New law may help Woman adjusts iign tb e^w ^ area credit unions to man's worick Kentucky Derby page 9 ... page 20 / page 16 Manchester, Conn. Warm, sunny ■ Saturday, May 1, 1982 today and Sunday Single copy 25c — See pc^ie 2 y - • y Argentina f*.' pleads for \. ■ \ U.N. role UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - contingency plan for future media­ Denying Argentina had rejected a tion and a possible U.N. “ presence” U.S. peace plan, Argentine Foreign on the islands. Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said Costa Mendez met with Secretary- Friday his country ready to General Javier Perez de Cuellar and accept a U.N. resolution calling for said afterwards he favored media­ its withdrawal from the Falklands — tion by the U.N. chief. but only if Britain accepts the jun­ Diplomats said it was not im­ ta’s claim to sovereignty. mediately clear if Costa Mendez’ Costa Mendez also called for U.N. statements represented an Argen­ intervention in the Falklands dis­ tine retreat or a diplomatic attempt pute to head off a war that seemed to gain more time before Britain imminent. and Argentina came to blows over Costa Mendez spoke to reporters the islands Argentina seized April 2. momements after Secretary of British warships, battling moun­ State Alexander Haig announced in tainous waves in the stormy South Washington that the United States Atlantic, clamped an air and sea was dropping its neutrality, siding blockade around the Falklands, 450 with Britain and imposing military miles off the Argentine coast, at 7 and economic sanctions against a.m. EDT. Argentina for its invasion of the Argentina announced a similar Falklands April 2. blockade. Each side vowed to shoot jM- Haig indicated the United States at the other on sight but no im­ regarded ‘Argentina as the mediate confrontations were aggressor and said it was taking reported. sides after four weeks because the Speaking to reporters at the State Department, Haig was somber as he sn- junta rejected a last-ditch set of U.S. peace proposals based on U.N. said: “ The South Atlantic crisis is Security Council Resolution 502. about to enter a new and dangerous The resolution calls for the Argen­ phase in which large scale military tines to withdraw from the action is likely.” Falklands and negotiations to settle Haig said “ there will, of course, the sovereignty dispute. Haig’s plan by no direct U/S' m ilitary in­ '??■ also'calls for joint U.S., British and volvement” ip tjie crisis but added ■ ,. • M Argentine administration of the that President R eagan “ will res­ Falklands during the negotiations. pond positively ^ r requests for y , ’ ‘We haven’t rejected the plan put material support for British forward by the secretary of state,” forces.” Costa Mendez said. “ We have made He said Reagan had ordered the observations and that does not mean suspension of “ all military exports ■ w r * : . ! rejection. to Argentina, the withholding of cer- “It’s up to Mr. Haig to say tificatidnof Argentine eligibility for whether his mission has ended or military \ ales, the suspension not,” he said. new ExporWniport Bank credits Costa Mendez said “ Argentina is and.guaranteesand_ihe suspension ready to comply with resolution 502 of Commodity CreddCorporaUon ?%-• and to accept the intervention of the guarantees.” United Nations and any of its There was no immediate official organs, and of course the comment from the Argentine V?,?* y t f ‘ secretarygeneral,” in order to avert military junta in Buenos Aires, but wa/r. Argentine diplomats reacted with Argentina initially rejected the anger and dismay. U.N. resolution ^ l i n g for the im­ “ It has provoked profound dis­ mediate withdrawal of its troops may, opposition, and disgust,” one from the Falklaplis. diplomat said. ■"s; However, Costa Mendez tacked on Within minutes of Haig’s an­ a condition to Argentina’s accep­ nouncement, Soviet Ambassador tance of the resolution — a condition Sergei Striganov was at the Argen­ Britian already has rejected and tine Foreign Ministry, meeting with Herald photo by Cody was not likely to accept now, government officials. diplomats said. ■ There was speculation the junta Costa Mendez said any might seek Soviet military help and negotiations must be based on take economic measures to retaliate against Washington, such as Canolsts head down the Wllllmantio River Sunday where It separates Coventry from Eaglevllle. More of the fine weather “ Argentine sovereignty on the islands. This is non-negotlable.” freezing U.S. assets in Argentina. they took advantage of ,ia expected this weekend. U.N. diplomats indicated they Asked about the possibility of were disappointed by that condition, Soviet military help, Argentine Vice which they said meant Argentina Admiral Jorge Fraga said, “ We has not changed its. basic position on must remember that the Soviet, the crisis. Union was an ally of Great Britain iMoIri Sf. a 'raceway'? One diplomat called Costa during World War II. as Winston Mendez’ announcement "a Churchill said, to M ve my country I diplomatic game.” would ally with the devil.” " But diplomats also said the Argen­ it's mixed tine statement might set in motion a Pleaxe turn to page 8 a north-south artery, might try as it vironmentalists hgve a very good ^ Lisa 2owada .... group of envlronmentaUsts. With has in the )>ast to remove parking point.” 4ierald Reporter ' the decision, work on the Dodds say they're Aheam also said the “ key catch ' ~ Manchester-East Hartford connec- from Main Street. right now” Is whether any federal ' Local reaction was mixed to the tor, linking a section of 1-84 in town “ That would make it a raceway. news Friday of an appellate court’s with 1-86 in East Hartford, could We’re not going to let that happep,” funding w ill come th rou ^ for the completion of the eastern portion. ■dedaion w hidi allows the sU te to begin in 1963. Garman said. Construction could begin in early filing for divorce Garman, who is head of the down­ " nnrtaW»«« Por- jM -.i-in very happy to see it got town retailers’ association, added 1985, the state has estimated. d o n o f n rJnit settled,” Sen. Carl A. Zinsser said. that he doesn’t think the increased D E S P IT E T H E court’s decision, H A R T F O R D (U P I ) - Sen. and the people of Connecticut will traffic flow through town w^l mean Sis* <rf Appe^ added. “You hate to see a highway Barbtpi Surwilo, a member of the Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., and his appreciate our wish to make no an appreciable Inoease.in business. ;Y «k overturned an appeal by a ^ttlng through land because once Connrcticut Fund for the Environ­ wife; Susan, will begin legal further comment on this matter.” “ People utilising Main Street then : . the la^’s gone, it’s gone forever.” ment, one of the six environmen­ proceedings soon to dissolve their would be going to work or coming Dodd, 37, and the form er Susan talists groups involved in the suit, marriage of more than 11 years, it SiWgRRHliBIgaigaWS^ ^ “ But we have to connect 1-86 with home,” Garman explained. Mooney were married on Aug. 8, ; . - , ' i .. the rest of 1-84.1 see it as an overall said the groups w ill continue to fight was announced Friday. 1970, in (Hiicago. The couple, who THE DECISION also allows the construction. “ Susan and I have decided to ter­ r InSiuG todsy plus.” zmsaer said. have a home in Norwich, have no V General Manager Robert Weiss design work to proceed on the Ms. Surwilo said it was “ unfor­ minate our marriage,” the couple children. ^ M pages, 4 sections echoed Zinsser’s sentiments, saying eastern Connecticut portion of the tunate” t|ie groups lost the appeal said in a joint statement. “ This was because she feels the groups will Dodd served in the U.S. House , „ he "wu pleased it was finally ap- highway, whlrti w ill stretch for 25 Vk a difficult decision but we arrived at from 1975 to 1961 and was elected to Advloe .........................' proved." mUes from Bolton Notch to Route 52 win the future envinom ental suit it together with respect and con­ the Senate in 1960 to fill the seat left InKUllngly, and $30 million to be spent on design sideration for each other.” ' >•-•••;............. • • • ■ • ■ Alt Main Street merchant Joseph' vacant by form er Sen. Abraham , i. i • 18-w Carman said he was worried about Bolton .selectman Aloysius J. money will be “ wast^.” The statement, issued by Dodd’s Riblcoff, D-Conn. Dodd was the Ahekm said be, tod, was happy a “ We felt in making our appeal, we office in Washington, said ttecouple — a lu** ™uch traffic the connector youngest person ever elected to the decision had been made. had at least an even chance,” Ms. intended “ to begin the necessary 2 ®w“" v,;;; might generate in downtown Senate from Connecticut. ^Entertainment .......».k... U"U Mandiester. .... “ I’m glad it’s off dead center,” he SurWilo said. “ It was important to legal proceedings in the immediate • • • ........... ............ , “Main Street will have a whole lot said. make the effort to save'ttie nMoey. future and to resolve all questions in Dodd, whose late father also pbltaaries ■ more traffic feeding off of it,” Gar- ’The interstate plan for Coonec- Now this 130 mlUion is lost.” an amicable manner.” served in the Senate, graduated ' “ *■ • • • • • ................Va-iS ™ u said, if the connector goes ticnt haa been in the planning and Ms. Surwilo said th&next legal ac­ “ While most of niy life has public from the University of Louisville through.
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