• c I N E M A G • PRODUCTION GUIDE by Jamie Gaetz and Linda Gorman

Marie Da oust ass!. cam. Jean-Mark Casavant Scobie, Richard Strafehl scJd. Rex Bromfield props. Jacques Chamberland ward. Laurie boom Pierre Blain sets Jean Bourret props. Mi­ line p. Gerry Arbe id I.p. Valri Bromlield, Dave Drew sd. ed. Jim Hopkins p.r. Rola Zayde. chele Nolet, Michel Comte asst. props. Real Thomas, Lesl ie Nielsen, casting he following is a list of films in production (actually before cameras) Baril make-up Louise Mignault hair Richard Ingrid Fisher. and In negotiation In . Needless to say, the films which are Hansen cost. des. Sylvie Krasker asst. Mary NBC/20th CENTURY­ Tstill in the project stage are subject to changes. A th ird categorY,ln Jane Wallace dresser Ma rianne Ca rter gaffer HIGH ROAD Pre-Production, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-pro­ Yves Charbonneau best boy Marcel Breton key FOX TELEVISION duction , having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and grip Marc De Ernsted grip Stephane De Erns­ PRODUCTIONS (416) 362-4937 ted. being engaged in casting and crewing. Films are listed by the name of the ------(4 16) 461-3089 POPEYE DOYLE company which initiated the project, or with which the project is popularly 'FILMLINE ORIGINS OF LANGUAGE American 2-hour pilot movie. Based on charac­ associated. This is not necessarily the name of the production company . One-hour documentary began shooting August ter In The . Shooting in Where the two companies are different, the name of the production com­ INTERNATIONAL INC.! 1 In Toronto . U.S., and Europe . Shooting to last New York for 6 days, and in Toronto for 3 weeks pany, if known, is also given. In instances whe re a producer has asked us un til June '86. With participation 01 Telefilm starting March 24. p. Bob Singer, Claude not to list a project, or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, NBC PRODUCTIONS Canada and TVOntario. Budget $200,000. p. Heroux d. Peter LeVine sc. Richard DiLello we have respected his request. The guide only lists productions or series (514) 288-8833 Paul Jay, Joan Hutton d. Paul Jay d.o.p. Joan d.o.p. Reg Morris p. man . Roger Heroux art d. Hutton art d. Gillian Stokvis. Charles Dunlop I.p. Ed O'Neill, Matthew Laur­ whose duration will be one hour or over. C.A.T. SQUAD ance, Audrey Landers. Please telephone additions and up-dates information to: American production. Two-hour series pilot for NBC shooting in mid-March until LES PRODUCTIONS Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354 Apri l 8 with one wee k following in Mexico. Exec . p.ld. p;INBC Charles Goldstein JEAN-LOUIS FRUND PALPABLE FILM CREDIT ABBREVIA TIONS p.lsup. ed. Bud Smith p.lsc. Gerry Petievich p. (8 19) 228-9222 d. director asst. d. assistant director s.c. script adapt. adaptation dial. dialogue ph.ldop. Cindy Chvatal. David Salven p. man. Wendy PRODUCTIONS INC. photography sp. ph. efx. special photographic effects ed . editor sup. ed. supervising editor Grean p. exec. Nanette Seigert p. coord. Jacky LA FAUNE NORDIQUE (416) 530-0364 Series 016 x 112 hour episodes lor Radio-Qu e­ sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd. rec. sound recording p. des. production designer art. d. LavOI e asst. to Mr. Friedkin Adele Joseph p. NO PLACE LIKE HOME art director set dec. set decorator m. music cost. co stumes I.p. leading players exec. p. aud. Paul Marquez p. acet. Nancy Partheniou , bec. Documentaries shooting in the Canadian Arctic unti l autumn 1986. With the partlcipatioen An experimental documentary drama about two executive producer p. producer assoc. p. associate producer line p. line producer p. sup. _Jim Breithaupt 1st a.d . Chuck Myers, Charles of Tele fi lm Canada, Societe generale du cine­ women with different backgrounds; Canada and production supervisor p. man. production manager p.c. production company dis!. distributor Wilbord Benoit 2nd a.d. Anne Murphy 3rd a.d. ma. p.id. Jean-Louis Frund . EI Salvador. Shooting began April 25 to conti­ An asterisk~') following the film 's title indicates financial participation by Telefilm Canada's Sean Dwyer cont. France Lachapelle p. des. nue through May '86. p./d. Camelia Frieberg Broadcast Program Development Fund. Doug Higgins art dept. Lynn Trout set dec. tine p. Emil Kolompar p. coord . Ruth Mandel Jean Baptiste Tard props. Sam Moore set JOHN d.o.p. Adrienne Mitchell I.p. Carmen Aguilar, dresser Michele Forest props buyer Jean Lab­ Camelia Frieberg . recque set props Jean Vincent Fournier asst. BLOOMGARDEN set props Marc Fiquet art dept. Trainee An­ PRODUCTIONS INC. ON LOCATION nabel Mackenzie sp. efx. Bob Dawson , Tony Vandernecker, Jacques Godbout ass!. Charles IDEAD OF WINTER Henri Duclos uni!. man. Michel Chouvain loc . (416) 252-7294 LES PRODUCTIONS THE GATE man . Carole Mondello ass!. Abe Lee d.o.p. Bob ALLIANCE Feature film to begin shooting March 31 for eight Yeoman cam. op. Yves Drapeau, Nicolas Mar­ DEAD OF WINTER LA FETE ENTERTAINMENT weeks in Toronto. Budget: $5.7 million. p. John ion sd. mix. Don Cohen boom Eric Zimmer sd. American feature film shooting February 17 till (514) 521-8303 Kemeny co.p. Andras Hamori d. Tigor Takacs trainee Fran~ o is Gingras gaffer Don Saari best April 18 in Toronto. exec. p. Arthur Penn p. CORPORATION sc. Michael Nankin p. man. Robert Wertheimer boy John Lewin elec. Robert Mattigetz key grip John Bloomgarden d. Mark Shmuger d.o.p. Jan BACH AND BOOT! Head Office (416) 967-1174 p. des. Bill Beeton sp. efx, sup. Randy Cooke Serge Grenier best boy grip Michel Bertrain Wincke. p. man. Michael MacDonald 1st a.d. BACH ET BOTIINES casting Clare Wa lker d.o.p. Thomas Vamos. grip Danny Remillard, Greg Schmidt genny op. Tony Thatcher 2nd a.d. David Till unit/loc. Feature film in the Tales for All series shooting Yves Paquette stills Jonathan Wenk cost. des. man . Adam Shully toc. man . Marc Dassas in and around City and Montreal from Weekly television se ries for CBS and CTV net Linda Bass Montreal cos!. Pa ul Andre Guerin asst. to d. Chip Phillips p. coord . Deborah March 11 to April 22. p. Rock Demers line p. works. Shooting additional thirteen episodes 01 CBC VANCOUVER ward. Claire Garneau dresser Laval Guy Tailor Zwicker p. sec. Lori Greenberg office a. Geoff Ann Burke d. Andre Melan~on art d. Violette one-hour November 25 to May '86 in Toronto Enrica Ponzini make-up Tom Booth hair Bob Smither p. des. Bill Brodie art d. Alicia Keywan Daneau sc, Bernadette Renaud , Andre Melan- '1) '11 \ 662-6241 exec. p. Sonny Grosso, Larry Jacobson super­ Pritchett Montreal casting Rosina BUCCi ed. 1st a. art d. Ton Doherty 2nd a. art d. Vlasta 90n from original idea of Bernadette Renaud vising p. Robert Lantos, Stephen J. Roth p. An­ THE BEACHCOMBERS Scott Smith ass!. Jackie Carmody, Jocelyne Svoboda, Adam Kolodzieg trainee Doug Mc­ in collaboration with Marcel Sabourin line p, dras Hamori d. Mario Azzopardi, Rene Bon­ 20 episodes of TV series begins production Genet apprentice Noel Anfousse stunt coord. Lean set dec. Mark Greeborn asst. set dec. Ann Burk d,o.p. Guy Dufau x 1st a.d. Mireille niere, George Mendeluk, Joseph Scanlan, PaUl Apnl3 continuing to mid-September. Exec. p. Pat Johnson p.a. Richard Marsan , Michael Cu l­ Paul Harding props Tracy Budd ass!. props. Goulet children's casting/director Daniele Pa­ Shapiro, George Kaczender d.o.p. Miklos Lente Don S. Williams d. John Juliani , Brian McEwan, len, Robert Courtemanche I.p. Joe Cortese, Daniel Bradette const. Bill Harman , Alex Rus­ tenaude con!. Johanne Pregent toc. man. Es­ p. man. Je ff King sd. Thomas Hidderly exec. Charles Wilkinson, Neil Fernley. Steve James, Jack Youngblood, Patricia Char­ se ll, Guenter Bartlik ward. Arthur Rowsell telle Lemieux p. man. Josette Perotta cost. Hu­ story ed. Phillip Rosenberg story ed. Roben bonneau, , Edwin Velez, Hans make-uplhair Ann Brodie sd mix. Bruce Car­ guette Gagne gaffer Daniel Chretien sd. Serge Carney sc. Ian Sutherland, Bruce Martin, Tim COMMUNICATIONS Boggild, Michae l Sinelnikoff, Sam Gray, Anne wardine boom Glen Gauthier gaffer Rae Beauchemin key grip Yvon Boudrias p. coord. Dunphy, Peter Mohan, Bill Davidson, Roy Sal­ Cu rry, Thomas Hauff, Reg Hanson, AI Shannon , Thurston best boy Steve Ferrier grip Br.uce Marie Beaul ieu 2nd a.d. Pierre Plante set dec. lows, Angelo Stea, Gabrielle St. George, Lee CLAUDE HEROUX Jerome Thibergien , Harry Standjofski, Vlasta Smith MGMIUA acct. Bill Snyder p. aud. Lacia Jean Kazemirchuk asst. Claude Jacques Siegel unit man. Aine (Onya) Furey, Ch ris Dan­ Vrana, Anna Maria Horsford, Umar Raspberry, Korny lo MGMIUA asst. Chris Kruize ass!. aud. props. Daniel Huysmans set coord. Lise Pha­ ton p, acc!. Lena Cordina 1st a.d. David Warry­ INC. Nanette Workman , Guy Provost, Madeleine Veronica Miller I.p. Mary Steenburgen, Roddy rand dresser Muriel Blouin animal trainer Len Smith, Don Granbery, David MacLeod exec. of (514) 842-6633 Pageau, Adriana Roach, Serge Dupire, Pamela McDowall, William Russ, Jan Rubes Brooke cam. asst. Nathalie Moliavko-VisOlsky, prod. Mimi Bohbot art d. Gerry Holmes set dec. Collyer, Roger Michael, Joanna Noyes, Lynn Sylvaine Dufaux boom Thierry Hoffman elec. Ken Baudry, Jeff Fruitman carp, Art Verhoeven LANCE ET COMPTE Adams, Katherine Trowell, David B. Nichols, MOVIECORP XX INC. Marc Charlebois, Manal Hassib grip Jean-Pier­ props Tom Wilkinson cost. des. Kei Yano Television series of th irteen one-hour episodes Pe ter Calvey, Robin McNicho/l, Rob Roy, Mark re Lamarche make-up Diane Simard art dept. make-up Inge Klaudi hair Madeleine Russell shooti ng in Montreal and Quebec City until .end Walker, Merllee Shapiro, lisa Schwartz, David (514) 284-3464 trainee Andreanne Melan90n p. acct. Bernard focus pull. Malcolm Cross gaffer Richard Allen of May, 1986. With the participation of Societe Weinstein, Richard Jutras, Peter McConnell, Lamy p.a. Bruno Bazin, Jean-Pierre Fauteux, key grip Nonm Sm~h dolly Michael O'Conner generale du cinema and Telefilm Canada. p. Frank Military, Ruth Dahan, Danny Remillard, VENGEANCE Frederic Lefebvre resource person Lennard sp. efx. Frank Carere transport coord. Richard Claude Heroux d. Jean-Claude Lord p. man. Bill Andrew Bednarski, Roland Nincheri. Mini-series for HBO and CTV based on George Wells stills Jean Demers I.p. Mahee Paiement, Chilton tech. ad. Nonman H. Hobson post-po Wiggins d.o.p. Bernard Chentrier sd. Henri Jonas novel of same title. Shooting for 10 weeks Raymond Legault, Harry Marcianeau, Andree Michael Beard casting Clare Walker I.p. Scott Blondeau art d. Tom Coulter (1st ep.), Domini­ HART beginning March 30 in Israel, Rome, London, Pelletier, France Arbour, Jacqueline Barrette, Hylands, Allan Royal, Jeff Wincott, Susan que Ricard (remaining eps.) I.p. Cart Marotte Paris, New York, Montreal, Quebec City. Exec. Rejean Gauvin, Jack Robitaille, Marie-France Hogan, Louise Vallance, Sean McCann, sc. Louis Caron, Rejean Tremblay Interpreter PRODUCTIONS INC. p. Denis Heroux, John Kemeny p. Robert Lan­ Carrier, Diane Jules, Jacques Fauteux, Stepha­ Eugene Clarl<, Stephen Mendel, Deborah Tim Reed sec. to p, Nicole Forget unit. man. (604) 273-0313 tos p. sup. Joyce Kozy-King d. Michael Ander­ nie St-Pierre, Vincent Frechette, Micheline Ber­ Grover, Lynda Mason Green, Tony Rosato pub. Pierre Laberge asst. unit man. Paul Bujold p. son sc. Chris Bryant d:o.p. Claude Agostini 1st nard , Pierrette Robitaille, Marcel Leboeuf, Mi­ linda Shapiro Public Relations Inc. sec. Louise David p. acc!. Yvette Duguet p. HARTBREAK MOTEL a,d, Pierre Magny ed. Ron Wisman p. des. Tre­ chet Mailhot, Pierrick Houdy, Muriel Dutil, Pa­ asst. Claude Lacoursiere, Gilbert Lucu 1st a.d. Feature film to begin shooting in Vancouver vor Williams lid, Claude Hazanavicius sc, girt trick St-Pierre, Doris Blanchet-Vasiloff, Denis Frank Ruszcynski 2nd a,d. Ginette Pare 3rd March 17 for five and one-hall weeks. Budget: Monique Champagne makeup Marie-Angel Bernard , Louis-Georges Girard p.r. Bernard a,d, Kim Berlin cast. Helene Robitaille con!. $1.8 million with the participation of Telefilin Protet hair Gaetan Noiseux cam. op. AI Smith VoyerJDavid Novek and Associates (514) 284- Canada and Atlantic Releasing . p, Ralph p. coord. Debbie Zwicker, Jean Gerin set. dec. 2113. SIeve Shewchuk loc. man. Fran ~ois Leclerc

58/Cinema Canada - April 1986 • c I N E M A G A one hour documentary special in co-produc­ • tion with Yo Yo Films of the UK In association ON LOCATION with CBC and Channel Four. Production began RESIDENTIAL & OFFICE February 17 with wrap set for August I . Shoot­ ing in Toronto, New York and Los Angeles. Short/Long Term Rentals riere, Belkacum Base, Jorge Faijardo, Roland Exec. p. Viclor Solnicki p. Chris Rodley d. BACH ET BOTIINES Parent. Fourth feature in the Tales for All series. Shoot Laurens Postma sc. Peter Rowe p. man. Sean IMMEDIATE DELIVERY to begin March 18 in Montreal. With the partici­ Ryerson . pation of Telefilm Canada, Radio-Canada, TRIPWIRE CFCF. Original idea and story by Bernadette PRODUCTIONS CO., Over 35 Years of Service Renaud in collaboration with Marcel Sabourin. VIDEOFILM LTEE Canadian p, Rock Demers, Anne Burke d. Andre Melan­ INC. (514) 844-8611 ~on sc. Bernadette Renaud, Andre Melan~n . (604) 681-7710 EXIT Furniture TRIPWIRE Feature film to shoot in Montreal beginning April SDA Feature film to be shot March 17-June 6 in Van­ 14 for 7 weeks . With the participation of Telefilm couver. For Columbia Pictures. Exec. p. Canada, Societe generale du cinema and Hle­ (416) 363-3822 PRODUCTIONS LTEE Danielle Melnick, Burt Nodella p. Michael Metropole . p./d. Robert Menard sC. Monique H. LEASING (514) 866-1761 Rachmil d. Jonathan Betuel. Messier p. man. Lorraine Richard d.o.p. Pierre Mignot ed. Michel Arcand mus. Richard Gre· 468 King Street West, Toronto, M5V IL8 APLEIN TEMPS goire, Marie Bernard I.p. Louise Marleau , Production ongoing for second cycle of 36 x thir­ VICTOR SOLNICKI Louise Portal. ty minute episodes to be shown weekly on Ra­ dio-Canada, Radio-Quebec and TVOntario. PRODUCTIONS About a Montreal neighbourhood in which hu­ (416) 922-3168 *ORIGfNAL MOVIE POSTERS* man characters and puppets intermingle. Se­ Lobby Cords. Stilt s and PressboOks LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH: GUNG HO Fro m 1940 to the Present cond cycle began shooting in June with planned Feature film in development. Official co-produc· wrap set for April 25, 1986. p. Fran~ois Cham­ THE FILMS OF *FILM BOOKS AND MAGAlINES* tion between Canada and Israel p. Ronald Co­ pagne d. Michel Beriault, Fran~ois Cote p. man. A Complete line Covering BIographies. DAVID CRONENBERG hen, Zvi Grossman d.lsc. Sluart Gillard. Ginette Miousse asst. d. Johane Haineaull, Jo­ Cntlcrsms . TechnIc al and Relelence Boo ks . and Screenplays hane Loranger p. asst. Luc Boisvert d.o.p. Da­ niel Fournier cam. Eric Cayla, Ann MacKean * ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS* tech. dJed. Jean-Raymond Bourque, Philippe IN PRE-PRODUCTION * FILM ClASSIC VIDEO RENTALS * Ralet unit man. Rachele Guertin puppet crea­ ter Don Keller original music, Marie Bernard puppeteers France Chevrette, Pierre Lacombe, Tuesday - Thursday 12 - 7 Friday 12-8 Michel Ledoux, Benoit Tremblay light. Pierre Saturday 11 - 6 Provost asst. light. Jean-Marc Hebert sd. Jac­ ACPAV FILMLINE ques Comtois boom Claude McDonnell , Gae­ (514) 849-1381 INTERNATIONAL tan Malouin grip Paul Hotte, Pierre Masse LA LIGNE DE CHALEUR (514) 288-5888 ITORONTO 'S MOST COMPIflE CINEMA SHOP I props Paul Chartrand cost. des. Denis Sper­ Feature film planned for spring shoot. With par­ douklis make-up Suzanne Savaria research ticipation of Telefilm Canada, Societe generale Carmen Duquette, Celine Lavoie grip assts. du cinema, Radio-Quebec. p. Marc Daigle line LES VEUFS Claude Poirier, Guy Marcoux, Hugues Masse p. Danny Chalifour d. Hubert-Yves Rose sc. Feature film in co-production with Belstar Pro­ camera control unit Fran~ois Bonnelly, Ri­ Hubert-Yves Rose, Micheline Lanctot d.o.p. ductions of France. Shooting late spring, for four chard Genest puppets care. Alain Banville Michel Caron I.p. Gabrielle Arcand. weeks in Montreal and four weeks in Paris. puppet voices Lorraine Auger, Markita Boies, Budget $3 million. exec. p. Pieter Kroonenburg ~£al.~!? vlf{t~r:.@.~~@VtI Louise Bombardier, Sophie Clement, Johanne p. Nicolas Clermont sc. Max Fischer, Fontaine, Jocelyne Goyette, Raymond Legauh, ACPAV/ONF Dominique Fabre. Johanne Leveille, Suzanne Marier, Marthe Na­ llit'l ,.I. II ••] "1.,1 ii'i.] ,f Ii deau, Lise Thouin I.p. Eric Brisebois, Suzanne (514) 849-1381 THE RAINBOW WARRIOR A feature film in development. Co-production Champagne, Raymond Cloutier, Louison Danis, TELECLIP Monique Joly, Diane Jules, Jacques Lavallee, between Phillips Whitehouse Productions Ltd . production sound recording/mixing Series of 13 x one-half hours. Co-production Roger Leger, Normand Levesque, Marcia Pilo­ ot New Zealand, with participation of Green­ w~h the ONF. p. Marcel G. Sabourin line p. te, Claude Pregent, Francis Reddy, Gildor Roy, peace. the CBC and Telefilm Canada. exec. p. ONF Roger Otif d. Michel Poulette texts Daniel for film and videotape Madeleine Sicotte, Marthe Turgeon, Gilbert Nicolas Clermont p. Pieter Kroonenburg (Can.), Beauvais. Turp, Julie Vincent. pub. Bernard Voyer at Da­ Lloyd Phillips (N .Z.) sC. Robert Hunter d. To be vid Novek & Assoc. (514) 284-2113. named from New Zealand. dramas, commercials, documentaries SHARMHILL AL TA VISTA FILM GOLDBERG & PRODUCTIONS REITMAN PROD. LTD. Canada lUeS. (416) 961-7918 PRODUCTIONS INC. (416) 860-0534 (416) 597-1868 (416) 964-7539 THE SUMMER THAT I WENT • MANY HAPPY RETURNS PLAIN WRAP MOVIE American made-for-TV movie for CBS. Shoot­ TO THE MOON Contemporary feature film to be shot in summer Canadian theatrical feature film about a father­ ing begin in Toronto March 23 continuing for 4 of '86 in Canada. p. Joel Reitman, Michael Gol­ son adventure. Shooting tentatively scheduled weeks. Exec. p. Alan Levin pJd. Steven H. dberg sc. Richard Smith, Mick Garris cons. Bob for June '86 in the Muskoka region north of To­ Stern pJsc. Jim Mulholland, Michael Barrie p. Gale. ronto. exec. p. Charles Kutner d.lsc. Aaron sup. John Danylkiw asst. to p. supJ3rd. a.d. Shuster d.o.p. Martin Mc\nally light. Steve Cynthia Gillespie p. coord. Sharon Guerin p. Tsushima. HARRYJAKOBS Recording Studio sec. Justine Estee loc. man. Lillian Sarafinchin p. acct. Rachelle Charron-Sullivan asst. acct. PRODS. LTD. Hannelore Biesinger-Kee 1st a.d. Otta Hanus (514) 483-4555 AUDIO POST-PRODUCTION 2nd a.d. Wendy Ross art d. Tony Hall asst. art. BCTV dJart dept. coord. Fred Geringer art dept. (604) 420-2288 TOWARDS THE SUN FOR FILM AND VIDEO trainee Nonie Ferguson d.o.p. Laszlo George Feature film to be shol in Canada, Germany and • Economize by editing/recording film or video sound cam. ~p . Fred Guthe cam. focus Brian Murphy ZIGZAG Tibet beginning Ju ly 1986. Co-production be· cont. Elaine Yarrish set dec. Sean Kirby props TV series. One-half hours of comedy magazine tween Canada and Germany. p. Harry Jakobs effects, foley, dialogue, adr, in sync with picture. master John 'French ie' Berger set dresser style for pre-teens. Shooting sporadically from d. William Janofsky d.o.p. Igor Luther I.p. Sting, • Original music composers Michael Stockton props asst. Dan Wladyka May to September. p.ld. Ross Sullivan sc. Ross Anthony Quinn . Sullivan, Bill Reiter, Erick Dacommun. • State of the art recording with studer 24 track cost. des. Lynn McKay ward. Gail Filman • Flat rate S7S.00lhour. Peter for more info. make-up Kathy Southern hair Brian Charbon­ call neau sd. mix. Peter Shewchuk boom Herb INSIGHT 11 Canvarco Rd., Toronto, Ontario. M4G 1l4· (416) 423-9990 Heritage gaffer Brian Montague key grip David PRODUCTION Deny ed. Tony Lower asst. ed. Beth Neal sd. CINE-VIDEO INC. ed. Jim Hopkins, Charles Bowers p. asst. Tre­ (514) 284-9354 CO. LTD. 598-0722 ' vor Briggs head carp. Niel Grouitt head painter (416) 596-8118 NUMBERS 598· 0722 Matthew Lammerich transport Neil Montgomer, IN THE SHADOW OF THE WIND Frank Singer, Bruce Raymer I.p. George Segal, Feature film to begin shooting in Montreal in the FAMILY PLAYHOUSE II 598-0722 Ron Leibman. spring. p. Roger Heroux exec. p. Justine He­ A series of three one-hour dramas for Global TV EDGE CODING 16/35 mm 598·0722 roux d. Francis Mankiewicz sc. Sheldon Chad. and HBO's Family Playhouse. "Counlerplay" EDITING SUPPLIES 598-0722 LES PRODUCTIONS 'Controversial story of friendship between two high-school football stars. Scheduled to begin 598-0722 VIA LE MONDE INC.I filming in Toronto in April. exec. p. John Brunton 598-0722 DANIEL BERTOLINO DANCING FOR p. Martin Harbury. 'Babysnatcher" A romantic Call, for the best price! 598-0722 adventure, to be filmed in the summer of '86. 598-0722 INC. ME PRODUCTIONS exec. p. John Brunton p. Martin Harbury. Third 598-0722 Hie TBA. SUSAN DUNCAN (514) 285-1658 (416) 252-4101 598-0722' LES LEGENDES DU MONDES III DANCING FOR ME COUNTER PLAY RALPH BRUNJES 598-0722 Third cycle of thirteen episodes began produc­ American theatrical feature film. Shooting Controversial story of friendship between two 598-0722 tion in October. To continue for several months scheduled for June '66. p. Bill Wellman d. Frank high-school football stars. Scheduled to begin on locations around the world. p. Daniel Bertoli­ Laughlin $C. Marti Newton d.o.p. David Her­ filming in Tcronto in April. exec.p. John Brunton 598-0722 no, Catherine Viau d. Raoul Held, Bruno Car- rington asst. to. p. Toni Blay p. Martin Harbury. 409 KING ST. W TORONTO, ONT M5V 1 K1 598-0722

April 1986 - Cinema Canada/59 • c I N E M A G • HARRYJAKOBS IN PRE-PRODUCTION PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION PRODS. LTD. (514) 483-4555 des, Shooting lenlatively scheduled for spring BABYSNATCHER '86, p. Martin Ashbee, Kevin Ward, Michael THE SLAVE A romanlic advenlure , to be filmed in the sum­ ACPAV CRAZY WHEELS FILM Murphy d. Bruce Pittman , Harvey Frost d.o.p. (514) 849-1381 Feature film in development. Based on the novel mer of '86 , exec, p. John Brunlon p. Martin Har­ Barry Stone, PRODUCTIONS LTD. of the same name by Isaac Bashevis Singer, bury, L' AMELANCHIER (416) 362-5907 Feature film in preparation from book of same THE INTERNATIONAL THE INTERNATIONAL name by Jacques Ferron, p. Rene Gueissaz, ROOM SERVICE PRIMEDIA Feature film tentalively scheduled for producllon LEARNING & Marc Daigle adaptation by Jean-Guy Noel. LEARNING & PRODUCTIONS April 1, p. Maurice Smith assoc. p. Mike Dolgy, ENTERTAINMENT CO. Terrea Smith unit pub. linda Mote Ltd, (968- ENTERTAINMENT CO. (416) 361-0306 L'OMBRE CHIMIQUE 6344) distribution (U .S.) New Horizon Pictures (416) 923-9067 (416) 923-9067 Documentary lilm in preparation with participa­ Corp, HEAVEN ON EARTH tion of Telefilm Canada, Societe generale du BOYKO'S PLACE Q.U.E.S.T. Two hour dramatic movie for TV, Shot one day cinema, Radio-Quebec, p. Rene Gueissaz dJ RECRUITS II A 13-part TV comedy-drama series, Pilot in de­ A 13-part TV series for children, Planned shoal in March ; to pick up again for 5 weeks in June sc. laurier Bonin , Feature film scheduled for pre-production in Au­ velopment. p. H. Ziatarits, T. Russ exec. p. J. for spring 1986, In developmenl with the partici­ In Ontario. Financial partlcipaliOn of Telefllm , gust ,86, p. Maurice Smith assoc. p. Mike Dot­ Gladstone sc. W, Coneybeare. palion of Telefilm Canada and Global TV CBC . BBC-Wales , OPIX Films of Great Bnlaln , gy, Terrea Smith unit pub. linda Mote ltd, Network. exec. p. J. Gladstone p. H, Ziatarils, T, p. Pat Ferns d. Allan Kroeker sc. Margaret At­ AMICAD (968-6344) distribution (U.S.) New Horizon THAT SHOCKING AGE Russ, WOOd , Peter Pearson p. man . len D'Agostino Pictures Corp, A 90-minute special for teenagers, exec. p. J. art d. Stephen Roloff, PRODUCTIONS INC. MAQBOOL (416) 363-2526 Gladstone p. H, Ziatarits, T, Russ. PRODUCTIONS INC. YOUNG STREET THE DREAMLAND HEADSTART LES PRODUCTIONS Hour-long series , exec. p. Michael Anderson p Four 1-hour specials on child development. (514) 288-6763 Paul Burfo rd, Adrianne Anderson d. Michael ft PICTURE COMPANY exec. p. J. Gladstone p. H, Ziatarits, T. Russ, (416) 656-6290 DE LA MONTAGNE ~q - "· 1. LTD. PROMISES TO KEEP - THE LIFE (514) 521-1984 ARTCITY FILMS (403) 434-8049 INVESTIGATIVE OF JAWAHARLAL NEHRU LE FRERE ANDRE (514) 389-5811 Series of two x one-hour documentaries on the Feature film to shoot In Spring 1986, p. Pierre HAIL ALLEY PRODUCTIONS INC. hfe of Nehru, Tentative shoot for 1986 In India, Valcour sc. Guy Dufresne, d. Murielle Dan­ MEMOIRS OF MONTPARNASSE Feature film - adventure romance set at a (416) 968-7818 weather modification research station in the UK, U,S,A, with other locations 10 be named , sereau line p. Nicole Robert p. man. Daniel A four hour mini-serie!; ~ased on the Canadian THE WORLD IS WATCHING Financial participation of Telefilm Canada, the louis, classic. Budget: $3 million. Script in develop· foothills of the Rockies, Shooting slated for Aug ./Sept. 1986 In Alberta. Approximate budget One hour documentary investigating the busi­ Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund , New Deihl [I1ent $C. John Murrell p. Daniel Pettigrew , ness of foreign news reporting. TV licence to and private sources, Approximate budget: of $2 million, In development with the participa­ TVOntario and Channel 4 (U,K.) p. Jim Monro $900,000, p. Michael Spencer, Wayne Arron sc. tion of Telefilm Canada, AMPDC , Alberta Cultu­ Peter lauterman, David Harel d. David Harel. SALTER STREET CANAMEDIA re p. Peter Campbell St. Michael Mercer exec. sc. Harold Crooks sC. Harold Crooks d. Peter story cons . Richard Nielsen , Raymont. FILMS PRODUCTIONS LTD. NATIONAL FILM (416) 591-6612 THREEHOUSE CLUB (902) 423-4687 BOARD/MONTREAL Children's afternoon special. Script in , develop­ KEG PRODUCTIONS THE COMET HUNTER· ment. p.lsc. Frank Procopio , (514) 283-9000 NORMANICUS Script in development on 90 min, made-lor-TV A adventure comedy feature , Shoot set for May LTD. movie. and series with CFDC assislance , Ap­ 5, p. Paul Donovan, Maura O'Connell d.lsc. (416) 924-2186 THREE WOMEN prox, budget: $1 min , p. les Harris sc. Glenn Part of the Family life Studies series, For pro­ Paul Donovan, Norman sC. dev. con. Jean-Claude lord, ELMWOOD GO BOY duclion in early 1986, p. Sam Granna, Rog er PRODUCTIONS Shooling schedule TBA, exec. p. Ralph C, Ellis Fortier exec. p. Barry Howles sc. Charles La­ BALTHAZAAR p. William Davidson sc. Davidson, based on au­ ser, (416) 749-1197 SCHAFERITHURLING One-hour Christmas musical special for 1986, tobiography by Roger Caron consu~. Roger P.I.C. sc. John Gray, CAFE ROMEO Caron, PRODUCTIONS Capuccino SOCiety discovery film , Coproduction ENTERTAINMENT (416) 461-7606 CHRISTOPHILM just finalized , Property under development with KINORAMA INC. the aid of Telefilm Canada, Production delails (416) 961-4461 INC. FRENCH ROCK (416) 723-8493 TBA. (416) 960-0666 Feature musical in development with participa­ THE WHITE STONE tion of CBC and Telefilm Canada, Shoot plan­ SOJOURN ON HER APPROVAL A feature film wijh financial participation of Tele­ MAX HAINES ned for Montreal winter of 1986. p. Joan Schafer Adventure-comedy to be shot in Jakarta, Indo­ A corporate thriller, Project in negotiation. pJsc. film Canad

60/Cinema Canada - April 1986 c I N E M A G • • Formerly listed as THE BURMESE PROJECT, a 2-hour TV movie about an RCMP horse . To RONALD COHEN shoot spring '86. p. Judith Crawley, Pat Ferns PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION sc. W.O. Mitchell d. Eric Till. With financial as­ FILMS III INC. sistance from Telefilm Canada and Alberta. Mo­ (514) 744-2225 tion Picture Dev. Corp. CTV Canadian rights. SHOOT ME DIRTY DOG BBC in UK. GUNG HO Feature film to be shot in northern Ontario. Co­ Feature film. d.lsc. Mike Dolgy. Feature film in development. First officiaJ co-pro­ production with Thorn Lee Productions Inc. duction between Canada and Israle p. Ronald exec. p. Ronald Lillie. William Johnston p. Viv­ ADVENTURES INTO LES PRODUCTIONS Cohen , Zvi Grossman dJsc. . ienne Leebosh d. R.L. Thomas sc. Jay Teitel. THE UNKNOWN ARTS ECHO INC. GLOBAL LEARNING (formerly Forbidden Worlds) (514) 521-4370 SALTER TV series. d./sc. Mike Dolgy J.p. Don Francks. (Formerly 'Learning To Be') TV series in associ­ EMILE NELLIGAN· STREET FILMS ation with Peter Montagne of Antelope Produc­ Feature film on the life of the Quebecois poet tions. Eng. 13 one-hour episode state-of-the-art (902) 423-4687 Possibility for 5-hr. series for TV. Budget popular science series on learning . Shooting in MAGIC ISLAND $5,000,000. S.G.C .. Telefilm Canada financing TOM conjunction w~h the United Nations University Costume Rentals for Feature Film . PICTURES INC. script development. p. Aude Nantais sc. Aude A feature thriller to be co-produced with Mark and the GAMMA Institute of Montreal. Forstater Productions of England . To shoot in Teleuision and Commercials. (604) 669-1333 Nantais, Jean Joseph Tremblay sc. cons. De· Period. Contemporary nys Arcand. London's Soho district in July 1986. p. Maura and Uniforms. LEON BIB THE VANISHING ISLAND O'Connell sc.ld. Paul Donovan. Trilogy of half hour programs for TV and video Studio Rental for Feature Film PRODUCTIONS LTD. LES PRODUCTIONS targetted for four to ten year aids. p. Cal SETTLER FILM Manufacture of costumes (604) 738-7995 Shumiatcher p.lp. des. Kim Steer sc./d. Susan Custom dyeing and breakdoum DU LUNDI MATIN FOLLOW THE DRINKING Martin series creator/d. Richard Martin d. (514) 526-3925 PRODUCTIONS INC. Charles Wilkinson d.o.p. David Geddes ed. (416) 252-5641 Lynda G. Kemp GOURD· (working title) Frank Irvine I.p. Stuart Margolin. Dan Haggerty. COIN DULUTH ET ST·URBAIN Costume Designer A docudrama in script development. Story about Dick Martin, Robert Clothier. Feture film in development with participation of THE CAMPBELLS the negro settlers who came to southwest On­ Telefilm Canada , Societe generale du cinema. TV series. Second cycle of thirty episodes in Diana Irwin tario in the last century built specifically around MEDIAPARK INC. p. Franr;ois Bouvier sc. Franyois Bouvier, Jean preparation . p. John A. Delmage assoc. p./p. one teacher. Mary Ann Shadd who settled in Beaudry d. Jean Beaudry. man. Patrick Doyle d. various. Manager Windsor in the early 1850's. For Global Net· (416) 690-3545 work, Canada and WTVS Detroit (PBS) for the A MOVING PICTURE MARIE S'EN VA EN VillE Sheila E. Pruden U.S. right. p.lsc. Leon Bib. STOPFILM - ANN DITCHBURN Feature film. Script developed with participation Rental Manager (514) 465-9014 LINDA MOTE LTD. One hour production in development with plan­ of Telefilm Canada, Societe generale du cine­ Thunder Thighs Costumes Ltd. ned production for 1986. Exec. p. Alex Park. ma . p. Fran<;ois Bouvier se. Marquise Lepage d. (416) 968-6344 Marquise Lepage. LE GRAND AIR DE lOUISE 73 Bathurst Street. 2nd Floor Audrey Cole d. Jurgen Lutz. Feature fiction film planned for fall 1986 shoot. Toront o. Ontario MSV 2P6 KATMANDU p. Nicole Robert d. Micheline Lanct6t sc. Theatrical feature. An urban contemporary thril­ MUL TIVISION Micheline LanctOt, Hubert-Yves Rose. Jean· (416) 362-0542 LES PRODUCTIONS Pierre Gariepy. ler. d.lsc. Mike Dolgy unit pub. Linda Mote Ltd . FILMS INC. PASCAL BLAIS INC. (514) 933-3785 (514) 866-7272 SHADD: Her Life & Times VICTOR SOLNICKI A 100 minute made-for-tv movie in development INCAl with the participation of Telefilm Canada and the Animated 84-minute feature film . Cinematog­ PRODUCTIONS CBC. Based on the true story of Mary Shadd. p. raphic adaptation of Jean Giraud (Moebius) and (416) 922-3168 .. t I . Alexandra Jodorowsky science-fiction master­ Arthur Voronka assoc. p. Mario Valdes story SOBs Dlglte(:v llSH: ed. Joan Irving . piece. To be made in Montreal. d. Pascal Blais exec. p. Bernard Lajoie. Jean Blais. A senes of action· adventure films . Joint ve nture MARCCHOLETTE-EMULATOR II wilh New World Pictures. Planned shoot of first THE NEW CHASSE·GALERIEI film for summer of 1986. FILM GROUP! LEGEND OF THE FLYING CANOE Cinematographic adaptation from an old legend . DANCE OF SHIV A Option on William Deverell's best seller of same An animated 24-minute pilcit based on an origi­ M usi clSound Effects LES NOUVELLES name. In association with Rohar Productions nal script from Roger Cantin and Danyele Films -Industrial videos - Theatreetc. Ltd. Planned production for late 1986. Exec. p. CINEASTES Patenaude. To be made in Montreal. d. Pascal Victor Solnicki p.ld. Harvey Hart sc. William De­ Blais exec. p. Bernard Lajoie, Jean Blais. (514) 733-2051 verell. TEENAGE SEXUALITY (wt) A one-hour TV special on teenage sexuality. To RAPID FIRE FILM MK ULTRA 230A Danfo rth Ave .. Toronto. Ontario M4 K I N41416)46 1·7370 shoot fall 1986. p. Barbara Doran. Norma Joinl venture between Victor Solnicki and Rohar Denys. Nastran Dibai, Tina Horne. PRODUCTIONS INC. Productions Ltd . Exec. p. Victor Solnicki p.ld. (204) 943-7017 Harvey Hart. PASIA V. BRODY HOLLYWOOD LION Feature length - science fiction adventure to Projected mini-series for US and world markets SCHONBERG film in Winnipeg, Hecla Island and Vancouver. based on the life of Louis B. Mayer. Co-produc­ PRODUCTIONS INC. p. Robb Mavins p. man . Cheryl Winkler. tion with Jake Productions limited and Ohl­ GARY FLANAGAN meyer Communications. Exec. p. Victor Sol­ (Military Arms & Equipment) (416) 535-5860 THE ASSASSINATOR nicki. Stan Jacobson p. Perry Rosemond sc. PO BOX 638 An hour long drama to film on location in Winni­ Alex BarriS. THE ENGINEER OF peg. Shoot planned for June. p.ld. Robb Mavins NOBLETON. ONTARIO HUMAN SOULS p. man. Corey Robinson d.o.p. Frank M. Gilbert CANADA LOG INa Photography slated for 1986 in Canada and p. sup. Rod Webb sc. cons. Richard Freeman PHONE (416) 939-7819 Europe. pub. (416) 864-9696/9697 Donald Mar­ J.p. Valerie Kostiuk. VOILA! tin. PRODUCTIONS LTD. PETRA FILM RED SNAPPER (514) 733-3624 TENDER HARVEST WEAPONS AND ORDNANCE FOR THE MOTION PIC1URE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATES FILMS LIMITED A made for TV feature based on Brian Doyle 's SPECIALIZING IN EXOTICA. KOREAN. CHINESE. EAST BLOCK. (604) 669-1333 (902) 423-9538 award-winning novel Up to Low. In deve lop· AND SOVIET WEAPONS. ALSO U.S. MILITARY AND VISA ment for a 1986 shoot with the participation of AFRICA CHRONICLE Telefilm Canada. p. Patricia Lavo ie sc. Jeff POLICE SW.A.T. TEAM WEAPONS Feature film in first phase of development. With ContempGrary feature about a Canadian Rosen sc. ed. Joan Irving. participation of Telefilm Canada CKVU-TV. woman who is a volunteer in Africa. Property Shoot planned for British Columbia and West under development with the participation of PARADISE Berlin. p. Cal Schumiatcher scJd. Charles Wil· Telefilm Canada. Shooting slated for spring TV series. What do a group of not so typical kinson ed. Frank Irvine exec. p. Raymond Hall. 1987. p. Christopher Zimmer d. Lulu Keating . teenagers do when they buy a restaurant called The Paradise? p. Patricia Lavoie sc. Jeff PHOENIX PICTURES Rosen. ~ (604) 688-7858 RENAISSANCE DONALD MARTIN tfggti ... CHANNEL ONE PRODS./CONCEPT WESTWOOD Feature film in development. Budget and loca­ EQUITY FUNDING GOING FOR NEWS HEADLINES? tion TBA. exec. p. David H. Brady exec. assoc. FILMS LTD. David Gregson sC. Steven Alix. (403) 249-8057 THEN GO FOR LTD. PRIMEDIA AND (416) 486-6884 GOLDEN MOUNTAIN THE BEST! NONE IS TOO MANY (formerly listed as WILLOW) SPECIALISTS IN JUDITH CRAWLEY Shooting scheduled for Spring '87 on four·hour A made for television feature set in Vancouver mini-series based on the book by Irving Abella and CaJgary. With participation of Telefilm ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC RELATIONS & ASSOC. and Harold Troper. With financial participation of Canada and AMPDC. p. Doug MacLeod d. 209 ADELAIDE ST. EAST, STE. 204, TORONTO, ONT M5A 1M8 (416) 361·0306 Telefilm and GtobaL exec. p. Malcolm Silver. Randy Bradshaw SC. Peter Marshall. Paul Bir­ (418) 864-9696 Jerry Appleton sc. Max Cohen d. Harvey Hart. kett. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT*

April 1986 - Cinema Canada/61 • C I N E M A G • IN THE CAN ' Chernoff & Villeneuve open up shop for PR , 85 Production Guide THE FEAR STALKER ed. Ruth Foster I.p. Doug Annear, Allan Scarfe, cont. from p_ 34 PERRY MASON RETURNS Samantha Langevin, Jeremy Ratchford, Chris p_c_ Via com Productions Inc. A low-budget 'B' thriller feature film shot in To­ Owens, Andrew Lewarne, Tedd Dillon, Brian MONTREAL - Film publicists ronto December 9 to 21 and Feb ruary 14 to 23. LETTING GO ,p_ Barry Steinberg Young, Paddy Campanaro, Leonard Chow, Joe­ Susan Chernoff and Suzanne poco I.T.C. Productions Inc. d. Ron Sallof p./d. Robert Bouvier exec.p. Peter Wilson cO.p. Norman Shaw , Bill Webster, Elizabeth Andreas Blackwell ori9. story by Peter Wilson Villeneuve have teamed up to p. Ervin Zaveda Aug.-Sept. 6 RukaVina. Jason Blicker, Marshall PermuHer, d_ Jack Bender BC, Vancouver sc. Andreas Blackwell d.o.p. Mark McKay Robert Morelli, Reg Drager, Gerald Lenton, form a new company, Chernoff steadicam oper. julian Chojnacky p.man. Villeneuve Associates Inc. To Mar. 17/85 For NBC Tonya Williams, Robbie Haas, Stuart Arnot, ON, Toronto Tony Tobias p.coord. Bonnie Laufer 1st a.d. Alex Leslie, Linda Kash, Margaret Bard. Billie specializing in all aspects of en­ Alan Levine art d. Ray Lorenz ed. Bob Doughty TV Feature PICKING UP THE PIECES Newton Davis p.c. Brandman Productions (416) tertainment public relations. sd.rec. Christopher Leach cas\. Sandra Deizel 364-8530. For ABC p_c_ Westchester Productions I.p. Dave Adamson , Ed Chester, Leeann Nes­ CV Inc. which opened for p_ Fitch Cady tagard, Peter Wilson. p.c. Video Impact Produc­ business at the beginning of LOVE MARY d_ Paul Wenkos tions Inc. (416) 362-6995. PERRY MASON: this month, builds on both p_c_ Westchester Productions Feb.-Mar. OKLAHOMA SMUGGLERS The Case of the Notorious Nun Chernoff and Villeneuve's ex­ p_ Ellis A. Cohen BC, Vancouver A theatrical featu re , familY -O riented adventure TV Movie for NBC to be shot February 10 and tensive established contacts d_ Robert Day TV Feature wrapped March 7 in Vancouver, B.C. p. Barry film. Shot February 24 to March 21 in Toronto. with the industry across Apr. for completion in May '86. pJd. Ota Richter sc. Steinberg, Joel Steiger d. Ron Satlof I.p. BC, Vancouver PIPPI LONGSTOCKING Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale , William Catt p.c. Canada. Sven Simon d.o.p. Peter Benison p.man. Rita p_c_ ABC Entertainment Picard p.coord. Roberta Mayer con\. Susan Viacom Productions Inc. (604) 688-7144 Chernoff began working in MAFIA PRINCESS p_ Joanne Curley Haller art d. Andy Deskin assl. art conI. Kim MUREE VIVE the film industry as manager of d_ Collin Chilvers Forrest assoc. to p. Michal Richter 1st a.d. poc oGroup W Productions INBC Part of Les Traquenard series. With the partici­ an independent theatre chain. ON , Toronto Denis Chapman 2nd a.d. Felix Gray p. Lew Gallo pation of Radio-Canada, Telefilm Canada and Since then she has been a re­ d_ Bob Collins ass\.cam. Attila Szalay, John Davidson sd.mix. the Conseil general de Seine Maritime (France) . searcher at CTV, and unit pub­ RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, THE Gabor Vadney boom Pierre Blain key grip Bill p. Daniel Bertolino, Catherine Viau d. Bruno Sept. 10-0ct. 3 Heintz gaffer Jan Madlener best boy Ted Carriere se. Jacques Jacob , Bruno Carriere in­ licists on numerous films, in­ ON, Toronto p.c_ Fries Entertainment Fanyeck elec.lgrip J.P. Locherer cam. trainee spired by a story by G. Lenatre, d.o.p. Bruno cluding SDA's The Morning 2h p_ Tom Fries Dan Roy ass\.grip Mark Mavrinac p.a. Mike Carriere cam.ass\. Murielle Lutz sd. Jean Rival Man, Les Production La Fete's For NBC d_ Jeffrey Bloom Maese hair Jocelyn MacDonald make-up boom Thierry Raimbaud sets Patrick Weibel Oct. 8-Nov. 1 Nancy Howe loc.man. Steven Wakefield acct. The Peanut Butter Solution, props Olga Jirowskowa, Vera Cais con\. MARIE BALTER STORY, THE ON, Toronto Natalie LaPorte p.a. Lara Mullins sets Alexa An­ Catheirn Vilpoux a.d. Olivier Langlois, Joelle HBOlFirst Choice's Half A TV Feature thony assl.sets. Elaine Smith props Bob p_c_ Joseph Feury Productions Malberg gaffer Dominique Testu, Philippe Dar­ Lifetime, Daleo Productions' IGaylord Productions Co. For ABC Bartman ass\. props Paul Haigh ward. Martha mon grip Bernard Largemalns p.man. Arielle Frankenstein 88/The Vin­ Snetsinger assl.ward. Julie Nixon pix.ed. p_ Joseph Fleury Naude ass\. Marie-Claude Reverin cos\. dicator, and Cinepix Films' d_ Lee Grant ROCK-A-BYE Steve Lawrence asst.ed. Gillian Jones asst.ed. Marina Gargone make-up Margareth Astolli Nov.19-Dec. 14 p.c_ Lee Rock Industries Ltd. Pia Diociaula sd.ed./dial. Catherine Hutton orig.mus. Osvaldo Montes ed. Pierre Larocque Loverboy. sd.edJsd.elx. Chris Hutton asst.sd.ed. ass\.ed. Claude Palardy I.p. Alexis Martin. CV co-founder Villeneuve, BC, Vancouver p_ Paul Cameron Katherine Fitzgerald stunts coord. Dwayne Xavier Mienniel , Jean-Frangois Guemy , Francis for the last three years account TV Feature d_ Richard Michaels McLean casting Karen Hazzard I.p. George Facon, SylVie Pascaud p.c. Les Productions Via executive with David Novek For CBS Sept. 23-0ct. 11 Buza, John Novak, Richard Ayers, Robert Ie Monde D. B. 1985 Inc. ON, Toronto O'Ree, Gino Marrocco, Robert Godin, Cheryl Associates where she has MRS. DELAFIELD WANTS TO TV Feature Wilson , Don Francks, Heather Smi1h, Hugh MORT A MINUIT worked since 1980, has been MARRY For CBS Simpson , Adrienne Pocock, Carson Foster, Part of the series Les Traquenard. Produced responsible for the successful poco Schaefer Karpf Productionsl Carla Bosacki, Colin Steadman, Rick Parker, with the participation of Telefilm Canada, launches of many Canadian, In assoc. w. Gaylord Production Co. Marcel Berube. Jenry Fortin, Ross Whitehead, Societe generale du Cinema and Radio­ STIR CRAZY p_ George Schaefer Brancho Rakki, Peter Cox, Frank Knight, Leslie Canada. p. Daniel Bertolino, Catherine Viau d. Quebecois, U_S. and French p.c_ Larry Larry Productions Ltd. Munroe, Terry McGauran, Anton Tyukodi, Rick Raoul Held se. Nacer Mazan;' Raoul Held feature films. As the 20th Cen­ d_ George Schaefer (Columbia Pictures TV Inc.) Forsayeth, Swayne McLean, John Stoneham, orig.mus. Osvaldo Montes d.o.p. Raoul Held tury Fox rep in Montreal from Nov. 1-Dec. 1 p_ Larry Rosen, Larry Tucker BC, Vancouver Brent Meyer, Gail Roberts, Richard .Blackburn, cam.ass\. Robert Martel sd. Juan Gutierrez art 1983-1986, Villeneuve was in­ d_ Jim Sheldon John Shepherd, Kay Griffin , Stella Sprowell, d. Normand Simpson con\. Suzanne Chiasson TV Feature Aug. Gladys O'Connor, Joe Thiery, Susan Brooks. gaffer Yves Paquette, Charles-Henri Duclos strumental in launching over For CBS BC, Vancouver, Victoria Dick Grant, Gordon Jocelyn, Kim Cayer, Angelo grip Ph ilippe Palu. Andre Ouelet sp.elx. Jac­ 50 features. She has wide ex­ 5 x 1 hr. Mosca, John Croitoru, Kevin Henderson, Larry ques Godbout, Jean-Frangois Cyr eostJ perience in many aspects of NICE PLEASANT DEADLY Schwartz, Brian Crabbe p.c. Ota Richter Pro­ makeup Florangel Azpurua loe.man. Gilles film distribution, having WEEKEND,A YOUNG AGAIN ductions Inc. (416) 364-7671. Parent p.man. Edouard Faribault asst.p.man. poco 20th Century-Fox TV Linda Hebert asst.d. Ginette Breton ed. Jean­ worked with companies from p.c_ Sharmhill Productions p_ Terry Morse AS IS Mane Drot Jr. asst.ed. Claude Palardy elec.ed'! Montreal's Karim Productions p. Steven H. Stern d_ Charles Dubin American production. Ninety-minute movie for sp.elx. Luigi Immateo, Andre Perry Video I.p. and Astral Films to Tri-Star, d. Steven H. Stern U.S . cable. Shot in Toronto Feb. 21 to March 8. Oct. 15-Nov. 15 Thomas Hellman, J.-P. Scantanburlo, Jacques Columbia and Norstar Releas­ June-July Exee.p. Michael Brandman sup.p. Iris Merlis p. Rossi , Janine Sutto, Andre Morissette, Ref\ato BC, Vancouver ON, Toronto Patrick Whitley d. Michael Lindsay Hogg unit Trujillo , Richard Groulx, Anna Gianotti stunts ing. TV Feature Pre-sold to Disney Channel loc.man . John Calvert 1st a.d. David McAree Louis Morin p.c. Les Productions Via Ie Monde 2nd a.d. Ron French se.sup. Jayne Harris Daniel Bertolino Inc. p.coord. Carole Mackinnon d.o.p. Rene Ohashi art d. Jacques Bradette sd. Tom Mather NOUS PRES, NOUS LOIN Two Canadian winners cos\.des. Julie Ganton gaffer Maris Jansons One-hour on the dynamism of ,-----'STOC KS HOTS !'----' best boy Ira Cohen key grip Chris Dean boom the Creole culture in the Antilles. Shot in 1984. at Golden Gate Awards Don Grunsten props master Helen Field set currently in editing with expected release for Film and Video dresser Angus McCallum ward. Lorraine Car­ April. Produced with the participation of Societe SAN FRANCISCO - Two Gold­ son ass\.cam. John Hobson hair Jenny Arbour generale du cinema. d. Alain d'Aix p.c. Inform­ en Gate Awards were awarded make-up Jane Meade p.a. Glen Avigdor, An­ ation Inc. (514) 524-7567. March 20 to the CBC for JACK CHISHOLM FILM PRODUCTIONS LIMITED drew Doig, Jack Hardy p.ace\. Rhianon Pulla Glenn Gould: A Portrait and Anne of Green Gables at the 229 Niagara Street - Toronto, Ontario M6J 2L5 For Sale: 16/35mm Steenbeck, annual San Francisco Film Fes­ Tel.: (416) 366-4933 Classified 16mm Showcron flatbed, 16mm tival. The Glenn Gould prog­ upright moviola. All for $11,000.00. JUST ARRIVEDI Information (416) 367-9224. (128) ram, produced, directed, and written by the team of Eric Till THE REED TRAVEL LIBRARY Production Company looking for and Vincent Tovell, aired last Paris Canadian production crew low budget, commercial/cult treat­ Sept. 8 on the CBC and re­ ON 1" VIDEO available. Bilingual, experienced ments and scripts. Realm Produc­ ceived its award in the net­ with major networks, commercials. tions, 196-F Craig Henry Dr., Ne­ work documentary (arts & Equipped NTSC and 16mm D.P. pean, Ont, K2G 4M7. (128) John Cressey Tel. Paris 43 79 36 humanities) category. 82. (129) For Sale: 16mm 6-plate Steenbeck, Anne of Green Gables, COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE excellent condition. (416) 535-6687. which drew the record audi­ Sally. (128) ence for a Canadian-produced MUSIC-RECORDINGS-,- LITERATURE New Approach to location sync program other than sports Original up for sale or FILM - PHOTOGRAPHS-ARTWORKS sound: Sony Walkmen equipped with up to 5.8 million viewers with internal Pilotone generators. co-production. Title: THE LAMIA - VIDEO Used as body packs with ECM-50s, Evil among Evils, Copyright 1985. when it aired last Dec. 1- 2, was offer all the advantages of high qua­ N. Allard Canadian modern gothic co-produced by Sullivan Films, lity radio mikes without the expen­ horror drama. Two hour feature for the CBC, and PBS Wonder­ PRODUCTIOn COPYRIeHT se. Also eliminate need for full time theatrical release , Pay TV and works (with the participation sound man - important where bud­ Home Video. For synopsis and fur­ of Telefilm Canada, Toronto's SERVICES Inc. gets are limited or space tight as in ther info.: Normand Allard, 19 Du­ CIlY-TV, and West Germany's 45 Charles Street East, Toronto, Ontario, choppers and canoes. Worked puis St. Gatineau, P.Q. , Canada. canada M4Y 1S2 Tel. (416) 964-0034 splendidly on recent extensive Arc­ Tel. : (819) 643-4024 (Morning). ZDF). It was selected in the tic shoot. Call 416-920-5424. (129) (128) children's program category.

62/Cinema Canada - April 1986