pledging further financial support so that the renovations to the church could be completed by2020. becompleted could the church to further financialsupportsothattherenovations pledging Bosnia,earlierinApril, inMostar, Church theSerbianOrthodox visited Vucic Aleksandar Serbian President +381 11 4030 306 114030 +381 in North Banat in North Village Global A House: Mokrin Page 10
[email protected] Issue No. No. Issue 250 Friday, April 20 - Thursday, May 3, 2018 3, May 20-Thursday, April Friday, Photo: Anadolu Photo: Serbs in Bosnia and other countries, countries, other and Bosnia Serbs in SERBS ABROAD SERBS multi-million-euro donations to aid toaid donations multi-million-euro S Filip tions of the Serbianpublic. the of tions sec some among anuproar caused it Herzegovina, Bosniaand of entity ska Srp Republika Serb-dominated in the airport, Luka Banja of development the support will financially it nounced inthem. involved politicians local the and projects aid some for motives the about been raised have questions but although some of the aid payments payments aid the of some although The Serbian government has made government The Serbian allegedly have political motives or motives political have allegedly When the Belgrade government an government Belgrade the When have been linked to controversial tocontroversial beenlinked have RUDIC Kicks Off Kicks Film Festival Documentary Belgrade Page 13 SUPPORTING SUPPORTING the former Yugoslav region, region, Yugoslav former the in countries Serbsof inother conditions living the prove im help to euros of millions hasbeendonating erbia BELGRADE BELGRADE MILLIONS MILLIONS - - - - SPENDS BELGRADE INSIGHT IS PUBLISHED BY INSIGHTISPUBLISHED BELGRADE entities or politically-connected figures. politically-connected or entities state to over hasbeenhanded money of a lot countries, in other Serbminorities news website covering Serbia’s south.