MAY 2015 ECRWSS Postal Customer PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Tucson, AZ THE PERMIT No. 1710 TM VailThe community newspaper serving Vail, Rita Ranch, Corona De Tucson,Voice Civano, Sierra Morado, Mesquite Ranch, Academy Village and other Southeast Communities
[email protected] • (520) 490-0654 • An Epiphany Communications, Inc. Publication Farewell to Bonnie Vining By Kimberly Crossland, Owner 2002, she attended an inter- She welcomed local artists to Java Edge. of view where she was advised to come and play for a suggested avoid smiling too much. That’s donation. The locals loved it Vining and the artists felt the This June, the Vail School Dis- when she knew it was time for and soon she was attracting loss of the musician friendly trict is losing a valuable team a change. people from all over the state, venues in Tucson, so she took member – Bonnie Vining. For including from Oro Valley, Sier- matters into her own hands. the past six years, Vining has Vining opened Javalina’s Cof- ra Vista, and Phoenix. The eco- She formed a non-profit or- worked as the manager of the fee & Friends in Rita Ranch. nomic downturn in 2008 made ganization called Live Acous- Vail Theatre of the Arts. This The coffee shop was more than it difficult to keep her doors tic Venue Association (LAVA) job was well suited for her, a place to get a hot cup of Joe. open, so she sold her assets to where she could continue pre- given her rich background in senting concerts. Soon after, supporting local musicians and Left to right: Joe Schill, Bonnie Vining, Jon Kiser, Mary Bernardo, Bob Block, she received an opportunity to Amy Schill, and Bob Schill.