro in the American population, the Amer- Francis H. Palmer. ican family, significant population changes during the past The workshop on measures of authoritarianism supported decade, and the growth and structure of metropolitan com- by the committee in August 1959 under the chairmanship munities. Additional studies are under consideration, and of George G. Stern of Syracuse University advancedresearch the committee is still interested in receiving further sug- gestions on identification of factors within the authoritarian concept within the next month or two, especially with as originally measured by the California F-Scale. Since that respect to economic implications of population change. time subscales have been developed and combined into a scale on stereopathy - acquiescence. With further support SOCIALIZATION AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE from the committee, Messrs. Sanford and Stern, Richard John A. Clausen (chairman), Orville G. Brim, Jr., Ronald Christie of Columbia University, Harold Webster of the Lippitt, Eleanor Maccoby, M. Brewster Smith; staff, Francis University of California, Berkeley, and Hugh Lane of the H. Palmer. University of Chicago participated in a second workshop, The committee is planning a number of workshops to be held at Berkeley in 1960, for the purpose of editing and July held at different universities, for the purpose of surveying modifying scale items on which data had been collected. the research literature and formulating concepts about spe- The present instrument consists of two 200-item forms, each cific subjects related to the socialization process. At the of 10-item scales. Mr. Stern is continuing composed twenty University of Michigan, Mr. Lippitt, Daniel Miller, Flarold work on validation of the scale, and will prepare a report Proshansky, and Martin Gold are meeting regularly to describing its development. consider schema for studying the relationship between Messrs. Pace and Stern have completed the first experi- social class as an agent of socialization and child develop- mental edition of their revised College Characteristics ment. Mrs. Maccoby is organizing a group at Stanford Uni- Index, designed to analyze the dynamics of college environ- versity to consider socialization in relation to sex differ- ments, and Mr. Pace is collecting data with that instrument. ences, and Mr. Clausen is organizing a group at Berkeley to The manuscript summarizing theresults of the workshops consider the role of ordinal position. Because the files of on peer group cultures in colleges, which were directed by research centers and institutes where longitudinal studies Newcomb, has been edited by Mr. Newcomb and Mr. of children have been made are believed to contain a great Everett K. Wilson of Antioch College, and arrangements deal of unpublished data relating to child being made for its publication. development, are the committee has arranged for Jerome Kagan of the Fels Research Institute to visit several such centers during the POPULATION CENSUS MONOGRAPHS summer of 1961. He will examine the general approach Dudley Kirk (chairman), Robert W. Burgess, John D. taken in particular studies, the accessibility of unpublished Durand, Ronald Freedman, Daniel O. Price, George J. data, and the extent to which measures and samples are Stolnitz. comparable from study to study. Marian Yarrow of the The committee met at the Bureau of the Census on Feb- National Institutes of Health is organizing for the com- ruary 23-24 with the prospective contributors to the mono- mittee a conference on observational techniques in studies graphs for which commitments have been made, in order to of child development, to be held late in 1961. The con- clarify the scope of the data needed for the studies, to con- ference will emphasize techniques and methods of observ- sider tabulation plans, and to deal with possible overlaps ing children in interaction with various socializing agents between the subjects of the separate monographs. It is as well as in the absence of such agents.

PERSONNEL DIRECTORS OF THE COUNCIL J.Roland Pennock, Swarthmore College, by the American Political Science Association been designated by the seven The following persons have Wayne H. Holtzman, University of Texas, by the Ameri- national social science organizations associated with the can Psychological Association to serve as directors of the Council for the three- Council John A. Clausen, University of California, Berkeley, by year term 1961-63: the American Sociological Association Paul Bohannan, Northwestern University, by die Ameri- Philip J. McCarthy, Cornell University, by the American can Anthropological Association Statistical Association. George H. Hildebrand, Cornell University, by the Ameri- can Economic Association Their credentials as members are scheduled for accept- ance of directors Council at its spring Louis Gottschalk, University of Chicago, by the American by the board of the Historical Association meeting in New York on March 24-25, 1961. 5 FACULTY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Lawrence B. Krause, Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale University, for research in France, Luxembourg, The Committee on Faculty Research Fellowships—Wil- and Switzerland on the effects of European integration liam H. Nicholls (chairman), John D. Lewis, Gardner Lind- on the economy of the United States. zey, Joseph Mathews, Richard P. McCormick, and John Edwin Kuh, Associate Professor of Finance and Eco- J. Massachusetts re- Useem held the first of its two meetings scheduled for nomics, Institute of Technology, for Europe on — voted search in London and Western the statistical 1960-61 on December 12-13. It to award 24 fellow- measurement of dynamic business processes and behav- ships, as follows: ior parameters in large-scale econometric models, with specific application to the short-run determination of Andrew li. Clark, Professor of Geography, University of income distribution. Wisconsin, for research in Canada and Western Europe and Harry Levin, Associate Professor of Child Development on the historical geography of settlement agricul- and Family Relations, Cornell University, for research Australia and western Cape Prov- ture in Southeastern in Italy on language acquisition and behavior in young ince, Union of South Africa. children. 1 Sigmund Diamond, Associate Professor of Historical Government, University, for Eng- Guenter Lewy, Assistant Professor of Smith Sociology, Columbia research in College, for research in Germany on the German Cath- France, on the theory of human nature land, and Spain olic church and Nazi totalitarianism: a study in the in the sixteenth and seventeenthcenturies. theory of church and state. History, William H. Dunham, Jr., Professor of Yale Uni- of in on the Kingdom and J. Russell Major, Associate Professor History, Emory versity, for research England France on the Crown: an analysis and history of certain dominant University, for research in the decline of principles of the British Constitution, 871-1953, their theFrench provincial estates in the seventeenth century. formulation and transmutation. Herbert Marcuse, Professor of Philosophy and Politics, on the of Richard S. Eckaus, Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, for research ideology Brandeis University, for research in Italy and the advanced industrial society. Netherlands on the economic characteristics of tech- i Julius Margolis, Professor of Business Administration, nologies used in metalworking industries. University of California, Berkeley, for research in Eng- on economic Samuel J. Eldersveld, Professor of Political Science, Uni- land and other West European countries versity of Michigan, for research in the Netherlands on analysis of public services. the role of political parties in the policy process, group H. Gordon Skilling, Professor of Political Economy, Uni- conflict resolution, and the maintenance of consensus versity of Toronto, for research in East European in that country. countries on comparative Communism, with special Charles Fairman, Professor of Law, Harvard University, reference to ideology and leadership. for research on the history of the U. S. Supreme Court, Richard E. Sullivan, Associate Professor of History, Michi- 1864-88. gan State University, for research in Europe on early William H. Form, Professor of Sociology and Anthropol- Christian monasticism (c. 400-900) to ascertain the im- Michigan State University, for research in Italy pact of this institution as a creative force shaping early- ogy, society. on patterns of social integration among industrial West European workers: a comparative analysis. Hayden V. White, Assistant Professor of History, Uni- Varden Fuller, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Uni- versity of Rochester, for research in Italy on the rela- versity of California, Berkeley, for research in Western tion between science and social thought in Italy, 1543- Europe on an international comparison of policies and -1643. practices governing the size, composition, and utiliza- Perez Zagorin, Assistant Professor of History, McGill Uni- tionof the farm labor force. versity, for research in the United States on the social Sidney Goldstein, Professor of Sociology, Brown Univer- history of the English Revolution, 1640-60 (supplemen- sity, for research in the United States and Denmark tal to Faculty Research Grant awarded in 1958-59). I on the extent and character of repeated migration in the latter country in relation to social and personal disorganization. GRANTS-IN-AID M. Gross, Visiting Professor of Administration, Bertram The Committee on Grants-in-Aid Vincent H. Whitney Syracuse University (on ieave from The Hebrew Uni- — versity, Jerusalem), for research on a general theory of (chairman), Paul Bohannan, James M. Buchanan, John administration. Hope Franklin, William H. Riker, and Gordon Wright- Gabriel Jackson, Assistant Professor of History, Wellesley held the first of its two meetings scheduled for 1960-61 on College, for research mainly in Spain on the history December 15-16. It voted to award the following 18 grants- of the Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-39 in-aid of research: (renewal). William A. Jenks, Professor of History, Washington and Loren Baritz, Assistant Professor of History, Wesleyan Lee University, for research mainly in Austria on University, for research on a history of pessimism in parliamentary democracy in that country, 1907-14. America: an analysis of the tension between national goals and experience. Solon T. Kimball, Professor of Anthropology and Educa- tion, Teachers College, Columbia University, for re- Otomar J. Bartos, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Uni- search on the dynamics of process in innovation and versity of Hawaii, for research designed to test the change. basic assumption of a model of negotiation. 6 Thomas S. Berry, Associate Professor of Business Admin- GRANTS FOR RESEARCH ON AMERICAN istration, University of Richmond, for research in the GOVERNMENTAL AND LEGAL PROCESSES United States and England on fluctuations in com- modity prices, trade, and banking in the San Francisco area in comparison with New York and London, 1847— The Committee on Political Behavior David B. Truman 1900 (renewal of grant-in-aid awarded in 1957-58). (chairman), William M. Beaney, Robert— A. Dahl, Oliver David D. Bien, Assistant Professor of Flistory, Princeton Garceau, V. O. Key, Jr., Avery Leiserson, and Edward H. University, for research in France and Italy on the Levi—at its meeting on January 28 awarded 8 grants for expulsion of the Jesuits from France during the 1760'5. research under its program: Margaret G. Davies, Associate Professor of History, Po- mona College, for research in England on problems of Philip E. Converse, Assistant Professor of Political Sci- ence, for a estate management and income among gentry land- University of Michigan, research on "rein- holders in Restoration England. stating" election, 1960. John D. Eyre, Associate Professor of Geography, Univer- Homer C. Cooper, Assistant Professor of Social Psychol- sity of North Carolina, for research in Japan on rela- ogy, Dartmouth College, for research on perceived tionships between Nagoya and its tributary area. subgroup dominance and political party affiliation (renewal of grant made in 1958-59). H. Flavell, Associate Professor of Psychology, Uni- John Kamisar, of Law, of Minnesota, versity of Rochester, for a critical evaluation of the Yale Professor University developmental theory and research of Piaget. for research on the criminal law in action: the pros- Jean ecutor's discretion (renewal). Roland W. Force, Curator of Oceanic Archaeology and N. Natural for com- Roland McKean, Research Economist, Rand Cor- Ethnology, Chicago History Museum, for an pletion in Flawaii of a study of kinship and social poration, economic analysis of governmental organization in the Palau Islands. problems of choice. Morgan, Science, Grumm, Assistant Professor of Political Sci- Donald G. Professor of Political Mount John Grant Holyoke College, for research on the responsibility of ence, University of Kansas, for research on factors considering in Kansas legislature. Congress for constitutional questions and influencing voting the the manner of its exercise (renewal). Professor of Economics, University of Abram L. Harris, Samuel C. Patterson, Assistant Professor of Political Sci- for study in England of the dispatches of Chicago, John ence, Oklahoma State University, for research on the as Examiner, East India Company, and his Stuart Mill structure and process of political conflict in Oklahoma. correspondence with J. E. Cairnes, 1859-66. Joseph Tanenhaus, Associate Professor of Government, C. Warren Hollister, Assistant Professor of Flistory, Uni- on for on New York University, for research aspects of the versity of California, Santa Barbara, research U. S. Court Anglo-Norman military institutions. behavior of the Supreme and its members. Wilson, Larkin, History, James Q. Assistant Professor of Political Emmet Assistant Professor of Massachu- University of Chicago, for completion of a comparative setts Technology, for in Italy Institute of research and study of reform movements in party organizations in England on history the of the Roman Catholic Church three cities (renewal). in Ireland in the nineteenth century. Richard Lowitt, Associate Professor of Flistory, Connecti- cut College, for completion of a study of the process through which George W. Norris emerged as an insur- gent leader. GRANTS FOR RESEARCH David P. McAllester, Professor of Anthropology, Wesleyan ON NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY University, for field study on the Navaho reservation of the texts and translations of two Navaho chants. The Committee on National Security Policy Research— George L. Mosse, Professor of History, University of William T. R. Fox (chairman), Charles J. Hitch, Morris Wisconsin, for research in England and Germany on Janowitz, Klaus Knorr, G. A. Lincoln, John W. Masland, the intellectual origins of national socialism center- Robert E. Osgood, Arthur Smithies—at its meeting on ing upon romanticism" at the turn of the the "new January 26 awarded 3 grants for research in its field: century. Nelson W. Polsby, Instructor in Political Science, Uni- Paul Y. Hammond, Assistant Professor of Political Sci- versity of Wisconsin, for research on the political ence, Yale University, for research on interrelations theories of makers of national policy in Washington, between organization and strategy in national security D.C. policy. Robert J. Smith, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Irving B. Flolley, Jr., Associate Professor of History, Duke Cornell University, for research in the United States on University, for research on General J. MacAuley Palmer the historical development of the Japanese family and and therelationship between the military establishment kinship terminology. and the civilians who constituted the army in wartime, 1890-1948 (renewal of grant made in 1954-55). Bertie Wilkinson, Professor of Medieval History, Univer- sity of Toronto,for completion in England of a history James R. Schlesinger, Associate Professor of Economics, of the fifteenth century (renewal of Faculty Research , for research on professionalism Grant awarded in 1956-57). and national security decisions. 7

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ttt GRANTS FOR AFRICAN STUDIES Shao Chuan Leng, Associate Professor of Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia, for research in Hong Kong and The on new Joint Committee African Studies, of the the United States on the legal system of Communist American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Sci- China. ence Research Council—William A. Hance (chairman), Edwin P. Reubens, Associate Professor of Economics, The Elizabedi Colson, William O. Jones, Vernon McKay, Alan City College, New York, for research on the mobiliza- P. Merriam, William E. Welmers, and Roland Young—on tion of underemployed labor in Communist China, and December 9 made the following 7 grants for research relat- the role of such mobilization in the central planning of ing to Africa south of the Sahara: economic development. Anthony M. Tang, Associate Professor of Economics and Margaret L. Bates, Professor of Flistory and Political Business Administration, Vanderbilt University, for re- Science, Goddard College, for a survey in Tanganyika search on the economic development of contemporary of recent political development in that country. China, with particular reference to the agricultural Robert O. Collins, Instructor in History, Williams Col- sector. lege, for research in England on British policy in the H. Yuan Tien, Assistant Professor of Sociology and An- Southern Sudan. thropology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, for John F. Due, Professor of Economics, University of Illi- research in Hong Kong on population policies of Com- nois, for research in Africa on the role of taxation in munist China, with special reference to rural-urban the development of underdeveloped economies, with distribution and land settlements in border regions. particular reference to central Africa. Tang Tsou, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Uni- Terence K. Hopkins, Assistant Professor of Sociology, versity of Chicago, for research on force and diplomacy Columbia University, for field study in Uganda of the in the foreign relations of Communist China. social structures of indigenous economies. Y. C. Wang, Visiting Assistant Professor of Far Eastern J. Gus Liebenow, Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago, for research on the im- Indiana University, for a comparative study in Liberia, pact of Chinese educated abroad on China. Sierra Leone, and England of political and administra- Holmes H. Welch, Consul, American Consulate General, tive leadership in Liberia and Sierra Leone (supplemen- Hong Kong, for research in Hong Kong and Southeast tal to Faculty Research Fellowship awarded by the Asia on Buddhist institutions in Social Science Research Council in 1959-60). Communist China. Professor Yuan-li Wu, Professor of Economics, Marquette Univer- Richard F. Logan, Associate of Geography, Uni- sity, on California, for research transportation and spatial eco- versity of Los Angeles, for research in South nomics in Communist China. West Africa on resource potentials of contrasting regions of that Territory. R. C. Pratt, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Uni- GRANTS FOR LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES versity of Toronto, for research in England on the development of African local governmentin East Africa The Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, spon- since 1947. sored with the American Council of Learned Societies— Robert N. Burr (chairman), Henry P. de Vries, Fred P. Elli- GRANTS FOR RESEARCH son, Wendell C. Gordon, Irving A. Leonard, Charles Wag- ON CONTEMPORARY CHINA ley, and Robert Wauchope—at a meeting on December 16-17 awarded grants for research to the following 12 The Joint Committee on Contemporary China of the scholars: American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Sci- Arnade, ence Research Council George E. Taylor (chairman), Charles W. Interim Assistant Professor of History — John and Social Sciences, University of Florida, for research M. H. Lindbeck (secretary), Alexander Eckstein, John K. on the history of Bolivia. Fairbank, Galenson, Norton S. A. M. Walter Ginsburg, M. Margaret Ball, Professor of Political Science, Wellesley Halpern, C. Martin Wilbur, and Hellmut Wilhelm—at its College, for research in Latin America on the Organiza- meeting on December 2-3 made its first grants for research, tion of American States. to the following 12 scholars: Frank Dauster, Associate Professor of Romance Lan- guages, Rutgers John DeFrancis, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University, for research in Mexico and Quinnipiac College, for research for three years in Puerto Rico on their contemporary playwrights. preparation of a Chinese mathematics dictionary. Rosendo A. Gomez, Associate Professor of Government, Charles Hoffmann, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Arizona, for research in Peru on its po- system in a period change. Queens College, for research on work incentives in the litical of Chinese economy, 1953-60. Joseph Evans Lecturer in Descriptive Linguistics, Chiao-min Hsieh, Associate Professor of Geography, Cath- University of Oklahoma, for research in Mexico on olic University of America, for research in preparation rural Nayarit Spanish. of an atlas of contemporary China. Fred S. Keller, Professor of Psychology, Columbia Uni- Joseph M. Kitagawa, Associate Professor of History of versity, for experimental research in Brazil on language Religion, University of Chicago, for research in Flong learning. Kong, Taiwan, and Japan on Buddhism in contempo- John A. Nist, Associate Professor of English and Speech, rary China, with special reference to the period since Eastern Michigan University, for research in Brazil on 1949. the aesthetic movement known as Modemismo. 8

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■ Robert A. Potash, Associate Professor of History, Univer- GRANTS FOR SLAVIC AND sity of Massachusetts, forresearch in Argentina and the EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES United States on Argentine political history since 1930. Robert E. Quirk, Associate Professor of Flistory, Indiana The Joint Committee on Slavic and East European University, for research in Mexico and the United Grants, sponsored with the American Council of Learned States on the Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Societies—Evsey D. Domai (chairman), Deming Brown, J. Church, 1910-29. Michael Montias, Henry L. Roberts, and Donald W. Tread- Robert E. Scott, Associate Professor of Political Science, gold—at a meeting on January 28 awarded the following University of Illinois, for research in Peru on the role 17 grants for research: of interest groups in Peru's political process. Joseph Frank, Alfred N. Assistant Professor of English, Univer- P. Tischendorf, Assistant Professor of History, sity Minnesota, a study Dostoevsky's for in and of for of work in Duke University, research Argentina the relation to Russian cultural history. United States on the Argentine Radical Party, 1916-30. David Granick, Associate Professor of Economics, Univer- A. H. Whiteford, Professor of Anthropology, Beloit Col- sity of Wisconsin, for research on Soviet economic de- lege, for research in Colombia oncultural change in the velopment in metalworking industries. Upper Cauca Valley. Thomas T. Hammond, Associate Professor of Flistory, University of Virginia, for preparation of a bibliogra- phy on Soviet foreign relations and world communism, GRANTS FOR RESEARCFI ON THE 1917-60. NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST Jacob B. Hoptner, Assistant Director, Department of Pro- fessional Education, National Foundation, for research The Joint Committee on the Near and Middle East, spon- on the Yugoslav government-in-exile and the diplo- sored with the American Council of Learned Societies matic recognition of the de facto Tito government. T. Cuyler Young (chairman), Dankwart A. Rustow (secre-— W. A. Douglas Jackson, Professor of Geography, Univer- sity of Washington, for research on the historical tary), Hamilton R. Gibb, Khadduri, spread A. Majicl William D. and development of Russian agriculture. Schorger, Wilfred C. Smith, G. E. von and Grunebaum, David Joravsky, Assistant Professor of History, Brown John A. Wilson—at a meeting on December 17 awarded 8 University, for research on the history of Michurinism grants for research: (renewal of grant made in 1958-59). Lensen, Douglas Ashford, Assistant George A. Professor of History, Florida State E. Professor of Government, University, for research on Russo-Japanese relations Indiana University, for a comparative analysis in Eu- since 1875. rope, Morocco, Tunisia, and Pakistan of programs for forced political change in those three countries. Roderick E. Associate Professor of History, Uni- versity of Missouri, for research on Russian social and William M. Brinner, Assistant Professor of Near Eastern political thought in the late eighteenth and early nine- Languages, University of California, Berkeley, for re- teenth centuries. search in Europe, Damascus, and Istanbul on Albert Parry, Professor of Russian Studies, Colgate Uni- Egypt and Syria during the reign of Mamluk Sultan research Barqiiq (1382-97). versity, for on the sociopolitical role of the Soviet Union's new scientists, engineers, and managers. Gulick, John Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Uni- Hans Rogger, Associate Professor of History, Sarah Law- versity of North Carolina, for research in Lebanon on rence College, for research on nationalist and of urban social organization and right- patterns cultural proc- wing movements and parties in Russia, 1905-17. esses in that country. Ivan L. Rudnytsky, Assistant Professor of Flistory, La Charles Issawi, Associate Professor of Near and Middle Salle College, for research on the history of Carpatho- East Economics, Columbia University, for research in Ukraine to 1921. and in on Europe the Arab countries dieir economic Nicolas Spulber, Associate Professor of Economics, Indi- history since 1800. anaUniversity, for research on Soviet strategy and tech- Kemal FI. Karpat, Associate Professor of Political Science, niques of economic development. Montana State University, for research in Turkey on Peter F. Sugar, Assistant Professor of History, University current political changes there, with special reference of Washington, for research on the 1790 Serb National to local party organizations, social groups, and values. Congress on Temesvar. Louise E. Sweet, Associate Professor of Anthropology, In- Howard R. Swearer, Lecturer on Political Science, Uni- diana State College (Pennsylvania),for archival research versity of California, Los Angeles, for research on local in England on traditional culture patterns of the Per- government and administration in the Soviet Union. sian Gulf region. Glenn E. Torrey, Assistant Professor of Social Science, Martin W. Wilmington, Economist, New York City De- Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, for research partment of Commerce, Adjunct Professor of Economics on German-Rumanian relations, 1914-18. and Geography, Pace College, for research in England, Valerie A. Tumins, Assistant Professor of Slavic Lan- Egypt, Sudan, and Israel on a history of the Middle guages, Brown University, for research on Russian cul- East Supply Center. tural relations with Western Europe in the fifteenth Leon Zolondek, Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages, and sixteenth centuries. University of Kentucky, for research in Egypt, Lebanon, Alexander Vucinich, Professor of Sociology, San Jose and Turkey on the term Sha'ab in Arab sociopolitical State College, for research on science in Russian culture literature of the last half of the nineteenth century. (renewal of grant made in 1957—58). 9


Cairo, SUMMER RESEARCH TRAINING INSTITUTE International Congress of Applied Psychology, ON ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAW OF TORTS Copenhagen, August 13-19

Selection of applicants for admission to theresearch train- Raymond A. Bauer, Professor of Business Administration, ing institute to be held at Dartmouth College, June 26- Harvard University August 11, 1961, under the auspices of the Committee on Jack Block, Associate Professor of Psychology, University Political Behavior, has been made by a subcommittee, con- of California, Berkeley sisting of Edward H. Levi (chairman), William M. Beaney, Jerome Cohen, Associate Professor of Neurology and Psy- chiatry Harry Kalven, Jr., and Richard D. Schwartz. The following (Psychology), Northwestern University Lee 14 persons have been invited to participate in the institute: J. Cronbach, Professor of Education and Psychology, University of Illinois Yehudi A. Cohen, Lecturer in Sociology, Columbia Uni- Flenry P. David, Psychology Consultant, New Jersey State versity Department of Institutions and Agencies Philip E. Davis, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, San Anthony Davids, Associate Professor of Psychology, Brown Jose State College University _ Robert E. Furlong, Assistant Professor of Law, Fordham Joshua A. Fishman, Dean and Professor of Psychology, University Graduate School of Education, Yeshiva University Edward Green, Professor of Sociology, Beaver College Wilfred A. Gibson, Supervisory Research Psychologist, Milton Greenberg, Associate Professor of Political Sci- Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Army ence, Western Michigan University Robert Glaser, Professor of Psychology, University of Heinz R. Hink, Associate Professor of Political Science, Pittsburgh Arizona State University Leo Goldberger, Research Assistant Professor of Psychol- Donald P. Kommers, Assistant Professor of Government, ogy, New York University Los Angeles State College Mason Haire, Professor of Psychology, University of Cali- Samuel Krislov, Associate Professor of Government, Uni- fornia, Berkeley versity of Oklahoma Starke R. Hathaway, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Colin R. Lovell, Professor of History, University of University of Minnesota Medical School Southern California Evelyn Hooker, Research Associate in Psychology, Uni- Albert A. Mavrinac, Professor of Government, Colby versity of California, Los Angeles College George Katona, Professor of Psychology and of Economics, Saul H. Mendlovitz, Associate Professor of Law, Rutgers University of Michigan University George S. Klein, Professor of Psychology, New York Jerome H. Skolnick, Assistant Professor of Sociology and University Law, Yale University Nathan Kogan, Research Associate, Educational Testing John W. Wade, Dean, Vanderbilt University School of Service Law Richard D. Lambert, Associate Professor of Sociology, W. J. Wagner, Associate Professor of Law, University of University of Pennsylvania Notre Dame Charles E. Osgood, Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois Donald G. Paterson, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TRAVEL GRANTS University of Minnesota, Veterans Admin- istration Hospital, Minneapolis The Committee on International Conference Travel / Philburn Ratoosh, Visiting Associate Professor of Busi- Grants—Leonard Krieger (acting chairman in the absence * ness Administration, University of California, Berkeley of Hugh L. Elsbree), G. Heberton Evans, Irwin T. Jr., Irving Sarnoff, Professor of Social Work and Psychology, Sanders, Fillmore Sanford, Edward H. Spicer, and S. S. Western Reserve University Wilks—met on January 28. At this meeting and by mail Carroll L. Shartle, Professor of Psychology, Ohio State votes, it has made 61 awards to assist socialscientists resident University in the United States to attend the following international Morris I. Stein, Professor of Psychology, New York Uni- congresses outside this country in 1961: versity L. Joseph Stone, Professor of Child Study, International Conference of Southeast Asian Historians, Arnold S. Tannenbaum, Program Director, Survey Re- Singapore, January 16-20 search Center, University of Michigan Donald W. Taylor, Professor of Psychology, Yale Uni- J. Norman Parmer, Professor of History, Northern Illinois University versity Albert S. Thompson, Professor of Education, Teachers Karl J. Pelzer, Professor of Geography, Yale University College, Columbia University Paul Wheatley, Associate Professor of Geography, Uni- Harry C. Triandis,Assistant Professor of Psychology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley versity of Illinois Lea E. Williams, Associate Professor of Political Science, Steven G. Vandenberg, Associate Professor of Child De- Brown University velopment, University of Louisville Medical School 10

Consultant, International Statistical Institute, Paris, Alexander Heard, Dean of the Graduate School and Pro- August 28 - September 7 fessor of Political Science, University of North Carolina Helen C. Farnsworth, Professor of Economics, Stanford Samuel P. Fluntington, Associate Professor of Govern- University ment, Columbia University Leslie Kish, Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan Charles S. Hyneman, Professor of Government, Indiana University Wassily W. Leontief, Professor of Economics, Harvard University Hans Kohn, Professor of History, The City College, New York Robert McGinnis, Associate Professor of Sociology, Uni- versity of Wisconsin Joseph LaPalombara, Professor of Political Science, Mich- igan State University Marc Nerlove, Professor of Economics, Stanford Uni- versity Warren E. Miller, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan Ingram Olkin, Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Minnesota Richard L. Park, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan George L. Saiger, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University School of Public Flealth and C. Herman Piitchett, Professor of Political Science, Uni- Administrative Medicine versity of Chicago Warner R. Schilling, Assistant Professor of Government, International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Columbia University Geneva, September 11-15 Clement E. Vose, Associate Professor of Government, Anne P. Carter, Senior Research Associate in Economics, Wesleyan University Harvard University Other International Meetings Karl A. Fox, Professor of Economics and Sociology, lowa State University In accordance with recommendations of the Committee Werner Z. Hirsch, Professor of Economics, Washington on International Conference Travel the Council's University Executive Committee has approved the award of travel Alan S. Manne, Associate Professor of Economics, Yale grants to the following 5 scholars for attendance at the University meetings indicated: Thomas C. Cochran, Professor of Flistory, University of World Congress of the International Political Science Pennsylvania; Meeting of the Commission on Economic Association, Paris, September 26-30 History of the International Congress of Historical Sci- Henry L. Bretton, Associate Professor of Political Science, ences, Paris, March 23-24 University of Michigan Charles F. Delzell, Associate Professor of Modern Eu- Robert A. Dahl, Professor of Political Science, Yale Uni- ropean Flistory, Vanderbilt University; International versity Conference on the Flistory of the Resistance, Milan, Italy, March 25-29 Gottfried Dietze, Associate Professor of Political Science, Walter Professor of Law, Columbia University; Science, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, David Easton, Professor of Political University Round Table, Paris, September 11-15 of Chicago Modigliani, of Economics, Northwestern Leon D. Professor of Political Science, University Franco Professor Epstein, / University; International Meeting of the Institute of of Wisconsin w Management Sciences, Brussels, August 23-26 Plerman Finer, Professor of Political Science, University Percy H. Tannenbaum, Director, Mass Communications of Chicago Research University of Wisconsin; Interna- William T. R. Fox, Professor of International Relations, tional Association for Mass Communication Research, Columbia University Evian, France and Lausanne, Switzerland, June 22-26


COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS Group on Correctional Organization, sponsored by the Council in 1956-57. March 1960. 152 pages. $1.50. Labor Commitment and Social Change in Developing Areas, edited by Wilbert E. Moore and Arnold S. Feld- The State and Economic Growth: Papers of a Conference man. Sponsored by the Committee on Economic Held on October 11-13, 1956, under the Auspices of Growth. December 1960. 393 pages. Cloth, $3.75. the Committee on Economic Growth, edited by Hugh G. Aitken. May 1959. 399 pages. Cloth, $3.75. Theoretical Studies in Social Organization of the Prison, J. Pamphlet 15, by Richard A. Cloward, Donald R. Cres- Migration and Mental Disease: A Study of First Admis- sey, George H. Grosser, Richard McCleery, Lloyd E. sions to Hospitals for Mental Disease, New York, 1939- and Gresham M. Sykes and Sheldon L. Mes- -1941, by Benjamin Malzberg and Everett S. Lee, with singer. Papers prepared by members of a Conference an introduction by Dorothy S. Thomas. Sponsored by 11




Ohlin, the former Committee on Migration Differentials. March 1956. 152 pages. $1.50. ANNOUNCEMENT Effects of Social and Cultural Systems in Reactions to FULBRIGHT GRANTS FOR ADVANCED Stress, Pamphlet 14, by William Caudill. June 1958. RESEARCH AND UNIVERSITY LECTURING 39 pages. 50 cents. IN THE PACIFIC AREA, SOUTH AND Social Status and Public Health, Pamphlet 13, by Ozzie SOUTHEAST AND LATIN AMERICA G. Simmons. May 1958. 39 pages. 50 cents. The Committee on Persons, Problems in Intercullural Healtli Programs, Pamphlet 12, International Exchange of of by George M. Foster. April 1958. 54 pages. 50 cents. the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, will issue early April an announcement Special price for Pamphlets 12-14 together, $1.00. in of United States Government awards available to American scholars under The publications of the Council are distributed from its the Fulbright Act for advanced research and lec- office, 230 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. university turing during the academic year 1962-63 in the Pacific OTHER BOOKS Area, South and Southeast Asia, and the Latin American Republics. Grants for 1962-63 are offered in the countries Historical Statistics of the United Slates, Colonial Times listed below, where the academic year is, in general, as to 1957. Prepared by the Bureau of the Census, with the indicated: assistance of the former Advisory Committee on His- torical Statistics. Washington, D. C: Government Print- Pacific Area (March to November 1962): Australia and ing Office, August 1960. 800 pages. Cloth, $6.00. New Zealand Theories of Economic Growth, edited by Bert F. Hoselitz. South and Southeast Asia (June 1962 to April 1963): Product of the Interuniversity Summer Research Sem- Burma, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, Philippines, and inar sponsored by the Committee on Economic Growth, Thailand 1956. Glencoe: Free Press, December 1960. 358 pages. Latin America (March to November 1962): Argentina, Cloth, $7.50. Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION MONOGRAPHS The closing date for making application will be May 1, 1961. These monographs, sponsored by the former Committee on Cross-Cultural Education, are published by the Univer- The criteria of eligibility are: United States citizenship; sity of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis: for lecturing, at least one year of college or university teach- ing experience; research, a doctoral Scandinavian Students on an American Campus, by Wil- for degree orrecognized liam H. Sewell and Oluf M. Davidsen. February 1961. professional standing; in some cases, a knowledge of the 145 pages. $3.50. language of the host country. The Two-Way Mirror: National Status in Foreign Stu- The terms of award are as follows: Awards are tenable in dents' Adjustment, by Richard T. Morris. July 1960. one country, usually for a full academic year, and payable 229 pages. $4.50. in the currency of the host country. They provide round- In Search of Identity: The Japanese Overseas Scholar in trip travel for the grantee, and to certain countries the America and Japan, by John W. Bennett, Herbert travel of one dependent; a maintenance allowance to cover Passin, and Robert December 1958. 381 K. Mcknight. ordinary living expenses of the grantee and his family while pages. Cloth, $7.50. in residence abroad; a small incidental allowance for in- No Frontier to Learning: The Mexican Student in the ternal travel,books, and servicesrequired by the assignment; United by Ralph L. Beals and Norman D. Humphrey. August 1957. 159 pages. Cloth, $3.25. for certain countries and within specific limitations, a sup- plemental dollar Indian Students on an American Campus, by Richard allowance. D. Lambert and Marvin Bressler. December 1956. 133 Detailed information and application forms may be ob- pages. $3.00. tained from the Conference Board of Associated Research The American Experience of Swedish Students, by Frank- Councils, Committee on International Exchange of Persons, lin D. Scott. June 1956. 142 pages. Cloth, $3.00. 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington 25, D.C.

SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL 23 0 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, N . Y Incorporated in the State of Illinois, December 27, 1924, for the purpose of advancing research in the social sciences Directors, 1961: Gardner Ackley, Paul Boiiannan, John A. Clausen, Harold F. Dorn, Louis Gottschalk, Ciiauncy D. Harris, H. Field Haviland, Jr., Pendleton Herring, Georce H. Hildebrand, E. Adamson Hoei!EL, Wayne H. Holtzman, Nathan Keyfitz, Lyle H. Lanier, Avery Leiserson, Edward H. Levi, Philip J. McCarthy, Wilbert E. Moore, William H. Niciioli.s, J. Roland Pennock, David M. Potter, Nevitt Sanford, Herbert A. Simon, Melford E. Si-iuo, David B. Truman, S. S. Wilks, Malcolm M. Willey, Robin M. Williams, Jr., C. Vann Donald Young, T. Cuyler Young Officers and Staff: Pendleton Herring, President; Paul Webbink, Vice-President; Elbridge Sibley, Executive Associate; Bryce Wood; Eleanor C. Francis H. Palmer; Rowland L. Mitchell, Jr.; Catherine V. Ronnan, Financial Secretary 12






