Jubilarni De~Iji Fudbalski Festival
Jubilarni de~iji fudbalski festival 2014 20-23 June 2014 1 2 Dobrodo{li na Welcome to Carnex kup 2014 Carnex cup 2014 Po{tovani fudbalski timovi, {kole i akademije fudbala, To all football clubs, schools and football academies, it is veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da Vas pozovemo na tre}i our great pleasure to invite you to the third "Carnex cup" "Carnex kup" me|unarodno takmi~enje najmla|ih international competition for our youngest football players. fudbalera. We hope you will be interested in taking part in this sports Nadamo se da }ete biti zainteresovani da u~estvujete na and cultural event, which will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia, ovom sportskom i kulturnom doga|aju, koji se odr`ava from the 19th to the 22th of June, 2014. u Novom Sadu u Srbiji, od 19.06. do 22.06.2014. godine Our main partners at this event are the City of Novi Sad, Glavni partneri u organizaciji takmi~enja su Football Association of Serbia, Carnex. nam Grad Novi Sad, FS Srbije, Carnex. We expect that a large number of teams from all O~ekujemo veliki broj ekipa iz cele across Europe will be in attendance. We would Evrope. @elimo svima da omogu}imo like to provide everyone, especially the children dru`enje, ostvarivanje novih poznanstava from different countries, with the opportunity to i prijateljstava, posebno deci iz raznih create new friendships and to participate in a zemalja, da u~estvuju na turniru najvi{eg tournament of the highest standard. standarda. Dragi prijatelji, Pozivamo Vas da dođete u Srbiju u Novi Sad i učestvujete na „Carnex kup”-u.
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