7. Moorebank Hydrogeological Landscape
7. Moorebank Hydrogeological Landscape MOOREBANK, CHIPPING NORTON, LOCALITIES GEORGES HALL, LANSDOWNE, FAIRFIELD EAST Land Salt Salinity Export TYPE AREA MOOREBANK Moderate Low GRID REFERENCE 297700 mE 6270000 mN (Z 56) Water EC GEOLOGY SHEET PENRITH 1:100 000 Low CONFIDENCE LEVEL MEDIUM O V E R V I E W The Moorebank Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) is characteristic of areas of Neogene (Pliocene) alluvial deposits contained within the floodplain of the Georges River, particularly around Chipping Norton Lake in the suburbs of Chipping Norton, Moorebank, Lansdowne, Georges Hall and Fairfield East. Landscape features typically include broad, flat alluvial plains, splays and levees which are intersected by present day drainage channels and narrow drainage lines. This HGL is distinguished from other areas within the Sydney Metropolitan CMA by its very flat, broad and low lying alluvial plain and slowed flow/ponding within the bend in the Georges River around the Chipping Norton Lake area. The bend in the river has allowed Tertiary Alluvium to form the very flat lying landscape. The Moorebank HGL is distinct from the Parramatta/Georges River HGL because of this terminal-like ponding of the river, and that it is not heavily influenced by acid sulfate soils which produce a different salinity signature. This HGL comprises Neogene Alluvium (clayey quartzose sand and clay under the Georges River as part of the old fluvial environment) with small areas of Hawkesbury Sandstone (medium to very coarse-grained sandstone, minor laminated mudstone and siltstone lenses), and Wianamatta Group Shales and Sandstone (Ashfield Shale which is dark-grey to black claystone-siltstone and fine sandstone-siltstone laminite, and some Bringelly shale which is shale, carbonaceous claystone, claystone, laminite, fine to medium-grained lithic sandstone, rare coal and tuff).
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