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VI, 6 Karlgren, H. 91 Borgstrom, C. H. 57 Karre, K. 105 Brodda, B. 91 Katz, J. J. 78, 105 Busby, P. VII Lieb, H.-H. 5 Chadwick, N. VII Lindblom, B. 81 Chomsky, N. VI, 64, 65, 72, 73, 76, 78, Lindkvist, H. 105 88,93 Lyons, J. 91,100 Clyne, M. VII Martinet, A. VI,21 Collinder, B. VI, 71, 72 Nojd, R. 105 Cooper, W. S. 5 Paul, H. 70 Coseriu, E. VI, 85, 91, 96-98, 101-107 Pike, K. 19 Elert, c.-c. 20 Pilch, H. 8,30,51 Fant, G. 20,21,95 Platt, H. VII Fillmore, C. J. 106 Platt, J. VII Fischer-Jorgensen, E. 20,77 Pottier, B. 101 Fodor, J. A. 78, 105 Quirk, R. 85 Gleason, H. A. 9,57,62,64 Redin, M. 105 Hall, R. A., Jr. VI Roget, P. M. 91 Halle, M. VI, 20, 21, 95 Rosenbaum, P. S. 106 Hammarstrom, G. V, VI, 3, 4, 7-11, 15, Saussure, F. de V, VI, 2, 85 18,19,22-24,28-32,35,36,40,42,46, Shaw, E. VII 52,66, 71, 74, 76, 80, 81, 112-114 Sigurd, B. 29, 64 Hamp, E. 21 Skinner, B. F. 78 Hanson, G. 30 Svartvik, J. 85 Harris, Z. S. 6, 11 Tillmann, H. G. VI Heike, G. VI Trubetzkoy, N. S. V, VI, 6, 20, 96-98 Hill, A. A. 85 Uldall, H. J. 77 Hjelmslev, L. V, 77 Ungeheuer, G. VI, 30, 115 Hockett, C. 50 Weinreich, U. 110 120 Subject Index abstract IV, 4, 113 allopredicate 66 accentuation 31, 36 alloprosode 31, 34, 35, 37 acceptability 85 allopseudo-phone 19 acoustic 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 30, 31, 44 alloquasi-phone 18 act 3 alloseme 73, 85, 86, 90--92, 95--97, actofcommunication 19,103,112 99--109, 111 active 74--77 -- component 85, 94, 111 actor 93, 106 allosememe 91 added 65,75,87--89,92,94,101 allosemi-phone 16 adjective 57, 58 allosubject 36, 66, 68 adjectiveme 57 allosubstantive 66 adverb 57, 58 allosyllab 33,41 adverbeme 57, 58 -- prosodeme 33 adverbial 58, 69, 73, 75 -- -- component 33 adverbialeme functeme 69, 73 allosyllabeme 33 affiliation 75--77, 92,111 --