EstabHahefi w.mm. voi.H. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1869.LUVL,> , , — 24, __ --___ ims in advance. -- _____-- $8.00 per annum, ml lit; ruruuiiu —--* IlKMOVAliS. niSCIiliLAJNKOUS. TO LET. j it is marriage. If one lias no home, brother Is published every day (Sundays excepted) In daily press fell ami broke bis leg, and tbe DAILY good reason who, next to that, she should i.v others the [the PRESS were obliged to go on and leave him pair to a church. But we could never under Portland Publishing Co., F O 11 B E NT, Ione'“die in tbe wilderness. Ano'her, worn out BUSINESS PORTLAND, stand the that leads a tender); DIRECTORY. feeling child, gave up by and bye, and lay At 109 Exchange Choice reared in an surrounded b; Jc'Js'atvlng, Street, Portland. t’ooms with Board at No. 02 Free ample mansion, *)ut after two or three weeks of Security! j endeared inc7en\v.di<‘> Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance objects, to leave tlie roof unde Street. We invite the vottlomm, Inwdships. the third reached the Dec attention of both and Friday Morning, December 24, 1869. which her life has been for tin ettie ll-d5W* City spent, repair l"* of California, exhausted, sick, and Seven Per Cent. service to that most unhomeliki his mind The Maine Cold, Country readers to the list of Port- marriage by bu IIe bad State Press REMOVAL! following a pranged sulIerings. To Let. The Speakership. place, church. It is true, to a devoir thrown away an Free of Govenment Tax. that, his cement but a few frag- Is PLEASANT RENT of five rooms to’a laud BUSINESS nature, the associations connected with i I ut these were published every Thursday Morning a small, HOUSES, which are among .Mi:. had several ments, sufficient to set every- a A quiet family, within ore minute’s walk of the Editor.—Having year church are $2.50 year; if paid in advance, at $2.00 (Nearly Ten Per Cent. many and precious. But they an body wild With excilcnu However he Currency.) Post Office. Apply at No. 10 Market Street. tlie most in ■ year. reliable establishments in the experience the State Legislature, we pro not domestic. are Iron had had of the December 11, 1809. dtf City. They solemn, away enough cement country ’and to a in to th ; common the to pose say few words regard life,almost antliithesis of that so nothing eou d induce him )