U.S. NAVAL BASE, ffAANAMO BAY, CIA Terrorists *tdtit1nu0 Free Cross MONTREAL (AP/AFRTS) --- A Cuban delegation de- livered kidnaped British envoy James R. Cross to Canadian officials early today after a Can- of his kidnap- DECEMBER 4, 1970 Phone 9-5247 adian Air Force plane with two ers and five other French-Canadians landed in Havana, In Miami, Federal Aviation Adrdinistration offi- cials said a Canadian airplane carrying FLO members and their Pentagon Didn't OK Dumping families landed at Havana at 1:07 a.m. today. * 4ASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)---Navy ggggggaggggagggy Meanwhile, Cross was taken spokesmen at the Pentagon say to a hospital for a checkup, no prior approval was given but Justice Minister Jerome before Mayport Naval Station Choauette reported him in "ex- personnel dumped two barge cellent physical and mental loads of oil sludge at sea. condition" despite 60 days of The oil formed a 1,000- A% ' confinement in a small window- square-mile slick in The At- less room in a Montreal house. be flown lantic yesterday, and slowly Cross probably will drifted toward shore, threat- to Britain today or Saturday his wife. ening northern Florida beach- for a reunion with terror- es The French-Canadian for The dumping was in violation The ists who had held Cross of a recently passed Naval two months surrendered him to regulation requiring a "pre- a delegation from the Cuban paration and approval of an E ivironmrient, Consulate yesterday afternoon environmental impact state- after the Canadian government ment." To head off similar agreed to fly the kidnapers pollution problems in the fut- and some of their relations to re, Secretary of the Navy Cuba for asylum. John Chafee has banned the dumping in open waters of "sludges, industrial wastes, oily wastes, trash or rubbish collected in port." Patches of the massive slick Loophole Permits Pollution were spotted 13 miles from the northeast Florida coastline WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)---A 1924 law cited by the Navy as jus- yesterday. tification for dumping oil sludge in Atlantic waters was re- It is too early to tell, ob- pealed last spring, but Congressional experts say the law servers say, whether this in- which replaced it contains a loophole which permits such dump- dicated the slick was breaking ing even if resulting oil slicks drift back onto U.S. beaches. up and reducing the danger of An official Navy spokesman said Mayport Naval Station "has contaminating 50 miles of used this procedure for the past two years, as required by the clean sandy beaches or whether Oil Pollution Act of 1924." this was the vanguard of the The U.S. Water Quality Improvement Act, signed into law by total slick moving in. President Nixon last April 3, says in part: "The Oil Pollution A Navy plane also flew over Act, 1924, as amended, is hereby repealed." The new law sets the area and reported the much stricter requirements on dumping in ocean waters within weather was too hazy to deter- 50 miles of the U.S. coastline, but sets no limits on dumping mine the current extent or outside that boundary, even if the oil drifts back to shore. pattern of the slick. More Last Feb. 4, Nixon issued an executive order to control pollu- flights are planned, however. tion at federal facilities, including U.S. ships. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, December 4, 1970 Freighter Passes Drowning Men News Gazetteer DETROIT (AP/AFRTS)--The Coast Guard has 4V charged a Great Lakes freighter captain with negligence for allegedly failing to assist two drowning men. A Coast Guard hearing scheduled for next Tuesday will determine if the license of House-Senate conferees have agreed on, three- Captain Burris Wolters of Sandusky, Ohio year, $387 million Family Planning Bill. The should be revoked for negligence. The hear- bill will establish a federal office to coordi- ing will be in the Federal Building here. nate.ways of controlling population growth. A Coast Guard Investigating Officer, Lieu- The bill authorizes funds to be distributed to tenant Commander Robert Ricard, says he will public and private non-profit organizations testify that Wolters failed to halt the to advise persons on means of controlling birth steamer "Sylvania" Nov. 21 as the two men and issuing contraceptives. were struggling to stay afloat in the Detroit River 18 miles south of here. The Senate has dealt a stunning and perhaps, fatal The Coast Guard claims that although the setback to the supersonic transport by voting 572-foot coal carrier was only a few feet 52 to 42 to kill the $290 million federal from the men, her officers called on the subsidy. President Nixon had wanted the plane radio-telephone for Coast Guard help, and did as the flagship of the nation's global jet not stop. fleet. Backers of the SST project, however, say they will try to salvage at least part of the program in a House-Senate conference. Prisoner Camps Inspection Proposed Pope Paul addressed a stadium audiences of 40,000 PARIS (AP/AFRTS)--The formally Chinese in Hong Kong today. The Pope said, proposed yesterday opening all prisoner facil- "Christ is a teacher, a shepherd and a loving ities in North and South Vietnam to visits by redeemer for China, too." The message, with- the Red Cross or other impartial observers. out specific reference to the Communist-ruled The proposal was made by U.S. Ambassador mainland, appeared to be an appeal to Mao Tse- David K.E. Bruce at the 93rd session of the Tung's regime to end restrictions on the peace talks. There was no immediate comment Christian Church. Pope Paul arrived in Hong from the communist side. Kong from Indonesia for a three-hour visit on Bruce's proposal: "Let us now agree that the last day of his Asian tour. He makes each of us will permit and take the measures another brief stop tonight at Colombo, the necessary for the International Committee of capital of Ceylon, en route back to Rome. The Red Cross or some other impartial observ- er to visit regularly all prisoner camps in A Tel Aviv military spokesman flatly denies a Cairo North and South Vietnam. We would also agree claim that Israel had violated Egyptian air- that each of us will be guided by the recom- space. Egypt complained yesterday to t .e U.N. mendation of that committee on treatment of truce supervision organization about what prisoners." Cairo termed a grave violation of the four- An American spokesman said that under the month-old Middle East cease-fire. Bruce proposal "all prisoner facilities," Life expectancy is up in Britain. The Registrar including civil prisons, would be open to General says males at 65 can figure on 12 more inspection. years of life; and females of that age, 15 Bruce also challenged the Vietnamese Com- more years. munist delegates to prove their claims that Temperatures Around U.S. Cities prisoners were being treated humanely. Albuquerque 52 Boston 59 Guantanamo Gazette Dallas 78 Forecast: Denver 61 Partly cloy Cnom~vase RAdliI. B. McCaule~y becoming mostly Public Affairs Officer l.Cdr. W. Boer, IT Miami 76 cloudy after s Editorial Advisor JOC Jim Teag.ue unset. The winds Editr JC1 Jack Leigh New Orleans 73 tomorrow will Staff J03 All- Smith be N at 8 miles J03 Tom, Betz Rapid City 50 per JtBN 5tv Ducen hour. Thi s afternoon The TJANTANAiO) rAZETTE is publtihed according to Norfolk 75 they will be N the rules and regulations for ship .d s.tatio nes. E 10-16 with pap a Hotlined in NAVEXOS f-35 and under the St. Louis 66 gusts to 22. direction of the Naval Base Public affairs Officer. The high for I iis printed foor daysaweek at government exense San Diego 61 today will be on governet eqoipment. The Opinions orsttements 83 with a low in nes. ites that appear herein are not to he con- Seattle 44 predicted toni strued as official or a reflecting the views of ght of 70 ComNavBase or the Department of the Nooy. Memphis 73 Detroit 56res Friday, December 4, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 $2.7 Million BO Boasts Fine Furnishings By BOB WELLBORN Rear Admiral Brian McCauley cut the ribbon crossing the doors of a new Bachelor Offi- cers' Quarters here Tuesday. The BOQ, the most plush ever seen by most officers here, took two years to build and cost $2,703,000. Jack Neill, an employe of Nat G. Harrison, Overseas Con- tractor, said the Navy suppli- ed furnishings, paintings and some galley utensils to finish the BOQ. He said the contractor spent An estimated $365,000 on in- terior decorations. The interior of the four- story concrete block structure is fully carpeted from its lobby, draped in brown and furnished with black and white naughahyde sitting room chairs RADM. BRIAN MCCAULEY CUTS RIbBON TO OPEN NEW BOQ and dark walnut coffee tables, . from left are RAdm. James L. Abbot, Nat G. Harrison, contractor, McCauley and Capt. Robert Temme. to the bar, The Crossed Keys Inn, and an adjoining sitting room, to the black and red draped wardroom. In the wardroom, officers order meals from the well- Foiled Defection Studied equipped galley which serves WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--President Nixon, letting it be known about 150 persons a meal. he was outraged by the episode, is studying official reports From the galley, there is an f the forcible removal of a Lithuanian sailor from a U.S. unobstructed view of the bay. oast Guard cutter. Officers' private rooms are conditioned and The Departments of State and Transportation handed in the re- separately air car- ports Wednesday evening. They had been ordered by Nixon Mon- have private baths. The are decorated with day. The Coast Guard comes under Transportation Department peted rooms control. paintings over a combination Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told of Nixon's reaction sofa and bed. The Navy has furnished the co initial accounts of what happened aboard the cutter Vigi- lant last week off the Massachusetts coast. rooms in a modern style, with dark walnut "The preliminary reports indicate that the procedures fol- solidly built, refrig- lowed were inadequate and the action taken was inadequate," furniture and private Ziegler said. erators. President Nixon, he said, will take appropriate action. He added, "we will let you Pathet Lao Modifies Talk Demands its know what the appropriate VIENTIANE, Laos (AP/AFRTS)--The Pathet Lao has modified peace steps are at some point." But demands for a partial bombing halt as a precondition to there was no immediate White talks, the Laotian government announced yesterday. Phou- House response to the final The official Lao Presse reported that Premier Souvanna Pathet Lao envoy, Prince reports. ma met earlier this week with the over the northeastern Ziegler's comments on behalf Souk Vongsa, who demanded a bombing halt of Nixon, and phone calls I provinces of Sam Neua and Xieng Ihouang during the proposed placed by the White House Wed- talks as well as 10 days before and 7 days after the talks. nesday to Lithuanian-American The Pathet Lao previously demanded a bombing halt 15 days be- leaders, were intended to a- fore and 10 days after the talks. The two sides have agreed void repercussions. in principle to meet in Pathet Lao-controlled Xhang Khay. Pace 4 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, December 4, 1970

9:00 Flintstones W 4:00 Sparky's Cartoon Train T 4:00 Sparky's Cartoon Train 9:30 Huckleberry Hound E 4:30 Monkees H 4:30 Mr. Ed 10:00 1-2-3 Go D 5:00 Love on a rooftop U 5:00 Bill Anderson 10:30 Mr. Magoo N 5:30 R 5: 30 Kelley's Cook-Inn 11:00 Captain Kangaroo E 6:00 Panorama S 6:00 Panorama 12:00 Get it together S 7:00 Voyage to the Bottom of the D 7:00 Laugh In 1:00 MOVIE: *1 D Sea (new series) A 8:00 Hawk (new series) 2:30 Saturday Sports Show A 8:00 Johnny Cash Y 9:00 SPECIAL: Mission Possible 3:30 Wrestling from the Olympic 9:00 Perry Mason 10:00 News Brief 4:00 Wrestling 10:00 News Brief 10:05 Sheriff of Cochise 4:30 CBS Sports Spectacular 10:05 Tombstone Territory 10: 30 Dick Cavett 5:00 CBS Golf Classic 10:30 MOVIE: Harriet Craig 6:00 News Brief ------F 4:00 Sparky's Cartoon Train 6:05 SPECIAL: Expo 70 Saturday R 4:30 Across the Seven Seas 7:00 Hee Haw 1 PM MOVIE: Voyage to the Bottom of I 5:00 College Bowl 8:00 the Sea - This is the story of Adm. D 5:30 Epidemic Narcotics SPECIAL 9:00 Lawrence Welk Nelson and "Nelson's Folly" the first A 6:00 Panorama 10:00 News Brief nuclear powered submarine and its Y 7:00 Lennon Sisters 10:05 Naked City voyage under the polar ice cap. 8:00 Iron Horse 10:30 MOVIE: Booby Trap 9:00 High Chaparral 12:00 Burke's Law 6:05 SPECIAL: Expo 70 - Here is a 10:00 News Brief look at the colorful World's Fair 10:05 Boxing 10:30 Music and the Spoken Word Expo 70 - the first World's Fair 11:00 Game of the Week 11:00 The Christophers held in the Far East - and you better 11:15 Sacred Heart believe that Japan makes the most of 12:00 Crossroads it! 12:30 To be announced 1:00 On Campus Sunday 1:30 To be announced 2 PM Game of the Week: ARMY NAVY 2:00 Game of the Week +*+ 6:05 SPECIAL: "To Confuse The Angel." A doctor's nurse constantly reminds 4:30 To be announced the agnostic doctor of the need to believe in a supreme being. Only when 5:00 Ted Mack his beloved daughter-in-law becomes stricken with a possible fatal malady, 5:30 Pentagon Forum does the doctor seek refuge in a synagogue to pray for her recovery. 6:00 News Brief Stars Lee J. Cobb and Beah Richards. 6:05 SPECIAL: On Stage 10:05 MOVIE: "Home of the Brave," A story of bigotry and racial prejudice 7:00 Bonanza among a group of soldiers involved in a pre-invasion survey mission on an 8:00 Ed Sullivan island in the Pacific during World War II. 9:00 Mission Impossible 10:00 News Brief Thursday 10:05 Best From Broadway 8 PM HAWK (new series) "Do Not Mutilate or Spindle." A killer is on the loose and the only clues Hawk have to work with are the man is most likely 4:00 Sparky's Cartoon Train an insane, religious fanatic and he has a blood type common to millions. 4:30 Wild Kingdom 9 PM SPECIAL - MISSION POSSIBLE - "They Care For A City." We focus on 5:00 Beverly Hillbillies San Francisco for the story of people who care for a city and what they havl 5:30 Julia been able to do to make it a better place in which to live. 6:00 Panorama 7:00 Daniel Boone Friday 8:00 Music Hall 5:30 PM SPECIAL - EPIDEMIC NARCOTICS - This is an in-depth report 9:00 Mod Squad (series ends) searching for the most effective method of combating the drug menace 10:00 News Brief infecting our youth in Southern . A solution is presented - 10:05 Wanted: Dead or Alive self-help groups such as "Smart Set," "Teen Challenge," "Handy," and 10:30 Tonight "Project Dawn;" all based on the theory, "People need people, kids need kids." 4:00 Sparky's Cartoon Train 4:30 Addams Family (series ends) 5:00 Honey West 5:30 Physical Fitness 6:00 Panorama 7:00 Green Acres 7:30 Dante 8:00 Andy Williams 9:00 Here Come The Brides 10:00 News Brief 10:05 Target 10: 30 Playboy After Dark

SULTRY CINEMACTRESS - Brunette Marj Dusay has the kind of looks that makes both waste fountains and men's blood boil over. Turn away, and if you still feel feverish, see your doctor - you're coming down with a cold. (Photo courtesy Columbia Pictures Friday, December 4, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5 Movie Schedule

Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Naval Station 1/8 2 3 4 5 6 7/9 Naval Air Station 10/9 1 2 3 4 5 6/8 Marine Site 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 Hospital 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 Camp Bulkeley 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 EM Leeward Point 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 NAS Leeward Point 17/18 14 13 12 11 10 1/15 BOQ Leeward Point 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

1. I BLLY'S HEROES: Clint Eastwood, Donald 10. GIGI: Louis Jourdan, Leslie Caron. Rich Sutherland. Near the German lines outside a young playboy, Jourdan, is abetted by-his mall French town in World War II, Eastwood grandfather, Maurice Chavalier, in maintain- earns from a German colonel about 14,000 gold ing his reputation as a great lover. Musical. bars rest in a small bank. Drama, Color, 144 Color, 112 min. NRA. min. GP 11. THE LONG HOT SUMMER: Paul Newman, Joanne 2. THE WALKING STICK: David Hemmings, Saman- -Woodward. A ynung man arrives in a small tha Eggar. Deborah Dainton, a polio cripple, southern town owned and dominated by a wealthy living near London, is a buyer for Whittington land-owner. Drama, Color, 117 min. NRA. Auction Galleries, Because of her deformity 12. THOSE DARING YOUNG MEN IN THEIR JAUNTY she has never allowed herself the luxury of a JALOPIES: Tony Curtis, Susan Hampshire. The love affair, Drama, Color, 101 min. GP Monte Carlo Rally is an endurance test for 3. THEY CALL ME MISTER TIBBS: Sidney Poitier, cars from all over the world, contestants Martin Landau. When hooker Linda Towne is mur- start at various European points and converge dered, her landlord, anonymously tips off the on Monte Carlo for a final speed run-off. police. Lt. Sidney Poitier insists on being Comedy, Color, 125 min. G. assigned to the case. Drama, Color, 108 min. 13. LAST DAY OF THE GP WAR: George Maharis, Maria Perschy. In the closing days of the 4. DREAME OF GLASS: John Denos, Caroline war, a German officer is assigned to find and Barrett. Two teenagers unsuccessfully try to kill a German scientist before he defects to keep a secret of their affection for each the Americans. Drama, Color, 104 min., other. Drama, Color, 98 min. GP NRA. 14. THE GAMBLERS: Don Gordon, 9. VENGEANCE OF SHE: John Richardson, Olinka Suzy Kendall. Con man, Don Gordon, and his apprentice-valet, Berova. A blonde girl walking dazedly along Stuart Margolin, board a cruise ship when a highway in southern France is picked up by it docks in Korcula, Yugoslavia. Drama, Color, a truck driver. Melodrama, Color, 91 min. NRA 98 min. G, 6,. 13 WEST STREET: Alan Ladd, Rod Steiger. 15. COMPANY OF KILLERS: Van Johnson, Ray Ladd, an electronics engineer, runs out of gas Milland. An unconscious man groaning and on a lonely street. Drama, B&W, 80 min. NRA murmuring in his stupor that he is a hired 7. DON'T RAISE THE BRIDGE, LOWER THE RIVER: killer is brought to the City Hospital. Jerry Lewis, Terry Thomas. American Lewis a- Suspense Drama, Color, 93 min. NRA. dores his British wife, however, his get-rich- 16. LOST FLIGHT: Lloyd Bridges, Anne Francis. quick schemes have taken them to impossible Airline pilot Steve Bammerman (Lloyd Bridges), places around the world. Comedy, Color, 100 becomes involved in a brawl, before coming up min. NRA before the review board he is assigned one 8. SNOW TREASURE: Ilona Rodgers, Paul Austad more flight to Australia. Drama, Color, G. It is April 1940 in a small Norwegian shipping 17. HELL'S BELLES: Jeremy Slate, Jocelyn village at the beginning of the German Inva- Lane. Slate wins a motorbike which Walker sion as 14-year-old Peter Lundstrom watches a steals from him. Action Drama, Color, 96 min. secret shipment arrive for the Norwegian un- NRA. derground. Drama, Color, 96 min. NRA 18. UTAH BLAINE: Rory Calhoun, Susan Cum- 9. A MAN CALLED GANNON: Tony Franciosa, mings. Calhoun comes to town and helps a Michael Sarrizan. A sleeping cowboy on a Kan- rich ranch owner and his daughter from rene- sas plain is aroused by the wagon wheels of gades who are trying to take over al-1 ranches the Kansas and Missouri Telegraph Co. in the territory. Western, Black & White, Drama, Color, 105 min. R 75 min., NRA. Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, December 4, 1970 Club Schedules THE NEVER ENDING SERIES OF THE BEELINE CONTINUES DUE TO Decc!ber 5 through December 11 THE LACK OF SPACE ON THURSDAY. Acey-Ducey Club For Sale Sat rdav: B INOC ON ''HE STRIP 2 p.m. Girl's 16" Bike with training wheels, $7; Varoom riding Si:unday: LOVER'S AND OTHER STRANGERS, With toy $10; power lawn mower, $15; Scuba tanks, twin 70's Gi Yonq and Bonnie Dedelia. back pack and boots, $140. 97180 after 7 PM. Monday: CL B CLOSED. Tuesday: CONjIT YORGA VAMPIRE, Wit. Robert 12,000 BTU and 24,000 BTU A/Cs; 65 Chevy II. 97185 AT. Qarry and Roger Perry. Wednesday: YOU CAN'T WIN THEN ALL, With Tony 64 Lambretta 150cc excellent condition, $165; 3 bnad C-rtis and Charles Bronson. U.S. Diverspear gun never used, $14; single tank.back Thursday: UNDERGROUND, With Robert Goulet and pack, $3; life vest for diving, $15. Meskill 85642 DWH. Daniaele Gaubert. P p.m. Barbie doll clothes. 90229 AWH. Friday: BINGO ON THE STRIP, The dining room will be closed Dec. 4. This 12,000 BTU Feddert A/C, new compressor and fan motor, is the night o the Naval Station Ball. $95. 95208 AT. (PO Club 2 end tables, $6; par of GERBILB'must have cage, $5. Saturday: YOU CAN'T WIN THEM ALL, With Tony 96108 AT. Curtis and Charles Bronson. Sunday: COUNT YORGA VAMPIRE, with Robert Pure-bred Bluepoint Siamese kittens, 3 male, 1 female, Quarry and Roger Perry. $25. 99144 AT. Monday: LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS, with 65 Mustang, $750. 85231 DWH 90107 AWH. Bonnie Bedelia and Gig Young. Tuesday: ADIOS GRINGOS, With Montgomery Philco 17,000 BTU A/C, good condition, $150. 98140 AT. Wood and Evelyn Stewart. Wednesday: AIRPORT, Burt Lancaster and 65 Chevy Impala, 4 door, hard top, bent frame, $450 Dean Martin. -- or for parts. 85126 DWH, 98236 AWH. Friday: UNDERGROUND, With Robert Goulet and Lambretta Scooter, good condition, $125. Sifford 85530 Daniele Gaubert. AT. COMO Club 59 Chevy, 2 door, good GTMO transportation, $100 or best Sunday: YOU CAN'T WIN THEM ALL, With Tony offer needs generator work. 95353 DWH. Curtis and Charles Bronson. UNDERGROUND, With Robert Goulet 8,500 BTU A/C, Whirlpool, $100; 1 chocolate point and Tuesday: 1 blue point siamese kitten, $40 each, 6 volt battery and Daniele Gaubert. women'sclothing size 7 and odds and ends. 90253 AT. Thursday: LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS, With Bonnie Bedelia and Gig Young. 7,000 BTU A/C, Fedders, $40. 95123 AWH Peter, room 240. Wanted Rocking horse- in good condition. 95357 AT. Christmas Telegrams

Experienced Oil Painter to paint mural, call Sparky All military personnel and other Base at 85871 DWH. residents who are authorized to use class "E" telegram services may send Christmas Baby sitter, two afternoons a week in my home 97179 AT. greetings home if desired. This is a special service for overseas Services bases where adequate and reliable commer- Will babysit in my home for working mother. 95587 AT. cial communication service doesn't exist. These Christmas greeting messages will be limited to 20 words each and will be Congratulations To: accepted during the period of Dec. 6-16, Stephanie Renee Gary is the new arrival to the home of 1970, only. Greeting messages will be Amos and Barbara Gary, Stephanie weighed 6 lbs 5 1/2 held by Western Union for delivery be- ozs. and arrived November 27. tween Dec. 20-25. The commercial traf- at Naval Station Guantanamo Norman and Jo Burch have a new arrival - Kari Jo who fic window arrived November 30 weighing 6 lbs 15 1/2 ozs. Bay is open for business between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Friday., D ea , 197C, Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 Manson Lawyer Missing, Family Member Returns

LOS AUBLLES (AP/AFRTS)--T.e S aron Tate murder trial has de- veloped twc rore strange twists--the mysterious disappearance 4 of a defe-se witness and tie s.?dden reappearance of a missin-

mEn-her of . A C. arles Manson's hippie style family and is sur- render or charges in a separate slaying. The attorney, portly, bearded Ronald Hughes, is the object of a sheriff's helicop- trial for his client, Leslie ter and ';round search in wild- Van Houten, is possible or the erness 130 miles north of Los judge could name another at- Angeles. A friend, Larry' Dyer, torney for her, which would said -e believed H ghes was cause an extended delay. marooned tere on a weekend outing by mudslides caused by torrential rain. May IHelp You Sir? The fuitive family member, barefoot, bearded Bruce Davis WENNIE, ONE OF SANTA"S HELPERS, made a dramatic streetcorner helps a customer during t.e surrender Wednesday night Navy Exchange Sta,1 Nigt Tues- amid a crowd of newsmen and day; held from 7-9 p.m. T 'er( will be another Stag Night Dec. giggling girl followers of Manson. He had been sought 17 and a Ladies Night Dec. 9. for nine months on murder charges in the slaying of m- North Korean sician Gary iinman. His ar- Pilot raionment was ordered vester- day. Hinman, a young Malibu mu- Lands MIG M15, sician, was found slain in J ly 1969 amid bloody scrawl- Defects to South ings similar to tiose left a, the scene of the Tate killing SEOUL, South Korea (AP/AFRTS) in August of that year. -- A North Korean pilot landed Police say Davis, Manson and Military Wife of The Year Nominee his MIG MIS jet fighter in Tate defendant Sisan Atkins Mrs. Janice Anderson, wife South Korea yesterday and saic had a part in the Hinman kill- of SFC George D. Anderson Jr., he wanted to defect, t e Def- ing. Another family member, is Fleet Training Group's ense Ministry announced. Robert Beausoleil, has been nominee for the title of Mil- It said North Korean Air convicted of it and sentenced itary Wife of The Year. Force Maj. Park S n.-Koo was to death. Mrs. Anderson is very active guided by South Korean jet The defense in the Tate in local clubs, and a few of fighters to the airfield at trial--in its 24th week--rest- her projects include: Cub Kansonci, 95 miles northeast ed i -s case Nov. 19 without Scout Den Leader Coach, Presi- of Seoul and just south of the calling a single witness. dent of FTG Enlisted Wives' Demilitarized Zone, after his The next step, completion of Club, representative on RAdm. plane was spotted on radar. jury instructions, has been B. McCauley's special advisory Park landed at 2:27 p.m. hindered by t.e absence of committee and is the enlisted The defection was the fourth Hughes, who failed to show up wife working with the crash by a North Korean airman since Monday after a week's recess. kits. the Korean armistice was sign- Other attorneys in the case She has been married for 13 ed in July 1953. continue to meet in chambers years and has two sons, George One of the defectors, Caitlo with tie j'dge and discuss III, 10, and Dene Mike, 6. Ro Kum-Sok, was granted asylum the jury instructions, but George has been in the Navy in t e United States. said they could not proceed for 18 years and is presently Another is now a major in without Hughes much longer. working in the Damage Control the South Korean air force. If he isn't found, a mis- section at FTG. Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, December 4, 1970 Clay: No Decision Afte r Three-Year Bout WASHINGTON, D. C. (AP/AFRTS)--While Muhammad Ali is train- ing for a return to Madison Square Garden, his lawyers are preparing for a court battle which could be his last big fight for a while. It has been nearly three years since Ali, born Cassius Clay, was convicted of refusing induction into the Armed Services. The long struggle that followed has kept him out of jail so far, but until this past October it had kept him out of t.!e boxing ring as well. Ali continues his return to boxing Monday night in the Gar- den against Oscar Bonavena, a heavyweight from Argentina. His legal fight is back be- fore the Supreme Court, which Porsche Retires is deciding to hear yet anoth- er appeal. A negative deci- sion at this point would cut Factory Teams hack Ali's ring comeback. STUTTGART, Germany (AP/ The long delay between the AFRTS)--Porsche chief Dr. conviction and a final deci- Perry Porsche announced yes- sion has raised howls of pro- terdaythat the company is to Muhammad Ali test from war hawks, veterans quit sports car racing at the groups and others who complain end of this season. it shouldn't take so long to The company won the Manu- go to jail. factu-er'- Championship again Hayden Covington of New this -ear for the second time York, Ali's trial lawyer, pre- in succession. Dr. Porsche dicted a long post-conviction said that the company would The following MAC schedule legal battle. continue to give technical is relatively accurate, but is "The champ will never go to support to private teams rac- intended only as a guide. jail," Covington said. "Mu- ing its autos. Porsche, he Always allow extra time to hammad Ali will never be put said, would continue to enter ensure the desired flight. behind bars." Works teams for major inter- All times are local at the But after his second sen- national rally events. specified city. tencing to maximum penalties, He denied that Porsche has Clay was less assertive. any plans to enter Formula Depart NORVA 0900 "They can't let me go," One grand prix racing. Arrive GTMO 124. said the descendant of a run- Depart GTMO 1315 away Kentucky slave. "They McGrath Tops PBA Arrive Kingston 1245 have to make me an example." Depart Kingston 1315 Lawyers on both sides of ST. LOUIS (UPI/AFRTS)-- Arrive GTMO 1445 the case hotly deny charges Mike McGrath of El Cerrito, Depart GTMO 1515 that the system of judicial California, has picked up o- reckoning has been soft on Ali ver$51,000 this year and is Check-in time for flights who gave up his heavyweight the Professional Bowler': As- from Norfolk to Guantanamo is boxing crown rather than fight sociation money-winning at 0700 at the Naval Air Sta- with a gun. champion. tion. Justice Department offici- The runner-up spot went to Check-in time for flights als here point to the chrono- Nelson Burton of St. Louis. to Kingston from Guantanamo logy of litigation when asked Junior Burton won $3,200 is 1000 at Leeward Point. why Ali is still free so long in this past weekend's Bell- Personnel flying to Norfolk after his sentencing. ow's Valvair event. He thus from Guantanamo must check-in "He is simply availing him- moved ahead of Gilroy, Cali- at the Base Passenger Trans- self of his rights under the fornia's Dave Soutar, on portation Office between 0800 judicial system," Justice De- the final 1970 PBA money and 1130. partment spokesman John V. list. A short reminder.all per- Wilson said. "Anyone else in The 27-year old McGrath is sonnel, especially those going similar circumstances would in his third year on the pro to the States, must have their be entitled to do the same bowler's tour, and has won o- yellow shot cards in their thing." ver $103,000 to date. possession while they travel.