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Fall 9-1-1998 PSC 532.01: Comparative Government Louis D. Hayes The University Of Montana

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Political Science 532 CORE READINGS


Robert A Dahl, "Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest, "AMERICAN REVIEW 1961 763-72

Sigmund Neumann, "Comparative : A Half-Century Appraisal," JOURNAL OF POLITICS (August 1957) 369-90

9/17 William Flanigan and Edwin Fogelman, "Functionalism in Political Science, II in Don Martindale, ed.' FUNCTIONALISM IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 111-126 Robert Holt, "A Proposed Structural-Functional Framework for Political Science," in Martindale, 84-110 I _U Heinz Eulau, "Segments of Political Science Most Susceptible to Behavioristic Treatment " in James Charlesworth, ed., THE LIMITS OF BEHAVIORALISM IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, 26-48 Russell Kirk, "Segments of Political Science not Amenable to Behavioristic Treatment," in Charlesworth, 68-93


David Easton, "An Approach to the Analysis of Political Systems," WORLD POLITICS (April 1957) 383-400

Theda Skocpol, "Bringing the State Back in," ITEMS June 1982 and G. Bingham Powell, COMPARATIVE POLITICS: A DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH, Chapter II


Richard Lowenthal, "Political Legitimacy and Cultural Change in West and East" SOCIAL RESEARCH (Autumn 1979)' 401-35 Young Kim, "Authority: Some Conceptual and Empirical Notes" Western Political Quarterly (June 1966), 223-34 ..

Charles Hagan, "The Group in a Political Science" Bobbs-Merrill Robert Michels, "Some Reflections on the Ecological Character of Political Parties" Bobbs-Merrill 10/8

Pierre du Toit, "Consociational Democracy and Bargaining Power," COMPARATIVE POLITICS (July 1987) 419-429 Leo Panich, "Recent Theorizations of Corporatism," BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (June 1980) Philippe Schmitter, "Democratic Theory and Neocorporatist Practice," SOCIAL RESEARCH (Winter 1983) 885-928 10/15 Gabriel Almond, CIVIC CULTURE REVISITED Chapter 1, 1-37 Inglehart, Political Culture, AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW (December 1988) 1120­ , CIVIC CULTURE REVISITED Chapter 3, 57-102 -~ 10/22 Harry Eckstein, "The Idea of Political Development," WORLD POLITICS (July 1982) 451-86 Samuel Huntington, "The Change to Change: Modernization, Development and Politics," COMPARATIVE POLITICS (April 1971) 283­ 322 Alaine Touraine, "Modernity abd Cultural Specificities," INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL (November 1988): 443-58

10/29 Tony Smith, "The Dependency Approach," (Wiarda, DIRECTIONS IN COMPARATIVE POLITICS) 113-126 Ronald Chilcote, "A Question of Dependency," LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH REVIEW 1978 "The Internationalization of the Market: The New Nature of Dependence," 149-71. 11/5

Jack Goldstone, "Theories of Revolutions: The Third Generation," WORLD POLITICS (April 1980) 425-453 Ivo Feierabend et al, "The Comparative Study of Revolution and Violence," COMPARATIVE POLITICS April 1973, 393-424 Isaac Kramnick, "Reflections on Revolution," HISTORY AND THEORY 1972, 26-63


Samuel P. Huntington, "Will More Countries Become Democratic?" POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY (Summer 1984) 193-218 Myron Weiner, "Empirical Democratic Theory and the Transition from Authoritarianism to Democracy PS (Fall 1987) 861-866 Richard Lowenthal, "The Post-Revolutionary Phase in China and Russia," STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE COMMUNISM (Autumn 1983) 191-201 11/19
