C~4I~~~~;L,:5;:;F~~;F I) F ~;,'.;';;~/;~;'.,;
.·;,,_; .i · !·: ···.,, . ;;'r ENCYCLOP JEDIA IRANICA .;Jo,• : .; ., j . ,_, ·:,.,..,...··.. ... /. •, ! 'f .~ ' ..... ' ,- .. ·\ -:;,,>\w· !;, , . ., . ··~) .·- <'·1,.':; _r.r ,,·. ,·• ....:- · '· J.·! ·:· _.:.:--· --· ·: ·=:, EDITED .~ J,:t~=)ij,;:,;- ~~') .:;.. , _ _,_" ~,'::~'. EllSAN YARSHATER _'\_;~/(\\>,~·:.":1tt -_,:•,'''.. c~4i~~~~;l,:5;:;f~~;fi) f ~;,'.;';;~/;~;'.,;, '! . i. VolumeV_ ,. ~ • t , ;. ' '.\ ' .,... ~ . t ,' t · ~ • '' ' ~. 'i ~ I ' , . , I·' ,, -tr - ', k , . -l 1_i ; CLOTHING XI.-XIII. CLOTHING IN AFGHASISTAN 811 men dressed in Western style in the street. Some even S./1978. R. M. Savory, "Social Development in Iran adopted the headband ('eqiil) in imitation of leftist during the Pahlavi Era," in G. Lenczowski. ed .. Iran Arabs. but it was unpopular, and they soon abandoned under the Pahlavis, Stanford, Calif., 1978, pp. 85- it. 127. F. Stark, The Valley of the Assassins. London. For women the situation was far more difficult. In 1934, tr. 'A.-M. Saki as Safar-niima-ve Alamiit. the mid-l 970s many rural families had migrated to the Lorestiin wa 1/iim, Tehran, 1364 S./1985_-D. Wilber. major cities, panicularly Tehran, in search of employ Riza Shah Pahla\'i. The Resurrection and Recon ment. Most were unskilled, uneducated, and tradi structionof /ran, Hicksville, N. Y., 1975. E. Yagma'i. tional in their outlook and convictions. After the Kiir-niima-ye Re iii Siih-e kabir, Tehran, 2535= 1355 Revolution, encouraged by religious leaders who had S./1976,pp.170, 178,216,499. E.Zozef,"Rokn-al become government officials, women from this group Din Mo~tar ... ," Rahiivard 7/23, 1368 S./1989, pp. harassed women who were not wearing the veil in 274-75. public. Many educated women, panicularly university ('ALi-AKBARSA'iDi SiRJANi) students, had adopted traditional dress associated with Islam as a symbol of opposition to the Pahlavi regime, xii.
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