Research Vessel Safety Standards
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RESEARCH VESSEL SAFETY STANDARDS March 2009 UNOLS RVSS – Ninth Edition – March 2009 UNOLS Office University of Rhode Island – Graduate School of Oceanography 15 South Ferry Road Narragansett, RI 02882 This edition of the Research Vessel Safety Standards is dedicated to Captain Jim Williams of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in appreciation for all of his work with the RVOC, UNOLS and in particular for his work on these standards for the academic research fleet. This edition is also dedicated to Bill Martin of the University of Washington who served as the Chair of RVTEC and as a key member of the Safety Committee, bringing the voice of sea-going marine technicians fully into the process of keeping these Safety Standards current and relevant to the UNOLS Community. The UNOLS Office and the UNOLS Research Vessel Safety Committee would like to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Geological Survey, and Minerals Management Service for support of this project. RVSS Edition 9 – 03/12/2009 PREFACE UNOLS Member Institutions first adopted the Research Vessel Safety Standards (RVSS) in May 1976. Later editions were adopted by members at UNOLS meetings in May 1981, May 1985, October 1989, September 1992, October 1995, July 1999 and March 2003. The UNOLS Council adopted this ninth edition in March 2009. In lieu of published institutional policy, these safety standards are considered the guidelines for UNOLS Research Vessels. For that reason, all UNOLS Members, both Operators and others, should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this manual and comply with its recommendations as appropriate. Changes made since last revision (March 2003): Overall Organization: Revised the overall structure of the standards to uniformly show those requirements required by laws and regulations, those required by the UNOLS RVSS in addition and any further recommendations, best practices or resources. The chapters were re-ordered. Chapter 10: Removed chapter on explosives and inserted relevant information in Chapter 8: Hazardous Materials. Chapter 6: Added chapter on Personal Safety with sections covering alcohol and drug policies, sexual harassment and accommodations for persons with disabilities. Chapter 12: Added chapter on Human Occupied Vehicle (Submersible) Safety. Appendix A: Added UNOLS Rope and Cable Safe Working Load Standards (Revision 1, 07/07/02011) Appendix B: Added UNOLS Overboard Load Handling Systems Design (Revision 3, 12/13/2011) Appendix E: Added Sexual Harassment Brochure. Extensive review and update of references and content throughout the RVSS RVSS Edition 9 – 03/12/2009 RESEARCH VESSEL SAFETY STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 2. PROCEDURES ...........................................................................................................3 3. DEFINITIONS, REGULATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION ........................................ 5 4. OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................... 19 5. MANNING ................................................................................................................. 25 6. PERSONAL BEHAVIOR AND INDIVIDUAL SAFETY.............................................. 33 7. COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................................37 8. SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................41 9. SCIENTIFIC AND SHIPBOARD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ..................................47 10. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS ..................................................................................53 11. DIVING OPERATIONS ............................................................................................ 57 12. HUMAN OCCUPIED VEHICLES ............................................................................ 61 13. STABILITY ..............................................................................................................67 14. LOAD LINES AND WATERTIGHT INTEGRITY ..................................................... 73 15. ELECTRICAL AND MARINE ENGINEERING ........................................................83 16. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT & FIRE PROTECTION ...........................................89 17. LIFESAVING APPLIANCES ...................................................................................97 18. CHARTERING OF NON-INSTITUTION VESSELS ...............................................105 APPENDIX A UNOLS ROPE AND CABLE SAFE WORKING LOAD STANDARDS ...................................................................................................111 APPENDIX B UNOLS OVERBOARD HANDLING SYSTEMS DESIGN STANDARDS ............................................................................................... 127 APPENDIX C SAFETY INSPECTION CHECK LIST FOR SHIPBOARD VANS ........ 129 APPENDIX D INSPECTION CHECK LIST FOR CHARTERING NON-UNOLS VESSELS .................................................................................................................... 133 APPENDIX E SEXUAL HARASSMENT BROCHURE................................................ 137 APPENDIX F LIST OF ACRONYMS........................................................................... 139 INDEX .......................................................................................................................... 143 NOTES .........................................................................................................................1 45 RVSS Edition 9 – 03/12/2009 1. INTRODUCTION These safety standards provide guidelines for the operation of oceanographic research vessels owned, operated or chartered by Members of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), to assure that research at sea is conducted to the highest practicable standards of safety and prudence. Each Member Institution is encouraged to comply with them as applicable to all ships and boats under their control. The operators of other research vessels are invited to make use of them as well. These standards are based in major part on applicable laws and regulations. In addition and where appropriate, they supplement, extend, and assist in the interpretation of the legal requirements. Nothing herein is intended to conflict with the legal standards, but rather to encourage and assist the operator to not only meet, but also go beyond the legal minimums, as may be desirable and practicable. It is recognized that the wide variety of vessel types and sizes, and their diverse operational usage, will necessarily lead to many discretionary interpretations. In such cases, a common-sense application of the principles of good seamanship and sound marine engineering practice will be more effective than attempting to cover all conceivable cases. The absence of a law, regulation or standard covering any particular matter should not be regarded as necessarily lessening the importance of it. Assistance to operating institutions by providing reference materials, and interpreting the laws, regulations and standards is available through the UNOLS Research Vessel Operators’ Committee (RVOC) and the UNOLS Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC). Operators are reminded that in addition to the legal responsibilities and liabilities associated with Federal laws and regulations, and maritime law, safe operation is one of the factors used by Federal science sponsors in evaluating the merit of a ship as a research platform. These standards do not apply to research submersibles, which are covered by a different, and detailed, set of regulations, however a chapter on handling research submersibles from UNOLS vessels is covered in these standards. Recognizing that research vessels and ocean research in general should be in the forefront of contributing to maritime safety, research vessels should take every opportunity to participate in innovative research, procedures, and equipment operation evaluations which would enhance the practice of safety at sea. Institutions are strongly encouraged to make available “Cruise Handbooks” or “User Manuals“ incorporating important parts of these standards, plus additional information on their particular ships and any pertinent institutional regulations or procedures. These have been found to be extremely useful both to the scientists and the ship’s crew. This document deals solely with safety standards for craft engaged in oceanographic or limnological research, or related instruction. To avoid constant repetition of the adjective “research,” it is to be understood to apply throughout to the terms “ship,” “vessel,” “boat,” “motorboat,” etc., unless some other sense is specified. RVSS Edition 9 – 03/12/2009 1 Chapter One RVSS Edition 9 – 03/12/2009 2 Chapter One 2. PROCEDURES 2.0 SCOPE These safety standards are not intended to cover all possible cases, but only those where there is a clear-cut, widespread need for guidance, or to fill a gap not covered by laws and regulations. To the extent possible, these standards are organized as follows: • Required by Regulations for All Vessels • Required by Regulations for Certain Vessels o Inspected Vessels o Classed Vessels o SOLAS Vessels o Uninspected Vessels o Other Regulations • Required Standards Under RVSS • Required By RVSS Under Certain Circumstances