JUNE 2015 ECRWSS Postal Customer PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Tucson, AZ THE PERMIT No. 1710 TM VailThe community newspaper serving Vail, Rita Ranch, Corona De Tucson,Voice Civano, Sierra Morado, Mesquite Ranch, Academy Village and other Southeast Communities
[email protected] • (520) 490-0654 • An Epiphany Communications, Inc. Publication Best of the Class: 2015 Andrada Polytechnic High School Cienega High School Pantano High School Co-Valedictorians Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian Morgan Gascho Francisco Mikayla Yakoubek Nicholas Irvin Reymar Reyes Caitlyn Crain Montano III Empire High School Vail Academy High School Congratulations to Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian the Valedictorians and Salutatorians of Andrada Polytechnic, Cienega, Pantano, Empire, and Vail Academy High Schools! See details about our Best of the Class: 2015 graduates on page 2. Katherine Walker Alycia (Aly) Lichtas Kelcie Witzens Nicholas R. Mercurio-Sakwa "Best of the Class" continued who will be attending the Northern After recycling participants clean are passed on to us, once again as a from page 1 Arizona University, with a major in and put their items in the bin, what consumer. Education. Aly was inspired by her happens next? Where does the grandmother who demonstrated recycling go? perseverance and strength as she provided lifelong care for her Melissa Kolwaite is the Director of grandfather, who had an accident Public Sector Solutions for Waste when he was younger. Management. The company is one of several in our area that serve Vail, VAIL ACADEMY HIGH Rita Ranch, and Corona de Tucson. She explained that each week in our SCHOOL community, a small army of Waste Kelcie Witzens is the Valedictorian at Management (WM) truck drivers Vail Academy and High School.