IFTR 2018 Belgrade 1 INDEX

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IFTR 2018 Belgrade 1 INDEX IFTR 2018 Belgrade 1 INDEX WELCOME NOTE ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE ................................................................................................................... 6 OPENING CEREMONY ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 WELCOME RECEPTION .................................................................................................................................................... 7 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13 DAY 1 Monday ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 DAY 2 Tuesday ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 DAY 3 Wednesday .................................................................................................................................................. 43 DAY 4 Thursday ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 DAY 5 Friday ............................................................................................................................................................. 71 CLOSING CEREMONY ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 NEW SCHOLARS’ FORUM ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................... 80 WORKING GROUPS INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 82 SIDE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................................................ 84 PUBLISHERS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 92 BOOK LAUNCHES ............................................................................................................................................................. 93 SOCIAL & CULTURAL PROGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 94 FAREWELL DINNER ......................................................................................................................................................... 98 SHOWCASE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 99 PRACTICAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 102 CONFERENCE VENUES ................................................................................................................................................ 105 BELGRADE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................... 108 IFTR 2018 Belgrade IFTR 2018 Belgrade 2 3 WELCOME NOTE INTRODUCTION Theatre AND Migration: Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis Welcome to Belgrade to the World Congress IFTR 2018! Dear Friends, Researchers, Artists and Visitors, The term migration immediately invokes one of the beyond human migration to include other kinds of central political, social, humanitarian and cultur- migrating bodies—inspiring us, perhaps, to think of al issues of our time. It conjures images of people migration as a kind of a performative ecology that It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to It is my firm belief that this kind of cultural exchange, on cramped boats approaching the Italian island of involves a wide variety of agents, processes and ge- Belgrade for the 2018 World Congress of the Inter- or better said cultural diplomacy, not only allows us Lampedusa and of people trying to jump on board ographies. national Federation for Theatre Research. to learn from each other and to grow as individuals, lorries to cross the English Channel; images of dead but also to celebrate our differences and identities bodies floating in the sea and of places left behind, Migration understood as an act—a form of being/ We are honoured and grateful for the opportunity and build a deepening environment of mutual re- turned to rubble; images of refugee camps from doing—unfolds within different socio-political sce- to host 1000 professionals, theorists and practi- spect. With such variety of nationalities, cultures Dadaab in Kenya, the size of Minneapolis, to the in- narios and through a repertoire of performative tioners of theatre and performing arts from over 50 and perspectives, we hope to see Belgrade in light famous ‘Jungle’ in Calais. The notion of migration is and affective gestures making possible for both indi- countries, brought together around the IFTR World of what it has always been – a multicultural city at intrinsically linked to questions of mobility and ac- vidual and collective aspects to emerge. Dictionary Congress organized by the Studio-Laboratory of Per- the crossroads of great political powers, a casket of cess as it evokes various performances of borders— definitions also describe the term ‘as movement forming Arts of the University of Belgrade, Faculty cultural treasures and heritage from both the East for some they are porous, almost flexible, and for from one part of something to the other’ — which of Dramatic Arts – itself a prestigious and highly re- and the West. It is only natural that Belgrade is again others they are impenetrable. The fences erected includes both spatial and temporal dimensions, in- dividuals, communities, animals, but also forms, spected faculty celebrating its 70th anniversary this today, thanks to IFTR World Congress, a centre of along the US and Mexican border and the India and ideas, aesthetics, and conventions. Thus, migration year. cultural and intellectual exchange of ideas and ex- Pakistani border, the checkpoints and walls separat- periences. ing Israel from the West Bank, the razor-barbed wire emerges as ultimately a relational category. In chem- istry, it means a change or movement of atoms in a Serbia has had a long tradition when it comes to the Hungarian government installed on the border molecule. In physics, it means diffusion—the inter- I strongly believe that science, art and culture are with Serbia to stop the influx of refugees: all map theatre and artistic performance. BITEF, one of the mingling of substances by their natural movement. key drivers of social and economic development. the most extreme aspects of migratory geographies, most prestigious international theatre festivals that Applied to culture, these attributes of migration also This government has committed itself to create an playing out over and over again the Derridian hospi- combines both classical and experimental theatre, suggest the spreading, mixing and remixing of forms environment where culture, creativity and critical tality/hostility paradox. is a great example of how vibrant the theatre and and ideas. Hence, migration does not unfold in a thinking are nurtured and celebrated. Within the performance scene in Belgrade has been in the past The term migration is also closely linked to the con- straight line; it is rather a process of moving from past year, we have completed renovation of the ma- 50 years. Hosting this prestigious congress has pro- struction of the Other, the figure of the foreigner in one point to the other that necessitates meander- vided us with an opportunity to showcase our artists jor museums in Serbia, the Museum of Contempo- our everyday realities, in the media, and on stage. ing, wandering, changing of pace, transformation, and their works to the world audience and engage rary Arts and National Museum. In September 2019, The uprooted person, the migrant figure, whether negotiation, and adaptation. in a stimulating dialogue with people from different we will have the largest retrospective exhibition of political, economic or spiritual, often triggers ten- cultures and with different perspectives. globally renowned Serbian-born conceptual artist sions between the familiar and the unknown, native We would like to approach the topic of Theatre and Marina Abramović. The hosting of this Congress is and foreign, us and them. Within the current glob- Migration from several broad angles, asking: How an addition to our commitment to revive the cultur- al political climate, marked by the
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