New law may help Woman adjusts iign tb e^w ^ area credit unions to man's worick Kentucky Derby page 9 ... page 20 / page 16

Manchester, Conn. Warm, sunny ■ Saturday, May 1, 1982 today and Sunday Single copy 25c — See pc^ie 2

y - • y Argentina


pleads for \. ■ \ U.N. role

UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - contingency plan for future media­ Denying Argentina had rejected a tion and a possible U.N. “ presence” U.S. peace plan, Argentine Foreign on the islands. Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said Costa Mendez met with Secretary- Friday his country ready to General Javier Perez de Cuellar and accept a U.N. resolution calling for said afterwards he favored media­ its withdrawal from the Falklands — tion by the U.N. chief. but only if Britain accepts the jun­ Diplomats said it was not im­ ta’s claim to sovereignty. mediately clear if Costa Mendez’ Costa Mendez also called for U.N. statements represented an Argen­ intervention in the Falklands dis­ tine retreat or a diplomatic attempt pute to head off a war that seemed to gain more time before Britain imminent. and Argentina came to blows over Costa Mendez spoke to reporters the islands Argentina seized April 2. momements after Secretary of British warships, battling moun­ State Alexander Haig announced in tainous waves in the stormy South Washington that the Atlantic, clamped an air and sea was dropping its neutrality, siding blockade around the Falklands, 450 with Britain and imposing military miles off the Argentine coast, at 7 and economic sanctions against a.m. EDT. Argentina for its invasion of the Argentina announced a similar Falklands April 2. blockade. Each side vowed to shoot jM- Haig indicated the United States at the other on sight but no im­ regarded ‘Argentina as the mediate confrontations were aggressor and said it was taking reported. sides after four weeks because the Speaking to reporters at the State Department, Haig was somber as he sn- junta rejected a last-ditch set of U.S. peace proposals based on U.N. said: “ The South Atlantic crisis is Security Council Resolution 502. about to enter a new and dangerous The resolution calls for the Argen­ phase in which large scale military tines to withdraw from the action is likely.” Falklands and negotiations to settle Haig said “ there will, of course, the sovereignty dispute. Haig’s plan by no direct U/S' m ilitary in­ '??■ also'calls for joint U.S., British and volvement” ip tjie crisis but added ■ ,. • M Argentine administration of the that President R eagan “ will res­ Falklands during the negotiations. pond positively ^ r requests for y , ’ ‘We haven’t rejected the plan put material support for British forward by the secretary of state,” forces.” Costa Mendez said. “ We have made He said Reagan had ordered the observations and that does not mean suspension of “ all military exports ■ w r * : . ! rejection. to Argentina, the withholding of cer- “It’s up to Mr. Haig to say tificatidnof Argentine eligibility for whether his mission has ended or military \ ales, the suspension not,” he said. new ExporWniport Bank credits Costa Mendez said “ Argentina is and.guaranteesand_ihe suspension ready to comply with resolution 502 of Commodity CreddCorporaUon ?%-• and to accept the intervention of the guarantees.” United Nations and any of its There was no immediate official organs, and of course the comment from the Argentine V?,?* y t f ‘ secretarygeneral,” in order to avert military junta in Buenos Aires, but wa/r. Argentine diplomats reacted with Argentina initially rejected the anger and dismay. U.N. resolution ^ l i n g for the im­ “ It has provoked profound dis­ mediate withdrawal of its troops may, opposition, and disgust,” one from the Falklaplis. diplomat said. ■"s; However, Costa Mendez tacked on Within minutes of Haig’s an­ a condition to Argentina’s accep­ nouncement, Soviet Ambassador tance of the resolution — a condition Sergei Striganov was at the Argen­ Britian already has rejected and tine Foreign Ministry, meeting with Herald photo by Cody was not likely to accept now, government officials. diplomats said. ■ There was speculation the junta Costa Mendez said any might seek Soviet military help and negotiations must be based on take economic measures to retaliate against Washington, such as Canolsts head down the Wllllmantio River Sunday where It separates Coventry from Eaglevllle. More of the fine weather “ Argentine sovereignty on the islands. This is non-negotlable.” freezing U.S. assets in Argentina. they took advantage of ,ia expected this weekend. U.N. diplomats indicated they Asked about the possibility of were disappointed by that condition, Soviet military help, Argentine Vice which they said meant Argentina Admiral Jorge Fraga said, “ We has not changed its. basic position on must remember that the Soviet, the crisis. Union was an ally of Great Britain iMoIri Sf. a 'raceway'? One diplomat called Costa during World War II. as Winston Mendez’ announcement "a Churchill said, to M ve my country I diplomatic game.” would ally with the devil.” " But diplomats also said the Argen­ it's mixed tine statement might set in motion a Pleaxe turn to page 8

a north-south artery, might try as it vironmentalists hgve a very good ^ Lisa 2owada .... group of envlronmentaUsts. With has in the )>ast to remove parking point.” 4ierald Reporter ' the decision, work on the Dodds say they're Aheam also said the “ key catch ' ~ Manchester-East Hartford connec- from Main Street. right now” Is whether any federal ' Local reaction was mixed to the tor, linking a section of 1-84 in town “ That would make it a raceway. news Friday of an appellate court’s with 1-86 in East Hartford, could We’re not going to let that happep,” funding w ill come th rou ^ for the completion of the eastern portion. ■dedaion w hidi allows the sU te to begin in 1963. Garman said. Construction could begin in early filing for divorce Garman, who is head of the down­ " nnrtaW»«« Por- jM -.i-in very happy to see it got town retailers’ association, added 1985, the state has estimated. d o n o f n rJnit settled,” Sen. Carl A. Zinsser said. that he doesn’t think the increased D E S P IT E T H E court’s decision, H A R T F O R D (U P I ) - Sen. and the people of Connecticut will traffic flow through town w^l mean Sis* •-•••;...... • • • ■ • ■ Alt Main Street merchant ' vacant by form er Sen. , i. i • 18-w Carman said he was worried about Bolton .selectman Aloysius J. money will be “ wast^.” The statement, issued by Dodd’s Riblcoff, D-Conn. Dodd was the Ahekm said be, tod, was happy a “ We felt in making our appeal, we office in Washington, said ttecouple — a lu** ™uch traffic the connector youngest person ever elected to the decision had been made. had at least an even chance,” Ms. intended “ to begin the necessary 2 ®w“" v,;;; might generate in downtown Senate from Connecticut. ^Entertainment ...... ».k... U"U Mandiester. .... “ I’m glad it’s off dead center,” he SurWilo said. “ It was important to legal proceedings in the immediate • • • ...... , “Main Street will have a whole lot said. make the effort to save'ttie nMoey. future and to resolve all questions in Dodd, whose late father also pbltaaries ■ more traffic feeding off of it,” Gar- ’The interstate plan for Coonec- Now this 130 mlUion is lost.” an amicable manner.” served in the Senate, graduated ' “ *■ • • • • • ...... Va-iS ™ u said, if the connector goes ticnt haa been in the planning and Ms. Surwilo said th&next legal ac­ “ While most of niy life has public from the University of Louisville through. a I f . actual wwking staga for about 12 tion by the groqps win have to wait in nature, this is a deeply personal School of Law in 1972 and practiced " Qarman said he is concerned that ytBTS, until the completloa of the design decision,” the statement s^d. “ We law in New London before running thei state, with Main Street acting as But Abearn added| “ 1 Uilnk the en- pUiui at least two years from now. would therefore hope that the press for Oingress. T r : : / E* t T- • - -iCTtysn

^ I r' MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 1, 1982 - 3 2 - MANCHESTBaa HERALD. Sat.. May 1, 1982 NATKMAL WEAtun SCKVICE FOWCASt 10 7 PM ESI 0 - 1 - S2 . ~1 News briefing Your neighbors' views:

Daily News getting given Should the United States have backed Britain in the Faikiand Islands crisis? new lease on life privacy from TV HIQHiAt NEW Y O R K (U P !) - The Tribune Co. WASHINGTON (UPl) - Citing con­ IMMIIATUKt ' 1 4.1 ■ 45 said Friday it had decided to continue cern for her safety, the judge at the trial I (■ publishing the Daily News and would of accused presidential assailant John spend money to bolster the paper if its 11 W. Hinckley Jr. refused Friday, to let unions a g r ^ to contract concessions. “ television networks copy and broadcast a io 1(23’'***"**' Jubilant union leaders said they would videotaped deposition by actress Jodie un WEAVHtn rOTOCABl <9 agree. FOTter. 1 ‘ .‘J^e New York Daily News will con­ j^.S. District Judge Barrington Parker issued his ruling in the fourth day-of tinue to publish with no change of V t e m p , ---5 1 ownership,” Tribune Co. President Stan­ screening jurors for the case against ton Cook said in informing union leaders Hinckley, who is charged with trying to tho company had changed its mind about kill President Reagan, White House selling the paper. Press Secretary James Brady and two Weather The paper, which was put up for sale law enforcement officials 13 months ago. Dec 18, lost almost 812 million last year Parker agreed with Miss Foster’s and was expected to lose $53 million this lawyers that the public should not see the ,!^aini1y is asking for $18 million in refhslafed, with town crews H “ We won’t take any chances that they linked its occurrence in menstruating Liberty. punitive damages; $2.5 million in com­ or anyone else on the road may be the women with the use of tampons. One pensation forithe death of Leo, 40; $1.5 .Hudson County Prosecutor Harold reinstate the service, using town If the reorganization improves ef­ victim of a drunk driver,” she said. brand was removed from the market, million for the death of Walter, 70; a $1 Numbers drawn in New) Maine daily: 043. By Paul Hendrie Ruvoldt, calling the fire “ suspicious,” employees instead of outside con­ ficiency, Diana suggested, resump­ A dinner-dance at Pathfinder Regional however Dr. Broome said the role tam­ million for “ conscious pain and suf­ England Friday: Rhode Is la ^ Sally: 8200. ' Herald Reporter said authorities would conduct an arson tractors,” said Diana. “ I would like tion of leaf collection may become Vocational Technical High School Satur­ pons play n the development of TSS was fering; and $1 million each for mental Connecticut dally. 060. New Hampshire dally: investigation. Republican Director William J. to see it done, at least take care of possible. day night is the first event where the not known. anguish to the surviving family “ Play Four” : 9983. 4862. Diana said Friday he is looking for a the crucial areas, like the center of Republican Town Chairman Cur­ taxi service will be offered. TSS vs caused by a bacteria called members. Vermont daily: 908. way to reinstate the vacuum leaf town.” tis M. Smith said leaf collection was staphylococcal aureus. The bacteria ' The suit charges Langley “ ignored ‘Son of Sam’ bill collection program, which was dis­ Diana said he is not si^re how a topic discussed at a Thursday produces a toxin that ilKluces high fever, reports of runway conditions and was World’s Fair scene continued last year to save money. practical the idea is, because he has night rtieeting of the three passes in House vomiting, diarrhea ana mu^scle aches. It oblivious to the hazards of touching down Discontinuation of the popular not discussed it with Kandra yet. He Republican directors. progresses into shock and a sudden drop several thousand feet long at excessive at^rantic pace program became a major issue in said it is question of whether town “ We would like to see if it is possi­ HARTFORD (U Pl) — The Connecticut in blood pressure. speed under prevailing runway con-. House gave final approval Friday to the last November’s town election. personnel have the manhours ble to reinstate the local leaf collec­ KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (UPl) - Police ■ The CDC said 96 percent of all reported ditions.” socalled "Son of Sam” bill that would Almanac Diana said he has talked to available to do the . tion,” Smith said Friday. “ But if it dogs sniffed for bombs and technicians cases involved women, with 92 percent of It also charges Langley “failed to .several other directors about his "W e’ve got ali the equipment,” becomes cumbersome and if it prevent anyone convicted of a violent t r i ^ to fix a malfunctioning, one-eye those' contracting the disease during execute a go-around either’ before ' idea. Diana noted. would be fiscally irresponsible, we crim e from keeping profits from book, rqlrat in a last-minute frenzy to open the menstruation. Health officials reported touchdown or-after touchdown.” film or magazine accounts of his acts. "A fte r we have set the budget, Kandra has proposed a would not agree to bring it back.’’ eWorld’s Fair on time Saturday for Presi- 154 cases that were not associated with The airline was also charged with -'T h e legislation was adopted 144-2 and By United Press International maybe some of us could sit down reorganization of the Public Works Smith said that, under no cir­ < dent Reagan and an estimated 100,000 menstruation. “ negligence in the performance of its ■ sent to Gov. William O’Neill. If signed by . with (Public Works Director) Department, which the Board of cumstances, would the Republicans Herald photo by Tarquink) other guests. rescue obligations.” This includes Today is Saturday, May 1, the 121st day of 1982 with O’Neill, the bill would take effect Oct. 1. The non-menstrual cases included ■ George Kandra and see if we can Directors is expected to approve. back any plan to resume leaf collec­ “ I tlrfnk they are going to be allegations of failing to train the crew in Rep. Robert Farr, R-West Hartford,- those who got TSS following childbirth or 244 to follow. This is “ May Day.” , tion that would require higher taxes. ''ham m ering and painting two minutes emergency procedures and permitting Keeney teeny-boppers tried to have the bill amended to prevent therapeutic abortion, surgical wound in­ The moon is starting to move out of its firsiTiaartcr. Re-establishing the program un­ before President Reagan gets here,” unsafe landing methods. anyone acquitted by reason of insanity in fections, deep abcesses and infected cuts The morning star is Venus. der itq old format could cost $130,000 said fair General Chairman Jake The suit also charged the airline with tage attire as part of the school’s 25th or lesions such as bums, abrasions, The evening stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and to $136,000, Smith said. Keeney Street School students Robert the death of a family member from in- Butcher, a millionaire Knoxville banker. failure to account for the missing men • birthday celebration Wednesday,, lacerations and insect bites. Satom. Bake sale planned liie Democrats, too, have said in McCaffery, Eric Vogel, Jennifer Moir and Heriting his victim ’s property. Workers installed a curved 20-foot­ and falling to answer inquiries about Those bom on this date are under the sign of Taurus. the past they would support re­ Susan Thibodeau strike a 1950s pose In vin­ The amendment failed on a 78-68 vote. wide by 8-foot-high plexiglass shield on them. Since the CDC first started monitoring American entertainers Katie Smith and Jade Paar establishing leaf collection if it Farr said the amendment -was the front of an elevated stage where the “ World Airways failed to accept and North United Methodist Church, 6 p.m. after which Nancy Caix, prompted by the April 17 murder^ of four the disease two years ago, 88 w om en'^ were bora May 1 — she in 1909 and he In 1918. executive director of the could be done without more taxes or president is scheduled to speak at respond to information provided by the 300 Parker St., will celebrate people in West Hartford. SteveiyJ. Wood, or 5 percent of all TSS victims — have On this date In history: Manchester Area Conference of a reduction in other services. ceremonies launching the $173 million passengers who saw persons struggling , Missions Sunday, this week, and a 42, is charged with m u r^ rin deaths died. The health agency said there were In 1873, penny post cards wait on sale for the first The vacuum collection program Delay for Bennet scheme exposition. in the water after the crash,” the suit 'bake sale is planned during the Churches w ill spepk. of his ex-wife, her boyfrietML hj qother 492 cases of TSS in 1981, compared with time. A film , “ Children of Sun/Children was discontinued last year. Instead, The police dogs were brought in to help stated. coffee fellowship between services. and her daughter. \ 867 in 1980. So far this year, 37 cases have In 1884, work began in Chicago on a 10-story building of Rain,” w ill be shown downstairs, townspeople were ask^ to bag their develop among the members, but no building and the property line of the police make a routine check of the In addition the airline showed “ callous Proceeds from the sale will The Planning and Zoning Comthis- been reported. called a “ skyscraper.” during the m W ih g after the supper, leaves and leave the'jiags at the curb formal decision can be reached, ac­ site shall be not less than times Prohate records show Wood'gdormer grounds in advahce of Reagan’s visit. disregard” of pleas about the missing , benefit th e , Refugee Sponsorship sion won’t be able to grant a special In 1931, the Empire State Building was dedicated in for collection. At the same time, cording to a memorandum written the height of the multi-story wife, Rosa Woods, 34, left anbestate No major traffic tieups were reported Dr. Broome said, however, there had men. “ World Airways advised all rescue Committee which supports World for chlldreui in Grades 1 through 6. exception Monday for the Bennet — 102 floors, rising 1,250 feet. A free will' offering to support twice-a-week trash collection was by Alan F. Lamson, director of plan­ building.” worth nearly $2 million. Friday, but police b ra c ^ for as many as been a decrease in TSS cases since the personnel that all passengers were ac­ .'MUsiohs: , « School conversion to apartments for In 1977, hundreds Were arrested in Seabrodc, N .H., in cut back to once-a-week collection. Current law prevents a person found 100,0000 people and Saturd^. traffic summer and early fall of 1980, although counted for, thereby frustrating, ■ There w ill be a pot luck supper at MACC, w ill be taken. the elderly. That will have to wait ning. Bennet is four stories high and the a protest demondtratiai against a nudear eneigy plant. Lamson said in the memorandum guilty of murdering a family member jams up to eight miles long on major in­ she could not identify the reason for the obstructing and preventing the searidi.” until the Zoning Board of Appeals northwest corner of the building is from inheriting from the victim. But the decline. can grant a variance, because one that the building will need a only 35 feet from abutting property. terstates. “ We’re ready and welcome The'’ plane skidded off the end of A thought for the day: American humorlat James law does not prevent inheritance if a per­ corner of the building is too close to variance from Sec. 15.04 (b ) of the the challenge,” said Police Chief Bob “ Certainly tampon manufacturers feel Runway 15 while attempting to land in son is found "guilty hut not criminally Thnrber said, “ You might as well fall flat on your face zoning regulations before the PZC Community Development Cotp., Marshall. there has bi^n a decrease in the use of heavy fog and freezing drizzle. The flight a property line. responslhle” — Connecticut’s way of as lean over too far backward.” Calendars Tlfe ZBA is scheduled to Uke up acts. developer of the Bennet housing Fain officials had plenty of bugs to tampons. Tlii^ may have decreased the orlghuted in Oakland and stopped in describing acquittal hy reason of insani­ that variance request at its May 24 Section 15 deals with housing for project, has applied for a variance work w before the crowds arrive. occurrence of the disease,” she said. Newark, N.J.; before heading to Boston, ty; meeting. the elderly. on the ground that the building was Got a Manchester news tip? Tax Collector, 7 p.m., Town Office Building. The PZC will hold the hearing The provision cited by Lamson constructed in 1904, before zoning, Monday on the request for a special says: and the property line was set before If you have a newt t^ or story Idea In Mandiesta, Manchester Assessor, 7 p.m., "Town Office Building. exception and a consensus may “ The space between a multi-story zoning. contact City Editor Alex GlrelU at The Mandwster W ednesday Norton Fund Commission, 8 p.m., Members’ Homes. Herald, telephone 843-2711. ' Quote! Unquote Monday PaiUng Authority, 8 a.m., 975 Main St. w Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30 p.m., "We say,we've got the best answer for peace — unattractive shape. There Is a whole generation of Municipal Building hearing room. a verifiable’ reduction In this madness." young girls who have seen nothing but thin, thin, Hianrt^alrr HmUi Historical Society, 7:30 p.m., Municipal Building coffee room. , — Vice President Qeorge Bush, dalmbig the ’ ’i . thin.” Coventry Reagan adrolMatfatlon’s arma radiidion plan la '1 . • t. — Dr. •leran Lovonkrah, Now Yeifc pey- Richard M. Diamond, Publlshar Tuesday more faasibis than a niiolear weapona traesa. chotharaplaL aaying a sroman who haa an un- Thomas J. Hoopar, Qanaral Managar rnnwiynt sesslon, 9 a.m., Municipal Building direc­ "There's something Ih me that's able to accept raaHatlr iniMM of hw bodv itaks Im t m m Ho m I tors’ office. Monday a wide range of people. And I wonder what It Is M id shiMlefll MMdwlMliia. (MoCirinik U8P8 327-800 VOL. Cl. No. 180 , Data Processing Committee, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Town Council, 7:80 p.m., Board Room, Town Hall. within other people that doesn't allow them to do '' “I'm not saying my taste la so great ITs Just that ‘ Center. Board of Education, 7:30 p.m.. Room 18, High School. ' i k . that." ^ what I like happens to be what Amerloa Itkea.” PubSmad deny exoEpt Sunday Suggiatad carrWr islas ara " Hockaniun River Linear Park Conunittee, 7:30 p.m., and oartain nolldaya by the t l .M awokly, tS.12 for ona Center Church. r — Prod Rogera, mihMnhnnarad ehUdran’a TV ChM vl TIm Mu moddl on ttio oIoIIm o Manchaaiar PubbaWng Co., I t nwndi, S18JS for thraa moritha, aiwsr hoat, on macho fathaia who uronT let their doolono for doom. fPooolok Bralnard Plaoe,’ ManohaaMr, for abi mofilht and S61.40 ^ Wednesday kMo watch hla ahow. 'This Is like Orville Wright oomihg back and Conn. 0SO40. Sooond elaaa fof one yaor. Mall ratoa am u Democratic Executive Board, Municipal Building “Oh, Lord, teach me to uttet words that are deciding to run Untted AlrllOM.” poawgo paw at Monohoatar, avaSabta on raquaat,' coffee, roan... Conn. POSTMASTtEft: Sand ad- Boara of ^Directors budget meeting, 8 p.m., Senior Bolton gentle and sweet For tomorrow, I may have to eat — Stan Jonaa, a Denver Droneoe ssststsnt draaa elwngaa to dia Manotwaiar To ptoboa aloaalBad or diaptay ttiom.” - ooaeh, on the deolalon el NPL pioneer Aserge Harald, P.Q. iox SSI, advarttaomont, or to foporl a " Citizens Center. , . — Larry t psaka, deputy White Houaa proae flOI^Op Or I m nvww OlVwlwOO h i WIO Mattpnaatar, Conn. 06040. im m Sam. aloty or pfolurd Mao, . 'rhursdsy Monday C.J. ear S4S-2T11. Otileo houra aro Cfamy Brothers National Historic District Com- ••W W IW Tt Pn W fiPl nw rafMWVv MMHIIjf DW Ofv George Bush of Iho C M o ^ Aeara. (Rpaute IRuatraM) Town Clerk, 7 p.m., Town Hall. „ I S . To tiitMorlbo. or to nport a S:S0««.m. to B p.m. Monday '■ misslom, 4:30 p.m.,. Municipal Building hearing room. reporters. He caHs M the “Praas “H seems sensible to me to expect that energy dallvary probwm, eaS S4T SOW. through Filday. ' . Tax Collector, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. rayar.” demand is Inevitably going to Inoreaae and that onioa noura ara 1:30 a.m. to S M J u n e ’s hours, 6:30 p.m., Municipal Building probate Assessor/Building Official,*7 p.m., Town toll. “Everybody's looking for love. I've boon doing cording to the Quinnsaa Rook of World Raoordo, OPEC will rSmain a powerful Influanoa on world . Mondty through Prtday and Tha Manchaaiar HaraW la a court. Tuesday \ Herald photo by Finto oil prices." .7 to 10 ajit. Saturday. OaSwary aubaorlbar to UnSad Fraia Inlar- Board of Selectmen, 8 p.m., Community to ll. this over half a century, and I'm as still as game as he la the moat married and dhroroed man In the naSonal n m m aarvtasa-dM la a ahouW ba mada by 8 pjn. Mon­ Board of Health, 7:30 p.m., Flreptace Room, Com­ ever, H not gamer.” monbgamotia world. ** CeJe SdMa DfMidonfi ol MdHoo i day through Friday and by T;W mambar of tha AudK Buraau of From convent to office building — Olenn daUooa WoNa, 79, a CaWomla motel “The fashion Industry has taught woman that Co., warning that the e u r r ^ ararld oH 1 a.m. Saturday. OcouMtone. Andover munity toll. OpvnRQr wno raOMNIJf MVOraM INB Z4in WMe AO* the shape their body Is programmed to take Is < going to laat forever. T h u r ^ a y The Archdiocese of Hartford will use this former convent at East Catholic High School Board of Library Directors, 7:30 p.m., Bentley for educational offices. ■ ' ■ C lw t. 7 p.m.. Town Oltlcft BulMlng. Memorial Library. MANCHESTER h e r a l d . Sat,, May 1, 1982 - 5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 1, 1882 Church bulletin board

visitation program is set Luncheon to salute seniors The senior citizens of South Yoga, education wing. The Rev. Virginia L. Wheeler, Since then she has trained 52 people United Methodist church, will be Wednesday —1:30 p.m., AARP associate minister and pastoral and is training 12 more. Each honored at an all-church luncheon -Executive Board, reception hall; 7 counselor of First Church Of Christ volunteer most go tbroogb' a Sunday at 12:15 p.m., at tbe church. to 9 p.m.. Department of Children Congregational, West Hartford, will training period covering nine weeks. Following the luncheon, from 2 to 5 and Youth Services, Foster Parent Members of tbe Visitation Com­ be the guest speaker at Center p.m., there will be a membership program. mittee of Center Church are Bernice Congregational Church Sunday at S seminar. Thursday —0:30 p.m.. Junior REMEMBER HER ON THE BIG DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 9th p.m. Her topic will be on the ways a Rleg, chairman, and Betty Choir, Pumpkin PaUA; 7:30 p.m.. MOM/ At 6 p.m., Sunday, S.O.S. will have Rousseau, Clint Hendrickson, Carol visitation program can be a potluck supper at 7 p.m. There will Adult Study, 224 Indian Hill Trail, developed. Allen, Ross Nelson, Mary UppUng. be a vesper servlbe gikTsocial hour Glastonlwry. Mrs. Wheeler attended a seminar and the Rev. Ernest Harris. and at 7:30 p.m. th m will be an Friday-1 0 a.m., Al-Anon, educa­ The meeting will be open to in Rochester, N.Y. on how to train Adult Bible Study meeting. tion wing; 6:15 p.m.. Youth Choir, lay people to do a minister’s work. anyone interested. Other events scheduled for the Pumpkin Patch; 7:30 p.m.. Chancel coming week at the church are: Choir, Pumpkin Patch; 7:30 p.m.. Monday —7:30 p.m.. Ad­ United Methodist Youth Fellowship. WITH Concordia’s week listed ministrative Board, education wing. Saturday —3 to 5 p.m.. Junior Tuesday —7:30 p.m .,'Christian Choir rehears^, «lucational wing. The following events are Choir; 7:45 p.m., Concordia Choir. LOTSA’ scheduled for Concordia Lutheran Thursday—9:30 a.m., Bible Church, 40 Pitkin St. during the Discovery Group, church room; Trail Boss dinner coming up I coming week: 7:30 p.m.. Social Ministry Com­ Monday —7:30 p.m., Christian mittee, church room. The following events are Journey, Robbins room; 6:30 p.m.. ^ Education Committee will meet in scheduled for the coming week at Sacred Dance Group, mezzanine; the church room. Friday —10:30 a.m.. May Center Congregational Church: 7:30 p.m., Diaconate, Robbins Tuesday —8 p.m.. Adult Bible Fellowship Day programs and Sunday a.m.. Children in room. 'Study will meet in church room. lunch; 7:30 p.m., Youth Ministry Grades 7 and 8 go to Friends Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Chancel EA. W ^nesdav—6:30 p.m., Children’s Committee, church room. Meeting House, West Hartford; 3 Choir, choral room. 8.88 I p.m.. Visitation program, federa­ ’Thursday —6:30 p.m.. Trail Boss Our Reg. 12.99 tion room; 5 p.m.. Junior Highs, 85 dinner. Woodruff Hall; 7:30 p.m.. Friday is May Fellowship ’Tracy Drive; 7 p.m.. Senior Highs, Property Committee, church office. Just three of our many styles are federation room. Friday —Set-up for Men’s Club- shown here! Sleeveless and short- Church Women United in vice and ecumenical fellowship Monday —7:30 p.m. —Faith Boy Scout auction. sleeve designs in solids, checks Manchester will celebrate May among women around the world. Journey, “The Life and ’Teaching of ^tu rd ay —9:30 a.m.. Men’s Club- and prints in exuberant sun-bright fellowship Day. Friday May 7 star­ At 1 p.m. there will be a worship ,” Robbins room. Boy Scout Auction, Woodruff Hall. colors for spring. Sizes S,M,L. ting at 10:30 a.m. at Concordia service in the sanctuary led by Mrs. T iiP sH ay —10:30 a.m .. Faith iHG SAVINGS ON I Lutheran Church. Pitkin Street. All Rosemary Hewey. The theme of the women of the community are in­ service will be "The Power of Methodist’s week planned LADIES’ h o s ie r y : vited to attend this ecumenical Words.” It will be explored by Ministries and Nominating Com­ women active in the community, celebration. The following events are mittee. The program will start with a Bi­ among them will be Barbara Baker Tuesday —7:30 p.m.. Ecumenical UPl photo •Amplon Panty Hos#, 2 styles _ _ SAVE of Concordia Lutheran Church and scheduled for the coming week at OurRsg. 146102.19 .....(2prJ ble study session. At noon everyone North United Methodist Church, 300 Prayer Group. OVER Elaine Stancliffe, director of human will assemble for a smorgasbord Parker St.: Wednesday —10 to 11:30 a.m.. PAUL STOOPS TO HELP FALLEN COMRADE •WondBTtoueh PantyhosB . needs for the Manchester Area 29tyiM,OurR9g.146-----.... l .Z f 20% salad luncheon. Participants are Monday —7:30 p.m.. Council on Pastor’s Class. . . . unidentified bishop trips during weekiy audience asked to bring either a salad or $2. Conference of Churches. •UltfB-StMBr PanlyliosB . The Offering of the Least Coin will Marion Eggen of Concordia Our R#g. 1.67 A 1.79...... Gift Boxed be received at that time. Lutheran Church will, be the organist. Women from the Church of Temple to hear Gejdenson Great Rivers reunion set •No Panty Outllfw Pantyhose . . . Umbrella &• The special offering was started 0u rR 9g .144...... w w SAVE OVER 25% f 25 years ago by Shanti Solomo of In­ the Assumption will assist the host Oft Our ftegular Prfeas ■ Handbag church with the luncheon. Mrs. Lena. Rep. Gejdenson of the 2nd District The following events are Friendship Group pot luck lunch! •SlMor Kneo-HI Hos# g. dia. It symbolizes the fellowship of will speak on the ‘Moral Majority’ Sunday at Set for Mom Schubert is taking care of the plan­ scheduled for the coming week at Luther Hall; 7 p.m., MARCH, Inc.; Caldor Low Piles ...... (3 pr.) *1 BUXTON women around the world, praying 7 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 400 E. Middle Fashion Handbags ning of the day’s events. Child care Emanuel Lutheran Church, Church 7:30 p.m., Emanuel Choir. j •Qlils’ Opaque TIghls Collection by John Weltz for peace and reconciliation. An in­ ’Turnpike. ’Thursday — 10 a.m.. Prayer Ladies’ Fancy-Free "S ternational committee approves can be arranged by calling Mrs. Street: (AN9lzML%R9g.149...... 99* in Genuine Leather 7.77 98 The program is being sponsored by Group; 11:15 a.m.. Care and Visitii 100% nylon tote grants to programs related to ser­ Elaine Holcomb, 649-2374. Monday —3:30 p.m.^ Staff Fashion Siippere 5.88 to 11.66 Manchester Chapter of H adass^. Gejdenson meeting; 6:45 p.m.. Scouts; 7 p.m.. tion; 3:45 p.m.. Belle Choir; 6:3(| •Chubby Chick* Pantyhose _ . Our Rag. 7.99 to 15.99 bag coordinates 0urR«g.144...... Mw* to with the 100% will focus on the Moral Majority’s impact on Memorial Gifts Committee; 7:30 p.m:. Confirmation classes; 7:3^ C Our 6.44 28.70 Carry spring wherever you go! the Jewish community. •Knao-HI Fashion Socks . . . QwDD Rag. 749 Our Rag. 749 to 35.99 nylon umbrella p.m.. Church Council. p.m., Scandia Lodge. j Choose from; Billfolds *French Choose straws, macrames, In electrifying Bell concert to end series Bom in a displaced persons camp in Ger­ Tuesday —10 a.m. Beethoven Friday — 6 p^pL«. Emanud Our Hog. 1.99...... 1.00 Multi-color metallic detailing canvas and more in a host of summer prints. many in 1948, Gejdenson is the first son of adds sparkle to any time of dayl Purses ‘ Key Cases ‘ Trlfolds Singers; 4 p.m.. Cherub and Junior Orchestra rehears^ 7 p.m.. Great •LadloB* Sport Socks. . . ,, . . In styles for men and women. vivid spring colors. The final concert of the 1981-82 The concert will feature the Holocaust survivors to serve in Congress. Choirs; 6:30 p.m., Emanuri Church Rivers reunion-atTJustafson’s. ; Rag.140to2.40..... 1.14 to 1.99 Completely cushioned. 5-10. Emanuel Concert series will be a Klokken Ringers from the He’s a member of the House Committee on Women Mother/Chi)d Social; 7:15 Saturday —9 a.m-. Youth Sunday bell choir concert Sunday at, 4 p.m. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. area. Tickets Foreign Affairs and the House Committee on p.m., Conway Diet Institute; 7:30 rehearsal; 8 p.m.,^ Alcoholics at Emanuel Lutheran Church, will be available at the dOor at a cost Interior and Insular Affairs. p.m.. Toastmasters. Anonymous, Luther JHall, 60 Church Church Street. of $3. The meeting will be open to the public. Wednesday —12:30 p,.m.. St. ;

MACC News 1

Pentecost is our I canned meat products, such as hash, spam, beef This column is prepared by the staff of the now enrolled in a CETA training course, but her stew, crackers,, canned fruit, fruit juice and 3 k " " - - J ’' ...... - Manchester Area Conference of Churches. During the past year and especially in the last six $110 weekly salary did not cover the expenses of powdered milk. Donations from individuals can be months, the demand for emergency food service moving to a less expensive apartment. By Nancy Carr has more than doubled. In March, 1981 40 in­ used as charitable income tax deductions. Z t vSmm : ; «>» TOWU . | Executive Director dividuals were served. In March, 1962, we provided WAS released from a mental health in­ Our Pantry volunteer staff usually take the summer months off. If you think you would be in > .^ May is MACC Awareness Month, and we will be food to 89 people. As economic times get harder, stitution five months ago. He cannot get a room due M m V l t SU.«. people who n e ^ help need it for more than the two to tis tattered condition. Because be has no address terested in working on Tuesday or Friday from I D ' 8 8 8 I highlighting the activities and needs of some of oiir a.m. to 12:30 p.m., please call the Human Needs of­ programs. or three days we had previously been granting. he cannot receive any town assistance. Adam walks Who are those people? the streets ^and shows up a couple of times each fice at 6464114. ’The Emergency Food Pantry has been in opera­ Well, there is Amy. The mother of three young tion for seven years. It was set up to meet the month hoping for a meal. NOTICES children, Amy’s second husband packed and left Because of the Increased amount of street people emergency needs of our community’s elderly and Cheese will be disbursed between 10 a.m. and 2 in Manchester, we are now attempting to keep a low Income people apd is kept going through the home when he got word last week that under the p.m. at Cesiter Congregational Church on Saturday, small supply of protein foods in flip-top or screw regular donations of local churches, civic new step-parent law he w oi^be responsible for the May 1. Please enter the side door facing the Town organizations and businesses. support of Amy's childrenT^^y now has a three- top jars. Hall parking lot. Our standards have been high and generous com­ week wait until her state benefits and food stamps These are only a few examples of the people we Pentecost is our birthday. The Christian churches munity support has enabled us to provide a are reinstated. see every day, people with legithnate needs who of Manchester will be coming together to celebrate nutritious balance of milk, fruit, vegetables, soup, Tony has been in twice this month. Tony is men­ are s triij^ n g to keep themselves going. They are the. birthday of the church at MCC Band Shell on carbohydrates and protein. We have even been able tally retarded and is part of a new program. He has forced to rely on the concern and generosity of peo­ June 13, from 2 to 5 p.m. Come early and bring a to pass along the extras such as baby food, cookies, enough monthly income to pay the $55 weekly rent ple like yourself. j)icnic lunch if you want, but bring your family coffee, condiments and baking supplies, when you on his room, but he has to rely on his Income as a The Pantry and the Human Needs departments friends to the celebration. Our program will begin provide

Religious Services feliu f M A i t t I I •li PRINCE OF PEACE Thompaon Road. Rav. Edward 8. 7:30, 9 and 10:30 *hd noon; and aanlor paator; Rav. Qaorga Em- aarvtea. and younger; 9:45 coffee Andover LUTHERAN CHURCH, Route 31 Pepin, paator. Saturday maaaaa at 5 p.m. mltt, mlnlatar of vlaltatlon and EMANUEL LUTHERAN feltowahip; 10:15 Worahip, church and North River Road. Rav. W. H. at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday ST. BRIDQET CHURCH. 70 outreach. 9:30 a.m., Sunday CHURCH, Church and Chaatnut school for' children through FIRST CONQREQATIONAL Wllkena, paator. 9 a.m.,-Sunday maaaaa at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and Main S t Rav. Philip A. Shartdan achool; 10:48 a.m., worahip, atraata, Rav. Dale H. Quatafaon Qrada 6, nuraary. SECOND CONQREQATIONAL Much confuklon ralilu CHURCH of Andovor, UCC, achool; 10;1S a.m.. worahip aar- 11:45 a.m. and Rav. EmlHo P. Ptdalll, oo- chlldran’a church and nuraary, 7 and the Rav. R. CHURCH, 385 N. M am 'St Tha about why ,Jm>* eaipe to Route 6 at Long Hill Road. Rav. vlce. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST paatora. Saturday maaaaa at 8 p.m.. evening aarvloa, nuraary. Lohmann, paatora: Jeff Hanrtcka, Richard H. Taylor, paatgr. 9:30 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, Route OF LATTER-DAY , Wood- and 7:30 p.m; Sunday maaaaa at CALVARY CHURCH Intern; Rav. C. Henry Andaraon, Rev. Jeffrey Belchar, paator. 10 earth. One widely-hdd,view a.m. Church achool; a.m. 31. Rav. F. Barnard Miller, paator; side Street and Hlllatown Road. 7:30, 9, 1040 and noon. (Aaaambllaa of Qod). 647 E. Mld- paator amarltua. 8:30 a.m. a.m. worahip aarvloa and church la that Ml main Ihni^ waa, worship service with nursery, Rev. Jo h n L. S u p re n a n t. Wendel K. Walton, blahop. 8:30 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. 647 dla Tumpika. Rav. Kenneth L. Worahip aarvica; 0:45 a.m. school; 11 a.m. fellowship hour. and oun today ahould be, to coffee hour after service. aaaoclate paator. Saturday Quatafaon, paator. 9:30 a.m., Church School, Adult Forum, Bl- CENTER CONQREQATIONAL a.m., Priaethood and Rallaf Tolland Turnpike. Tuaaday: CHURCH. 11 Canter Straat. Rav. eliminate the aocial in- maaaaa at 9 and 7 p.m.; Sunday Society; 11:15 a.m.. Sacrament Congregation BlUa Study, 7 p.m.; Sunday achool; 10:30 a.m., aar- Me Study, 11 a.m. Nuraary; 11 Newell H. Curtia Jr., aanlor equltiea which exiit. Thia Bolton maaaaa at 7:30. 9;30 and 10:45 Meedng. Thuraday; Thaooratio School vlea of worahip; 6:30 p.m., s.m. worahip aarvloa. NORTH UNITED METHODIST pastor; Rev. Chat Copeland, would"put the church in tbe a.m. SALVATION ARMY, 861 Main (apaaking couraa), 7:30 p.m.; avaning aarvica. role of pontlttcatlni upon CHURCH OF ST. MAURICE, 32 SECOND CONQREQATIONAL St. Capt. and Mra. Arthur Service Meeting (mlnlatry CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH, 300 Parker S t Tha aaaodata paator; Rav. Cllflord O. Hebron Road. The Rev. J. Clifford CHURCH, (Unitad Church of Cartaon, corpa offlotra. 9:30 a.m„ training), 6:15 p.m.; Sunday: CHURCH, (LCA). 40 Pitkin S t Rav. Richard W. Dupaa, paator. SImpaon, paator amarltua. 10 every aodal iiyae. a.m. Worahip srvice, aanctuaryt Curtin, paetor. Saturday maaa at Chriat). Route 44A. Rav. Robert K. Sunday aohool; 10:48 a.m., PubHc BIMa Lactura, 940 ajn.; Rav. Burton D. Strand, paator. 8:45 Adult BIMa diiaa, worahip, 5 p.m,; Sunday maaaaa at .7:30, Baehtold, paator. 9:30 a.m. nuraary for children 5 yeara old 10 a.m. Church School. ■ ' ' ' r i ’- hollnaaa maadng; 6 p.m., opan- Watchtowar Study, 1048. 8:30 and 10 a.m. Holy Commu-a In all inch areal, people of 9:15 and 11 a.m. Church achool for all agta; 11 alr maadng; 7 pjn„ aahradon ZtON EVANQELtCAL nion, nuraary cara providad: 10 apLTON UNITED METHODIST a.m., worahip aarvloa (chUd cara maadng. LUTHERAN CHURCH (MIttourl a.m. Sunday School through equally good ,-wtU. dliagtee CHURCH. 1040 Boaton Tumplka.> providad). UNITED PENTECOSTAL Synod), Cooper and High atraala. grade 6 In Maaaroom wing. upon the belt tneam of as- Rav. Marlorta HUaa, patter. 9:30 FIRST CONQREQATIONAL CHURCH, 167 WoodbrIdga BL Rav. Charlta W>. KuM. paalor, 9 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALI8T compUihing the . areateit t.m., church achool; 11 a.m., CHURCH OF COVENTRY, 1171 Rav. Marvin Stuart mlnlaltr. 10 a.m., DIvIna worahip; 10:18 a.m SOCIETY: Eaat 153 W. Vamon Opening set for musegm. good. It li not loMi^ldua. worahip aarvloa. nuraary. Main St. Rav. Bruck J. Johnaon, a.m., Sunday achool; 11 e.m., Sunday Sohool and Youth Forum. St. Rav. Arnold Weatwood, leaden to aaiuinc anUKdf in- ST. QEORQE'S EPISCOPAL mlnlattr. 9:30 a.m. Church School worahip; 6:30 p.m., prayer; 7 Holy Communion, tin t and third mmMar. 10;30 a.m., Sarvloa. NEW YORK (UPI) - the paper company and the falllMIlty In adoptiaf a' CHURCH, Boaton Tumpika. Rav. at Church Lana Houaa; 11 am . p.m., worahip. Sunday. < TRINITY COVENANT The Aiuerican Craft John C. Holllgar, vicar. 10 a.m.. International Paper Com­ ticular poiltioa. In nch, Worahip aarvloa .nuraary cara PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 43 CHURCH OF CHRIST, LydaU CHURCH. 302 Haokmalack S t Museum is scheduled to uiually are 'outiMe their Family Eucharlat; 11 t.m., providad In Church Lana Houaa. Spruce S t Rav. Richard Qray, Rav. Norman E. Owanaan, paaton pany Foundation. It will and Varnon atraala. gugana sphere of expertiie Nuraary program and oolfaa paalor. 1040 t-m., worahip aar- Brawar and Slava Holt mbMara. MIKon NHaon, aaaMant paalor. 6 open a second museum more than double the craft laUoanhip. Manchester vlob. nuraary; 9:18 a.m., Sunday Sunday aarvleta: 9 a.m. BIMa and 11 a.m„ worahip aarvloaa. May 20 w ith a m ajor, museum’s exisiting space BOLTON CONQREQATIONAL achool; 7 p.m., IMormal worahip. claiaea; 10 a.m. worahip; 9 pjn. nuraary lor Infanta; 9-48 Sunday CHURCH. 223 Bolton Cantar three-part exhibit of h ^ - and its exhibit program Jem uld that he ''came to Q O S ^ HALL. Cantar Straat ST . ' JO H N ’S PO LISH worahip. Wadnaaday; 7 p .n t B t BIMa School; oolfaa tkna at 1040; made paper. Road at tha Qraan. Rav. J. Stan- 10 am ., breaking broad; 1148 NATIONAL , Ma atudy.’Nuraary jirovIdaO lor ak 640 p-m. awHilnB aarvloa. will be coordinated with leek and to lave that Ion Conovtr, mlnlatar; S;30 a.m.. am., Sunday aohool; 7 p.m., 23 Oohray SL Rav. WaNar A. tarvloaa. S t . MARY’S EPISCOPAL Two of the Making Paper that of the original - ■ He. worahip aarvloa. Sunday School,, goapal maadns. HyaHio, paator. 9 e.m., maaa In FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. CHURCH, Park and Churoh exhibits will be in the museum. carp* to reitore man’i nuraary; 10:30 am . Coffaa Hour FULL Q08PEL Engllah; 10:80 a.m., maaa In SCIENTIST. 447 N. Main SM 940 atraala. Rav. Stephen K. Jaoob- original museum on West The exhibit Is scheduled with God. Thli .In ChandMr Hall; 10;4S am . INTERDENOMINATIONAL Engllah and PoUah. a.m., ohuroh aarvloa, Sunday aon, raetor; Rav. Alan J. Sted St. and the third. In 3,- fact change! In people Forum Proeram. Broadhaad, aaaMant to tha rao- to run through Sept. 26. CHURCH, 748 Main S t Rav. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S achool, and oara for email 500 square feet of space in that will reiBlt In a PhHIp Saundara mlnlatar. 1040 CHURCH, 741 E. MkMa Tum­ ohildran. tor. Rav. Fradarlck P. Moaar, humanitarian ip irit But the SENIOR CItIZENS’ DAYS aadatant to tha rector. 740«.m. tlte Irikby of the new world Coventry am ., praiaa worahip aawfoa and pika. Rav. Martin J. Scholaky, COMMUNITY BAPTIST latter cannot be forced EVERY TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY VERNON BUM atudy; 7 p m , dalvaranoa paator. Saturday maaa at 8 p.m.; CHURCH. 888 E. Cantar S t Rav. Holy Euohartal; 9 ajn. Family aar­ MANCHESTER headquarters o( the Inter­ wHhaut the former. . . COVENTRY PRESBYTERIAN aarvloa. Sunday maaaaa at 8:30, 10 and Jamaa I. Maak, mkiltltr. 9:18 vloa and Eucharlat with Churoh Focu^/Food 1145 ToUand Turnpike Tri-CHy Shopping Center CHURCH. Roula 44-A and Trow- a.m:, Churoh aohool lor a i agaa, achool. 11 ajn . Holy Eucharlat national Paper Co., on FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH. 82 11:30 a.m. Menus, recipes and shop­ brldga Road, Rav. Brad Evana, Laka SL Rav. Jamaa Badaaov, ST. JAMES CHURCH.' Rav. kindargartan through Qrada 4 Holy communion ovary West 45th St. in New York lOASQLSjsSHi paalor. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. paator. 9-40 a n t, Sunday aohool; tMMam F. CarroK, Rav. Franda V. continuing during the aarvloa; Wadnaaday at 10 a.m. City. ping tips are featured in mSSm o Moticr'emvsAT in i------STORE HOURS; DAILY 10 AM to 9:30 PM * SATURDAY 9 AM to 9:30 PM • SUNDAY 11 AM to S PM « PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY worahip; 10:45 a.m. Sunday 1040 am ., waraMp aarvloa; 7 Krukowakl, Rav. R obert Bur­ 10:30 a.m., M omli^ worahip, SOUTH UNITED METHODIST The Muchester Herald's The new fi^llity, to be . aCMRCHOFCMBST - .- a - — ------a ---- •- achool; 7 p.m. BUSt etudy and . g,^n«a avaning aarvtea. bank. taam mlnlaky; Rav. Edward nuraary providad. CHURCH, 1226 Main S t Rav. Dr. known as Ameriban Craft Focus/Food section, every kfVBH ■sw WIMIb. ” MUowthlp. Wadnatdty, 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF THE J. Reardon. Saturday maaaaa at 4 ^ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. Qaorga W. Wabb, Rav. Laiiranoa prayar maadno. ASSUMPTION. Adama Straat at and 640 p.m.; Sunday maataa at 236 Main S t Rav. Naala MMaIn, M. HHI. 9 and 10:48 ajn. Worahip Museum II, is’sponsored by, Wednesday.

...... JL. MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat , May 1, 1982 - 7

6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 1, 1982

Richard M. Diamond, Publisher ^ DaniFItta, Editor f; lENERAL OIL Alex Qirelll, City Editor r AARON COOK b P IIS IO N . i I- HEATING OIL ALITY SERVICE 1. ■ 568-3500 ’ J a c k HAS ITl A n d e rs o n ; How long will the recession lost? t; 763 Washington V CHtin MITO MDY r/ 1 M A IN ST, Merry-Qo-Round jC MUTE U TALCOTTVILLE, CT. the .inflation rate. But when it "643-1191 “number three or four since the (Waller C. Peterson Is a comes to interest rates, 191 1960s, what we want to know is: 24 HR. TOWING M A IN ST. professor of economics at the The current recession has behaved about something is awry. University of Nebraska- first, what lessons can we learn MANCHESTER To explain: since 1979 the . FEATURING TtUSiMEEK .. like recessions in. the past with respect to 643-0016 Uinroln and author of the new- from prior slumps, and, second, “real” money supply had been •COUeLlTt COlUtlON niMIR 643-1900 ■ly publislied book ‘‘The do they apply to the current the sequence of tight money, fallInQ •FORIIQN AND AMINICAN CANS contracting, a fact which TV makingi Overloaded Economy.”) situation? Since-1947 production (with rising unemployment) and explains the general sluggishness Art Cunliffe, Prop. ONE LESSON ought to be a slowing of the inflation rate. But when It of .the economy for the last three y ENERGY SRVIHG crystal clear by now: the price comes to Interest rates, something is awry." years. The fact that the inflation children | m in it-Mm printing prime AWMNGS By Wallace C. Peterson for tight money is a recession. rate has fallen rapidly in the last I STORM WINDOWS REPUCEMENT I One thing on the minds of many Ever since 1969, recession has few months indicates the sharpness of this recession. It & DOORS WINDOWS CANOPIES] people these days is the reces­ followed whenever the Federal inflation is concerned, the interest rates. Since interest is zombies \ sion. How deep and how long? Reserve puts on the monetary pattern is also clear. Before the price for money, we should may turn out to be more severe ¥ YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES This is what we want to know. brakes. This is almost an World War II prices always expect Interest rates to behave than the 1974 slump, heretofore WASHINGTON - Has the boolf Painting Professionals Unhappily, no one has a precise ironclad economic law. declined in a slump; now they no as do other prices, falling in a the worst since the 1930s. tube made zombies of our chlldreni Glass & Screen Repairs answer to these questions — not The best indication of the longer decline, but the inflation repession. This, too, has been the What has not happened accor­ Are young Americans, weaned oit 133 Brandy St., Bolton, C T . Hardware & Accessories ding to the script is a fall in in­ the president, not members of “tightness" of money is what rate falls. ,We have had con­ pattern, except that the lag is television, mere spectators of life-t alS um 646-1106 happens to the “real” money terest rates. Actually, the “real” ^ 8 IQ IN ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 70^^toli^8 L ^ ^ 8ancheeter^W. | the Congress, not even the tinuous infiation ever since the somewhat longer than for prices unable to clearly distinguish real 6 4 6 - 3 1 1 7 economists. But we can learn supply. This is the money supply end of World War II, but the rate in general. interest rate has been going up, events from the soap operas and fid (mostly currency and checkable does vary. rather than falling. This did not something from the past. We MOST OF WHAT is said tionalized series they see on T\l don't always repeat the past, but deposits) corrected for inflation. happen in any of the prior post- every day? J Offi tEM IC t AMQ INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND CDMMIRCIAL Complete Auto ^ervloe^ There also is an important above fits the current recession, there are similarities. Changes in the “real” money World War II recessions. Sen. Denton, R-Ala., fo^ matter of timing in this connec­ but not ali of it. There are some AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION -I tu m e^ k • c o o l in g ' Our current recession is either supply tells us more about what How can this be explained? one, is afraid that television has id tion. Not much in economics unexplained and curious HEATING and SHEET METAL / I brakes” s y s t e m s the third or fourth downturn is happening than do interest There seems to be only one fact deadened the senses of ouj happens instantaneously. A anomalies, a fact which makes ^ • alternators since the late 1960s. There fs am­ rates. answer. This is that the financial youths and made them incapable o( recession slows the inflation prediction especially hazardous COMPLETE AUTO SER VICE biguity about whether it is the The pattern from the past is community is deathly afraid of New England Mechanical Services, Inc. rate, but usualiy with a lag of, now. coping with the real world that thed FOREIGN S DOMESTIC third or fourth simply because clear. Each time the “real” the looming federal deficits. about a year. TTius, we have a The current recession has must encounter. J FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS | some economists think we have money supply declines, the The plain truth seems to be 166 TUNNEL RD. sequence of tight money, falling behaved about iike recessions in A concerned Denton, who spent been in a recession since 1979. economy takes a nose dive short­ that interest rates won’t come seven years as a prisoner of war ii| VERNON, CT. 06066 .. 288 BROAD ST. output, and a slowing of the infla­ the past with respect to .the krK-( automotive 6 4 3-8844 Others say that the downturn of ly thereafter. The time lag is down until the deficit picture im­ 871-1111 tion rate — all of which is spread sequence of tight money, falling Vietnam, has scheduled a Senat^ 1980 should not be confused with about a year, although it may be proves. And unless interest rates hearing next month to consider thd over a coupie of years. production (with rising .un­ the present slump. shorter, as in 1980. come down, the economy will --Serving Mnncherter For Over 50 Fpnr.’, Finaily, there is the matter of employment) and a slowing of potentially harmful effects of televi­ Irrespective of whether this is What happens next? As far as stay moribund. sion programs on the intellectual CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER’S TEL 648-3828 p . p AUTO development of American children.; Pent\and The Florist Denton is regarded in some PARTS 24 BIRCH ST. circles as a modem Rip Van Winkle; “MITO PMtTS FOR liSS" TEL. 643-8247 whose years as a prisoner of war HOURS 643-4444 Guest editorial t—Remember when?- left him out of touch with what had 8 TO S MON.-FRI. ______S TO 9 SAT. a SUN. F.T.D. been going on in the United States MASTER CHARGE during his enforced isolation. But he 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE SERVICE « has support from an expert in the MANCHESTER The Cold War: field of adolescent development, BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY \ y Carole Owens of Englewood, N.J. Owens has developed a theory which she calls the “spectator syn­ ICIIP -M- CORK PACKAGE STORE ^ 4 case of overkill drome” to describe young people 48S-480 No. Main St. Low Cost Printing Is Only MINITS who are passive, uncaring and in­ Manchester, Conn. M On Saturdays the Manchester security implications. The different to the acts of violence that 649-0591 away at Your MINIT-MAN Printing Herald reprints editorials from National Academy of Science occur around them. Remodeled & Eninryed other New England newspapers. has conducted a preliminary She defines the syndrome as “an To Belter Seri-e __ We started our business in 1970 as the first econonnical pric; le are open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 191 CtrlTER ST. This is from the Boston Globe. apparent relinquishing, of any p,m., Monday through Friday, Saturdays 9:30 I SPECIAL ORDER MANCHESTER, COMM. review rebutting this view. LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS quick-luick- printp rint and copy center------in M anchester ♦ w CAKE M O N .-S A T. 10-5 responsibility for the welfare of . to 12:30 p.m. Our facilities also include (2 0 3 ) 646-0228 ' THORS. 10-9 The International Institute for Too much of the discussion has Large Selection ol . oc^laUn. others and a desensitization to ment, we are able Applied Systems Analysis was been conducted within the con­ Imported A Domestic Wines ^ violence that resembles acceptance co;jpy in just a matter of minutes. We also have a and fol^g. We^^e l^ a t^ at 423 Center Street, launched during the Nixon ad­ text of US-Soviet relations. The Of violence as if it were an oMlnary valuable new 3-M Bond Copier which makes across from Willie’s, For any information, institute is most important, beautiful copies on bond paper. We can also Ho please phone 646-1777. OVER 45 A ministration. It has become the part of daily life.” MOHAWK INDU6TRIAL SUPPLY, INC. MANCHESTER site of joint efforts by 17 nations perhaps, for allowing excellent flyers, letters, business cards, index cards, years SOME EXAMPLES she cites: 3 envelopes, postcards, stag tickets, rubber experience \from East and West, studying academic social contacts Sui pli*‘m of Snfi'ty Protwiioo (Shown in the above photo, left to right, is: Kevin MEMORIAL CO. between professionals from • A 16-year-oId California boy stamps and engraved name plates and pins of all Barry, Linda Thatcher, Tom Barry and Brian Barry.) majofTssueHike transportation, shoots his 14-year-old girlfriend and sizes within a reasonable time, at verv Opp. East Cemetery CALL 649-5807 countries and non- •FOUL WEATHER SUITS water resourees, agriculture invites his friends to see the aban­ and communications. The Soviet Corrimunist bloc nations. •BOOTS •HOSE doned body. Some throw rocks and •QLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS QUALITY HARRISON ST. United States has provided about Tenser relations with the one shoots the corpse to make sure MEMORIALS MANCHESTER a quarter of the operating Soviet Union should not become it’s dead. No one calls the police. Y 5 Qian, ffd. • Mancfiesfsr • 643-5107 budget for the institute, located the occasion for closing doors to. • A 19-year-old woman at Laxenburg near . The other east European nations, es­ hires her lover and some friends to Soviet Union provides a similar pecially in generally nonpolitical kill her husband for $100. Again, no amount. organizations like the institute. one calls the police, and the spec­ EVERYTHING IN GLASS 643-2072 American funds have been Quite the contrary, there is tators have no feeling that they did "WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" funneled through the National every reason to encourage such anything wrong. • DRAPERY • CARPET • WALLCOVERING^ • Two Virginia teen-agers see a The colorful store that comes to your door."' Science Foundation. However, contacts. painter working on their house fall LA. WHITE GLASS GO.. : the $2.3 million contribution For the time being, American DECORATING DEN participation will evidently have off a ladder and die of an apparent ^ expected this year was heart attack. They take turns posing 6 4 B - 7 3 a a • Custom drapory • wovon woods • mlnl-bllnds • bodsproodt to depend on private support. tO’ER SO m iR S F.XPERIENt.i: • worticol blinds • swags/cornicos • shodos eliminated from the NSF budget for pictures with the body. 131 BIMELL ST. MANCHESTER The National Academy can help E »p*f 1 dwcoroting odvic* at your conw*fi'*nc» with no obLqolion and President Reagan has • A New York City woman hears •MIRRORS (SHOWER DOORS sSTpRE FRONTS Appoinln>*nl« day* evaningt we«h*t>dt. written to Austrian Chancellor in finding that support by on the radio that President Reagan •SAFETY GLASS (BATHTUB ENCLOSURES (ErQ. Bruno Kreisky that he planned making clear its view of the • -Je ra ld photo by Pinto has been shot. She tells her young no further official participation utility of the institute and the son, who is engaged in a game. “He J. B. ELECTRONICS in the institute. Part of the ad­ lack of security concerns in con should have worn a bulletproof FAMOUS BRAND STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV ministration's opposition has nection with its operations. In Ham radio operators camped out on Lookout Mountain during a 24-hour test of. vest,” the youngster comments, SALES AND SERVICE emergency communications In August, 1955. TELEVISION - APPLIANCES been justified on the grounds the longer term, it is in the going back to bis game. M\M:IIKSI'KR that it involved the risk of Soviet American interest that public Owens agrees withrDenton that 1----** IZZ— m 1 _ _ 000 acquisition of information with support be restored.------television is at least partly to blame HOME MmOVEKENT for the “spectator syndrome.” MV. “Television places the viewer in a Open forum / Readers' views semi-hypnotic state and makes it 'vPhpike 649-3589 ,|ACK BERTRAND 643-1262 hard for kids to differentiate - -'b TV Nnt to Slw I Dmf Send letters to; The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 between reality and fantasy,” she - , iipeciaiiMing in IFinea told my reporter Sharon Shahid. TRAYEL “The constant flood of violent infor­ AGEISCY if o l c o t T packagestore _ Berry's World mation from television eventually MERCURY (eS4 CENTEB 8T. MANCHESTER, CT. produces a systematized desen­ ) Pin* Shopping Plaza A short-sighted way to end racism sitization to violence.” . DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE Owens doesn’t blame the big elec- PhOlM 648-2796 . tronic entertainment center in the I once to pull out of Connecticut when NO SERVICE CHARQE * Oiw of ManelMcMr'* LanwM SetocUoiw Of A airal Caninlc* In To the Editor! administrative positions than any living room as the sole villain |or a J SNMk. Our VaJuiM S e , ^ Toe MonMr- ]•«•'• Ol SpwHd* other factor in ^ u th African life. faced with the state’s grossly dis­ Maiw Chardo ond Viss Aeooptod generation of spectators, though. I Toh-Choek... I would like to comment on your criminatory income tax, but one r • M M 3 • AlrllnM • SttamsMpt Without these industries and the “Every choice kids make,” she editorial entitled “Don’t accept lie jobs, training and promotional op­ doesn’t leave the game just because 18271 ManelwstEr of apartheid” in last Tuesday’s said, “is a way to tune out the world. portunities which they provide, the some of the rules are a bit flakey; ■> . Manchester Herald. Through their music, clotbes, food, black population woidd be much 0LC8TT PACKA6E STORE MIMT-M AN PRINTING First, let me say that I agree Probably the only good thing that entertainment and reading, our 41* ET. . eUWCHIEne E4HTTT worse off‘than it is. It makes no whole-heartedly that apartheid Is a can be said about,, the diverstiture youth are emotionally and sensortd- sense at all to attempt to strangle bad thing and that there is absolute­ measure is what the Herald said ly isolating theitiselyes from tlie ixMPun rmiTiic t conas SEMNz the goose that lays what few golden ly no moral or economic justifica­ itwlf — it is an apple pie and real world. .” 654 Center St $43-4697 Manchester LOW COST PNINTIIW eggs there are. motherhpod-ibteg-^t wiU^nake a WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO REACT) tion for it. Curiously, its roots lie in She asks; “If the generation that wsKU ceai. n m m « ■■■ naai A further consideration is that few pe^le feel goolk^ndA^’t real­ WHEEL ALIQNMENT . SHAKE SEBVKSE - WRECKER SERVICE religious dogma and political follows us is becoming indifferent to ' GENERAL REPAIRING corporations which operate in . ly dU-Wiy barm. It ceftainly won’t expediency. violence, to the value of human life, ' • Propane Cylinders Filled • Imported & Domestic Wines & Beer ^ a y s in Stock! •SEE US FOB ENGRAVED NAME PLATES Unfortunately, the Herald and the foreign countries must, necessarily, t^uble the South African govern­ to the ability of authority figures •TRY OUR-NEW 341 EENi CEFIOE telephone Conditioning ser^ce^^^ state Legislature and a number of operate with the laws and social ment very much, nor will it bother and institutions to govern, what will ' MANCHESTER. CONN 06040 other well-meaning individuals and structures of those countries. the corporations or tljeir more future decades hold?” knowledgeable stockholders. groups have .fallen into the same Corporations operating in this t > Sen. Denton, whose old-fashioned ALWAYS COMPnmVE PRICES! pious trap. The Herald seems to feel coun^ and this state must put up I guew the thing that bothers me values sustained him thrdugb years - OSTRINSKY, INC. that the South African government with tax structures, affirmative ac­ of torture and d^radation, intmtds 643-5879 b 43-5735 most about this issue is not that a 731 PARKER ST MANCHESTER can somehow be punished and tion laws and a multitude ef national few well-meaning people fall to ‘ to find the answer. id i^ ^ Beer Bottles By The Case M Bargain- Prices brought into moral check, by the and local regulations whldi range grasp the realitia (rf the situation, from the ludicrous to the un­ refusal to invest in corporations but that the state Legislature, with Policy on letters which do business in South Africa. believable. CALL US FIRST! many more important matters bEm b .2 MS- S *1.98 ’i” *3 .7 4 50 F T . TRUCK SCALE The i^ n g is failacloos on a So it is in other countries; one which desperately need, attention, ’ The Herald welcomes letters to number of counts. plays by the local rules, or one should waStadts time on an exercise the editor, Many Variattas ol Flgural Caramlea In Stock, or Special Orders. LICENSED PUBLIC WEIGHTS D E A L E R S IN IRO N . METALS. PAPERS First, the many large cor­ d o ^ ’t play. " in complete futility. It provides Letters ideally should be Qrped and should be no lodger than two Coma In To Soo Ua A Vlalt A Few Minutes,— porations which have Invested doe One may argue that the com­ some meaningful clues as to the way or another in South African in­ panies should simply pull out of pages, double-spaced. ____ Selection. “Hey, come on, Mr. President, a compromise caliber of our state Legislature. The Herald reserves the ri^ t dustry have undoubtedly done more South Africa, but that certainly » on the'tMdget Isn't 'as bad as a root canal to edit letters in the interest of to provide jobs for the blacks and to would do the blacks no good. ■ Arthur E. Wetherbee Jr. '1 jo b 'l" clarity And taste. ’ bring blacks into supervisory and It have been tempted more than 157 Downey Drive, Apt. C-1 • ' i \ MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 1, 1982 - 9 8 - MANCHESTER HERALP. Sat.. May 1. Utt Obituaries lemon Law' Is Engageig^^ts / Weddings R ortn c* E. Stratton J TV'Movies/Comics Florence E. Stratton, 73, formerly rO eV S / People of Manchester, died in Clearwater, Fla., Thursday. Funeral services were being held today'in Clearwater. She was the wife of William J. HARTFORD (UPI) - The Stratton and the mother of William Connecticut Legislature Friday, L. Stratton and Thomas D. Stratton, became the first state in the nation < and Carole Patelli, all oif to approve a measure allowing con-'. Manchester. sumers to sue for a refund orT Epstein is woman She also leaves five other - > replacement of defective new cars.' < daughters, Joan Whitt^berger, p,, The House, with little debate,^*! Kent, , Jean Azinger, iSrasota, 1 , v ; voted 131-4,to pass the'soKudled^ Fla., Mary Hobart, Jaqkaoniville, "lemon bilr’ and send it to Gov,' Fla., Nancy Walmsley, Lar|^ Fla.,, William O’Neill, who earlier in -; and Gail Dehnel, Clearwater, Fla.; dlcated he will sign what would J a brother, William Haugh of become the first le^latlon of itsj in a man's'worl of Connecticut, are the parents of everything’s left you, but then the seen fit to be the first state in the; convalescent home. She was the until September to get the results. two ch ildren . H olly, 13, and adrenalin goes, and it gives you a ' “HiRffilst‘disgust.” " __ ^______United States to pass this landmark! widow of Robert J. Agnew. Was the wait nerve-wracking? Matthew, 10. spur. Ninety percent of the time I CunlinufH from page one The Argentine junta had no im­ legislation,” he said. Born Feb. 11, 1886 in Jersey C it/ ''■'i Absolutely. She had no guarantees “ It w a s n ’ t a tr e m e n d o u s love it. mediate official comment. I'wrfirrrWi^'iTilte s; Woodcock said the legislation was' N.J., she had lived in Manchester “ Argentina could decide to do that she had passed.y“ You call on a problem,” she insists. “ We got into “ There was no future in the The U.S. sanctions were not needed more than ever because ofj for the past 30 years. She was a Friday when the results are out, and a schedule and I arranged my Legislature,” she says, explaining almost anything as an emotional expected to have much practical an increase in serious vehicle; lifelong member of the Order of the response to the sanctions," a foreign you hold your breath while they’re schedule to comply. I would leave her decision to change positions. effect since arms sales to Argentina ( defects and the inability of ow ners'' Eastern Star of Ocean Grove, N,J,, banker in Buenos Aires said. looking for your name and number,” for classes after we had dinner “There was no more building, were halted 1978 because of the jun­ to do nothing more than suffer and also a member of the Golden Argentine radio stations did not she says. together.” It took her four years to although I dealt with exciting issues ta's record on human rights. But through delays and excuses while; Age Club of Baltimore, Md. announce the sanctions and Argen­ She passed, but still has some complete her degree. there and made many, friends. they had a stunning psychological manufacturers were immune from She is survived by two sons, tine journalists said they were doubts about the necessity of a bar “ Most people don’t think you’re a effect — crushing for the Argen­ responsibility. SHE CHARACTERIZES her hus­ Robert T. Agnew of Storrs and ordered by government censors not exam as a final proof of a yqung at- real lawyer until you go to court,” M tines. "I hope many other states will band as “ a real modem man.” He , Henry B. Agnew of Manchester; one to broadcast the news. Herald photo by Pinto torney’S skill. she continues, though, ironically, President Reagan blamed the follow our example. There is a isn’t loath to pitch in when her daughter, Mrs'. Lester (A lice) Britain reacted to the U.S. an-, she admits the goal of law is to crisis squarely on Argentina but problem in the auto industry and it’s “ SOME OF THE top people in schedule gets tight. “ He’s not just a Gardner of Baltimore, Md., two nouncement by expressing thanks CONSTANCE L. EPSTEIN DISCUSSES HER CAREER “ keep people from going to court.” said, “ We’re still hoping” for a not being resolved internally,” the law school classes failed,” she daddy to tuck the kids in at night,” grandchildren and six great­ and announcing that Foreign V “ But I wanted to be a real lawyer, diplomatic settlement. i(fi7rni»iiiryrtN iii ti'i wViYWfiihrfAi'i'ii Woodcock said. . . . she Is a trial attorney In Hartford grandchildren. Secretary Francis Pym would fly to as my son says.” And she got her “ We must remember the aggres­ “ This will send a very strong Funeral services will be Monday chance when she was hired by the Washington Saturday or Sunday “ to sion was on tfie part of Argentina in at 1:30 p.m. at Holmes Funeral u d message to the industry and*in the Hartford firm, which specializes in \ review the new situation” with this dispute over the sovereignty ' Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be in Igng run it going to be good the; litigation. The firm has 10 partners ^ Haig. over that little ice cold bunch of land industry. They’ve got to be morej East Cemetery. There will be no “ The British people are deeply and four associates. A down there,” he said. “ And they careful in quality control ^andi 's Gennady: even ^officials like him Does it bother her being the lone calling hours. grateful to the United States and es­ finally just resorted to armed warranty performance” on new’ Memorial donations may be made pecially to Mr. Haig for his female in the firm? aggression, and there was cars. Woodcock said. to Concordia-Lutheran Church. remarkable efforts... to produce a “ I don’t think about it much, and bloodshed, and I think the principle saying in public what others say in blockheads,” the newspaper said. no one at the firm thinks about it negotiated settlement,” Pym said, or I won’t tell you ... It makes me that all of us must abide by is that By Mathis Chazanov private. 4^ Its purpose is “ not to be malicious much. We are all different per­ Thurtten I. Mendalin “ We now have a new situation and sick to see people licking the heels armed aggression of that kind must United Press International “ I’m not telling people anything about inadequacies,” the newspaper sonalities, and it is good that they Thursten I. Mendelin, 61, of Nian- I am extremely glad that the United of the bosses.” not be allowed to succeed.” they don’t know themselves said. “ On. the contrary — it is to can deal with it,” she answers. tic, a former Manchester resident, States has come down decisively on MOSCOW — When Gennady' 'The crowd applauds. British warships, battling moun­ already,” he said, adding that his struggle with everyone’s help Things weren’t always so simple, died Friday at Lawrence and the side of Britain. To have the A/toffett Chazanov (no relation) walks into a Explaining the title of his show, tainous waves in the stormy South scripts are approved by officials against those who leaye-4irty however. Y Memorial Hospital in New London, world’s most powerful state on our restaurant, the doorman smiles, Chazanov hsks his audience to tell Atlantic, clamped an air and sea from the Ministry of Culture with footsteps in our lives.” /' ^ Law school was a challenge, es­ He was the husband of Eleanor side must make Argentina see that waitresses blush and people at other him if the following story is blockade around the Falklands, 450 little editing. pecially when she came face to face Webb Mendelin, Born in Fitchburg, aggression cannot pay,” he saic(. tables lean over to hear what he is believable or not. miles off tfte Argentine coast, at 7 advises Many of Chazanov’s routines with a John Houseman (Paper Mass. No. 2, 1920, he was a resident saying. “ An everyday Soviet engineer In London, jubilant British of­ a.m. EDT. spotlight typically Soviet situations Chase) character in her first year of Niantic for nine years, previously At 36, the short, black-haired wakes up one day and decides to ficials said thanks. “ Yanks A Argentina announced a- similar such as a line of 1,0(X) people for­ contracts class. living in Manchester and Tolland. entertainer is a star. His previous take a vacation in Sochi (a popular Million!” blared the headline in the blockade. Each side vowed to shoot ming behind a man-who was waiting The professor, she thought, tried He is survived by his father, one-man show ran for 2V4 years at resort hard for ordinary people to London Sun. at the other on sight but no im­ Downey for his wife. to demoralize her with frequent, un­ Torsten Mendelin of Middlesex, N.J. the Moscow Variety Theater and a Forgein Secretary Francis Pym mediate confrontations were get into). When he finally finds her at the How to get justified criticism. He implied that and four daughters; Mrs. Victor personally broadcast the news foThg new production has won glowing “ He calls up Aeroflot and they reported. 'ji i end of the line, she refuses to go she was unprepared for class and (Judy) Ritynsky of Ellington; Mrs. HARTFORD (UPI) - Rep. Tobjl reviews in the ^oriet press. It is send a ticket around to his apart­ 1,800 Englishspeaking residents of^ Speaking to reporters at the State home because she insists there club news would call on other students to “ help P. Wayne (Holly) Todd of Somers; Moffett, D-Conn., Friday said Johq called “ ^lieyd'it or Not” and sells ment (most people have to fight the Falklands, sealed off since 7 Department, Haig was somber as he wouldn’t be a line if someixxly her out.” Nevertheless, she Mrs. Richard (Joan) Falkowski of Downey, bis opponent for thq” but every performance at the Varie­ crowds and wait in line for hours for a.m. EDT by a British sea and air said: “ The South Atlantic crisis is wasn’t selling something good at the In Herald persevered,and won an “ A” for^the Stratford; and Mrs. J. Wayne Democratic Senate nomination, ty, a smallish theater across the blockade. about to enter a new and dangerous tickets). front. (Ruth) Roberts of Willington; one should withdraw from the campaign Moscow River from the Kremlin. “ He flibs down to Sochi, the class, “ Everyone in Britain is thlnklpg phase in which large scale military “ So what if they didn’t feed you The Herald wants your club sister, Mrs. Robert (Barbara) if he loses the New Britain delegate People com e by subway and in management kicks somebody else “ At the end, 1 told him I really ap­ of you,” Pym said in a BBC broad­ action is likely.” well at the cafeteria. Don’t bitch at news! Green of Middlesex, N.J., and seven primary on Tuesday. , long, official limousines to roar with GENNADY CHAZANOV preciated what he did for me as a cast to the islands 8,000 miles away. Haig said “ there will, of course, out and he gets a lovely room the cook ... He can’t make good food In order to get your club news grandchildren. •• “ I think if Mr. Downey loses, be laughter at his routines, written overlooking the sea, has a wonderful. student — I really learned contract “ Now, with the U.S. backing, we by no direct U.S. military in­ if there isn't any produce — and he’s in the paper on time, please sub­ Funeral services will be Monday should pull ou t'of the race. There with a collaborator. time and decides to come back Since most people believe the best law — but I didn’t appreciate what shall prevail.” volvement” in the crisis but added taken all tbe good stuff home.” mit items no later than five days at 11 a.m. at United Methodist has to be a reason for a candidacy,” ’The sketches are broken up by of everything is reserved for he did to me as a human.” In Buenos Aires, Argentine of­ that President Reagan “ will res- every summer. “ Believe it or Not” was praised in before the date you’d like to see Church in Rockville. Burial will be Moffett said. musical numbers featuring leggy “ Now tell me, is this believable or foreigners, the audience declares ficials summoned the Soviet am­ poncLoositively for requests for THE FALKLAND ISLANDS the official Writers Union it in the paper. in Buckland Cemetery in “ If I lost by one vote, it would be (lancers and rerded rock music. that this is much more believable. EVEN THAT negative bassador for consultations and matmal support for British isn’t it?” newspaper Literary Gazette, ap­ Please include a name and a Manchester. now sublect to armed blockades one thing. U I lost by 10,000, it would TJie top ics ran ge from the Oveicoming the usual shyness of “ That’s right,” Chazanov says. experience, however, taught her reacted to Haig's annoucement with forces.” parently because such humor is seen telephone number which we can Calling hours will be Sunday, 2 to 4 be something else,” Downey said problems of a man who lugged home Soviet au^ences, a few people call “ It was our engineer that got tossed something. as an escape valve for the tensions call if there are questions. In­ and 7 to 9 p.m, at Holmes Funeral during a ta p ^ interview session foil U so(la-vending machine because his out, “ Unbelievable.” Others agree. out of the hotel room ... but what’s “ He Increased the strength I had ■ of everyday life. dicate the date you’d like to see it Home, 4(X) Main St. WFSB-’TV’s “ Face the Stote” that factory didn’t make anything “ But why?” Chazanov asks in unbelievable is that he got the room to have to act as a professional,” “ A sharpened satirical pen is published. Memorial contributions may be will be aired on Sunday. smaller worth stealing to an appren­ mock confusion. “ Maybe you didn’t in the first place.” Call Focus editor Adele Angle she says. “ You can't always let your Although his routines poke fun at directed here against bribetakers, I lade to the Emphysema-American Moffett initially told the station bq tice cook (male) who decides he is understand, so I’ll tell it again. An at 643-2711 after noon to set up feelings show. You must ^ straight shortages and other problems of those who like to live at the expense Lung Association of Conn., 45 Ash Reagan: O'Neill would be unable to participate in the pregnant because he feels sick. everyday engineer — from England photo appointments.______faced, even when you feel the of others, against chatter boxes and St., E. Hartford. taping session, but called WFSB on I “Do you want to know what Soviet life, Chazanov says he does world’s caved in on you, and all you — wakes up one day and decides to bureaucrats, eyewash and Friday morning and said he would makes me sick?” he asks. “ Be quiet go to Sochi ...” not consider himself brave for want to do is go home and bake By Donald A. Davis Stockman gave them the impression telephone calls were running 82 per­ out what they consider a presen­ join Downey for the taping session. cookies or something.” there is a rift between the two and )ocoeooooooooooooooooooo' United Press International cent in his favor and be held an 86 table budget,” Downey, a former prisoner of war In her position as a trial attoniey, that “ you and Tij> are not going to be percent edge in telegrams and _ ’The failed talks, Reagan s^d, who resigned as chalmaan of the she still occasionally runs into a WASHINGTON — President In Memoriam talking much in weeks ahead.” mailgrams. produced gn instant casualty — in- Department qf Public Utility Coot man who does not deal with her on Reagan said Friday his attempt to In loving memory of Russell E. “ Tip O’Neill says to me that after The president said the budget! terest rates remain high despite “ all trol to run for the nomlnatloa; said professional terms. cut a budget deal failed this week Here's welfare case Moyers missed Gustafson, Sr. Husband, Dad and 6 o’clock at night, we’re friends,” problem will revert now "to the nor­ rhyme and reason.” He said they Moffett’s victory in New Britain “ A very small percentage,” she because House Speaker Thomas Reagan quipped. “ I talk to him. I Grandfather who was called to rest mal committee process... (to) work should be no higher than I'd percent. was not "a foregone conclusion.” says, emphasizing the word small, O’Neill showed “ no give what­ • Her Christmas-present case May 2, 1976. just set my clock ahead.” was apparent that I’d awakened her, and Jessica, the poet, do an act “ have difficulty* dealing with a soever” and is blind to concerns I have a welfare story that Presi- went to Washington. Hot political Reagan told the midwestemers, I said I’d call back in IS minutes. I together for no money at local woman on the other side. They see Deep in our hearts your memory is about the size of the deficit. “ I think I proved ... I was willing to (ient Reagan wduld probably like potato. She still gets her welfare. did and made arrangements to take nightclub. her in only two ways. “ I would have to say of the letter than the ones he’s been kept. make some concessions and try to • Says doctors tell her she can’t Clearwater office overruled. “ First as a sweetie pie they think We love you too dearly to speaker that he truly believes in the Andy her to lunch. find a common meeting ground and AL’S GREENHOUSE work. Won’t take office job, they can walk all over. If not that, L ever forget. philosophy ... that government must our leaders ... have gone out to try to ! Yon may recall the sad story last She was living in one corner of a AFTCR OUR LUIVCH I tried to although good typist. Says if she’s you’re firm, then there’s something Sweet memories of you we will ■ be the answer, that government start that process.” 24 Watrous Rd.. Bolton I Siristmas of the woman on welfare Rooney shabby, one-story cinderblock house talk to welfare people there, but laid off it takes too long to get back wrong with you. It takes you back.” treasure forever. spending stimulates the economy I^ouse Republican leader Bob 646^5743 rhose I3-year-old daughter was so in a very poor section of town. Her they were tight-lipprt about Betty Syndicated on welfare. Longing for you forgetting and therefore you don’t cut the Michel spoke to reporters after a 40- pset over not ^tting any presents battered IS-year-old car was outside Jean Meshey. ’They said nothing. SHE CONSIDERS her words for budget,” Reagan said. Columnist • Thinks she’s “ going blind.” you never. ' . minute pre-lunch meeting between hat she wrote a poon that began, ' her door where there should have Later I found a woman in Tampa a minutes, and continues. “ The deficit just seems to be in- Reagan and six congressional Eyes look OK to me except for too 'C ^ tm a s , Christmas, go away been grass. She lives poorly. who had worked in the welfare of- “ You know,’ ’she says, “ women Wife, Sons, ’ visibld where be is concerned. He Republican leaders. We went to MorrHon’s cafeteria much purple eye shadow. Also says f i'e in (Hearwater and knew the are raised as people-pleasers, much Daughters-In-Laws' just doesn’t think that counts.” “ I feel in the final negotiations, nd don’t come bawored'With thousands M dollars difficult to write fairly that I had* notes I madp at lunch that day. trying to make a gallon of soup out She tells an anecdote of a time 10. rolling as he spoke. mi Gale m i^t wake up a vegetable step as we design our strategy” for Ml Types off cash gifts fronq sy^^theUc all but abandoned tt until the White • Been married “ quite a few of one bone.^. Betty Jean Meshey years ago when she was sitting in a The town will sweep the following “ In the meeting we I had, the the ongoing budget battle. someday. gostdsrs* House complained so bitterly about times.-” Wouldn’t say exactly how wasn’t one ol them. busy medical clinic with her young areas next week beginning Monday. speaker was — there was no give While the Senate began work • Angry with welfare officialkfor Is Bill Moyers’ recent documentary many. Isn’t married now but sees a “ She got $10,000 worth of welfare dau^ter, who was quietly taking in The town asks the public to have all whatsoever, not even a suggestion lliursday on its alternate budget Also for the gardener there I ’The Clearwater Office of Health lot of her last husband, b ak a named not telling her she could take taxi to the activity. walks swept and gutters free of or hint of negotiating,” Rewan said. a complete line of and Rriiabiltattvh Services said called "People Like Us.” Tbe a year. ’That’s more than they paid plan, the president took his message doctor’s office. “ Mommy,” the child said, “ you grabage, laige stones and branches. “ This is why the meeting em ed with ^ t because of the lump svm president’s aides said the news was Sam Bastardo. Sam weighs 350 me at my job in the welfare office.” to the nation. On Friday, he an­ garden plants • “ People at welfare treat you told me I could be a doctor or a The areas to be swept are: north nothing a c c o m p lU ^ .’* ' U'' b^m ents, it would have to atop the only reporting welfare stories that pounds. nounced “ some scores on last Open Oalfr • '• a I wish my friend Bill Moyers had nurse but I don’t think you’re right, of Middle Turnpike {East and Reagan downplayed any Wrsonal • Smoked Cigarillos (xmstantly. like dirt,” she says. “ When th ^ night’s primetime televison show” 2 mSM on BoNon Carter ^ a r e (die(d(s the Meaheys were made tte administration’s program Dallas Meshey for his broad- because all the doctors are men and 'W est); south of Woodbridge Street animosity toward O’NeilL But Ordered roast beef but sdnt it back. make my psyche sick, they make to indicate the popularity>>f his, getting. look bad. I’d have known how to han­ all the nurses are woin^.” and LydaU Street; east of Broad several of the guests afterwlud told my whole body sick.” Exact quote. stand. ~ Thastory was picked up by other 1 went to Clearwato' aiid called Too rare for her,, “ She was just seeing the real Street; and west of Vernon Street. Reagan that budgeffllTectorvDavid • Wrote to President Reagan. No dle it and it would have added He told the luncheon group that newq^pers and by network televi- Betty Jean Mesbey at 11:80 one • Seventeen-year-old daughter, world,” her mother says, shrugging.’ replv. another dimension* to his report. slqn. ’hie message was clear: Satunlay morning but because it Stormi Gale, moved out, but Dallas ■» y Manchester herald, sat May i, i982 - _ / ■ 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. A rtT r^toyT 1982 Sehior citizens Phoenix donqtes A d v ic e Weddings tious^. h $1,000 to hospital Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. has donated $1,000 to Manchester Memorial Hospital on behalf of Frank P.- Sheldon, set Sunday Wedding stand called mear> C.L.U., agent for the company.. f The donation is part of Phoenix Mutual’s Donor’s Award Program, whidh enables the Church, the reason for the an adult and lives out of DEAR ABBYi Tb^Rev. town, is a wonderful young company to fund charitable organizations in at center priest’s refusal to perform the'names of members of the company’s Hall J. Roger Skelley-Watts the ceremony should be woman. We have a great wrote you that he per­ relationship and I know she of Fame who produce the largest volum of explained. business in the preceding year. Each . This column is prepared Anastasia, 577; Gert, formed a wedding The Catholic Church loves me, but a few years by th e s t a f f o f th e McKay, 575; Sam Schors.j^^ ceremony for an obviously Dear Abby ago she told me she recipient choses the organization that will takes the position that the receiye the award. I^nchester Senior Center. 568; Gladys Seelert, .568;^'^ pregnant bride after the holy wedding rite should thought Mother’s Day was It appears on Wednesdays Ed Scott, Helen S ilv ^ couple had been previously a “racket” and she refused Sheldon, who has been a Chartered Life Abigail Van Buren not be used to protect a Underwriter since 1951, has served as a and Fridays. 561 Ernest Grasso, r"‘ refused by a Catholic to be sucked into it, so pregnant girl from em­ trustee of Manchester Memorial Hospital e Bridge scopes:,,. priest. since then she has never barrassment, or to giye her since 1977. He specified that the donation be By Jeanette Cave Marguerite Carlson, 5,320; | I will never understand baby a name. I think most acknowledged Mother’s D. McCarthy, 4,330; Tom^.^ how any religious minister Day with flowers, gift or used to acquire an ujtra sound machine for Senior Center Director people would agree that the physical therajiy d ep artm en t.^ Regan, 3,080; Lee,,,„ could be so arrogant and such marriages seldom card. The hospitality com­ B iath ro w , 3,060; BilL,;,, vindictive as to chastise a ' •ul I could never bring weren’t enough men of to the Rev. Skelley-Watts last. mittee of the Senior Centelr C ooper, 3,010; Hilda,', “sinner” and not address If, however, after the myself to tell her that I feel with my warm con­ will sponsor an open house Campbell, 2,970; Kay.,.. the human need for un­ God to go arround. It was birth of the child, the cou­ hurt and that a card would College Notes on Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Nutter, 2,940. derstanding, . forgiveness not unusual for an Itinerant gratulations. mean a great deal to me. LOVE IS EASY ple still wants to marry, The community is in­ SCHEDULE FOR„.h and acceptance. If that’s a minister to bless the So I’m writing this. Maybe TO FORGIVE then the wedding could vited to share an afternoon WEEKi I.' Christian attitude. I’ll eat marriage and baptize its take place. she will read it. Or perhaps offspring at the same time. at the center. Monday: 9:30 a.m. to,;i my Bible. DEAR LOVE: Your Catholic priests have someone else’s child will A lot of us Wouldn't be here Seniors are particularly 10:30 a.m. registration for,' As for marrying expec­ letter is well worth the been known to marry preg­ read it and get the James Blair Plepler is captain invited to come. Tours will Lake Waramaug. 10 a.m.j < tant parents: Few people today if current nant brides after talking message. righteousness prevailed space, and deserves a be conducted and a history kitchen social games; 12.,^- seem to realize the wed­ wider audience than one with the couple and being MOM IN TUCSON Andrew Plepler, son of Mr. and Mrs. San­ of the center given along d in g c e re m o n y Is a then, and a lot more of us ford Plepler of 32 Sage Drive, a junior at ■K noon lunch; 12:30 p.m. <1, clergyman in Bolvar, Ohio. convinced that the DEAR MOM: Perhaps. Kiwanis plans with procedures for par­ pinochle games; 1 p.m.).j blessing of a couple’s union could not claim to be But stay tuned for the pregnancy is not the only Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, properly legitimate A little ink can make one ticipation in programs and open discussion led by.i to formalize a commit­ voice of a Catholic priest or main reason for the Pa., is captain of the school’s golf team. descendents of our think. services. ’ Esther Rubin on the aging,. ment already made in their who deserves equal time: marriage. fete for Blair The team played in the Middle Atlpntlc" Refreshments, will also hearts. If the family is ancestors. process. Bus pickup at 8;,,i THE REV. ROBERT M. Eyerybody needs Conference championshij^ at the H^shey be served. a.m. return trips at 12:30>,! begun before the blessing, Meanness, not morality, DEAR ABBY: You COX, is in the hearts of those friends. For some prac­ Manchester Chapterrof Kiwanis Country Club last week a M '^ q ^ e ^ h e com­ The retirement party for and’3 p.rq. iv why not attribute the “sin” published a letter from a DALLAS petition with the best team record turned in Gloria Benson, activities to the impatience of love, who would deprive a preg­ clergyman who said that tical tips on how to be pop­ International will, honor long-time Tuesday: 9 a.m. bus for..- ular, get Abby’s Popularity member Jim Blair with a by the college team in recent years. Mrs. John F. Zaccaro Mrs. Dennis R. Miller specialist, will be held on shopping; (10 a.m. scrabble: , for which there Is plenty of nant bride of a church wed­ he had p e rfo rm e d a Mrs. John H. Castleman Tliursday. We must have a precedent? ding and all the support marriage ceremony for an DEAR ABBY: 1 am booklet. Send $1 plus a testimonial dinner Tuesday at The team, coached by Fred Duam, were 9-3 and chess and checkers; -., long.,, self-addressed final count by Monday. Through history (and in they can possibly give to “obviously pregnant bride writing this in hopes that it Willies Steak House, overail and 8-1 in conference play. Wins were square dancing; 1 p.m.- stamped (37 cents) ^ Kiwanis is an international Tickets are $6. some countries still) un­ welcome this new famlly- -whor had been preyiously. will get through to some recorded over nine other teams. bowiing; l2:30 p.m. return, , envflope to Abby, '‘organization devoted to assistance "Strike Up the Band” ions were consummated .into the community. refused by a Catholic knucklehead daughter or Castleman-Edgar Zaccaro-Maloney Miller-Obzut from shopping. , „ ; Popularity, P.O. Box 38923, to the aging, the needy and to youth, Plepler is a graduate of Loomis-Chaffee was indeed a success. I’d Wednesday: O.a.m.^, far in advance of the If this is too long for your p r ie ^ .” I think in all son out there. My daughter, who is now Hollywood, Calif. 90038. Blair, a stockbroker, joined the School in Windsor. Kathleen Mary Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donna Obzut, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Obzut like to publicly thank all health clinic by appoint- , blessing because there column, please forward it fairness to the Catholic Roxanne Edgar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. those who supported our ef­ Kiwanis in 1938 while manager of Edgar of Manchester apd John H. Castleman Jr., of George baloney of 360 Windsor St., and John Francis of 16 Phelps Road, and Dennis R. Miller, son of Mr. and ment; 10 a.m. friendship the Montgomery Ward Store on forts; the seniors and circle; 9:30 a.m .-ll a.m.^^ Manchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Castleman of Zaccaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Zaccaro of En­ Mrs. Russell E. Miller of 47 Buckingham St., were Main Street. He served in aimost volunteers associated with registration for Coqchlight -J Thirty-four percent of the nation's timber Nashville, Tenn., were married April 24 at South United field, were married April 17 in St. Bridget Church. married April 17 at Concordia Lutheran Church. every capacity in the club, including the show, Marcl and Roger Dinnef Theater. RoundAj lies within federaliy owned national forests. Methodist Church. The Rev. Emilio Padelli of St. Bridget Church of­ The Rev. Burton Strand officiated at the double ring president. deremony. The bride was given in marriage by her Negro, the business com­ dancing; pinochle games; Routine needs improvement ficiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride was Tickets for the prime rib dinner The Rev. Laurie Hill performed the double ring ser- given in marriage by her parents. father. munity, those who bought noon lunch; 12:30 p.m. About 70 percent of tlje people in the United tickets and those who were are $14 per person and can be ob­ vi^. Jeff Cusack of Branford was singer and guitarist. Linda Pisch of Manchester was maid of honor. Lorraine Sieffert of Coventry was matron of honor bridge games; 1 p.m. craft Others who want this issue eats properly there snouiu States live in 2 percent of the total land area patrons. We couldn’t have DEAR DR. LAMB: I tained from any Kiwanian, or at the TWdjrid^^52P 8>ven in marriage by her parents. Lydia Bridesmaids were Robin O’Brien of Windsor Locks, and bridesmaids were Miss Sheila Obzut of Manchester, class; 1:30 p.m. exercise can send 75 cents with a be no harm. Your bone door. The dinner will be at 7:30 p.m. of the country. BartimlwfrKocky Hill was maid of honor. RoxAnne Augelli of Waterbury, and Marjorie Bartozzi sister of the bride and Mrs. Judy Buonome, of Bolton, done It without you. A final ciass. 8 a.m. bus.pickup;. , am trying to stay healthy marrow will simply total of funds raised is not by eating and exercising long, stamped, self- William S. Edgar of Brighton, Mass, was best man of Laurel, Md., all friends of the bride. sister o f the groom. return trips at 12:30 p.m.v.' addressed envelope for it generate enough red blood available until all bills are correctly. I’m 50 years old, and ushers were Charles A. Cook of Chelmsford, Mass., Mark Buonome of Bolton, brother-in-law of the and 3 p.m. (. > to me, in care of this cells to replace those you paid. This endeavor is cer­ 5-feet-3 and weigh 134 Supermarket shopper and Joseph Flynn of Windsor Locks. Michael DiRosa of Enfield was best man and ushers groom, was best man, and ushers were Robert Vogt of T h u r s d a y : 10 a .m . Your Health newspaper. Radio City Sta­ have lost. You should tainly one that portrays were Michael Commins of Caldwell, N.J., Thomas Manchester and Dave Wilson of Columbia. orchestra rehearsal; hot- ; pounds. I want to lose 12 tion, New York, N.Y. check your hemoglobin to what seniors are capable of pounds in the next three After a reception at Cavey’s Restaurant, the couple Foley, of Princeton, N.J., and Steven Olesky of Following a reception at the Army & Navy Club, the dinner at noon; 1 p.mj., Lawrence Lamb, M.D. be sure you have enough doing. months. Do you think that 10019. left on a four-week trip to Europe. They will make their Wallingford, Vt., all friends of the groom. couple left on a motor trip throughout New England. Mother’s Day Tea; 18,- By the way, climbing iron. In fact if you plan on Now that the show has would be too much, too lit­ home on St, John Street. After the reception at Willie's Steak House, the couple They will make their home in Manchester. member Beethoven,- stairs is good exercise and continuing the practice it Some firms do'care left on a wedding trip to St. Maarten. They will make The bride is an analyst at United Technologies in East passed, we now look Chorus. Bus pickup at 10-', tle or about right? ^ might be wise to take a dai­ The groom is employed at Travelers Insurance Co. forward to Big Week, May will use a lot of muscles, their home in Manchester. Both are employed by the Hartford and the groom is a self-employed building con­ a.m. and 10:45 a.m. at Each day I eat bne-third but exercise programs ly vitamin tablet that con­ and the bride is a physical therapist at Hartford 10 to 14 where seniors are cup of dry skim milk Manchester Board of Education. tractor. Arthurs Drug Store; return, should be something tains iron to be sure you Hospital. honored for their powder diluted with water, trip after program.' 6 p.m., i enjoyable. You’ll get more are getting enough. Or you about the customer achievements and service. four ounces of meat, fish or and lower abdomen, professional teacher and Gloria Benson’s retire-, i out of it that way. could be sure that at least Special events for the week ment party. rl. chicken, two starchy foods tightening my upper arms learn a sport such as ten­ some of your food is readers whose smart shop­ nis. Or organize a walking By Martin Sloane refunds,” she says, "1 also are as follows: •• Friday: 10 a.m. kitchen-; like bread, two raw and trying to touch my prepared in iron cookware. note on the calendar the ping tips appear in this Monday: 8 a.m. Golf social games; exercise, vegetables and two fruits nose with my tongue (for group of women who have Chris Gooden of Thayer, column receive a copy of similar problems. DEAR DR. LAMB: 1 date 1 sent tor a refund. At ••/v’.;??- '.-r tournament at Manchester class; noon lunch; 12:45 - without sugar. Should I eat flabby neck) all at the Ind., bought a Red Baron my refunding magazine, Your diet is terrible. am a healthy 23-year-old The loss of red blood the end of the year it will Country Club; 7 p.m. set­ p.m. setback games; bus < more, less or is this about same time. Is this enough frozen pizza and was un­ Ttie National Supermarket Your description leaves a male. About every three cells and their oxygen be easy to tally up my back and military whist pickup at 8 a.m. return , right? I also take a daily exercise? What could I do happy. Shopper. Write to me in vitamin with iron (I’m still lot of unanswered months I donate a pint of carrying capacity will savings.” card tourney. \ trips at noon and 3:15 p.m.iv to improve it? “The toppings pictured Ms. Severence and other care of this newspaper. Tuesday: ^30''p.m. menstruating.) questions but it looks like it blood. I’ve never had any decrease your ability to D EA R R E A D E R : I transport oxygen, hence on the box were sadly 'll sports banquet: MENU FOR WEEK: " My other problem Is is protein deficient at the problems or adverse con­ lacking on the pizza,” says Wednesday: Lake Monday: Vegetable, exercise. I don’t care about thipk you need something very least and may not sequences from it, but I your maximum aerobic capacity, temporarily. It is Chris. “I wrote to the com­ Waramaug trip. soup, veal patty on a bun;, golf, swimming, jogging better than walking up and provide enough calories. would like to know if there the opposite of blood pany explaining the situa­ Thursday: .Mr. and Mrs. jello, beverage. and I don’t like to take down the basement steps The good thing Is you are any harmful long-term sticking your tongue in and doping, a transfusion of red tion, and they sent me a Clip ‘n’ file refunds Senior Citizen awards. Wednesday: pea soup, . walks by myself. No one is have limited your goal'<0 effects I’ve heard that coupon for a free pizza and out. nh«Aii4 AnA n/xtmH cells for athletic competi­ J Salute to Senior fish submarine, tapioca^, interest^ in walking with lose about one pound donating biood lowers toe a nice letter of apology. Breakfast products, cereals, Volunteers. Manchester pudding, bev. - me. For exercise, join a week, which is plenty. aerobic capacity. Is this tion. But the decrease is baby products (File 1-C) minimal and temporary, ‘ ■ A few weeks later I was Community College Band. Thursday: Roast turkey ' For exercise about 12 group or club so you can do I am sending you The true? shopping with my brother- Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off ■ n Fridjiy: 10 a.m. Super breast, stuffing, whipped j, minutes each day I walk up something with someone. Health Letter number 4-7, until your bone marrow coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage catches up with your in-law and we were con­ Bingo;, 7:30 a.m. anniver­ potato, peas, roll, carrot, and down the basement Aerobic dancing might be Weight Losing Diet, for a DEAR READER: For a sidering which brand of coupons,, for example. Start collecting the needed needs. sary ball at the Senior cake, beverage. steps, holding my upper just toe thing for you. Get a better program for you. young healthy person who pizza to purchase. He tried proofs of purchase while looking for the required Center. Friday: tomato rice to convince me to purchase refund forms at the supermarket, in newspap^s Also, starting Big Week soup, egg salad bn whola. different brand, and 1 told and magazines, and when trading with fridriSs. is our plant sale, to be held wheat, dessert, beverage.J«-1 him about my good Offers may’not be available in all areas of the coun­ try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. t- i May 10 through May 30 in­ experience with the' Red cluding weekends, 9 a.m. A bout Town Reward system succeeds Baron. The following refund offers are worth $11 75. This w ' to 6 p.m. at the center. aiso cause you some dif­ “Two gentlemen who week’s refund offers have a total value of $31.48 There will be a wide counselor. 1 have an un­ were stocking another This offer doesn't rei|uire n fornij.r DEAR DR. BLAKERiI dergraduate education but ficulty that you should be variety of flowers and ready for. frozenfood cabinet nearby KELLOGG’S Free Duncan Yo-Yo Offer. P. O. vegetable plants on sale, Club plans have read with Interest still must get through were listening. As it turned Bex 5027, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49003. Receive a Dun­ your columns on shaping several years of graduate If others are used to your Ti. all grown at our being available to them, out, one of them worked can butterfly-style yo-yo. Send three proof-of- greenhouse. card party i; children’s behavior wlto Ask school to reach my goal. for the company that made purchase seals from Kellogg's and Nut Corn 1 am worried that I may how are they (and you) Proceeds will provide reward and punishment. going to react when you^H eJ Haron pizza. He came Flakes. There is no limit on the number of times monies to landscape the Manchester Democratic;- My husband and I used a Dr. Blaker have waited too long to d o n ’t h av e th e tim e over to say hello and told you can take advantage of this offer. Expires Aug. Women’s Club will sponsoi;, riward system to help our make this decision and I front of the senior center, Karen Blaker, Ph.D. a n y m o re due to th e that my letter had been 31. 1982'. and continue the a Military-Whist and Set-^ 9^year-old become more in­ am frightened about used at a sales seminar These offers require forms: back Card party Friday at dependent with regard to whether I can still study. pres.sure of graduate greenhouse next year. school? Why not warn that they had just BEECH-NUT Foods. Receive an 8-ounce box of 7:30 p.m. at Americah, his homework. But I know I will be a g o ^ There will be two trip everyone in advance? attended! My name wasn’t Beech-Nut Cereal. Sepd the required refund form sign-ups this week: Mon­ Legion Home, 20 American "One of us always used to counselor. 1 have spent the mentioned, but the name of and two box tops from 8-ounce Beech-Nut Cereal. Legion Drive. sit with him to insure the last 20 years helping my And good luck. day, for Lake Waramaug. Does your job have you the town and the store Look for the form on the package. Expires Julie 30. Mrs. Charles E. Reuter Mrs. Peter M. Kravltz $18 includes transporta­ Hosts for the party wi$, cbmpletion of the work he neighbors and their were, and this is a very 1983. , Mrs. Carl F. Dailey be Mr. and Mrs. Edward; Had brought back from children get through any tied up in knots? Write for tion, lunch, add tours of a Dr. Blaker’s newsletter small town. JOHNSON’S BABY POWDER Challenge winery and smoke house. McKeever. Plans have- school. He then became before We would sit with play or amuse himself in number of crises. “I was most impressed Receive $1 in Johnson’s Baby Powder coupons or a been made by club presi­ very dependent on us and “How to Reduce Job Insufficient sign-ups will him. It worked very well his room. DEAR READER: Your that the ,company cares 50-cent refund. Send the required refund form and dent, Mary Lyons and her, cbuldn’t work on any Stress.” Send 50 cents and Dak^-Rosella Reuter-Halik Kravitz-Salcius result in this trip being for us and we thought other The parent has the child fears are understandable a sttamped, self-add;;essed enoiigh about customers’ one Universal Product Code symbol from any size committee. assignments unless we play independently for a canceled. pare'nU might be in­ and your., courage is ad­ envelope to Dr. Blaker in letters to use them to Johnson’s Baby Powder. Expires July 31, 1982. Anne Marie Halik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ramone Natalija Salcius of 275 Hills St., East Hart­ Wednesday from 9:30-11 This is the club’s annual, viere with him. terested in our approach if few minutes, sometimes in educate its salespeople.” KELLOGG’S Refund Offer. Receive $1.18 refund. Patricia Ann Rosella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fund-raising event. mirable. Just take it one care of this n e w sp ^ r, Halik of New Britain, and Charles E. Reuter of Granby, ford, daughter of Mrs. Antanina Salcius and the late a.m. is sign-up for the trip ' So this was our approach they had a similar problem. anotber.-room, and then Linda Slater from Fen­ Send the required refund form and four'’special re­ Salvatore Rosella of 160 W. Center,St., and Carl F. Tickets, at $1.50, arg, td change the situation: step at a time and you will P.O. Box 475, Radio City Dailey Jr., of 15 Alpine St., son of Carl F. Dailey Sr. of son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reuter of Lakewood Circle Michael Salcius of 35 North St., and Peter Michael to the COachlight Dinner wito their child. plays a game with him or be surprised at how quickly ton. Mich., was just as im­ fund purchase” seals from Kellogg's Product 19 available from club; First, we told him that one Station, New York, N.Y.' East Stroudsburg, Pa., and Mrs. Helen Shaw of South, were married April 17' at St. Kravitz of Alexandria, Va., son of Mrs. Marjorie R. Theater to see “Can Can” reads him a story as bis pressed with the Gillette cereal. Look for the form on the package. Expires members and will also be, of us would sit wilir him DEAR READER: Tliank you reach your goal. 10019. Southington, were married April 24 at St. James Church, New Britain. Kravitz and the late Mark R. Kravltz of 22 Wyllys St., $17 includes lunch, show reward. Then the tinje It sounds like you have Company. . Feb. 28. 1983. available at ,the dooq. after he finishes five math you for your useful idea. period for functioning Write to Dr. Blaker at Church. The Rev. William Hayes performed the mass and dou­ were married April 24 at The Colony in Talcottville. and transportation. All spent a lot of time talking the above address. The “I sent for a half-price LIFE Outer Space Fun Kit. Receive an Outer There will be.door prlzeg- problems. He did that and Parents can use the same alone is increased. The Rev. William Carroil officiated at the double ring ble ring service. The bride was given in marriage by her The Honorable Charles S. House of Manchester per­ center sponsored trips will with and being helpful to volume of mail prohibits refund on the purchase of Space Fun Kit. Send the required refund form and leave from the Pic and and refreshments. we joined him for the rest approach for other its Cricket lighter,” she four purchase seals from Life andror Cinnamon service. Ralph Maccarone was soloist and Mrs. Ralph father. formed the double ring' ceremony. Robert Levin of situations. It works, fOr d e a r d r . BLAKER: I other people in your life. personal replies, but Save parking lot. ( ■ - • of toe homework. Flavor Life cereal. There is no limit on the number Maccarone was organist. The bride was given in Mrs. Barbara Jarvis of Ridgefield, was matron of Albuquerque, N.M., cousin of the groom, was pianist, am a 41-year-old housewife While this might help questions o f' general in­ reports. “This past The Center’s fishing der­ Slowly.,, we increased toe example, when your child December I received the of kits you can order. Look for the form on the marriage by her father. honor and bridesmaids were Jean Halik of New Britain, and the bride was given in marriage by her brotheis seems to need a parent to who has decided to go back prepare you for a terest will be discussed in sister of the bride, and Jane Attwood, Bethlehem, Pa., by for men and women will SOS offers ^ amount of Independent refund, but I felt that it package. Expires Jan. 1, 1983. Rose Corbo was maid of honor and Cindy Nowak was John Salcius of South Windsor. school work he had to do be with him in order to to-school to become a counseling career, it might future columns. matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Nancy Catello, Sandra Bogdan, New Britain, Elaine Krowiec, New Bri­ Vida S. Turek of Manchester, sister of the bride, was be on May 26., 6 a.m. to 12 a workshop;;; was only half the amount it POST FRUIT AND FIBER Offer. Receive a Lucy Lopes, Debbie LeClerc and Michelle LeClerc, tain, and Rebecca Reuter of Manchester, sister of the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Virginia M. Salcius of noon a t Sautter’s Pond. should have been. coupon for Post Fruit and Fibei Cereal. Send the Some 300 trout will be cousins of the bride. Amanda Bogart, niece of the groom. Manchester, sister of the bride, and Carolyn M. The Serving Our Sin gle “On Fdb. 12, much to my required refund form, one yellow strip from Post groom, was flower girl. Charles Obuchowskl of Windsor was best man. Ushers Schnetzer of Manchester. Junior bridesmaids yiete stocked. Prizes will be surprise, I received a Fruit and Fiber Apples and Cinnamon and one from awarded. organization, in boopem A b d u tT o w n Beck was best man and ushers were Roger were Joseph Halik of New Britain, brother of the bride, Kristen Lee Turek and U sa Rae Turek, nieces of the tion with Change Agents check from the Gillette Post Fruit and Fiber Dates, Raisins and Walnuts. Volunteers are needed Company for 26 cents, toe Rosella, brother of the bri^e, Donald Vendrillo, and Glenn Jarvis of Ridgefield, Gregory Poniatowskl of bride, both of Manchester. Training Institute, of Harb Look for the form on the package. Expires Jan. 31, Donald Rothrock, Paul Milenkowic, Jay Vendrillo and Reading, Pa., James Randazzo of West Hartford and Dr. Wells Case Jacobson of Manchester was best man tor two events: the setback balance of the refund. 1983. and military whist card ford, is offering an eight- Donald Vendrillo, nephews of the bride. Kevin Rosella, William Reuter of West Haven. and ushers were Michael A. Milwee of Arlingtm, Va. week woi^shop' on sel{j Church youth lounge, 1228 Main St., for a per- Grange meeting set Along with it 'cam e an POST Free Box Offer. Receive a 24-ounce box of nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. After a reception at the Holiday Inn in New Britain, and David N. Sunter of Winchester, Va. party to assist, with Bade on cahle TV fomiance. explanation of how an Post Grape-Nuts Cereal. Send the required refund refrediments; and male awareness, self-esteem, After a reception at Marc Aptony’s Restaurant in the couple left on a wedding trip to California. They will After a reception at The Colony, couple left on a Members Will also meet on ’Tuesday at 1 Manchester Grange will meet Wednesday error bad been made by toe form and three proof-of-purchase seals from volunteers-are needed to and personal growth on Hockanum River. Canoe Race will be Hartford, the couple left on a Wedding trip to Haprail. make their home In Windsor Locks. wedding trip to Florida. They will make their home in p.m. for a performance at the Senior Citizens at 6 p.m. at Grange Hall, 205 Olcott St. The computer. The refund specially marked packages of 24-ounce Grape Nuts assist in serving at the Thursday nights, starting on' cable televizlon, Sunday at 5 p.m. They will make their home In Manchester. The groom is Alexandria, Va. Center, 549 E. Middle ’Tdrnpike. lecture will be “The Farm Scene.” itself isn’t big enough to (^real. Look for the form on the package. Expires The bride is a summa cum laude graduate of the Mother’s Day Tea. Please May 13. J; and Mtxiday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a certified fabrication welder for Purdy Corp. and the The bride has been employed as a staff assistant by There will be a tea cup auction for which brag about, but I just March 31, 1983. University of Connecticut and is employed by Connec­ call Gloria Benson, ac­ The workshops will He aim. and 7 p.m. Tlie program will be hosted bride is a registered respiratory therapist. ticut General Life Insurance Co. The groom is a the Southern New England Telephone Co. in New conducted at South United members should bring items. Refreshments thought that everyone QUAKER 100 PERCENT NATURAL CEREAL tivities specialist at 647- (w Carol Seaton and Gary Benson who follow should know about the graduate of the University of Connecticut and is Haven. The groom graduated from Boston University Methodist Church on Ma^ Rec sets signup will be served. Members are rounded that Refund. Receive a $1 refund. Send the required re­ with a bachelor of arts degree and from Boston Univer­ 3211. tpe action from start to finish. honesty of this company fund form and three Universal Product Code- employed by Hamilton Standard. Street and will 1^ tqien to Community Broadcasting Co. of toe eWA committee Is still collecting old sitysuy Schoolscnooi otof Law wunwith a junsjuris doctor degree anoand iromfrom A " qiecial thaqks o goes™ to-- . adults. The Manchester Recreation Department and toe way it shows that purchase seals from any Quaker 100 Percent i&unphpstor a non-profit corporation would eyeglasses and used hearing aides. has sceduled Colt League Baseball registra­ The Grange will have its annual “scoop” each individual customer Natural Cereal. Look for the form on the package. Georgetown Unlve^ty U w Center w itoM L .hll^^^^ a® SK e?S'*-h‘ They S will combine infS; like to bealr from viewers about its program- employed as a senior attorney by the Federal Deposit AAKK volunteers tion for v is- to 17ryeaiM>hls who have not supper F rid ^ at 5:30 p.m. at toe GrangeHall. is important. Expires Nov. 30, 1982& provided Incd) matlon on buiium b ^ v icir rting. Can 64641660 with Opmmentsr' V Qua-Matthews Insurance Cdrp., Washington, D.C. with guidance oh ^ turned 18 by Ji^.'31. Dates, are Mo«lay ; ■: T h ^ will be mtertaimnent after supper. Smart shopping tip RICE KRISPIES RllBnd Offer. Receive a $Lre- Assistance to through FHilay from 6 to 6 at the W est' Marnette Mverence of fund. Send toe required refund form and prMf-of- through toe tax. developing and recognizing Judith Ann Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ Michael J, Neacy of Lowell, Maas., friend of the one’s pmsonal strengtoi Side RacF^Uon Center, 110 Cedar St. -. Henderson, Ky., is using a purchase seals woto 24 points from Rice Knspies. to toe ehlerty pivgram. and old p lh ym must register, ISuilters to meet cis T. Matthews of 171 North Elm St., and John Francis groom, was best man and WiUiaid^. Matthews, of and skills. heafsal d l^ d - 1982 calendar to keep track Look for toe form on the package. Expires ^ p t. 1, Rydell signs to direct^ Golfers, pletfK note toe aie pkQ ^ school baseball must Qua, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Qua of Drakes Wells, Maine, brother of toe bride, was usher. A free introductory ses­ ' ’Tfw Nutmeg ()uilters will meet Tuesday at of all her supermarket 1982. following correction: - Beetbiom Ghohis will rebearse on ro ister now, but wlU not try out until toe Island, Maine, were , married Nov. 28 in Kennebunk, After a reception at Kennebunk Inn in M a in e^ e cou­ HOLLYWOOD (U n ) - Mark RydeU, vtoo misiied an sion. “Celebrate Me," 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at toe Ver­ savings. Here's a refund form to write for: Unic^p Re­ Tee off time is Monday^ ’Tuesday from 10 to ll'a .m . at Emanuel school season is over. May tryouts are Maine. ple left on a wedding trip to Atlanta, Ga. T ^ y are Oscar for best director ("On Golden Pond” ) earlier this workshop is slated for Su^ “We often receive more fund Offer, The Upjohn Co., Unit 9001884), 7000 Por­ not May 30; Cuthernn Church, 60 Church St. scheduled for all those who are not playing non Police Station, Route 30. The Rev. Clifford Geiger performed the single ring making their home in Athens, Ga. year, has signed with Universal to direct toe film ver­ day, ..following ,a 6 p.n\. There will be a workshop on Star and calendars than we can use, tage Road, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001. 'This $1 offer Pinochle scores for April Refreshments will be served before toe acbo(A-ball. > service. Organ music'was played by the church organist The bride is a former employee of Kenndbunk Inn. sion of Tom Topor’s stage drama "Nuts.” potluck supper at the { with an and I decided to use one to expires Sept. -30, 1962. 28: Vinc«it Borello, 671; rohearsal. Vlntet town Colt League play'wlll begin June Hearts In a 14-inch hoop and the bride was ^ven in marriage by'her father. The groom is attending Naval Supply Cow. School in Rydell, who also direct^ "The Rose,” '"{he Reivers” church.. For information, ‘ MendiM of toe (toons will meet on Sunday i: exchange of quilting tips and short cut keep a record ^ f my Athens. He is an ensign in the U.S. Navy am a graduate Dom Anastasia, 596; Bert 6.'For information call 647-M64. savings from coupons and Kathleen K avan^, of Worcester, Massif-cousin of and "The Cowboys,” will co-produce the melodrama Turner, .5U; Atnelia or to register, contact ^ l;t8 p.m. a t South Upited, Metobdlst techniques. the bride, was noaid of honor, of the Officers Candidate School in New^irt, R.I. vrith Stevie Phillips from Topof’s screeqplay. Karen P o l^ at 247-19U. MANCHESTER HKRALD, Sat., May 1, 1982 - 1.3

12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.; May 1, 1962 TV Sunday

3 D - Rookie* 4:30 P.M. ( £ ) 3 9 - Entertainment This Saturday TV-^ 1:45 P.M. (3 9 - NHL Stanley Cup Playoff# 0 - MOVIE: 'Spinout' A cars- 5:00 A.M. 8 9 ** Wortd Tomorrow d D - To Ba Announced Week ______Jaffersont Florence free bachelor prefers his music. - Muaioaloa (29 - Solid Gold slips into a state of depression. (22) - Laurel & Hardy ® - N e w e (37) - Soaamo Street fas^ cart and freedom to tha (dD 99 - Wide World of Sports (3D Santa Barbara 2:00 P.M. - Ueten 6 :3 0 P .M . (60 min.) (Cloaad Captionad] 93 - Best af Qiouoho 9:15 A.M . confinement of marriage. Shel­ Today's show features unbea­ (32) - ESPN Sports Center C5D - World Tomorrow 3 9 •1 ten Greg Page in a bout with ( D-MOyiffilM LateSh^A d 9 - A M SarvhM Ravalatlon - Fraaman Raporta , 0 - Sports ley Fabares, Diana McBain, Da^ d ) - Major League Beeeball: (39 Sports Probe ; (39 - lYs Your Busin*** 12:45 A.M. ^:O O A .M . 2 ® ®-CaSNawa> CSD - Davoy/Oolleth contender Jimmy Young and lady coaxes a crusty privMFeye - NaahvMla on tha Read - World ChamplonahIJt borah Wallay. 1S66 Boston at Texas ® 9 9 -N m v a (90 S the Hawaiian Masters Surfing ^D - Sports Sunday 10:00 P.M. (33) - MOVIE: 'King of the ® - Sifln On/N»w» out of retirement to find her cat 5:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M . 0 - Spooial Report (3D - : Mounuin' A dare-devil auto me­ 3D - Nawamakara Championships from Oahu. (90 - Father Murphy Part one of • BMt of Oroueho and together they unravel ® - Racing from Aquaduot ® - Publio Affairs Seattle et New Y ^ Yankees (22) C3D CSD - Trapper John. M.D. A chanic races his '58 Porshe Saturday 1 2 : 3 0 A .M . CSD - Dialogue 0 - MOVIE: 'Cattls Annie and min.) two. A mountain man abandons bone marrow/4!ran8ptant gets blackmail, m^stery/and murder. (8 ) ( S - Barbara MandraH and over tha treacherous roads of Flaahback: Fir* at (2 ) ( 9 - NBC Naws 0 - Btography dD - Point of View Little Britohea* Tough guy* and (32) - Auto Racing '02: NASCAR a young girl at the Gold Hill or­ Gonzo involved with some un­ r Lily Tomlln.LAr^/Carney, Bill tha Mandiall Blatacs Barbara C3D - MOVIE: 'Poekat Monay* Hollywood Hills. Harry Hamlin. CoconuA Grov* This documen* Winston 600 from Talladega, 4:45 P.M. O - Crtathrlty; BUI Moyara and har alttata am Jolnad by An klnarant cowboy and fI- ' 0 - InaMe Butinste - SoholaBtio Sports Aoed. bandits ride the rang* in pursuit phanage. (R) (60 min.) [Closed derworld figures. (80 min.) tary takn a look at the fire at Macy. 1977. (39 of banks to rob and lawmen to AL Dennis Hopper, Deborah Van 'Out-Art* This program pre­ Andy WMIIama and tha Oak daklck land a Job from a atran- 0 - MOVIE; Th e Night Captioned] the CocoJiut Grove nightclub in sents a survey of artists who ara 0 ) - Laurel A Hardy (29 ~ Botman fight. Burt Lancaster, John Sav­ CSD -N ew s Valkenburgh. Rated PG. (3D - Jetsons RIdga ^oya. (R) (60 min.) ar to buy cattla In Maxico. Paul 39 > Coronation Street Strangler' A newspaperman is - MOVIE; 'Abba: Tha Movie' 1942. braaking with tradition to age, Rod Steiger. 1981. (29 - Jimmy Swaggart (3D - Carraacolendas awman, Laa Manin. Strothar 6:00A.M. ( S ) - Day of DIaoovary - Sunday at tha King's assigned to investigate a series Abba, the phenominally suc­ C5D (29 - MOVIE: 'U Cage Aux Croats mssaagaa that ara ® - (MOVIE: 'Tha Man Who 0 of unsolved murders in Seattle. Follea' A young man brings his ( S ) - Sporta Los Angeles first baseman Fall to Earth* An alian baing aMartin. 1972 ®-Kidaworld . (29 - MOVIE: Thunder of I® - Newt Makers House cessful Scandanavian vocal (T3) - Independent Network - 8:30 A.M. uniqua, outragaoui, uneonvarh Darren McGavin, Jo Ann Pfliig. fiancee's parents home to meat - Laurel & Hardy Steve Garvey will continue his who eomaa from a diought- Drums' A U.S. Cavalry captain - This Week With David group is examined in this mel­ News (22) - Tanan/Lon* Ranger/ tional, dalightful and aome- ® - Straight Talk 89 0 - People Now his gay father. Michael Serrault, 03 (53 atrickan planat baeomaa a 1 K ) 0 A ,M . faals his naw llautantant is just Brinkley ^imon Oakland. 1973 odic documentary showing the (32) - U. . Alpine Skiing (23) - MOVIE: Th e Stud' A man Zorro Adventure Hour consecutive game plaiyihg streak timea absurd. 0 - 1 btsam of Jaannia 8 Ugo Tognazzi, Michel Galabru. multlmiMlionaira living a drun- another West Pointer to be bro­ 0 - Great Railway Journeys members onstage ar^ off. Champtonahlpa tells hit 'services' to women as his World Champion Dodgers (29 - Bob Nawhart ® - Mualo Makora ken down into a fighting mach-i S T ) “ Underatandirtg Human 5:00 P.M. 1979. Rated R. willing to pay the price. Brent (33 - MOVIE; 'Clancy Street kan aacludad Ufa. David Bowia, 0 - U A Alpina Skiing 0 - Pelioula: Se Anunciara Rated G. take on the Montreal Expos in ® - MOVIE: 'Dr. Jakyll A ins. Richard Boone, George Behav. (3D - Staraky and Hutch (33) - MOVIE: Th e Last Chaae' Walke^r, Joan Collins. Oliver To­ Boys' The boys pose as children 7 :0 0 P .M . Candy Clark. 1676. ^__ Championships - Lord Mountbatten: Man (3 9 - Paith for Today of a poor childless couple in or­ the second game of a M AJO R Blatar Hyda' A young doctor/ Hamilton. Luana Patten. 1961. 0 - Seattle Supercroaa (23) All cars are ordered off the bies. Hated R. ‘ 0 - MOVIE; 'Salem's Lot* 12:00 P.M. (3D - MOVIE: 'Mr. Mejestyk' A For tha Century Mountbatten roads when America runs out of der to receive relief funds. East ® - Agronaky and Company (53 - MOVIE: *111# KIHara’ A klllar changaa himtalf into > 0 - Major League Batebell: farmer defies the mob by giving 1:00 A.M. LEAGUE BASEBALL double- - Vampirism runs rampant in (29 - Numoro Uno 'Franz Back- CSD - Face the State tours India, Burma, Ceylon, Ma­ oil. Lea Majors, Chris Make­ (2D > Varied Programs Side Kids. * 1943 ® - Six Million Dollar Man formar boxar baeomaa Involved woman and tha famala paraqn- anbauar.' West Germany's Texas at ^a to n work to the needy. Charles C E - News header, airing Saturday. May 1 allty baeomaa dominant Ralph 'modern-day New England, laya, Japan and also meets and peace, Burgess Meredith. with a gangsters mollton anoand a ainy d< Beckanbauar. who tad his soc­ CSD ~ New England Woman 0 - Big Valley Bronson, Al Lettieri, Linds Cris- - News/Sporta/Weather 5:30 A.M. CE) CID Thundarr/ Goldie on NBC. The first game features . ® Q D - Miippat Show LancattaY. Bataa, Martina Batwich. Garatd ^bavid SouL James Mason, marries Edwina Ashley. Rated PG. (2D payroll holdup. Burt L Lance Kerwin. Rated PG. cer club, Bayarn-Munich, to nu­ CSD - Dr. Robert Schuler tal. 1974 (5 ) - MOVIE: 'Here Come the Gold/ Action Jack Comedy, 3 « ‘ the Oakland A ’s and the Cleve- I ® - Chronlda Edmond O'Brien. Avsa Gatdnar.^lptri 972. ' , 2:15 P.M. W - Wild, Wild West (29 r- Portrait of a Legend (39 - Riak/Marriage merous European titles, is Ci2) “ Collegiate Volleybell (39 - 'Youl' Mag. for Woman Girls' When an attempt is made Hour Ja n d Indians. 1946 0 - N a w a - Paper Chase - News/Sporta/Weather on a leading man's life, the dD - Danoa Favar i Twilight Zona D profiled. Claeaic: SemLFInel 2 • UCLA va. ® - MOVIE; *171. Eagle Hat 97) (2D 1:15A.M. (53 - Newark and Reality CHECK LISTtNOS FOR EXACT TIME 0 - Uural A Hardy Landed' The Nazis attempt to (29 * MOVIEr'Lifa Goes to the world's olde!st chorus boy gets vwjf"' ft’. ’ d2) - ESPN Sporta Cahtar 9 : 3 0 P .M . 9 9 - MOVIE: T h a Four - Eafora Azul Penn State - Onedin Line (25) - Round Cero . (29 kidnap Winston Churchill so as Movies' The editors of Life Ma­ 7:30 P.M. (23) his job back to become bait for (TD - Magilla Gorilla ©1M2 Compulog Baaaona* Tha changa of taa- ( 0 - What About Woman gazine take a look at the motion d9 - Sporta Proba d3) - Talaa of tha Unaxpaetad (39 - Cojebrat* (39 - English Channel to have bargaining power to (19 - NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs - To Be Announced the killer Bob Hope, Arlene ' Best of Calliope m : aont marka tha changing rala- picture business with actual @9 1:30 A.M. dD ® - Sha Na Na ® - Baefcataga/Qrand Ok) 6:1BA.M. - Sport* Weak end tha war without being obli­ Dahl. Rosemary Clooney. 1953. Uonahipa of thraa married (39 - Throe Stooges (2D footage from famous films and 8:00 P.M. 97) - Firing Line CE - Calendar (2D - Lassie i m y - Sporta Saturday Opry couplet. , Carol B w - ® - Nawa - Twilight Zona terated. Michael Caine, Donald (fl) - Biography (2D - Insight (29 rare glimpses backstage. d D ($D “ Archie's Place Fed up CE ^ - ABC News (2D - Inside Business ( S ) - Amarlean Playhouaa 'PrL netttan Cariou. 1981.RatedG. 0 - MOVIE; 'Abba: Tha Movie' Sutherland, Robert Duvall. 10:30 P.M. (S) - Nawaoantar 1977 (2D - News/Sporta/Weather with Archie's over- (3D - Independent Network (H i - All-Star SportsChallenge -^ a ta Contantmant' ThIa original Abba, the phenominally suc- 10:00 A.M . - Hoy Mitmo A variety pro­ CSD - Sports Extra (22) ® - Smurfs ( S ) - Praaanta - Rook Conoart (29 protectiveness, Billie moves News (2D - Moneyline (£> 19e2Compuk>g Scraanplay dramatizaa a young cestful Scsndanavlan vocal CS) - Sunday Morning gram from Maxico with Guil- - From th* EdItoYs Desk - American Cancer Society aoldlar'a list family raunibn bb: ® - Nawa/SportaAWaathar. 2:30 P.^. (23) - Matters of Life 8t Death out. 9D - Laurel & Hardy (29 - Paul Hogan group is examined in this mel­ (SD - Wonder Woman iarmo Ochoa. (2D - Reel Pictures (22) Special fora baing sent to fight in Wortd (S ) - Sha Na Na dD 09 - Outdoor Life (57) - Say Brother dD - Rock Comedy Q 9 - English Channel (29 - M*A'S*H odic documentary showing the (39 - It's Your Buaineas (25) - Boxeo 5:45 A.M. \ 9:00 A.M. W ar M (So min.) tCloaad Cap- | g . char members onstage and off. (S) * M y Throe Sent (33) - HBO Theater: Table 5:30 P.M. (£ ) 9 9 ~ Ripley's Believe It Or (39 - Living Faith 99 - Rookford RIaa (39 - MOVIE: *W.W. and tha Settings Three generations of a C S - News ^ Apple Polishers donad] Rated G. ^ ' (SD “ Sunday Mass Not Wonder-inspiring explora­ (29 - Sugar Ray Leonard's 1:45 A.M. (3) brain tumor and the determina­ Dixie Denoekinga' An easygo­ family gather around the dinner d D - Music World - Baseball Bunch 7 :3 0 P .M . 1 0 K 2 0 P .M . ^ - Dr. Snuggles tions highlight a new one-hour Golden Gloves ' CE 99 - Newi/Sign Off 6:00 A.M. dD - Blue Marble (32) - NCAA Instruct lonal (53 tion of not giving up. Leonard^ 1 : 1 5 A . M . 6:30 A.M. ing con-artist loves country mu­ table and discuss their prob­ (32) - '75 U.S. Open Golf Hilites special hosted by Jack Palance. Scries - MOVIE: 'Melod/ Adven- ® - Eyawitnaaa Magazina (12) - ESPN Sports Center sic, robbing gas stations and a 39 - Independent Network m - Pincelades ^ (2D - iyiOVIE: ‘Blondle Brings (53 Nimoy, Penelope Milford. ® - N s w s ® - MOVIE: 'Buglaa In tha (3D - Toda/a Black Woman lems. Robert Klein, Stockard 9 9 - Better Homes and (60 min.) 2:00 A.M. tures of pre-teenagers In B ritisjK w > ^^ - q - - singer called Dixie. Burt Rey­ News Up Baby'When Baby Dumpling d D \ 6chotastic Sporta Acad. Na Na ® 99 - Fantasy Island An oil Aftsmoon' Cavalry officer, (33) - Sneak Preview Host Leon­ Channing, Mindy Cohn. Gardena C3T) - lYs Your Buaineas (]13 - Patterns for Living school and their slice-oMIfe 4:00 P.M. - Tim# for Timothy nolds, Art Carney. 1974. ($ ) - Straight Talk plays hooky from school. Dag- (S7) - Vic Braden's Tennis Agronaky and Compaiqi rig worker wants to meat a can- stripped of hit rank for attaqlt- ard Harris takas a look at up­ (57) - Media Probes 'Soap Op­ 11:00 P.M. (SD - Children's Gospel Hour wood goes looking for him and growing-up experiences. Jadk ® - Major LMgud Basaball; - Chrlatopher Cloae-Up coming movies, sports and (29 - MOVIE: Th e Children of (3D - Kung Fu (2D - Sports tarfold modal arul an airline ing fallow officer, travalt W att ^ - Soccer Made In Germany eras.' Host Ruth Warrick from Theater Street' Children come (39 - News gets arrested for kidnappiing. Wild, Mark Lester, Tracy Hyde. New York M M at San - Solid QoM spaciaTs. (32) - World Figure Skating CSD CE) CSD 99 (3D - Barbapapa ^ 12:00 P.M. pilot wants to tama the legen­ and rejoins at a private. 19l]2 0 -ThetGiri ABC’s AM My Children' goes to the Kirov School of Ballet in 2:15 A.M. Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, 1971 FranoiMM) ^ -Sporta Look 12:30P.Mq Championship from Copen­ CE - Off ihe Set ( H ~ Power Boat'Racing from Minutes dary thundsrbird. (60 min.) ® - MOVIE: 'Saizurs: Story;of - Preea Box (39 - MOVIE: *Th* Holly and the behind-the-scenes of her show Leningrad in hopes of becom­ (33) - MOVIE: 'Happy Birthday Larry Simms. 1940 \ d D - World of Survival C3D Greatest Sports Legends hagen: Opening Ceremonies Miami, Florida marica's Top Tar^ dD - Sanford and Son (2 » - Amarloa'a Top Tan , [Cloaad Captionad] Kathy Morria' A true ttory of a - Aa School* Match Wits Iv / A country parson gathers and tracks the creative evolu­ ing international stars. Nar­ CE - Morecambe & Wise to Me' When a crazed murderer - Money Week \ (2 5 ^ News/Sports/Weather his family together at Christ­ tion of one 'dramatic scene. and Competition ® - MOVIE: 'The Apple (2D ® - MOVIE; 'KIM and KIM (22) - Aa Sohooli Match WHa ® - WiM Kingdom oung woman with a naar-fafal dD > MOVIE: *The Invasion of rated by Princess Grace of (3D - Odd Couple stalks teenagers at an exclusive rollkins' - Ring Around tho World mas. Each parson is unhappy the B o ^ Snatohera* Plant-like [Closed Captioned] ® - MOVIE; 'The Four Dumpling Gang Rides Again' SDj- Mfr-Moon'a Magic Circus ^(29x_:TMOVIE; 'Something of Again' A Martial Art. Champleo CS) - MOVIE: Tha Lata Show'A 9D >- InUspandant Network rain tumor and tha datarmina- E Monaco. R atyTTr ''v. (32) - ESPN Sporta Center prep school, suspicion and ter­ ® - ABC WMksnd ‘ ® - Davoy/Ooliath because of tha parson and his organisms are invading peo­ Seasons' The change of sea­ Confusion_a^ounds when two Value' A man raised in Kenya mu.t .ave a Nobal Prita win­ ladyAaxea a crutty private aye Ktion of not giving up. Leonard 3:00 P.M. ror engulf the campus. Glen (3?) - Sesame Street * 'Miss Switch to the Ri N a w a , I demands. Ralph Richardson. ple's minds and bodies. Kevin 93) - tony Brown's Journal sons marks the changing rela­ - Sports bumbling outraWs.^re m ist^- tries to stop the Mau Mau terror ning chamlat from the hand, of out dnotlramant to find her cat Nimoy, Panalopa Milford. 'Supply-Side Education.' Ford, Melissa Gilbert. Rated R. Conclusion. (R) [Closed ®-Wrsstllno 6:45 AeMe Celia Johnson, Margaret Leigh­ McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Caro­ dD 99 - Sportsbeat tionships of three married enly identified as b^K*X i>bii^ 9:30 A.M. , peacefully, but. the violence a domanted bllllonalra. Jam a. and together they unravel (22) - Newscenter 0 tioned] d D - Davoy/Qollath ton. 1963 (29 - Siempre en Domingo couples. Alan Alda, Carol Bur­ 2:30 A.M. desperados. Tim Conway, Don - Bugs Bunny Road changes him to a vengeful man. Ry.n, Annsllne Kri.l. R.tad PG. blackmail, myttary and murder. (2D - Nawa/Bports/Waathar 1:30AJM. )) lyn Jones. 1956. dD - Major Leagua Baseball: (29 - MOVIE: 'Return of the San Francisco at Naw York nett, Len Cariou. 1981. Rated G. C E - Life of Riley Knotts. Ruth Buzzi. 1979. Rated Runner ^ (53 - Soccer Rock Hudson, Dana Wynter, Lily Tomlin, Alt Camay, Bill ® (3) - NBC Msgazins - Sacred Heart ( 3 . MOVIE: 'Pardon My ( $ ) - Outdoor Life 97) - Tony Brown's Journal Secaucus Seven' A group of C® - H.idy Boy./ N.ney Draw 93 - Indapandant Nstwoltk Met* G dD - World Chami Sidney Poitier. 1957. Macy. 1977. Sarong' Abbott and Costello d D - Soccer (20) • In Search of.... friends comes to terms with life (ID - MOVIE: 'King# Row* A (33 - M0V)E: 'Sherlock Holmes (S ) - Ban of Taka Tbraa ® - Exehanga Nawa 7:00 AeM. thwart jewel thieves. Abbott 6:00 P.M. young doctor comas home to a Tennis - Th li Old Ho u m (39 - MOVIE: Th e Courtneys of (2D - News/Sports/Weather after 30. (2D - Dr. Snuggles And The /Woman In GfeOn' (2D (2D - Once Upon a Claaaic (5S-Nlghtalk. (23 - Bast of Fred Saxon (3 ) - Chrltti>pher Cloee-Up and Costello, Virginia Bruce, (33) - MOVIE: 'Salem’s U Y ® ® 0 0 - News smalt town to practice and finds ( S ) - Wraatling Curzon StreeY The domestic - Larson Sunday Night (2D - News Sherlock MolmeMOlv^s-tfTe 'fin d2) - World ^ 9ure ® - MOVIE; 'Msanlflcnt (29 - Oanca Favor Ink Spots. 1942 Vampirism runs rampant in (22) (59 - CHIPS A band of com­ (39 tragedy. Ann Sheridan, Betty ger murdars'.^astfnathbone, Championship ^te m Copen­ ( S ) - T V Collaga 1 0 :3 0 P .M . ® - Twilight Zona Q C * Kennetii Copeland lives and loves of a London fa­ dD - MOVIE: 'Hard Times' A Thief A master thief is released modern-day Naw England. mily are traced through three fighter and his manager take on puter thieves lead Jon and (57) - State We're In Field, Robert Cummings. 1942 (22) - Rock Concert Nigel Bruc^C Hillary Brooke. hagen: Opening Cerem onies ® - F l t h ffil-ABCNaws , - Ken Copeland (2D - Nowamakor Sunday from prison and promised a full 39 - Major Leagua Baaaball; ®-BI||ANsws CSD David Soul, James Mason, generations. Anna Neagle, Mi­ impromptu matches for high Ponch on a chase over land and (3D - Consultation 1945_ and Competition - Training Doga - Chalico of Salvation 11:15P.M. (32) - ESPN Sports Center parole if he cooperates in solv­ Montraal at Loa Angalaa /or (53 ®-W ^iM am ba A Wise dD - This le th* Ufa (22) Lance Kerwin. Rated PG. chael Wilding. 1947 stakes in New Orleans during sea. (60 min.) Laverne & Shirley ® - MOVIE; 'From Hell to ing the murders of U.S. agents MMwau- kaa n MInnaaota 1:45 A.M. ; - Sports Amarioa (25) - Palicuta; 'Le Prlmavera de (2D - Special Report 6:30 A.M. 8 :0 0 P .M . CSD * Church Growth Intomat. (23) - Insid* Business - MOVIE: 'SpInouY A care­ the Depression. Charles Bron­ (23) (17) - Nova 'Twins.' This Victory' The lives of four friends in Europe. Robert Wagner, 93 - Ban Joaa Today (SD - Evening at the Improv (29 program explores scientific re­ loa Eacorpionas' - MOVIE: 'He Knows You're - Best of Barrio (53 - Music World 92) - Andquaa ® ® - Walt DIanay 'A Olaney (29 “ Embajadores de la Musloa ® ) (39 - Meet th* Preea free bachelor prefers his music, son, James Coburn, Jill Ireland. are dramatically changed when John Saxon, Susan St. James. 9 3 - T 4 U.S. OpciLSolfHimss- d D Or. Rert Schuler search on twins and the re­ Alone' A bride-to-be is alone in Vacation.' (60 min.) fast cars and freedom to the 1975 11:30 P.M. - Insight dD - Herald of Truth they leave Paris and enter 1967 4 : 1 5 P .M . d D - ESPN Sports Cantor - Saorifioo of the Maas '.^(S ) - Onoe Upon a Classic 'Hills search being done to her fear that someone is stalk- 9D - SRO: 28 Y44rs of Jsrry 2 : 0 0 A . M . confinement of marriage. Shel­ CBS News - Special Report World War II. George Peppard, QD - MOVIE; 'Captain Btood* - Rex Humbard of Heaven.’ This bhro episode ® - CBS New. ing her just before her wedding CD) - Davey/Goliath (2D SZ) - Wall Street Week Louis (29 - Thraa Stoogaa Lea; A Csisbratlon 'Jerry Lea - MOVIE: To Ba Announced & - Paullat Insight ley Fabares, Diane McBain, De­ understand heredity and the en­ George Hamiltdn, Jean Pierre Rukeyser analyzes the '80s with Dr. Blood atcapaa from an Is­ 93 adventure involves three child­ (5D - Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew vironmental aspects that makes ® ) - David Suukind day. Caitlin O'Hearney, Don (ID - Tom & Jerry (22) ® Supea Power Hour Lewis It Joined by Johnny Cash, 0 - Weak In Review 0 - Everybod/a Sutinass ren and a careless accident borah Walley. 1966 ^ Cassel. 1979. Rated PG. a weekly review of economic 4 : 3 0 P .M . land prison to bacoma a faarad Krit Kriatoffaraon and Mickey 93 - AILStar SportsChallanga - F. A. Soccer The Road to us all different. (60 min.) Scardion. 1980. Rated R. which results in a battle be­ (32) - Benny Hill Show (3D - Sports Probe and investment matters. ® 99 - Kantuoky Darby J h l. pirata captain. Errol Flynn, Oli­ (2 ) - Jimmy Swaggart 10:30 A.M . (2D - Newa/SportSi^eather Wembley [Closed Captioned] - M OVIeT^ITTs Are Ringing' dD - English Channel Gilley to calabrate 26 yatra of (23 - Sports ; (2D program will feature covarkga via da Havilland. Basil Rath- tween right and vmjKg. [Closed S3) - Great Performances ® - MOVIE; Th e Mechanic' A 3:00 A.M. (2D ~ Big Blue Marble A timid girl who works for a tel- show bualneat. ® - Kojak 0 0 - Johnny Quest CSD - TV Mas* (33) *- Sneak Preview Host Leon­ (39 - Maverick** (2D - MOVIE: Tanan'a Three 2:00 P.M. of tho 108th Run for the Rojm bona. 1936 Captioned] ‘Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 hired assassin devises 100 ® - MOVIE; 'Chino Qlrl' The (2D '/Week in Review phone answering service can’t Challengaa' Tarzan escorts a 99 - Tlm »O u t Thaatrs dD - KIda Are People Too To­ ard Harris takes a look at up- ways to eliminate his victims- from Churchill Down., KV. (BO' - Banjo, tha Woodpile 0 - Morningtown 39 - Directions in B-Flat Major’ Claudio Ab- 8:30 P.M. loves end sacrifice, of an Eure- keep from taking a deep per­ boy. heir to the throne of the ® - Big Vall.y ® 99 2 : 3 0 A . M . day's guests are Willie Tyler comiijg' movies, sports and and they all work. Charles Bron-. (23) /M OVIE: Second Wind' A min.) . Cat This animated special faa- ® - Indapandant Network bado conducts the Vienna Phil­ Sian girl and an Americah news­ ma«/to whom everything in life sonal interest in all of the spiritual leader of an ancient ® - CBS Ubrary 7:30 A.M. and Lester, Jim Plunkett and 1:00 P.M. specials. dD CSD - One Day et a Time son,' Jan-Michael Vincent. turaa the advanturoi of a Nawa 93 - ESPN Sporta Canter harmonic in Brahms, with Ann and 'company' put on a var­ reel photographer in 1941 war- nes easily discovers that the clients. Judy Holliday, Dean Oriental land, to the capital city. dD - Good ^maa ® - My Neighbor's Religion Eda LaShan. (R) (60 min.) - NBA Basketball Playoffs: (39 *- Calliope Children's Keenan Wynn. 1972. (TT) - MOVIE; To B « Announcwl spunky runaway cat 1 1 :0 0 P .M . (23 - Real Ploturat (3D soiotist Maurizio Pollini. iety show. torn China. Gone Tierney, flings difficult to come by are Martin. Fred Clark. 1960. Jock Mahoney. Woody Strode. (29 - Sgt. tlj^o (3D - That'i Tho Spirit Teams to be Announced Programs (S~) - An Evening At the ® - MOVIE; Th. Appl. ( ® - Insight George Montgomery. 1943 more worthwhile. James - It's Youl Business 1963 ♦ ® - MOVIE: 'Tha Breaking ® ® ® (29 ® - Nawa (39 - Grand Prix Racing (29 - Wild Kingdom Improvisation SD Dumpling Gang Rides Again' (53 - Julia Child & Mora 2 :4 5 A . M . CSD - Viewpoint on Nutrition (3D - Tom 8i Jerry d ) - Wild Kingdom (39 - Festival of Faith (2D - News Wrapup Naughton. Lindsay Wagner, - Sports Week Company PotnY A fishing boat tkippar ® - MOVIE: 'Hater Skater* (57) - Lord Mountbattsn: Man 10:0^A.M. (2D Confusion abounds when two 0 - Calliope Children'! - MOVIE: Th a Last Chase' - MOVIE: Homef* Nest* A (2D - Press Box 9:00 P.M. (3D - Streets of San Francisco Tedde Moore. Rated PG. 1 rants a boat to fortune huntara Part 1 This ttory it bated on tha ® - MOVIE: 'Kill and Kill (33) (3D For the Century When Churchill ' 3:30 A.M. (22) New England Tan Pin bumbling outlaws are mistak­ All cars are ordered off the U.S. Army captain parachutes (33 .(5 ) - Alice Mel’s competi- - World Championship (53 @D - Richie Rlch/Scooby & 5 :0 0 P .M . and ahoota it out with the gang. Charlat Manton 'family* and Again' A martial arts champion Piograma forges the Grand Allience. (23) - Thinking Twice About (29 (3D - Ring Around the W< Championship enly Identified as bank-robbing roads when America runs out of behind Nazi lines in Italy to tior Freddy sponsors a contest 0 - Auto Racing '82; NASCAR Scrappy Doo Show ® - Mlaslon ImpoMibta John Garflald, Phyllis Tbaxtsr, the trial of tha Sharon Ttto-Ls mutt aavo a Nobal Prize 0 - World Tomorrow Mountbatten takes over as Nuclear War Hosted by Mike Tennis (2D - MOVIE: 'Second Wind' A desperados. Tim Conway, Don oil. Lee Majors, Chris Mske- blow up a stratagicaliy vital Farrell, this documentary inves­ at his eatery. WIneton 500 from Talladega. - Dr. Who Patricia Nsal. I960. Blanca murders. Gaorga 01- ning chamlat from the hands of Chief of Combined Operations (2D - Inside Business 6:45 A.M. (53 man to whom everytl^ng in life Knotts. Ruth Buzzi. 1979. Rated dD - Whlta Shadow a damantad bllllonalra. James (39 Rax Humbard peece, Burgess Meredith. dam. Rock Hudson, Sylva Kos- tigates the personal risks of the AL 9 3 - N CAA Football: Clamton Canzo and Steve Rtlltback. and becomes Honorary Lt. C5D (29 - Jacques Cousteau - Entertainment This Week (5 ) - New Day dD - Old‘Time Gospel comes easily discover^hat the d2 - CoMagiata VoMayball Ryan, Anneline Krial. Rated P^. (39 - Buga Bunny/Porky Pig Rated PG. cina. 1970 arms race and how various (22) 0 - Sporta Proba Univsralty Spring Oama (Advitory: Due to mature theme, General and Honorary Air Mar­ (3D 99 - MOVIE; 'Mae WeaY d2) - ESPN Sports Center things difficult to come by are dD - The Cltafiipionahl Claaaic; Semi-Final 1 - USC va. - Aotualklad Semanal - MOVIE: 'Ballad of a shall. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ Americans are working to prev­ (39 - Jack Van Imp* ( 0 - Slampra an Domingo 7:00 A.M. ® - MOVIE: 'Exoallbut' Tha parental diacrstlon la advised.) lS9 - Heritage Comer (29 dD Tho story of Mao West, tho le­ more worthwhile. J ^ e s Inside __^ ^ n t a Barbara 1976 3 : 0 0 A . M . Qunfighter* A silent feud exists tioned] ent nuclear war. (60 min ) 0 - Exchange (33 - Kidaworld dD - MOVIE: 'The Four Naughton. Lindsay W a g r^ . ■orcarsr Marlin halpa young Ar­ 8:00 A.M. (39 ~ MOVIE: 'Who Done Itr gendary actress who built her 4:00 A.M. Seasons' The change of sea­ (29) - m o v ie '; -^WSHO^hln.' A d2 - T o u r Mag. for Women ® - MOVIE: 'W eb of VIolanca' Bud and Lou turn detective to between two outlaws. Marty 9 9 - ABC News stardom on sex. Ann Jillian, 0 - MOVIE: T h e Sevan CS3 - World Tomorrow Tedde Moore. Rated PG. 197^ thur gain England's two graa- ® - Paul Hogan. Robbins, Bob Barron. Joyce 3:30 P.M. 0 - MOVIE; - Four sons marks the changing rela­ computer genius invents a • To Be Announced A man w ltnetist the kidnap­ C3D - Barrio solve 8 crime. Bud Abbott. Lou (57) • Jazz at Maintenance Shop , Piper Laurie. Percent Solution' Discovering *1110 d9 tsat traaturaa, tha ancjiantad -Flip Wilton Redd. 1963. d ) - NBA Basketball Playoffs: Seaaona' The change of sea­ (33 - My Three Sons tionships of three married machine that can take him into sword Excallbur and tha ping of hia ax-fiancaa and ita ru CSD ~ Jimmy Swaggart Costello, Patrick Knowles. ‘Dexter Gordon Quartet (No. 2).' 1962. Sherlock Holmes is hooked on - Moneymakers (2D - Incredible Hulk Teams to be Announced sons marks the changing rela­ couples. Alan Alda, Carol Bur­ (2D the past or future. John Beck, ful Guinavarra. Nichol Wllliam- ESPN Sports Csntsr Ills own Investigation. Brett H4I- 1942 ^ ------(3D - Odd Couple Dexter Gordon, tenor sax; Ruy- cocaine. Doctor Watson tures (33 - News (2D ~ N*wa/8pOftt/W*ather t£ ) - Confluenoe ( 3 ) - It la Written tionships of three married nett, Len Cariou. 1961. Rated G. OS) - Robin Hood Pricilla Barnes. Andrew Dug­ ton, NIgal Tarry, Halan Mirren. 99 - Night Flight aay, Margaret Las. 1969. ^ re People Too - MOVIE: 'Five Meatera of dD 99 - American Sportsman fus Reid, bass; George Cables, him to Vienna to meet Sigmurfti d D ^ Jo s ie and the Pussycats gan. 1978 d ) - Celfill^tipn/Eugharist (29 (3D - Lawrence Walk couples. Alan Alda, Carol Bur­ (2D - Art of^ooklng 05) - Hogan's Heroes ^ - Kojak 1981. Ratsd R. - Newt Wrapup ‘ Death* Five martial arts masters (2D - Best of Fred Saxon piano; and Eddie Gladden, Freud. Alan Arkin, Robert Du­ - ESPN Sports Center 99 - Festival of Faith (2D s Bualnoee (IffT -A M Service Revelation nett, Len Cariou. 1981. Rated G. (32) (2D - People Now ( 3 ) - Sweet Adeline* Tony Ten- d D - Nino on Now Jorsey set out to perfect their craft end drums. vall. Laurence Olivier. 1977. O l f S l o Be Ani d D - Candlepin Bowling 9 9 - Mastsra of Hookey from ® - MOVIE: 'Nightmare Way* ® - Ounamoks ’ | (S) - MOVIE: 'Thunder of (39 ~ AAU Junior Olympic* ID - Time-Out Theatre Today's (22) - MOVIE; ■QoodbyA''Mr. ) ilia hosts the final competition ^ - F r o d Prioo 10:4BA.M . challenge the Emperor after he (2D - Newsmaker Sunday (E ) - Sneak P ^vle w t Each - open Door MSO ® - MOVIE: 'Somathlng of Drums* A U.S. Cavalry captain 6:15P.M. 11:45 P.M. program is 'Off Your Duff.' (57) Chips' The story of an English 9t the annual gathering of wom­ (2 D -S p o rts - Jewish has their monastery burned feel* his naw liautantant is just (22) (5 9 - MOVIE: Th a Gambled 0 - Style week co-Aosts Rc/gv Ebert and ® - Value* A man raised in Kenya 4.(19 - Derby AILStar High Ufa 3 9 - Three Stooges CE “ MOVIE: Th * Return of No Programs schoolteacher, his rise to head­ en's barbershop quartets. ( ) - Nawaoantar down. David Chiang. Ti Lung. another West Pointer to be bro­ (T8) - Gene S isk e h g ^ viewers the in­ 12:30 P.M. 2 triea to atop tha Mau Mau tarrbr School Boakotball Claaalo from A man falls in with a profes­ Frank Jamep' Frank Jamas sets 0 - MOVIE; 'Return of tha master. and the tragedies and Nay(rs/8porta/Woathar 11:00 A.M . Alexander Fu Shang. 1980. ken down into a fighting mach­ sional gambler and a society (2D - Heckle and Jeckle side story of what's currently (33 - Kidsworld ® - F-Troop ( S ) - In Parformsboa patcafully, but the violence Louiavillo, KY 6:30 P.M. out to avenge Jesse's murder. Secaucu* Seven' A group ot joys that touched his life. R p^ a t w Vallay Tha ® - MOVIE: Tarzan and the ine. Richard Boone, George lady while riding on a train. friends comes to terms with life making the screer^at the local (57) - Frugal Oourm*^'''''"— “ changes him to a vengeful man. d 9 - MOVIE: 'StaoT Ten dared­ (2D - Money Week (3D y^BS News Henry Fonda. Gene Tierney. (3D - Great Space Coaster (33 - Portrait of a Legend art Donat. Greer Garson. f^ul Ralllytitry I put i Damper on ® - Nightoont Huntress’ Tarzan foils tha ef­ Hamilton, Luana Patten. 1961. Kenny Rogers, Harold Gould, movie theaters. Rock Hudson, Dana Wyntar, evil construction workers race (22) - To Be Announced Aim Jackie Cooper. 1940. after 30. 3D - Viewpoint on Nutrition (53 - Tom and Jerry Henried. 1939 5 :3 0 P .M . Stalla'i onthip. 1 1 :3 0 P .M . » against time to finish a skyscra­ forts of a zoological expedition (3D*- News Lee Purcell. 1979 Sidney Poltlar. 1957. intent upon capturing S ores of (29 - W hy In the World 4:00 P.M. (33) - With a Touch of Burlaaqu* 4:30 A.M. - Morningtown 10:30 A.M. @ ) - TV College ® - prdbkats per before a critical daadlina. 9 dD - ABC News 3D (53 - High School Bowl ( £ ) - To Be Announced 8 ® - Hawaii FlvaO animals for various zoos. (29 - MOViE: 'Cattle Annie and This nice-but-naughty show is ® - Dr. Who Jannifar O'Naill, Laa Majors, (39 - Chemplonship Wreatiing 0 - MOVIE; 'Steel* Ten dared- Little BritefiM' Tough guys and 0 - Abbott and Cottallo (53 - Pitfall (17) - Preaanta - Better Homes & Oerdene ® - M OM E: 'Farswsll. M y 3:30 A.M. ' Johnny Waismuailar, Brands ® - MOVIE: 'King of thp complete with baggy pants co­ 7:15 A.M. 3D (S 3 - Benny Hill Show Georg* Kennedy. Rated PG - Converaatlon With... evil construction workers race Mountain' A dare-devil auto me­ bandits r i d ^ e range in pursuit ( 0 - Beat of Fred Saxon (SD - MOVIE; 'South of the Rio Level/ A p riw e eye hunts for Joyce. 1947 89 against time to finish a skyscra­ medy, topless dancers and ex­ (33 - Calendar (2D - Newsmakers 2:30 P.M. (23) - MOVIE: 'Penelope' A bank ® - MCVIE: 'Midnight 9 3 - Bast of Qrouoho chanic races his '58 Porshe of banks td^rob and lawmen to Grande' Trouble is brewing be­ an ex-convict*^lost girlfriend . 0 - SUr Trek Cartoon (37) - American Playhouse ‘Pri­ per before a critical deadline. otic striptease. yond the border. Buck Jones. (2D d Z ) - Victory Garden - Derby All-SUr High president's wife robs his bank Cowboi/ A young man drsai^ 9 3 - N CAA Football; Clamson CSD - Jorry Falwoll vate Contentment' This original over the treacherous roads of fight. Burt Lancaster, John Sav­ 7:30 A.M. (32) in order to gat his attention. Na­ uncovers mors than he ex- (33) - News/Sporta/Weather Jannifar O'Neill, Lea Majors. 1932 (2D - Pallcula: Se Anunciara School Baaketball Claaaic from p ^ a d . Robert MItchum. Sylvie ing/OTaayy money ihtksa hint- University Spring Oama .' CSD - Glory of God screenplay dramatizes a young Hollywood Hills. Harry Hamlin, age. Rod Steiger. 1981. 12:00 A.M. Playing bridge (33 - GIgglesnort Hotel talia Wood, Ian Bannan. Dick labia to wealthy •, ® - Robert Schuller Gaorga Kennedy. Rated PG Dennis Hopper. Deborah Van Louisvlite, KY " 1 e ). John Ireland. 1S75 - Throo Stoogoa soldier's last family reunion be­ (23) - Masterpiece Theatre ® - Thie Week In ( 3 ) - Encore News ’ O - Style (2 9 1 -B .s .b .ii Bunch Shawn. 1966. price. Ha maata a A'OO A M (3D (39 - AM Servlcd Revelation Valkenburgh. Rated PG. Oswald Jacoby and Alan (2D - TV College - Sneak Prevlewa Each (29 - MOVIE: Tho Chlldron of fore being sent to fight in World 'Love In a Cold Climate.' Linda Entertainment (H ) - South Joplin Lion's Club - Palleula; Sa Anunolara r/pplad malvand they discover • » .» « / « . i v i . (32) - F. A, Soooor Tho Road to (33 - Hot Fudge (22 Slil Spiderman & His (2D ik co-hottt Rogar Ebart and Theater Street* Children come War II. (90 min.) [Closed Cap­ (2D - Freeman Reports Inside Business leaves her husband and daugh­ 0 - NCAA Football; ciameon ?ontag write about bridge Auction (17) - Checking It Out lata thair need for each 9 3 - Hazel to the Kirov School of Ballet in Wombley (33 - Get Smart Friends (29 - Drag Racing on 2 Whaala Gana Siakel give viewer* the in­ tionad] (22) (39 “ BportsWorld Today's (22) ^ - NBC News ter to move in with her new love, University Spring Game — every day on the comics Duatin Hoffman, Jon (23 - Boat of Taka 1110 Leningrad in hopes of becom­ (2D - Newa/Sporta/Woathor a member of the Communist (21) - MOVIE; 'pV.fipKl Wlnga' 1:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. (5 3 - Say It With Sign side story of what's currantiy nda Vaeoaro. 1969 show features a 10-round mid- page of The Manchester (33 - Make Peace With Nature ing international start. Nar­ 1:30 P.M . (23) - Get Out Alive party. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ (2D - Beat of Take Three The Bowery B ^ s get recruited ------Airlines (33 - MOVIE: T h * Return of making tha acraen at tha local (22) - Lawronce Walk dlawaight bout between Mark (33 . 5:45 P.M. rated by Princess Grace of ® 0 - This Week In Baesball (39 - Sgt. Bllko tioned] Herald. (3D - Cartoons into the s e r v ^ and assigned to Tournament of Champion* Frank James' Frank James sets movia thaatara. (23) ~ Matinee et the Bijou 'Cow­ Frazia and John ColMns, part (3 9 ^ Solid Gold a W AF bjgrrackj(. The Bowery - Thraa Stooga. t'ThaFan'Ayoung Monaco. Rated G. 0 - Newe/Spoiti/Weathar four of the World's Strongest (2D - Mighty Mouse Tennis Today's prograrthswill out to avenge Jesse's murder. (29 8 :3 0 P .M . 99 4 : 3 0 A . M . boy Commandoes.' (90 min.) 90) - In Search of.... (39 - Phil Silvers (39 - The Athlete Boys, Gorcey, Huntz Hall. Henry Fonda, Gene Tierney, man iriiaa tha chic clrola . . . ^ 0 0 - Seeams Street Man Contest and mixed pairs (2D - Sports Review feature the finals of this wom­ 6 : 0 0 P .M . Coatsllo (29 Etta Semana an Mundo 0 - MOVIE: 'Jutes and Jim' 7:00 P.M. (57) - Masterpiece Theatre Be informed 195' an's professional tennis tourna­ Jackie Cooper. 1940. ® 99 - Btanlay/Ugly aurroui ng hit favotte ttagt \Q3 Abbott ai diving. (2 hrs.) 12:30 A.M. (22) - Battle of the Planets 0 - Club PTL Latino Tha itory of a friendship be Love in A Cold Climate.' Linda - Last C h a \ ^ Garage Host ment from Greenlefe, Fla. (2 ® ® - N a w t Duofcling An ugly duckling am- tu r. luran Bacall, Jamat Gar- 9 9 ' 10; 2d Vasra of Jerry ( S ) - College on TV dD CSD - 60 Minutes follows Christian, who is help­ ( E - MOVIE: Th * Great Man' stay on top of the news — (53 SD - Major League bsrks on a search for identity. auresn Staplaton. Ratsd Jerry Lds 0 - Oral Roberta and You (39 - Adelant* tween Julei, who It German, (3D - I Dream of Jeannie ad Sears assesses the value hrs.f Baseball: Teams to be ® - Startky and Hutch nar, and Jim who la French, and dD 99 - Counter- Attack; ing refugees escape the Span­ Following the death of the na­ by Johnny Ctah, 0 - World' Vision Sunday (29 - Round Caro subscribe to The 3D - From the Editor's Desk of a '78 Plymouth Horizon and Announced 9 D - Bonny and Char Comedy R. (37) - Undorttanding Human thair twenty year love for tho Clime In Am^otf'^George Ken­ ish Civil War, and finds he has tion's top humorist, a reporter (33 - Sha Na Na ® (39 - WIda World of and Mickey - Sullivans Manchester Herald. For rates automobilb ^^ereo sys­ Hour (23 - Prsaa Bok ;8eriee Bohav. Q same woman. Jeanne Moreau, (57) nedy hoste-tiilsseries which en- become involved with one of his tries to discover what made the @D - Superman (53 - Kwicky Koala ^ - USA Movie - Star Trak 2B yeart of tems. / dD ® - PopI Ooos tha Country 99 - Latino Oskar Wsrnsr, Henri Seers. 4:15 P.M. couraqes iM viewers to join the aides. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ star tick. Jose Ferrer, Dean Jag- home delivery, call 647- S D - News/Sports/Weather ® (29 - 8C TV Natwoifc 111 :30 A.M . 8:00 A.M. (53 - Make It Real ® - MOVIE: Taka Thia Job 1661. waf e^inst crime. (60 min.) tioned] ger, Keenan Wynn. 1957. 9946 or 646-9947. 11:00 A.M. ® (9 - One of tha Boys ® - MOVIE: ‘Oraduttlon Day* 8:30 A.M. - Faoa tho Nation ' (29 - Part Qente Qra--** • (33 C53 - Popeye/Olive (53 - MOVIE: 'Man Of A (2D - TV Colleg. and Shove If Blue-collar work­ CSD - Soul Train - Last Chanos Oaraga Host Tha myatarioua datthi of high ( T ) - Portugucte Around Ua Comedy Show (33 Thousand Facet' Lon Chaney (52) - Nova 'Computers, Spies ers stand up to brawary bosses. (53 dD - This Wook wlth/^M Brad Saara aasaasaa tha value school track start lead to a mya- (53 9D - Fonz/Happy Days biography, his personal life and Private Lives.’ This episode Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. 4 : 4 5 A . M . ® - Eighth Day Brinkloy (3 ) - Car Care Central David Allan Coe. Rated PG. of a '78 Plymouth Horizon and u ry madman. 1982. Rated R. (53 - MOVIE: 'Don't Fence Me through hit rise in motion pic­ looks at the advances of compu­ ® - MOVIE: Th e Lata how*>A ® - Day of DIaoovary (3D - Rox Humbard SHOWCASE (53 (3D - Sup^Friends^,,-—^ tures to his death. James Cag­ ratst Butomobils stereo ays- 0-Sgt.BUko 8 In' Girl reporter covers the story ters anyhow we are losing our (3D - Time-Out Theetre lady coax** a crutty privat* *y* - MOVIE: *Tha World Of - ChristopherXtos^Up ney, Dorothy Malone, Jim tams. 9 9 - MOVIE: 'Friday tha RabM 0 Buga Bunny h . Friends 3D (53 of a colorful desperado who priva^through their increas­ (39 - Festival of Faith out of ratir*m*nt to find har cat Abbott And Coatollo' Comedy CINEf^S Backus. 1957. Slept Lata' An Irith police chief AN EVENING AT THE "POP! (3D - Tom & Jerry 'died' at Twin Lakes. Roy Ro­ ing um. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ 9 :0 0 P .M . and tog*th*r tii*y unrovbl . 0 - S t y l s highlights from eighteen of the IRLOAD 39 - Kung Fu and a rabM form an tlllanes to Richard Pryor ( H - Professional Rodeo from gers. Data Evans, George d D - Robin Hood tioned] ® ® - MOVIE: Tha MackmaiL myttary and murder. ( 0 - Robert Schuller, the Hour most popular Abbott and Cos­ u n ON suNKT s n ir R 'Gabby' Hayes. 1946 ® - Week In Review aolva the myatarioua alajdng of Lily Tomlin, Art Camay, MM ' bf Powar Mesquite, TX (22) (29 - Major Laagu* 3:30 P.M. Strongsat Man In tha WerkT a young domattio. Art Camay, tello films. Narrated by Jack E. ^ m i F i r R Baseball: Oakland at Clavaland Macy. 1S77. ^ Leonard. 1966 *1KAfT K T A L ” R Q D - MOVIE: 'Kill and Kill dD - Hee Haw ( ® - NBA B b.ll PlayoffK (}3) - Newaoenter Tw o collage students acciden­ Stuart Margolin, Janit Paige. S 9 - Jawlsh Heritage /or S t Louis at Cincinnati tally pour an untaatad vitamin Again' A Martial Arts Champion ® - All-Star SporuChalleng* T .a m . to b . Announcwl ® - Sneak Prevlewe Each 1978 9:00 A.M. must save a Nobel Prize win­ (2D - Quilting veek co-hosts Roger Ebert and formula into a box of carsal and HARTFORD (2D - Newt ® 991 - WIdn Worid of Sport. one of them acquires superhu­ 1 2 .-0 0 A .M . Weekend ^ents ■ i ® - Up Front ning chemist from the hands of (39 - Rod Box Old Timers jsna Siskal give viewers the Irv Presents IMTtRSTATI84IXIT5« a demented billionaire. James (22) @ - Space Stare ® - Orutatt Sport. Lmand. side story of what's currentiy man powers whan ha sets tha ® . This Weak In ® - Wondcrama the mAiTCtTesteR symphony Baseball carsal. Joa Flynn, Eva Arden, The Herald provides^a Alan EAST HARTFORD S68'88I0 Ryan, Anneline Kriel. Rated PG. 3Z) - Building With Sun dD - making the screen et the local Entartainmant , ® - Sunday Morning d9 - Superman movie theaters. Csaar Romero. 1974. comprdienslve calendar of (3D - Scholastic Sports Acad. 11;3aA.M. (2D - Styl. fff) - Champlonthip Wraatling (. ® - New Day Ayckbourn's nCTORVKTOlUii (57) - Inside Washington (29 - Jeffersons ® 9 9 - Love Boat April Lopsz “where to go and what ^ ORClieStRA AITf) ChORAle (2D - Little Rascals (33 (53 - Blackstar (22 - MOVIE; 'Salzurw Story of rstuma aa a tutor, a widow 93 - Straats of San Franolsoo , . ® - O r a l Roberts “Dazzling 1:30 P.M. (53 • Matinee at the Bijou 'Cow­ do,” every Friday in the M a y 7.8,148 18 IBS (2D - News/Sports/Weather ® - Heetholiff/ Kathy Morrla' A true story of a masts har guardian angal and a 9 3 - CoUaglats VqUaybaN every pnoay u v (53 young woman with a near-fatal boy Commandoes.* (90 min.) 0 - Old Tims Qoepel Marmaduke (33 - Brady Bunch asparatsd couple wreak havoc. temLAiM? 1 • uScwk Focus/Weekend secUon. Curtain: 8:30 C o m e d y” ------SHOWHATi------Dr. Jack Heller, Conductor (22) - Flintstones Comedy Show 0 -Superman lA643MaWMtMF ‘^0-PaeplaNow Em t Catholic High Stuart Gillespie, Choral Director 0 - Oral Roberta Spaelal M a n ch O B to r (8 ) - Mr. Rogara* Naighborhood DEJmiWISH2« (S ) - Carraaeolanda* Qcn’l Adm: $5 Weekday TV Directed by H 9 - Jotaona Reservations, Info., Emeit CiriUo Friday, May 14 Group Ratos: 649-9236

5:00 A.M. (29 - Varied Program* - T*nn*ss** Tuxedo tional Talavlalon 99 - Are You Anybody7 9 3 0 - Independent Network ® . 0 - AM Barvlaa Ravalatien Saturday, May 15, 1982 awWW* ®-MatahOama C ® - sign On/Naws 99 - Romper Room (2S) - El Chavo 1 0 K ) 0 A .M . 0 - Emorgernty 0 0 -Texas 0 - 1 Lovo Luey 0 - Magle Oardan 9 D - Biography 9 9 "- Uaais (3 9 - Cartoon F**tlval ® - One Day at a Tima 0 0 8:00 P.M., The Armory 0 - Bmrerty Hillblinaa 0 0 - Saaieh For Temonow 0 0 - Varied Ptagrama 0 . Maria (23 - Sports 7 :0 0 A . M . 9 :0 0 A : M . ® - Waltons I 0 - Love Boat 1:00 P.M. ' ThraaSteagaa r 330 Main Street, Manchester (23 - Benny Hill Show ® ® - CBS Morning Nawa CS) - Richard Simmons ® - One Day at a Tims swonMDSo«aEii ® 0-ABM yChildran 3 A 0 P . M . Watetw I ( ® - Varied Programs ® - Great Space Coaster ® - B r a d y Bunch ® - Psopis'a Court 1 1 : 3 0 A M . R E8TA U R A H T ® -T iB t T M Dougli r ®®r)OuM ritUtM 5:30 A.M. ® 99 - Good Morning ® r.jQllllsan'a Island ® - Romper Room ® - All In the Family 4:304 : 3 0 P.M.P.5 I SHOWWATi ...... 0 - 7 0 0 Oub UUaBUB7aMc»lUi ^ Guest ( ® - Morning Stretch America ® (81 - Donahu* I 93 - Varied Programs ® -Fam ily Faud 4aMataana I 0 - M m r i e . ® 0 - W h t t ' a l Join Ub This Fri., or Sat. for 93 - Varied Programs ® - Jimmy Swaggert ' ® -straight Talk 93 - ESPN Sporta Carter 0 - Balltr Hamaa & Oardana B -W h a t'a HappanInJ 0 O - bays af Our Uvae^ Soloists (23 - Monayllna 93 - Joels and the Puetyeate 93 - Flipper 9 9 -Sonya 0 - Hoy Mtend A vtriaiy pn>- ®-MarvOrmin CNMHOIS gram from Mexico with (jull- 93 - ESPN Sports Canter 93 - Varied Programs 0 - Beverly Hlllbllllaa 0 L Inatruetional Ptagrama ' • Kiv n i ■apannara- 0-rbeedTlmaa J (23 - Laurel Si Hardy larmo Ochoa. hima TmtimrdaiU w n H ^ 99 - No Programs ® - Calabration/Euohariat ( 2 - News 0 - Munda^laUna A Romantic Dinner — — SHOWMATi— — Peter Hervey, Tenor 5:45 A.M. 0 -B a w t e h a d feiir Hm»$ ^ 9 - Buga Bunny (23 - Nawa/Sportt/Wsathar 0 - Inatruetional Programs O - Mateua WaWy, M. 0. 0-PotfcyP a , . ii!r,!NiiW.-;>^>;./- II • J, REFRESHMENTS by tlw RHz m C o. ® - Hot Fudge 0 0 - V M a d Progiamai ® -Soooby Dbo tVMi. ik.Jar|$';Oiid r iiaitda 9 3 - Daybreek \ 9 :3 0 ® - A l i c e \ 0 .U S A M o v t o WItlE by tho^ltaiiolMolor Symphony ® - love Boat >■’.'» - ' ' j ; ® 0 - bd * U«a lit liva - ' ' ‘•aia 'iibMir •■;>:.}> ?*■' Dins and Danoo with Dom AposiMteo ( S I - JUn^Bakke):. 8 KX)A.M. ® - B r a d y 0 - Andy Orifflth IB M d M d m i - , ^'OrehM tra on 0rOomarPyla ^ - ■ u r a B y a IBBa Aiatm . 0 -.P fd B »M " “ Vai1adea - otthBPtenoAOriwiFr.ASdtiilShl. c ® - All Day Movlaa 93 - Tom a. Jerry ® - M y 0 - T a k a 2 - 0 ( 0 - Wheat of Foctuns l-OddOoupla .OyarBaby' -0-OddOoupla N 'i ® - Health FM d 99 - AIhrs l i WsUI ® - T . 0 - Nawaaantar o Well Be Open Mether^ Boy— lloBonr# npwf - Und*rdog ' 93' 0 - Andy Orifflth -T h a Doolora ’ ^ 9 - Oeianatlen Obaat 4:00P.M. 1 6 : 3 0 A . M . ®-La«amaaiflMtlavHot Fudge i-ILpvsLuey ® - John DavMaon Show Maaaanhiiaafta Eduos- ® D - Medkwl Center MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 1, 1982 - 15

I I - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 1, 1982 Conard girls 7 WinnI* WinkI* — Henry Raduta and J.K.S. Cheney Tech 7 C^ ard 9 Bolton High 5 Manchester MHS girls 1 HE LET you I THINK I')IE SEEN ...I S U E S S HE 1 ctxvL-tv o/rt^fUM BILL, VDU SHOULP TOCAy.^ HE WANTS TO Crossword T O ff t h e H 0 5 K THE lA s r c ^ m i REALIZEP HE SPORTS Astro-graph HAVE ME WHEN i MENTIONEP WAS SEE ME TDMORROWAT ... JU S T LIKTE .THREE... AT THEFAMIL/ TOOPCf/ 1 Tf/Arr you WERE ONE OF HtSHeAP* ZAFER... MET TWf WRISHTS OF ESTATE.' (RA '(6«pl. 23-Ocl. 23) JA0AR FORWHCH, ' May 2.1982 misHTenreK- C h a h g ^ w ill occur today which PRtSES 44 Ship's trtch Anewar to Pravioua Punla This coming year your sbcial will w^tTto your ultimate bene­ !i ACROSS activities — and contacts 46 HaSdcotd fit once all their facets are T _UC3UUUHUUL.’ made through them — could revealed. A glimmer of what 1 Chiiice 49 Swslling m take on a greater significance will ensue may shine through S Lacirata 53 SodHivlaw of than in the past Your new pals now. 9 Modut Mohainmsd Will be able to offer opportuni' SC O R P IO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) 12 Biblicil 64 Msflibsr of Tech in win column lies in other areas Partnership situations shoud chirictar ftudal union TAURUS (April 20-May 20) work out rather well for you 13 Hidtoui giant 56 Canal ayatam pitched well in defeat. He fanned 13 Gheney Teqh (7 ) - Eaton 3b, 4- □ □ □ □ □ □ Two runs in the top of the sixth in­ slammed a tfijlle to center in the This IS a good day to discuss today, even though there's a 14 Ovtr and in northam □ H D D Q D and issued four free passes. 0- 2-2, Beley 2b, 4-2-2-0, Sullivan rf, 1- your personal aims with ii|di- sixth and scored on a Tom Eaton possibility someone other than abova Michigan vn ning providetl some breathing room Nowak had three hits and -Eaton 1- 0-0, Mitchell rf, 2-1-1-0, Frigo rf, 0- viduals you know socially who yourself will be calling the 15 Iniurgant 57 Chrianania RBI single. He later scored on a as Gheney Tech broke into the win 0-0-0, Nowak if, 4-1-3-2, Walling ss, 4- may be in a position to help shots. 17 Hom^ 66 Throw off Paul Nowak RBI single to move the''^d_B rian Beley two apiece in ^a ID you. They should be receptive column with a 7-5 decision over SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. Motley’s Crew — Templeton & Forman animal 59 Dacade Cheney lead to 7-4. ^ .Ift Cheney attack. Cusano collected 0- 1-2, Elliot cf, l-l-O-O, Schulz cf, 4-0- Find out more of what lies 21) Major achievements are Bolton High in COG baseball action ahead for you in each of the 18 Kilmer poem 60 Sinaw QCliQDID Bolton had closed matters in the three of Bolton’s eight hits off 1- 0, Gothberg lb, 4-0-1-0, Kaminski likely today because, once you □ n o r i D yesterday in Bolton. seasons following your birth­ 19 Mimic 61 Road home fifth on a Bob Cusano RBI Kaminski. p, 3-1-1-0, Boisvert c, O-O-OH), Barone undertake to do something, 21 Catchaa The win lifts the Techmen to 1-3 in day by sending fo<; your copy of you're not apt to settle for sec­ 16 Diiaaan 35 Jawed “ Our hitting has come alive. We dh, 4-0-1-2. Totals: 32-7-11-G. HERE»LET 23 Give allant DOWN double and Jeff Peterson RBI Astro-Graph. Mail'S! lor each ond best. Good for you! HB/ZtOU OUYS CAHT HE ALSO carrying fly the GOG and 1-4 overall while the aaaant 40 Short period single. That made it 5-4. had 12 the other day and 11 this to Astro-Graph. yBo x 489, C A P RIC O RN (Doc. 22-Jon. 19) MANS EARL JUdT R 0R 60T AOr HIT THE 20 Belfry Bulldogs are winless in five con­ Radio City Station/N Y 10019 24 Former nuclear 1 Aftermoat 43 Plant diiaaM Nowak had an RBI double in the time. The defense also played well,” Should you feel you have to SEOUSe HE MADE TO HORSE.' 22 Balconiea ference starts. Bolton (.5) — Harpin ss, 41-1-0, Be sure to specify birth date assert your authority today, agency (abbr.) 2 Over (Gar.) 45 Auto failure Busick cited. THE EEBR. 24 Quaationa Bolton is at Rocky Hill Tuesday first, Eaton an RBI single and Dan GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Your don't hesitate to do so. Those AN ERROR THAT , 27 Lata great 3 Yield 46 Dramatii Busick saw the fourth inning, in Maneggia 3b, 3-0-0-0, Cusano 2b, 4-3- efforts on behalf of others COST U& t h e 6 A M E ' 7/ Yugoalav 4 Motion 25 Smallaword Barone a two-run single in the third with whom you're involved will ptraonaa afternoon while Tech is home which Bolton scored only once, also 3-1, Morianos p, 3-1-1-0, Peterson lb, today will be noted and diily appreciate your steadying 29 Prudent picture light 26 State of for earlier Cheney markers. Errors yi 47 Lily ganut against Bacon Academy. Both have 3-0-1-1, Finkelstein rf/cf, 3-0-1-1, applauded, even though your influence. 7/ 32 Wife 5 You (Fr.) knowing produced a fifth Tech marker in the crucial. The Bulldogs had the bases reason for helping won't be to 28 Ancient port 46 Scramble 3:15 starts. Owen if, 4-0-0-0, Russell c, 3-0-0-0, A Q U A RIU S (Joh. 20-Pob. 19) If 34 Haidana 8 Salfiih /ourth. loaded and no out but pushed across win acclaim there are some changes 36 Bowler individual of Roma 60 Jana Austen only one marker, that on a wild Kissell cf, 2-0-0-0, Hipsky ph, 10-1-0. C A N C ER (June 21-July 22) 30 Twiit to one “ It was a good effort and both Back-to-back doubles by Chris around the house you've been 37 Foot bone 7 Cuckoopoint tide pitch. Kaminski fanned three Totals: 30-5-8-3. You have the ability today to contemplating which you feel 8 Vamiah aide teams played well," cited Tech Morianos and Jordy Finkelstein, the sway groups to your way of 38 Tranamittad 51 Capital will benefit your family, this is a 39 Spanker 9 Moataolid 31 Being (Lat) Goach Rich Busick, "W e definitely latter a transfer from Texas, straight to escape further danger. thinking, especially if it involves good day to implement them. 33 The moat 62 Poker stake “ After he struck out the three a proieci or venture about 4t Golfing aid 10 Small wood! needed the win,” he added, con­ produced a run in the Bolton second, Key: at bats-hits-runs-RBIs. P IS C E S (Feb. 20-Merch 20) 42 Ratantmant 11 Oxen hameu (prefix) 55 Bovine iound batters it seemed were psyched up. which you're truly enthusiastic. You will be more effective tinuing that probably was the case , Kaminski fanned eight and walked Cheney Tech 112 10? 0 7 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Give pri­ today dealing on a one-to-one for Bolton as well.” three in moving his record to 1-2. We could sense victory," Busick ority today to matters impor­ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bolton 010 120 1 5 basiis than you will be in coping Winning pitcher Tom Kaminski Morianos absorbed the loss but spoke. tant to you careerwise or finan­ with groups or cliques. Keep cially Readjust your agenda to your contacts as intimate as World’s Greatest Superheroes 12 13 14 meet 'these needs first. possible. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ARIES (March 21-April ‘ 19) IS 16 17 Faith in yourself and a positive Rather than dilly-dally the IN ABOUT —POMTCAIL M£CH/eF, attitude will work wonders lor IF CO/fllNa IN DREsSeP LIKE -,9iSH!t TWOSeCONPS, hours away today, find produc­ I'/fl e o m z>ASK>cu io b xplain you BLASTBIX 0UV01V you today. Your possibilities for THIS 16 )DUR WAY OF TRYING TO 6ET^ 18 19 20 tive ways to utilize your time. THAT SET-UP TO AE, BUT BEFORE success are excellent provided Situations where you heip oth­ A KAI8£-FMB£T/r/, '■ Lbcal flavor of Noll of Fame dinner you believe in what you're )OU VO, I'P LIKE TD RE41INP>OU ers could be mutually profita­ 21 22 23 doing ble. OfOttETHim- No less than five men from Manchester both clubs. 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Moriarty had been, in addition to spon­ Memories revived ■ will be among the inductees in the first an­ soring the most successful team in Hartford Recent death of Wally Parciak, co-owner of 32 33 34 36 nual Greater Hartford Twilight Leagues - Hartford, Manchester, East Hartford - Hall Twi League history, a financial angel for the Willie's Steak House, stirred up memories of league with many gifts which enabled the the time when he was one of a dozen North 36 37 of Fame dinner Su^ay night at Valle’s in league to make both ends meet. End youngsters who banded together and Hartford. v Gene Johnson, the man Moriarty gave the Bridge 38 39 40 Three of the selectees fall into the category formed a basketball team at the Community . ■ of players, Pete Naktenis, who made it all the reins to in running the Gas House Gang 20 Y and took the name of the Tigers. 42 43 44 45 way to the major leagues as a pitcher with years ago in the Twi loop, and won more The youngsters ruled the roost in several Cincinnati and Philadelphia, and Mickey categories, in junior, intermediate and senior 49 SO 61 62 Problem play details 48 47 48 Herald photo by Pinto Katkaveck and Tommy Sipples. The latter play and later developed into a solid town Levy’s Law — James Schumeister two are deceased. tournament contender with Parciak playing a S3 64 66 SUE DONNELLY BREAKS TAPE Katkaveck just missed by one leg of going leading role. ers would have bid five dia­ Herald Playing under the banner of W illie’s in the monds on the theory that ... one of three wins she scored up the ladder all the way from Class D to the MUST BECOME THOU6HTHEBEABEA, 56 67 68 Rec League, Parciak once won the coveted artner will have more than ONE- MORE- rn iN 6 - IF )pt,EOFAUPERMENl major leagues as a catcher in the St.Louis VliA&HINeiON IS TD B^IEVF^ BEPBB66IVE. 6U5PENP Angle most valuable player award at season's end. Eis actual trash. SOME UBERTlES HERE WOUUPhfT MIND TD6SIN6 61 Cardinal organization. The fine catcher got NORTH 5-1-82 Anyway, you pass four MV DUERBIULA FORCES ARE- 59 60 After hanging up his basketball sneakers, BEAU yOUVL HAVE TO ______, AND 1PERE. INTO OAIU. 1 as high as Triple A with Columbus in the 4QJ52 spades and open the king of , Earl Yost, Parciak took up golf and was a familiar VKQ86 American Association before his talents diamonds Dummy's ace (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Sports Editor figure each season until losing the battle of ♦ A6 takes the trick and the queen PERFECT.' dropped and he took up managing in the Car­ AQ42 COUUPN'r Sue Donnelly life against big odds. of spades is led to your ace. EO THAT' AUIWOBITARJAN dinal chain. WEST EAST Now. in order for the prob­ yET NOT TOWU-Y Sipples is considered in many quarters the Condolences are extended to his family. 4A *B3 lem to develop, you must BARBARIC. finest baseball player Manchester ever VJ52 shift to your 10 of clubs. V A 10 9 turned out. A pitcher of note, he was also an Notes off the cuff ♦ KQtllU ♦ J105 Dummy's queen is covered titles than any entry in tlie 53-year history of ♦ lOS AKJ9S7 by East's king which holds excellent hitter and first baseman for many the Hartford circuit, will get a special award Pete Phelon is a member of the varsity golf the trick. The jack is led and nets 'triple’ years with top teams in the area. squad at Wesleyan this spring...Dave SOUTH declarer takes his ace. as Player-Coach of the decade. Four batting 4KI0I784 CELEBRITY CIPHER Jeff Koelsch will gain admittance to the Kissman, former Manchester resident, V743 Declarer leads the king of CeleMty CIptMr oryptogrtm o rM M from quotatlorw by tenoui pMpla, paM select group in the manager’s category while crowns were among his individual ac­ spades. If you are used to vtdpraNTitEaotiMtarlnthaolpharMandiforanothar. Todsy’te iu K F s q u a lU J. recently won the 1982 Maine State Class B ♦ 2 ~ Led by the triple scored by senior Felletor (Ml 12:32.0. Matt M oriarty Sr. was selected for his role in complishments. problems you should realize 100: 1 Donnelly (Ml. 2. Lunde (PI. 3. Con­ wrestling championship in the 132-pound divi­ 4A63 sponsoring baseball teams for 40 years. Jack Repass, who conceived the idea for a thathat you must chuck your Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence Sue Donnelly, Manchester High nors (P) :13.3. sion. Kissman wrestled in Manchester before ...... aZ krsn..4.. 4kn4 4^ w Koelsch managed Hamilton Standard Hall of Fame and former newsman and Vulnerable: Both ace of hearts and hope that girls’ track team split a pair of 300 hurdles; 1 Pomerleau (P). 2. Fink (Pi. the family moved to Wells, Maine three years your partner will hold three college sports publicist, notes tickets will be Dealer: West TRAN&M155IOW meets yesterday, downing Enfield 3, Derrane (PI ;49.9, teams for years and then switched to Moriar- to the jack. Otherwise, South DEACTIVATE! ••T'WL ELLR IBRCMUTRMCLY EX Long jump: 1. Pomerleau (Pi. 2. Prince (Pl. available at the door. Dinner will be at 6. ago...Have a nice weekend. West North Eoft South TERMINATED, 6IR. High, 76-41, and bowing to Penney ty’s, enjoying championship seasons with wilf'be able to lead twice to 3 Prince (Pl 15’ 5V%”. 14 Dbl 24 44 dummy's hearts and your High, 78-49, at Pete Wigren Track in Pass Pass Pass 400 relay; 1. Penney :84.9. partner will never get in to OerL competition. 1.600 relay; 1. Penney 4:47. score a club trick. CAL DLYFICTWL DTQLR BH The split leaves the Silk Towners High Jump: 1. Mullaney (Ml. 2, Prince (Pl.P), ...... Opening lead: 4K For the record, South 1-4 overall for the season. Next start 3, Willlamee (Ml 4’10". could have made the hand. It is Tuesday against Fermi High in Shot put: 1. Klar (Pl, 2. Elliot (Ml. 3 would require an almost CLJLWTDTBR. T’O ABBZLY BR UX Browne (P l 30’7” . absurd line of play. He Enfield at 3:30. . Discus: 1. Prior (Ml. 2. Campion 3 should ruff a diamond at Donnelly swept ihe 200- and 400- Browne (P) 109’8Wi” (school record). Teases on balls ruin Indians trick two and lead a heart to m eter dashes and also claimed the Javelin: 1. Pomerleau (Pl, 2. Klar (P). 3. By Oswald Jacoby Elliot (M» I05’ir'. dummy. West would duck 100-meter dash. Junior Sandy Prior and Alan Sontag and then a spade would be KBE.” —• XTJJ UBXLOD Bob Piccin and Glenn Chetelat Conard (9 ) — Hungerford 2b, 5-0- set a school record in the discus with Bases on balls will do it to you walks,” cited Manchester Coach led. West would win and lead singled home the Manchester runs 1-1, Stenberg rf, 3-2-2-1, Cormier 3b, This type of play from that 10 of clubs. South would a toss of 109-feet, 8Vi-inches. every time., Don Race. in the fifth. 4- 2-2-0, Sargant c, 3-1-2-2, Maulan "More Killing Defense at win the second club and lead Maureen Lacey took the 3,000- Soccer Club So was the case Friday afternoon Manchester had a 6-3 lead after Bridge” is usually presented PREVIOUS SOLLITION:''Th«re Is no dirtier or deadlier bullet Glenn Chetelat had two hits and dh, 4-0-1-1, Keenan lb, 3-1-1-0, M iller another heart so that West meter run and second placement in in West Hartford. two frames. It scored two unearned as a problem in play since it would have no way to make than the Illegal drug capsula.'' — Qeorge Bush two RBI and is 5-for-7 on the varsity lb, O-O-O-O, Labrie cf, 4-0-1-1, Martin Alley Oop — Dave Graue the 1,500 while Meg Harvey did well Four free passes forced home the runs in the first stanza and added never seems to occur at the that ace of hearts discard four second-inning markers. Doug level to date. That is one bright spot, if, 3-1-1-0, Knight ss, 3-2-0-0, Adam­ table. Thus, most West play­ (NEWSPAPEH ENTERPRISE ASSN) in the 800 and 1,500 for the Indians. winning run with two outs in the bot­ nLtes games Whitaker and good-lucking son p, O-O-O-O, Stone p, O-O-O-O, Wendy Burgess in the hurdle events, tom of the seventh inning as Conard Race noted. T U N K 'S ...THAJ'LL LET 'EM IF YfeKINNY UP THIS TREE,. sophomore Glenn Chetelat each had Totals: 32-9-11-8. SIDNEY.' BOTBA! Barbara Elliot in the shot put and High edged Manchester High-, 9-8, in Whitaker, fourth Indian hurler, Priscilla’* Pop - Ed Sullivan OVER HERE! 6UILDIN' ROLLTH' BIGGEST YCAN SEE FOR VtXJR- an R BI blow in the second with a Joe Manchester (8) — Labrec rf, 5-1- S O M E BOUkPEB rEVER SELF. YER HIGHNESS/ discus, Liz Campion in the discus Two road tests are scheduled for CCIL baseball action. took the loss to fall to 0-2. He gave Chetelat two-run single capping the 1-0, Whitaker 3b/p, 4-2-2-1, Piccin C, KINDAt SAW RIGHT Kit ‘n’ Carlyle — Larry Wright and Margaret Busky in the 800 also the Manchester Soccer Club this Each side had 11 hits but Indian up no hits but walked the four in the CONTRAPTION.. DOWN INTO/ inning. 5- 1-2-1, G. C h etelat if, 3-2-2-2, ^ THERE’O A LEOeON WHEN I WA“5 IN fc/tAV-ki / YCAJ perform^ well for Manchester. weekend. " pitching issued 10 bases on balls to seventh inning. He fanned three. — * SURE? Conard scored single runs in the Sumislaski ss, 3-0-0-0, J. Chetelat cf, HERE eOMEWHERE, EueiNE9e,r(7 u d o k Today at 3 the locals face the Chieftain batters. The final four Brian Stone in relief took the win for IN THE MIRROR AM P Results: third and fourth frames and after a 3-0-1-2, Petersen 3b, 4-0-0-0, Fogarty “SWEETHEART.' Norwalk Italians in Norwalk in a came in the decisive seventh inning Conard. He worked 5 2/3-innings in 5AV, ''TOPAV YOU'P MHS vs. Penney only „ „ „ 2b, 4-0-1-0, Peck p, 2-1-2-0, Cullen p, State Intermediate Division Cup with a walk to Scott LaBrie forcing two-run Indian fifth, deadlocked BETTER LOWER THE C/WHON'- The Feline-fieneral has too hurdles: 1. Pomerleau (P), 2. Donnelly which he yielded four runs on eight O-O-O-O, Bilodeau lb, 1-0-04). Totals: (M), 3. Burgess (Ml :16.9. semifinal match. Winner plays home the winng run for the 4-2 matters with a three-run fifth inning BOOM .'" , Jisteminej csbytip mk:e can hits. He walked one and fanned one. 35-8-11-6. 200: 1. Donnelly (M), 2. Browne (P), 3. Jones Stamford in June for the title. of its own. Chieftains. Key: at bats-hits-runs-RBIs. vnate 3 kiiten (eel so ^ood.lyc ajill (M) '28 2 ** Sunday, MSC meets the Wallingford Manchester slides to 1-5 in the 400; 1. Donnelly (M). 2. Fink (P). 3. Rose Conard 121 130 1 9 Portuguese at the Irish-American league, 1-8 overall, with the setback. n e jie o t $och i-espoywibili+ies Manchester 240 020 0 8 CaL'tAR, •napp'iYiA e yu I itatyry{>M 800; 1. Donavan (P), 2. Noel (P), 3. Busky Home field in Glastonbury. "(Starting pitcher Paul) Peck Eaglettes snap tie (M> 2:53.9. , , Manchester 6oai{l\a 7-0-1 record didn’t walk anybody but the problem (OFYliLOhS . 1.500: 1. Chartler (P).,2. Lacey S^L. T H E T i t a n i c ; tie and went on to score a 3-2 groundnut produced the Eaglettes’ N o rth w e s t triumph over Rockville High yester­ second run. Calholir, 2 t h e HiNDENBEr .G, A N b 7 \ • <’.4v i'f day in Rockville. Mary Wrobleski was the winning Simsbury at ManchesterManchester, 10 a. t h e U .$ . PO^TAC JEPVICB. The win leaves the Eaglettes 3-0 pitcher for East. She scattered five for the season. hits, walked two and fanned none in East’s next outing is Monday at moving her record to 2-0. Only one Southeastern LCdnn at MCC. Robertson Park against Aquinas Rockville tally was earned. noon Ct«n»yole vault; 1. Frasinelll (S). 2. Vaiculls (S) Weibring, Dan Halldorson and together and he has made it halfway . Rich Gedtnan and Dave Stapleton fourth save, St. Louis (Rincon M ) at Cincinnati Wshngt ss 3 1 12 Aase. Caj 1 1 21.0 12 10 17 0 86 yesterday at MCC courts. season with their next action (5ioto 0-2), 1:15 p.m. ToUls 33 4 6 3 ToUls 31 7 9 7 9‘6". to that goal. each had three hits to lead the Red Montreal (Lea 1-0) at^Los Angeles zahnzn Cal 4 0 42.2 31 7 13 1.06 Jane Murano, Lisa Longo and Tuesday against South Catholic at 5,000: 1 Rowe (EC), 2. Martorelll (S). 3. Vance Heafner. Milwaukee 000010 000—4 Burns. Chi 2 1 28.2 17 11 13 126 “I have not had a tournament •Sox’ attack as every player but (Rcuss 2-1), 4:C5 p.m. Bv United Press International Stephanie Greenwald captured St. Joseph at 3; 15. (filbert (S) 16:40. First round co-leader Curtis New York (^ c h ry 1-0) at San Minnesota 3l0 000 30x—7 Caudill. Sea 3 0 20.0 13 7 19 1,35. \,PGA Birmingham Classic no hurdles: 1. (^rr (EC), 2. Manner (S), 3. Wet derby where I shot four good rounds,” said ..Dwight Evans had at least one hit. Francisco (Hammaker OM), 4:(B p.m. E>-Hrbek2, Wynegar. DP—Milwaukee 1. Hoyt, Chi 4 0 20.0 19 6 6 1.35 Al Birmingham. Ala . April 30 singles matches for the 1-1 There were a bevy of double Strange, who had shared the top spot Astros 4-3 MinnesoU 1. LOB-Milwaukec 3. Clear. Bos Ti/iani (S) :15.6. Archer, 41. “I’m tired of my friends .The Red Sox also benefitted from Houston (Ryan AA) at Pittsburgh 1 1 162 16 7 17 1.62 .(Par 72) Eaelettes. ^ winners for East with sophomore with Archer, was among a group at MinnesoU 1. 2B-Johnson, Castino. Stanton, Sc>n 0 0 15.1 11 7 7 1 76 Both Daniel 31-33-64 100: 1 Frasinelll (S). 2. Racicot (EC), 3. three errors and helped Torrez out ^(Candelaria 0-1). 7*6 p.m. Hrbek. 3B-Hrbek. H R -G aelti (5). Results: Murano (EC) def. Flynn Doug Post taking the long jump and 137, as was the defending U.S. Open asking me why I had that 79 to spoil PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Phil sPiicago (Martz 1A2) at Atlanta (Mahler Witt. Cal 2 0 24.2 21 11 13 1 82 Bonnie Lauer 36-32-« Post (EC) :11.1. of early trouble by turning three Washington (1). SF—Johnson. Rainey. Bos 1 0 19.1 19 7 9 1 86 (’arole Callison 33- 36-69 10-7, Longo (EC) def. Autorino 10-6, 1,500 1. Kittredge (EC), 2. Quinn (S), 3. champion David Graham. (a good tournament. I’d like to put a Gamer celebrated his 33rd birthday j 2-0), 7:i) p ja . / IP H RERBBSO triple jump to lead the way. Greg track seen double plays. Philadelphia U^ristenson 1-2) at San Barker, Clev 3 1 29.0 18 13 23 1 86 Shelley Hamlin 34- 35-60 Greenwald (EC) def. DePhillips 10- Krick (S) 4:16.5. Graham, a member of the Preston Wop to that.” Friday night by hitting a three-run Milwaukee Undrwd, Ok 1 1 27 1 23 10 23 1.96 Patty Sheehan 35- 34-60 Eltringhani raced to victory in the Diego (W«ish>96). 10.66 p.m. Haas (L 1-1) 6 7 6 6 0 4 A.Mnrcn, Cl 2 2 26.2 25 11 10 2 03 400: 1. Eltringham (EC). 2. Woykovsky \ Gilder saved his fine round by , Torrez, 2-1, walked five and struck homer against his ex-teammates Inj Sunday's Games .Innet Alex 36- 34-70 7, Wodjacki (S) def. Morressette 10- 200- and 400-meter dashes while Trails Club, had a bizarre round in Bernard 12-311101 Spillner. Civ 0 I 17.2 15 5 10 2.40 37- 33-70 I EC). 3. Bourdeau (S) :53.0. out two but got stronger as the game St. Louis at Cincinnati. 2 Easterly 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Hosev Barlett. 8; Flynn-Pace (S) def. Harnett- Tony Carr swept the 110- and 300- By United Press International which he birdied four of this first six salvaging a bogey at the par-4 fifth the fourth Inning to lead the Houston L^al, Tor 2 1 29.2 26 6 It 2.12 Sally’ Little 37-44-71 800 1. Hebert (M). 2. Newmann (S). 3. progressed. The Rangers had at New York at San Francisco, 2 MinnesoU Atkins 10-5, Autorino-Zgorski (S) holes, then bogeyed five in a row and hole. He got mixed up in a small Astros to a 4-3 victory over the Montreal at Los Angeles Morris. Dot 4 I 42 0 33 12 17 2 14 Judv Rankin 37-34-71 meter hurdles. Kevin Lemery took Krick (S) 2:06.2. Ercksn (W 3^) 7 1-3 4 4 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE 36«-71 200 1 Eltringham (EC). 2. Frasinelll (S). 3. There’s a chance Saturday’s Run grove of trees, took two to get out ( least one runner on base in each of Pittsburgh Pirates. Houston at Pittsburgh Beth def. Sullivan-G enovese 10-2, the javelin and discus while junior next eagled a hole. With all of that Davis 12-3 2 0 0 Individual batting 36«-71 for the Roses may be lined with .the first six innings and scored in Chicago at Atlanta litched to 2 batters in 7th. Gillespie-Grim (EC) def. Haley- Racicot (h'Cl :23.5. he shot a 1-under 69. that trouble and four to finally*! Don Sutton, 3-1, allowed seven Philadelphia at San Diego Haas player.clb ab r h 2b 3b hr rbi avg Barbara Mizrakie 37-34-71 Steve Kittredge won his speciaity, 3,000: 1. (EC). 2. Fitzgerald (EC). 3. the sixth on an RBI single by John T-2:( . A-23M? Wo<)ds. Chi 45 619 5 0 7 ,422 35<)6-71 Rovella 10-0. mud. Tom Watson shot a 68 to get back on the green. hits, struck out eight and walked one Kathy Postlewait the 1,500-meter run, along with Martorelli (S) 9:36.9. The forecast calls for overnight Grubb, who had just returned from Moreind. Ch 75 9 28 5 I 15 .373 Silvia Bertolacdni 34-37-71 300 hurdles: 1. Carr (EC). 2. Tiziani (S). 3. in the tournament at 139 while Tom But he made a 10-foot putt for in going the distance for the victory. I.andrex. LA 79 18 29 3 1 6 .367 l.vnn Adams 34- 38-72 deadlocking for first place in the the disabled list and had batted CHICAGO ATLANTA Bav. Pitt 66 12 23 4 0 7 .348 Manner (S) :41.l. rain in Louisville, Ky. — followed by Kite made his 47th consecutive cut bogey. Rick Rhoden, who pitched the SEATTLE NEW YORK Alice Rilzman- 37-35-72 high jump where he was filling in for ab r h bi ab r h bl ab r h bi ab r h bi Grilnhr. NY 52 7 18 2 0 6 .346 Sandra Palmer 35- 37-72 Ixing jump: 1. Post (EC), 2. Boudreau (S),3. clearing skies by the time the 108th “I could have had a real disaster twice all year. first seven innings for Pittsburgh, wills 2b 3000 Wshngtn rf 4131 Jones. SD 64 18 22 4 0 10 .344 Tech records an ailing teammate. by firing a 69 for a 141. JCruz 2b 4 12 1 Rndiph 2b 4 12 0 Alison Shcard 35-37-72 Tiziani (S) 6.09 meters. Kentucky Derby gets underway. It there,” said Gilder. ‘"Thaf’s the only suffered his third loss in as many 51andbrg 3b 4 0 10 Hubbrd 2b 4 000 cf 2 1 2 0 Madlock, PU 68 13 23 6 0 10 338 M .1 Smith 35- 37-72 The East 4 X 400-meter relay of “Everything has fallen into 4 0 10 (^b ls lb 3000 Bosley rf 4 110 Mmphry Triple jump; I. Post (EC). 2. Boudreau (S), Bucknr lb 4 0 12 Griffey rf 4 0 0 0 Conepr-n. Cn 69 8 23 4 2 8 333 Elaine Hand 36- 36-72 has rained on I)erby Day just three place,” said Gilder, who has made real problem I’ve been in in two decisions. Durham rf 4 0 3 0 Murphy cf 3010 &>rhte If I.^zcano. SD 72 13 24 6 2 16 ,333 Eltringham, John Woykovsky, Mike 3 Fonlanelli (S) 11.88 meters. Zlsk dh 4 0 2 1 Gamble dh 3 0 0 0 Cindy Lincoln X-34-72 High jump: I tie Kittredge (EC). Fontanelli times in the last 20 years. da^s.” Moreind If 4 0 0 0 Whisntn If 3 0 20 4 12 1 Morgan.SF 48 6 16 0 0 6 .333 Marga Stubblefield 36- 96-72 first victory Hebert and Kittredge ran an the top 60 money list the last four 000 0 Randle pr 0 10 0 Winfield If iSi. 3. (’arr (EC) 5*6” . JChe race, which sports a record Woods cf 4 0 0 0 Butler cf 4 0 0 0 Smalley 3b 4000, Ptt 72 6 23 9 1 16 .319 .Cathy Mant 37- 35-72 4 0 0 0 Pocorob c 3000 Maler lb I. Smith, StL 82 17 26 4 1 13 .317 excellent race to win by six-tenths of 400 relay: I East (C^rr, Racicot, Post. Marlners-6-3 Bowa ss f 4 0 0 0 Revmg lb 3000 Jane Crafler 37-35-72 gross value of $527,600, is scheduled Davis c 2 0 0 0 Royster 3b 3000 Simpson cl Guerrer. LA 75 13 23 3 1 9 .307 a second with a time of 3:35.5. Rods 8-2 (!astillo 3b 3 10 0 Piniella ph 10 11 Marly Dickerson 35- 37-72 I'iUringham) :45.6. to go off at 5:36 p.m. EDT and will Molinar ph 1 0 0 0 Ramirz ss 3000 llrnndz. StL 72 13 22 5 0 15 .306 Kathy Martin X-34-72 Breaking into the win column, 1,600 relay: 1. East (Eltringham. NEW YORK (UPI) - Gaylord Bulling c 4 12 2 Cerone c 4 0 00 Lemery also took second place in Bird p 2 0 0 0 Bedrosin p 2000 2 00 0 OSm ith. SIL 72 922 3 0 7 .306 Barbara Barrow 36- 36-72 Cheney Tech tennis team turned Woykovsky. Hebert, Kittredge) 3:35.5.. be televised nationally on ABC. ’The CINCINNATI (UPI) - Frank 1000 TCniz ss 4----- 110 Dent ss . . « ft« the shot put for East while Jim Lowest round ever Perry pulled within one victory of ------. , Briegs ph 10 0 0 Linares ph Murcer ph 1000 Chmblss. All 69 7 21 6 0 8 .304 Pat Bradley 37- 35-72 0000 back Vinal Tech, 4-1, yesterday in Shot pul; 1. Meyer (EC). 2. Lemery (EO^ 3. winner will earn $422,600. career victory 300 Friday night by Pastore scattered nine hite andalM Smith p 0 0 0 0 Garber p Milbom ss 00 0 0 Wills. Chi 79 14 24 4 2 6 .304 Jeanette Kerr 37-35—72 Meyer won the shot and took second Prouly (S) 13,97 meters. Morals ph 1000 1 000 HussoU. LA 56 8 17 4 0 I 6 .304 Belly King 37-36-73 Middletown. Wayne Lukas, whose early third- 29 1 6 1 Collins ph placement in the discus. Discus: 1. Lemery (EC). 2. Meyer (K ), 3. tossing a seven-hitter over 8 2-3 in- sparkled on offense w to wo Totals 34 0 5 0 Totals 35 6 9 6 ToUls 33 37 2 Backmn. NY 43 4 13 2 2 I 5 .302 Cindy Hill 34- 39-73 The victory jifts the Beavers to 1-3 choice Muttering has never run on a Chirai 000 000000-0 Totals Stearns, NY 63 618 5 0 ; 5 .302 Hebert took the 800, Ron Adams Prouly (S) 33.36 meters. nings and Bruce Bochte singled In and two runs scored Friday night to Sent tie 100 000 082-6 Di’bbie Austin 36-37-73 for the season while Vinal slips to 1- wet track, seemed concerned Allan) OOOOOlOOx-1 200000001-3 Knight. Hou 83 10 25 6 0 : 11 .XI Chris .Johnson X-35-73 M Now York the 3,000 and John Rowe the 5,000 .lavelin: 1, Lemery (EC). 2. Zamsky (S), 3. for leader Daniel two runs in the eighth inning to lift pace toe to an ^2 E—Chambliss, Hubbard. LOB—Chicago Wilson. NY 84 12 25 3 2 ! 11 .298 36- 37-^73 ...... T. Cruz. LOB-Seattle 3. Nancy Maunder 4. Crouse (S) 46,77 meters. Friday. 9. Atlanta 5. 2B—Durham, Buckner. H lf- F/—Bulling. Bose. Phil 71 6 21 2 2 ) 5 .296 meter runs for the Eagles. Dave toe Seattle Mariners to a 6-3 deci- victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. New York 6. 2B-Zisk. Bulling. Winfield .loan Joyce 37- 36-73 Lou Governale and Ray Brookes “I want to run on a fast track if I Washlngton (2). SB-W llls, Whisenton. Leonard. SF 61 7 18 2 0 ! 14 .296 Brenda Goldsmith 3 5 ^ 7 3 Sion over the New York Yankees. Pastore, who boosted his recort to SB-BoSley. Mumphrey. J. Cruz S- Individual pitching took singles matches for Cheney. can, said Lukas. “He’s never run on ’’Actually, I hit 18 greens in Mniinaro. Mumphrey. K Doherty Rinker 35- 38-73 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) - Perry, bidding for his 299th vie- 3-1, opened toe third and sixth in- IP H RERBBSO IP H RERBBSO pitcher, clb w I h bb so era l.eAnn Cassaday 37-36-73 Results: Governale (CT) def. mud. If it’s muddy we go over (to fired a sizzling 8-under- regulation,” she said. “I tried to Chicago Lynch, NY 0 0 it 0 11 4 5 106 Kathy Young 36- 37-73 ,tory for toe second time this year, nings with hits to help toe Reds Bird (L U) 6 6 11)3 Seattle Snndrsn, Mtl 2 1 22.0 13 5 13 1.23 •Camp 6-0, 6-1; Brookes (CT) def. Cougar women divide the track) guessing." take advantage of playing good. I Perry (W 2^) Mindy Moore 37- 36-73 par 64 Friday, matching the lowest allowed two first-inning runs topn break the game open, Smith 2 0 0 0 0 1 Rogers. Mil 3 1 35 0 28 8 25 1.54 Roberta Speer ‘ 34-39-73 Culver 6-0, 6-0; Etheridge (V) def. Some Derby trainers appeared un­ just did the besLI could. ’There were Caudill (S 3) Garber. AM 3 13 156 round ever carded on the women’s gave up only four hits into toe ninth In toe third, Pastore Atlanta, New .York 2 1 17.1 13 Terri MtKidy 37-36-73 Kiernan 6-4, 6-7, 6-4; Wright-Mazzeo concerned about the chance of mud tour and giving her a 4-stroke lead at a few putts that I didn’t make, so it :before Bill Caudill was summoned to third on a double by Eddie Milner Bedrosian (W 2-0) 7 4 0 0 1 3 Alexander Reed, Phil 0 0 170 14 5 12 1.59 Penny Pulz 35- 38-73 f l (CT) def. Netsch-Alprric 6-0, 6-0; and several said the track’s reputa­ wasn’t a matter of getting Garber (S 4) 2 1 0 0 0 1 Gossage (L 0-2) LA 2 1 X.2 28 7 13 1.96 Vicki Tabor 3636-74 the end of the first round of the to get toe final out. When Perry left and scored on a wild pitch by s t a ^ r HBR-by Bedrosian (Wills). T-2;00 A T-2:32. A-20.121. Chrstnsn. P 1 2 X.O 21 7 19 2.10 Alexandra Reinhardt 36- 38-74 Gough-Martin (CT) def. Milardo- twinbill with Tunxis tion for drying out quickly if the sun $100,000 Birmingham Classic. everything.” toe field he received a standing ova- and loser Joaquin Andujar, 2-2. Ron -19,757. Pa.slore. Cin 2 1 29.0 22 8 14 2.17 Janet Coles 37- 37-74 Valenziii. LA 2 2 29.0 21 10 22 2.17 Jo Ann Washam 33-41-74 Smith 6-0, 6-0. appears made it possible the 20horse Daniel, who won the Bent ’Tree Daniel was 1979 Rookie ^ the tion from the crowd of 20,121. Oester then singled in Milner. Mahler. AM 2 0 32.1 24 7 21 2.23 38- 36-74 OAKLAND CLEVELAND Jan Ferraris Swinging into a skein of four con­ Downham had three hits and three field will see a fast track. Ladies Classic and the Sun City Year and wentoninJjeP-stlphomore TCaudiil threw 'on pitch to pinch Adujar. Stl 2 1 32 0 25 2 21 2.25 Barbara Moxness 37- 37-74 ab r h bl ab r h bi 38- 36-74 secutive doubleheaders, Manchester RBI and was the winning pitcher, “If it rains for one week it will season to bepelHePlayer of U)e Hendrsn II 4 Z 1 0 Dilone 1( 3 0 2 0 Dianne Dailey Classic earlier this year, collected . hitter Dave Collins, who Hied out to Sue Erll 36- 38-74 Community Colfege women’s soft­ evening her mark at 3-3. still be a better track than most,” birdies on the third, fourth, sixth, Year, breakifSg an LPGA record I ST LOUIS CINCINNATI Murphy cf 3 12 3 Harrah 3b 4 0 10 35-36-74 Bennet team center to end toe game. Meyer dh 4 0 10 Hargrv lb 4 0 0 0 Therese Hession ball team split a Minbill yesterday said Dewey Smith, who trains early eighth and ninth |ioles qn the front earningtSJ^.OOO. ab r h bi ab r h bl Beverly Klass 38-36-74 Tonni Shea went to 0-3 as she ab- Perry walked two and struck out LSmIth If 4 0 0 0 Milner rf 5 1 1 0 A m as rf 4 1 1 0 Thornln dh 4 0 0 0 Lenore Muraoka 38- 36-74 against TunxiaJJommunity College, 5-2 favorite El Baba. nine for a 5-under 31. She then Herr 2b 4 0 10 Oester 2b 5132 HPnrer lb 5 110 Hayes rl 3 0 0 0 ixiri Garbaez X-37-74 . sorbed the mound loss in th^ night­ "two and his next start is scheduled A’s 8-0 (Iro.w 3b 5 12 1 Hasscy c 3 0 0 0 taking a 12-11 eight-inning duke in cap. Ramsay, Lisa Schwartz, carded three birdies on the back for for Thursday at toe Kingdome in Hmndz lb 5 0 0 0 Conepen ss 4 110 Patti Rizzo X-35-74 deadlocks foe CLEVELAND (UPI) - Jeff New­ Porter c 2 0 0 0 Bencn Sb 3000 Lopes 2b 4 2 2 0 Mannng cf 2 0 0 0 Virki Singleton 36«-74 the opener and falling in the night­ Boutilier and Shea each had two hits a 33. Seattle against toe Yankees. Sanchez c 10 10 Kmchc 3b 1000 McKay 2b 1 0 0 0 Craig cf 10 0 0 GOLF Jan Stephenson 39- 35-74 Newman c 4 02 4 Perconl 2b 3 000 Y cap, 11-8, at Keeney Field. in the setback. Cromwell High Her score broke the Green Valley The 43-year-old right-hander man drove in four runs and Dwayne lorg rf 4 1 1 0 Cedeno cf 4 12 1 Marlene Hagge X-37~75 Oberkfit 3b 4 12 0 Biittner If 2 120 Stanley ss 4 0 10 Dybznsk ss 2 0 0 0 41-34-75 Bennet tennis team deadlocked Doreen Downham’s RBI single in Country Club course record of 6B LPGA evened his record at 2-2 and boosted Murphy knocked in three more ’ Bando ph. 1 0 0 0 Mardell Williams MCC, 6-7, has a pair of weekend Friday night to back toe three-hit Green cf 4 0 2 1 Vail ph 000 1 Flschlin ss 0 0 0 0 u Sydney Cunningham 38- 37-75 the combined Hall High freshman the eighth inning gave MCC the and ties the LPGA record for best his career mark to 299-240. After Ramsey ss 3 0 10 Hoshidr rf 0000 Lynn Stroney X-37-75 pitching of Rick Langford and lift LaPoint p 0000 Driessn lb 3 110 ToUls 38 8 13 8 ToUls 30 0 3 0 By United Press International girls' and boys’ net squad, 4-4, opening game win. road twinbills. It visits Norwalk for downs Bolton round. dropping his first two starts. Perry Oakland 002011400—8 Connie Chillemi 37- 38—75 There were four lead exchanges a pair Saturday and Housatonic Last year she became the first the Oakland A’s to an 8-0 triumph Landrm ph 1 0 0 0 Trevino c4012 Byron Nelson Classic Karolyn Kertzman 37-38-75 yesterday in West Hartford. Bonnie’ Lauer fired a 4-under 68, beat California 6-4 on April 20, Bair p 0 0 0 0 Pastore p 4 2 2 0 cfeveland • At Dallas, April X Virki Fergon X-38-76^ Ilesults: Malley (H) del. Siwik 8*3, Lammey Community College for a over the Cleveland Indians. E-Dybilnskl. DP-Cleveland 1. LOB- before Denise Boutilier tied the con­ Behind the one-hit pitching of four shots off the pace, and Shelley player to earn $200,000 in two con­ .striking out 13. Andujar p 1000 (Par 70) Susie McAllister (Hi def Dreshe S-7, IJobrow (H) def Bayer 8- doubleheader Sunday. 'The Cougars The A’s got Langford all the runs Braun ph 10 11 Oakland 10, Cleveland 4. 2B-Newman. Lori Huxhold f S - 7 6 test at 11-all with an RBI single in Grace Karen, Cromwell High out­ Hamlin, C:;arole Jo Callison and Pat­ secutive years. Even though Daniel Only 14 pitchers in majorleague Kaat p 0000 HR—Murphy (4). SB-Dilonc. Henderson, 67- 66-132 6. Moffie (H i def. Dumas 8-5, Forstrom- then play two Monday against I^ t- he needed in the third inning. Rickey Btib Gilder Holly Hartley 39- 37-76 Prignano (BI def. Edlestein-Adams 8-3, Siwik- the Cougar seventh. ’Tracy Ramsay distanced Bolton High, 18-5, in COC ty Sheehan, last week’s winner of has been one of the most consistent Littell p 0000 George Archer 66^8-133 Jo Ann Prentice 39- 37-76 ' history have reached the 300-win Gonzalz ss 2000 IP H R EH BB SO 68- 68-lX Lammey (Bi def, Foley-Gold 8-3, Burgess- had three hits and two RBI while tatuck at Keeney Field. players on the women’s tour, this is Henderson hit into a force play, took Bob Shearer Sandra Post 37- 39—76 girls’ softball action yesterday in the Orlando Lady Classic, were at "plateau. Totals 36 2 9 2 Totals 36 8 13 6 Oakland . „ „ , o Vance Heafner 66-76-lX X-39-77 Ungford (W 2.31 9 3 0 0 1 2 Kathy Hite Dumas (Bi def, DeSirnone-Crosby 8-3, Savory- Bolton. 69, 3-under par. her fastest'start ever. Seattle trailed 2-1 entering the second on a balk and scored on St. Louis 010010000-2 Dan Halldorson 68- 66-lX 38- 39-77 Muffman (Hi def SmiUi-Harrison 8-5 Hometown favorite Kathy Daniel said her play in the CPC Murphy’s fourth of the Cincinnati 0(B12300x-6 Cleveland D.A. Weibring 6B-66-IX Alice Miller 38-39-77 Wendy Plosky’s triple was the .eighth when New York Manager E—Ramsey, Drlessen. DP—Cincinnati Denny (L 2.2) 62.3 ^ ^ ? 5 David Graham 68^137 Dale Eggeling 38-39-77 Postlewait, Carolyn- Hill and Janet Women’s Tournament two weeks season. Murphy, who came into toe I. LOB—St. Louis 10, Cincinnati 8. 2B— Sutcliffe 21.3 2 1 14 4 Lon Hinkle 69- 68-137 38-39-77 lone safety for Bolton, 1-3 for the Qene Michael replaced starter WP — Langford. Balk — Denny PB - Collen Walker Eagle girl runners Alex were at 2-under 70. . ago was ’’the low point in my game hitting just .128, singled home Ramsey. Biittner, Milner, Odeno, Pas- Tom Jones 71- 66-137 Peggy Conley 3740-77 season. The Bulldogs received 14 ,'Dpyle Alexander with ace reliever Hassey. T—2:50. A^11,H3. Henderson in toe fifth and Newman lore, Ofester. 3B-Green. SF—Vail. Curtis Strange 66-72-137 Louisie Bruce Parks 3 9 ^ 7 7 bases on balls. Cromwell goes to 3-6 “ It’s the kind of round you always professional career.” But she met -;Goose Gossage. The hard-throwing 68- 69-137 drove in four of Oakland’s next five IP H RERBBSO Bobby Wadkins Laura Hurlbut 3740-77 dream about shooting,” said Daniel. with her hometown pro after last ' St. Louis CALIFORNIA BALTIMORE Phil Hancock TD^IX Martha Hansen 40- 37-77 with the win. righthander had allbwed only one 6 9 « -lX Bolton’s next outing is Tuesday at ’"The hardest thing for me to believe week’s Orlando tournament and l earned run in 6 2-3 innings this year runs. Andujar (L 2-2) 4 8 3 2 0 2 abrhbl Bruce Lielzkc Gail HiraU 38-39-77 The victory snapped a personal Kaat 2-3 1 2 2 2 0 Downing If 4 1 1 0 Bumbry cf 4 0 2 2 Scott Simpson 69- 69-lX Sue Fogleman 40-37-77 set pace in (defeat is that I was 8-under after 13 holes. I worked on her game Monday and Littell 1-321100 m ^ 4 a ft0 ft0 ft0 Dauer „ *?n2b A4 1 13 .4 1 ■ Jack Ferenz 72- 67-lX Klye O'Brien 40-37-77 Rocky Hill at 3:15. “but was reached for four singles and Lynn cf three-game losing streak for LaPoint 2 2 2 2 2 1 Gavin Levenson 71-68-IX 3 8 ^ 7 7 paired in from there. Tuesday. fell to 0-2. Carew lb 4 0 1 1 Slngletn dh 5 0 0 0 Pat Meyers Langford, 2-3, who went toe distance Bair 1 0 0 0 0 0 R ^ c k sn " rf SZlOMulray Ib 3 100 Bruce Fleisher 66- 72-lX Murlc Brecr 40«-78 Each side showed its prowess in 400 relay: 1. Stalford ;52;8. Cincinnati ^ y lo r dh 4 13 2 Lownatn If 2 1 1 0 Forrest Fezler 7t>69-lX Sharon Barrett X-39-78 3(M hurdles: 1. DeSauntis (S). 2. Hempel for toe fourth time in six starts. The Pastore (W 3-1) 9 9 2 2 3 4 GrfchIrU 2b 4 0 2 0 Roenlck If 3 113 Tom Watson 71-68-lX Sylvia Ferdon 40- 38-78 SATURDAY separate events and when Littell pitched to 1 batter in 6th. DeCincs 3b 4 0 0 1 Ford rl 3 1 1 0 Leonard Thompson e9-70-lX Bev Davis-Cooper 3642-78 I EC), 3. Cheman (S) :51.22. 30-year-oId righthander, who com­ 67- 72-lX 11 a.m. Pre-Kentucky Derby everything was over Stafford High 800: 1, Kittredge (EC). 2. Byrne (EC), 3. WP—Andujar, Pastore. PB-Porter. T— Foil ss 4 0 0 0 Sakata ss 3 1 2 0 Morris Hatalsky Patty Hayes 41- 37-78 pleted 18 games last season and 28 in 2:39 A-18,864. 0000 Frank C!onner 69-70-lX 3940-79 had a 71-56 victory over East. Thibodeau (S) 2:31.0. Quebec pin hopes Boone 4 0 0 0 Bonner ss Debbie Raso r a c e a , ESPN f Orioles 9-4 1980, struck out three and walked Ripken 3b 2 10 1 Bob Eastwood 69- 70-lX Becky Pearson 4(W9-79 1 Red Sox Old Timers Came, Cll. Catholic in girls’ track action 200; 1. Gavidet (S), 2. Ingalllnera (EX!). 3. Dempsey i 3212 Blaine McCallister 71W9-1X Beth Slone 3940-79 one but had trouble with Cleveland 71-6^140 yesterday in Stafford. Combs (S) :26.52.' BALTIMORE (UPI) - Gary ToUls 35 4 0 4 Totals 32 _ 9. 11 9 _ John Schroeder Pam Gielzen 4040- 80 30, 38 3,000; 1, Reddy (EC), 2. Cbarest (EC). 3. Jim Dent 71-66-140 leadoff man Miguel Dilone, who had HOUSTON PITTSBURGH California 100201000-4 Nancy Rubin 43-37-80 1 A's V H . IndianA, Ch. 22 The loss drops the Eaglettes to 1-2 E.Evans (EC) 11:12.2. Roenicke slammed a three-run two of toe Indians’ three hits. Baltimore 0OO3IB0OX-9 Mike Donald 71-89-140 Nancy Ledbetter 4041- 81 abrhbl abrhbl Sakata. DP-Calllomia 1, Mark Lve 71-66-140 4140-81 1:30 TenniM: Women^n Tourna­ for the season. 1.600 relay: 1. Stafford 4:20.48. on Stastny trio homer and A1 Bumbry and Rick Puhl rf 3 0 0 0 Moreno cf 4000 B-FoU, Kellv Fulks 70- 76-lC Shot put: 1. Sullivan (EC), 2. Stebner (S), 3. Baltimoreuaiiimure 1. LOB-Califomla 6, tol- Jim Nelford LinJa Hunt 3942-81 ment of Champions, Ch. 3 East took eight of the nine possi­ Dempsey knocked in two runs each Scott cf 4 1 1 0 Ray 2b 4010 Danny Walters 70- 70-140 42- 39-61 Nolen (EC) no distance given. tlmore B. 2B-Downlng. Dempsey. 3 ^ Alice Bauer 3 Red Sox VH. Rangern, Ch. 30, ble point placements in the 800,1,500 Friday night, pacing the Baltimore Knight 3b 4000 Panier rf 4010 Bumbry, Sakata. HR—Baylor (5), Jack Newton 71- 66-140 Amelia Rorer 4240- 82 Long jump: 1. Vaiciulis (S). 2. Haraghey Cruz If 4 0 11 Thmpsn lb 4111 enicke (41. SB-Sakala. S-Sakata, l.ance Ten Broeck 72- 68-140 Sue Bennett 4241- 83 38, WTIC and 3,000 meter runs. Stafford, on By United Press International offensive, at least there was "Orioles to a 9-4 victory over toe Ashby c 4 1 1 0 Madfck 3b 4 110 (S). 3. ^w yer (S) 5.14 meters. Ripken.• High jump; 1. DeSantis (S), 2. Temple (EX7), tenacious defense by goalie Billy Howe lb 3 1 1 0 Easier If 9112 3 : 3 0 Boxing: 10-Round the o'^er hand, swept the 100-meter '’California Angels. Basketball G am er 2b 3 113 Pena c 4020 Featherweight hout, Jackie Beard hurdles and long jump and took the 3. White (EC) 5*2” . The (}uebec Nordlques have three Smith, who stopped 35 ^ots. Roenicke’s three-run shot, his Garcia ss 4 0 00 Berra ss 3000 Javelin: 1. Nolen (EC), 2. Barnes (EC), 3. good reasons for believing they can "Smitty came through for us Sutton p 3 000 BRbnsn (rf: 1000 V H . JoHe Caha, Ch. 8 top tjyo placements In the 100-meter "fourth, off reliever Luis Sanchez in (^m panelli (S) 30.9 meters. come back from a 24) deficit agatet again,” said Bossy. “T^e bottom Rhoden p 2000 3:30 NBA: Bucks vs. 76ers, Ch. 3 dash and 400-meter run. Discus: 1. Campanelli (S), 2. Barnes (EC). “toe sixth, broke an O-for-20 slump Montnz ph 1000 NBA playoffs 4 Mels vs. Giants, Ch. 9, WINF Karen Nolen and Darby Barnes 3. Dakin (EC) no distance given.* % the New York Islanders — Tind line is that we’ve won the first two '’fhat Included 12 strikeouts and gave Tekulve p ' 0000 ToUls 32 4 5 4 ToUls 94373 KEEP THE they’re all spelled S-T-A-S-T-N-Y. games. That’s history now. It starts 4:30 Kentucky Derby, Ch. 8 took 1-2 in the javelin for the ‘••winning pitcher Jim Palmer, £ l, a. Houston 100 90000(^4 5:30 Expos vs. Dodgers, Ch. 30 Eaglettes while Ann Temple and Peter, Marian and Anton Stastny again in Quebec and we expect them “iM lead after six innings. Pittsburgh 000000900—3 The sixth and seventh (picked up in progress) Denise White took 2-3 In the high New field are (Quebec’s leading scorers in the to be tougher there.” Palmer, winning bis first game of B-*"-rcla. DP—Houiton 1. LOB- men may determine toe Stanley Cup playoffs with 15,15 and Vancouver has lost only once at Houston 4, Pittabur^ 5. 2B-Crux, outcome of the NBA’s TOYOTA FEELING., 8 Yankees vs. Mariners, Ch. 11, jump. Linda Reddy took the 3,000, NEW YORK (UPI) - Reggie “toe year against one loss, gave up Spurs 99-97 Madlock.idl( ■ “HR-<*amer ■ Q), Thompson (7), WPOP Felicia Falkowski the 1,500 and 13 points, respectively. And all per­ home during the current playoffs ^ eight bits, including Don Baylor’s Easier (2). S B -S co tt.. Boston-Washington Jackson, a man of many talents, has formed effectively as a unit and that was by a single goal to Los IF H RERBBSO quarterfinal playoff series. Terri Kittredge the 800 for Blast. "third homer of,toe year, while win- SAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) - Houston mTH TOYOTA OUALITY scouts searching for antique cars to Thursday night when Peter netted Angeles. The four goals in Thursday Boston coach Bill Fitch SUNDAY Results: boost his stable of SO vintage '“ning his 249th game Of his career Reserve guard Mike Bratz bit a 15- Sutton (W 9-1) 0 7 3 1 1 8 1 NBA Playoffs, Ch. 3 KM hurdles: 1. Vaidulus (S), 2. Quinn (S), S. his sixth goal of the playoffs, h in t’s loss to Chicago matched the ”airf his 2Sto lifetime against the Pittsburg and Washington (X)ch Gene Locke (S) ;16.11. automobiles. foot baseline Jumper with five Rhoden (L ( 1:45 Red Sox vs. Rangers, Ch. 38, assisted by family mmbers. highest yield by Vancouver in the j^^;ASgels. seconds remaining Friday night to Tekulve Shue each have excellent 888VICE AND PARTS 100: 1. Gavidet (S), 2. Combs (S), 3. Jackson has written his . first ’They’ll try for an encore at home playoffs. Goalie Richard Brodeur « T-2;M. WTIC Ingalllnera (EC) :13.13. lift San Antonio t o a dramatic 9897 bench strength" as the column as automotive editor for Saturday in an effort to avenge 4-1 was outstanding in a 21 first game 1:45 Yankees vs. Mariners, Ch. 1.500: 1. Falkowski (EC). 2. ColUton (E C ).3. triumph over the Seattle teams move into Phasfe n Includos: Instoll now opoHi Penthouse that will appear in the and 5-2 losses to the Islanders. • TUNE-UP SPEOAl 11, W POP Evans (EC) 5:16. victory over the Black Hawks, but SuperSonlca, giving the Spurs a 2-1 their best-ofseven plugs, sat Ignition timing, od- 400: 1. Quinn (S). 2. Fitzpatrick (S), 3. magazine’s June issue. When be has Vancouver ani) Chicago are tied 1- 2 Auto 'Racing: Winston 500, crumbled before the onslaught of ilTwins 7-4 lead in the best-of-seven Western AMERICAN LEAGUE Extern Conference series. •41" just corburator, chock In- Lambert (EC) 1:04.07 time, he rebuilds antique cars. 1 in their best-of-seven semifinal, By United Pres< Intematioi spoct air flltor, bolts, hosos, ESPN Denis Savard’s two third-period Conference semifinal series. dy split a pair at Boston 4-eyf- (inoDt cart) with the series moving to Vancouver goals after Vancouver battled back i » MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - Ron Eait and seek to gain command 6 ^ 1 . *46“ valvo. or>d battory tormi- 3:30 NBA Playoffs, Ch. 3 Game 4 is slated for San Antonio W L Pet. GB nols. for games on Saturday and Tuesday. to a 2-1 deficit. Washington hit a two-run homer, Boston 3:30 Mels vs. Giants, Ch. 9, WINF on Sunday. by iOTeeplng toe weekend •-cy l. * 4 ^ Vancouver has not lost to Chicago in , Gary GaetU hit a solo blast and Kent Detroit meeUligs in Washington. 4 ' Boxing: 10-Round Catholic linksmen Coach honored Savard’s first goal came at 4:42 of Seattle All-Star guard Gus Milwaukee Middleweight Bout, Mark Frazie its last seven games at home, dating “,HrbA tripled in two runs Friday Cleveland The Philadelphia 76ers, Pat Dougherty, of 17 Dougherty the third period, minutes after the " night to pace toe Minnesoto Twina to WilUama missed a harried Jumpsbot Toronto vs. Dwight Walker, Ch. 22 to 1979. X from the free throw line just before leading toe Bucks 2^0, can St.,was honored recently by the ’The Islanders lacked the usual Canucks’ Stan Smyl had scored. .' a 7-4 victory over the Milwaukee New York 4:30 Boxing: 12-Round Savard’s second goal, his 10th of the - the final buzzer aounded that could Baltimore^ be the first team to reach TOYOTA split road matches Connecticut High School spark symbolic of two straight NHL ( Weat the Eastern finals by Heavyweight Bout« Greg Page vs. playoffs, came on a power play at have lent the hard-fought game Into i Cattlbnila IS 6 .714 - champlonihlps. They permitted the •“ winner Roger Erlckaon, 8-2,' .1 sweeping SaturdaySunday Jimmy Young, Ch. 8 Coaches’ Assn, and presented 16:23. overtime. • , • ■ ChlngD 11 7 jOI M Q U a U V Y i (H) def. O’Donnell 84), Martin (H) Nordlques to Ue the game at 1-1 and allowed four hits in 7 1-S innings. . Kahkaa CUy N 8 M8 IW games in Milwaukee. 8 Masters of Hockey, USA (taped) Long journey home from the coast A award as the outstanding ‘ NBAPtAYOm , V Oakland . M U .«» 5 wasn’t so bad for the East Catholic def. Berak 2-1, Gearay (H) def. glas' cross country Toe^ich tor 2-2 before Mike Bossey’s 4Srd career “We just came out and played our :i..Ron Davis finished up. By United Prea IntettiiUMial SeaUle 10 11 .438 M The Western Conference playoff goal and second of the game The Twins Jumped to a 84 lead off OSarterfliwl .Round golf team as it split, whipping Ciszewski S-0, Stone (EC) def. Pine- the I981 season. Dotigharty, type of game. Wedim’t wony about Minneanla 8 U J81 7 series resumed Friday Title, fight ^ on a power play at 17:56 of the se­ what they were doing,” Savaid ^ d t > loaer Moose Haas, 1-1, in the first tBooM-wyen) Texas 6 10 ITS 8W n i^ t with Los Angeles at Morgan High by an 11 Vk to 1 Mi zak 34), Hand won medal point, 342- former Manchester and (AU TUiwo EOT) , ,, "357\ East vs. Morgan —O’Dnmell cond period put New York in front to of the praalty-filled game In which (filing. Jim Eisenreich and Mk Eaitorn Conference . Phoenix and Seattle at San TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) - Tony margin and bowing to host Hand Eastern Conneettout Connec­ (EC^def. Ostarder 2 Vk to Vk, Berak ISO minutes worth of Infractions ;i,.Hateher led off with single and Boeton vi. WadUnston Games Antonio. Ayala, third-ranked junior High, 94, yesterday at Madison ticut State College runner, ■**y- (Serlei tied. 1-1> middieweight in the WBA and Country CHub. (EC) 'def. Tardiff M , Ciszewski “It wasn’t a spectacular victory,” were called in the third period. out later, Hrbek lined a tripled Oakland : Kevin McHale and teaches at the McAlister Middle May 1 - Bottoo i l } R S ’ Texai I moving in on a tiUe shot, puts his 18- The split leaves the Eagle (EC) def. Harris 341, Stone (EC) admitted Denis Potvin. “We only "L don’t want to talk about the ‘^'•the wall in right center field fw^ May 2 - Boatoo at Wariihigton. X p.m. Detmit at Chicago Gerald HendeTS(ui_are 0 record on the line Sunday in a 10- linksmen 1-2 for the eeason. def. Murphy 34), Ekwt won medal School In Suff(eitd and coaches did what we had to do.” Refereeing,” said Vancouver coach • i<..'llrat two runs. Randy Jbhni Milwaukee at Minnesota Fitch’s premiei^bstitutes at Suffleld ’Hlgh. If it wasn't an artistic triumph on Roger Nellson. * delivered a sacrifice fly to bring In Ma)k‘l - PhiMlphU at Milwaukee. Callfnmia at Baltimore 500 WLYNCH CENTEWST MANCHE51EK 'M u )1 7 l ronod bout against Steve Gregory. Results; East vs. Hand—Riordan poM, 387-443. Seattle at New York while Shue c o q ^ on Kevin Hrbdi, who extended hia hitting May T — Philadalphla at MHwaukee, X Toronto at Kansas Qty Grevey and J .-W, . A' . V straak to IX games- rt.m MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 1, 1982 - H>_ 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 1, 19M V ^ • -V :

DEMUNE Classified 643'27H MTES 22^Condomlnium8 TAG SAtE SIGNS Mlnlmum'Charge 35— Heatmg>Plumbif>g . 4 6 - Sporting Goods 56— Miic. lor Rent 12:00 noon the 23— Homes tor Sale 1 $ W ords I NOTICE EMPLOYMENT ’ 24— LotS'Land tor Sal* 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products 59*-HofTiei/Apti. to Shi^d Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to an­ 37— Moving-Tructnng-Slorag*4 0 -Antiques day before publication. I^Losl *nd Found 13— Help WanUM J^lnveslment Property 14— Butina** Opporfunitia* 26— Business Property 38— Service* Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD PER DAY nounce it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad, 2 - >Ptr tonal* so—Produce 3- -Annoancemenit 15— Situaliorf Wanted 27— Retort Property 2|— Real Estate Wanted you’ll receive ONETAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. Deadline for Saturday Is 5—Auction* 61— Autos tor Sale f f i i MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 62— Trucks lor Sale 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 63— Heavy Equipment for S4le EDUCATION 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms to? Rent 1 D A Y ...... 14® day's deadllrie Is 2:30 MI8C. SERVICES 64— Motorcycies-Bicycles 10— Privaia Inttruction* 41— Article* for Sate 53— Apartments for Rent 3 DAYS ...... 13® Friday. FINANCIAL 19— Scnooit'Clattas 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— Campers-Trailers-Mobile 20— Instruction* Wanted 32— Paintmg>Paperino 43— Pels-Birds-Dogs 55— Otfices-Stores tor Rent Homes 8— Mortgage Loans 66— Automotive Service 6 DAYS ...... 12® 33— Building-Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property for Rent CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Phone 643-2711 Q-^Ptfsonal Loan* * « 67— Autos lor Rent'Lease 34— floolmg-Sidiog 45— Boats & Accessories 57_Wanied to Rent 26 D A Y S ...... 11® 10»lh/feurance REAL ESTATE

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Chimney furnished rooms, maid ser­ quiet street. Two Good condition. .$2700 or condition in and out. $1500 PART TIME low rates and senior citizen cabinets, tables, chairs, May 8th and 9th. F u r-•!* included. $175 per month. Wednesday and Saturday Repairs. "No Job Too vice. Security. $50.00 week­ bedrooms, IVk baths, gar­ Best offer. Telephone 742- or best ofer. Telephone 228- BECOME AN AVON Small.” Call 644-8356 for discounts. 643-9980. Coromandel screen, royal niture, dryer, mis-'"; 485 East Middle Turnpike, in his "Supermarket ®anrI|PHtpr Brralb REPRESENTATIVE ly. "Telephone M^^13. age, all appliances, in­ 6800 - Keep trying. 9563iafter 7 p.m. estimates. doulton dinner set, simoge cellaneous hardware and Manchester. Call Mr. Shopper” column in The Call S23'9401 or INTEIUOR/EXTERIOR cluding dishwasher and and havilland china. tools. Many household DeRosa, 646-1698. Manchester Herald. 646*3665 (or details ' PAINTING - Wallpapering ATTRACTIVE SLEEPING disposal, washer and dryer 1971 VW VAN - 4 cyl., new C & M Tree Service, Free Telephone 634-0707. items, etc. 32 Ardmore •••*****************•••• For South Windsor and Drywall Installation. ROOM for gentleman. hookups in separate rebuilt motor, radial tires, Call 623-6579.___ estimates. Discount senior Road, Manchester. Resort Proporty For * ____ Private entrance, shower, basements, wall to wall AM-FM cassette stereo, T o u r Community Newspaper' citizens. Company Quality professional work. OAK DESK 48” wide, one Rent 56 v riic r; ro i:iini>iTims Reasonable prices. Free bath, free parking. Apply carpeting. No pets. $575 sunroof, great transporta­ 1980 FORD MUSTANG - Manchester owned and year old. Hutch 34” wide, MINI ESTATE AND Five three,door, 6 cy1., ESTATE OF HENRY PART TIME Payroll - Estimates! Inilly insured. at 195 Spruce Street. monthly includes heat. tion. $2,000. Telephone 647- BOTTICELLO, deceased operated. Call 646-1327. 18” deep, two years old. family tag sale from an- CHARLESTOWN, RHODE PERSONNEL CLERK for Available June 1st. 643- autom atic, 'a ir- I'hc Hon. William E. FilzGerald, G.L. McHugh, ^9321. Telephone 649-Onl. tiques to zoo animals. ISLAND - Small home for 8805. |*************S******* small non-profit agency in ROOM FOR RENT with 1271. conditioning, stereo. Less ■ludBC. ol the Court of Probate. ********< *************** LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ Saturday, May 1st, 10-3 rent. Available month of Manchester. Familiarity INTERIOR AND house privileges. Responsi­ 1974 CHEVY CAPRICE than 30,000 miles. Best District of Manchester, at a Help IVanled 13 Help Wanted cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ PURE WATER DlsUller p.m. ^ i n date May 2nd in- ,"j June. Also; From August Classified with double entry E X TE R IO R Painting and ble, quiet female. No pets. ------Classic. Air-conditioning, offer over $5,000 . 643-1531, hearing held on April 21. 1982 ages cleaned. All types for your health. End water side. 94 Cambridge Street. • j 7th, thru Labor Day. Call ordered that all claim s must be PLEASE READ bookkeeping helpful. Paperhanging. Ceilings Very reasonable. 646-'7870. Home* tor Rent 54 power brakes, power Ext. 42 before 5 p.m. America’s oldest licensor trash, brush removed. worries for only 899. and 649-9994; or 649-4578. Ask presented to the fiduciary on or REAL ESTATE SALES - Phone 643-9511. repaired or replaced. Free •*•****•••*****•••*••••• steering, vinyl top. V-8 350. YOUR AD of ice cream shops Picket, Split Rail, up. 569-0322 between 6 and TAG SALE - May 1st - for (Carolyn. iMiture July 21.1982 or be barred as Ed Gorman Associates, estimates. Fully insured. FURNISHED ROOM in SIX ROOMS - Includes Telephone 647-8486 after 9 VW SCIROCCO 1980. Low needs qualiried families Stockade Fences installed. 7 p.m. weekdays. Saturday only - Rain date ***************•*****,•** mileage, extras. G reat l)V law provided. Realtors have an extensive HOUSEKEEPER for References. Martin Manchester. New house, stove, refrigerator. $600 a.m. Sherrie L Anderson, to operate their own 528-0670. ~ May 8fli, 9 a.m.-4 p .m .„ ; Wanted to Rent 57 ClasslllBd ads are taken on the iob training elderly man. Live in one central. Wall to wall per month plus utilities. No" looking. $6495. Telephone Asst, clerk ______Mattsson after 3:00 p.m., ______SPECIAL GIFTS FOR Three families full of nice ; •••••••••••••••••••••••• program designed to give floor house. Telephone 646- pets. Security deposit 295-9123 after 5:30 p.m. the fiduciary is: over the phone at a con­ LICENSED DAY CARE 649-4431. MOTHERS at Red Goose carpeting. All privileges. PASTU RE A N Y SIZE - for VOLARE STATION Ads things. 25 Orchard Street,';',' you the opportunity to 4569. Yard, parking, bus une. required. Telephone 649- Wagon, 1976. Dependable Richard W Dyer venience. The Herald Is HOME - Will watch yoiir “ V V ” *******!.**** -! Farm Antiques - antique a few Heifers. Telephone /H write your own success Ca/u^^ Manchester. ■ Includes heat and utilities. transportation. 64,000 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 83 I'tast Center Street respontlble for only one child or infant days. Call Building Contracting 33 jace frames, hankies. 1752. 643- 1484 after 6 p.m. story. Call Ed Gorman at Ice Cream Factoiy PERSON WITH SOME 10-5 p.m., 649-8206 Monday miles. $1900. 647-8999. 1971 - Power steering, Manchester, CT 06040 incorrect insertion and 6464040 for a confidential 646-0262. monogrammed (M) power brakes, air con­ Carvel representatives painting experience needed LEON CIESZYNSKI thru Friday, 6-10 p.m., 647- then only to the size of interview. towels, handpainted jam Mlsc. tor Rent 58 ditioning. mileage, ^ Nvill be in on a ternporary basis. The BUILDER. New homes, 9813 e ven in g 's and CARS AND T R U C K S - the original insertion. SMALL LOADS OF covers, 40's clothes, pine good transportation. Good INVITATION TO BID «.>S»NCHEStER. CT. Hayes Corporation, 646- additions, remodeling, rec SUPER SPRING STRONG '. weekends. OtHces-Store* most makes and models PAINTER - Must have sTONE, trap rock, play covered, four fantastic GARAGE - $25.00 p er tires. $1200. 643-5682. The Manchester Public Schools To all home Errors which do not 0133. rooms, garages, kitchens STREET Tag Sale -12 plus— tor Rent 55 under $200, Sold through transportation. at the santU^ white stone, loam plant stands and even a ************************ month at Park Chestnut ••*****•*•*****••***•••* solicits bids for TEACHING lessen the value of the remodelM, ceilings, bath pair of golden shoes! Goose families. Many varied T TOLLAND - Large room Condominiums. Telephone local government sales. SU PPLIES for the 1982-198Jschool Experienced and depen­ EXPERIENCED FULL a n d ^ pool sand WORKSPACE OR Motorcycle*-Bicycle* 64 advertisement will not Carvel Ice Cream Store tile, dormers, roofing. Lane, Coventry, 12-5 items old and new. Satur— 1 fo r ' r e n t.K itc h e n Call l-(714)-569-0241 Ext. year. Sealed bids will be received dable. Call 246-7101, 8 a.m!- DELIVERED. Telephone STORAGE SPACE FOR 644- 2690. •••••••••••••••••••••••• be corrected by an ad- 335*337 Center Street TIME auto body man Residential or commer­ Friday-Monday. 7&-9137. day. May 1st, 10 a.m.-4 .c, privileges. Call after 6:30 1069 for directory on how to until 3:30 P.M.. May 12, 1982, at 5 p.m. 644-1775. dihonal insertion. . May 15th. & ,16th. wanted. Top wages for ful­ cial. 649-4291. p.m. Rain date. May 8th. e p.m., 8754781. RENT in Manchester. No ************************ purchase. MOTORCYCLE which time they will be publicly ly experienced. Apply 214 lease or security deposit. INSURANCE - Low est opened. The right is reserved to subscribers PART TIME HELP LAWN MOWERS SOFA, CHAIR and coffee reject any and all bids. Stafford Road, Mansfield, ELECTRICAL SERVICES COMFORTABLE Reasonable rates. Suitable 1973 CH EVRO LET Subur­ Rates Available! Many op­ To make an appointment R E P A IR E D - Free pick-up table. Telephone days- 649- APARTMENT STARTER, ’ □ AUTOMOTIVE Specifications and bid forms may needed first and second or telephone 646-8340. FURNISHED room. Par­ for small business. Retail ban, power brakes, power tions. Call; Clarice or CALL TOLL FREE and delivery. 10% Senior - We do all types of Elec­ 5559; evenings - 643-8183. furniture, and household ’ I be secured at the Business Office, shift. Apply 7-Eleven tial board if desired. and commercially zoned. ************************ steering, air, positrack. Joan, Clarke Insurance Discount. E C O N O M Y trical Work! Licensed. Call necessities, rugs, washer, ! 45 N. School Street, Manchester. Store, 513 Center Street, 1-800-327-8666 T W O F U L L TIM E References, security. Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. Auto Part* For Sale 60 Excellent tires. Ext,'as. Agency 643-1126, LAW N M OW ER - 647-3660. after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. AUTHEN'nC ORIENTAL dryer, tables, chairs,' Connecticut. Raymond E. Demers, of between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m, CARVEL CORPORATION POSITIONS open at Burn­ After 5 p.m. 649-0102. •••••••••••••••••••••••• Asking $1,000. 289-2388 Yonken. New Yo«1t 10701 RUGS - Tabrlce, Kashans, sewing machines. Also, ■'> Husiness Manager. side Drug, irOO Burnside TIM O TH Y J. C O N N E LLY NEWLY RENOVATED AUTO LUGGAGE rack 51 after 6 p.m. TWO GIRLS BICYCLES - 049-04 BABYSITTER WANTED ROTOTILLING $10 for Bokhara. Colors, sizes. baby clothes, car seat. iiaurhpBlpr Avenue, East Hartford. Residential & Commercial crib', old bottles, je w e ls ,.« Apartment* tor Pont 53 310 square feet office X 85 aluminum and One 24” Sears, $10.00. One for occasional evenings average size garden, also, Priced wholesale. Shown Day positions. Permanent Construction. Remodeling, antiques, ET--; **•••****•••*••******«•’• available. Main Street stainless steel. Adjustable. 1974 FO RD V A N E300. 20” girls Huffy, $30.00. and days. Must be 16 or PHARMACIST WANTED professional lawn care. by appointment only. Call , clothes. employment. Experienced home improvements, ad- CETERA. Saturday-' MANCHESTER- One and location with ample Suitable for van or large Good condition. Only $1200. Telephone 646-5299 after I.EGAL NO'riCE The Herald Hpral^ over, with excellent for retail drug chain. Well Call K.R. 646-4689, 5-9. preferred. Apply in person ditions,>i bathroom & two bedroom apartments parking. Call 649-2891. wagon. $50. Phone 646-3067. or best offer. Call 633-7958 6:00 p.m. NO I H I': Ol- D IS S O U T IO N references. Call Shari 647- established trade. Perma­ Sunday, 9-3, 60-68 Bigelow to the manager: Monday, kitchen remodeling, Street, Manchester. available. Centrally weekdays 8-5 p.m. only. \M) No iici-: TO 894b, or Lorie 646-7944. nent position. Liberal JACK & JILL DAY CARE OUTSIDE CHAISE Metal t UKDlioitS OF Tuesday or Wednesday roofing, siding, repairs, located on busline near HONDA- CR 250 R-1981. wages, benefits, vacation. home near the Parkade ring folding, $10. M .O O ’S K I.K C TIC between 9 a.m. and noon. door & window replace­ shopping center and 61 Auto* For Sale 61 1973 YE LLO W VW Bug - Excellent condition. Fox 4IDDLE AGED LAD Y to Flexible schedule. Send and the new Bradlees. agazines - all mies, 35 Auto* For Sale t;O M P \N Y that have ment and alterations. 646- Vis schools. For further details Telephone 649-0882. Forks plus extras. Days live in private home as confidential resume to: Nutritious meals, cents per copy elephone Notice is hereby given that FEMALE COMPANION - 1379. call 649-7157. 289-2919; evenings 289-6358. Companion and share Arthur Drug, 190 Far­ educational learning 649-7517. ,\l(lo's Klectric Company with an Senior Citizen to be live-in SATURDAY AND: office at 376 Keeney Street. □ N ^TICES C 'expenses. References. Call mington Avenue, Hartford, program. Telephone 647- companion or day-time DENNIS AND RUSSELL SUNDAY 10-6. Various'"; MANCHESTER - Newly 1981 KAW ASAKI LTD550. Manchester. Connecticut was dis­ Conn. Attention sL. Mecca. 0029. evenings. 646-7944. companion for elderly MILLER - Remodeling, household items, bicycles,.,, decorated one bedroom Stephen World of Wheels 800 miles. Asking $2,000 or solved by a vote of the Board of something L o fI and Pound lady. Comfortable furniture. 36 O’Leary^., apartment. Access to shop­ best offer. Telephone 647- Directors and Shareholders. All N U R S E — R e g is te re d LICENSED CHILD CARE additions, roofing, rec ★ WORK AT HOME jobs Manchester home. Call rooms, paneling, ratters, ONE BEARCAT program­ Drive. "j ping centers, buslines and 0919 or 646-1341. creditors having claims are nurse for Coventry High available in Manchester directed to present them to the law LOST - Homestead Street available! Substantial ear­ 643-7397 Saturday May 1st. aluminum and vinyl siding mable scanner, $110. One ------schools. For further details April 22nd. Five month old nings possible, call 504-641- School beginning in home. Meals tree. Lots of; please call 528-4196 KAWASAKI 2 cycle, 750cc. firm of Bayer, Phelon & Squatrito, installed year Minolta SRTlOl 35MM P C . 63 Kast Center Street. all black male cat. Very ^ 3 , extension 494, for in­ September 1982. Call Dr. love and fun. 643-1837. Three cyl., race frame, FASHION MODEL round.Telephone 649-29M camera with S5MM lens between 9 and 5 pm or Manchester, Connecticut on or Donald Nicoletti's office at Hour SALE-A-THON to sell formation. affectionate. Children Career. This is an exciting or 649-1421. and 50-200 telephoto lens, after 5 pm and weexends, 100 built motor, street driven. before September I, 1982. Claims 742-8913. E:0.E. GARDENS ROTOTILLEj LARGE MULTI-Family^ heartbroken. 646-4319. option for you. We are $150. Telephone 6494)939. 649-7157. ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 1 ST Excellent condition. $1795 not presented will be barred as H A N D B IN D E R Y looking for sharp dressed, - Cub cadet tractor wii tag sale - Saturday, May' or best offer. 643-6665 .or provided in Section 33-379d of the SPECIAL E D U C A TIO N rear mounted tiller. An; FARRAND 1st. All day. 701 Hartford, LOST: GRAY Long haired W ORKERS poised people wno have a R EM O D ELING - Cabinets, WHIRLPOOL WASHER, 118 MAIN STREET - Three 643-9859. Connecticut General Statutes. Persian cat. Blue collar. Teacher cross- size garden. Satisfaction Road, Manchester. Dated at Manchester. Connec­ FIRST A SECOND SHILTS gust to be a model. We will Roofing, Gutters, Room hedvy duty one year old. room heated apartment. M - B i - n i ANNUAL PERCENTABE tor categorical position at guaranteed, Call 647-0530 ticut. this 28th day of April 1982. Pearl Street, Manchester. i. 1 1. ■ „ train. 872-7462. Additions, Oraks, all types Excellent condition. Hot water, no appliances, REBATES 8 a 7 5 % M T E FINANCING ' Cempera-Trallera-Moblle middle school beginningbeg' or 872-4106. By Herbert A. Phelon, Jr. REWARD. Telephone 649- Work indudTA rullafinf(. o f Remodelinig and Kelvinator dryer. Call 649- security. Tenant in- Various M«mM s $3 ” ' I m IIm auTMS M i MoMs Home* 65 September 1982. Must be Attorney for f t 9697 after 6 p.m. InAerting. lapinK, ind uihrr Repairs. 0132 after 5 p.m. . snrance. 648-2426, 9-5 Aldo’s ESIectric Company binder) funcllunk. No ex- certified in special educa- •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1968 TENT Trailer - sleeps SPRING CLEANING" weekdays. 053-04 FOUND: Pumpkin colored perirnrr necev^r). tion. Send letter and n e a i e c » < r * T e UnY^ d r iv e w T fe a lin g - EstFm'tel: Fully « ------six. Gas stove, sink, ice less than resume to Dr. Donald d REAL ESTATE BLUES? Turn them into striped male cat. Adams (foud wsge® and non- S.erfe7,feT PLEASANT FOUR OVER 400 DATSUNS A TOYOTAS INSTOCK box and tarp. 643-5539. Looking for kitchen coniribulor) brnefil-program. Nicoletti, Director of Pupil ...... senior, references. reeni. Be a seller at,; ••**********f*********** Street vicinity. Telephone lastern Connectlcut’s-- \ ROOMS in quiet family at- appliances? See the great 643-4031. Apply in person or call Personnel Services, Coven- q_|. 93 Peter Krupp, t ' mosphere. Elderly persons BItCOUlITtUPTO T 0 R IA Y 1 8 T ______Automotive Service 66 643-II0I. '6«-oV68. ” f?L{?nrrol‘ds‘’“cfn^“a5 Largest Flea Market (at" • 3*000 buys in today’s Classified try Public Schools, 78 f,®/.®*'"...... Free estimalls. preferred. Non-smokers, ______SCHALLER PLUMBING- sturdy zipper with handle the Mansfield Drive-InH columns. $ 9 9 00 AUIC0PBIH1ING SERVICES 'VC Ripley Hill Road, Coveif- no pets, references, securi­ TRUCK REPAIRS - All Announcement* 3 & -jtVMiOOlE I uRNPihE 'ft MANCHESTER - I m ------HEATING- Water pump $25. 646-1617. Theatre - Junction 31 and WANCHESIER CONN 06040 try, Ct. 06238. E.O.E. aspects, no job too large or ••••••••••••************ maculate four bedroom specialists. Also, 32). Every Sunday 9 a.m.-S'J ty plus utilities. Telephone ilAOZ. A C r STEPHEN’S 1982 UST PMGES small. ,Mancjiester 4WD RUSSELL'S BARBER & An Kqiial Opporiunily Colonial on Green Road. remodeling service or WOODCHIPS FOR.SALE - .m. (sellers 8 a.m.)." 649-5897. 4 0 % OFF ON A CROUP OF PONTWeS i FORDS PART TIME. Your Center, 248 Spruce Street. Styling Shop is now unisex. Employer. M /F. $87,000. Ed ^ ^ o r m a n a t TICS, GARAGES, repairs. FREE Any amount. Telephone Y telephone and our gpaces available - $8.00. No ^ For All Seasons Stop in and m eet Mr. Associates, CELLARS CLEANED - ESTIMATES. 649-4266. 646-1325 9 a.m.-l p.m. or reservations necessary.'- SEONDFLOOR Apartment Telephone 649-0261. Joseph and Miss Brenda customers turn spare time - does not include heat, ★ * 1982 SAMPLE BUYS> ^ PA R T TIM E into super earnings. 528- Light trucking. A ll types of 646-7376 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Public free. for regular or precision JANITORIAL work. Lot*-Land lor i /24 brush and trash reiiioved. utilities, appliances. No 6631. ********* pets. No chudren. $375 per cuts, perms and hair Manchester area. Three Call 643-1947. DRTSUN 210 2 DR 82 Dm w TOYOTA 1AT0N DIasal 82 New N A M E ...... coloring. Senior citizens LAND AV A ILA B LE upper month plus security. ieo«« 8 Spd., ADDRESS ...... hours per morning, six PURCHASING ChronM Burtipw awK^hildren are always state New York. Low tax, M&M Plumbing and Available May 15th. mornings per week. Call DEPARTMENT o f an EXPERIENCED Guitar Sltphiifi'A >-)•* '***1 C I T Y ...... w w om e. no zoning, near recreation Heating, Manchester. 649- TOP QUALITY Screened Telephone 643-1483 after S S ,'"' *4,530 Lacy Basket 249-6880. Aerospace manufacturing teacher will teach ZIP ...... PHONE.. facilities and Adirondack 2871. S m a ll r e p a ir s , Bolton top soil. Call 6:00 p.m. ~ 3 M V firm has an opening for an beginners in your home or AMBITIOUS PERSON - State Park. Owner finan­ remodeling, heating, Rockland Farms, 649-8818. ★ organized individual with a mine at reasonable rates. TAG SALE - Saturday DATSUN U URIA 4 DR. 82 New Energetic, reliable. cing at 9%: Call 646-2936. Please call 646-2561 after 6 baths, kitchens and water MANSFIELD Center - | DAT8UN SL HATCHRACX 210 Nm t knowledge of blue prints heaters. Free estimates! OIL BURNER with hot Sunday, KM. 10-speed bike,;,; Woodsedge apartments. ■ L Pits, I4SMA/C, I /FM □ EMPLOYMENT Available for immediate p.m. 04*44 8 and the material specs water coil $100. Oil tank cabinet with glaw sliding^ Newly renovatra, country J Bunroel, S lil^ employment. Large com- SMplwnt* LM *rS3S Staplwn'* LM '1Z.74S Manchester Herald mqnual. Heavy telephone Flooring 36 $M. Both in good condition, door, odds P ends. 84.^ setting, two bedrooms. I •2,300 N tc o u n l *10,449 ui.ntsut 13 Pany ^ 00. per week poten- PIANO TUNING and '1,800 D lw atinl *6,436 One Herald Square inled c o i^ c t and inventory con- 646-2552. School ~ Road, Bolton. “ ...... tial, plus incentive. Call repair. Cali Susan Akmen- $310. Includes heat and hot I . Manchester, Conn. 06040 trol.\AIl company paid □ BUSINESS FLOORSANDING - Floors water. Telephone 429-1270 , 646-3936. Equal Opportuni- tin at 228-3552. SEWING/i g 7 MACHINEn beneuts in an alr- ty Employer. and SERVICES like new! Specializing in Doge-BIrda-Peia 43 or 233-9660. ■ CADILLAC CIMARRON 02 New operators - Established conditiraed pland Send older floors. Natural and PONTIAC J-2000 82 D«no *******************••••• LOVER OF CHILDREN f21004 4 Dr., A/C <7021 A/C, Pow. Sm I, nationwide pillow resume Ho P.O.^^Box 93, stained floors. No waxing THREE LOVABLE THIRD FLDDR Apart- j Auto., P/W L A U N D R Y HELP B u c k 1 a n d '" t a t i 0 n , wats child (ren) to babysit GARAGE SALE - Rain or StoplMii'* Utl *13,227 manufacturer has im­ Services Ottered 31 anymore! John Verfaille, ment - five rooms - $400 ttopSwroLM *8336 TYPE on PRINT ONE WORD PER BLANK LIMIT ?0 WORDS wanted foldini ; and sorting ************************ for in my home days or KITTENS left - bUck and shine. Saturday, May Ist'-' •2,800 Diacount ■ *12,727 mediate, full time Manchester, Conn. 06040. heat and hot water in- | i^SOO Dltoeunl *6,836 laundry part 1 ime and full nights. Responsible and 646^750. white, orange and raay. 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free openings. Experienced REWEAVING BURN ****•••*••*••••••••••••• eluded. Security and time. Cupid Diaper Ser- reliable. Call Doreen after Litter trained. Tele^one coffee. 26 Ashworth Street > preferred. Day shift - five HOLES. Zippers, um­ Household Good* 40 references. No pets - j vice, 289-1527. E.'O.E. ATE0PDM6S 5 p.m., 647-8778. 647-9385. (off Autumn). J day week. Full benefit brellas repairra. Window r g ••••«•••••••••••••»•••• .Working couples only. 646- I CADIUAG ELDORADO 82 New TOYOTA W TON 82 New SM program including sewing For shades, Venetian blinds. #6264 8 ^ . . _ ^ _ MANAGER - RETAIL USED FREE KITTENS - 5984 Call after 4:00 p.m. | 010** CabrtoM . , ^ WMttMT duard C A W A P incentive. Apply at Soaring Machino Keys. TV FOR RENT. TWO FAMILY TAG SALE 3 Store with new and refur­ Shop the super buys in your REFRIGERATORS, available two weeks. 643- 8Mphtn;t Ltot -sses e K H | | * | Pillowtex Corporation, 49 'Oporator* Marlow's, 867 Main Street. - Carpet 11x12, TV, cur:; tig (51 •2,000 Diaeount W | V W W bished merchandise. Gasslfied section today. WASHERS, RANGES - 5539. 2 16 RDDM S - c le a n . I •8,000 oiM 2 covers. $ra or best offer. SAIL BOAT with trailer. Broad). & Used ope season. 91800.00. Heat and hot water. 429- TOYOTA CEUCA 81 Reg Demo candy or flowers. Make air-conditioned plant. Per­ E ^room Garden Style and 2 Bedroom Telephone 643-1629. I S 1 0 1 0 OT Uflbaak EVENINGS Klq>hoae - 649^b60 after 8790.______several for bazaars, gifts A smartly styled dress sons qualified send resume Townhouses. These Quality All Brick UnKe or special occasion table 6:00 p.m. * ' ; «SSMiVaLM*8S3t $ 7 with zip-front and gath­ to P.O. Box 242, Main Of­ include: Fully appllencad kitchene, SWIM POOLS - DlstribnUx- HEBRON - Four rooms. settings. Mail Today, must dispose of .brand new SSsS™ ‘6,299 •l^SoODIaoouiit ■ f n e v v ered yoke and Peter Pan fice, Manchester, Conn. Hardwood floors, Thermopane wlhdowe, TA(i SALE - May Ut, IM ;; Bath, heat, hot water in­ No. 5020 has crochet collar is a classic favorite. on ground 31’ long pools Andqiioo 4 i 06040. Glassware, furnltore>, cluded. fSW. per month. and finishing directions. No. 8328 with Photo. interesting work making and Central A!r Conditioning. All thia plus with huge sundecks, safety •••••••••••••••••••••••• household items and some- Seenri^ required. No pets. DATSUN 210 4 Dr. Demo TO OUES, M id tIJ O Itr tacS Guide is in Sizes 10 to 18. ACeWUNTS they are situated In a Park like aetting. fencing, hi rate filters, antiques. 81 North Street.,: yitteni. pin 88# ftr pMtsn •*• or telephone calls from our Conveniently located at E. Center St. and GRANO OPENING • Newly decorated. f o n i t c a n a i M l 199*1.. #144SS UC, Size 12, 34 bust, 8 yards RECEIVABLE and coUec- ladders, etc. Asking $878 Month of May - ANTIQUE Telc$inoiie 64(MW76. M M U M IT 45-inch. ' new office. Good voice a tlons. Part time. Pitkin St. complete. Financing LOFT, 35 Huntington THE VEI0>LANCK P,T.A^^ *5j340 ataphsire LM*7SS2 IS. Ihpdwar ImU Pattern* available only Experienced. (Contact Ad­ available. Callt 'NElL will have its annual SduoL BOLTON - 346 rooms with %soeDiai *5,400 iil#sr«.'i(iuiw lssi in ai*ee ehoion. Street (off Bast Center IM«TMk,ILT.1l8M ministrator at 646-1380. SpRGial Hnincing W n g OffRwd coUect (203) 7463319. Street) Manchester, Conn. Fair and Tag Sale, on its i basement. Appliances. TO OttEP, leaS 31AS Hr tpcS Call Classified must. Salary, com^ PrMt aasM, SM rtu wHS IIP etten, pm SS# Hr peetigt ms OpensevendaysawedilO- tphoQi grounds. May Sth: ITike p riva te home. CS8I m 4 M ill IMakw. EmSIliis. R eceptionist for den- PrfCM s tw t St M6^6d0 DARK LQAM'4 6 yards 6. Four rooms anuquet and front 10 to S; iPte table> WoHjng single adult, Rebatea ara Factory and/or DaMr . . missions, and pleasant delivered, $60. pins : tax. . 1982 ALBUM with 16-pagc SUE tOINEn Ul office. ExMrienced A total of 18 units fuhiltute. Sdmettung folr contact 646:, .matried couple. No. noTnaOt Buy Baoka. AdvarOaod Cara Bub|aet to Prior Bala G IF T SECrnON with full .Sand, Gravel, stone * iln Ommin InN at working conditions. preferred. Full tune. Con­ evtuyooe. children, pets. Leqse, • NR IM directions. Price ... $2.25. I lU Am . m Amifmi tact Administrator at 646- Trap Rock. 6434604. •CMIUC satssAr uca IHnTtilULT. lasts depoitt. 643-1880. a W Prist Nh n , ASUrMS wM nP ■1360. aTO m t S-t28-NlU-tM h 4 New. M e Work from 6 pm to 9 pm ifooino .lor fiw if em t t Sren Owsii Snr ta nukt tsm . CSSE. sole BaaiMr m l tin. - »■ ' •,'i: 'VI;-;'4 MANCHESTER - Three aM Tim New FASHION with 643-2711 ^ BANKING ■: Part time aM T 8-1M - SEEPUKI •OILTI. M "wd Saturday mornlM. ROOM f FOR Rake In the extra moneyJ •alMHI p iK H m 4 appUsMd M I| s l Photo-Guide patterns in ‘R ierk. Bookkeeping TOP SOIL - FOR SALE - GENTLEMAN - parking, a-ISI-HEIIIiaOM IUNSIW08K-2t all size ranges, has a Department. South 'Wind­ you can make by Baling no-i; •NT I t|pu tl audlPwtdi lUn.. Gean, rich, stone free kitchen luivileges, washer, Idnga^needed items with r special Grace 0>le Collec­ Call Mr. Taylor sor Bank and TrusftCom- park. Available im­ t-132-TS tIVE pr SEEP-SO M .- tion for larger sizes; plus LOMBARDO A ASSOCIATES loam, any amount dryer, etc. Air con­ Pliw wk Rms. tp naSt. pany. Contact Wafrrep low-cost, fast-acting'^ mediately. $450 plus 2 BONUS Coupons! Matireoa at n94M)61 (or ap­ delivered. Telqibone 873- ditioning. Telephone 643- Classified Ad. • ; a-113-CIUFTt-4t pstn tl sales. 647-9946^ 649-4003 1400.' 5600. utllitiea. Inm Boyle, 875- RL 6, Bristol, TeL 549-5555 ti-mSt ntat. Price .... $1.25. pointment. BSOB; ' ' 4474. 4,