KW 15, 1955 Northern Marshall Islands Lkpedition, 1951-1952
ATOLL RLSZiRCkI BULLSTIN Northern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants. by F, R. F'osberg Issued by THE PACIFIC SCILiVCE BOliHD National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council :lashington, D. C. KW 15, 1955 Northern Marshall Islands lkpedition, 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants .ly2 by F. 8. Fosberg 3 1/ Publication authorized by the Di.rector, U. S. Geological Survey Preli!ninary results of the lkpedition to the Northern Elarshall Islands, 1951-1352, 110.2. Botanist, U. S, Geological Survey . Northern Narshall Islands Zxpedition; 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants. by F. 3. Fosberg , . Following the nhrrative of the expedi-tion to the northern Karshalls made in 1951 and 1952, it seems north whi1.e to present the raw dsta collected in a series of: prel3minary papers, to make them available for general use and reference xitilout waiting urlbil tLey are cc:npletely studied and interpreted. Formal pubiicri.tion of a more parmanent charactsr is planned as detailed .studies are co;u$eted. This paper presents distribu- tional and ecological records, as aell as r~iitiverimes, of the vascular plants coliected on the expedition.. TQ these have beer1 added recorus from the author% 1946 and. 1950 coLlections, a few Wake &lad collections made in 1953, a~cja few miscell.acileo;ls collections by others. Other signi- ficant collections fromthe nort,%ern Marsilr:lis, not included here, are those of NU. Randolph Taylor, pubiished by hiin iri his MI'lants of Bikini," ttiose , made by Adelbert de . Ct~aniissowkii,.e on the Zotzebue ikpeditionJ and those made on several tri@s.byHc.i.old .
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